Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 28 2017


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goddammit my gosh see was that so far yes

nef did you actually close the recording school

For more infomation >> JAZZY IS A MINECRAFT NERD EXPOSED!!! (NOT CLICKBAIT) - Duration: 0:46.


My Cover version of Shayne Ward's "When A Child Is Born" First Performance - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> My Cover version of Shayne Ward's "When A Child Is Born" First Performance - Duration: 2:00.


ALERT: Famous Actress Drops Hillary Bombshell, Her Prediction Is Shocking - Duration: 4:08.

ALERT: Famous Actress Drops Hillary Bombshell, Her Prediction Is Shocking

During the 2016 general election, predominantly liberal Hollywood was loudly supportive of

Hillary Clinton, all while joking about Donald Trump and the supposed unlikelihood of his


Their bitterness over losing an election they were confident to win has resulted in extreme

�resistance� efforts against the President.

No one in Hollywood has publicly criticized Hillary Clinton until now.

Recently, actress Susan Sarandon made some shocking statements about the presidency.

As reported by The Guardian, Sarandon referred to Hillary Clinton as �very, very dangerous,�

suggesting that America would be in war if Hillary Clinton was President.

The Hollywood icon implied that the Leftist hero, Hillary Clinton, would be more dangerous

to America than President Trump � even though the Left commonly claims Mr. Trump is a threat

to humanity.

In an interview with The Guardian, Sarandon admitted her view on Hillary Clinton.

�I did think she was very, very dangerous.

We would still be fracking, we would be at war [if she was president].

It wouldn�t be much smoother.

Look what happened under Obama that we didn�t notice.�

Sarandon said she has told her Hillary Clinton-supporting friends: �[Hillary]�s not authentic.

She�s been terrible to gay people for the longest time.

She�s an opportunist.�Clinton supported sending troops to Iraq in a 2002 vote as Senator.

She later stated, �The decision to go to war in Iraq was a mistake, and I have said

that my voting to give President Bush that authority was, from my perspective, my mistake.�

But her regret didn�t change the minds of anti-war advocates like Sarandon.

During the 2016 election, Clinton held the position that she supported a no-fly zone

over Syria, which many believed would lead to military conflict with Russia.

Sarandon�s political leanings have been that of progressive liberalism for quite some


She famously protested the Vietnam War and conflicts in both Nicaragua and Iraq.

Her anti-war position, in part, made her unsupportive of Hillary Clinton, even causing her to refuse

to endorse Clinton after she became the Democrat Party nominee.

Sarandon also criticized Clinton�s record of corruption.

This comes in spite of the fact that Sarandon supported Clinton�s Senate campaign in 2001,

even posing in photos together.

Despite being a well known Hollywood liberal, Sarandon said her criticisms come from her

own side of the political aisle.

�I�m not attacked from the right at all,� she said, adding that it is liberals that

accuse her of �not checking her white privilege� or �throwing away her vote on a third-party

candidate [Jill Stein]� during the general election.

Sarandon went on to cite vile, misogynistic attacks from Hillary Clinton supporters, which

became so harassing and threatening that she had to change her phone number.

Sarandon, who formerly supported Bernie Sanders (I-VT), chose to support Jill Stein even after

Hillary Clinton became the Democrat nominee.

�I didn�t advocate people voting for anything,� Sarandon said.

�I said �get your information, I�m going to vote for change,� because I was hoping

that Stein was going to get whatever percentage she needed � but I knew she wasn�t going

to make the difference in the election.�At the time, Sarandon blamed the Democratic National

Committee (DNC) for rigging the primary election in favor of Clinton.

�That�s why we�re going to lose again if we depend on the DNC, because the amount

of denial,� she said.

It seems at least Sarandon has woken up to the dangerous reality that America escaped

when Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Hopefully, her position can spread to others in Hollywood.

For more infomation >> ALERT: Famous Actress Drops Hillary Bombshell, Her Prediction Is Shocking - Duration: 4:08.


What is Water Hammer? - Duration: 7:40.

You might know that most liquids are incompressible (or least barely-compressible), which means

no matter how much pressure you apply, their volume doesn't change.

This can be really useful, like in hydraulic cylinders, but that lack of "springiness"

can also lead to catastrophic failure of pipe systems.

Hey I'm Grady, and this is Practical Engineering.

On today's episode, we're talking about hydraulic transients, also known as Water


It's easy to forget how heavy water is, since we hardly ever carry more than a few

ounces at a time.

But if you add up the water in the pipelines of your city or even just the pipes in your

house, it makes up quite a bit of mass.

And, when all that water is moving through a pipe, it has quite a bit of momentum.

If you suddenly stop that movement—for example, by quickly closing a valve—all that momentum

has nowhere to go.

Since water isn't compressible or springy, it can't soften the blow.

You might as well be slamming concrete into the back of the valve and the walls of your


Instead of being absorbed, that sudden change in momentum creates a spike in pressure that

travels as a shockwave through the pipe.

Sometimes, you'll even hear this shockwave as banging in your walls when you close a

faucet or run the washing machine, hence the superhero-esque nickname, Water Hammer.

Banging pipes inside your walls can sound a bit spooky, but for large diameter pipelines

that can be hundreds of kilometers long, that surge in pressure from a change in momentum

can cause major damage.

Let's do a quick calculation: if you have pipeline carrying water that is 1 meter in

diameter and runs for 100 kilometers (a fairly average-sized pipeline), the mass of water

in the pipe is about 80 million kilograms.

That's a lot of kilograms.

In fact, it's the equivalent of about 10 freight trains.

Imagine you're an operator at the end of this pipeline in charge of closing a valve.

If you close it quickly, you've essentially slammed those trains into a brick wall.

And the pressure spike that results from such a sudden change in momentum can rupture the

pipe or cause serious damage to other parts of the system.

There's actually another term for when a large spike in pressure ruptures a sealed

container: a bomb.

And water hammer can be equally dangerous.

So, how do engineers design pipe systems to avoid this condition?

Let's build a model pipeline and find out.

Here's my setup.

I've got about 100 feet (30 meters) of PVC pipe connected to the water on one end and

a valve on the other.

I also have an analog and digital gauge so we can see how the pressure changes and a

clear section of pipe in case anything exciting happens in there.

I mean civil-engineering-exciting, not like actual exciting.

Watch what happens when I close this valve.

It doesn't look like much from the outside, but look at the data from the pressure gauge.

The pressure spikes to over 2,000 kilopascals or 300 psi.

That's about 5 times the static water pressure.

It's not enough to break the pipe, but way more than enough to break this pressure gage.

You can see why designing a pipeline or pipe network can be a little more complicated than

it seems.

These spikes in pressure can travel through a system in complicated ways.

But we can use this simple demonstration to show a few ways that engineers mitigate the

potential damage from water hammer.

This is the equation for the pressure profile of a water hammer pulse.

We're not going to do any calculus here, but the terms of this equation show the parameters

that can be adjusted to dial back these damaging forces.

And, the first one is obvious: it's the speed at which the fluid is moving through

the pipe.

Reducing this is one of the simplest ways to reduce the effect of water hammer.

Velocity is a function of the flow rate and the size of the pipe.

If you're designing a pipeline, the flow rate might be fixed, so you can increase the

size of your pipe to reduce the velocity.

A smaller pipe may be less expensive, but the flow velocity will be higher which may

cause issues with water hammer.

In this case, my pipe size is fixed, but I can reduce the flow rate to limit the velocity.

Each time I reduce the velocity and close the valve, the resulting spike in pressure


Next, you can increase the time over which the change in momentum occurs.

One common example of this is adding flywheels to pumps so they spin down more slowly rather

than stopping suddenly.

Another example is just to close valves more slowly.

If I gently shut the valve rather than allowing it to snap shut, the pressure changes are

more subtle.

On large pipelines, engineers not only design the components, but develop the requirements

for operation of the equipment.

This will almost always include rules for how quickly valves can be opened or closed

to avoid issues with water hammer.

The final parameter we can adjust is speed of sound through the fluid, also known as

the wave celerity.

This describes how quickly a pressure wave can propagate through the pipe.

The wave celerity is an indirect measure of the elasticity of the system, and it can depend

on the compressibility of the fluid, the material of the pipe and even whether or not it's

buried in the ground.

In a very rigid system, pressure waves can reflect easily without much attenuation.

I've got flexible PVC pipe sitting on the ground free to move which is already helping

reduce the magnitude of the water hammer.

I can increase the flexibility even more by adding an anti-surge device.

This has an air bladder that can absorb some of the shock and reduce the pressure spike

even further.

Anti-surge devices are very common in pipe systems, and they can be as simple as a spring-loaded

valve that opens up if the pressure gets too high.

In water distribution systems for urban areas, water towers help with surge control by allowing

the free surface to move up and down, absorbing sudden changes in pressure.

Plumbing is one of the under-acknowledged innovations that has made our modern society


When you harness the power of water by putting it in pipes, it's easy to forget about that

power altogether.

Water can be as hard as concrete when confined, and if you bang two hard things together,

eventually something's going to break.

If you're an engineer, your job is to make sure it's not the expensive infrastructure

you designed.

Part of that means being able to predict surges in pressure due to water hammer and design

systems that can mitigate any potential damage that might result.

Thank you for watching, and let me know what you think!

Thanks to Blue Apron for sponsoring this video.

Blue Apron delivers all the fresh ingredients you need, right to your doorstep, in exactly

the right proportions to create delicious recipes at home.

We are really loving it at our house, and having a lot of fun cooking these meals together

(not to mention eating them).

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, the first 100 people that click the link

in the description will get 3 meals free with their first order.

Again, thank you for watching, and let me know what you think!

For more infomation >> What is Water Hammer? - Duration: 7:40.


How to Tell if My Dog is Overweight or Cat Obese? (the 3 step body condition score) - Duration: 4:55.

are you wondering if your pet is a healthy weight or actually fat well find

out for yourself with the simple act of body condition scoring and be certain

that your pet is the healthiest version of themselves they can be

hi I'm Dr. Alex Avery from helping you and your pet to live a

healthier happier life today I want to show you that body condition scoring is

an incredibly useful tool used to determine if a dog or a cat is thin

perfect or fat best of all it is easy and quick to do and it's also free it's

something that we should all be doing in our pets reviewing regularly and being

honest with ourselves when we work out our own pets individual conditions score

now the body condition score is a hands-on test when you take no more than

a minute it involves no special equipment it is a test that our pets

will not know is taking place we simply need to answer three questions one can I

feel my pets ribs to so they have a waist from above and three does my pet

have a tummy tuck these answers allow us to score an animal on a scale of 1

through 9 which is their body condition score one means an animal is emaciated

and nine means they are morbidly obese ideal score is a four or five so let us

consider each of these questions in turn firstly are my pets ribs easy to feel

without having to press on the area now this is one of the first parameters to

disappear in any overweight pet so if you're having to apply pressure to feel the

ribs then your pet is certainly overweight whether they are a dog or a

cat gentle pressure would indicate a

condition score of 6 moderate pressure 7 and by condition score 8 the ribs are

only able to be felt with very firm pressure now the second question to

answer is does my pet have a clear waist when viewed from above this is the

next attribute to suffer with a clearly visible waist disappearing at around

conditions for 7 ideally we want to feel an hourglass shape as we run our hand

down from the backs of their ribs down to their hips using our hands rather

than just looking is very important especially in very hairy breeds where

coat length and type can obscure true body shape if rather than an hourglass

your pets abdomen is more of a rectangle than they are overweight as a condition

score 7 if the waist is actually becoming rounded like a balloon then

they are obese and at least a condition score 8 now the third and final

parameter is tummy tuck which we look at by viewing our pet from the

and in long haired breeds again it is essential to feel for tummy tuck

abdominal tuck is the last attribute to vanish in dogs so if it has gone then

your pooch is certainly obese with a condition score of 8 or 9 now the

situation is slightly different for cats and that they only have a tuck when they

are a condition score 4 or less what we can use however is the presence of an

abdominal fat pad now this is the area of blubber that develops at the back of

the tummy between the back legs in overweight and obese cats it generally

becomes noticeable at a condition score 6 or 7 it is prominent at a score of 8

and grows larger and larger as more weight is gained in most obese cats

this will be an area that is clearly visible when the cat is walking with the

fat pad swaying from side to side now there are clearly some breed differences

in that a greyhound is unlikely to ever lose this abdominal tuck and a

Bulldog may lose its waist a little earlier but in general this tool

correlates very well with more advanced tests to determine body fat levels and

best of all it's free and can be done by anyone so has your pet come in at a

perfect 4 or 5 well with up to 40% of our pets being overweight you're not

alone if your pet is a little on the heavy side now to rectify this and to

help improve your pets quality of life and extend their life expectancy head

over to our obesity and weight loss video series get started on the road to

a healthier happier pet today now you'll notice that I haven't talked about

underweight body conditions now the reason for this is that only a very tiny

percentage of the pet population will fall into this category generally

speaking though if you can see the ribs and if the bones of the pelvis and spine

or hips are clearly visible then your pet will be underweight if they're eating

well if they're not losing weight if they're generally happy then increasing

their food by 25 to 50 percent should result in a healthy weight gain

if increasing the diet doesn't help within a couple of weeks and even

otherwise healthy seeming pets should be examined thoroughly by their vet now if

your dog or cat is underweight if it has a poor appetite and if they are losing

weight if their stools are a strange color or consistency or if they're

drinking or toileting more or if they seem unwell for any other reason and

they must be checked out by your vet to make sure there is not an underlying

cause of this poor body condition ok so if your pet is a healthy weight

brilliant let's make sure we keep it that way by regularly condition scoring

them and acting if things change if your pet

is overweight then you've just completed the first step of any weight loss

program recognizing the problem they are already on their way to a healthier

happier life so if you have any questions if you have any weight loss

tips you'd like to share or anything else you'd like covered in future videos

then I'd love to hear from you and please leave a comment down below also

consider subscribing to make sure that you don't miss out on future content and

allow me to continue to help you and your pet to live healthier happier lives

so until next time i'm Dr. Alex from, because they're family

For more infomation >> How to Tell if My Dog is Overweight or Cat Obese? (the 3 step body condition score) - Duration: 4:55.


Poetry Slam - Emil Nygård "Demo is Chemo" - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Poetry Slam - Emil Nygård "Demo is Chemo" - Duration: 3:05.



For more infomation >> JUDGE LAUREN...WHAT DA HELL IS "MAN CRUSH MONDAY"...2 WOMEN BITTER BEEF!!! - Duration: 13:24.


Undertale comic vietsub: Toriel is a Bad Mother ( phụ đề) - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Undertale comic vietsub: Toriel is a Bad Mother ( phụ đề) - Duration: 0:25.


It Is Known as "The Assassin of Obesity" You Will Lose Up To 3 kg in Just 2 days - Duration: 1:25.

Visit Our Website Here :

It Is Known as "The Assassin of Obesity" You Will Lose Up To 3 kg in Just 2 days

This fantastic recipe will be incredible. How about losing 3 kg in 48 hours? Not bad,

right if you are overweight? To achieve that harmonious figure that you always wanted,

try this recipe that will help you lose weight in a very short time.

The fundamental thing, besides a balanced diet and physical activity, is to accelerate

the metabolism in order to burn those excess calories in your body and thus eliminate fat.

You should prepare this recipe and consume it half an hour after having breakfast or

having taken any other liquid.

Try during the first few days to eat whole grains (not much quantity), fruits, vegetables

and drink tea see no sugar.

Ingredients needed:

½ liter of water 4 cloves of garlic

4 medium tomatoes 6 tablespoons lemon juice

6 ice cubes Preparation:

Mix all ingredients in the blender until smooth. Make sure that no large pieces of tomatoes

or garlic remain.

The lycopene of tomatoes acts as an antioxidant stimulating the purification of the organism

and eliminating toxins.

Drink this preparation 2 times a week.

Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel

Subscribe :

For more infomation >> It Is Known as "The Assassin of Obesity" You Will Lose Up To 3 kg in Just 2 days - Duration: 1:25.


TWICE is the only artist to receive 5 consecutive triple crowns on 'Inkigayo' - Korea Times - Duration: 1:10.

TWICE is the only artist to receive 5 consecutive triple crowns on 'Inkigayo'

TWICE has set a new record once again.

The girls scored a triple crown with Likey on the 26ths episode of Inkigayo, making them the only artist ever to strike a triple crown with 5 consecutive songs.

They had triple crowns with Cheer Up, TT, Knock Knock, and Signal already.

Congratulations to TWICE.

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