Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 27 2017

What do you want?

Who are you?

- What?

- You, who walk in here with a coin you never earned whose value you do not respect.

Who are you?

No one.



A lie.

A sad little lie.

Who are you?

I told you, I'm no--

Do that again, and--

Who are you?

You're about to find out.

What are you doing?

We were only playing.

The Game of Faces.

- A girl is not ready.

- Clearly not.

I am ready!

For what?

For whatever you want.

To be a Faceless Man.

To be no one.

Whose sword is that?

It belongs to Arya Stark.

A man wonders

how is it that no one came to be surrounded by Arya Stark's things.

Be careful of that one.

She wants you dead.

I'm not going anywhere near those mad fuckers.

You're Westerosi.

What do you care?

I want to book passage home.

You? Can't afford it.

Where did you steal this from? Why do you care?

We leave in two days.

You can have a hammock in the steerage.

I want a cabin, and we leave at dawn.

See you at sunrise.

It will all be over soon.

On your knees or on your feet?


Haven't we been through this already?

That won't help you.

You told her to kill me.


But here you are.

And there she is.

Finally a girl is no one.

A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell

and I'm going home.

For more infomation >> A Girl is Arya Stark | GR/EN SUBS | Leaving the Faceless | Waif | G.O.T. | 5x03 | 6x06 | 6x07 | 6x08 - Duration: 7:23.


What is Cognitive Dissonance? - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> What is Cognitive Dissonance? - Duration: 7:08.


Monotonously the little bell is sounding - Dmitri Hvorostovsky (2008) - Duration: 4:09.

Monotonously the little bell is sounding,

and the way is a little bit dusty,

and over the plain fields

flows the song of the coachman.

flows the song of the coachman.

There is so much longing in this song.

So much emotion in the familiar tune,

that in my cool breast,

my heart lights with fire.

my heart lights with fire.

And I remembered other nights,

and the fields and forests of my home,

and to my eyes, which had been dry for a long time,

a tear rose like a spark.

a tear rose like a spark.

Monotonously the little bell is sounding,

softly echoing from afar...

and my coachman fell silent

and the way before me is long and far.

and the way before me is long and far.

And my coachman fell silent

and the way before me is long and far.

and the way before me is long and far.

For more infomation >> Monotonously the little bell is sounding - Dmitri Hvorostovsky (2008) - Duration: 4:09.


How To Use YouTube Ads – Is A Video Ad Right For Your Business? - Duration: 6:27.

Welcome to this video: "How To Use YouTube Ads -

Is A Video Ad Right For Your Business?" Now, this is all about when using

YouTube video ads is a good, and sometimes, a not good idea. So setting

up your own YouTube video ad - is this a scary thought....or is this a scary thought?

And if you'd like to know the questions to ask yourself to determine if a YouTube

video ad is right for your business.....or to be avoided like the plague, then carry

on watching this video. In the meantime, be sure to watch the video to the very

end so you can download the free pdf called: "Top 10 Tips For Beginners To

YouTube Ads". Hi, my name is Jeff Laming of Video Cashflow and in this video

we're going to look at why and when YouTube video ads are a good and a

not so good idea for your business.

Now this is a two-step process. Firstly, ask yourself: 1. What do you want your

video ad to achieve?; 2. Do you know who or what your target audience is; and 3. Are

you comfortable investing X dollars per day up to a weekly or monthly budget set

by yourself? For example, if you're prepared to invest, say, 150 dollars for

the month, that works out at about 5 dollars per day. Are you prepared to

invest 5 dollars per day into your business (and if need be, forego one or

two cups of coffee a day) to achieve that? if you answered "Don't know" or "No" to any of

these questions then YouTube video ads is not the right strategy for you at

this stage. So go back and address the relevant question until you're at the

stage of answering "Yes" to all three questions. Okay, if you did answer "Yes" to

all three then the second step is to ask yourself the following: 1. Is your

website fit for purpose? In other words, is your website or landing page set up

in a manner that directs your visitors to, for example, an opt-in box for them to

enter their email address so they get access to your free offer such as a PDF

download. If the answer is "No" then now will be a good time to invest a bit of

effort to bring your website or landing page up to scratch. 2. Are any of your

competitors promoting their own videos on YouTube? Unless you can easily tell if

their videos are video ads, then this could be a little difficult. Check to see

if they have a YouTube channel and whether they've uploaded videos on the

subject that you're wanting to upload and release. If you can determine that

they are promoting their own videos, then it might suggest that YouTube ads are

working for them...and a market exists! It will also give you a great

opportunity to find out how their process works

i.e. the way the video is set out; the landing page or website page layout; and

so on. Also check out their Facebook page to see if they're promoting the same or

a similar video there. If you can't find anything to suggest that your

competitors are promoting their videos on YouTube then this could be a good

thing as it could mean that you can take advantage of being the first to promote

to an "untapped" traffic source. However, check to make sure that your initial

research to the earlier questions is sound i.e. you know who your target

audience is; you know what their problems are; and you have a viable solution or

solutions. And 3. Are you already getting visitors to your website or

landing page or blog? In other words, are you receiving traffic from other sources

such as social media platforms; Facebook advertising Google Ads and so on? If you

are, then good. This could help you niche down or laser-target people with certain

attributes who you want to view your video ad. Whether those visitors are

taking action or not will help determine whether you need to improve your website

(please refer back to the "Is your website fit for purpose?" question). If the answer

is "No" i.e. you're not already getting visitors to your website or landing page

or blog then, again, please refer back to the "Is your website fit for purpose?"

question. Finally, you may be wondering what type of business is NOT suitable

for YouTube advertising. I believe there are two answers to this: 1. From a legal

perspective, you may want to refer to YouTube's own Terms of Service. You'll be

able to find the URL link in the Description box below this video; and 2.

from an operational and business model perspective, I cannot see any reason why

any business cannot use YouTube ads as long as the previously mentioned checks

have been undertaken and implemented to your satisfaction. Even if you are an

off-line business with no online presence whatsoever, what's stopping you from

starting the process of producing a video or two with the intention of

eventually promoting those videos on YouTube? Promoting a YouTube video ad may

not be the right time for your business right now but it can still be the right a later date.....and when you're ready.

So, just to recap: Step 1. No. 1. What do you want your YouTube video ad

to achieve?: No. 2: Do you know who or what your target audience is?; and No.3

Are you comfortable investing X dollars per day up to a weekly or

monthly budget set by yourself? Step 2 No. 1 Is your website fit for

purpose?; and No. 2 Are any of your competitors

promoting their own videos on YouTube and/or Facebook?; and No. 3

Are you already getting visitors to your website or landing page or blog? In the

next video we'll run through the steps of setting up a YouTube ads account.

Thanks for watching. Look out for another video on video marketing and YouTube

coming your way next week.

Here's a link for you to download your free copy of: "The Top 10 Tips For

Beginners To YouTube Ads". You'll find the URL link in the Description box below

this video. Enjoy! Until next time, bye for now......

For more infomation >> How To Use YouTube Ads – Is A Video Ad Right For Your Business? - Duration: 6:27.


5 Reasons Why Russia Is No Match for the US | Stephen Walt - Duration: 5:44.

The United States is much stronger than Russia, and will be for the rest of my professional

lifetime, and I would guess for the entirety of the 21st century unless we commit a series

of almost unimaginable self-inflicted wounds.

The United States first of all has a much larger economy.

Our economy is now about $17 trillion, Russia's is less than $2 trillion and has actually

been declining in recent years.

So we are already close to eight or nine or ten times stronger economically.

The United States is much more powerful militarily: We spend four or five times more than Russia

does on defense every year.

We have much more sophisticated weaponry than Russia does.

The United States is still blessed with allies in many parts of the world.

These allies are for the most part rich, relatively powerful and stable.

We're talking about countries like Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and others.

Russia by contrast has no allies of any real consequence.

It has something of a friendly relationship with China, but it's not really an alliance.

And lastly Russia has a terrible demographic situation.

Its population is much older than ours on average, and it's aging rapidly; the population

is projected to decline dramatically by 30 or 40 million people over the next 50 years

or so.

So for all of those reasons the United States has far more power potential.

Last but not least, Russia's only real economic asset now is oil and gas.

People are not lining up to buy the next Russian smartphone or anything like that, so Russia's

long-term potential strikes me as not nearly as promising as that of the United States.

Well, weaker states can still do a lot of things that cause trouble, and what Russia

did in the 2016 election—the full extent of which and the importance of which we are

still trying to figure out—certainly has roiled American politics in a variety of ways,

so it does show that even much weaker powers can find various ways to interfere or cause


Now, it was in part because we were vulnerable to that kind of manipulation, and that's

our fault, not theirs.

I would say a little bit more about this too, though: what Russia did is not unprecedented.

The United States has interfered in democratic elections in lots of countries around the

world, and you could argue that we've been doing a variety of things to try and encourage

democratic forces, promote civil society, both in Russia or in countries close to Russia,

in ways that they regard as alarming.

We might think that we're doing the right thing, spreading our values in various places,

but you could certainly understand how Russia might regard that as threatening, and might

even view what they did in 2016 as a form of payback: "If you want to manipulate politics

in Ukraine, if you want to interfere in Russia in various ways, well we can do things to

you as well."

So again, without knowing the full extent of what Russia may or may not have done we

shouldn't view this as unprecedented, and we shouldn't view it as coming completely

out of the blue.

It doesn't mean we have to like it, but it's important I think to keep just how

heinous it may or may not be in some context here.

Again, Russia is simply not the kind of global superpower that the Soviet Union was.

It doesn't pose a significant ideological challenge to us, it seems to me.

And to the extent that the United States is going to worry about a rival/peer/competitor,

it's not going to be Russia—it's going to be China.

But having said that, you can imagine circumstances where a confrontation between the two countries

could begin to spin out of control, conceivably over what's happening in Syria.

If things in Ukraine were to heat up again and the United States got more actively involved

there, one could imagine some kind of clash arising.

I don't think that leaders in Washington or leaders in Moscow actually want something

like that to happen—Remember, we are still talking about two nuclear powers with thousands

of nuclear weapons that could still be fired at each other, but I don't think you can

completely rule it out.

Will it become like the Cold War?

No I don't think so.

But it is something I think that bears watching.

And it's also unfortunate in a different sense, because there are still some issues—whether

it's counterterrorism, how to deal with Iran, what to do about the Civil War in Syria—where

collaboration with Russia might be useful.

And one last point: if we really are worried about China over the long-term, if that's

really the rising power that we need to keep our eye on, the last thing we should be doing

is anything that drives Moscow closer to Beijing.

Russia and China, when you look at just the geography here, are not really natural allies,

they have many reasons to be weary of one another, and we should, in fact, be trying

to get Moscow to be more on our side and less on China's side over the long-term.

So spinning up a new Cold War with Russia doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a

larger strategic perspective.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Why Russia Is No Match for the US | Stephen Walt - Duration: 5:44.


This Is Why You Should Never Eat Food Flies Land On - Disgusting Science Facts - Duration: 2:43.

According to a new study, flys care far more diseases than previously thought, which means

that you should never eat anything that a fly has landed on because they could be contributing

to disease outbreaks.

More on this today on IO.

Welcome back to inform overload, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and click the bell to join the notification squad.

Akright so, I gotta admit, its gonna be really hard to avoid eating food flies have landed


I mean…have you ever been to an outdoor picnic?

They land on absolutely everything.

But according to a team of researchers at Pennsylvania state university, Singapore's

nanyang technological university, and the federal university of rio di janiero, the

legs of flies are actually infested with bacteria that they pick up when flies land on faeces

and dead carcasses.

Flies feed their young with poop and dead animals.

And when a fly lands on your food, it immediately transfers all that gross bacteria to it, contributing

to the spread of dangerous microbes.

It could even be true that bacteria use the legs and wings of flies in order to spread

and grow on new surfaces, much in the same way that bees carry pollen from one flower

to another.

It was always kind of assumed that flies could carry diseases, but its clear now that they

are far more dangerous than previously thought.

Professor Donald Bryant of pen state said that his team believes that flies are contributing

to the rapid transmission of pathogens in outbreak sitations, and public health officials

have overlooked it until now.

The study looked at 116 houseflies and blowflies, and it found that many of them carried hundreds

of different types of bacteria that are harmful to humans.

Some diseases that they carry include, salmonella, e coli, as well as bacteria that can lead

to stomach ulcersa and fatal sepsis.

So does this mean you shouldn't have any more picnics?

Well, urban flies carry more diseases than rural flies, so if you can avoid city parks

when you picnic, that's probably wise.

And definitely don't eat food that you have left outside for any given time.

Alrighty friends, its time to respond to some comments.

Albanian Boy – Charlotte would you rather be the smartest woman in theworld or the richest

woman in the world.

– I would say smartest, because if you were the smartest woman in the world you could

also end up being very rich The Dark dragon – im sorry but I smashed

the like button so hard it broke.

It will take two weeks to fix so I cant like it.

well here goes my daily allowance.

Ok if you're going to smash the like, don't physicaly punch the computer.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, though.

Vegas Jennifer lou – hey charlotte I haven't been getting notifications…how often do

you upload videos I LOVE POTATOES.

We upload 3 videos per day.

In order to get notifications, click the bell icon next to the subscribe button.

Alrighty that is all for this video, thank you for watching.

If you would like to continue watching IO, why don't you check out this video over


This woman is turning to stone after a bug bite.

Click it and I'll see you in that video.

that's it for me, later taters.

For more infomation >> This Is Why You Should Never Eat Food Flies Land On - Disgusting Science Facts - Duration: 2:43.


i wont lie this is definetely me when i feel deep love for my friends - Duration: 2:14.

And now's time for a football quiz!

Anybody, who will be the first one to call us and say the correct answer, will win 1000 rubles!

Well, Gena, you know everything about football.

Maybe you'll win 1k...

...'nd finally buy a new Pyatyorka! (russian slang for LADA 2105)

That won't do it.

To answer these complex questions you have to be crazy about football.

Yeah, crazy in the head as well.

And now, the question!

Name the best bombardier of Russian Football Championship of 2004.

Alexander Kerzhakov!

That's Alexander Kerzhakov.

Call now! Our number is at the bottom of the screen.

- Nine, zero, zero, zero five - Gena-

- Five- - What's up with you? Is your eye-sight that bad?

Nah, nah, I see just fine!

There's just- Too much of these dumb numbers!


Alexander Kerzhakov!

No, I'm not Alexander Kerzhakov.

T'at's an answer to the question - Alexander Kerzhakov!

What rocket base?...

Whaddaya mean, where I got this number from?

You're the one who's a dumbass!

Gena, you might've dialed a wrong number.

Nah, I dialed it correctly.

I saw that phone number just as clear as I'm seeing Igor Nikolaev over there.

That's Alla Pugachova.

I always confuse them.

And so, no one has answered our question yet.

You still have a chance!

Call now!

We are going to show you our number once again.

Got 'em!

Alexander Kerzhakov.

Well, we've got a winner!

The name? Anatoly Poleno.

That's my money.

M'well, sorry, Gena, you snooze, you lose.

Yea, old man! Time to make road for the young & sighted!


Dad, what happened to the door?

Ya' have to make roads for the young and sighted, you know.

Who am I?...

Where am I?...

For more infomation >> i wont lie this is definetely me when i feel deep love for my friends - Duration: 2:14.


Trump Is Now Trying To Say That The Access Hollywood Tape Was A Fake - Duration: 3:43.

With all of the recent empowerment of women throughout the United States, they finally

have found that they can come forward and tell their stories of being sexually harassed

or sexually assaulted by men of power in the United States and some of that even applies

to men in the United States who have come forward with allegations against some very

powerful people.

The Roy Moore debacle down in Alabama where women have come forward saying that while

they were in their early teens, this man who was in his 30 was preying upon them.

That is a good step forward for the United States.

Donald Trump has been paying attention to what's happened.

He sees what's happening to Roy Moore.

He saw what happened to Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and John Conyers and Al Franken

and he has decided that he wants to go ahead and preemptively say that he's never done

those kinds of things.

Here's where the story gets really weird.

Recently, Donald Trump told people within the White House, people in Washington, D.C.

that the voice on the Access Hollywood tape, the one where he talked about moved on women,

would just kiss them before they even had a chance to say no, would grab them by the

pussy, yeah, according to Donald Trump, that wasn't him on the tape.

Donald Trump has told people recently and according to reports earlier this year that

it actually wasn't him on that Access Hollywood tape.

He wants us to now believe that this tape that he came out and admitted to and apologized

for, kind of, last year actually wasn't him all along.

It was a fake, it was a phony, it was a fraud.

That wasn't Donald Trump's voice.

That was an impersonator.

With all of the people being taken down by sexual assault claims and allegations and

charges here in the United States, Donald Trump doesn't want to be one of them.

Furthermore, he doesn't want you to remember the fact that there are currently active lawsuits

against him for doing just that.

If we're going to talk about sexual predators in the United States, every conversation about

it has to include the name Donald Trump.

He is the president of the United States and he has been accused of doing things as bad

and in some cases far worst than what some of these other people have been accused of

doing, certainly far worst than anything Al Franken or John Conyers did yet that's all

Republicans want to talk about right now.

Compared to people like Roy Moore and Donald Trump, Franken and Conyers is pretty tame,

not giving it a free pass, it doesn't deserve a free pass and I still believe that those

men should step down from office.

However, there is no equivalency between what these parties did.

Donald Trump admitted to it on tape and whether or not he wants to tell us the truth that

it was him on the tape of if he wants to continue lying to us and make us believe that it was

some kind of Trump impostor on that tape, it doesn't change the fact that yes it happened.

There are lawsuits about it.

There is evidence coming forward.

We know what this disgusting human being did.

If anybody deserves to lose their job over sexual assault charges, it's Donald Trump.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Now Trying To Say That The Access Hollywood Tape Was A Fake - Duration: 3:43.


To All Healers And Empaths: Warding Off Negative Energies Is Necessary Even In Sleep - Duration: 3:06.

To All Healers And Empaths: Warding Off Negative Energies Is Necessary Even In Sleep

For centuries, across many different cultures, winter has been regarded as the dark period of the year.

Sunlight is sparse, the night lingers longer and the veil between the worlds is almost lifted.

Those who are healers and empaths are more vulnerable to the change in energy and the increased likelihood of psychic


Have you noticed that lately?

There's a sense of uneasiness everywhere in the world which manifests in fear, anxiety, fighting and death.

This negative energy can drain you even if you're not part of these events.

You'll feel like isolating yourself in an effort to block out all this but if you're an empath or healer,

you will feel an urge to spread some light in the darkness.

This is your higher purpose but first, you must ensure that you're physically and mentally in a position fit to be of

service to others.

You're likely to be most affected when you're asleep as your soul can encounter many toxic energies while wandering the

astral plane

Sleep will be fitful and you'll never feel rested because nightmares will occur often.

These will cause panic attacks at night and you'll find yourself unable to separate your dreams and your real-life


You'll also be more vulnerable to the pain of others, even those not connected to you.

If you have experienced these symptoms, here are a few tips to help you feel better:

Purify the energy around you every day.

This will keep away negative vibes that can harm you.

Purge any darkness you sense in your aura as this can cause nightmares while you sleep.

Wear moonstone jewelry as the energy of the lunar goddess can keep you safe while you dream.

Moonlight cuts through the darkness and guards your spirit.

Before you lie down to sleep, concentrate on your innermost soul and link your consciousness to your inner divinity to

keep you safe.

Pray to whatever entity you believe in to guard you while you rest.

Use soothing essential oils like Lavender and Rose.

Placing a bit of hematite near your feet and selenite near your pillow can repel any negative energy you might

encounter in your dreams.

For more infomation >> To All Healers And Empaths: Warding Off Negative Energies Is Necessary Even In Sleep - Duration: 3:06.



Goodmorning everybody, it is saturday 18 November.

Sinterklaas arrived in Holland today!

And I am really sad i can't be there this year.

When i was younger i used to go watch Sinterklaas every year and i really miss those times.

I really like when sinterklaas arrives in Holland we used to go to Schiedam when we were younger.

He came there with his boat.

So sad I will miss it this year but it is what it is.

Last week on saturday I went to a market.

In milan and I bought a really nice christmas present there.

And Iam going to buy that again but for a different person.

So I am on my way to the market.

OMG so dumb I was there on sunday last week not on saturday.

And it is saturday today so the market is not even there.

So i have to come back tommorow.

So i came here for nothing but well..

We are going to watch expeditie robinson.


We Put names on a piece of paper and then everybody had to pull one name out.

We are going to celebrate sinterklaas his birthday here on 5th December.

We all have to write a poem and have to buy a present from 5 euro for the one on our paper.

So we are going to celebrate Sinterklaas 5 december with the girls!

I am really exited fot it.

And Iris already told who she had on her paper..

Already after 5 seconds she could not keep it a secret anymore.

But I am really exited for this.

And i am going to make a great poem for the person on my paper.

And I am going to buy a nice present.

We just watched expeditie robinson as you could see.

It was really nice and i saw it for the first time.

It is a really nice programm. You do hear all the ins and outs from expeditie robinson.

I am going to sleep in a litlle while so I end the vlog now.

Thankyou so much for watching again!

Don't forget to subscribe and then I see u tommorow again at 20:00.


For more infomation >> VLOG 41: SINTERKLAAS IS COMING TO TOWN! - Duration: 9:09.


Solar is Rising in Camrose – Why I Love Camrose - Duration: 3:04.

(upbeat music)

- The sun comes up everyday

and sends a ton of energy to the world

and why not capture that?

Our story begins in Camrose, Alberta.

I grew up here.

Also went to University here

and was mostly studying religion and philosophy

actually, but also some issues in oil and gas

and some friends and I realized

how difficult it is for people to contemplate

a switch to another completely new industry.

"Hi this is Raj at Newo Global Energy,

how can I help you?"

We though we'd take it on

as our own responsibility to develop a company

that tried to facilitate the transition to

a new energy future.

"Okay, thanks so much."

As Albertans we have tremendous wealth.

Those who've been given a lot have a responsibility

to share and whatever money we make

beyond our own personal needs,

then we'll put that back into the community

through education projects,

through international development work

and through various things that

not only take into account our local communities

but the broader communities of

the globe and also future generations.

- Ready to rock?

- Yeah.

- So this is our first project of this size

and our first major ground mount system

for renewable energy.

We're on a farmer's field and you can see

behind me James and Adrian are just putting up

our first solar module.

Once the solar modules are up

Adrian and his crew will do the electrical wiring

and pretty quick we'll be set up

to generate power.

Incorporating new technologies like solar

we're hoping a lot more farmers' fields

will have not only the canola, but

also solar panels.

- Alright, two up, 74 to go.


- You know a typical system on a home roof

will replace the carbon from the atmosphere

just like a tree would.

So instead of burning coal

to produce our electricity,

we're actually just taking the sun

which is gonna come anyways

and translating that to your toaster

or whatever you want to use it for.

A system like this, between maybe 12, 15 years

will pay back for itself

and then from that time on you're generating

your own power free of charge

coming from the sun every morning.

- Here we go.

- The people of Camrose have played an

integral part in our success.

That's what's made it possible for us

to have the courage to step into the unknown

to try this out and to see where it takes us.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Solar is Rising in Camrose – Why I Love Camrose - Duration: 3:04.


If God is all-powerful, why do disasters happen? Why is there evil? - Duration: 2:00.

If God is all-powerful, why do disasters happen? Why is there evil?

This is a question we often receive, and ultimately the answer is: we do not know.

Why do people join terrorism groups and do evil? Why do disasters happen and bury entire villages?

Why does one child live and another die in the mother's womb?

How can God allow this to happen?

I cannot tell you why. But we can say a number of things on the basis of our faith.

First of all, we can be assured that God does not want evil. Not the evil inflicted by people, nor that of natural disasters, illness and death.

God is all good! He created the world for us, although it is not yet the perfect place that he has in mind for us.

So now here we are confronted with evil, suffering, pain.

You sometimes hear that evil is the absence of good; I think I'd rather say that evil occurs when people do not live in the love of God.

In fact, we have the assurance of Jesus that God is present precisely there where people are suffering.

God cries when evil is done.

What can we do about evil? Can anything good come from evil?

If we can, we should take away the source of suffering, like when you cure an illness.

But when evil is unavoidable, and unfortunately often this is the case, we can find a great comfort in the presence of other people.

As I visited the site of an earthquake once, I was struck by the number of people who stood up and helped their fellow people,

even without asking anything in return. The evil event brought about the best in people.

Above all, as Christians we know that Jesus suffers with us. You may think of his Way of the Cross: his suffering and his death opened for us the way to God.

So from evil, some good can come. Evil does not need to have the last word.

If we allow for him to be part of our lives, God's love will win!

Neither the world nor the people in it are perfect, hence bad things happen. God proves his omnipotence by bringing good out of evil.

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