Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 27 2017

Hey guys what's going on this video here for share the number I'm doing a quick

review what's going on with the recently since I've been here and what's exciting

today is a Sunday just been relaxed I watch a little Netflix you know just

taking it easy at home and realize that I've actually made $600 Commission just

want to show you guys let's see so right here we're on my page and then I get a

notice in our business group that congratulations Jeff Burroughs you've

earned $600 just today okay the system did all the follow up and everything the

exciting part is here is even better than I can show you I'm a login

automated income system slash share the number let's log in here so you guys can

actually check out the back-office this is the back-office when you're in with

this website as you see here rue is that's my last name that's my promo code

actually dinah member and what happened the past 24 hours all right guys here's

another thing if you guys don't even know we have done for you or the company

has done for you traffic text by solo ads all that good stuff right here for

you to keep it even easier postcards business cards video broadcasting plus

also the actual product you can download it's actual leads as biz ops that's a

great part about biz ops is that this is what you need to actually grow your

business you need leads you need leads eyeballs coming into your website

checking it out sharing the number then they go into the website and the videos

explain everything about this company and which is great is because a lot of

people do not know how to sell or how to generate leads into a website online so

everything is absolutely taken care of for you if you don't want to do it

yourself the marketing and all that good stuff where you just don't have time you

have two or three jobs or just busy with four or five kids totally get it but

everything is done for you let me show

right now go straight into Commission's and this is what I made today once not

showing up yet but the 26 sunday sunday sunday 500 500 dollars $50 and 2500 575

I got another pass up which is 25 total will be 600 dollars that I've made today

and the actual system did all the follow up for me

what's great this week coming up we actually have a phone sales team that

company's gonna have a phone sales team so not only do they follow up with email

they're also going to follow up with phone them with calling actually calling

your people for you to help you convert even higher and once they close those

deals guess what you earn a commission alright guys so just want to give you a

quick update what's going on with share the number / automatic income system

it's it's a solid programs going stronger and stronger we have a lot more

updates that are coming up soon I just really can't say right now but if you're

on the fence right now I'm telling you right now do your research or just jump

on because it's getting serious it's it's people winning brand-new newbies

all that you don't even have to be experienced whatsoever all we have even

a let's see them show you

okay I'll go to this one it's a little slow to mind

that's connection so share the number system members right over here

testimonies you're seeing what's going on in the back office of other people

people really excited right now top you you see who's earning weekly commissions

over here you're getting all the updates plus another thing is I have my personal

private Facebook group where I show you exactly how to make the actual income

how I actually market to get these kind of results I just can

back you seen on one of my videos let me show you right now let me show you one

of the pics from Florida also another Commission as you can see here I

received from a is automatic income system 1000 forint went e5 straight into

my bank account that's me in South Beach just shooting some videos and here you

go let me high like that right to South Beach and check this out under $25,000

check and this is recently being with them with for weeks basically a month

let's just say a month earning $25,000 so you know this this business is

growing on people are having massive success and I want the same for you so I

just want to show you what happens when you're with the right system with the

right person as myself that I can help you that can help you I'll get results

you can earn these kind of commissions and I just want to give you a quick

update also so click the link below if you're watching this on YouTube make

sure to subscribe also as I'd be you know you can stay updated what's going

on and you can also get some marketing tips sometimes I put on my video channel

just to help you out you don't even have to be on the same program with me it's

just to help you out share some value alright guys

and again if somebody else is sharing I don't share in this video go back to

them use their promo code and get connected all right take care guys

For more infomation >> Share The Number:Automated Income System Is it A scam? AIS $600 Day Proof inside with AIS - Duration: 5:55.


HOW to ALWAYS Know What A GIRL is THINKING | How to Know If A Girl Likes You - Duration: 7:27.

Girls are confusing.

One second you think you got her all figured out and then the next, BOOM she's acting

totally different and you're left wondering if she's even still into you.

Then you become an insecure mess and end up constantly wishing that you had the ability

to know what she's thinking.

And now you're here on YouTube hoping I, mothafuckin Zeus can tell you exactly how

to know what a girl is thinking, at all times.

Well DUH, of course I can tell you what they're thinking, I'm a god.

And for 3 easy payments of $35.99 I'll tell you exactly how to do it!

Haha just kidding, let's get down to it.

So the most important thing to understand when it comes to girls is this: girls follow

an emotional train of thought, while guys follow a logical train of thought.

This means that when girls make decisions, it's often based on what they're feeling

emotionally at the time.

This is exactly why girls go hot and cold on you with no explanation.

Now I'm not saying girls don't act rationally or logically at all, it's just that the

vast majority of younger girls act emotionally so understanding this makes it a lot easier

to understand why they act the way they do.

But don't take this and feel superior because guys are just as guilty of acting really emotional,

especially when it comes to the fact that guys constantly wanna hook up with chicks.

What I'm saying is, girls are emotional MORE OFTEN than you are, AND, when a girl is emotional,

she's way MORE emotional than you are.

If a girl is in a bad mood and doesn't feel like talking to you, she just won't talk

to you and that's it.

She's not gonna think that if she doesn't talk to you and ignores you, that you're

gonna take that as a sign that she doesn't like you.

If she doesn't feel like talking to you in that moment, she simply won't.

This is why it's important for you as a guy, to be unreactive to little things like


Don't let the fact that she didn't reply to your text once or twice bother you, don't

get all sensitive and insecure if she ignores you in class one day or acts a little out

of the ordinary.

Just assume she's in a bad mood or just doesn't feel like talking to you right now

and talk to her later.

The reason is irrelevant, ignore it and don't let it phase you.

Believe it or not, girls aren't thinking about sex all the time like you horny motherfuckers

are, so if they don't feel like talking to you one day or if they act less interested

when you see them one time just brush it off and act like you didn't even notice.

Being unflinchingly confident like this actually works to your advantage because it shows her

that you're so confident in yourself and in the fact that she likes you, that you don't

even notice when she's treating you differently.

It also makes her more comfortable with being herself around you because she knows you won't

be all weird and worried when she opens up and shows you different sides of her personality.

Important tip: DON'T BE PETTY.

This means, don't get mad when she ignores you for a day, forgets to respond to your

text, and ESPECIALLY don't confront her about petty shit like that.

For example, don't ask her why she didn't respond to your text message because it'll

just turn into an argument and she'll just give you a bullshit excuse anyway.

Don't make a big deal out of little shit, girls HATE this and it just adds unnecessary

tension to the relationship.

Understanding that girls follow an emotional train of thought makes it easy to know why

a girl is acting the way she is at any time.

It's also the reason why girls will sometimes cancel plans on you unexpectedly.

This actually happened to me a couple times recently, I would be talking to a girl things

are going great and I can tell that she's into me so I ask her to hangout a few days

from now since I like to plan things out and have a schedule since I'm usually busy shooting

lightning and doing god shit.

But then, the day we're supposed to hangout, I get a nonsense excuse from the girl about

why she can't hangout that day.

It confused me the first few times so I decided to experiment and instead ask girls to hangout

the day of, by texting them early in the day and saying something like "what are you

doing today".

And believe it or not, this worked almost every time I used it.

Confusing right?

Now let's think about it from a girl's perspective: If a girl plans to hangout with

you a few days from now, she may want to hangout with you in that moment, but in the days leading

up to you guys hanging out, she has time to get nervous about it, worry that you might

be creepy in person, or just decide that you may not be worth the time because there's

a chance the date could go bad so she cancels on you the day of.

Or once the day rolls around when you're supposed to hangout, she can just not be in

the mood that day and cancel on you because she doesn't feel like seeing you or going

out in general.

From a guy's logical perspective, it makes more sense to plan it way in advance in order

to make sure both you and the girl can set aside time for the date and because it fits

both your schedules better, but if you haven't learned by now, it's silly to apply your

perspective to a girl's actions.

It's like comparing apples to oranges.

It's like comparing Kryptonians to humans.

It's like comparing Based muthafuckin Zeus, to Napoleon Dynamite.

It's like comparing m- ... alright I'm done.

Disclaimer: the older you get, the better it is to plan dates further in advance since

older people usually have busier schedules.

But if you're in high school or college, asking the day of is WAY more effective.

When you ask a girl to hangout the day of, it's a lot more spontaneous and it aligns

better with how she thinks and acts.

If she's in a good or even neutral mood and you ask her to hangout, then she's more

likely to say yes in the moment and follow through with it since you asked her and are

going to hang out with her on the same day.

The best way to do this is to text her something funny or to text her something you guys have

talked about before then after a few texts hit her with the "what are you doing today"

and ask her to hangout.

This way, she talks to you for a few minutes and is reminded of why she's into you and

then you can execute right then and there.

You could also even just ask her what she's doing that day from the start and that usually

works fine as well.

And if she can't hangout that day then she'll just say something like "I can't today,

but I can tomorrow" and boom you got a date the next day which is better than planning

it several days in advance.

You can also hit her with the "what about tomorrow" if she says she can't that day.

A girl will make it pretty obvious if she wants to hangout and will usually offer another

time or day to hangout.

A good rule of thumb to follow is this: if she rejects your invitation to hangout more

than twice and doesn't offer another time or makes the effort to arrange another hangout,

then move on.

In summary,

• Girls think and act emotionally, not logically • Don't apply your train of thought to

that of a girl's • Ask girls to hangout the day of or one

day in advance


Here's some life advice for you: if you find YOURSELF acting emotionally, take a step back,

recognize you're out of line, and start thinking rationally instead.

You'll make much better decisions that lead to much better outcomes.

[OUTRO] Join the Basedlympian Army ...

For more infomation >> HOW to ALWAYS Know What A GIRL is THINKING | How to Know If A Girl Likes You - Duration: 7:27.


Why is a Naropa education valuable in today's world? - Duration: 1:54.

I think Naropa's education is valuable in that it teaches you how to be

fearless but also to hold space for fear too. It's really given me it's really

given me the courage to not look away. That question right there, that allowing

yourself to not just jump in right away and start fixing but to actually hang

out in that space of what is the most effective way to do things, what is

helping, and how do we actually create

healthy answers, effective answers in problems that we might not actually understand.

Naropa I think helps to build those bridges between those places, and

really knowing how to conduct contemplative conversation helps bridge

those gaps, and so I think that's really necessary in communicating with the world.

I think a Naropa education fits right in the middle of

all that chaos. It's a groundedness, it gives you strength, it gives you a voice.

Because this is what we find here, we find ourselves here and then we can take

that groundedness, that presence, the loving kindness, the ability to sit in

the unknown- we can take that out into the world, and that's what the world

needs. We don't need to react anymore, we need to respond from a deeper place.

Naropa allows you to learn how to do that.

For more infomation >> Why is a Naropa education valuable in today's world? - Duration: 1:54.


Wes Dukes Performs "What Child Is This" - Duration: 2:56.


















































For more infomation >> Wes Dukes Performs "What Child Is This" - Duration: 2:56.


Cold Steel Hold Out I Knife Review. PROOF A Clip Point is more better for Slow Mo. - Duration: 11:18.

Why anyone would ever make Youtube videos about Cold Steel knives other than Cold Steel

is beyond me.

The perfect Cold Steel Hold Out 1 video is already on the official product Page where

it chops meat on ropes set to corporate metal.

So put on your best dress shirt and widest tie while we fantasize about all the inanimate

objects and 511 Tactical boots we can stab and slash with the Cold Steel Holdout I.

Like the overall length and weight (my length is different than cold steels).

The blade size and cutting edge, I have the real measurements for the unaltered blade

in parentheses.

The handle size and grip area.

Spine thickness and handle thickness.

And tallness closed.

The Cold Steel Holdout I is a real special knife, made even more special by someone who

thought it needed to be a clippoint.

Instagramer Headin sent me this, and he swears that he wasn't the one who tried to modify

it- it was someone before him.

So if you believe that then I'm probably the third owner of the knife.

This Hold Out comes in several sizes, the real size like this, and the other ones for

people scared their own shadow.

This Holdout One is a made in Taiwan knife that retails for about $140 and uses CTS-XHP

for it's flat ground normally spear point blade.

The blade is made from fairly thin stock and is much lighter that you may think 6 inches

of death might feel in your pocket.

It sharpens very easily and it only took a few minutes to get it whipped back into shape

on my Spyderco sharpmaker.

The tip is bent a bit, and I'm not sure if it was me... it may have been the other owners,

but it was probably me.

I think I may have accidentally pried with it at one point.

Don't pry with it.

The blade is locked into place by the stout as shit Tri-Ad lock.

Which is Cold Steel for Lock Back.

But don't take my word for it, take for example what this log has to say.

This is my second cold steel- the other being my Frenzy, and I couldnt get that lock to

fold either.

This one is best closed two handed, as the tri-ad on this isnt quite as smooth as my

Frenzy Tri-Ad.

The deployment is nice though and its easy to do one handed, you can flick it open with

some hard wrist action, I would assume most viewers are familiar with or just flick the

thumb studs.

While the knife shouldnt open in your pocket, its safe to say it doesnt have the strongest

detent- probably because it would be way less tactical.

The handle is made from G10, and theres basically room for two of your cold dead hands or maybe

one for you and one for a buddy.

The hand is comfortable I guess..

I found no hot spots, its just big and long.

I think that has a nice ring to it for their slogan.

Cold Steel.

Big and Long Motherfucker.

Ill run that by their marketing department.

That said, the holes in the handle I guess save weight.

Theres no liner just two slabs of G10 joined together by a backspacer and screws which

I managed to knock most of out.

I assume since someone removed the blade at one point, my screws were a little loose.

Now when playing Fallout theres a weapon that you can carry on you unnoticed called a Hold

Out weapon� in video game logic its a weapon that I guess no feels during a cavity search.

In the real world Cold Steel logic I guess the Hold out is technically a concealable

weapon too.

You or I may not agree, or maybe you do agree that this is a pocketable blade and if you

have deep pockets it is in theory.

Again something Id never carry, but the pocket clip is reversible to the right or left side

in a tip up configuration only.

So yeah tactical.

Lets compare the Hold Out to a few other knives before I wrap it up.

Ok so this is the holdout.

How about something equally ridiculous the Spyderco K2, a since discontinued knife with

a similar slim profile but titanium and slimmer.

I dont use this knife much either, but something deep within me loves it.

How about the Cold Steel frenzy, a smaller every day carry I assume?

Simlar in construction..

G10, no liners Tri Ad To some people it may be more reasonable.

Oh and how about my Junglas II Oh the Cold steel looks so cute!

Now your familiar with the Proof video right?

I dont know what that really means other than it proves Cold Steel is a knife company with

real good taste in public domain hard rock So lets do it up like the Hold Out is a metaphor

for the evolution of man.

Youre like I dont get it- what do the moneys have to do with space.

And remember folks, this is not safe, will possible damage your knife and result in the

loss of life and limb, and possibly your dick if you dont watch where you deploy it.

Ok lets crack open a cold one with a Cold one.

Ok so that about does it.

Big Cold Steels are a knife made for a certain type of bro or lady.

Theyre fun and cool like drugs, but not for everyone.

Most of these give me laughs but theyre too big to pocket or bag carry for me.

I prefer mid 3 inchers, but theres nothing wrong with liking mid 5 or six inchers either.

I guess it comes down to if you need a weapon or a tool.

Thanks to headin for providing some of his unwanted knives for me to beat the crap out


I dont know if you should follow him on Instagram or not- he didnt ask anything out of me but

follow him unless he says not to here.

If you like this video and think 2001 is one of the greatest things you possibly dont understand-

subscribe to my channel watch a space odyssey, give this video a thumbs up leave a comment,

Thanks for watching.

Also all music used in this video is from Youtubes free library.

For more infomation >> Cold Steel Hold Out I Knife Review. PROOF A Clip Point is more better for Slow Mo. - Duration: 11:18.


Birmingham's Historic Masonic Temple | This is Alabama - Duration: 1:33.

When you come in here,

you kind of, you step back in time.

Where performers came,

Dizzy Gillespie

James Brown

Uh, Count Basie

Several came here and performed.

There were a lot of Civil Rights Movement

planning meetings that were held here as well.

It was the hub of the African American community.

It was the place where African Americans could come to

and feel safe.

They could go in the front door,

and not the back door.

You know felt like first class citizens here.

It's a big project.


This building,

and I say it all the time,

is much more than just a masonic temple.

There's something for us to be proud of.

We just need to restore it back to,

to what it used to be,

and I think by working together,

we can do that.

For more infomation >> Birmingham's Historic Masonic Temple | This is Alabama - Duration: 1:33.


Who is Meghan Markle? - Duration: 2:11.

Who is Meghan Markle?

Meghan Markle is an American actor, best known for her role in the hit series Suits.

She has described herself as "an actress, a writer, the editor-in-chief of my lifestyle brand the Tig, a pretty good cook, and a firm believer in handwritten notes". She has also campaigned for humanitarian causes.

The 36-year-old grew up in Los Angeles. She studied at a girls' Roman Catholic college there before attending Northwestern University. Recently she has lived in Toronto.

She is the daughter of a clinical therapist and a TV lighting designer. Markle has written about her mixed heritage, describing herself as "a strong, confident mixed-race woman".

She was married once before, to film producer Trevor Engelson, but the pair were divorced in 2013.

Since news of her relationship with Prince Harry broke in 2016, she has closed her blog and given an interview in which she described the couple as "really happy and in love".

She said: "Nothing about me changed. I've never defined myself by my relationship." She will become a duchess or princess when the couple wed.

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