This looks like yucky teeth itis don't worry a little brushing will make your teeth nice and sparkly I
Just need to put some toothpaste on this all right now, I'm gonna brush away all that icky stuff
No more yucky stuff in your teeth
You're ready to tackle training for treats with Halle
Hoppin hippos, let's teach you some tricks
Popeyes roll over hide
Great job sit high five roll over
Here's so cute when you do that ballast the treat high five ballast the treat
That's right roll over sit roll over
Well I have one happy hippo none was wonderful all
Toy pets are welcome at the pet vet clinic whisper
It'll be okay. Just let me take a look
I have a diagnosis this pet has fiery fever itis I'll need to take your temperature
Let's see what's good for that
Found it this is a thermometer. I'm just going to place it against your forehead oh
You're nervous here, let me pet you
Folks like to call me a slight fever you just need some rest
Why don't you go to lamby's nap corner to finish healing
Girl I'm so glad you're here. I made this nap corner just for SuperDuper tunity cute pets like you
Thanks, Lambie. This little one really needs some rest I
Think I do too
Yeah, huge you want to chase your tail don't you?
Why streaming
The pet vet clinic is ready for patients
It's okay I'll have you fixed up in no time
have a
Looks like this toy pet has a case of
Lucy screw CEO sis I'll need to take an x-ray to find and replace the missing screw
But first I have to wipe the screen clean so I can see okay now all I have to do is move the screw
Hey, hi, just right
Great now I'll just tighten it so it doesn't no more loose screws. You'll work. Just fine I
Bet you'd like some exercise on stuffies obstacle course now
Hey there little one you want to try my obstacle course you got this
You see that
One go
Ah piece of cake
The pet vet clinic is ready for patients
Please choose a pet here
Are you ready to give this little one a check up first
Use the magnifying glass to examine the pet I
Have a diagnosis this bed has a bad case of the pricklethorns. I know just the cure
Let's see what we can do to help them feel better we need to carefully remove those thorns
Hooray here it is all fixed up
All pets need lots of love to stay happy and healthy we should try petting the pet
Let's have them perform a trick sit this little one needs some help
Great job that deserves a toy turn which street
Would you like to give our pet just drop it on the floor near that now let's take them outside to play?
Let's play fetch come on pump whatever Pet jump for the toilet
I think our pets a little tired. Let's go back inside
We do show this little Katie where to sleep maybe you could close the curtain
Somebody seems a little restless I bet some soft gentle pets would help
You did it here. We go who are we rescuing next tally commander crush?
We did it
Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar dots here
snows and
Snapdragons its commander crush I have a diagnosis. I'm afraid you have popped out of Titus
We'll need to find your missing part and put it back in once we get your part back on you'll be all better
Which part? Do you think it is doc?
Good job. This toy. Looks as far as the
Here we go who are we rescuing next tally Wow?
Up we go
This is nice
We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar dots here
Frozen frostbite, it's Val. I have a diagnosis
You've got a case of BER rightis. We need to brush off all the snow. I have just the thing to clean you off
My brush a good brushing is sure to do the trick doc
You hated a Gamecock everything is right as rain
Here we go who are we rescuing next tally miles?
Up we go
Ready who smiled
That was close
We did it
Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar dots here
hoppin horsefeathers
It's Niles. I have a diagnosis
You've got a case of stuck in itis tweezers are great for grabbing really small things. Oh be sure to get them all doc
Why you lookin spiffy as a turtle in a tuxedo
Here we go who are we rescuing next tally super stuntman Steve
Let's take that shortcut back
We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar dots here
Zebras Oh Madonna Zamboni, it's super stuntman Steve I
Have a diagnosis
This is definitely a case of lost part of plexi we need to replace your missing part with just the right one
Once we get your part back on you'll be all better
Which part? Do you think it is doc?
That should do it
Here we go who are we rescuing next ally Bronte?
Up we go
Watch out doc
We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar. That's here
Sandpaper Symphony's it's Bronte. I have a diagnosis
You have the scratchy scrape piece once we put a bandage on you'll feel much better
You know which one is the right one don't you doc
Here we go who are we rescuing next tally loud low e?
Komo doc that was close
That was close
Up we go
We did it
Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar. That's here
March and mom's on a mushroom
It's loudly I
Have a diagnosis. You've got charged. Oh, Drano plexi that means we need to replace your batteries
But first we have to find the ones that fit some new batteries. We'll fix you right up, which ones are the right size doc
You did it again. Everything is right as rain
Here we go who are we rescuing next Talley Bella? Oh?
My that was a close one
Watch out doc that was close
Picture time awesome
We did it if anyone has a boo-boo I want to be sure we help them
Let's make sure we listen for Wilbur and Orville, they should be landing here soon
Looks like playing with Donnie left Bobby a little deflated
Poppy you need a checkup I
Think we know what the problem is poppy since you've been playing near the prickly plants you have a bad case of the pricklethorns
We need to find out where Bobby is leaking could you help?
Just use the magnifying glass to spot the hole and put a bandage on it
You did great job now that we know where the hole is
We should use a bandage to cover it so he won't leak air
Try matching the shape of the bandage to the shape of the hole on Poppy's belly that should fix him right up oh
No, there's another hole get a bandage on it quick I
Think there's one more hole, can you find it?
Wow you're a natural
Hmm Bobby still looks a little deflated we should pump him up with some more air
Well forget papi be sure to stay away from things that are sharp like prickly plants
Time to put this diagnosis in your big book of boo-boos
Congratulations on solving the case you're a really good toy doctor
For helping Bobby feel better you got some happy hearts
You did a great job. I think we fixed all the LG's here. Do you want to go to the playground now?
Let's make sure we listen
Since the clinics all set up what would you like to do next let's go look for more toys? Where should we go?
There's bronty I wonder how he's feeling
And wonder why Donnie doesn't want to play with Lenny anymore, I think we need to give him a checkup
Oh, it looks like Lenny's out of water
We have a diagnosis tried out a ptosis we need to make sure that Lenny has enough water to stay hydrated
To help Lenny fill up try pouring some water into the glass
Fantastic you're doing really well soon this toys gonna be all better
Lenny must have been really thirsty. I think you're all filled up Lenny
Are you ready for some firefighting practice?
Would you help Lenny sound his siren and uses hosts to put out the toy fire?
Knowing the fire is almost out
I did say engine 9 is feeling fine
But you're all better Lenny. Let's get you back to Donny, so you two can play together again
Let's add this to your big book of boo-boos congratulations on solving the case you're a really good toy doctor
Being such a big help at the clinic I've got some more happy hearts for you
The doc is in
Come on. Everybody let's play share some chairs
Thanks. I had lots of practice
some chairs
The magic paintbrush
Stickers, that's amazing
Well it wouldn't be our waiting room without a couch the couch
Chop the magic paintbrush
That looks super I
Think when a room is bright and cheerful it can make you feel better
Come on. Everybody. Let's play Cheers. Yeah, it's time to cower under the coffee table
The magic paintbrush
Yeah, it's tiny deck power and your Agins love that color
These look amazing
The magic paintbrush
Wow that's really cool
I'd say today's an extra fun day here at the clinic. Hey look at us. I sure would HIGHLY
The magic paintbrush
Hey that looks great
Thank you for calling Doc's clinic uh-huh
Well, we're open at playtime every day. We'll just stop there whatever you like Oh. Goodbye oh
Here's my dad's sugar come on everybody let's play. How is this?
the magic paintbrush
That looks super I
Got everything I need right here
Thank you for calling Doc's clinic uh-huh
Well, we're open at playtime every day. We'll just stop it. Whatever. You'd like Oh. Goodbye
Now that's what I call swimmin the fish tank
the magic paintbrush
Now that's what I call, swimmin some shelves some shelves
The magic paintbrush
Wow that's really cool
Gray dragons like me love to play
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