Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

This looks like yucky teeth itis don't worry a little brushing will make your teeth nice and sparkly I

Just need to put some toothpaste on this all right now, I'm gonna brush away all that icky stuff

No more yucky stuff in your teeth

You're ready to tackle training for treats with Halle

Hoppin hippos, let's teach you some tricks

Popeyes roll over hide

Great job sit high five roll over

Here's so cute when you do that ballast the treat high five ballast the treat

That's right roll over sit roll over

Well I have one happy hippo none was wonderful all

Toy pets are welcome at the pet vet clinic whisper

It'll be okay. Just let me take a look

I have a diagnosis this pet has fiery fever itis I'll need to take your temperature

Let's see what's good for that

Found it this is a thermometer. I'm just going to place it against your forehead oh

You're nervous here, let me pet you

Folks like to call me a slight fever you just need some rest

Why don't you go to lamby's nap corner to finish healing

Girl I'm so glad you're here. I made this nap corner just for SuperDuper tunity cute pets like you

Thanks, Lambie. This little one really needs some rest I

Think I do too

Yeah, huge you want to chase your tail don't you?

Why streaming

The pet vet clinic is ready for patients

It's okay I'll have you fixed up in no time


have a


Looks like this toy pet has a case of

Lucy screw CEO sis I'll need to take an x-ray to find and replace the missing screw

But first I have to wipe the screen clean so I can see okay now all I have to do is move the screw

Hey, hi, just right

Great now I'll just tighten it so it doesn't no more loose screws. You'll work. Just fine I

Bet you'd like some exercise on stuffies obstacle course now

Hey there little one you want to try my obstacle course you got this

You see that

One go

Ah piece of cake

The pet vet clinic is ready for patients

Please choose a pet here

Are you ready to give this little one a check up first

Use the magnifying glass to examine the pet I

Have a diagnosis this bed has a bad case of the pricklethorns. I know just the cure

Let's see what we can do to help them feel better we need to carefully remove those thorns

Hooray here it is all fixed up

All pets need lots of love to stay happy and healthy we should try petting the pet


Let's have them perform a trick sit this little one needs some help

Great job that deserves a toy turn which street

Would you like to give our pet just drop it on the floor near that now let's take them outside to play?

Let's play fetch come on pump whatever Pet jump for the toilet


I think our pets a little tired. Let's go back inside

We do show this little Katie where to sleep maybe you could close the curtain

Somebody seems a little restless I bet some soft gentle pets would help

You did it here. We go who are we rescuing next tally commander crush?


We did it

Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar dots here

snows and

Snapdragons its commander crush I have a diagnosis. I'm afraid you have popped out of Titus

We'll need to find your missing part and put it back in once we get your part back on you'll be all better

Which part? Do you think it is doc?

Good job. This toy. Looks as far as the


Here we go who are we rescuing next tally Wow?

Up we go

This is nice

We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar dots here

Frozen frostbite, it's Val. I have a diagnosis

You've got a case of BER rightis. We need to brush off all the snow. I have just the thing to clean you off

My brush a good brushing is sure to do the trick doc

You hated a Gamecock everything is right as rain

Here we go who are we rescuing next tally miles?

Up we go


Ready who smiled

That was close

We did it

Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar dots here

hoppin horsefeathers

It's Niles. I have a diagnosis

You've got a case of stuck in itis tweezers are great for grabbing really small things. Oh be sure to get them all doc

Why you lookin spiffy as a turtle in a tuxedo

Here we go who are we rescuing next tally super stuntman Steve

Let's take that shortcut back

We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar dots here

Zebras Oh Madonna Zamboni, it's super stuntman Steve I

Have a diagnosis

This is definitely a case of lost part of plexi we need to replace your missing part with just the right one

Once we get your part back on you'll be all better

Which part? Do you think it is doc?

That should do it

Here we go who are we rescuing next ally Bronte?

Up we go

Watch out doc

We did it over there, I see someone don't worry sugar. That's here

Sandpaper Symphony's it's Bronte. I have a diagnosis

You have the scratchy scrape piece once we put a bandage on you'll feel much better

You know which one is the right one don't you doc

Here we go who are we rescuing next tally loud low e?

Komo doc that was close

That was close

Up we go

We did it

Over there. I see someone. Don't worry sugar. That's here

March and mom's on a mushroom

It's loudly I

Have a diagnosis. You've got charged. Oh, Drano plexi that means we need to replace your batteries

But first we have to find the ones that fit some new batteries. We'll fix you right up, which ones are the right size doc

You did it again. Everything is right as rain

Here we go who are we rescuing next Talley Bella? Oh?

My that was a close one

Watch out doc that was close

Picture time awesome

We did it if anyone has a boo-boo I want to be sure we help them

Let's make sure we listen for Wilbur and Orville, they should be landing here soon

Looks like playing with Donnie left Bobby a little deflated

Poppy you need a checkup I

Think we know what the problem is poppy since you've been playing near the prickly plants you have a bad case of the pricklethorns

We need to find out where Bobby is leaking could you help?

Just use the magnifying glass to spot the hole and put a bandage on it


You did great job now that we know where the hole is

We should use a bandage to cover it so he won't leak air

Try matching the shape of the bandage to the shape of the hole on Poppy's belly that should fix him right up oh

No, there's another hole get a bandage on it quick I

Think there's one more hole, can you find it?

Wow you're a natural

Hmm Bobby still looks a little deflated we should pump him up with some more air

Well forget papi be sure to stay away from things that are sharp like prickly plants

Time to put this diagnosis in your big book of boo-boos

Congratulations on solving the case you're a really good toy doctor

For helping Bobby feel better you got some happy hearts

You did a great job. I think we fixed all the LG's here. Do you want to go to the playground now?

Let's make sure we listen

Since the clinics all set up what would you like to do next let's go look for more toys? Where should we go?

There's bronty I wonder how he's feeling

And wonder why Donnie doesn't want to play with Lenny anymore, I think we need to give him a checkup

Oh, it looks like Lenny's out of water

We have a diagnosis tried out a ptosis we need to make sure that Lenny has enough water to stay hydrated

To help Lenny fill up try pouring some water into the glass

Fantastic you're doing really well soon this toys gonna be all better


Lenny must have been really thirsty. I think you're all filled up Lenny

Are you ready for some firefighting practice?

Would you help Lenny sound his siren and uses hosts to put out the toy fire?

Knowing the fire is almost out

I did say engine 9 is feeling fine

But you're all better Lenny. Let's get you back to Donny, so you two can play together again

Let's add this to your big book of boo-boos congratulations on solving the case you're a really good toy doctor

Being such a big help at the clinic I've got some more happy hearts for you

The doc is in

Come on. Everybody let's play share some chairs

Thanks. I had lots of practice

some chairs

The magic paintbrush

Stickers, that's amazing

Well it wouldn't be our waiting room without a couch the couch

Chop the magic paintbrush

That looks super I

Think when a room is bright and cheerful it can make you feel better

Come on. Everybody. Let's play Cheers. Yeah, it's time to cower under the coffee table

The magic paintbrush

Yeah, it's tiny deck power and your Agins love that color

These look amazing


The magic paintbrush

Wow that's really cool

I'd say today's an extra fun day here at the clinic. Hey look at us. I sure would HIGHLY


The magic paintbrush

Hey that looks great

Thank you for calling Doc's clinic uh-huh

Well, we're open at playtime every day. We'll just stop there whatever you like Oh. Goodbye oh

Here's my dad's sugar come on everybody let's play. How is this?

the magic paintbrush


That looks super I

Got everything I need right here

Thank you for calling Doc's clinic uh-huh

Well, we're open at playtime every day. We'll just stop it. Whatever. You'd like Oh. Goodbye

Now that's what I call swimmin the fish tank

the magic paintbrush


Now that's what I call, swimmin some shelves some shelves

The magic paintbrush

Wow that's really cool

Gray dragons like me love to play

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰDoc Mcstuffins & Doc Mcstuffins full episodes | Doc Mcstuffins Cartoon For Kids Animated #57 - Duration: 28:11.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 486 - Duration: 15:05.

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Beauty is the Beast I

May be small who I lack in size I make up for in stainless glowing are you trying to distract me, I'm serious

It's glowing look. Oh oh

a princess must be coming



I'm not going to hurt you

Are you hiding from someone no


Well, you don't have to hide from me

It's okay. Come on out horribly aware that I do not look like a princess

but I


Promise you this morning. I just it sounds like you are cursed

I must have been but I have no idea why and no idea how and no idea what to do?

And I I just want to be myself

My own strengths anymore my handmaidens spotted me like this and now everyone's trying to hunt me down

It connects all the princesses who ever wore it so that must be why I'm here the amulet brought me to help you this time

It's my turn to help another we can figure this out usually when someone gets cursed. It's because they did something bad. Ah

So did you do anything bad?


Everyone knows they're just horrible beasts

You know her everyone does I'm the most famous enchantress and Isleworth yes

I curse you why would you do this now turn me back to normal. Sorry can't do that what?

Don't you know anything about how curses work dear? I think he need true friends?

How can I even find him any guesses go to his house? Oh?

Good you should keep her. I have to go to what goblins

Okay, it's the only bad day. I've ever had, but it is horrible

Hey, at least we know what you have to do Oh ever Lydia

I'm sure she's fine, but to ease the Queen's mind

someone please check on the princess


I'm so afraid goblins are beasts well at the moment. So are you?

Are you okay that goblin was afraid of me wasn't he I think so

Because if we are then maybe the curse will break

Sorry it's never that easy then what am I going to do now?

So let's invite him to one but Sofia

I can't go to a party like this just a little one only for the three of us more like a

Picnic really good idea. I'll wait for you here

But ah no one I

Love all things royal big or small

Cups tea towels tiny spoons open it to the public every other Sunday and on some holidays

It's very sweet of you to share all this. Thank you milady so what kingdom are you from?

Me of course not huh well it does look like a lovely little party

Big ones okay now elephant row Oh

Goblin, goblin goblin took the princess, but the handmaiden said she saw hairy big auntie

Oh, I do love a nice teeth me, too

I'm so sorry. Oh don't be happens to me all the time excuse me

You are quite excused

And I bet you have lots more things in common to party

This sure sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship Smee

You see you're just two people you will find more to add or

Much more to it

So here's a secret

Thank you. I

Don't even know your name. It's Morris and you milady oh, it's um

Charlotte I'll be right back I

Think this is going really well. I know meet him now that I'm getting to know him. He's quite charming

Look footprints Bigfoot, that's the princesses - Yura

Where's the princess

What's going on the royal guards captured Morris why it's too late now

The way he looked at me like

He was so


But Morris get cap but don't give up you can make it up to him

I don't see how you're going back to the castle. No we're going back to save yours

Where is my daughter

How do we know you're really

The princess this could be some kind of trick. Maybe it's just another goblin in cahoots with this one

I'm pretty sure I heard it grunt show yourself

You came for me of course that is not our daughter the princess I

Was cursed and turned into a beast

Because and I hope one day he can forgive me because I would truly be honored to be his friend

The honor would be all mine Princess Charlotte

Thank you Morris. Thank You Princess Charlotte. No one has ever stood up for me like that

I very much like you to be my guest at the summer ball, Sophia. Thank you so much. You're welcome

Can you stay for the ball?


Would love you

But I think my amulet is that I got nothing else on my schedule well

Believe it or not this time my amulet summoned me to help another princess Brickley why he?


We won't be having dance class today

Because instead you'll be preparing for a very important test

But that's all we can tell you except that it will take place Friday after school right, but that's the in the ballroom

Right after school in the ballrooms. We should go with them in case they have any questions

Which they will so let's go?

Huh, where do we start Wow?

I hope you can read fast. They store one of my favorites

Thanks mrs.. Eakins. Oh absolutely

Please go recipes and that's it okay, then what about

correct ways to use a handkerchief, Oh like so

Dab dab dab Oh much. I don't know oh, it's true

But Sophia if you want to pass the princess test. I'll show you what really matters come with me like mine

And you'll do fine

Oh, that's it not quite

Inside this box is the key to being a great princess and dance

One two three one two three one two three one two three

Young fan curtsy dance done it good. Hello dear. Can you help me?

Oh, I wish I could mrs. Higgins, but the princess test is about to start

oh I

Understand dear Princess Sophia, can you help me dear? What's the matter mrs. Higgins? Oh well?

Thank you for stopping. I have to bring these books home, but my leap I guess I can help you real quick. Oh well

That's very kind of you dear now you take those and I'll take these they're a bit heavy

They just love books I can't wait to get home and start reading in fact. I'm not going to wait

And they all lived happily ever after the end Oh

Mrs. Higgins, maybe you should wait until you get home before you read back I suppose you're right

but that might make me wait for the princess test all Sophia dear I

Understand if you need to go back. I'll be okay, I'm

gather round girls the princess test will now begin

As you know a princess meets kings and queens from all around the world

So just then I would

I'm sorry. I can't remember. It's okay dear princess may. It's your turn

Is your cottage far from here. No not really. I'll draw you a map Oh, No

Yes indeed my cottage is just up this way an exhibit. Let's go - Turkey -


Don't always feel that way boy. What do you mean? I wasn't born a princess

And sometimes I feel like I have to keep proving I belong got the shoes

I've got the dress that makes me a princess. I guess I have all the stuff, but is it enough

To make me up the day to make them all say

that I fit in perfectly I

Gotta keep on trying adjust it there may be things I make it wrong

But I got it just stays true

From what I've seen Sofia I think you'll make a wonderful princess. Thanks mrs. Higgins

Hildy what's going on? Why are you fanning? I need to UM a warm up my fingers

We can't let Hildegard mr.. West the test or she won't pass I know, but what can we do?

No, it's getting late. The test must be halfway over by now follow me

Why don't you go back to your tests, I'm sure

So what's with your cut, it's

Just through those trees

We're not far I

guess you're right I

Always have time to test your posture ladies. Here's a book for you none for you

Lovely form everyone, but a princess needs to keep her good posture in all situations I

Did it

Thanks for convincing me to give it another try amber at any time next up on the princess test the gown

Presentation will fail the test for sure the last thing in the world

I want is to ruin your chances on the test. I know how important it is to you. You'll go along now deep

Be careful, this muddy slippery yes little bit of mud never hurt anyone Oh


Thank You Sofia

You're welcome. I may not have made it to the princess test, but at least we got you home. Oh, don't give up on that

Welcome to the princess test Sofia, but how do we get here wait?

They weren't too missus I was helping you carry those books all this time. Yes you were

I was here at the school the whole time

You're Fanning is flawless and

June the guards posture is positively perfect. Thank you so much, but one of the most important. Oh

Now all you other princesses will get silver stars for the fine job. You did here today

We're awarding you a very special trophy

Oh congratulations dear Oh amber

I own the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 486 - Duration: 15:05.


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GOT7's Jackson is ready for his sexy solo comeback with 'Okay'

GOT7s Jackson is ready for his sexy solo comeback with Okay.

  GOT7s Jackson is ready to make his solo comeback in China!   Jackson officially took to his Instagram to share his first teaser image for his 2nd single Okay, just 4 days ahead of release.

The question mark next to Okay in Jacksons caption may hint that theres more to the title.        What do you expect from Jacksons 2nd Chinese single?.

For more infomation >> GOT7's Jackson is ready for his sexy solo comeback with 'Okay'(News) - Duration: 0:45.


DAY6's Sungjin looks thoughtful in the spotlight for 'Moonrise' teaser images(News) - Duration: 1:02.

DAY6's Sungjin looks thoughtful in the spotlight for 'Moonrise' teaser images

DAY6s Sungjin looks thoughtful in the spotlight for Moonrise teaser images.

  DAY6s Sungjin looked thoughtful in the spotlight in his individual Moonrise teaser images, officially starting off the bands teaser series.      DAY6s upcoming 2nd full album Moonrise will contain a total of 18 tracks total, including title track I Like You, new songs Better Better and Ill Try, and more.

Title track I Like You will be a classic, late 80s rock sound, complete with a light, Christmas vibe.    Look forward to more of the members teaser images coming soon, before the full release of Moonrise on December 6 at 12PM KST!  .

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