Hello Friends back again with Vincent here. This time I will make experiment
about zhask and helcurt, the new hero that has not Released on the normal server, for the zhask will be Released
on this Tuesday is 28nov17, for answer some of your Question, so
in this video i will create content about zhask vs helcurt and you can choose
which hero is worthy and must you buy so you do not regret for the future
so maybe with this video you can little can know about which one should be
bought so as not to regret later xD because it is not easy to find 32k BP
within 2 weeks, especially for players who are not very active, may have to be more selective.
EXPERIMENT 1: Same 2 Level 4 with the amount of gold and build items that are not too much different.
from here we can see the damage of hellcrust is very spicy, and also its passive male opponent silenced
very useful for self-defense because the enemy will silent 1.5sec every 3Seconds coolldown
here it looks I use a helcurt somewhat a little late to remove the ulti so it must be
killed first by that Zhask's ultimate, and ultimate helcurt is also immune to stun opponent.
This hellcrust is an assassin with a low movement speed according to me. because basic
movement speed is only 255 compared with another hero assassin having 260 MS.
so to use this hero must wear an emblem that has a movement speed
high and combined with shoe items or items with Movement speed.
WAR KE 2: With item and amount of gold not too significant + full skill test.
and it turns out the hellcrust is still outdone by zhask in the early game due to every mage for sure
can master the game even though the item is still not so completely. and here we can see
skill 2 of his hellcurt when max stack (5) demage which is very remarkable. because according to
I own only skill 2 of this zhask that can relied on to kill his opponent as well
with his 1st skill to harras his opponent as he can silent and slow his opponent.
For Ultimatenya itself is also very useful when there will be a war group, as it can
causing his opponent to lose sight for 3 seconds, not just the enemy in
near the helcurt that could be affected by its ultraviolet effect but all enemies can also be affected
Its ulti effect though it is out of reach helcurt in other words ulti area 1map, sadistic !!!
actually hellcurt is not a suitable hero for 1 on 1 because every hero of assassin is sure
has thin blood, as it does with This helcurt is also a kidnap hero like
his sister is natalia, hero assassin kidnapper is very scary for the pros with this hero.
one of the advantages of helcurt ulti besides make blind also increase the speed of hit and movementnya
within 3 seconds, yapz that ulti similar to the skill that is owned by roger who is also still countryman
with the helcurt with its sharp claws and ready to rip its prey cruelly and
and inhumane, so if you meet hero this is the ulti fast you are hiding, so as not to be clawed
WAR TO 3: With no gold comparisons too far and with some finished items
here helcurt can be slightly superior because of in terms of items and levels so that damage
generated already large. while the zhask itself is a hero early game where he is very
useful in terms of push tower and survive but if when the late game this hero will be
a little defeated if against the enemy already so item2 buildnya. so can we say that
zhask is a terrible hero when in early game with its very useful active skill2
to harass or to survive from attack his opponent. Zhask is indeed
hero is very OP on the first time he was released. thus making many players complain
and ask for it immediately in nerf (unloaded) his skill status, because the hero is deeply imba
facing his opponents, although he has to fight 1 vs 5 also still able to face
all the opponents very easily because this zhask has 3 active skills and 1 skill ult
which was terrible in his time, so on when I met the same zhask immediately run
terbirit2 like dikejar2 debt collector, can imagine not how horrible this hero.
WAR KE 4 : dengan perbedaan level yang tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dan dengan beberapa item.
yapz as has been said before zhask is a hero early game and will
helpless when it comes to late game because he will not be able to withstand damage
a very big one from his opponent, so he will more quickly killed before he can kill
his opponent, because zhask here does not have disable or stun skill that can be used for
escape from the pursuit of the enemy, he can only rely on the ultimate skill that has
damage is great and also if not wrong also can stun when 2 times shoot his enemy
so the 3rd shot will cause stun to the target in a few seconds, this is very useful for
defend yourself and turret while being attacked, and also for his 3rd skill that can
reduce the enemy's movement speed by 80% well this is useful when we pursued pursuit
which was terrible in his time, so on when I met the same zhask immediately run
But is the zhask now still overPower? The answer: yes if you know how or
his techniques when using this hero, but zhask which now is not the old zhask anymore
because it has received 2x nerf process on the server advance on patches 32 and 34, sadistic really ya up
2x in nerf, wah means mobile legends is doing a little mistake on this hero, but luckily
there is an advanced server like this, its function for test new heroes before in lyrical on ori server
WAR KE 5: Already Started Log in Late game with Items are almost finished
Can be seen here zhask can not avoid helcurt attacks even inside
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