Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017


welcome to another episode of AIRSOFT REVIEWS HD

and here i have only one piston

on this episode we are going to talk about the SWISS CHEESE MOD on pistons

with this method we remove plastic mass from the piston which will make it more lightweight

after this modification the piston looks like swiss cheese

so lets see what is the swiss cheese mod and how it can be done by yourself

first of all keep in mind that this modification is worth only for AEG's that can shoot fast out of the box

or have already upgraded to shoot at least 25 rps

for AEG's that shoot less than 25 rps, this modification will not provide anything more than 1 or 2 rps

so cutting or drilling a piston on a slow rps AEG gearbox is not the best idea for upgrade

making a swiss cheese mod that will give you only max 2 rps is not the best result

but for those who want to create an ultra speed airsoft gun this modification is necessary

you can see my ultra speed m4 from the video link in the description

for the high speed modifications, 1 or 2 rps more are valuable

the swiss cheese mod is nothing more than mass removal from the piston

so the piston becomes more lightweight

so the motor can peak it up and pull it back fast

also the circle time will be reduced

but the most important improvement of lightweight piston is that it holds better its position on the gearbox

and the AOE is improved

better AOE means that the sector gear will engage the piston in the best way without damaging the teeth

for high rps rifles, a good AOE is necessary and without it the gearbox will fail

imagine how much stress can take the peak up tooth on a gearbox that can hit 35 or more rps

as i always say, there are many methods for the swiss cheese mod

and i will never admit that the way i show to you is the best way to do it

but after a good research and many applications on upgrades i have done, i believe that this methods are effective

there are many ways to apply the swiss cheese mod

i will tell you some popular ways to apply this mod

and i will show you how to do it with examples

but before that let me show you what kind of tools you will need for this modification

those are the tools you will need to apply the swiss cheese mod

you will need an electrical dremel

the most of them have rpm regulators

and of course some drills and sanding tools

you will need some sanding tools to remove the plastic that extents from the holes

because the piston surface must be smooth after the modification

also i suggest to get a mini vice to place the piston on so you can work easily

this mini vice can be easily installed even on a desk so you can hold the piston steady

so you can make linear holes without any mistakes

i will take this tools away now

and let me tell you a few words before starting the modification

so this is a classic army stock piston

its a polycarb piston with polycarb piston head

i suggest to remove the piston head before the modification

just loosen the screw from the inside of the piston and remove it

and then create your plan for the cutting or the drilling

there are many ways to remove plastic from the piston

the first plan is to drill many holes of different sizes on the piston

you can create different patterns of the holes

with small and many holes, two lines of holes or one line of big holes etc

before drilling you must know some basic rules

on this area which is close to the piston teeth i will suggest you to make only one line of small holes

i strongly suggest you not to remove to much plastic here because you will make the piston very weak

if you decide to create "windows" than holes

do not cut the piston on the teeth area

because this point takes the hole stress during operation of the gearbox

on the top part you can make many holes, windows etc

it depends of you patience

but always have in your mind that if you remove too much plastic you will make the piston very weak

but of course you will make it lightweight too

i will say that this modification is best for AEG's that shoot under 400 fps (.20g)

for AEG's over 400 fps you can only apply a few small holes to gain max 2 rps and make a better AOE

so the sector gear will engage the piston in the best way

for AEG's over 400 fps cutting the piston is a bad idea and it will propably brake

for AEG's less than 400 fps, like the cqb rifles

and you want to make it really fast you can apply the swiss cheese mod

(in our country we prefer semi fire in cqb games)

i have created a very fast rifle and you can see the results (link in the description)

and for such a fast rpm rate, you have to remove as much plastic as you can

of course you must not remove any plastic from the piston head and the teeth area

you can remove big pieces from the top (window cutting)

or circle pieces or you will drill it with many holes

always remove plastic symmetrically so the weight is balanced

create the same number of holes or cutting on each side

if the cutting is non symmetrical the weight balance will be bad and the piston position will be affected

lets start now the drilling example

of course you have to experiment with this modifications a lot

always keep in mind not to cut to much the piston because you will make it too weak

and it will finally fail

lets put the piston on the vice

we have the piston on the vice so it will be steady during the drilling

before starting, get all your tools close to you

also you must know that this modification will create too much dirt from the plastic of the piston

especially if you deside to drill the piston there will be too much plastic dirt

so you must be ready to clean your working space

i have installed a small drill on my dremel

i prefer to create many small holes and no big cuttings

i always take my time and work slowly to avoid any mistake that it will cost me a part

i will set my dremel on low rpm rate

i will hold the piston with one head to be steady and i will start the drilling

as i said, you can see the dirt that is produced

the classic army polycarb piston is tough so i will increase the rpm rate of the dremel

i try to keep same distance between holes

i have done a line with holes

on the top side of the piston, and i am really filled with dirt from the plastic

you can continue making holes next to this line i have done

at any pattern you want

or you can install a cutting rotor to cut windows

it depends on the type of the gearbox set up

and the final upgrade target

you can experiment in different types of cutting or drilling but be ready to sacrifice some parts

the more plastic you remove the more lightweight the piston becomes

in my opinion this modification will give good results only for low fps AEG's with high rof

and i will say that this modification will not give any upgrade to powerful AEG

like the woodland type rifles over 400 fps

the only advantage of swiss cheese mod in powerful airguns will be the better AOE

the better AOE is a very impartant upgrade but you must have a very durable

piston to apply swiss cheese mod in powerful AEG's

also you must experiment firstly in much lower fps AEG's to get critical experience for those modifications

before we end this episode let me show you one more thing

after the drilling you can see there are pieces of plastic stuck on and under the holes

its very important to smooth those plastic dirts on the surface of the piston

if you leave those dirts on the piston, they will fall in the gearbox during the operation

and they will cause problems in moving parts

the gearbox must be clean and lubricated inside so it will keep working for long time

so get a sanding tool on the dremel

and after you finish the drilling or cutting modifications smooth all the surfaces

apply soft forces on the piston surface with the sanding tool

and remove the dirt without sanding too much the surface

as you can see the dirt has been removed successfully

its very important to keep the surface clean and smooth

of course you must smoothen all the surfaces of the piston and i suggest to do that for the internal surface too

because the internal dirt or pieces of plastic will create problems on spring rotation

just imagine how fast all the internal parts of the gearbox are moving during operation

its just like a car engine, where everything must move smoothly and normally

having dirt, plastic pieces falling apart etc will create serious problems

do the smoothing also if you cut windows

all this kind of modifications need your patience

don't try to finish this modification as fast as you can

for the beginners you can practice on an old stock piston before doing it on an upgraded piston

so thats all for this episode

if you like that video subscribe to my channel

also check my other technical videos (links on description)

thanks for watching and see you on the next episode!

For more infomation >> Airsoft Tech #2 | DIY Swiss cheese mod for AEG's by Airsoft Reviews HD - Duration: 12:43.


FNAF ANIMATION!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:58.

(Intro Music)

Is always......


Oh My gosh guys!! Baloon Girl!!!

Oh my gosh she's under the desk Oh my gosh!

I actually caught this on CAMERA!!!!!!






it's me from tryhardninja (NOT Owned by us)

For more infomation >> FNAF ANIMATION!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:58.


Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.

Turkmenistan, a former Soviet Republic that gained independence in 1991, is set to hold

its first international sports event this September.

Korea's martial art, Taekwondo, is among the 21 indoor games and martial arts set to feature.

Our Kim Hyesung reports.

"Ashgabat 2017, the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games is less than five months away,

and here at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex, Turkmenistan's national Taekwondo team is

training hard."

Front kick, spinning, left and right, with a shout.

Young, fit, Turkmen Taekwondo masters in their crisp white "Dobok" uniforms practice various

moves, a sport that requires balance, speed and technique.

"2017 Indoor and Martial Arts games is very important game for me.

Especially, from Korea, our coach Jaesoong Lee, we have training with him everyday, in

morning and every evening, in morning, we do running we do physical training and with

him evening, we do basic training, technique training, spinning.

I hope that on the competition, I will take a gold medal."

Turkmenistan formed its Taekwondo national team in 2000, but the Central Asian country

has yet to win a medal in an international event.

Yet coach Lee Jae-soong, who joined the team in February, is very optimistic.

"The Turkmen athletes have great potential as they are very young.

Some even have experience in international events like the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

I'm trying to train them techniques that suit their body type.

For tall athletes, higher kicks to the head, for shorter athletes, back kicks, which now

also get you two points."

The main objective of Taekwondo is to kick the opponent on the scoring areas like the

head and the body during three two-minute rounds.

The rules changed earlier this year; kicks to the head are still three points and punches

one point, but kicks to the body are now worth two points instead of one, making the sport

more dynamic and active.

The fifth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, showcasing 21 different sports, will take

place from September 17th to the 27th in Ashgabat.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

For more infomation >> Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.


Wrappup for Sales Teams - Duration: 1:09.

This is your sales team

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For more infomation >> Wrappup for Sales Teams - Duration: 1:09.


This Growing Tree Has Worthy Remedies For Millions Of Millions Whom Still Waiting For A Fee - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> This Growing Tree Has Worthy Remedies For Millions Of Millions Whom Still Waiting For A Fee - Duration: 5:22.


Preliminary hearing for Park Geun-hye criminal trial begins - Duration: 0:38.

The pre-trial hearing for the impeached former president Park Geun-hye got underway just

a little over two hours ago.

The Seoul Central District Court is reviewing the charges against Park before the trial

begins in earnest, which is expected to take place sometime later this month.

The ousted former leader is facing 18 criminal charges including bribery, abuse of power

and leaking state secrets.

Park is not required to attend the pre-trial hearing and is not expected in court today.

For more infomation >> Preliminary hearing for Park Geun-hye criminal trial begins - Duration: 0:38.


There are some decisions that you make and some decisions that are made for you... | TB#64 - Duration: 1:37.

There are some decisions that you make

and there are some decisions that are made for you,

now you get to decide

which one will define you?


My name is Andrew and welcome to Today's Brainwork where we start every single day with an idea or a quote.

I've heard recently that our life is

ten percent of

outside things, things around us,

things that happen naturally or are decisions of others.

And ninety percent of our own decisions.


ten percent

of outside things,

ninety percent of decisions.

But still

a hundred percent

of our reactions.

So I wanted to

leave you today with this

very quick

concept to think about that.


is really in control in your life?

Who is more

powerful and has more influence

in your life:

people you know,

events that happen,

or your own


and reactions

to them?

Thanks for watching!

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And remember to own your day!

See you!

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