Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

Translation By Google Translate.Sorry if there any error in the translation

MizzMerlinda Presents

A Film By MizzMerlinda

Why are you so late Azlan?

Sorry that I`m late coming here.

While i was on my way coming here I was interrupted by something interesting..


Something interesting?

What do you mean Azlan?

How about you tell us what is so interesting to both of us

Here you are *takes out a poster*

kamal and I gonna join this competition as a team.

Yeah. We are going to win the competition!

Hey,I want to join the competition too.

Why won`t you two include me into your team.

Don`t get us wrong Dina, but you are a girl.

and girls does not like sweaty activities.

Am I right,Azlan?

Yeah, Kamal does have a point there. If you really want to join the competition..

-Find someone so desperate who needs money and hopefully that person is dumb enough to join you.

How arrogant!

I am going to join the competition and I am going to win the competition and I`m going to take the money with me!

What was I thinking..This is going to be impossible to find a partner for the dance competition.



He is my ticket to win the competition!

Done. Do you like your new hair cut Kak Mah?

Yes! It is LOVELY and very puffy!

He is going to be my secret weapon.

I`ll make sure, Kamal and Azlan eat their words.

Ardeham did you find the right part time job?

No i did not find the right job.Yet..

Plus, I don`t even sure what kind of job that suits me the best.

What kind of job do you like?


I like to dance, if you gave me an opportunity to showcase my talents..I want to be a professional dancer.

That is Ridiculous..

Do you think by becoming a dancer you can change your future?

For more secure future you should join the Army.


I want to GIVE IT A TRY!


The entertainment business is very chievous and full of intense competition.

How far,you want to prove that you deserved to be a professional dancer

It will be much easier if you father is a CEO of an entertainment company,

Then you can made it big in the entertainment industry!

You know what dad..I am tired..I am going to go to sleep.

-Military Application Form-

Hey!! My name is Dina!

Yesterday I saw you dancing at Jalan Pak Din.

and you are ,TALENTED!


- will you be my partner for a dance competition?

First of all..No

Second, I don`t know you

Third .. Goodbye ..

Oi!! / Hoi!!

What more do you want !?

Okay, Let me be clear to you.

I want to give you an opportunity for you to be my partner in this dance competition..

The competition is really huge!

Most likely we will be hired to work in the entertainment business

If not any.We might win 1,000,000 credits

Take your time and think about this offer. If you agree..Meet me at MIZZES Dance Studio.

Ardeham !! Ardeham !! Time to eat!

If you came home early, make sure buy some food for you..I might be late today..

Make sure you get home early ..Don`t be late.

Okay dad..Umm..

Tomorrow I will be interviewed by the employer of a gadjet shop.


All the best for you. Hopefully you will get the job.

Dad..I`m sorry that I have to lie to you this way..

But I need to prove to you and myself that I be a professional dancer.

Where is he?

Maybe he rejected my offer..

Be positive ,Dina.

Ha! There you are!

I thought you chose to pass this golden opportunity that I offered you.

It will be stupid for me to pass on this golden opportunity

So, let's start training for the match ..

Well this is my dance studio and my friend.. So this is our training room.


So what is the first step we need to do for our first practice?

Okay for the opening of the show we have to start with an interesting dance routines ..

so do you have a suggestion for our shows?

Well this is my suggestion for our dance competition.

It's all I could think of so far ..

Not bad..

Let me show you my idea..Wait..what's your name?

Now we need to combine our ideas into one dance routine.

Yes. Therefore, we have to start our training.

Well let's start

Ariff, you can not restrain your son

He is still young. He knew what he wanted, He wants to made his own decision.

Not that I do not want to give a chance to him, however.

I do not want him to make a wrong decision, a waste of time and money.

Don`t you know, My pension money are just enough on support our daily expencense.

He Is The Most Just,We planned and God decides.

Dad. Where are you?

Maybe he is already asleep.

Dad. why are you sitting here alone?

Why are you here dad. The weather is quite cold you can be infected with the flu, if you sat here too long.

Don`t worry .I am just fine. Take a seat Ardeham.

Listen Ardeham..I just want apologize.

because I am too restrictive.

No dad..

I`m the one who should apologized.

Not you, I was thinking too much about your future.I should gave you the opportunity to choose.

Dad, forgive me for what happened the other day I was too selfish.

No thanks, Ardeham. Your mom was right.

I am not a good listener

Dad.I don`t want to think about mom.

Do you still hate her? Your mother has made her decision.


She left me when I was still a baby!

What makes you interested in dancing?

why I`m interested in dancing?

Maybe, I want to show my abilities, as well as the expression of my heart

What are you going to do after this dance competition?


What is the problem with this car..

Looks like I'll be late coming to meetings with overseas investors

Is there anything wrong with your car?

Ariff? Is that you?

I meant, you have the opportunity to dance in front of the audience..

then, what are your next plans?

This is so unexpected..

I was not expected that we will see disini.Even since the day you left us.

Ariff.. Let`s move on..

Yes, I'm sorry awak. But, that incident will be never erased from my memory

I never forget you two.

I do not know what my next plan..

maybe I will use the money to find jobs in the dancing industry or otherwise

Come on let's continue our practice

We must win the dance competition.

Come on

Please give me a chance to redeem myself, to you both

Allow me to take Ardeham I can change the future

After you left us, and now you want to take from my Ardeham

while I am still alive, I will sacrifice whatever it takes to provide the best for Ardeham

Make sure you stay away from Ardeham

Ariff..Stop this selfishness!

I as a mother she and I have the right to give my children the best

EH, Azlan, Kamal. Hello.

I really did not expect to meet with you at this crucial time

Well, true.However,We are still friends.

or you realize that I would win the competition

Dina, we both admitted that on that day we were to harsh with you.

however, we have no such intention, we just want to apologize.

Do not worry, I have forgiven you bet. But our bet is still on.

So, what should we do now?

Dina seems to be really mad. However we need to do the best we could for the competition

Biarpun kita lawan kita. Adakah ianya dapat mejejaskan persahabatan kita?

You come home late? Where do you go all day, Ardeham?

Er, err..I was looking for a job

Oh, weren`t you wen to the dance studio

I saw you go into the studio this evening dancing!!

Dad I'm sorry if I lied to you all this time..

All these week..I thought you were searching for jobs.

but you go to a dance class does not beneficial to you.


If you trusted me. Why don`t you let me choose my own course of life.

I want the best for you!!

If you really want the best for me

you have to give me a chance to prove myself.

Okay! If that's what you wants.GO ON! GO ON!

Why do I feel guilty, the longer I know him, the more guilty I become.

I should focus for the dancing competition! Yeah!

Welcome to the The District Dancing Competion.

let me introduce our judges for tonight


I am so nervous. Never thought that this day would come.I

I think i should tell him now...

Dina, you looked scared?

I know that you are nervous. So am I, don`t let it get to you.

Ardeham I have something to tell you.


It's our turn! Let's do it.

Our next performer will be Dina and Ardeham. Ladies and Gentlement let us welcome them to the stage!

This is so unexpected .We have won the competition.

Dina, terima kasih atas tunjuk ajar awak. Saya terhutang budi dengan awak atas peluang ini.

Dina, thanks for your coaching. I am truly indebted to you for this opportunity

Congratulation guys! We are happy for you two. It seems you won the bet Dina.

What? A Bet? What is the meaning of all this, Dinah?

Does all of this is a bet to determine their prowess?

That is right. Dina was apart of the bet.

Jadi ini semua hanyalah permainan sahaja?

So all of this is just a game to you?

Dina.Is that true?

Ardeham, actually I did use you from the beginning as an opportunity for me to win.. I meant..US..

Then.I realised that you are my friend.And I meant to tell you the truth but I don`t want to blew up our performance.

Hey, Hey, Don`t be serious..You two should celebrate.

Let me treat you to Hakim`s Restaurant.

Yes we won. Why don`t you go along with them.

At least, that is something you really good at.


Ardeham listen. I know that are mad at me.

I am sorry, I was stupid and immature..

I should not use you. I messed up.

Yeah. I am mad at you, what really makes me boiling mad is i trusted you!

But instead. You were using me for your advantages, you used my talent, you used me like a violin!

Yeah we won. But at the end you lost something..Trust.

Dad.You were right all along.

I should listen to you.

but I was too obsessed with dancing and naive in the opportunity given

Sometimes a mistake in life is a new step towards a better decision.

I saw you performed. I am so proud of you.

You did?

I made the decision to give the chance to you to choose your future direction.

Thank you Dad.. I will not dissapoint you with the chance that you gave me.

Dina.. Don`t be sad..

You should think, how to win Ardeham back. It kills me to see you sad.

You won the competition as a team. So it is fair if he receive his part of the price.

You are right.We did won as a team

Besides, he was your partner so he deserved apart of the prize

Ardeham..Urmm.. I`m only here to return your part of the deal.

You have the right to be mad. But to be fair, this prize belongs to you. Apart of the deal..

Thanks Dina. You know what. I am not mad anymore. I forgive you.

and I want us to be friends again.

Thank God, Hey, How about you joined me , Kamal and Azlan at the dance studio?

Hey sure! I`ll be there.

Great I see you there!

So what are you thinking?

Nothing. Life is more beautiful if all things are not taken serious.

That is all what on my mind right now.

It seems your father raised you well.


What did you called me? You called me "MOM"?

Sometimes,I questioned myself.Why would you leave us.Everyday.

don't miss us?Don't you want to be with us

That's my biggest question of your past actions.

If I have the chance to improve my relationship with your father

I would definitely take the opportunity without any hesitation, but the I can`t

But why mom? Don't you want to be with Dad..Be with me, your own son!

Mommy , mommy,there you are it is time to go home.

Mommy, let`s go home, I want to watch Frozen.

Yes honey, Wait. Mommy is thanking this man, for showing mommy the directions.

Go along. I`ll be there soon.

So that is my step sister?

Mom take care. Take care of your daughter and your new family.

Don`t worry Ardeham.You have my words.See you again. My son.

For more infomation >> MMH : Peluang Versi Habbo - Duration: 46:02.


Anushka Sharma 10 UNUSUAL SELFIES that proves she is the Queen of #Selfies - Duration: 1:21.

Anushka Sharma 10 UNUSUAL SELFIES that proves she is the Queen of #Selfies

For more infomation >> Anushka Sharma 10 UNUSUAL SELFIES that proves she is the Queen of #Selfies - Duration: 1:21.


Park Hyung Sik Proves He Is A True Gentleman To Park Bo Young - Duration: 1:28.

Park Hyung Sik Proves He Is A True Gentleman To Park Bo Young

Park Hyung Sik is being praised for his gentlemanly manners during a recent fan meet and greet, and fans can't get enough of it.

Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young, stars of JTBC's hit comedy series Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, recently attended a fan meet and greet for the Korea Travel Fair in Singapore where fans found a new reason to fall in love with the pair.

Seems like the two have great chemistry on-screen and off-screen!. While attempting to get comfortable, Bo Young could be seen struggling with a chair that was too tall for her small figure, causing her legs to not touch the ground.

The actress attempted to lower her chair, but the chair would not move. Seeing his co-star struggle and being the gentleman that he is, Park Hyung Sik lowered his chair and exchanged seats with Bo Young without saying a word.

After switching seats with Bo Young, Hyung Sik further proved his gentlemanliness when he also gave Bo Young a blanket to cover her legs.

Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young looked super cute as they greeted the hundreds of onlookers.

Fans have been enamored of the pair's chemistry on and off-screen and have been rooting for the pair to start a real-life romance since Hyung Sik admitted his ideal type was exactly like Bo Young and Park Bo Young confessed she's had her eye on him for years.

For more infomation >> Park Hyung Sik Proves He Is A True Gentleman To Park Bo Young - Duration: 1:28.


Is it Any Good? E.L.F Studio Contour Palette - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Is it Any Good? E.L.F Studio Contour Palette - Duration: 3:31.


THAAD battery in Korea is operational, has initial operational capability: U.S. officials - Duration: 0:29.

The U.S. military's THAAD missile defense system in South Korea is now partially operational.

According to several U.S. officials who asked not to be named, the system has achieved initial

intercept capability.

However, it's expected to take several more months for the battery to become fully operational.

The development is likely to further anger China, which has been staunchly opposed to

the basing of THAAD on the Korean Peninsula.

For more infomation >> THAAD battery in Korea is operational, has initial operational capability: U.S. officials - Duration: 0:29.


Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.

Turkmenistan, a former Soviet Republic that gained independence in 1991, is set to hold

its first international sports event this September.

Korea's martial art, Taekwondo, is among the 21 indoor games and martial arts set to feature.

Our Kim Hyesung reports.

"Ashgabat 2017, the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games is less than five months away,

and here at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex, Turkmenistan's national Taekwondo team is

training hard."

Front kick, spinning, left and right, with a shout.

Young, fit, Turkmen Taekwondo masters in their crisp white "Dobok" uniforms practice various

moves, a sport that requires balance, speed and technique.

"2017 Indoor and Martial Arts games is very important game for me.

Especially, from Korea, our coach Jaesoong Lee, we have training with him everyday, in

morning and every evening, in morning, we do running we do physical training and with

him evening, we do basic training, technique training, spinning.

I hope that on the competition, I will take a gold medal."

Turkmenistan formed its Taekwondo national team in 2000, but the Central Asian country

has yet to win a medal in an international event.

Yet coach Lee Jae-soong, who joined the team in February, is very optimistic.

"The Turkmen athletes have great potential as they are very young.

Some even have experience in international events like the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

I'm trying to train them techniques that suit their body type.

For tall athletes, higher kicks to the head, for shorter athletes, back kicks, which now

also get you two points."

The main objective of Taekwondo is to kick the opponent on the scoring areas like the

head and the body during three two-minute rounds.

The rules changed earlier this year; kicks to the head are still three points and punches

one point, but kicks to the body are now worth two points instead of one, making the sport

more dynamic and active.

The fifth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, showcasing 21 different sports, will take

place from September 17th to the 27th in Ashgabat.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

For more infomation >> Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.


Preliminary hearing for Park Geun-hye criminal trial begins - Duration: 0:38.

The pre-trial hearing for the impeached former president Park Geun-hye got underway just

a little over two hours ago.

The Seoul Central District Court is reviewing the charges against Park before the trial

begins in earnest, which is expected to take place sometime later this month.

The ousted former leader is facing 18 criminal charges including bribery, abuse of power

and leaking state secrets.

Park is not required to attend the pre-trial hearing and is not expected in court today.

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