Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 31 2017

























For more infomation >> CNN Fires Kathy Griffin From New Year's Eve Show For Trump Stunt - Duration: 0:38.


Scientists Hunt for Hypothetical Fifth Force of Nature - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Scientists Hunt for Hypothetical Fifth Force of Nature - Duration: 0:58.


Can Gal Gadot Make Wonder Woman a Hero for Our Time? | Mlog TV - Duration: 8:01.

Can Gal Gadot Make Wonder Woman a Hero for Our Time?

Wonder Woman squared her shoulders, stared grimly across a war-torn desolation, then began to sprint, holding her shield high against a rain of bullets coming from German guns.

"Yes! Go, Gal!" shrieked Patty Jenkins, director of the new "Wonder Woman," who was wrapped in a duvet-thick coat and staring at the action on a monitor.

Minutes later, Gal Gadot (pronounced "gah-DOTE"), the Israeli actress who plays the title superhero, was being draped in her own padded coat and given a hot drink while her hair and headpiece were adjusted. Gadot said with a smile.

The temperature was hovering just above freezing on a February morning last year, outside the Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden, England, and Ms.

Gadot, clad in Wonder Woman's outfit of leather bustier, very brief skirt and knee-high boots, had just finished the umpteenth take of her heroic dash across a stretch of muddy ground.

"The cold, ugh, that was the hardest thing about shooting the movie," Ms. Gadot said during an interview in Los Angeles in early March.

Tall and rangy, she was eight months pregnant (she has since given birth to her second daughter), with hair scraped back in a ponytail and her face free of makeup.

Eagerly eating eggs and fruit ("I'm starving all the time"), she chatted easily about the role that might turn her into a household name after "Wonder Woman" is released on June 2.

The film will be the first superhero movie in over a decade to feature a woman as its title character, and the first time a female director will be in charge of such a film.

And it will also be the first time that Wonder Woman — a seminal character dating from 1941 in the DC Comics universe — will be the star of a feature film.

Male characters from the same stable, on the other hand, are consistently rebooted, reflecting the general belief that the audience for superhero movies is mostly male.

"I think what the studio realized was that they had an asset to exploit, to pull in a larger section of the populace that would ordinarily not be our demographic for that kind of film," said Charles Roven, a producer of the film.

"When you open your eyes to that opportunity, you get excited about it.". Daniel Loria, an editorial director at Boxoffice Media, said statistics suggested that the audience for superhero movies "is not as male dominated as one might think.

"'Ghostbusters' last summer had a big pushback; a segment of a more extreme audience found it sacrilegious that women would be cast," Mr Loria said. "But we're not seeing that internet fanboy outrage over 'Wonder Woman.'".

Though the track record for female-led superhero movies is mixed — "Catwoman" bombed in 2004, but "Elektra" did O.K. the next year — the stubborn perception remains that fans don't turn out for these films.

Asked whether she felt the pressure of being the first actress in a long time to carry a live-action superhero movie, Ms. "When you put it like that, yes!" she said.

"But at the end of the day, that can't be something that drives me. I tried to focus on what is important for me: the heart of the character, and how to deliver the best result in the most interesting way.".

Gadot, who made her first appearance as Wonder Woman in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (the second in the Warner Bros. DC Extended Universe series), is little-known to moviegoers and represents a gamble for the studio.

Mr Roven declined to give a specific budget for the film but said it was "at the low end of what these movies cost." "Batman v Superman" was estimated to cost around $250 million.

But Doug Creutz, a media analyst at Cowen and Company, said that because Wonder Woman was such a well-known character, he didn't think that audiences would necessarily care about a big-name actor in the role.

"In some ways, I think there is an advantage to casting someone unknown; when it's Ben Affleck playing Batman, it's hard not to look at that and see Ben Affleck," he said. He added that Warner Bros.

had a lot riding on the film, apart from having a female lead. "The first two films in the series, 'Man of Steel' and 'Batman v Superman,' did well but were panned by critics," he said.

"So I think the pressure is on to make a better movie, or they risk burning out interest in their universe.".

Gadot, who grew up in a small town near Tel Aviv, "in a very normal family," said she had never aspired to be an actress when growing up, although she always enjoyed performing and took dance classes from an early age.

"For a while, I wanted to be a choreographer," she said.

After finishing high school, she was persuaded to enter the Miss Israel contest; to her shock, she won, and subsequently spent a few months modeling before becoming a combat instructor in the Israeli Army during her two years of mandatory service.

After leaving the military, she started law school. "A casting director saw my card at my modeling agency and wanted me to test for a Bond girl," she recalled.

"I said, 'I'm not an actress, it's in English, it's pointless.' I literally went to keep my agent happy." She didn't get the part (it went to Olga Kurylenko), but the process of callbacks and screen tests awoke her interest in acting.

She started to take acting classes, and several months later she was cast in an Israeli television series, then landed a role in the "Fast and Furious" franchise. "I was very lucky, but I don't feel like I just blew up," Ms.

"I got to a point, just before 'Wonder Woman,' when I had so many almosts — great audition, great camera tests, but always the runner-up — that I was ready to give up and go back to law school.".

For more infomation >> Can Gal Gadot Make Wonder Woman a Hero for Our Time? | Mlog TV - Duration: 8:01.


UK Election 2017: What Does Jeremy Corbyn ACTUALLY Stand For? - Duration: 10:04.

What does Jeremy Corbyn ACTUALLY Stand For? You've probably heard a lot of nice things about Jeremy Corbyn. You've probably been told that He's the anti establishment candidate in this election, He's kind he's honest and he wants to talk to and help real people. All left wing propoganda In this video I'm going to tell you the truth about Jeremy Corbyn and reveal to you what he actually stands for. I'm going to make some comments about him that if you're a Corbyn fan you're not going to like. I want to go as in depth as possible so this video will be long but it has to be. Any statements that I make shall and always will be backed up with evidence. But you're only every going to hear the truth if you watch to the end. So let's get to it. I think that Jeremy Corbyn is not only a terrorist sympathising Marxist and an anti-Semite, but that he wants to turn the UK into a socialist utopia, where certain, let's say lazy people can get whatever they want for free without having to put in any effort in, whilst a small minority that help fuel our economy, that help contribute to our country being a leader in the world, get punished. He's already said that he wants to tax the rich more, and independent organisations have said that the Labour party's plans will increase tax to a level last seen in the 1940s 'Let's tax the rich more' That simple way to appeal to the lowest common denominator You want their money I'll steal it off them for you Policies like these tap into held feelings of covetousness, jealousy so to say, and they only help to stoke class prejudice. We should aspire to be successful, not to want to take things which belong to other people. Not only is this deeply immoral but it is turn reflective of the same deeply held views that Karl Marx had. I do quite honestly think that Jeremy Corbyn is a marxist or at the bare minimum that he is influenced by him. For starters let's see how he reacts when Andrew Marr asks him whether or not he's a Marxist. (Marr interview) What a brilliant response Little tip Jeremy. In fact a tip for everybody if anybody ever asks if you adhere to a poltical theory that has led to more deaths that Nazism, my instinct would be not to delay your response, or say that 'Britian can learn from' said theory that has led to more deaths than Nazism, but to answer straight away with a no. Now before anyone tries to assert that the communist dictatorships that killed millions weren't Marxist, they weren't doing what Marx wanted It wasn't real communism, Marx's words were changed by Stalin and Mao, They're the bad people Corbyn did not support them etc etc. Just shut up honestly. You're wrong and in denial. Marx called for a revolution clearly and directly in many of his books, therefore condoning death and destruction that came out of said revolution Plus he was quite willing to call for quote 'revolutionary holocaust' in which 'the classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life... must perish'. So you can't ever make the argument that Marxism is that far removed from Stalinism Maoism etc. If you are making that argument then you haven't read any books by Marx. So saying that, for Corbyn to support a man like this is totally and utterly ridiculous. What would be the reaction if Andrew Marr had asked Theresa May if she was a Nazi, and she had responded, 'I haven't read Mein Kampf in while', 'Britain can learn from Hiter' What would be the reaction? Uproar of course. Why isn't there the same reaction here, when Jeremy Corbyn says such things? It's not just him either, listen to what his clsoest comrades think (diane abbott clip) (john mcoddnel clip) Also Corbyn is quite willing to praise Communist leaders like Fidel Castro as quote 'champions of social justice' (insert image) Fidel Castro was personally responsible for a number of firing squads which killed thousands of people, let alone that he openly pushed for an ideology which has killed millions more. Now, again imagine if the tables were turned again. Imagine if say Theresa May had praised Anders Brevik example as a champion of Islamic integration She would have to resign. But no, because Corbyn is the lovechild of the hard left, he stays in place and could quite literally hold the keys to Downing Street in a week or sos time. Unfortunately there is more Corbyn called Hamas, 'friends' and of course now denies it but I can assure you he meant it. The slant put on this by Corbyn and his allies has been that he only did it to promote peace in the region, to promote a two state solution. Now this is of course ridiculous. You can watch video after video showing evidence of Israel being the first to come the table and always wanting a two state solution to the conflict. Eventually however the Arabs and Palestinians started electing quite horrible organisatios to lead their countries, quite antisemtic even. Organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah So this is where Corbyn's lie shines through. He says that he wanted a two state solution yet never called Israel his friends, in fact he only supported these militant organisations in Hamas and Hezbollah, whilst calling Israeli politicians criminals. If you wanted peace in the region mr Corbyn, then you should have tried to bring both sides together, instead you spent your time demonising Israeli politicians and befriending terrorist groups, hell bent on the destruction of Israel. Let me remind you what Hamas represents Hamas is an orginisation which has in it's constitution a promise to destroy the state of Israel. Did you know that Israel's got a lot of Jews in it. Hamas' policy here would kill a lot of Jews To support an organisation like this along with its policies makes Jeremy Corbyn an anti semite. Luckily for Jeremy Corbyn he has a lot of company on the hard left, for example his good friend Ken Livingstone called the creation of the state of Israel a 'great catastrophe'. Now to the IRA I want to show you a clip featuring Jeremy Corbyn from Sky News and Channel 4s Battle for No 10 programme Just watch how Jeremy Corbyn reacts to this man after he asks him about his support for the IRA (insert clip) It has nothing to do with as Corbyn says in the clip 'peace' it all stems from the kind of left wing thought that many people my age are drip fed from a very early age. This is actually quite a hard concept for many people to wrap their heads round but I'll have a go Left wing thought or at least modern left wing thought is rooted in the belief that people cannot make descions themselves, it's the environment around them that causes them to do things. This is where you get bogus claims saying things like poverty causes crime, and a lot of indentity politics comes form this strain of thought It's one of the reasons why so many young people are left wing We are so coseted at this age that we can't bear to understand that humans are innately bad and that we make bad descions that we have to take the consequences for. But the young want free stuff and can't be bothered going out there and get it on their own so they vote left wing. This is part of the reason why Corbyn does not believe in the concept of self responsibility, This lack of belief in social responsibility is also why Corbyn believes that IRA terrorists killed innocent civilians not because they chose to out of their sick depraved view of the world, but because of the British government. For example in 1987 Corbyn signed a parliamentary motion just weeks after the 1987 Enniskillen Poppy Day massacre blaming the UK government's involvement in Northern Ireland for it. The massacre killed 11 people and left 68 people dead I hope from watching this video you've drawn the same conclusion as me. That Jeremy Corbyn is a wolf in sheeps clothing. A left wing extremist who sympathises with terrorists and mass murders, whilst at the same time promulgating ideologies which have led to the deaths of millions. There is something innately cowardly about Jeremy Corbyn, a man who preaches such hateful thigns and then lies to make sure the truth never gets out I don't understand why he seems to get so much support from people my age, who don't fully understand what they're voting for. How can you support a man like this? Okay so you thing the UK has a housing crisis, we need to stop climate change, the Tories are cutting welfare, we need to stop getting involved in wars abroad etc. But what drives you to then support a man like this? Please think twice about voting for this man.

For more infomation >> UK Election 2017: What Does Jeremy Corbyn ACTUALLY Stand For? - Duration: 10:04.


Learn Colors for Children Body Paint with Play Doh Stars & Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:42.

Welcome MTOYS Channel

Learn Colors for Children Body Paint with Play Doh Stars & Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children Body Paint with Play Doh Stars & Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:42.


Home Remedies For Toothache, Toothache Remedy For Instant Pain Relief, Toothache Relief - Duration: 3:40.

Are you looking for Home Remedies for Toothache?

What is toothache actually?

A toothache happens when pulp becomes irritated or inflamed.

Main causes of toothaches are sometimes cavities, an infection, an exposed tooth root, a cracked

tooth, gum disease, a loose filling, or jaw joint disorder.

Toothaches can be mild soreness or an unbearable throbbing pain in your teeth or around your


There are several nerve endings in pulp that are highly sensitive.

Pulp can become irritated for many reasons as mention above.

Until you can see the dentist, these home remedies can provide toothache relief.


Rinse With Salt Water.

Placing hot or cold water in your mouth may cause a shock to your already sensitive tooth.

Rinsing with warm salt water may be helpful.

Mix a couple teaspoons of table salt in a glass of warm water, and then try swishing

the mixture in your mouth.

In addition to easing the pain and cleaning the infected areas, the salt also helps to

draw out excess fluid around the swollen gum tissues.


Clove oil.

Cloves are a traditional remedy for numbing nerves; the primary chemical compound of this

spice is eugenol, a natural anesthetic.

But clove oil needs to be used carefully.

Pouring the oil on the aching area can actually worsen the pain if you get it on sensitive

gum tissue or on your tongue.

Instead, put two drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and place it against the tooth itself

until the pain recedes.

In a pinch, use a bit of powdered clove or place a whole clove on the tooth.

Chew the whole clove a little to release its oil and keep it in place up to half an hour

or until the pain subsides.


Hydrogen Peroxide.

There's probably a bottle sitting in your medicine cabinet right now.

Hydrogen peroxide is a common home remedy for dental problems.

It's not clear whether it will ease your toothache, but it's a powerful, proven germ


Be sure to mix the peroxide with water.

It'll harm teeth and gums if it's used at full strength.


Apply Ice to Stop Inflammation.

The presence of cold helps to curb pain and swelling in superficial nerves, so applying

an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the face may help numb the pain.

You should, however, never apply ice directly to the tooth.

Even very cold drinks may cause pain if the root is going bad; this also applies to hot

drinks and sugary foods.



When you crush one of these cloves, you release allicin, an oily liquid and natural disease


Will it ease the ache?

That's not clear, but researchers say the oil has been used to help heal diseased teeth

in children.

Chew a piece of garlic, or place chopped bits on your tooth.

It's safe -- except, of course, for your breath.


Apply pressure.

Try an acupressure technique to stop tooth pain fast.

With your thumb, press the point on the back of your other hand where the base of your

thumb and your index finger meet.

Apply pressure for about two minutes.

This helps trigger the release of endorphin, the brain's feel-good hormones.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies For Toothache, Toothache Remedy For Instant Pain Relief, Toothache Relief - Duration: 3:40.


Palavras difíceis para americana / Hard words for an American in Portuguese - Duration: 10:34.

What's up guys, today we

decided to record in Portuguese because A

will tell us what hardest words are

for her in Portuguese.

I recorded a video a week ago,

you can click on the link up here, do not

click now, click after. A: After, watch this first

watch this first and then click. I made a video speaking of

the words that I avoid to say

in English

and today she will say the words that she

has difficulties saying in Portuguese

be nice to me, I haven't

lived in Brazil for a long time and also

I think I am forgetting all of my Portuguese

so be nice, please

but before we start, don't forget to

click on the like button

give us a thumbs up and

subscribe on the channel as well to receive notifications

when we post new videos, don't forget to click on

What is it called? Bell? A: I don't know how to say it in Portuguese

could be

R: Click on A: The thing

that makes the noise

I forgot it in Portuguese.

but anyway

A separated a few words that she has difficulties with

do you want to read it or do you want me to say?

if you want, you can

A: say first R actually, you read first and then

we say it. A: So,

I think some of these words

I improved my pronunciation a little bit

but when I started learning

I couldn't always say it, sometimes if I am speaking fast

I still cannot say it.

The first, hair stylist

you said it correct

now yes, because I read just a few minutes ago

and also I was listening

A: someone saying this word R: so you are cheating

you did the same thing with your video

I did that just with one word, you did with all of your words


R: yes A: no....

What is the difficulty with this word?

hair stylist

because you... My tongue doesn't want to

make this type of sound,

it is very hard because we don't have this type of sound in English

so when I started learning I always said


Something very bad

hair stylist, hair stylist, hair stylist

it is hard because the "REIRO"

"RA RE RI RO RU", there is many R's

A: I don't think I can do that either R: with the sound I that we have

I don't even know it is, we roll the tongue to say the R

and it has this sound that I think you

I cannot do it

you don't have this sound in English, right?


This one, I don't know what

I am doing wrong

because all the time that I want to say better,

people think that I am saying


now I think I am saying it correct

A: Say it for me R: Bigger

It doesn't have....

Well, but!!...

there were so many

times that

I was trying to say

better/best that people

bigger? Bigger? There was a time

that I was in the school that I worked for, I was

saying that I needed a better copy

and she thought that I was saying bigger


then every time that she gave me a paper

she gave me a copy of the image

very big, and I thinking, what is that?



It is difficult, you know?!

but are the words with R in the end hard for you?

yeah, any word that

has R, it is very hard R: Say R


for example, I want to say the word door

like a "paulista" (person from São Paulo), right

I cannot say it like a "mineiro" (person from Minas Gerais). Say door for me


I cannot do that door, door

doooor, door


you almost said a word very bad

oh, no, see

I have to say door

yeah, but

I am speaking "trenzinho", "tiquinho" (slang specifically from Minas Gerais) and then door

it is weird, correct?

you are leaving from Minas Gerais and going to Sao Paulo

the next

I know the word, I can write it down

this word but every time that I try to say it

I say it wrong R: what is the word?


blen, blender




A: with D? R: mhmm A:B-l-e-n-d-e-r

I almost never say this word

every time that I am talking with someone about cooking

I say, you know that

that machine, that you make smoothies with?

that's what I want to say

because each time

it is kind of a tongue twister for me

A: Blender R:you learned it

after more than 3-4 years

R: Blender... What is the difficulty? A: I don't even know

I think it is because of

blender, you are forgetting the "di"

I will forget next time that I use this word

I think all of your family already knows that I say

R:Now you have learned it A: Now I know

the next

I think this issue is very comum

for people that speak English

when you have a work with '~'

the accent

kind of... bread

hand, something like that

there was a time that I wanted to say ring

but I was thinking that everything had nasal sound

right, then I was talking with my coworkers

Ah... I want to buy a ring

but I don't know what type,

size of the ring, I don't know

the type of ring she likes and then

after a time I saw that I was saying something wrong

because they were looking at me a little

weird, but I didn't care

it is just because my accent

and then after a while my coworker said


do you want say

ring or dwarf?

and I, what is the difference?

I was saying dwarf the whole time

It happens

with everybody A: the words are very

hard, in Portuguese there are many words

with the nasal sound that if you don't

correctly it mean another thing

this one

I am still afraid to say it

every time, actually

I try not to say it, so...




which one do you want to say?


you say coconut instead of coconut

you say


no... because these words are similar

they are very similar, right?

How do you say it? What is the difference?

R: Of what? A:what the difference between the words?

Poop is the thing that you don't eat, right?

Yeah... well... i don't think so

unless there is someone that eats it

so coconut that doesn't eat

and that we eat


coconut is what we eat

coconut you eat, so what is the other one?

R: poop A: it is the same word guys

no... coconut

what is the one that you say now R: coconut

well, but I even know, I wrote it but I don't know

poop, coconut

say this one, coconut


this one A: coconut


it is the same word

no, the end changes


as you can see

A: I don't say these words R: You don't say poop?


because I am afraid

give me a coconut

ok guys, is there any word

that you have difficul..

another word here, difficulties pronouncing

English or if you are foreigner learning

learning Portuguese, is there any word

that you have dificulties pronouncing?

so if you have diffi... this

word as well. If you have

difficulties to say

any word in English or in Portuguese if you are learning

Portuguese like me

leave a comment below and maybe we will

make another video of me trying

to pronounce the same word in Portuguese or maybe of R

trying to say the word

in English. R: Leave a comment and we will

try to make another video or you speak another language

and you want us

try to say it

the word in your language, leave below as well


leave any thing

in short words, in short words,

leave, write anything down there

so... see you next time,

thank you

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