Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

TWICE's Tzuyu Is Defying Traditional Beauty Standards And Fans Are Loving It

Although TWICE is known for being a group of visuals, maknae Tzuyu has been touted as their visual member – and it looks like she's only growing more beautiful as time passes! 

Ever since TWICE's Mnet survival show SIXTEEN, Tzuyu has been praised for her beauty.

In fact, although she's still just 17 years old (international age), Tzuyu has been at the center of more than a dozen CFs already and has even received international viral attention for her stunning visuals.

In addition to having a fair complexion and model-like height, Tzuyu is also known for her healthy image and amazing proportions.

Rather than adhering to the incredibly strict Korean beauty standards, Tzuyu has proven that female idols can be beautiful without having to starve themselves, even earning the title of the "goddess of eating" along the way.

Check out some photos of Tzuyu's evolving beauty below:.

Tzuyu gained immediate attention for her visuals during SIXTEEN.

She's always been known for her tall frame and toned legs.

Her visuals are only getting better!.

She definitely doesn't skip leg day.

Her legs are long and strong.

Tzuyu waves at fans at Incheon International Airport after coming back from Singapore.

For more infomation >> TWICE's Tzuyu Is Defying Traditional Beauty Standards And Fans Are Loving It - Duration: 1:56.


Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.

Turkmenistan, a former Soviet Republic that gained independence in 1991, is set to hold

its first international sports event this September.

Korea's martial art, Taekwondo, is among the 21 indoor games and martial arts set to feature.

Our Kim Hyesung reports.

"Ashgabat 2017, the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games is less than five months away,

and here at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex, Turkmenistan's national Taekwondo team is

training hard."

Front kick, spinning, left and right, with a shout.

Young, fit, Turkmen Taekwondo masters in their crisp white "Dobok" uniforms practice various

moves, a sport that requires balance, speed and technique.

"2017 Indoor and Martial Arts games is very important game for me.

Especially, from Korea, our coach Jaesoong Lee, we have training with him everyday, in

morning and every evening, in morning, we do running we do physical training and with

him evening, we do basic training, technique training, spinning.

I hope that on the competition, I will take a gold medal."

Turkmenistan formed its Taekwondo national team in 2000, but the Central Asian country

has yet to win a medal in an international event.

Yet coach Lee Jae-soong, who joined the team in February, is very optimistic.

"The Turkmen athletes have great potential as they are very young.

Some even have experience in international events like the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

I'm trying to train them techniques that suit their body type.

For tall athletes, higher kicks to the head, for shorter athletes, back kicks, which now

also get you two points."

The main objective of Taekwondo is to kick the opponent on the scoring areas like the

head and the body during three two-minute rounds.

The rules changed earlier this year; kicks to the head are still three points and punches

one point, but kicks to the body are now worth two points instead of one, making the sport

more dynamic and active.

The fifth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, showcasing 21 different sports, will take

place from September 17th to the 27th in Ashgabat.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

For more infomation >> Turkmenistan's taekwondo team gearing up for Ashgabat 2017 - Duration: 2:27.


Mal Saves Vampire Ben - Part 6 - Vampires Moana Descendants Disney - Duration: 8:06.

Disney Doll Story

I bring you, Audrey's blood.

Put it in the cauldron.

Now the magic ring is ready.

Is this mean Ben can walk under the sun?

Yes, but he is still a vampire.

This ring will not cure his hunger for blood.

But with this ring, nobody will know he's a vampire.

That's right.

Mal, it's almost sunrise.

We have to get back to Ben.

Thanks for the ring, Draculara.

You are welcome.

If you need help, come anytime.

Here comes the sun.

Ahhhhh...I'm burning under the sun.

King Beast will come here soon to pick you up.

What will you do?

I don't know.

But he can't know I'm a vampire.

Ben, you need to get inside.

Or you'll burn to ashes under the sun.

Why don't you just tell him that you are a vampire?

I can't.

He is a king.

He promised to his people that he will catch all vampires.

Even if it means his own son?

I don't want to put him in a situation where he has to choose between me and his people.

Stop it.

You are only hurting yourself.

You can't walk under the sun no matter how hard you try.

I have to be there at Moana's ceremony or people will get suspicious.

There might be a way.

What is it?

There is an underground network of sewers.

I heard there was a secret underground tunnel.

Do you know the way?

I think I can figure it out.

Uh oh, Kakamoras.


We have Kakamoras waiting for us out there.

They must have heard the rumours that we have a magic ring.

Can we outrun them?

No, their ship is way bigger than ours.

I can't lose this ring.

Surrender now.

Give us your magic ring or suffer the consequence.

Moana, you have to lure them away from me.

What are you planning to do?

I have a small sail boat.

You can take the boat.

Moana, you lure away the Kakamoras.

I'll take the small sail boat and sneak out after you.

Anything and everything that are rare and valuable are all ours.

Surrender yourself.


Good luck.

I'll lure away the Kakamoras.


Be safe.

I think it's this way.

Are you sure?

I think we've been down this tunnel already., we are not lost.

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

I swear I thought I saw someone over there.

It's probably a rat.

There are lots of rats down here.

This way.

It looks like this is an abandoned part of the tunnel.

Help me open this gate.

It looks like nobody opened it for centuries.

This is probably the secret entrance to the palace.

It's definitely this way.

Let's go.

I think Kakamoras left.

Here is the boat.

Thanks for everything.

Be safe.

It's a small boat, so it's a little slow.


I'll manage.


Found it.

We did it.

It's the palace.


You are already here.

I was going to pick you up.

No need dad.

What about Moana?

Is she here too?

She should be here soon.

What a lovely day, King Beast.

Good day.

I can't wait to meet Moana.

It's a lovely party.

Where is Moana?

Everyone is so excited to meet Moana.

She hasn't arrived yet.

But she should be here soon.

Ben, Ben.

I came here as fast as I could.

How did you get to the palace?

Underground tunnels.

Where is Mal?

We met Kakamoras on our way.

We got separated at sea.

Hmmmm...I hope she is ok.

Ah, there you are.

Let's go.

People are waiting to meet you, Moana.

I present to you.

Moana of Motonui.

Thanks for making me feel so welcome here everyone.

Ahhhhh What's that scream?

King Beast.

Come quickly.

There is another vampire incident.

Oh no.

Someone attacked me from behind and then and then she started to drink my blood...

It must be Audrey.

We need to search the palace.



I better call Audrey.

Audrey, where are you?

I haven't left the castle.

There is another vampire here at the palace other than me.

The bell is ringing.

This bell only rings if there is a vampire nearby.

Oh no, Ben.

We have to get you away from that bell.

Secure the palace.

No one leaves until we catch the vampire.

Oh, I'm late.

The party must have started already.

Open the door please.

Let me get in.

Ahhh...the door is locked.

We are getting close.

There is a vampire here in this room.


This window is open.

If I can just climb in.



Ha Ha.

Mal I brought you your magic ring.




You saved me.

Hmmm...the bell is no longer ringing.

It seems the vampire left.

But how?

All doors and windows are locked.

No one can leave.

there is a window open here.

The vampire must have escaped through this window.

Ben, you know what this means.

There is another vampire.

Not you.

Not Audrey.

One more.

For more infomation >> Mal Saves Vampire Ben - Part 6 - Vampires Moana Descendants Disney - Duration: 8:06.


Aloha Business English Episode 5 - "How to Help People" - Duration: 2:22.

Aloha! Welcome to Aloha business English, I'm Erick.

I'm Danny.

And today's topic is, "How to help others, finding their pain or pleasure".

A big part of building a good relationship with someone

is finding their pain and pleasure

try to solve their problems if you can.

So how do you do this when networking, when you meet someone.

You have to listen. Ask more questions than talking.

So ask them question, listen

and listen to see what they need or what

things excites them and how you can help them.

Most likely you'll find out what the

other person is looking for. If you can

help directly solve their problems, great!

But if you can't, maybe you know

somebody else, who can solve their problem

and you can refer them to that person.

That's the usually way. So for example:

Danny, my car just broke down. I have no

mechanic friends, I don't know if there's

a good mechanic to go to.

Oh well I do know a great mechanic and I'll give you his number.

Great thank you so much.

And that's how you help each other. If you

can't directly help, you can always

introduce someone to help.

By helping people solve their problems they'll be thankful for you.

They'll be thinking of you in the future and they'll want to

reciprocate that help to you, in case

you're ever in need of help. Solving a problem

and introducing somebody to help them it's a win-win situation

There you have it, how to help others find their pain or pleasure

and find out how to solve it.

Thank you for watching this episode and

our next video we'll talk about ways of

introducing other people and we

like to thank our sponsors iProperties

for letting as use their beautiful place.

Send us a message on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

See you next time. Aloha!

For more infomation >> Aloha Business English Episode 5 - "How to Help People" - Duration: 2:22.


The Mick | Motherhood is Logical - Duration: 5:25.

Where do you think you're going?

-School. -Oh, I don't think so.

(laughing): No.

-Not today. -ALBA: Mm.

I'm punishing you.

For what?

For... be-- for being dicks.

On The Mick, Mickey is a grifter and petty criminal who finds herself the surrogate parent

to her niece and nephews, a troublesome trio she's barely met,

socioeconomic distance ever affording physical distance.

Together, they do, or are subjected to, unexpected, sometimes eye-popping things,

and the crassness of the show's humor doesn't, seemingly,

deliberately cross the line into the offensive.

Whether or not it actually does is individually decided, of course,

but there's an overriding sensitivity to its timbre

which might faster be attributed to a softening cultural climate, as we talked about earlier,

as opposed to a metatextual move from FXX to FOX.

Part of this sensitivity then comes directly out of the premise,

that in tracking Mickey's journey, we are ingratiated to motherhood

in a way that responds mathematically to the tropes of nag and henpeck -- with logic.

The TV mom yells at the kid just as she yells at the husband, becoming his mother also

and providing the moral center by discouraging the fun.

And then, at the end, she rounds back for an "I told you so."

She's monolithic as stretched across the television landscape,

ever reincarnated and dutifully catalogued on TV Tropes, understood only in resignation,

and contributing further to our troubling eye toward women in media, and beyond.

Mickey is not necessarily a revision of this TV mom,

being more reconstruction than deconstruction.

The television pattern she instead takes after is that of millennial hand-wringing,

the anxious fascination with parenthood exhibited in Master of None's first episode,

or the comedy of Aziz Ansari generally.

He'll point at something adult-related and say, you know, "Isn't that crazy?

Could you imagine?"

Adults are frequently coming of age in sitcoms,

bridging the gap between childhood and adulthood by making irrelevant the measure of age.

And so, the housewife's "Clean up this mess!" becomes the millennial's

"Clean up this mess, I just stepped on a goddamn burrito."

Of course, also, Mickey clashes with the children's callous affluence,

bringing her increasingly counterfeit street smarts to bear,

but she's also just pushed to the edges of her patience in the day-to-day.

This is the direct route to normalizing motherhood,

where we the audience are just as frustrated by over-the-top irresponsibility

and begin learning how to identify where less over-the-top irresponsibility exists.

Suddenly, the nagging and the bitching makes sense,

and could probably be termed as the 'guiding' and the 'encouraging' instead.

The Mick is by no means a responsible depiction of actual motherhood.

Mickey and the cast trade in often horrifically violent felonies

and neglect their youngest far past the joke.

The episodic structure eschews consequence and thereby erases cause and effect.

This is, at the risk of sounding precious, baby steps.

In episode 109, "The Mess," Mickey begins by lamenting

how becoming an authority figure is self-betrayal,

and she ends by spanking her young nephew in public.

In a show where a man is tackled by a pony so hard he vomits blood

and another guy takes a high heel to the eye, this is the most stunning moment.

It's well-directed and performed, characterizing this expression of motherhood

as understandable but still very much an attack, something uncalled for.

Mickey has room to grow in this unfamiliar space.

The answer to 109's instance of corporeal punishment is a quiet suggestion,

that solving the initial problem set by the premise will be a collaboration,

further suggesting that family is best when collaborative and not adversarial,

and possibly also indicating the show's future direction.

I assume, anyway, that things will eventually get better,

more lessons will be learned, hugs may be distributed.

This is very much a mother origin story,

and while the conflation of mothers and superheroes has always been a standby platitude,

it is also something kind of given or ascribed.

Uh, whereas, Mickey shows up, and she ascribes on her own terms, meaning she also fits in boy-chasing,

or boy-escaping, uh, schemes and exploring other areas of life, into this vision of motherhood.

Star Kaitlin Olson is also an executive producer, and that's a critical ingredient.

What would The Mick have looked like, ten, five, even two years ago?

The show exists in the context of television increasingly penned and supervised by women,

and, and while it's not doing the work of cable shows or The CW,

an imperfect feminist exercise may still have something to contribute.

You know, we don't have to agree 100% with something to agree.

The world is a dangerous place. Nobody's safe.

It does not take "a little boy in a dress" to molest your daughter.

-I use the girls' room. I could easily molest her any time I want. -RITA: Oh...

Whether or not it's effectively leaning in is another individual judgement,

and I somehow suspect we'll still see moms yell at children and manchildren

on channels where the laugh track yet exists.

What The Mick does, however, is approach that same scenario from a different perspective,

one we find surprisingly relatable, all of us, regardless of gender or age.

If we could see where the yelling comes from, why it's necessary, maybe we could, in our minds,

individuate women from that wife/mom/sitcom monolith.

-JIMMY: What's the matter with you? -Where are they?

Look what you did to my hands!

(Jimmy groans)

-(glass crunching) -(screaming)

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