Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

Greetings viewers of its channel

under the new newspaper will be the first

something filmed the shot was in Alaska

made by my grandfather in the early 1933's I

scanned image immediately

after he has given the world I would like to

to remain anonymous because I do

What to do with any research do not

I know it looks like aliens or

Bigfoot and I know that my grandfather

I lied these photos that's why

we do not think that it should be properly

their hands

I'll send this

so please

respect my private life do not mess

to me about it in advance thanks to the


name withheld only

Additional Information

found at the bottom of the full-length


which tells us the following picture was

made in the early 1930's, my grandfather's

who live in Alaska was something

first noticed when the grandfather was

coffee rub path he pursued Adygea

until he approached

close enough to make even

one shot, it was about four

months before the photo was crushed

as it was in the distant


Poster got a photo

his grandfather had only recently died and his grandfather

the next day after when his

pictures and tell about his

stories to put it mildly, I was intrigued

some mysterious message

intrigued so I

I looked at the photos and after


looking at them a few minutes later, I

I knew that it would be

to put it mildly

when I began to study in the area around

creatures, I thought to myself,

Volodya photo real

even if it can never be

It proved as a result of both

what to do

if this gentleman grandfather

really took off there is another

the world, and I looked at my proof

e excitement grew tense just thinking about

country able to prove that it is

real photos Yevkurov

face the second half

after a couple of test prints I

I was relatively pleased with the results

given that since the scanned

echo image

agrofirms about seventy years old when

I looked at some pictures

which I did, I thought that I saw

that's how

something else tons

I finally we see or think that I

Stalin was seen

even smaller objects is it possible that we

She was a woman with a child

I made it

I could have been for the results

unconvincing, I think a lot of other

alleged pictures

and how they were met with great

skepticism of other words I do not have

a clear answer as to whether that

we can see in the photo is one of those things

number one outright

hoax someone in a suit and all his

time and effort has been spent

number two one unknown creature

origin unknown

and we are on the path toward Voskresensk

number 3 we encountered beings do not look

everything is lost

and just as quickly as the beauty of FC Rotor

beholder so is the result of

It became the foundation that we have here one

last question

what it is

in any case, the final

mystery Solved

take a bath that removed the photographs

Thank you for watching

defects subscribe to my

channel, or you do not miss the new


For more infomation >> Something is filmed in Alaska. 2017 - Duration: 4:04.


The World's Softest Wool is From This Remote Isle - Duration: 5:31.

my name is Mati Ventrillon and we are

in Fair Isle, Scotland.

I'm a crafter, and a knitter

I design fair isle garments and sell them online

Fair Isle is known in the world as a

knitting technique that involves

stranded color knitting so is basically

carrying two colors together in one row

sometimes three

It's called fair isle because it originated here in the island

the Shetland wool was known for being

one of the softest wools in the world

Fair Isle belongs to the Shetland Islands

the population of sheep is a lot

higher than the human population

the making of a fair isle jumper I think it can

be divided in two different processes

one is the husbandry of the animals and

then the other one is the making of the

garments. You have a flock of sheep

looking after them feeding them make

sure that they stay healthy so that you

produce a good fleece.

Shearing. I found

that the best way to do it is by

allowing the sheep to rest on your legs

they become very docile and kind of

happy animals the moment that becomes

like a factory thing

the relationship changes completely

fleece is spread out you clean any

debris any grass you roll it in one

little bundle

then it sent out to Jameson spinning in

mainland Shetland with the Good Shepherd

they're sorted then they're graded

according to the quality of the wool

then they get processed get washed it

gets sort of pulled apart dyed, spun

twisted and then we get the cones

the cones get sent normally with the aeroplane from Tingual

into Fair Isle. I receive my yarn

with the plane I go and collect it and bring

it to my studio and then the process of

making the garment begins. It comes the

design stage I start printing together

colors and patterns and I create swatches

once the design is approved then we go

into the detailing. the Knitting process

starts with producing the ribs taken

that weave transferring it into the

flatbed knitting machine. I place all my

wools and then I start knitting the garment.

The Machine reads the solid and color.

Front, back, right sleeve, left sleeve.

All these panels get put together

the sleeves get attached by a technical

grafting, it creates an invisible thing

The seam gets sown along the slip

I produce the neck and then the neck gets

grafted into the garment.

Once the garment is knitted is the finishing

process. Trimming all the insides

you have to weave in the end. This is the moment

where I can check if there's been any

mistake on the weavings

the garment gets washed in 30 degrees temperature

put it on the stretcher and the wooly horse to dry.

Once it's dry it gets

pressed and labeled. It's normally wrapped in

brown paper parcel kind of old style

with a little string of wool.

The knitting belongs to the island. People

stop doing it, they leave the island and

someone else comes and carries on so

feeling that I'm continuing a tradition

and preserving a heritage is full of


For more infomation >> The World's Softest Wool is From This Remote Isle - Duration: 5:31.




I have been silent on social media for a while because I was going through another inner

adjustment that needed my full attention without distractions.

There was a pathway that was going in one direction and it has now turned to another

so I had to take time to see what is no longer applicable in me and find ways to ground myself

as this was the hardest thing to accomplish.

After the adjustment happened I was able to receive this download:

In my life like in all lives, there are cycles within cycles.

I am connected through my heart, I am wearing infinite layers of existence.

Connected through my heart with everything all the people, my room , my house, my city,

my country, earth solar system, galaxy, universe and multi-universes.

Including each and every being that lives in them spiralling in motion.

A cycle within a cycle that takes place within a cycle � infinity.

How is it that I keep forgetting this over and over?

Peace, like harmony and all other aspects of life are being tested in their own individual

reality in other planets in their galaxy.

Each galaxy has it�s own unique agenda.

Earth is the result of creation�s experiment made from different planets throughout existence,

where all emotions are mixed together in a space made by energy and matter.

Each emotion is a piece of this puzzle.

Melody is what keeps them together.

Melody is made by frequency.

� In Greek mythology Linus (Greek: ????? Linos) refers to the musical son of Oeagrus, nominally

Apollo, and the Muse Calliope.

As the son of Apollo and a Muse, either Calliope or Terpsichore, he is considered the inventor

of melody and rhythm.� There are patterns of communication, patterns

of rhythm that we are all tuned into and we are all so busy in our minds to see them and

feel them.

Think as ONE.

The key to higher mind is to inner-stand outer-stand over-stand and understand the process of evolution.

To do: Tame the Monkey Mind & Stop the Mental Chatter

Life is more obvious when there is silence because in this silence you have the chance

to listen to your heartbeat that keeps reminding you that it�s beating and that it has its

own brain.

The mind has other minds connected to it but the heart recognises only one organism.

The one it supplies to.

How beautiful is this?

Lately I have been questioning and analysing myself in order to come to my truth.

I wasn�t sure what I wanted to do with my life until I sat down with myself.

You know� Just to see who this self that I talk to everyday is.

I live with it for a while now and I rarely give it permission to be.

I tend to be very strict and judgmental to myself.

I let this inner me grow up with what I have been observing in my surroundings, taking

everything in to learnt how to fit in and hide my soul in this human conditioning.

In this process of learning how to play this game, I made myself forget how to connect

back to that source of infinite love, security and bliss until situations pushed me and pulled

me back to it because you know�we all have this baggage of conditioning weighting us

down but we keep on carrying it because we think we can�t live without it, without

this identity that we are all holding onto so fearfully.

We all get lost in ideas and dreams and striving to achieve things but we forget the most important

thing that can bring us back to that centre.

Pausing and realising that we ARE that moment.

We live in a moment that is us.

Sometimes as light -workers, we let things take too much time and space in our daily

existence that we allow us very little time to feel our beingness in this busy mind-looping


Simple techniques are the best solutions in this time.

Visualise and feel the oxygen that fills your lungs, the birds that are filling your day

with beautiful songs of their kind.

Walking barefoot in a forest or park feeling this land celebrating its ascension, realising

what is within and what is around you.

How much love is it included just there?

If you let go for a while you will see that everything is still there it�s not leaving

you, you can rest your being for a while and enjoy the simple but important things that

connect you with this reality on earth, this lifetime.

Click: >> HERE << to download my Free Meditation.

After some time, things cleared up and a new vision came up for me!

I am now ready and inspired building a community and this makes me happy and excited because

I feel it�s time to create the new systems and share our gifts together as one.

For more information click >> here.

The funny thing is that I would have never thought that it takes so much effort to learn

to balance my human aspect�the feeling and thinking.

What an interesting human experience!

In between the balancing of our inner forces, comes the reward of remembering more and more

of what we came here to rediscover!

Where to focus on:

What we look at reflects back to us what we need to integrate within us in order to move

to the next level.

Integrity is the aspect of being fully aligned in thought, emotion and action.

Acting with honour and take full responsibility for our choices and actions for the results

are essential for our evolution.

Go into the mechanics of how the holographic matrix of the 3D and 5D realities work and

what modalities do you want to be delivered to you, enhance, and build your brain by healing

the imaginary story that no longer is in your highest interest.

Heal yourself from any types of abandonment and remember your universal connection to

your cosmic ancestors that are watching over you.

Let�s heal this virus program that has been installed in us, reflect where you are and

handle everything you are carrying and surrender.

Let go of the need of control and trust that with conscious and random acts of kindness

you are creating your future realities.

The new Consciousness that is being born on earth right now is trying to make it clear

to us that its time to exist beyond beliefs, thoughts and emotions and bloom from within

like a flower reaching towards the sun.

Sun = light = information made of particles and light is made ofphotons.

�Einstein called these energy packets photons, and these are now recognised as a fundamental


Visible light is carried by photons, and so are all the other kinds of electromagnetic

radiation like X-rays, microwaves and radio waves.

In other words, light is a particle.

Photons are made of atoms and atoms are made of subatomic particles.

Subatomic particles are made of �

�composite subatomic particles (such as protonsor atomic nuclei) are bound states

of two or moreelementary particles.

For example, a proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark, while the atomic nucleus

of helium-4 is composed of twoprotons and two neutrons.� � wikipedia

The unit light is mesured with, is called lux.

� The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring

luminous flux per unit area.

It is equal to one lumen per square metre.

In photometry, this is used as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye,

of light that hits or passes through a surface.

� � wikipedia.

Let�s stop distracting ourselves with opinions, drama, blame etc and let�s take a few moments

each day sun-charging our light bodies and let the rays activate in us what is dormant.

For more infomation >> NEW CONSCIOUSNESS & DOWNLOADS - Duration: 10:05.


Psychiatry – Depressed Mood: By Javeed Sukhera M.D. - Duration: 3:30.

Depression is a concept that can be both a symptom and an illness.

A depressed mood is a common presenting symptom.

The term 'depressed mood' may include feeling of sadness, hopelessness, or discouragement.

A depressed mood is a key symptom in the diagnosis of a major depressive episode (MDE).

According to the DSM-5, in addition to having a depressed mood, patients must have at least

5 of the symptoms famously remembered by the SIGECAPS mnemonic.

This stands for:

Sleep disturbances Loss of Interest (anhedonia – which is a

pervasive lack of pleasure) Increased Guilt (or persistent worthlessness)

Low Energy (or high in cases of atypical depression) Loss of Concentration

Appetite changes (increase or decrease) Psychomotor disturbances, and

Suicidal ideation

In order to meet criteria for an MDE, One of the symptoms must either be a depressed

mood or anhedonia.

Symptoms must be present for the same 2 week period, represent a change from previous functioning,

cause clinically significant distress or impairment and must not be attributable to a medical

condition or direct physiological effects of a substance.

A person can be diagnosed with major depressive disorder in the presence of a MDE that is

not better accounted for by schizoaffective disorder or superimposed on schizophrenia,

delusional disorder or unspecified psychotic disorder.

In other words, other disorders may produce symptoms of an MDE.

Commonly, MDE symptoms can occur in response to a major stressor which would fall into

the category of an "adjustment disorder with depressed mood".

Also the patient must not have had previous manic or hypomanic episodes.

MDE in the presence of previous manic or hypomanic episode points to a diagnosis of bipolar affective

disorder, Type I or Type II respectively.

A depressed mood is also a criteria in the diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder

(previously referred to in the DSM-IV as dysthymia).

Here, the depressed mood must be present for most of the day, most days than not for a

period of ≥2years.

Individuals with persistent depression have a more chronic clinical picture lasting years

instead of weeks.

Other depressive disorders to be aware of include premenstrual dysphoric disorder, postpartum


Although a depressed mood is a key symptom of these psychiatric mood disorders, it is

important to recognize that it can occur as a result of normal grief, substance use, or

a general medical illness like hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Parkinson's disease,

stroke, or vitamin B12 deficiency.

For more infomation >> Psychiatry – Depressed Mood: By Javeed Sukhera M.D. - Duration: 3:30.


Angry Birds 2 - Save the Planet, Kids Games & Cartoons for Children 2017 HD part 1 - Duration: 13:58.

Angry Birds 2 - Save the Planet, Kids Games & Cartoons for Children 2017 HD part 1

Angry Birds 2 - Save the Planet, Kids Games & Cartoons for Children 2017 HD part 1

Angry Birds 2 - Save the Planet, Kids Games & Cartoons for Children 2017 HD part 1

For more infomation >> Angry Birds 2 - Save the Planet, Kids Games & Cartoons for Children 2017 HD part 1 - Duration: 13:58.


Using Color in My Wardrobe! How to Wear Color for Fashion After 50! - Duration: 8:26.

Today on fashion tips after 50

understanding the importance of color to

make you look and feel your best

well thanks for staying with us for

another segment with Scarlett, Scarlett

thanks for staying over, my pleasure

on this segment we want to talk

about really the importance of color and

dressing I know I well right now I never

have color people tell me why don't you

ever wear anything with color I don't

know why I'm resistant to it maybe I

don't know how to use color? you're not

alone a lot of women don't wear color

some sometimes there is like security

in just wearing the dark color or you

know simple you know white or black

period. The color can make all the

difference in the world first of all

when you put something on and you don't

know why you don't like how you look in

it ... there's something bothering you about it ...

a lot of times it's the color well let me

put it this way, somebody can ask you are

you feeling okay today and it could be

that you're actually fine but if you're

wearing a green that makes you look green

they're gonna want to know if you're okay interesting, okay!

It's really important and in women, look you

know colorful eyes like you it is

amazing how often they don't wear a

color to bring out the color of their

eyes, it's a lost opportunity so do wear

a color that's the color of your eye you

may be surprised when your eyes are just

sort of pop out, so when you pair when

you wear the wrong color you are

going to look sick you are going to look

older than you are

and you are going to look tired those

are three things that one never strives for

so old tired and sick

old tired and sick, and I always say

when I give presentations that if you wear

the wrong color for a few days in a row in

an office setting and you call in sick

every ones gonna go oh yeah she doesn't look too good

so you know it's really it's

amazing what color can do when you wear

the right color you are going to look

rested you are going to look healthier

and you're definitely going to look


somebody can ask you if you had any work done

so the thing about color is you want to

you want to look at your eyes

you want to look at your hair you want

to look at your skin tone and just

experiment a little bit you know I mean

I I mean I can go really in depth but

I'm going to give you like you know

the basics yeah do what makes your eyes

pop okay see what makes your eyes

brighter see what make the

white of your eyes yellower or whiter

you don't want to go for the yellower

so see even your teeth get affected by

the color you wear, they can look

whiter or they can look yellower again

yellower is not the way to go

so so the thing is experiment you know

and then don't don't get caught up like

you were saying how you always look you

know always kind of wearing the same

colors or a dark color because you're

really missing out on an opportunity

well I've gone to you know going and

going in my uniform my 2nd Act

uniform I'm looking at the old you know

different videos I've done it's all the

same I need to change Scarlett help!

Many, many years ago before I knew what I did

I did wear a lot of the wrong color and I

looked sad, oh I can't imagine you looking sad

I looked sad and I looked sad because I was

wearing awful color but I was raised that

you only wore brown and beige there's

no such thing as black ... brown or beige

brown or beige ... well they're really not

great colors for me though my earlier

days I don't look too good because I

didn't know any better you know so now I

know better. So would you say

there's no bad color is just bad colors

for you there's no colors to avoid it's

really the ... I mean I know that

there's people that that specialize in

doing color ....when I

when I work with somebody either personally or

virtually I always do color analysis

okay just okay because you know first

when you know what colors are right for

you or what's wrong for you, you're going

to make a lot fewer mistakes when you shop and

you better find out that

thing in your closet that you never

like to wear, you're going to understand why you

don't want to wear it and why it doesn't

look good on you and you're going to be

very happy to get rid of it as opposed

to holding on to it because if you're going to

look older or sick or tired why would you

ever want to wear that? Yeah, right right

I mean sometimes you can cheat

and add something else to it to make it

work and I talked about that in my video

series but for the most part if you look

sick it's not really the best thing for you to

wear, so there definitely are colors that

was women shouldn't wear and there is

color that she should wear so I mean I

had clients who have come to me and said

I don't know what colors to wear I just

don't know what to wear so their closets

are pretty much black and white ... that's me

yeah yes and beige, and pinky and

stuff yes you should try more blues ... hmm

you know and so I know if you have

colored eyers, you know match them up

that's the easiest thing to do right

away so you have no excuses now ...well

my eyes are green what if I wear olive and

look sick no I don't know I you know

no you can wear it you can definitely wear

some green absolutely yeah yeah I'm

just kidding ... I have I and olive on me makes

my skin look more olive and then I don't

look good ... you look gorgeous in what you're

wearing right there in the turquoise I

guess yeah it's just beautiful beautiful

say yes and so on in your program your

online program you do help with color

do you walk somebody through a

color analysis ... I hold colors up

colors up to my face and I talk about

colors and I show the palette of colors

that each person should be and I help I

help you decide what color palette you

should be in okay and that way you will

know what to look for and what to avoid

and it's a video that goes more in

depth in what I just said now but

basically there's I just four seasons of

color that the easiest way is to do it

winter summer spring and fall and I'm

a winter but I'll tell you that as we

I forgot how you describe it ... but as we

get better our the colors

that used to look good on us don't

always look the same on us... so I always use

Elizabeth Taylor is the perfect example

she was this you know bright-eyed

brunette and then as she aged she was

very silver hair so the colors

that she used to look good in were

terrible for her for her

silver look so she totally changed from

more bright colors to softer colors so

we need to keep that in mind as we

change we have to change our colors the

clothes that we wear sometimes the size

that we wear and the style that we wear

and once you realize that it's like

it's like earth chattering ... I want to offer

your people if they, when they buy my

program if they send me an email with

the subject 2nd Act TV I will then

give them a free 30-minute consultation

oh my gosh yeah whatever whatever they're

more comfortable doing, but I would

love to do that ... oh how fun no that would

be great yeah I mean that that's

well worth it right there just to be able

to get you for 30 seconds live, I mean 30

minutes live ... 30 seconds is nothing 30

minutes is a lot! terrific well I will make

sure that I'll capture that as well in

our notes ... we will link to all your

information on our website and also in

the video description and we hope to see

you back soon on another episode of 2nd Act TV!

Hope you enjoy our segments with Scarlett

today. If you missed any of our previous

episodes they are posted right over here

and please don't forget to subscribe to

our program, just click the button!

For more infomation >> Using Color in My Wardrobe! How to Wear Color for Fashion After 50! - Duration: 8:26.


Most Common Gas Dryer Repairs - Duration: 2:17.

Hi, I'm Mike and today I'm going to show you a few common parts that may need to be replaced

on your gas dryer model.

So, working our way from the top to the bottom of the dryer, we are going to go through a

list of the most common repairs.

The first common repair we're going to take a look at is the dryer lint screen.

Every dryer has a removable dryer lint screen.

the reason you might be changing out the lint screen is if this mesh has been ruined and

there is an excess of lint being caught in the dryer.

The next common repair we are going to look at is the dryer belt that's actually inside

the cabinet of the dryer.

So, to give you an idea we are going to lift up the top of the dryer to show you the position

of where the belt would be.

Right here you can see the belt.

The belt is what helps rotate the drum inside of the dryer while it is in use.

The reason why you would be changing out your belt is if your current belt snapped or you

notice that your dryer is making loud noises and your belt is beginning to


The next part we are going to take a look at is the gas valve coils.

Depending on the make or model, your valve coils maybe different.

There maybe two individual coils instead of one solid kit.

However, the repair for them should be relatively the same.

The reason why you would be changing out these coils is if they are no longer providing gas

to the igniter.

The igniter is going to be the next part we are going to look at and it's going to be

located right here.

So, here we have the dryer igniter.

Your igniter might be different depending on your make or model.

However, it should relatively look the same.

The igniter is what creates the heat inside the dryer.

So, if you notice your dryer isn't producing any heat and your clothes are staying

wet, you may need to replace this part.

If you need any of the parts we mentioned in this video you can find the specific replacement

for your appliance on our website using your part number and model number.

Thanks for watching.

Your support is what allows us to create these free videos.

Please, like, comment or share.

And if enjoyed our video please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> Most Common Gas Dryer Repairs - Duration: 2:17.


Even Doctors Are Stunned By This Cure ✔ - Duration: 4:33.

the combination of honey and cinnamon is

one of the most potent natural remedies

which has a wide range of uses it has

been traditionally used in unani and

Ayurveda medicine for centuries it is

completely natural and causes no side

effects it can even be used by diabetics

in moderate amounts and can be used in

the treatments of numerous health issues

from arthritis to chronic tissues note

that you should always use raw organic

honey as pasteurization eliminates the

enzyme these are its most important

health benefits arthritis add a teaspoon

of honey and a dash of cinnamon to a cup

of warm water to treat chronic pain a

study conducted at the copenhagen

university showed that the pain was

reduced in 73 of 200 participants who

received this combination before

breakfast and dinner moreover immobile

participants started to slowly move

indigestion the consumption of this

mixture before meals helps digestion and

prevent overeating fatigue sugar is

beneficial for older people as it

provides some energy and flexibility

according to dr. Milton one half

tablespoon of honey in warm water and

cinnamon of a daily basis significantly

boosts vitality reduces cholesterol to

reduce the cholesterol levels by ten

percent in two hours mix 2 tbsp honey

and 3 TSP cinnamon in a cup and sip it

during the day boosts immunity the

regular youth of this remedy fights

bacteria as honey is high in iron and

vitamins and thus prevent viruses and

strengthens white blood cells upset

belly honey and cinnamon also common

upset stomach and prevent ulcers cold to

treat a common cold or sinusitis mix one

tablespoon of honey and one-quarter

teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm

water and drink it for three days

cardiovascular problems prepare a paste

of these ingredients and replace jam

with it since amid for breakfast on a

piece of bread or chapati to regulate


and prevent heart attacks this will

support the health of arteries help you

to breathe easier and regulate the

heartbeat moreover this combo is

commonly used in nursing homes in Canada

and America in the case of clogged

arteries and spider veins hair loss

prepare paste by mixing a teaspoon of

cinnamon 1 tablespoon of honey and some

olive oil and apply it on the scalp

before having a bath leave it to act for

15 minutes and then rinse bladder

infections drink a glass of lukewarm

water with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and

1 teaspoon of honey to destroy germs

toothache apply a mixture of a teaspoon

of cinnamon and 5 teaspoons of honey

directly on the 23 times daily bad

breath scargill this mixture with hot

water in the morning to have a fresh and

pleasant for us during the entire day

gases japanese and indian researchers

have found that this mixture also

reduces gases flu honey has been found

to be a natural flu killer bug bites mix

one part honey in two parts wire

lukewarm and add a dash of cinnamon make

a paste and massage this pain will be

gone off a bug bite hearing loss take

this mixture every morning and evening

to restore your hearing ability

longevity it is believed that the

following tea leaves to longevity

energizes the body makes the skin soft

and prevent age-related issue you should

mix one tablespoon of cinnamon four

tablespoons of honey and three cups

water and boil to make key you should

drink half a cup of this tea several

times daily simple make it paste by

mixing three tablespoons of honey and a

teaspoon of cinnamon and apply it on the

pimples leave it to act until the

morning then wash it off and repeat for

two weeks in infection mix honey and

cinnamon in equal amounts and apply the

paste on the affected areas to treat

skin issues eczema or ringworm let us

know in the comments section if you

liked the video give it a thumbs up and

share it with your friends for more

recipes and tips subscribe to the



For more infomation >> Even Doctors Are Stunned By This Cure ✔ - Duration: 4:33.


Where Is My Dishwasher's Model Number? - Duration: 1:13.

Hi I'm Mike and today I'm going to show you how to find the model number on dishwasher

model in the picture above we have an example of a model number given on the brand and the

appliance this is usually what a model number is going to look like it may look a little

different however we are just going to always the MOD.and then the number depending on the

make and model of your dishwasher your model number should be in one of these three places

they will either be on the underside of the control panel it could also be on the top

of the door jam of the model number can be located on the inside of the cabinet thank

you for watching our video your support is what allows us to create these free videos

please like comment of share and if you enjoyed our video please subscribe down below

For more infomation >> Where Is My Dishwasher's Model Number? - Duration: 1:13.


Where Is My Electric Range Model Number? - Duration: 1:59.

Hi I'm Mike and today I'm going to help you find the model number on your electric range

model in the picture above we have an example of a model number so this example is a maytag

model number this is usually what a model number is going to look like it may look a

little different however we are just always going to look for the MOD. and then the number

here we have an electric range and it is a Whirlpool model and keep in mind no matter

what the model you have the model number will still be in one of these area that I show

you here today so I am going to show you from top to bottom the possible areas where your

model number could be the first are we are going to check is the underside of the fuse

cover now you may have to remove the back panel in order to to see if the model number

is there so keep that in mind the next possible area your model number could be is underneath

the top burners now depending on your make and model you may need to life up the top

of the range in order to see the model number our model number could also be in the top

door jam usually in the top right corner it could also possibly be in the left you could

also check for the model number in the lower area of the range or you can check in the

lower door jam of the pull out drawer if you need any of the parts we mentioned in this

video you can find the specific replacement part for your range on our website using your

part number or your model number thanks for watching your support is what allows us the

create these free videos please like, comment or share and if you liked our video please

subscribe down below

For more infomation >> Where Is My Electric Range Model Number? - Duration: 1:59.


Setting Clear Boundaries - Duration: 37:09.

It's going to be exciting.

It's going to be on assertiveness, on clear boundaries, setting clear boundaries with

our horses, and in particular why it's so difficult for us women to do that.

So, it is 5 minutes before the actual show starts.

So if you watch this on replay, just fast forward 5 minutes and the show will start

right on time.

In meantime, as Facebook is collecting all of you, I'm asking the question of sensitivity.

Would you consider yourself a sensitive person?

I'm asking this because I think that a lot of horsewomen are actually more than sensitive.

They are empath.

They are really absorbing emotions form other people and that's why we feel so peaceful

around horses.

So, I'll be really interested.

Just type on "yes" in the chat and let's see at the end how many of you really are


So let me just make sure of that on my Facebook page I'm following myself so I can see your


So again, five or four more minutes but today's topic it is; it was just amazing we had close

to a hundred comments in our Facebook group at Confidence and Harmony in the Saddle and

Beyond if you want to join that, on why it's so difficult for us women to set clear boundaries

– sometimes easier with our horses; sometimes difficult in life.

So say "Hi" if you're viewing, thumbs up, introduce yourself.

Again, I'm Christiane Witt from Wild Horse Wisdom and if in any time during this broadcast

you feel like you really want to learn the seven steps on how to release your fear of

getting hurt and releasing the fear of being rejected then, let's go and talk about that

on my website at where there is an online webinar that I'll teach

you step-by-step.

So I just saw somebody saying "Is this the right spot?"

Let me make sure.

Hold on.

You find my video.

I am right here.

Denise says "Hi".

Let me just double check as Catherine just asked, "Is this the right spot?" so let me


So Denise, are you thinking; you feel like you're a sensitive person?

And also, thank you Lisa for liking that video or my video; right spot for today, let's just


So comment - Are you a sensitive; would you consider yourself a sensitive person, and

if you lean towards the empath that means...

Okay yes so this is the right spot.

If you are an empath that means that you are really often absorbing other people's feelings.

So that would be really interesting to see if that applies to you.

So let's go two more minutes.

Denise oh yes okay great interesting.

So Denise tell us how that feels like what's the experience of that; because when you're

an empath this particular issue of setting clear boundaries - (Good morning, Cheryl)

- is a huge one, right, because we are so, I'm definitely one, we are so easily absorbing

other people's feelings.

Good morning Lori; great that you've been able to make it.

Cecilia, good morning.

So funny I can see some of mine on this screen and some on this screen.

So two more minutes; the question to you Lori, Denise said that already, is - Are you a sensitive


Would you consider yourself a sensitive person?

Would you consider yourself an empath?

So again, if you watch that on replay scoot forward one more minute, fast forward and

we're starting with why it is so difficult for us women at times to set very clear boundaries

whether it's with our horses or in life.

And the conversation we had as many of you who are here today will attest to, was amazing

yesterday in our Facebook group at Confidence and Harmony in the Saddle and Beyond, and

the URL is

Come join us.

Okay yes, very sensitive yes okay.

Denise says she gets overwhelmed easily.

Yes, that's because our filter to absorb our own and other people's emotions isn't as clear

as you know it's more porous if you want, than for other people.

Alright, it is 9 AM Pacific so let's get started.

You won't believe, this time I won't take off my glasses because I have so many notes;

because we really, our group and I really feel like we collaborated.

We put this together through the conversation we had yesterday.

So I'm going to start off with a quote.

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, in her book, "Lean In" talks about the difficulties

that women have today in taking on leadership.

So it's kind of really relevant.

And she says, "Leadership is not bullying and leadership is not aggression.

Leadership is the expectation that you can use your voice for good, that you can make

the world a better place.

Leadership belongs to those who take it".

Let that absorb for a second.

Leadership belongs to those who take it.

So what does clear boundaries have to do with leadership?

Good morning Patty.

What does that you know, what does that have to do?

Well of course as we set clear boundaries we are accepted as the leader, as a leader.

Okay can somebody, Cecilia, Lori, can you connect with Catherine, Cat?

She still can't find this page or the recording.

She might have to refresh but I can't do it while I'm teaching.

Thank you.

Okay, so again if you want to have more of this type of conversations, come join us on

our free Facebook group at

Let's get going.

Some of you said yesterday, this is and you actually emailed me back and said, is this

because we are natural nurturers?

Somebody else said that she just took on her first student and faced immediately the issue

of assertiveness, fear, boundaries, and often the projections of some of her own stuff onto

the horse.

So that's really typical as well right.

Somebody else in our group said, "My hubby called me out on doing just that" - the lack

of setting clear boundaries.

"I like to work on this and I'm starting to be more", let me just make sure I get this

yeah; "I'm starting to be more firm with my girl and actually calmed down a lot and she

started following me without her lead rope."

So that's what happens when we set really clear boundaries.

Kimberly, "I set boundaries with my horses, no problems especially when feeding.

No monkey business including my dog but in real life, I often feel bad when I'm firm

and I set boundaries.

Humans are much more confusing to me."

So let me check, is that something that you can relate to?

Thank you, Lori for doing that.

Yeah right, and that is not easy.

Sometimes the horses aren't the issue.

Sometimes the horses really are but my guess is if you have a really hard time setting

boundaries with your horse, you will also find the same in life because there is an

underlying reason why we don't set boundaries.

Ok, let's go further.

Another person said, "I feel guilty for standing up for myself."

So please share this video because this is huge for women all over the world.

It's not even just a hundred percent relevant to your horses.

It is us as women.

Somebody said, "I constantly put my needs on the back burner and become very resentful.

If I don't take care of myself I become unbalanced and resentful."

Somebody says, "I've always been a pleaser and peacemaker.

Maybe boundary setting is difficult for me.

I dislike conflict and often avoid it at all costs.

That leads to frustration."

Just let me know is this thumbs up?

Is this something you relate to?

Is this something that you have felt yourself in life?

Is it something that has stopped you from having that relationship that you crave with

your horse both on the side of safety and on the side of harmony and connection?

So yeah thumbs up, really important.

And we'll get to the solution but some suggestions on what to do.

Somebody says, "I always wanted to make everybody happy.

If they were sad or hurt I wanted to fix them.

I want to solve everybody's problems even if that means I give my own time or activity


Certainly been there myself.

"I grew up the peacemaker in my family.

That was my role especially between my dad and brother."

So often we women early on get put into this peacemaker role which brings out this really

feminine of us, this feminine energy but it's at a cost of not practicing the masculine

which is not aggression but calm assertiveness.

Let me check with you guys - yes, okay yeah okay.

Any kind of you know... hard I might be able to see on my other screen here so that'd be


Again, if this is helpful to you, share please because it's important to all of us women.

Somebody said, I'm a pleaser nurturerNand will sacrifice myself and do for others before

I'll do it for myself or say "no".

Sheryl Sandberg said, "We hold ourselves back in ways big and small by lacking self-confidence,

by not raising our hands and by pulling back when we should be leaning in."

Now after all this is a broadcast about horses and setting clear boundaries with your horse.

So let's reread this and see if you relate to this in regards to your horse.

"We hold ourselves back in ways big and small by lacking self-confidence by not raising

our hands and by pulling back when we should be leaning in."

Who can relate?

So one of our clients shared an amazing experience and success experience yesterday where she

did lean in - Yay perfect, Cat - she did lean in right and she stood her ground and she

had a whip in a defensive way, not in an aggressive, "I'm going to come after you" way.

No, but in a very clear boundary way saying, "You get out of my space", she leaned in rather

than pulled back.

And that's what's important but I also know this client well enough to know that she was

afraid she would lose her horse's love.

So let's get a little bit more into that because I think that's really part of the issue, right.

So in the end, not setting clear boundaries and wanting to please, things that you have

often you know many of you have mentioned, it is still selfish.

Sorry to pop the bubble.

Because what you're actually doing by pleasing is to fulfill a need and that is the need

to be loved.

So while you think you're doing it for others, deep down you're doing it for yourself.

There's a need to be loved and to be taken care of and to be protected and that is a

normal human need so it's not like I want to make you feel bad.

But here's the thing, and in our group True Friendship Foundation Program, we talk a lot

about this and many of you are now familiar with this which is it is our inner part, our

protector part that's trying to tell us not to raise, not to make trouble because if we

create trouble, "trouble" by setting boundaries, we may end up alone, outcast, and possibly


So I want to see how that resonates.

I'm going to refresh.

This is not about danger to speak up in life because either society or us, or society or

our family has in effect rejected us, given us time out like in my own example.

As a child I was pretty outspoken.

Naturally, I have quite a bit of masculine energy.

But when I did, I got time out, negative punishment as we learned on Saturday right.

I got ignored.

I got criticized.

I got told that I wasn't good, a good girl.

So I was shamed because "I was not a good girl" is not I did something wrong right.

So shame is caused whenever we are labelled.

I was labelled.

I was shamed so of course, my protector pops up and says, "whoa whoa whoa don't speak up

because you may get rejected, you may get hurt, you may get ostracized.

You may get out of the herd which is dangerous.

And if you don't stop talking and speaking up, you may actually physically get hurt and

that was a valid point.

So in my childhood, this inner protector did a great job keeping me safe.

Is that making sense?

Yeah right.

"I had to be quiet because visible was not good for me."

Yes, Lori, absolutely.

This was a valid, valid reason for that inner protector to pop up.

So if we're thinking about there's these three entities within us and again in the program

we talked so much about this, so whoever is in there okay that happened a lot in my job;

whoever is watching this knows this right.

There's the higher self, the adult, calm, curious, easily setting boundary self.

Then there is the protector and then there's the inner child or the sensitive, early part

of us that got hurt.

It was very valid for that inner protector to pop up and go, "Don't talk.

Don't cause trouble, just be quiet".

So Lori being quiet, yeah, it could really be dangerous.

I actually don't know if I would be alive today if that part hadn't protected me.

So the point is today we don't really need that part anymore but it is well conditioned

to take care of us.

Does that make sense?

So what we're doing because we're acting out of this fear from this protector rather than

our higher adult self, we're actually pleasing to get something – to get love, to get attention,

to get something.

So it's actually a really selfish act.

Pleasing and giving are two different things.

Giving comes from our higher self - "I am perfectly glad to make dinner tonight."

There's no resentment.

Remember, that you guys said if I did this, when I did this, I would sacrifice myself.

I would feel resentful.

I would be frustrated.

When you give, pure giving, you don't get frustrated.

See the difference – pleasing, giving; two different things coming from different parts

of ourselves.

The giving comes from this higher, curious, generous, empathetic self.

The pleasing comes from, because this protector part is in charge, making sure that we shut


Let me see if that is right, rings right to you.


Okay Cheryl says, "I dislike confrontation and try to avoid it when possible.

However, if I'm pushed into one, I feel I must stay calm, clear, and stand up for myself.

I may be shaking and scared inside but I try not to show it."

Cheryl, that is exactly what happens; so think about you have these three entities if you

want, you know it's all us of course, but if we pull it apart, be this higher adult

self, this calm, clear, stand up for myself part; you have this inner protector that's

still shaking right it'll still like, "oh my God, oh my God oh, my God what's going

to happen" because it's trying to protect the little early part of us that got hurt

in the past.

So when you have to stand up, when you're pushed into one, what's beautiful is you're

now in a place where you can stay calm, clear, and stand up for yourself.

When it's required, you can.

So keep practicing.

That's great.

Denise "just so much sense.

I'm starting to understand how important setting boundaries is for me, not for other people".

Absolutely, it is for you.

Now promise I'll get into horses but remember this; you can I mean you can see right?

You can see this.

Now, if the inner protector is there for a reason, that means that it's in effect not

always, always safe for us as women to speak up in society.

And that is still true, and Sheryl Sandberg talks about that in her book; that we cannot

push promotions like men.

We just get looked at differently when we assert ourselves.

So what is the best place to practice assertiveness – where it's safe; and where is it safe?

In the end, it's safe with our horses, right, because they don't differentiate between women

and men.

They couldn't care less that you wear skirt or that you're a woman.

They care about trustworthy leadership.

They are repelled by this pleasing energy.

It's needy.

What does Sheryl say about pleasing?

Pleaser women; no somebody else.

I saw this quote and I forgot to write down who it was, so "pleaser women become very

low value women".

So that's what our horse recognizes in us.

When you try to please – "oh come on, buddy", "Oh please, don't do that";

"Come on, be nice to me.

Don't step over me, buddy"; then the horse is sensing this pleaser needs to liked makes

us, what does Sheryl so clearly say, low value person; meaning that you now drop in the packing


The horse doesn't understand that you had all these childhood experiences, that your

inner protector wants to make sure you don't get hurt.

All your horse see is what you do and how you react, and that pleasing feels some emotional

pressure from which he or she wants to withdraw and it also indicates that you're lower

on the packing order.

Making sense?

"You lose your rank"; right, Cat, exactly.

You lose your rank.


So, what if we reframe?

I was talking about all of this yesterday with my husband, who as a man and as a previous

"seeing eye" dog trainer has no issues with assertiveness.

He's not angry.

He doesn't get emotional.

But it comes to only natural for him to do this.

And he said that the issue was, and it's back to one of the events, like the teachings

that we had about labelling.

When you label yourself or your horse as if he's, when you project.

I think Laurice was talking about her student about projecting something from her onto the


"He won't like me.

He won't love me.

I want to gain his love".

(Good Morning, Kim) We're giving this horse human attributes.

What if we reframe that?

Because if we do that, then we also say, "I want him to love me".

So now we're in this bartering state – "I'm going to do anything to make him love me."

Horses can't really love or not love us.

What they can though, is either trust or not trust your leadership.

And they evaluate you in a split second on the degree of trustworthiness as a leader.

So what if I reframed, "I want him to love me or hate me" to "My horse recognizes

me as the trustworthy leader that I am"; not quite as romantic but what an inspiration

– I want my horse to recognize me as the trustworthy, grounded, calmly assertive leader

that I can be.

How does that sound?

Let's let go of "He hates me.

He won't come back to me.


I want him to love me", and instead "Can I show him the leadership that he craves?"

In our course, True Friendship Foundation Program, which you can find more about when

you go to my website at, you can sign up for any of the webinars.

The webinars will teach you both the 7 Steps on how to overcome this hesitation.

We'll get a little bit into it today but the whole online workshop, and it will also

tell you about the Program.

When you get to that place where you start to realize that your horse has a hierarchy

of needs and the need that you are fulfilling by being a great leader, are the fundamental

ones on the bottom – comfort and safety.

Friendship comes higher up.

So if you don't meet the bottom foundational need; it's like if you are hungry, you don't

really care about self-fulfillment.

The same thing goes for your horse.

If you don't cover safety and comfort by being this trustworthy leader, then (hold

on one second, Catherine, I'll get back to you) – then it doesn't matter, the

love thing doesn't even come into place.

So at first, cover the foundation.

So Catherine says, "Perfect.

Love it; heart, thank you.

Do you think it's different with mares?"

No, I don't think so.


Mares may react differently to what you're expressing to them.

They may not be as quickly able to say, "Oh, okay, that's you.

That's fine."

But remember too, that mares compared to geldings are unaltered beings; meaning that they have

not been castrated or fixed.

So, they are a little bit more independent versus we're really talking about gelding

as an altered stallion, so the submission instinct, they're just a lot more pliable

in general.

Again, no prejudice, right; so we can't generalize but I would say that you want to

really check and look at your horse as a horse.

Not as a mare or an older horse or a rescue horse.

I mean, it's the same with stallions except you have to be more assertive because they're

going to go and try to claim that ranking much more assertively than a gelding.

Does that make sense, Cat?


Any other questions?

Please ask questions.

This is not me blah, blah, talking.

This is me collaborating with you and sharing this information and creating "A-has!"


So if we can reframe "He will hate me if I set boundaries", or "I will get hurt

emotionally", because really physically, we talk about this in our course all the time,

if you feel uncomfortable, put a fence between you and the horse, and that sends them back.

So if you realize that there's a fence, you got a stick, a whip, or whatever creates

some boundaries for you, and you realize that you literally cannot get hurt.

There's no reason to let the inner protector talk you into the fact that "You shouldn't

be doing this because you could get hurt".

So if the inner protector is still there, then go deeper and realize it's an emotional


Find out, talk to your inner protector and ask, "What are you trying to protect me


Very likely, it's going to say, "I'm trying to protect you from losing your affection,

your horse's affection".

You can't lose your horse's affection by sending them away because it's needing

the foundational need of comfort and safety which is created by the packing order, by

the hierarchy.

Let me check on you – Exactly.

Yes, great.

So, practice with your horses; practice, practice, practice.

Make it safe.

Make sure that you're in a place where it's physically, totally safe so that your inner

protector runs out of excuses like, "You're going to get hurt" or "He could kick you",


Take the stick.

Make it long enough.

Add a flag.

Add whatever you need to be able to create boundaries at a distance so you're not getting


So now you can argue with your inner protector that in effect, you're not in physical danger

so what's the emotional danger?

And then let her know that horses are not like people.

They are not responding like people.

And then practice, practice, practice, practice in small, small steps.

And again, start small.

So maybe, it's sending him one step back; telling him nipping is not okay.

Push his shoulder over when he shoves it into you.

Start small and then gradually with more good experiences, you can start to soothe that

protector into collaborating with you.

Let me see some…

Yeah, Cat.

We talked about respect and how it's kind of a word that horses don't really understand

so I'm kind of careful about using it.

What if we reframe the word "respect" which is a human attribute, a human word that

we use into "he understands very clearly what my boundaries are and has no desire to

push through them"; see, it makes a little difference?

Because often when we women are asking for respect, tell me if this is true – we tend

to get aggressive.

Because what happens is that, let's see – we let ourselves be pushed and pushed

and pushed and pushed and pushed until we get frustrated and angry and resentful.

All the stuff that you mentioned; and now, "Goddamn it!" we're going to go and

ask for respect.

And when we need and demand respect, we get aggressive.

Making sense?

We get aggressive and when we get aggressive, we do not show trustworthy leadership.

Then, we risk that our horse will actually reject us.

So it's a little bit like self-fulfilling prophecy.

We don't do anything.

We don't do anything.

We don't do anything.

And then, [makes a sound] off, you little…!

We label him.

We project all our inability to have set boundaries earlier onto the horse.

We send them off, and now the horse has no understanding.

She didn't do anything.

She didn't do anything.

She didn't do anything.

And now she's mean to me.

I certainly remember as a Mom, having fallen to that issue where I would be really nice,

"Oh come on, let's do this, let's do that" and then all of a sudden, I would

get so angry and so tired and so frustrated that I would all of a sudden snap at them,

my girls.

And they wouldn't even know where that was coming from.

Mom was so nice and then all of a sudden she explodes.

So that's why I'm a little careful about the word "respect".

Because again, words are so powerful enough that they may alter how we want to show up.

So let me see what you think about this.

Thank you, Cat.

Yeah, absolutely.

"This sure happens with kids", yeah, me.

Denise – "My horse nudges me when he wants his head to be rubbed.

I think I should be pushing him away."

It depends, Denise.

It depends on your horse's attitude.

So, if we're talking about reframing it in such a way that it says something like,

(what did I just say) – "My horse recognizes me as a trustworthy leader I am" and he

wants affection while you feel very clear that he – let's use the word respect – that

he accepts your boundaries very willingly, then he can come in and get nudged.

And so, it's the intention.

Just like with us, we need to make sure that our intention is clean.

Just check if your horse's intention is clean.

Is he coming in to just get a rub and he's being very nice about it, why not?

I mean why will we keep artificial separation?

If he comes in, though, with the intention of testing the ranking, then it's a great

place to send him away.

You become more aware of other people and your horse's intention when yours are clean.

As long as yours are kind of wishy-washy, and you're not really clear on why you're

doing what, you will not understand why your horse does this.

Making sense?

Yeah, okay.

So it's really okay.

So the trick here is stay really – so, "If I'm physically safe, inner protector, why

are you still trying for me not to do this?

I really feel like I need to push this horse away."

"Oh, it's because I'm afraid he's going to emotionally disconnect".

"I get it, let me tell you.

I'm going to send him back just a couple of steps and let's test this theory."

"Oh look, he's coming right back so let's do that a lot of times".

And again, the process is exactly the same that you would use for your horses when you

teach them something.

Small steps, lots of great opportunities, praise yourself, and with time, you replace

good memories with those early childhood or societal indoctrination if you want.

More about this?

Go to our home page at

There are plenty of opportunities to sign up for a webinar that will give you the exact

7 Steps on how to stay calm even when your horse doesn't.

And there, I'll go into details on how to move from this hesitation to becoming calmly

assertive in any situation.


Let's wrap up.

Let me finish with a couple of Sheryl Sandberg quotes.

(Hello, Rita.

Make sure you watch the replay.)

"Bring your whole self to work.

I don't believe that we have a professional self, Monday through Friday, and a real self

the rest of the time.

It is professional and it is all personal."

For me, that just really means – Bring your whole self to your horse.

I don't believe that we're any different with people, Monday through Friday, as we

are with our horses on the weekend.

It is all the same thing.

Another quote, "we cannot change what we're not aware of.

And once we are aware, we cannot help but change".

You are now aware.

You know what's going on inside of you.

You can dialogue with this part that wants desperately to protect you.

And you can become this adult self, taking care of your early part as a child that got


So, what would we do, she said, if we were afraid?

I'm going to leave you with that today.

I hope that has been helpful.

Thank you, Kim – "great information".

Lori, "Thank you.


"It makes sense.

It's a feel", Denise.

Yes, yes.

So I stayed on time.

Thank you.

On Saturday, we have Horse Soul Saturday where we continue talking about how Operant Conditioning,

remember those four quadrants.

I actually still have them right here; let's see if I can switch; nope.

The positive reinforcement, the negative reinforcement; we're going deeper into it – What to use

when, how you can choose what to use, what other trainers suggest, and so you can pick

what is your path to your horse's soul.

And I'm also going to explain a few more complicated terms that are actually not complicated

once we demystify them.

So as usual, it is Horse Soul Saturday at 9AM Pacific, same place, where we are on our

journey to the soul of our horses through education and through softness in our hearts.

[Blew a kiss] Talk to you all!

For more infomation >> Setting Clear Boundaries - Duration: 37:09.


9 Amazing Uses of Castor oil for Hair Growth before and after Natural hair - Duration: 4:23.

9 Amazing Uses of Castor oil for Hair growth before and after Natural hair - Use of Castor

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a itchy scalp.

The use of castor oil can help get rid of these problems.

Why does it work?

Castor oil is antifungal and antibacterial.

It can fight pathogens and microorganisms that cause infection.

Prevents premature aging

If your hair has begun to show the first signs of gray, applying castor oil can prevent your

hair from losing more pigment.

Why does it work?

Application of castor oil is a popular method to prevent premature aging.

Helps your hair retain its pigment and delay your hair becoming gray or white .

Hair condition

You do not need expensive conditioners made to condition your hair, simply mix a couple

of drops of castor oil with your resting conditioner and apply evenly on your hair Your locks will

be smoother and healthier.

Bring the shine in your hair

Heat some castor oil and massage into your hair, wrap your hair in a towel and leave

it for half an hour or so (or leave it overnight), then wash It will block moisture in your hair,

condition it and leave you with beautiful shiny look to your locks.

Cure inflamed skin

Castor oil is a boon when it comes to curing inflammation of the skin that can be caused

by sunburn, acne and dry skin.

What do you need


Castor oil.


Cotton ball.


What you have to do.

Take a cotton ball and soak in castor oil.

Apply directly on the area of affected skin.

Leave on for one hour.

Then wash it.

Reduce Acne

Those who have acne prone skin tend to shy away from most oils because they tend to clog

pores and aggravate their problem.

The use of castor oil can be beneficial in reducing acne.

What do you need.

Few drops of castor oil.

What you have to do.

Wash your face with lukewarm water.

This will help open the pores.

Simply massage your face in a circular motion with the oil.

Keep it on overnight and wash your face the next morning with cold water.

Thicken the hair

Castor oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, both of which are helpful in promoting

healthy hair growth.

With regular use, castor oil will encourage new growth and thicken the existing strands

to give it a beautiful and shiny head of thicker hair.

Moisturizes the skin

Castor oil leaves you with soft, supple and revitalized skin.

So if you are looking for a cheap and natural skin moisturizer, you know what to get at!

What do you need.

A few drops of castor oil.

What you have to do.

After thoroughly cleaning your face, massage with castor oil using gentle, circular motions.

If You Like this Video Please Appreciate Us by Like, Thumbs Up and Share This Video With

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For more infomation >> 9 Amazing Uses of Castor oil for Hair Growth before and after Natural hair - Duration: 4:23.


Garbage Truck Videos for Children with Spiderman | Videos for Toddlers - Duration: 20:08.

For more infomation >> Garbage Truck Videos for Children with Spiderman | Videos for Toddlers - Duration: 20:08.


Where Is My Dryer Model Number? - Duration: 1:37.

Hi I'm Mike and Today I'm going to help you find the model number on your dryer model

so this example is a maytag model number this is usually what a model number is going to

look like it may look a little different however we are just going to always look for the MOD.

and then the number in front of us we have our dryer I am going to show you from top

to bottom all the different places the model could possibly be located also take into account

your dryer may look different than this one however the placements should coincide with

your model the first are we are going to look at is behind the control panel on the back

of the dryer the next possible area is on the inside of the door frame the model number

may also be placed in the front of the dryer on its side and if you have a gas dryer the

model number number may also be also be placed inside of the front access panel if you need

any of the parts we mentioned in this video you can find the specific replacement for

your dryer using your part number of your model number thanks for watching your support

is what allows us to create these free videos please like, comment, or share, and if you

liked our video please subscribe down below

For more infomation >> Where Is My Dryer Model Number? - Duration: 1:37.


This Is Not Happening - Liza Treyger - Always Getting Arrested - Uncensored - Duration: 12:27.

- A knock on the door. I open it. It's the cops.

And I'm like, oh, no, thank you.


[dark electronic music]

[people screaming]

- Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day.

This is what's known as a robbery.

Do not move. Do not speak.


[cheers and applause]

- One of my favorite comics to watch.

You guys will absolutely love her.

Give it up for Ms. Liza Treyger, you guys.

Let her hear it.

[cheers and applause]

- My story is about a time in my life

where I was just a dumb bitch

who couldn't stop getting arrested.


I just wanted to be in jail all the time.

So the story starts

at Iowa State University,

where I went to follow my one

true passion in life, advertising.

So I show up as a fresh-faced teen just being like,

I'm gonna make commercials.

I hated everybody.

I did not fit in at all.

They made me live in an agriculture dorm,

so it was just, like, all these girls

who had pictures of their farm animals

that were their friends, that they, like,

won contests with and then ate later in the evening,

um, at a restaurant called the Machine Shed.

So, uh, I didn't get along with them.

And then...

I just didn't connect with anybody.

Like, on my 18th birthday in college, I had no friends,

so I just went and got my nipples pierced,

'cause I thought, like, this is a way to, like,

commemorate the time, but, like, that--

that is how lonely I was, that I just

went alone, and was just like, yeah, pierce 'em, dude.

And then I tried to fuck that guy.

It didn't work out. He liked Jesus.

Um...but I tried.

He, like, looked kind of tough.

And, so, I was lonely. I didn't have friends.

Like, my number-one hobby became racquetball.

And...[laughs], like, I don't want to do that.

Um, I'm like a 50-year-old Asian.

And, um...

I was the treasurer of the Jew club--

like, nothing was really happening.

Like, I couldn't find a friend.

I couldn't find a passion.

And so I just, like, started drinking a lot.

And obviously, that's what everyone does in college,

but--yeah, I just got blacked-out constantly,

all the time, and then this one night,

my friend, uh, she was having some friends over.

I remember hooking up with someone in her bed,

and then I had a bump on my head,

but I don't remember how, and then I just

took a nap on the couch.

And my friends all knew that I loved drinking and driving,

so they hid my car keys, so I went--I know.

People are, like, really anti-drinking and driving,

but this was, like, ten years ago, so...


You all got silent.

Who has DUIs here? How many of you?

- Yee. - Whoo.

- Yeah, okay. Um...


Hey, guys. Um...

But yeah, it was just, like, a fun thing to do,

so, like, I rummaged around, I found the keys,

and I went drinking and driving.

And-- but, I was driving to my house,

and then I was like,

I could--I was just right by my house,

and then I was like, I want Burger King.

So I kept driving.

And two blocks from my house,

I get pulled over, and I just act like

the dumb white bitch I am, and I'm just like,

I know my rights. I have a lawyer.

Like, calling my dad and being like, I'm not drunk,

but, like--yeah, it's a problem.

So they take me to jail.

They put me in the drunk tank, which I'm kind of into,

'cause I love the aquarium, and I felt like I was in one,

so I was, like, okay with it.

And I did feel really bad about myself.

Drunk driving sucks. You can kill--

like, it was really an embarrassing,

sad time in my life, and I was like, things need to change.

I need to become a better person.

So I went to A.A., and then I was like, oh, I'm better

than everyone here, so...


So I never went back to A.A.

But, you know, I was, like, "Depressed."

And, you know, just, like, really introspective.

I probably read some books or two.

And I was really trying hard to be sober

and not be, like, a wild gal,

and my friend Shannon at the time,

she had a lot of problems too.

She was trying to be sober-- now we all know

it's because she is a lesbian,

and she was, like, hiding her true self.

You know what I mean? So, like--

but we all should have known.

She had this ponytail that was, like,

gelled really tight, like, right in the middle of the head.

You know?

Like, no casual girl loves soccer that much.

So, we should have known, but,

so she was having weird problems,

like, figuring herself out.

I, obviously, was not in the right place in life,

but wasn't mature enough to be like,

I need to get out of here.

And she called me one day--

this was three weeks after the first arrest--

and she went, "Hey, do you want to have a sober night out,

and we'll go to the gymnastics meet?"

We had an amazing gymnastics team,

and I was like, "Absolutely."

So we--I went to her dorm room,

and before we went to the gymnastics meet, she went,

"I mean, we should have one drink."

I was like, yes, yes.

So, the next thing I know, the bottle of Parrot Bay is gone,

and I'm not sure what kind of liquor it is,

but it's clear, and there's a fun bird on it.

We drank it, and--

and then I just remember us just wanting more,

and so, like, we're walking

through the girls' side of the dorm,

just, like, getting as much booze as we can.

And then I remember my crush on this Woodsy boy.

Like, he lived in the dorm as well.

So I was like, we got to visit Woodsy.

And so, we, um--

so, we go to his dorm, and this is the thing:

like, I was pretty drunk, so I don't remember

the exact details, but I just remember

everyone's face of disappointment.

Like, nobody wanted us there.

And we were just like, you know,

just classic drunk girls.

A lot of leaning and complimenting.

And then...

Next thing I know,

Shannon is bleeding.

Full-on, all the way, all--both her wrists.

Just blood everywhere.

And because I knew she was depressed, I'm like,

clearly, she's trying to kill herself.

So I start running up and down the dorms just like,

Shannon's trying to kill herself.

Call 911.

She's committing suicide.

Call the police.

But she wasn't trying to kill herself.

She was just having a good time punching through

the fire extinguisher glass, so, like, my bad.


Just a goof, you know.


So we get back to the dorms, we clean her off,

she's laying, life goes on.

A knock on the door, I open it, it's the cops,

and I'm like, oh, no, thank you.



So I just closed the door in their face, but it's, like,

flimsy dorm doors, so they're able to come in easily,

and I just start shoving these--I'm just like,

no, thank you, you know?

Just like, nope, no, just as--all my might.

You're like, "Yeah, thank goodness you're white.

You know, who would not be here today."

And I feel the same way.

And so I'm just shoving these guys.

I'm elbowing them. They finally, like,

get me into the hallway and go into the dorm to help Shannon.

And I just start screaming.

Kick 'em. Kick 'em. Kick 'em.

So she's kicking these cops.


And I'm screaming in the hallway, and I'm sure the cops

were like, we're trying to help a girl

trying to kill herself, you know?

Like, what is happ--like, I'm sure they're like,

"Oh, we're doing the Lord's work" or whatever.

Someone's trying to kill themselves, and these

bitches are just yelling, kicking, and shoving them.

So the cops are actually very, very nice to me,

and they're like, "Hey, we know you're having a wild night.

"It's fine. Just call a friend

"if you have any sober friends to pick you up.

You don't have to go to jail."

But it's the middle of Iowa on a weekend.

No one's fucking sober, okay?

Like, what are you talk--there's horses on the campus.

We're bored, okay? There' nothing to do.

So none of my friends were sober, so I had to go to jail.

And as soon as I figure that out, I just--

instead of being like, oh, please, please, please,

I went, if you were smart, you'd be a detective.


You should've gone to college, you hillbilly trash.

You just couldn't, like,

graduate from high school, you losers.

So they handcuff me pretty tight,

and then to really, like, stick it to them,

I went limp, and, um,

they had to drag me into the police car.

And they took Shannon off to the hospital.

And I got-- I'm in jail again,

and then I wake up in the middle of the night.

Shannon is in jail.


Shannon, why are you in jail?

Um, she was throwing bedpans at people at the hospital.

So, now we're both in jail.

My sister, you know, back home in Skokie,

finds out about this-- you know, I call her.

Her and her husband drive ten hours in a blizzard to Iowa

to bail me out of jail, and they're like,

"You clearly don't know how to live on your own,

so you're dropping--we're taking you home."

And then they got me a Big Mac, so full circle.

I finally got my cheeseburger at the end, you know?


But, uh, so we go back home,

and then I followed my next true

passion in life: data entry.


[sighs] It was so depressing.

Um, so I was working in data entry,

and I got a really bad haircut with layers,

with blonde hair, and they over-texturized it,

so that's upsetting.

And then I was living at my parents' house

and just so sad, so I just, like, I didn't learn my ways.

I just kept drinking so much,

and I just kept being a menace to society.

And then it was the White Sox's home opener.

And this is the year after they won the World Series,

so this was an exciting day.

And when they went to the World Series, I got

acrylic black nails that said "White Sox"

in white letters with diamonds on 'em,

so, like, you can imagine.

And so--so we are pumped.

It's my friend's 21st birthday.

We are going to the White Sox game.

This is a whole new life--we're back in Chicago, you know?

And I got arrested third inning.

I know you're all...

You're all wondering, "Oh, my God.

What did you do to get arrested?"

I don't know.

No idea-- all I remember

is the same faces of disappointment

as the party and the dorm room, and just like, everywhere.

And so as I came to from my blackout, they let me out

on my own recognizance--

which...[sighs], no-- I was so drunk.

And all I could remember was my friend's address,

and she lived at 420 [bleep].

I got in the cab, and I went, take me to 420 [bleep], sir.

And so we went to 420 [bleep], and--oh, I'm sorry.

This is so embarrassing. I didn't pay him, okay?

I just ran away, and so...

I--I was, like, grappling whether to be honest or not,

but we're here, so I didn't-- I ran away, and--

and I get to my friend's house,

and they whole time I'm thinking, like,

oh, I'm gonna get so much sympathy.

Oh, I'm so sad. I keep getting arrested.

Poor me. I'm a--mrr--menace, you know?

And she's midway through an abortion pill, so--

yeah, gasps, um, but...

Some of you don't know--you can have at-home abortions.

So, she's midway through an abortion, and, um,

so then I had to give her attention.

What a cunt. Um...


So annoying.

But, you know, and I haven't been to jail since,

so it's been 11 years.

Thank you.

Yeah, and I guess the lesson of this truly is,

no matter how bad life gets, just know that someone's at home

in the middle of an abortion, so it could be worse.

All right, thanks so much, you guys.

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