For more infomation >> Accused Uber rapist worked at group home for girls - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Full-Arch Restoration in LosAngeles CA: Eugene | Los Angeles Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Duration: 0:46.
My maxillofacial bone was broken, which caused everything on the bottom to shift.
Everything had to be replaced, and thanks to Dr. Kupferman, I'm able to smile today
with the same smile I had when I was 16-17 years old.
These teeth feel great; yes they do feel like my natural teeth.
Dr. Kupferman knows what he's doing and does an excellent job.
Anyone who wants to smile, be happy, and be able to show your teeth like I can today,
go see Dr. Kupferman.
Xbox All For One | Gold Rush - Duration: 1:24.
Marissa>> Hey Xbox Live Gold members, it's time for Gold Rush.
Back with their insanely fast reviews of this month's Games with Gold are CabooseXBL and
Ok guys, on your mark, get set, go! [music]
CabooseXBL>> I'm CabooseXBL.
EnderTheAnswer>> I'm EnderTheAnswer.
CabooseXBL>> And today we're going to be breaking down the Xbox Live Games with Gold,
starting off with Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Director's Cut.
I dare you to say that five times fast.
Now this is a 2D side-scrolling platformer, but with a 3D art style.
Now, you probably already know this since you're so old, but the series itself is
actually celebrating its thirtieth anniversary this year.
With an awesome colour palette and a great soundtrack, with over thirty levels of playthrough,
you've got hours on end of fun.
EnderTheAnswer>> I'll show you old.
We'll also got Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.
This game is also going to provide you with hours of fun.
The key thing about this game is once you're able to complete all the solo missions, then
you've got a four-player co-op where you can solve all the challenging puzzles with
your friends. Make sure you don't have Caboose on your team,
'cause he ain't going to give you any help.
CabooseXBL>> Now next up on Xbox Backward Compatibility we've got Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.
Play as the secret apprentice of Darth Vader himself in this third-person action adventure
as you are put smack-dab in the middle of the Star Wars lore, in a galaxy far, far away.
EnderTheAnswer>> We also got Lego Stars: The Complete Saga.
This game is gonna give you the ability to play 120 of your favourite characters,
with the episodes one through six.
And the best part, Caboose, about all this, is these games are free.
And Caboose sure knows a thing about free, [Record Scratch] 'cause any time we go to
eat, he never pays for anything.
CabooseXBL>> Back to you, Marissa.
Marissa>> Thanks, guys.
Do you have a favourite game on the list?
Tell us about it in the comments section.
DashConnect for Honda Pilot 2006 2007 2008 - Duration: 6:38.
We're going to show you video interfaces for
Honda and Acura vehicles with 20 pin navigation systems, found in the following vehicle:
First interface we're going to show you
is a regular video interface with the
universal harness and then a
plug-and-play harness.
So the interface
uses this harness that plugs into the
interface and then at the end you'll
plug in a plug-and-play harness.
This interface supports two video inputs.
To this interface you can connect front/rear
camera, front camera/DVD, some of the
Honda/Acuras are equipped with a rear seat
entertainment, so you can use front cameras if
entertainment or some of the other stuff,
you know whatever other video sources you come
up with.
We also offer wireless mirroring adapter.
This wireless mirroring adapter can
connect to this interface via RCA input and
it's going to be in SD quality.
This particular combination is not going to be
HD quality.
A second interface compatible
with the vehicle is our HDMI mirroring interface.
This interface comes with four
camera inputs -
front, rear, left, right cameras and it
uses the same plug and play harness.
These two interfaces connect via HD signal, so
video connected wireless mirroring,
iPhone/Android connected to this
interface is going to produce HD quality
image and it's going to automatically
adjust to the highest resolution that
your car screen can accept.
The audio is
for your auxiliary, so the audio from
this interface, the wireless mirroring
interface is going to connect to the
mirroring interface via HDMI - the audio
and video is going to travel then from this
interface the video is going to go to
your car screen and the audio through
these jacks are going to go to vehicle's
If car is not equipped with
auxiliary interface, you need to install an
auxiliary adapter or FM modulator.
With these
both interfaces you can connect rearview
camera, and the rear-view camera is going
to automatically operate when the vehicle
is placed in reverse.
You can also install a
forward facing camera - a forward facing
camera is going to automatically turn on
out of reverse into drive and stay on
the screen up to 10 seconds.
With HD
interface you can also add lane watch
You can add right and you can
add left lane watch cameras.
Those cameras
are going to be operated with turn signals,
left and right turn signals
With both interfaces you
can turn on cameras at any time via a
single press of a push button.
The inputs
are operated through push button, press
and hold the push button turns on the
interface - with this interface press once
video one, press a second time video two, press
again it goes back to video one, press and
hold goes back to factory screen.
With this interface press and hold once, it goes
to HDMI input,
press once for video one which is going to be
the rear camera, press again front camera,
press once more left camera, press one
again right camera.
Press and hold, goes
back to factory system.
These two
interfaces are connected via RCA SD, these
two interfaces are connected by method
of HDMI.
This is through HD connectivity.
But even this interface you're able to
use regular connectivity by SD.
This wireless adapter is able to accept
images from iPhone and Android - this is
full mirroring, so you're not limited to
Android is full mirroring,
iPhone only Netflix is not going to work
and iTunes videos.
Every other app is
going to work - YouTube is going to work,
Hulu is going to work, Facebook, Amazon
video, calculator, any application.
It's the same thing if you would hold the
phone in front of the mirror.
With this interface, if you don't want to use our
wireless adapter you can also use
Android via MHL or use any other
miracast receiver because Android, all
Android phones have miracast built-in, it's
their proprietary signal to send video
to wireless adapters, or with iPhone you
can use wired option with iPhone that
uses the lightning to HDMI adapter.
So you connect the lightning adapter into
the phone and then the other end is HDMI .
And then we make a special harness, or a
special connector that extends HDMI
because we're all know lightning to HDMI
is very bulky, so if you don't want the
bulky connector installed into the
car, with our lighting to HDMI you can
hide the whole bulkiness and use this
extension cable, it's very long so it's going
to be same thing as charging the phone -
it's going to charge the phone and
produce the video right to your screen.
So this is the wired option - so the
wireless option, the wired option.
The advantages of iPhone, particular wired
options is that
any future updates you're not going to
have any side effects at all because
this is what Apple said, if you want to
mirror wired
we'll give you an adapter, here you go.
Wireless adapter accepts both iPhone and Android but
there might be some delays if let's say
you know next iPhone, what if the iOS 11
comes out and they change something
there may be delays updating it, and this may
require an update.
This will never
require any updates.
Alright guys, so
you've got two interfaces, we got two
video input interface and got four video
input interface - this is full HD this is
SD this is HD with left and right
lane watch cameras.
Thank you for watching,
share this episode and we'll see you
next time, please subscribe to our
YouTube channel - go to Youtube type in
dashconnectplus, all one word,
subscribe to our YouTube channel
for future videos.
Thank you for watching.
Disney Pixar Inside Out - Coloring Riley's Emotion Sadness and Rainbow with watercolour pencils - Duration: 6:46.
Watercolour pencils
i deserve this for making a video about how many subscribers i have - Duration: 0:28.
Main Theme - Seinfeld
*crying emoji* WHO DID THIS?!?!??!??!!!! *crying emoji*
"are you serious"
*sound of stupid phone hitting absolutely nothing*
*sicc boi sniff*
United - A beautiful weekend for beautiful moms - Duration: 4:48.
Happy Mother's Day.
My mom, she's smart.
She's beautiful.
She's everything you'd want for a mom.
It's the little things you realize after you become
a parent that your parents did.
You feel like you can never give back enough when
you think about everything that your mom has done for you.
So we're going to New York City to spend some quality
time together.
Thank you.
I thought that this could be a unique opportunity
to do something with my mom, but also we
would be with other moms and so that we could all
sort of celebrate together.
We're at the airport, and this morning we're
off to New York City.
Today we're doing this awesome Mother's Day event.
There are so many great parts to this weekend.
We have a day in New York filled with brunch, makeovers,
and then we get to see the award winning play, "Beautiful."
I've never seen a Broadway show, so this is my first time.
And a good time to spend some time
with mom, and new experience.
So it'll be fun.
I've never been to New York, and my mom hasn't either.
So what a great opportunity to visit New York together.
When I saw the title of it, "Beautiful
Weekend for Beautiful Moms" I instantly thought of her.
So this was the perfect trip for us.
--With United Airlines.
Oh, we're pushing back.
On our flight today we have dozens of moms.
We have mother/daughter, mother/son,
including our flight crews.
This is what it's all about today,
being pampered, being loved.
You get a cookie!
Hi, mom.
Thank you.
Because we love moms.
Welcome to New York.
Yes, looking forward to a United weekend.
We are at the new United club here
at Newark International Airport.
It's super cool.
Super hip.
This is so exciting.
You see all the food in there?
I know.
I know.
Thank you.
Now that I've gotten older you start
to realize that gifts are not nearly as
important as making memories and sharing
experiences with someone.
And especially the people you love.
My hope is that my mom truly understands
how appreciative I am of her, and that she's
the reason I wanted to do this.
We have a great day planned.
We start with a little bit of beauty, hair and makeup.
What do you think?
It looks good!
This is something I've always wanted to do,
is have special time with my daughter.
It means a whole lot to me.
This experience is a true gift.
For them to take the time to honor the mothers like this,
it says a whole lot to me.
The big event today is the Q&A with a few cast
members from "Beautiful."
Anything you want to let them know
before they see the show today?
Moms are the best.
Well done, moms.
You guys are the best.
And then we all got to see this amazing play.
It was wonderful, the energy.
The music was fabulous.
The choreography.
Like the song says, you wake up every morning
with a smile on your face and show the world
all the love in your heart.
She does it every day.
I was exhausted by the end of the day
from grinning, and smiling, and laughter.
And, of course, I love this woman more than anything
in this whole world.
We will be flying as much as we can to earn more miles.
Please do.
To continue to turn those miles into experiences.
Because this is really a special event
that I am happy that we were both able to be a part of.
It's been a really special weekend.
Yes, it has.
MLA Ric McIver - QP: Support for Children's Out-of-Country Medical Treatment - Duration: 3:14.
DashConnect for Honda Odyssey 2005 2006 2007 - Duration: 6:38.
We're going to show you video interfaces for
Honda and Acura vehicles with 20 pin navigation systems, found in the following vehicle:
First interface we're going to show you
is a regular video interface with the
universal harness and then a
plug-and-play harness.
So the interface
uses this harness that plugs into the
interface and then at the end you'll
plug in a plug-and-play harness.
This interface supports two video inputs.
To this interface you can connect front/rear
camera, front camera/DVD, some of the
Honda/Acuras are equipped with a rear seat
entertainment, so you can use front cameras if
entertainment or some of the other stuff,
you know whatever other video sources you come
up with.
We also offer wireless mirroring adapter.
This wireless mirroring adapter can
connect to this interface via RCA input and
it's going to be in SD quality.
This particular combination is not going to be
HD quality.
A second interface compatible
with the vehicle is our HDMI mirroring interface.
This interface comes with four
camera inputs -
front, rear, left, right cameras and it
uses the same plug and play harness.
These two interfaces connect via HD signal, so
video connected wireless mirroring,
iPhone/Android connected to this
interface is going to produce HD quality
image and it's going to automatically
adjust to the highest resolution that
your car screen can accept.
The audio is
for your auxiliary, so the audio from
this interface, the wireless mirroring
interface is going to connect to the
mirroring interface via HDMI - the audio
and video is going to travel then from this
interface the video is going to go to
your car screen and the audio through
these jacks are going to go to vehicle's
If car is not equipped with
auxiliary interface, you need to install an
auxiliary adapter or FM modulator.
With these
both interfaces you can connect rearview
camera, and the rear-view camera is going
to automatically operate when the vehicle
is placed in reverse.
You can also install a
forward facing camera - a forward facing
camera is going to automatically turn on
out of reverse into drive and stay on
the screen up to 10 seconds.
With HD
interface you can also add lane watch
You can add right and you can
add left lane watch cameras.
Those cameras
are going to be operated with turn signals,
left and right turn signals
With both interfaces you
can turn on cameras at any time via a
single press of a push button.
The inputs
are operated through push button, press
and hold the push button turns on the
interface - with this interface press once
video one, press a second time video two, press
again it goes back to video one, press and
hold goes back to factory screen.
With this interface press and hold once, it goes
to HDMI input,
press once for video one which is going to be
the rear camera, press again front camera,
press once more left camera, press one
again right camera.
Press and hold, goes
back to factory system.
These two
interfaces are connected via RCA SD, these
two interfaces are connected by method
of HDMI.
This is through HD connectivity.
But even this interface you're able to
use regular connectivity by SD.
This wireless adapter is able to accept
images from iPhone and Android - this is
full mirroring, so you're not limited to
Android is full mirroring,
iPhone only Netflix is not going to work
and iTunes videos.
Every other app is
going to work - YouTube is going to work,
Hulu is going to work, Facebook, Amazon
video, calculator, any application.
It's the same thing if you would hold the
phone in front of the mirror.
With this interface, if you don't want to use our
wireless adapter you can also use
Android via MHL or use any other
miracast receiver because Android, all
Android phones have miracast built-in, it's
their proprietary signal to send video
to wireless adapters, or with iPhone you
can use wired option with iPhone that
uses the lightning to HDMI adapter.
So you connect the lightning adapter into
the phone and then the other end is HDMI .
And then we make a special harness, or a
special connector that extends HDMI
because we're all know lightning to HDMI
is very bulky, so if you don't want the
bulky connector installed into the
car, with our lighting to HDMI you can
hide the whole bulkiness and use this
extension cable, it's very long so it's going
to be same thing as charging the phone -
it's going to charge the phone and
produce the video right to your screen.
So this is the wired option - so the
wireless option, the wired option.
The advantages of iPhone, particular wired
options is that
any future updates you're not going to
have any side effects at all because
this is what Apple said, if you want to
mirror wired
we'll give you an adapter, here you go.
Wireless adapter accepts both iPhone and Android but
there might be some delays if let's say
you know next iPhone, what if the iOS 11
comes out and they change something
there may be delays updating it, and this may
require an update.
This will never
require any updates.
Alright guys, so
you've got two interfaces, we got two
video input interface and got four video
input interface - this is full HD this is
SD this is HD with left and right
lane watch cameras.
Thank you for watching,
share this episode and we'll see you
next time, please subscribe to our
YouTube channel - go to Youtube type in
dashconnectplus, all one word,
subscribe to our YouTube channel
for future videos.
Thank you for watching.
Message for your night 10 May - Duration: 0:37.
7 Home Remedies for a Burning Sensation in Your Stomach - Duration: 4:54.
7 Home Remedies for a Burning Sensation in Your Stomach
Do you experience the ill effects of a consuming sensation in your stomach?
Does your stomach feel as though it's ablaze?
All things considered, you are not the only one.
Many individuals encounter this disagreeable sensation.
Do you experience the ill effects of a consuming sensation in your stomach?
Does your stomach feel as though it's ablaze?
All things considered, you are not the only one.
Many individuals encounter this repulsive sensation.
To get help from the issue, attempt some straightforward home cures.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple juice vinegar is a decent cure in the event that you are encountering a consuming
sensation in the guts.
In spite of the fact that acidic in nature,
apple juice vinegar has an alkalizing impact that adjusts the corrosive level in the stomach.
Blend 1 to 2 teaspoons of crude, unfiltered apple juice vinegar
in a glass of tepid water.
Include somewhat nectar (discretionary) and blend completely.
Drink it a few times every day.
You can likewise drink it before dinners.
Baking Soda
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is another great solution for treat stomach related issues,
for example, a consuming sensation in the stomach.
It fills in as a characteristic stomach settling agent to kill the corrosive in your stomach,
in this way giving moment alleviation.
Blend � to 1 teaspoon of preparing pop in a glass of water.
Mix until it breaks up totally.
Include somewhat nectar or lemon for taste in the event that
you need, and drink it promptly.
Utilize this cure 2 or 3 times each day (1 to 2 hours in the wake of having suppers or
different medicines).
Probiotics can facilitate the consuming sensation, torment and awkward feeling related with sharpness
and stomach related framework issues.
Probiotics are "great" microscopic organisms that lift your intestinal and general stomach
related wellbeing.
Help your admission of probiotics by eating yogurt, certain sorts of drain, soy items,
kefir (like yogurt), sauerkraut, dull chocolate, miso soup, kimchi and kombucha tea.
Probiotics are additionally accessible as dietary supplements, which you can take subsequent
to counseling your specialist.
Pickle Juice
As pickle juice is rich in vinegar, it works much like apple juice vinegar to lessen corrosive
development in the stomach.
Actually matured acrid pickle juice
is a decent wellspring of sans dairy probiotics and is less inclined to bring about any reactions.
You can even have the pickle alongside the juice.
Chewing Gum
Biting a bit of without sugar gum is a basic trap to battle a consuming sensation in the
It invigorates the generation of spit, which is an antacid specialist.
When you swallow the salivation, it kills stomach corrosive and gives you brisk help
from the issue.
After a feast, bite a bit of sans sugar gum for 30 minutes
to help avoid sharpness and a consuming sensation in your trunk and stomach.
Stay away from sugary and additionally mint-enhanced gum.
Bananas are high in fiber substance and help accelerate assimilation, hence limiting frequencies
of sharpness and consuming sensations in the trunk and stomach.
Eat a ready banana for fast help from a terrible episode of causticity.
You can even make a banana smoothie with cool drain or yogurt.
Aside from bananas, apples, papayas and watermelon can likewise give help from indigestion.
Slippery Elm
Dangerous elm has demulcent properties that help coat the throat and the stomach lining,
which acts as boundary against causticity.
Soak 1 tablespoon of powdered elusive elm in some boiling point water for 5 minutes.
Drink this tea 2 or 3 times each day.
Elusive elm is additionally accessible
in container shape (400 to 500 mg) that can be taken 3 or 4 times day by day.
Be that as it may, counsel your specialist first.
Note: Do not give slippery elm to a child without consulting your doctor first.
Additional Tips:
Keep a sustenance diary to help you distinguish conceivable triggers and stay away from them.
Eat a nutritious and high-fiber eating regimen to bolster the stomach related framework.
Additionally, eat 5 or 6 little dinners every day rather than 2 overwhelming suppers to
help processing.
When eating, make a point to bite your nourishment altogether to advance great processing.
Maintain a strategic distance from any sort of activity for no less than 30 minutes in
the wake of eating.
Stopped smoking, as smoking decreases salivation.
Spit kills corrosive.
Mother's Day Message from Prep for Prep Moms - Duration: 0:30.
Mom says, "Pay it back to Prep for Prep!"
Mom says, "Pay it forward to Prep."
Mamá dice que "tiene que devolver a Prep."
Mom says, "Pay it forward to Prep."
Mom says, "Pay it forward to Prep."
CasePulse: Client Portal for Needles - Duration: 2:01.
CasePulse is a client portal for Needles.
It lets your team communicate with clients, share files, and automate messages without
ever leaving Needles.
With a couple of clicks in Needles, your team can invite a client to the portal.
When they log in, they'll see your custom branded portal with your logo, colors, and
domain name.
A welcome message from their legal team is waiting and lets them know what to expect next.
You and your client can easily share files.
If they want to send you their accident photos, or there's a document you need them to sign,
you can add it to the portal at any point in the case.
When a client sends you a portal message you'll receive a message in Needles.
And, you can reply directly to the client without ever leaving Needles.
Your client will receive a notification with a link that they can click to view the new
message in the portal.
CasePulse works on smartphones and tablets too.
Your client can take a photo right at that moment or add photos they've already taken.
The portal also lets your clients learn a bit about their legal team and put a face to the name.
One of the best time-saving features is our Rules Engine, which allows you to automate
messages at any point in the case.
This client has just been released from treatment so the case manager marks that checklist item
as done and saves.
CasePulse automatically sends your custom message to the client letting them know the
status of their case and what to expect next.
Contact us to schedule an online demo and see how CasePulse saves your firm time and
improves client satisfaction.
Animals Learning Animals Sounds For Kids Learning Wild Animals Sounds best For Toddlers - Duration: 11:40.
Animals Learning Animals Sounds For Kids Learning Wild Animals Sounds best For Toddlers
Blackened Ball Z (Part 3) - Desperate Times Calls for Desperate Measures. Let's Form Kage - Duration: 7:04.
Last time on Blackened Ball Z.
"I say let's just get right into it then."
"No problem."
"Please tell me that's not all you got."
"Well so far, I'm not impressed."
"I thought you two said you were the strongest on the block."
"Show me what you really got."
"Let's show him what we're made of."
"Those moves didn't even affect him."
"I believe now it's my move"
"I don't think we can beat this guy."
"So what do we do?"
"The only thing that we can do."
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I suggest you two give up now."
"Is there really anything left for you to do?"
"I don't think we can beat this guy."
"So what do we do?"
"The only thing that we can do."
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I suggest you two give up now."
"Is there really anything left for you to do?"
"In fact..."
"There is."
"That was a neat little trick."
"Nobody makes a fool of me."
"We will."
"No more games."
"So, looks like your little trick didn't work."
"You're pathetic."
"I know you don't got on a Jordan shirt..."
"...Jordan shoes..."
"...and Wilson socks."
"You guys can have your block back, alright?"
"'...just leave me alone."
"Alright, alright, everything."
"I swear I'll return it back."
"I'm not gonna bother anyone ever again."
"You better."
"Why'd y'all have to do that to me?"
"I ain't have no more socks."
"I ran outta socks!"
"I ran outta so-"
"Well, I guess he learned his lesson."
"How'd they even see?"
"My Jordans."
"I'm glad that's over."
"Let's go back to Horse."
With the help of Kairo and Sage's combined roasting skills,
The Ville is once again safe.
Any threat coming towards The Ville
Is sure to be stopped
By the young negro warriors,
Kairo and Sage.
This has been,
DashConnect for Honda Ridgeline 2006 2007 2008 - Duration: 6:38.
We're going to show you video interfaces for
Honda and Acura vehicles with 20 pin navigation systems, found in the following vehicle:
First interface we're going to show you
is a regular video interface with the
universal harness and then a
plug-and-play harness.
So the interface
uses this harness that plugs into the
interface and then at the end you'll
plug in a plug-and-play harness.
This interface supports two video inputs.
To this interface you can connect front/rear
camera, front camera/DVD, some of the
Honda/Acuras are equipped with a rear seat
entertainment, so you can use front cameras if
entertainment or some of the other stuff,
you know whatever other video sources you come
up with.
We also offer wireless mirroring adapter.
This wireless mirroring adapter can
connect to this interface via RCA input and
it's going to be in SD quality.
This particular combination is not going to be
HD quality.
A second interface compatible
with the vehicle is our HDMI mirroring interface.
This interface comes with four
camera inputs -
front, rear, left, right cameras and it
uses the same plug and play harness.
These two interfaces connect via HD signal, so
video connected wireless mirroring,
iPhone/Android connected to this
interface is going to produce HD quality
image and it's going to automatically
adjust to the highest resolution that
your car screen can accept.
The audio is
for your auxiliary, so the audio from
this interface, the wireless mirroring
interface is going to connect to the
mirroring interface via HDMI - the audio
and video is going to travel then from this
interface the video is going to go to
your car screen and the audio through
these jacks are going to go to vehicle's
If car is not equipped with
auxiliary interface, you need to install an
auxiliary adapter or FM modulator.
With these
both interfaces you can connect rearview
camera, and the rear-view camera is going
to automatically operate when the vehicle
is placed in reverse.
You can also install a
forward facing camera - a forward facing
camera is going to automatically turn on
out of reverse into drive and stay on
the screen up to 10 seconds.
With HD
interface you can also add lane watch
You can add right and you can
add left lane watch cameras.
Those cameras
are going to be operated with turn signals,
left and right turn signals
With both interfaces you
can turn on cameras at any time via a
single press of a push button.
The inputs
are operated through push button, press
and hold the push button turns on the
interface - with this interface press once
video one, press a second time video two, press
again it goes back to video one, press and
hold goes back to factory screen.
With this interface press and hold once, it goes
to HDMI input,
press once for video one which is going to be
the rear camera, press again front camera,
press once more left camera, press one
again right camera.
Press and hold, goes
back to factory system.
These two
interfaces are connected via RCA SD, these
two interfaces are connected by method
of HDMI.
This is through HD connectivity.
But even this interface you're able to
use regular connectivity by SD.
This wireless adapter is able to accept
images from iPhone and Android - this is
full mirroring, so you're not limited to
Android is full mirroring,
iPhone only Netflix is not going to work
and iTunes videos.
Every other app is
going to work - YouTube is going to work,
Hulu is going to work, Facebook, Amazon
video, calculator, any application.
It's the same thing if you would hold the
phone in front of the mirror.
With this interface, if you don't want to use our
wireless adapter you can also use
Android via MHL or use any other
miracast receiver because Android, all
Android phones have miracast built-in, it's
their proprietary signal to send video
to wireless adapters, or with iPhone you
can use wired option with iPhone that
uses the lightning to HDMI adapter.
So you connect the lightning adapter into
the phone and then the other end is HDMI .
And then we make a special harness, or a
special connector that extends HDMI
because we're all know lightning to HDMI
is very bulky, so if you don't want the
bulky connector installed into the
car, with our lighting to HDMI you can
hide the whole bulkiness and use this
extension cable, it's very long so it's going
to be same thing as charging the phone -
it's going to charge the phone and
produce the video right to your screen.
So this is the wired option - so the
wireless option, the wired option.
The advantages of iPhone, particular wired
options is that
any future updates you're not going to
have any side effects at all because
this is what Apple said, if you want to
mirror wired
we'll give you an adapter, here you go.
Wireless adapter accepts both iPhone and Android but
there might be some delays if let's say
you know next iPhone, what if the iOS 11
comes out and they change something
there may be delays updating it, and this may
require an update.
This will never
require any updates.
Alright guys, so
you've got two interfaces, we got two
video input interface and got four video
input interface - this is full HD this is
SD this is HD with left and right
lane watch cameras.
Thank you for watching,
share this episode and we'll see you
next time, please subscribe to our
YouTube channel - go to Youtube type in
dashconnectplus, all one word,
subscribe to our YouTube channel
for future videos.
Thank you for watching.
Suing White Nationalists for Online Harassment: VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Segment) - Duration: 7:43.
— This beautiful little ski town seems like an unlikely target
for an invasion of white supremacists.
— It's it's a great town.
The people that come here are the people that love outdoor activities.
They are incredibly hardy.
— Whitefish is a really healthy town of mind, body and soul.
— But this town happens to be home to Richard Spencer,
who became America's most famous white nationalist
after he neatly encapsulated fears about the Trump administration in one simple gesture:
— Heil Trump!
Heil our people!
Heil victory!
— When Richard Spencer stood up in front of the world
and did a Nazi salute in Washington D.C.,
it changed everything in Whitefish.
— Activists noticed Spencer had registered his non-profit at his mom's property in town.
Tanya Gersh, a realtor, had a conversation with Spencer's mom, Sherry Spencer.
— Sherry Spencer called me and Sherry said, "Tanya, what do I do?"
"I don't believe in the ideologies of my son."
And I said, "Sherry, if this were my son,"
'I would sell the building and I would donate some money to a human rights cause."
And she said,
"You're right, Tanya. That's what I should do."
"Will you help me?"
— Later, Sherry said Tanya pressured her to sell against her will.
She posted an email from Tanya in which she asked Sherry
to make a public statement against her son and donate proceeds to a charity she'd worked with.
That was catnip for Andrew Anglin, who runs a neo-Nazi site,
because Tanya is Jewish.
— Do you know no one has ever even told me a Jewish joke in my all my life?
Do you know I had no idea I was a minority?
— The final conclusions that I came to
were that it's necessary to have an extreme version of conservatism.
This is the only way we're going to save western civilization and the human race—
the white race, in particular.
— He posted Tanya's address and phone number,
her husband's contact info and her son's social media accounts,
and urged his fans to troll them—
which they did.
Anglin threatened to hold a skinhead parade in downtown Whitefish,
though he couldn't make it happen.
Now, the Southern Poverty Law Center is suing Anglin on Tanya's behalf.
Supporters have already raised over $100,000 for Anglin's defense,
and have called his actions "lawful, First Amendment-protected criticism."
Anglin and Sherry Spencer declined to be interviewed after repeated requests.
— We were afraid for our safety.
The Nazis made me feel like this was all my fault,
and I was the dirtiest of the dirtiest,
ugliest, disgusting human being you could ever imagine, you know?
— What he was trying to do was to make her life miserable.
He didn't like her because she was Jewish, you know,
and so, we have filed a lawsuit against him.
— In just over over 24 hours after their call,
Tanya emailed Sherry a listing agreement,
a proposed statement for Sherry to make denouncing the alt-right,
and news that she might have already found a buyer.
— Tanya did speak out about this political issue, right?
So, does that open her up to Andrew Anglin's political speech, as vile as it might be?
— No, nothing that anyone has ever claimed Tanya has done,
much less what she's actually done,
could possibly justify the vitriol that's been launched against her.
— I think people understand that what he did to her is mean.
But how is it illegal?
— If I had 700 of my friends call you day and night and, you know,
say the vilest things, if I attacked your children,
I think, from a commonsensical point of view,
we know that that's way beyond any kind of free speech line.
And that's what he's done.
It's not the first time he's done it,
but we want to make it the last time he's done it.
— SPLC made its name suing hate groups out of existence,
winning multi-million-dollar judgments against KKK groups who terrorized locals.
Not only is this is SPLC's first case of digital harassment,
it is their first case against the alt-right.
It argues Anglin violated Montana's anti-discrimination act,
and seeks compensatory and punitive damages.
— Before this happened, did you know much about trolls and online harassment?
— You know, you hear about the bullying that goes on in high school,
with the Facebook and all this kind of stuff.
I had never seen an attack on a community,
or an attack on a set of businesses, in a community like that.
— Tanya counted 700 harassing messages.
They sent her Holocaust memes.
They called so much, she had to turn off her phone.
They filled up her voicemail.
They called her her husband's law office so much, it had to close for a while.
They harassed other stores in town.
They mailed threats disguised as holiday cards.
— So did you get a lot like that?
— Yeah.
— Where they would, like, try to trick you into listening?
— Yes.
When they started doing that, I had to stop answering my phone completely.
— Yeah.
— So the crematorium ones hit me in a really different way,
because they're not talking just about me.
They're talking about...
history, my history.
— They're reveling in, like, this global tragedy.
— Right, as if it's no big deal.
As if it's... as if they can throw it around.
It's one thing to hate somebody.
It's another thing to find out that people really believe that the Holocaust was a good thing.
— Yeah.
— That...
that still takes my breath away, to tell you the truth.
— You know, in a prior generation,
Andrew Anglin would have burned a cross on Tanya's lawn.
In today's world, he's launched a digital storm.
What we're trying to do is bring tried and true principles into the digital age.
— This is very new.
Internet terrorism is very new.
If I didn't say this is not okay, and make a very, very strong stand against it,
and just pretend like it didn't happen to me because I was scared,
how many other people is Andrew Anglin going to do this to?
Nature-based therapy for positive mental health - Duration: 1:47.
Hey guys, so personally this year I'm trying to spend more time in nature
because I fully believe in its healing benefits if you want to use those words.
I believe we're naturally meant to be there
Look at a thousand years ago we would have been in the woods all the time,
we would have been surrounded by open fields,
by animals, by wild animals more importantly.
I believe it has calming elements. There is some science to prove that it does lower stress and other factors.
However I'm not going to do that on this video because I don't know it well enough.
All I know anecdotally is when I come into nature, into the woods,
to a park, even here in London I notice the benefits I get from it.
I notice that it helps calm my mind.
And even when my mind is racing I can apply mindfulness principles to get myself into the present.
Whether that noticing the ground, the sounds, the smells or what I see.
And just try and link and connect with the environment as one living organism.
So this isn't a video to say the real benefits of being in nature.
This is a video to say go do it, go try it and if you find it hard being alone with your head in nature
and mindfulness isn't working for you, then take a friend, take a family member.
But just spend more time in nature this year
And I think it will help you even just lower stress
and if not you'll have fun.
I don't think there are any side effects to nature
so take a high dose of it.
And I will speak to you soon.
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