Ether The Law Of The Mysterious 5th Element
The law of ether is what keeps the universe connected and in oneness with everything,
souls that agree to an alien creation forsake divine eternal matrimony.
This old matrix reality that we still find ourselves in, is only being kept in absolution
by the elements that have been turned into knowledge by the souls here which have structured
the construct of the current reality filled with rules, laws and limitations.
The elements are not merely their physical representations within the hologram, as something
you can touch, feel, hear (instruments), taste or see.
They are forces that are forever co-creating and are primordially inert within the constitution
of everything that is, the soul/whole.
Remember that the soul is ultimately everything in the universe that remains connected in
one consciousness via the 1st element, namely ether.
This is the source of oneness.
Oneness and the connection of everything in the universe is maintained by ether.
Oneness is a universal law that has been broken by billions of souls who have embraced Lucifer�s
By accepting and partaking in the NWO matrix, you break ether; in other words, you break
a universal law � the connection and resulting harmony in everything by embracing a creation
that is not of your own making, ultimately not one with you, in a stark contention against
the one/the whole.
The axiom of the matrix is divide and rule, and anyone with knowledge of the pyramid hierarchy
that forms the status quo should know quite well of the separation it causes, which is
in direct opposition of ether.
The results of this aftermath is obviously disastrous as we find ourselves in a dog eat
dog reality, where harmony is absent.
Due to the incepted deception leaving us in ignorance, fear and unconsciousness, many
of us have been led to embrace separation, partake in a system that breeds evil a.k.a.
the biggest lie in the universe.
Winning was Losing all Along
The matrix, through the educational indoctrinational system, steals your elements and, with that,
your divine mystical powers to manifest and have your own creation instead of the creation
of the architect.
Highly successful people that have become rich by harmonizing with the creators� reality
and playing by the rules of the matrix are among the most unconscious people on the planet.
These are the people that have become totally possessed by their identities, which are essentially
agents in their own rights.
The agents uphold the status quo of the matrix above anything else.
You have to be unconscious in order to win inside the matrix.
Because the only way to succeed is to break the unwritten soul contract (that of oneness
and immortality) � and for what?
A temporary illusion where an addiction to the five senses can be fulfilled until the
time comes for your body to die � and in the ground it goes.
Agents, identities, personas are all unconscious and totally linked up to the mainframe management.
The aftermath of breaking ether is obviously the loss of soul connection, which is the
source of all suffering, evil and relativity.
The creator�s objective: accomplished!
All your Failures were Blessings
Failure and loss, over and over again in the reality of the matrix, is by no means an occurrence
to be ashamed of.
In fact, all those that have not been able to become successful inside the matrix are
the real soul people.
These are the people that knew deep down of the law of ether and never wanted to break
it by agreeing to an evil foreign reality based on separation, that was shoved down
everyone�s throats.
Absolutes are not unobtainable
The notion of absolutes is another concept that has been made very confusing by disinformation.
Philosophical works and even the founder of Scientology (i.e. one of the biggest agents
of the creator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard) proposed that Absolutes are unobtainable.
Millions, if not billions of people on Earth, unconsciously agree with this false notion.
It spells out that you cannot find absolute truths in this reality, and that you cannot
have an absolute existence � only relative.
The creator, through Mr. Hubbard and many other philosophers, hypothesized and led mankind
into believing that absolutes are only possible in fairy tales.
The disastrous effect can be witnessed in this reality, where millions are caught in
an absolute reality involving evil and suffering.
For all those that say �absolutes are unobtainable�, I argue that the very axiom �absolutes are
unobtainable� is an absolute in itself.
That means absolutes are obtainable and that, of course, also means that you cannot have
an absolute of pure evil and that you have made all evil possible.
This is the biggest lie in the system!
This is the unconscious agreement that we all have, due to the lack of light and sight.
If we want a world with no rules, no limitations and no laws, then that is obtainable and can
be made absolute by reversing all the agreements we have made with the matrix system, even
those we were not consciously aware of.
You have to realize that all axioms are half-truths and essentially spells that keep everyone
spellbound and effective to the primary matrix.
All axioms stem from the tree of knowledge that has bared its fruits since the inception
of religion, which has programmed the collective unconscious (machine) into blind enslavement
to knowledge that has been energized by consciousness for millions of years.
This is called transforming your elements into knowledge, to which you are then subjectified!
We have been fooled to create our own prisons.
Today we are at a tipping point where the truth inside the majority is becoming more
and more conscious at an ever increasing rate.
When Ghandi said: �when one man has the truth, he is in a majority�, he meant that
one man with the truth is ultimately inside every man on Earth and that outside of time
this truth can only reign supreme and liberate all with its resulting effect (i.e freedom
Real absolutes are eternal, just like the soul.
The Only Absolute is the Soul � The 5 Elements
Why is it that you think crystals and gemstones can show us obsolete constructs in our consciousness
and reveal to us unconscious aspects of ourselves that need attention or light?
This is because they do not lie, they have the five elements within them, which are absolute.
Crystals are formed by Earth, melted by Fire, and restructured by Air/Oxygen and Water.
These absolute forces of creation are the only true reality existent in our plane.
Everything else is just relative.
These forces carry on creating unhindered into infinity.
Unfortunately, crystals do not work for everyone as they cannot connect to a soul that is totally
disconnected from consciousness (i.e. the five elements) a.k.a. a clone.
Not a clone in the physical sense, but a clone resulting from the total immersion of matrix-based
knowledge that turns a soul into a copy of the sorcery, a duplicate.
A soul robbed by its elements, is turned into a mortal or a spirit.
The term �master of the elements� has been coined by various sages of bygone years,
yet very few have fully grasped what exactly it means to be a master of the elements.
The master of the elements can create any reality at will because he/she possesses the
seed-force of creation and can manifest any universe that is concurrent to the internal
domain and not relative to the external.
Just as the elements create in nature, the mountains and the forests, so can we do the
All we need to do is to reverse what we have created (the matrix) back to the five elements.
Power, glory and triumph will be regained and paradise lost will become paradise found.
Hotel California
When one goes through the process of turning your elements into knowledge, you check into
the matrix and you cannot check out: Hotel California.
The only way to reverse this process is to re-enter the source of the sorcery.
One has to unlearn all of the knowledge by time-traveling back to the past, in order
to undo all of the damage it has caused to the remainder of your timetrack.
This is how you save yourself from the future, into the past.
Depending on the amount of academia you have falsely turned absolute in your life, there
lies the source of the reality we encounter externally.
It is important not to individualize yourself for this catastrophe.
This is because of the one, that we are all one, and that at the very moment the majority
are still energizing the matrix into existence unconsciously.
As I have mentioned before, the truth is inside the majority, and it is only a matter of time
before the flame of truth is lit inside everyone.
There are enough beings on this planet now that hold the absolute truth, and due to the
universal law of oneness, like algae, this will arise in all.
We have reached the deadline in this lifetime.
In the past we had the pyramid system/mainframe in oneness with all, now there are those that
have turned the entire system construct back to the five elements, � the unconscious
into consciousness, � by conscientizing the entire system and breaking the status
Once it is done by one individual in metaphysics, it is done for all.
There is no need to go and take on a save the world program.
Eventually, everything comes back to consciousness, the first will be the last and the last will
be the first.
Every grain of sand will fall in its right place.
For more infomation >> Ether The Law Of The Mysterious 5th Element - Duration: 11:38.-------------------------------------------
A government bad at math is terrified of a man with a calculator - Duration: 2:21.
The parliamentary budget officer's job is to blow the whistle when the government cooks the books
and calculate what spending schemes will actually cost taxpayers, yet the budget bill will give
the Prime Minister's hand-picked Senate speaker a veto over the work of the budget watchdog
With billions in new spending schemes, and three decades worth of promise-breaking deficits ahead
why is the government trying to lock up the budget watchdog?
Mr. Speaker, as we said during the campaign, and we continue to say, we would like to advance the independence
of the parliamentary budget officer. We actually thanked the parliamentary budget officer
for his analysis of the provisions of Bill C-44. We look forward to working with him and others to improve
the bill to ensure we accomplish the objective of an effective and independent parliamentary budget officer.
I have said to the member and to all members, let us pass this legislation at second reading.
Let us send it to committee so we can advance the independence of the parliamentary budget officer
We can do this together.
The Syrian refugee plan was supposed to cost $250 million. Instead, it cost $1 billion.
The Liberals said their deficit would only be $10 billion. It is more than double that
They said the budget would be balanced by 2019. Now, it is 2055.
To a government that cannot count, there is nothing more terrifying than a man armed with a calculator
Why are the Liberals silencing the one person that can give them desperately needed help with remedial math?
Mr. Speaker, it is actually entirely the opposite. What our government is saying is that we support
the independence of the parliamentary budget officer. Where the previous government had the parliamentary
budget officer responding and reporting to the Library of Parliament, we are saying the parliamentary
budget officer should respond to Parliament, to Members of Parliament. That is why we are
saying let's work together to improve the legislation. Let's let it pass second reading. Let's send it to committee
so committee can do its important work. We are open to amendments. I will
continue to repeat that until members provide some constructive feedback to improve the
legislation for the independence of the parliamentary budget officer.
What is a timing belt? - Virginia Tire & Auto - Duration: 1:34.
Hello. My name is Larry Childers. I'm the service
manager with the Virginia Tire & Auto of Chantilly.
I want to take a few moments and explain
what a timing belt does.
It's a common maintenance item that a lot
of people find confusing.
It's difficult to access a timing belt inside an engine bay,
so I'm gonna use this model to try and explain what it does.
The timing belt is this rubber belt
that synchronizes the movements of the crankshaft
and the two camshafts so that the engines valves
open and close at the proper time during the
cylinder's intake and exhaust strokes.
Put simply, the timing belt synchronizes the
movements of the components inside the
engine as it's running.
What's important to know about the timing belt is
because it's made of rubber it's moving
anytime the engine is running it wears and
it will eventually break.
That's why we recommend replacing the timing belt
based on the manufacturer's recommended
replacing a timing belt water pump is an expensive
proposition. It's labor intensive. It can take
4 to 6 and a half hours depending on the vehicle.
It's an intricate job. It must be performed by
an experienced technician
And if the work is done with us it comes with
a 2 year, 24,000 mile warranty
So please feel free to visit any one of our
13 locations. We'll be glad to go over your car and
Answer any of your questions.
Is your Ayahuasca sustainable? - Thiago Martins e Silva - MappingMedicine#009 - Duration: 7:13.
Good practices in the harvest of these materials
You might already know that ayahuasca is made from two different plant species.
Generally it's the vine and the leaf.
A few indigenous cultures use other plants.
But the ayahuasca we know is made from the vine banisteriopsis caapi and the leaf psychotria viridis.
What are these two plants?
These plant species are native to the Amazon rainforest.
They are considered non-timber forest products
They don't produce wood which could be explored
But still when we explore the vine and the leaves we create a damage because we take from the native forest
The vine can be considered of bigger impact, because we need to take the whole plant.
Sometimes the root is left in the earth, but not everybody will leave the root.
The leaf on the other hand can be collected, without creating too much impact on the plant
If you have good harvesting methods. you will be able to harvest regularly.
When you only take the mature leaves and leave the young twin leaves at the tip, the plant can survive.
For that reason harvesting the leaves creates less impact.
Of course there are people who are not concerned with sustainability.
They cut down the whole chacruna plant, because thats the easiest way to harvest.
People who don't care about the survival of this plant will have no problems in doing such a thing.
Not too many years ago, Ayahuasca was still very little known.
I would say that less than 10 years ago, she went global.
Ayahuasca is a drink, originally found in the Amazon rainforest, mostly concentrated in the area of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.
Since it is a good thing, it spread all over the world.
This is irreversible.
Today ayahuasca is known worldwide
And the demand keeps growing.
Since ayahuasca originated in the Amazonian region
people end up sending it from here to other places in the world.
What's the result of this?
Mere local consumption, already creates an impact.
With the global consumption and the rising demand
this impact is extremely increased
degrading the native vegetation.
If people who produce ayahuasca, for the foreign market, don't care about sustainability
they will harvest the plants in the fastest and most degrading way possible.
The vine might be 30m up in the forest.
In the native forest, the vine doesn't stay in the shade, it grows together with the forest.
So when the vine is mature it will be in the high forest at 30 meters height.
Those who don't care about the forest, who only want to sell and comercialize the tea made from this material
will cut down the tree
It's much easier cutting down a tree, than climbing it and putting yourself at risk.
The forest is cut down and people take away what interests them.
When this tea arrives in Europe or in other places
probably it will still do good for the person ingesting it
because ayahuasca is a benevolent spirit.
But the problem is that this person is encouraging inadequate practices.
Even if the person is drinking the ayahuasca with good intentions
this ayahuasca wasn't made with good intentions.
It's production harmed the forest.
A person who wants to drink ayahuasca
and has no conditions of being inside the Amazon rainforest where the production is easiest
you should at least try to get to know the medicine you're drinking.
It takes more than buying ayahuasca online
You don't know if this ayahuasca was produced using slave work,
or if trees were cut down during the harvest
you also don't konw if the vine and the leaves were stolen, because that happens a lot around here.
Some people, aware of their own wrong doings, won't drink ayahuasca out of fear,
but they go to other people's property, steal the vine, brew ayahuasca in a careless manner and send it abroad.
Without knowing your sources, you might be running risk of drinking ayahuasca that was made in such a manner
you might be contributing to the degradation of the forest, and even be harming yourself
because ayahuasca produced in a careless way, is not recommended for drinking.
So first of all you should find out where your ayahuasca is coming from
who is producing it and in what way.
Then you can be assured that the ayahuasca that you are consuming is good.
If you, at least once in you life, have a chance to see how it is produced
then you will have a certain guarantee: that this is a good ayahuasca
So in a globalized setting we have species that are sent abroad
as well as appropriation and biopiracy.
There already have been attempts to patent ayahuasca
which certainly won't succeed because it is a very powerful force that sustains itself.
If you have space at home, you could plant a bush of psychotria viridis.
I collected many leaves from a small pot.
I planted a branch which grew.
Of course I live in Brazil with adequate conditions
but I also planted outside of the Amazon rainforest, and have produced a lot of tea from planted species.
Some people might think this is not appropriate
but if you think in terms of sustainability and a production that is beneficial for the forest
this avoids, entering in and cutting down of native forest.
So if you have conditions, if you have a space for planting, and where it can grow, why not?
It's not gonna give you a lot of work and you'll have the pleasure of drinking ayahuasca that you planted and collected.
When you drink it you'll feel the difference.
Weekly Torah Portion: Emor - Duration: 20:57.
What is Colon Cancer? | Dr Gallagher | Wilmington Health - Duration: 3:13.
Colon cancer the third leading cause of
cancer deaths in the United States, and
mostly preventable. It's a disease
associated with aging, so as we age,
typically over 50 our risk starts to
increase and it starts to peak 60, 70s.
The process by which colon cancer
develops is a slowly progressive
phenomenon. It starts with cells that
become abnormal, start to grow out of
proportion, or what's out of what they
normally should and those cells and form
what are called polyps, and polyps if
left unchanged over time we'll get
larger, and some of those pops will
develop even further changes that lead
to much more disorganized growth and
actually cancer, where those cells will
now invade into the lining of the colon
and start to spread. This processed takes
years, so what we offer is a way of
actually finding the polyps, removing
them, and removing the risk associated
with their progression, so colonoscopy is
usually recommended for most patients at
50, and that's the typical age of someone
who doesn't have any significant family
history of colon cancer, or related
cancers so there's several other cancers
that are interrelated genetically to
colon cancer risk. Obviously if your
parents have had colon cancer or your
siblings then we will recommend it for
starting at 40, and then once we look
then we establish how frequently
we need to look, depending on what we find, and
that family history. Colon cancer
is related to genetic mutations that
some of us inherit and those
mutations put us at a higher risk of
developing cancer.
As a result we may look more frequently
in those patients and every 10 years
which is the norm. So if you have a
screening exam at 50, and otherwise
normal healthy, no other risk factors and
we'll get in ten years till your next
screening exam. We use station here that
people to sleep so you don't experience
any discomfort during the procedure,
maybe a little gassy when you wake up,
and the air that we put in to look
around so those folks with feeling great
afterwards, and we send them on their way to
grab some lunch and enjoy the rest of
their day. We'll also know once the
pathology comes back, how if there are
polyps, so if they're worse than
any anything significant or what needs
to be done in the future in terms of how
often we need to go back and look.
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