Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 1 2018

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Can't tell you how excited I am for our vacation to Florida tomorrow

I wish that Bob was a bum look at that. It's the parent I made friends with when I first got to Florida

I was feeling homesick, and he helped me feel better. I've coped my getting bleep eating dancing shit

You know parents can live a long long time hmm. I wonder if I'll ever see him again

Did you hear that Roley Bob's right Florida is hard to rhyme with I can't wait to play the weakest Bobby

All right guys the beach is gonna have to wait. I'm not feeling that well, so I'm gonna rest here until I feel better

that totally makes sense I get it I

Do miss my stick collection back home in the backyard. I smell a mission

Bob said that the Pyrrhic knocked down coconuts and ate grapes

Bob did say he first met the parent while on a walk in a garden then we should go on a walk. I love walks

Sorry Nellie oh you Bobby's bird

We came here on vacation to play the Bob on the beach except Bob doesn't want to play cuz he's homesick now

We're looking for Bob's body friend to help him feel better

The word I heard singing was right over there, just like that

Seagull save and pops in all

I don't know what rhymes with Florida right. It's unreliable

Except Jonathan isn't the right kind of singing bird?

He's a seagull flops bird as a pair and Bob's bird knocks coconuts out of trees. I know I know

You know there's a bird knocking come from that tree. It looks exactly like Bob's

To the word

Bird the word come on Roli. Let's get Bob's bird back to the hotel then when Bob wake up from his nap. He'll be

Lobster tell

Me to accept the sand, it's so hard to walk on Royal

We can use them to bring him back to Bob's hotel

Over here Bob's bird look grapes yummy

Roley there can only be one Bob's bird

Bingo, I think these pair gentlemen repeating things. They won't evil to say

but things

Also sing and dance whichever one sings and dances must be Bob's bird any one of you guys like to sing and dance I

Think Bob's burm I need a little inspiration we need to sing and dance and maybe Bob's board will decide to join us

Baabs but I

Don't know which one is the best one that's supposed to be bob's bird

That was a mouthful Bob could wake up at any time. He said the same thing Bob tears when he's frustrated

Suffering side orders of seaweed salad or any wanted salad, but the only way he'd know to say that is a beard bob say

Bye bye and the parents that are not father's loaded up bird. What are you two so excited about?

Wait they said who I think it is

Why I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Oh, I can't believe it

Good job guys we did it Roley you

Know what pups I feel so good. I feel like going to the beach

I spy spudgy


Finished mowing the backyard for you to play in now. I just want to pour myself a big glass of iced tea before I leave


Can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea

It's more than cool, it's gold

Doesn't matter where it is. How are we supposed to get that Antarctica place are shown us on the wall. I don't know

What if this ice do you think will be best for Bob's iced tea

I don't know, maybe we could ask those Penguins are sliding my tortoise

Varna mr.. Looking for ice well, you're talking to the right penguin I can go find you the best ice

There is you do that boss you wouldn't walking around with that thing

How do you do that with that slip and sliding all over the ice you sniffling the weather is what sir?

We get stoves here that blow everything around and turn everything why

Or not forever at all who do mr.. Penguin go


I wish we want Oh, sh t lovin. Let's see what else is in this box

Yes, so we can't let it get away

And we can see if he found Bob's ice but wait what if he follows our traps and comes through this cave think you'll hear

So it's a good thing Bob. Put this ice drawing thing in my collar in case you ever need you jostling and ice

I think I smileyface too hard

We should waddle, that's what mr.

Penguin said penguins do so they don't fall back nothing one man's ever gone a clack like that it wasn't you?

Found the eyes you were looking ball do you have my egg?

Oh you boys did a great job on to my egg and taking care of my little girl well

I went out looking for your eyes


Go ahead take oh you are

We'd love to see you and play with you my brother, and I have to get home as fast as we can

How are things on the bottom of the earth cold icy helps if you are old

Did you get the ice Bob needs for his iced tea? We sure did the best there is here?

Good idea, Missy

It's gonna taste so good

The retriever

Well it looks like you two are in the mood for a fetch filled day

But I've got something better than a drippy old stick. Are you fended it just for you?

I've already started over on several versions of this invention because they weren't working right. I hope this is the one that finally works

Somebody needs to bring it back


Think this one's a keeper that stick plant somewhere, but you can't get it there it goes again

Now watch it come right back

See you later doggie dude

Too bad about that stick it seemed real nice for stick. I wonder why I didn't come back

Rowley Bob said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we should help him by getting rid of

this one for

We're trying to get rid of you

Bob says were always leaving our toys here, so this is the perfect place to get rid of the stick the

Perfect place to get rid of what we must alone cupcake oh

This is a weird game that stick likes to play keeps wanting to come back to us because that's what Bob made it to do

See you later stick I mean we don't want to see you later stick yeah, you've been grounded

You'd get hole digger Olli

It just keeps wanting to play with us some more

Okay, if that stick is gonna keep coming at us

That stick won't be able to find us if we hide in there

Well that's sick just cool boring adi boring boring boring in here, and then we'll have to run away again

What's that sound

Did you just please stop trying to come back to us

The sticky situation

Not yet

Me neither, but at least we did what Bob wanted us to do?

Yeah, we want to get rid of something we get a garden widows

Listen are you two having a doggy?

Am I late oh

I almost forgot

Tomorrow's Mother's Day, and if I don't mail this card today. My mom won't get it in time

Oh mom's gonna be so happy when she sees this envelope in her mailbox

I can't go don't have my keys have fun doing whatever you do what I'm not here

It's the card in the envelope for Bob's orange loving mom

No Bob must have dropped it on his way out the door

Who's with him so fast? Oh? They'll be a few pills no


One is going to be sad because really they're going to deliver that card ourselves ARF would be happy if you did that

Also our faith would be drier

You think you can keep an eye on this car while we do our mission

But we do know where shooters pops took a flag stamp on here

Roley look

there's a play just like the one Bob put on the envelope a

Mingo and this is Roley. We're looking for Bob's mom. Sorry. There's no one named Bob's mom here


Fire truck time hook hurry up gotta tell everybody in town

Five rug time gotta make her siren sound

Okay, we're still looking for a place with a flat. Do you see one no, but I do see cupcaking office oh?

Man, why are they practically everywhere we go

We're taking you somewhere with a big flag in front so she can have a happy mother's day and wait do you think you're gonna?

Find some place with a big flag in front around here. Oh

How come Bob's mom has school - to school books from school our projects all over the walls?

Because I don't think this is Bob's mom's house

You can do this too

Maybe it's not the flag on the envelope that says where it goes

Maybe it's the whitening so if we had the envelope wicked weed Wilkos. What do you mean if we had it?


Don't know where we're going I know I'm just figuring out what I should ask for for my birthday

Great job Rolly now. We just need to wait for the truck to stop so we can

So here's what we're gonna do well crawl on our bellies to that bush then climb up the fence like it's a treat

My way would have worked too

Hello oh hi mom you got the Mother's Day card oh, that's great

Aren't they funny they just go ruff ruff

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 342 - Pink Pig - Duration: 18:32.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 101 - Red Apply - Duration: 15:28.

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They're not the Olli why I prefer egg to you


Pom-pom I recently read too much bread gives you a crane nothing gonna stop this

Virtual life yeah like someone besides your mom is text

Scum is a term of endearment on my home planet, then I am supposing that is being okay

I plan to use my stay on this primitive planet to study the ways of

That is an unexpected turn of events

Tip can I be talking to you are you sure as you can be teachings the way of peace

What about pom pom just now one bad example and who is knowing what hmm?

You're taking me on as an exchange student fills me with great

This is a good place. I'm trying to anchor my mother that giant

Blessing - don't call your mom name lesson - eh

Okay, so let's go over an average nonviolent day

- stupid door

Tip that you yes clean the cap back

Pass the baton to you for litter duty

Steady now

And now the chore has ended that wasn't so bad now was it Diane

Yes, I can see now the flaw and resorting to violence over earth

Do you see what he's doing taking up, it's not worth the jail time we're peaceful people

All right

You think you're pretty chill, but ain't nothing prepared you for your final exam

Tip I would like to reiterate that this is can you be helped or?

Rode you listen here

Yes, but mentally for your own waters

In addition I'd like to raise a glass to a great teacher me so thin

So calm when I was close to you

I could see every pull after let my mom handle this one. Hey. Hey, did you take?

Coming for you Pommies and this time eh no

Diane let her go what what we were just starting to have fun

Your emotions keep shifting because emotions are complicated Diane and I got a lot of them more than usual these days

But I ignored my emotions today until they exploded out of me

And I almost let you kill pom pom that sounds like a bloating you do something you'll regret

Do you understand yes?

What you're saying is I've been wasting my time with you. What no


Well why not be a great teacher, it's a good idea

Removing yourself from my day grille

pom-pom beats quiet for once

Please I'm thanking you

No friend Kyle you cannot be arresting me for eating a shrub drill bush

Because that just gave me 100 QP points Oh an update from chars adds weather report

Did you try turning it off and then on again move tech is never turnings off you to

Me grizzly

Mother Nature can be cold and frightening, but anything is possible with catastrophic ly failed

I'm being told we have security footage of the accident

It'll be fine sweetheart. Yeah, you didn't even have cars until like 1999 and we're doing great

Okay, they reluctantly accept this inferior district

Even a steep rock face is no match for my superior core strength


Navigating the limestone troubles of team a building a rudimentary sundial and what my ABS do to a welcome

He wasn't at breakfast. It's not like Oh to miss a meal

Bozek is back

Just 15 seasons of grizzly ABS, and I have never felt more alive well, that's great

Oh, but the news report says all your tech has been fixed, so now you can

Now that I have the self-reliance to live without tech I am

It is time we change our ways family

I'm not gonna make it all. We are needing is one

My Abba thing and we are going to live without any other technologies

What stroke hmm, that's what mama wants oh

Don't you think you might be taking this no goings to do this right we are going to go extreme

Livings off the earth land like what you want us to go live in the woods or something

of course not

My my so unnecessary ins

So what's the plan?

You are such a tool

Okay traffic Homer Duff one googly boy as promised

Hmm, that's what mama want

Okay mom let her rip, are you sure this is safe, honey your plan seems to rely on the letter Z

You never want to watch grisly abs again

So much beauty in this world

I can sees what you are trying to do here, and I have nots falling

You affect our friendship again

That's a weird angle, but I am willing to accept that apology if that means we can wrap this up this place stinks


Yes, Kyle. I am actually laughing that is

Sometimes love comes from the most unexpected

Stand it you don't want to end up a hoarder like aunt Delores do you?

Only owned these three objects well five if you count the two things I am storing in the cloud

The cloud was just for information the boo Hey now it is safe and sound stored in the cloud

Really, well I will happily offer you some storage space in my cloud for the possessions you cannot part with

By tip good luck getting rid of your stuff

I don't know how you did that so quickly but you burn the afternoon on now go out and play young Li

Saris I just love waiting in line dude on you. Oh

Need some more juice for this thing. What do you think cloudy you got room for a little?


Next hello, this was being the best line ever you should be trying it sometime. I'm sure before I

Wrote my initials in the swing set I threw up on

I don't understand. It's a simple request mail lady. I filled out all the forms in triplicate sir step to the side

Under the furnace up the down in the out and it'll be the third door on your northeast


Hmm are there any forms I could fill

Can one little boov reawaken my heart

Please lady come on my mail lady. I had a most enriching experience today a little booth wait

yes your ardent for a special little booth in rain or sleet or

Dark of night the postman will come aid your flight

Cloud-storage overcapacity my old elementary school the ice skating rink arcade food court

Accurate they are just things when my mom gave

You sourpuss that moment was stored with all the other memories in your amazing

Thank you

Well there goes all my stuff not all of it

Truly appreciated

Miss auntie Dolores


And that's how I mean see rediscovered gentleness anyway my shifts up a piece Oh

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 101 - Red Apply - Duration: 15:28.


Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 121 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:33.

Yes, you can't blame it the last humans have done with forced it to fight other dragons to the dam

Maybe we should make room for them

Look we've dealt with way, they weren't role and there are multiple storm fronts heading right for us

We need to lock down the edge before they start to hit. Okay. We're not done here

I'm not leaving the ass hanging out in the way snotlout fine

And according to them well, let's just say it's bad

What do you want us to do

Did you drop off the food and water at the stables yep troughs are awful

I mean I guess it is possible, but I would never but then again. There's a first time for everything yeah, I'll go check

Ashford wait

Speaking of wayward dragons nobody happened to see one barf and belch guys

They got spooked by the storm and took off, but hiccup. You're okay. You're okay

Right here where I don't see you

Why is it so dark in here?

Hiccup. I can't see any of you

somebody say something


What is happening to me, whatever it is, I'm sure it's only temporary

You remember when bucket lost his sight you got it back, and I appreciate it really

Look when there's a break in the storm will fly to Berk and see gothy she'll be able to help you

Hiccup are you still there? Yes? Yes, I'm here Astrid. Will you and toothless stay with me a little while?

Okay, do you got it? She's fine everybody. Oh, thank Thor Q. That's the close one guys

We can't worry about me right now toothless, and I will find stormfly. Don't you worry well and leave me here

I don't think so. I'm going with you all right not an option so yeah Astrid

There is no way you're flying in your condition. All right. I am sorry as leader. I am putting my foot down

Meatlug be looking at you don't move daddy's on his way nothing. Oh, it's you

Why am I doing this again

We are now living with a blind person tuffnut, and I think we owe it to her to offer our services as seeing a Viking

Good okay a little faster come on put some muscle into it. How's that?

Hey you okay nice get over here now

Do that hiccup, that's the way you handle your dragon business

Okay, I'm thinking that as jitter up

She's more worried about me than she is about herself, which means she would be trying to find her way back to the edge

Upstream we should probably get going yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna get going

There's a rock formation ten paces to play ah

You need me admit it stop my come for fun. It's okay. She's


What is wrong with her remember Fishlegs said that she eats when she's under stress

Fine you will come to me you know what I play this on twins

Okay, let's man up and get back to the edge before that thing comes back

That's pretty cool if you think about it

I'm having a hard time finding anything cool in all of this


not anymore

What if this is it hiccup what if the rest of my life is like this what then then we'll deal with it

Master do you have me no matter what okay? Whatever that means whatever you want it to mean I am with you behind you

This guy's depressed call


Huh stop SPECT of a dragon writer are we clear?

Nope snotlout give us her drag him back

Hey what am I supposed to do?

You guys can't hit us all at once

Start flying come now

Hiccough I'm feeling with me

She's using the clicks to distract it

That's I would get close enough to train this amazing

How did she do that

She can't see a thing she doesn't need to she's using her other senses hearing touch welcome to my world Fish Face

Thank You Kofi

We can do to snotlout let me check this thing train the possibilities are endless

Yeah, I don't think that's what hiccup and Astrid had in mind when they asked us to start its training

You sure you're feeling okay. I'm fine hiccup. You can stop worrying about me now. Well. I never stopped worrying about you. I'm

Back in the forest when we were well

You know yeah, were you about to always thought that if it ever happened

And yes, I've thought about it a lot

It had to be just perfect

Yeah, I guess it does

Okay toothless let's go

I'm sorry. Oh, okay, but


Was thinking we should probably try to get the edge back. Can we get the edge back?

I mean guys how many of those dragon fliers are out there, and what is your favorite?

Why is that come closer, and I'll show you okay?

Right now what if I do it for you?

We'll all have time to plan the correct course of action, but right now. You are mentally and physically exhausted. Oh

Fishlegs there is an all mine in the middle of the island oxides sulfides where one could build a temporary ball pit

Bore pets so last year what about a lava pit very

Dangerous some of our younger warriors are in desperate need for hand-to-hand combat training

but if you're too tired

Huh when one leads one is looked upon for all answers some of which they haven't yet found the keyword being yet?


Ingenuity, it's fascinating the boy has invented things most could only dream of

Reverence and you're sure it's still down

Senior Flyers in quite some time shouldn't they be preparing those are 12 of my most fearless and gifted warriors

But his strength is also his weakness

His love of dragons will prevent him from shooting to kill, but he would never win

But I was under the impression that you and only you were able to train dragon it's gonna take something

We've never thought of to get around that but you'll come up with it. Thank you

We're so inclined correctamundo I get so bored wrestling the pores

They're always so nice, but uh de su guy huh well I once took on a six horse tack with it. Oh?

Archie no no nobody interrupts my lava wrestling nobody

He jumped in front of me. He took that rock showers, so I could live throw up beauty two heads

They came looking for us, they will follow us, it's the only way

Those guys are good, no kidding. I like to train with their trainer probably has two legs and everything

I mean, you know you got nailed on the old noggin during the attack the Rockman. I pretty much saved your life

But you get going on there can make a man count or more

When someone saves the life of a defender of the winged warrior yeah, I think this could work

How do they find is so fast the training definitely?

Look out

Don't I know we go home to Berk

You did the right thing by coming home son

It wasn't part of the plan

But everyone you've just never heard of them because those Vikings tend not to write songs about the skirmishes we lose

Viking Bucky and tried and true

And this one has just begun cover crank up the weaponry

I want that Forge working overtime to do spend assemble the militia and prepare for an attack

Gustav was the 18 patrolling in two hour shifts around the clock

Come again dad we can't blame the seams tails they're being forced to fight

It's it's the Flyers who here come this is my territory now

Why are you sitting down only one man at the time?

I sent three down last time only one came back which is two more than the time before that now

This place is going to be a war zone

Hi chief you've seen firsthand the damage dragons

And some things I wish I could forget

Guys we have to be better than this these dragons are fierce and the Flyers are very skilled however long that lasts. Yeah

They're yeah

What me? I'm not doing anything. It's her. She's the one and a little friend over there

We've seen what these Flyers and their dragons can do firsthand now get up spite

Love's probably out on patrol with the a-team and spite louts not what we need right now

We may not live at Berk anymore, but I can tell a hiccup thinking see stack anywhere in the archipelago

So you want to talk about it we all know hiccup, but that doesn't change the fact that it's happening

They drove us out of the edge

They bullied us away from Island after Island wow you sound so much like a warrior my father

It's kind of the same thing get back, but I hear everything you and my dad are saying and yes, it makes perfect

Sense you have the warrior spirit for this Astrid you have

But you might want to get that through to those to

The tension just melts away staying loose is key ambassador oh

Yeah, I'm picking up what you're putting down. Oh, it's poor under my bones and inside my skin whatever he's everywhere

Good witch hot coals to me

Is for supreme leader

There I knew it hurry

I owe you my life perhaps someday. You will repay me in some small way now. Let's get what we came for shall we

That thing looked

Come on buddy you and I both know we're following it. We're here to follow it so let's just get it over with

Doesn't look so bad right now. I'm going in oh

Please don't kill me. I'll never hear the end of it from my dragon

For more infomation >> Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 121 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:33.


2 For the Price of 1-Thousand - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 2 For the Price of 1-Thousand - Duration: 1:37.


Bolt Part 2 Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids - Boconi Media - Duration: 15:50.

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For more infomation >> Bolt Part 2 Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids - Boconi Media - Duration: 15:50.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 35 - Blue Pig - Duration: 14:55.

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Know you're in there boob you can't run forever

Would you mind keeping it down so greasy you can almost see through it with extra meat for me

At least your head is not being

At least your head, it's not beings in the toilets

Our joke is so good. We'll not being

Ok oh that jokes was not landing stick with what you know Edna toilet toilet

At least your head is not being in the toilet

Not in the toilet

I know that exactement tip, but I am confuses the humans person was not laughing at all why woody

Friends that's right like good friend cotton you got it. Oh

He's not gonna get the joke I will get there why are you not laughing because it's not funny

Why don't we let you get back to work


Oh, dude. You didn't work because Kyle wasn't there when I fell, but I told sin the sentence we keep laughing at

Tip a human's girls, and I a booze our planes in the bathroom

I am being tested


Yet another cruel twist

toward swearing face getting wet


They are not laughing yeah, no kidding

At least your head is not beings in the toilet bad. Let your hand is not bigs at the toilet

Nice one, bro

At least your hat is not being in the toilet

The play was being a massive success tip

At least your head is not beings in the toilet champ. I said at least your head is not being sick I

Don't think head in the toilet is funny anymore. Are you saying that I am I?

Knows I must make a new joke to replace the one I has killed ok at least

But it was never about the actual joke it was that you shared the joke it was funny because it was just between us

It was a nah. Don't worry. We'll have plenty of more inside jokes for real ment

Norma's hair ball on tops of the house, buddy

Everything's fine, I'm just

Oh, yes, I have heard of a secret, but I have never seen one gimme gimme gimme no

We're throwing

Tell my mom about it, I promise

And should I break that promise man?

enthusiastics labels org lay its eggs in my upper smoke

With me keeping your secret to keeping a secret I

Feel like you understands me boobs stranger you are right tonight, there is going to be but

I cannot control myself booth neighbor Donny. I have a secret

Secret I've millions of such Russia

Once silence question that just one man becomes master of Secrets what's the secret crushes me first?

No, okay. I am to becoming a master of secrets, but first. I will get the milk


Have been trying to hold in this secret

See where I come from

Free of your agony it has the secret over you win smack, but as I said


What you're back already

I has brought you the Cal tripping snus making decorations for the party you got to make sure that my mom doesn't come up here

I can do this. Oh, yes, definitely

And is my mom in a state of total relaxation ensue

Actually, I was just about to do my nails - oh me I do not own nails

It makes me forget all about your secret surprise party tonight


Arrest me. Kyle, okay, but first get out of the road streets mile. I did a bad thing. I told us

Lanes in the street will not solve your problems you needs to apologize for breaking the promise

You are being right?

Are you hurt I am sorry, I told our MOOC return my mom you mean secret what did I say?

This party is really for you

Thank you, too. I promise I'll never ask you to keep the secret again sigh relief and I will support please I

Did not know I had a birthing day

well everyone needs a birthday, and I thought you look like I

love all of you I

Love Lucy surprise

Taking yours

Great idea to come here. Oh

Tonight's gonna be so great mom will be home late, so I figured we'd print some scary movies


Do not be misgendering crunkle remember

There are seven booth genders boy girl boy girl girl boy boy boy boy boy

You might remember him from the time he saved your species

For oh you did it she said yes, I

Have to get ready to leaves you and go on a date oh

this girl is not the one you are just not understanding because she is very old fashioned that is why she only speaks boov and

Why I am wearing a date Bell sweaty. Yes, crunkle will ring the bell again


And the most important part of the date begins what's that? I will know crunkle is


Tim are you okay?

Oh like this girl, and she's awful and mean, but he's crazy about her and they're going on a date

And he hears funcles stupid farm where she grows a stupid pain


And it's all over ready okay Buddhism

Dinner is the crunkle allows me to make a toast

Excusing me one more ring from that horrible booth, and we'll lose Oh forever we end this now

Huh Tim my mom, what are you doing here? Uh I don't know what are you doing here

I am leaving crunkle. Oh, No what have we done what have you done?

We didn't want you to leave us forever so we lured clincal away into the woods you would do this on purpose

Mom please no one's gonna find anybody


What so what's gonna happen to crumpled, Shh?

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 35 - Blue Pig - Duration: 14:55.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 254 - Green Monkey - Duration: 18:34.

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moseub more Tolos come on Matteo get it right hey no I don't think any of my

spells could do that good they don't worry Matteo I know you'll do great

your grandfather was a royal wizard the Royal wizard no come on let's greet the

guests welcome to the palace is how I missed it it happens to the best of us

young man this this look crooked to you all guests are present and accounted for

shall we okay mom to serve the kingdom and I am honored to

present you with this

it was your grandfather's refreshments will now be served followed by a display

of enchantment from the Royal wizard himself for his

performance maybe he mam'selle disappear not helping

Naomi I'll find him I'll look to thanks what are you doing

out here just practicing well it's time to go out

there and show them what you got I know but what if what I got isn't

enough so am i but it's not just about how many spells you know it's not no

it's about something much more powerful so listen up with your magic

the magic

where is it can I help you sir okay I think I'm ready

there you are everyone's waiting right ambarita

it samovar go Oh what okay that part wasn't supposed to happen but there was

a Malveaux go uh who worked out an evil wizard he was trying to cast a spell on

us there's no way an evil wizard look

uh wina it wasn't me it was the Malvo go Matteo can you undo the spell uh maybe

we should hold off on the magic until we know he didn't do it Matteo knows what

he's doing gabe what's that it's an ancient morovian spell book

passed down through generations of royal wizards it contains the most ancient and

powerful magic in the kingdom all he left was a clue actually it's more like

a riddle well maybe not a riddle more like a the tests may be multiple choice

true/false No guess who just read it right and you let him in he was on the

list look everyone stay put I'll get him no

wait this must be his revenge well not if we find the codex Moreau and undo

that spell didn't you say there was a clue in that book yes hang on hang on

it's right once I even tried asking the notebook where the Codex was you talk to

a book I know but you weren't a wizard most royal then I don't follow

what does it say I think it's another riddle to find the book how can we find

something three hours ago unless you have a time-travel spell no and I don't

think that's what it means but no time will tell one hour two hours off-key you

know like you're singing hey the riddle is about music and we keep all the

instruments in the music room so maybe the key is there sounds off-key to me

but where's the key were looking for hmm

hmm well Gabe you're the riddle master I don't know but I'm still went ahead of

him Gabe he's right you know those three big islands in avalor Bay

they're called the three mysteries so now we have to sail out on the bay No

the riddle said proper frame of month check the frame

found it this dude I think it kinda looks like a

keyhole check the other islands here's another Oh Jeff

the Codex Meru AHA found it okay the good news is I found the Statue spell in

the Codex and there's a reversal potion most of it oh you should have let me go

after Fiera look this is our only chance so if you don't mind I have a potion to

make B let's go Fiero the Codex give it to me or did I let you escape so you

could lead me to the Codex what you can stop him Mateo Kenny if I give you the

book will you leave me you said you'd go

the potion no matter I still have what I came oh sorry

what happened Matteo's potion just saved you and Naomi it did he went after


look at you a boy in a man's robe

the princess was foolish to think you were a royal wizard and you were either

you turned them to stone you do know what you're doing you did it I I guess I

did I'm sorry I doubted you okay how's your throwing arm like a cannon

high as you can right in the center of the room you it is my duty to report

that Amol Vogel invaded the palace but he was defeated by our new Royal wizard

I believe this belongs to you thank you you believed in me when I didn't even

believe in myself we make a pretty good team she's right the kingdom could sleep

a little safer tonight Jack wins sparkly


now let me think I just need a few things okay sit here Sofia

Ryan we're going to some told him how to get her out here we go

now where's my tambourine oh I have another drumstick greetings from the

spirit world oh mighty channel you honor us with your

presence hey I know you exist of course mighty

zuzo you know you don't have to call me anything

so you're the princess it's kind of free Elena I guess so

you're gonna need the wand that put Elena in there Queen sharee keys wand

but she keeps it in her pocket that's great you'll know exactly where it's

kind of like a hospital for magical mishaps but I don't know where it is or

how to get there or how I'm going to steal siree keys warned okay let's all

take a big breath but first you got to go get that one princess

alright it's been a pleasure being your spirit guide today save travels bye

that's how we'll get her warms Oh dance with her oh that won't work

shiriki outlaw dancing when she banned music my mom still taught me that some

Barossa though we're taking over the jungle the farmer

tried to escape and our kingdom has a wide array of Enchanted agriculture and

creatures not to mention our flying horses if you want to join them actually

I was hoping to learn one at the avalor and dances I've heard so much about

Sofia no one would pass a law against dancing

that's like passing a law against fun well in avalor we we only done this is

how you dance the samba Rosa you join hands and stomp your feet like this move

back and forth the Queen sweetie will you dance with me oh how sweet of you to

offer but I'm I'm having too much fun watching but I'm sure you dance better

than anyone so delightful but we really must get back to this if they don't if

we hide and you seek mr. Armando oh of course that would be delightful okay one

two three why won't you tell us it's for your own

good trust me look sweet as sugar but she's

got some skills okay Mateo show us the way to Anza Luna

we've got a princess to brave

no one knows what happened to them or where they went all that's left of the

ancient civilization of Meru are ruins like this

you'll be fine Sophia good luck okay I

wish I could shape-shift that easily

princess Elena

you forget how to walk thank you okay Elena I can't believe you're really back

either can i I was in the amulet so long I thought I might never get out but here

I am with my own eyes I can once again see my dream has come true

I am free

okay I'll see you back in the city where are you going let's go you want me to go

with you thanks but I've got this

the time has come to pay for your crimes crimes what crimes then I'm here to take

mine back but avalara has been so much better

without you why ruin a good thing

from you oh I don't know about that it takes more than a wand to make you a

sorceress your spell has echoed in my mind for 40 years to rekey I what what

is this I've never seen this painting before oh that's no ordinary and

speaking of family you haven't said hello to your cousin Esteban

no wait don't leave Schuyler Bobbie Seema

George stop Adam by nightfall her can finish you off

you are brave princess but your battle strategy not so good

Elena what happened I tried my best Sophia but I couldn't give only go just

get him out of here we can go to my place great hang on

this is not okay Roland where is Sofia I will get us out of here Miranda and we

will find Sofia the prisoners are secured Chancellor

she's the rightful heir to the throne we should be helping her or what do you

suggest we do mmm-hmm fight the Queen because we will lose but the lady knows

your cousin is Stefan

ah seeing them trapped in that painting reminded me of the last time I saw

Isabel Isabel my little sister she had been out in the garden all day I had

just finished cleaning her up when I heard our parents carriage pull up

outside and then sure Ricky arrived we do your grandfather showed me where it

was before he left but I never learned magic so I cannot cast the spell you

will have to do it Matteo and we have visitors quick hide over there okay

coming Tommy

it is true the princess lives my princess you don't have to bow zuzo said

that and now I know what he meant okay what did he mean we can all help

you don't need to face Cherie key alone you just need to tell us what to do but

I'm going to need everyone's help we're with you all the way not just you


where are we the secret back entrance of the palace not that I ever snuck out

when I wasn't supposed to there's only one place shariq you would have put them

princess Elena hey there excuse me but Queens shiriki wants the

both of you to report to her right away I'll go you stay here

no but she has to see the both of you you think I still have my powers there's

only one way to find out I wish I was small Armando I wish to be big again he

turned into a jack this is the important thing you had to tell me you haven't

heard the ending yet and that was Sofia I sensed it from the very first day she

moved into your castle so when I was picking out Sofia's welcome gift it was

you who made the amulet glow well it's too late for that

I think a part may be in order just this once I have a plan to get you all to

safety but we have to hurry I'm losing my patience be happy I kept

one of my promises where you'll wind up like your aunt and uncle you wanted to

see me your grace I don't want to see it off my throne

that reason you heard the Queen move yes sir

Oh oh it's you Oh Isabelle you have to get them out Mateo now Isabelle I missed

you so much we just you're safe

we have to go everyone hurry down the Jack win whoa princess you should have

given me

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 254 - Green Monkey - Duration: 18:34.


Skylanders Academy It Techs Two Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Max Brady - Duration: 16:50.

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come out come out nefarious persons engaging in people

activities wherever you are big secrets from all of us it's got me more

convinced than ever that he knows something about my ancestors and I don't

know what to do about it anything I can do to help yeah and I

didn't thanks for lending me in here you have ears right I have exceptional

audible organs they're just not in the place where one's ears usually are oh

you've got to be kidding me the ship operates on this city course

the problem you bet done starter up Jaden anything else you want

me to take a look out before you go

should I be offended he didn't say thanks yeah so probably just said my

allure didn't go off I didn't wake up till 5 a.m. it was only an hour early to

my blade anything to report well my supercharger gave me a few fits

this morning but it was nothing I couldn't handle

well we will need some help getting this situation this decision was neither

Willy nor nearly sprockets powers are based in the tech element which means

she is an expert on all things of that variety plus reinforcements to round

them up sounds like a software virus invading the prison cell block matrix I

can fix it please hurry if it spreads to the outer perimeter all the gates could

be affected a time like this glum shanks golden greenness sees the castle turned

mother into a museum piece and I'm powerless to do anything about it

this is the worst day ever all of us there there may be one way you can it

could be the only way tell me claw me I'll do anything I will

sprockie but it looks like it's time to do this the old-fashioned way with a

little elbow grease your wrench is working sweet Skylanders adjustments

help please this is my fat gun this is worse than I thought if the portal that

leads to the Citadel Skylanders use the superchargers and

travel to the realm to fix every portal in need until this is done

all of Skylands is in grave danger work portal at the academy and use it to

travel around to fix the other portal great idea sprocket we'll handle that

while you stay here and get these vehicles running again okay failing

spell which hides mother's book of dark magic locked away in your tiny troll

brain all this time your entire life sir I am the only one Cassandra trusted with

such a powerful secret he credits sounds about right

now listen close Cassandra's book is hidden inside her meditation chamber

chant a spell I gave you to reveal it there okay now him guy you've been

guarding all day rocket scientists oh speaking of rocket science have I ever

mentioned that I was once recruited by the sky land space program fresh out of

school and would it have killed someone to label the control panel oh we can't

even function without all our devices pathetic the whole lot of us

and now you can get my point my back gun is working again at least the magnet

party's sounds like a cop show if we're all done congratulating each other

sprocket the superchargers are ready yes actually no no officer no you're their

senior officer I'm here to assist you all because you need my help right now

one of you way more than the rest I do not need your help now stand down

guys I think there might be something wrong with the portals does Ian know

about this if you just stayed with the supercharges like I asked wait so this

is my fault - fine it's not your fault it's technology's fault

happiness just feels that way because it helps make your life better but it's not

making it better it's making it harder all the downloads and upgrades and

passwords and resets it's this time because I was afraid of being honest

with you oh it's cool look sprocket every problem that came up

today you fixed all because you're their friend their leader and like technology

I really am just here to help I've been an idiot and now a stuck here for who

knows how long

so there's the control panel yeah it's like I was trying to tell you before

come on oh right hey guys you're back in time to help us get swarmed by the

Academy's mechana trolls which have come to life I knew magic eggs existed

got any more JV all right I'm afraid not shut that look this might not be the

best time to mention this but master I need you all to scare the living

daylights out of me go go go

thanks buck well I wouldn't have known about the power of my eggs at all

without sprockets help you still need to repair some of those wonky portals right

I was one drew I'm you know I've suspected for the longest time that you

knew more about what happened to my family then you're willing to say I

wanted to trust you I did master Yan but then I found it

Spira I what I'll tell you everything right now

and I was tasked with protecting them but I failed spiral of the apex of the

Great War a mysterious dark force rose to formidable dark magic to take control

of your ancestors and turn them evil he was going to use them to destroy the

core of light I was for somewhere right we we can still find them that I am

afraid it's not that simple the magic I used was unfamiliar unwieldy devastating

my entire race and you're sorry spiral

seize your destiny and become the man I always knew who now rule by your side

and why would you do that because there is nothing I wouldn't do

we need to step up our game pop so we can stop villainous turtles like

bombshell before they get the drop on us why are we even here at the sky land

swap meet yield for some you have a discerning eye sir that is a priceless

sky Ruby and fertility Bowl plated in gold aged more than 5,000 years I want

to use it for my famous seven-layer I thought we agreed to meet each other

halfway if you needed me sir giving you false hope is one of my favorite bass

viol a televised destiny that's a clever invention sir you could use that to plot

a successful attack on the Skylanders because you'd see their every move

coming a mile away no no no no no no what the shot Clemmy lens painfully

aggravate you get one sure Oh Dan its carats Dixon think I've been looking for

what do you want for it know what it's your lucky day I'm giving it away for

free wow that's exactly how much I have

thanks dude Spiro there you are all the evil and sky lands once and for all

sweet let's get back to the Academy and make this impossible dream and

improbable reality so how long do you think it'll take to make your invention

machine me first me first how can we trust this thing what we're supposed to

believe that science can do the job of protecting he's not doing anything with

checking his mail wait I'll just explain it the evil scope not only shows us

wearing now chumpies using the mail shreds as kindling to set the falling

forest on fire okay evil earth look there's just something

about using this thing that raises the question of free will versus today

busted veg head before you could do anything truly heinous

I know how about the song the Skylanders are here to bust you before you do

something way more evil later oh you know that today seriously that thing

rocks and it made the day feel like a fun montage of exceptional hero work

indeed and now that all things evil are in the proverbial corner taking a

proverbial timeout for sounds good so will we stop the evil before it happens

what do you think all the evil ends up going for a balanced breakfast

and opened up my own hot stone massage clinic I've had 10 appointments so far

and I've had time to get 10 hot stone massages

I'm the stopper of all evil this mission shows me and the mission isn't over yet

there's still one bad guy left to us yet tahrir is big huge gigantic abnormally

sized drink in my face oh I suppose I could get up put on a fresh robe throw

this scalding hot beverage in your face but if I can't commit how many times do

I have to tell you to do your rhythmic gymnastics somewhere else

I'll quakes and violent winds we need to figure out what that thing is and stop

it hmm sorry good you're all here yeah and apparently we have to deal with

some swirly dews guys I've been handling all the other not yet evil that's not

happened the past few days so let me take a crack at the swirly ball oh well

I do need to see a chiropractor suddenly I was gonna we totally made the wrong

car that's really bought 10 times bigger while we stood here it's getting bigger

with each passing second now I'm not saying it's definitely chewing up the

very fabric of space-time Anton's it's only a matter of time before the damage

is irreparable and Skylands will be no more now with traffic le'me the sky

lands are finished everyone is going to be obliterated but don't don't these

truly are the end of days I better get some things crossed off my bucket list

before I go

prepared in any way shape or form everybody need to say calm down you're

not gonna win you're all just jealous because you can't do it

odyo copies of a young self-help book water oh wait no that's actually helpful

yes T these are the essentials we'll need if we survive try and stay calm and

if it goes down so be it I'll look this storm straight in the eye

and go down but what if some of us actually want to survive yes yes I'm

honored did I pass on mystogan does that happen every time we stop future evil

from happening in the universe adding to it by using the evil scope over and over

again which means my obsessive heroism is actually the most evil right now guys

they can't hear or see me my friends are toast and I can do nothing but watch

defeating that one guy chaos wait if I'm the most evil thing that getting out of

this ball should restore the balance looks like I'll have to non-science the

heck out of this

like so much dragon taffy me too when I woke up I was trapped inside the swirly

ball a ball made of the evil energy we took out thanks to the evil scope right

you talk about saving the brain drains for later am i right

actually what Spyro said is 100% true and I should have mentioned it before

you started sucking all the evil from our world and creating ambassador and so

best to just celebrate our future not the past

hold up I've got one more question where am I this is the sky lands and you're at

skylander Academy then stop that madman from trying to mutate animals into an

army he will use a take over the world can you guys help me we're the

Skylanders we can do anything I get it yeah why couldn't you just kill us all

can't you let me be happy just one there there sir we may have survived but


For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy It Techs Two Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Max Brady - Duration: 16:50.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 318 - Blue Pig - Duration: 18:45.

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Wait for it wait for it who's not hiding under here

I cannot fall asleep last night. I just didn't feel tired

Tried everything I can think of to help me get sleepy

I've sang many verses it did not work. Maybe I should have tried counting sheep

Hey, where's my messenger bag? I'm actually asking oh

Oh, yeah

Our mission is to brain Bob some sheep so he can count them and fall asleep tonight counting sheep is just an expression guys

- thank you three

See I'm already sleepy, but you know what's even better than imaginary sheep

Excuse machine can we have your attention please I?

Forgot all together now that's right get those hooves and gear

One sheep two sheep three sheep

Wait they're not a sheep hi bingo and Roli I'm Strider

What brings you pups to the farm our owner Bob needs to count sheep so he can fall asleep

But we don't have any sheep in our house come on George

No, nonsense the trick to hurting is you got to keep the Sheep together? Don't let anybody wander off. Let's do this rebuff

Let's get the sheet to walk in a straight line and then turn run beside them and bark like this keep it movin

You've got it. You know. It's even more fun than herding sheep

Then you make a serious hurting face and stare at them like this

Let's get them back in line and even faster

You can do it keep trying

Let's keep at it, so get used to us

When you can't get your best shot, but this is not working now

Yes now you're hurting like champs yeah bingo and Roli

But there's one super important thing left to do they could get lost so close the gate close the gate

Yeah, got it and walk in line and turn and park

Hey, Rolly his sheep love all these sheets now - - pudding dogs ever

Like a worm cloud. Let's make sure all the Sheep

This makes me tired 23:24

Close the gate of time right right, thanks oh

That's not good on the upside you might learn to read or write Roley

Keep going oh, we gotta walk in a line -

Hey, that's right

Let's get the sheet back to Bob's house we can counter the clouds link to them

Come from are you missing any sheep?

You are well. I found them

Three we did mom's counting sheep now. We'll fall asleep for sure

Thanks for calling about my sheep. They were harder to round up that I expected

That's why I have a sheepherding dog. Please get this last sheep to the rest of the herd. Will you Stryder?

Go for it these were teaching us come on Strider. Let's go home

Counting sheep made Bob sleepy and herding sheep made me sleepy meat soon

Sweet dreams dizzy. Did you just wake me up to say good night?

Bingo Lee time to celebrate well

Hey there guys mind if I borrow a cushion

Hey look what's on TV?

Butterfly looks a lot like the ones on TV move you're supposed to be on a journey with thousands of butterflies

Bye guys, see you hissy see afterward

Hey there

Yes, then I think we have our mission. We're going to help this butterfly find her family at the butterfly forest

Hey look she likes it come on Vicky. Let's go find your family

We just need to find our way to the butterfly forest which is by the sunny warm beach don't worry Vicky

You'll be back with his family before you know it

Sound like they're going to the butterfly pores too, then all of our the butterfly foot

Taking us right where we need to go

Don't worry Frank there's a gas station and repair shop right there

I'm sure they'll fix this bus in no time and she looks like she's missing our family - it's okay

Vicky you don't need that big bus to take you to your family. Yeah, cuz you've got us

It's beautiful

But which way is the butterfly force I think my arms are tired that's about it

Look I see the flying to the ocean then who that's why we're not going for


Moving down the mountain

How're we gonna get her way up there take this like it's a kite string

And hold it to I don't blow away. Got it got it

Mr.. Waiting for you to fly there we'll find another one

Rolling positive and Vicki's our family there didn't you?

Then it's a good thing we practice playing around bingo Lee this morning. Let's do this with puppy power is this your family

That's a yes by the deep unless you meet soon

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is Clint Manley, and I am back at the butterfly forest

I wonder if that butterfly that was here this morning

One landed on me. Are you enjoying your trip to the butterfly forest sir, it's a dream come true

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is

Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold - well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob. You have a seat at the theater. Just like you wanted

You see

So I guess we'll have to take Bob's seat to the theater with his e still on it

Come on sleeping hissy you coming on a mission, too

Which way is that theater from here? It's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get Flopsy straight through it

To get to that theater you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did this year? No wasn't doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out Bob beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck

We need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizens don't sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree oh

And as you take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Do you think you'll be coming back no we want a mission yeah should have guessed mission

Yeah clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater

Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?


Our new mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

What's this

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As queen of dog sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too


If you guys think this is fun wait until you see the rest of the patch

Oh, that's right bout to the Wow. That's a whole lot of pumpkins. Let's go

Almost ready now for miles like a goofy smile

Think I need some Rollie power you don't have to ask me twice

I'm pretty proud of him I added a few spooky touches to Farmer Del scarecrow here. I'm Charlie not spooky at all

How would it do hmm? Well not spooky no

I call it totally Halloween silly why do you want a scary scarecrow anyway as the?

Official pumpkin patch you should call them silly



Think let go you have your caller with you in pumpkin patch, do you see it anywhere?

You love that color, I know hey, maybe since you were racing all around the pumpkin patch you lost it there

It's pretty cool, huh yeah, but it's a little darker here than I thought it would be

It's okay I see oh this way

Who knew a pumpkin patch would have so many spoopy dick

Yep those are just a barrel of laughs

You know what how about you go look in there, and I go look somewhere less mazie and more


No collar, but hey we found a winsome use this time. Hype aww

Thanks, Rollie

Wait Rollie we didn't find out. Where's the maze early? We're only powered our way out

I'm pretty sure we made our way out of the maze somewhere around here

Hey there fellas hey Charlie

needs us

Get back you Sookie monster wait a minute you see that's no spooky monster. That's one of the silly scarecrows

This is my that explains why I've suddenly found a really cool collar on the ground by the maze after you left, sorry

I didn't realize it was yours

You're right this scarecrow is silly well, then as the official unofficial CRO of this pumpkin patch

I've decided it's now my duty to up the silly founder

Know too much be patient guys we look great

I'm gonna put them outside for people to see

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 318 - Blue Pig - Duration: 18:45.


Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 46 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:26.

Wildest dreams, but he was too greedy to spend it

So he hid it and made a map after he died legend said

Lucky we're going on a camping trip

I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed I've never been camping before well

We're about to change that let's hit the trail your dad's a genuine Explorer

Dad how come you never told me any of these stories before I didn't want proof. How we tie the horses sure thing mr., Prescott

Why are they doing that to keep the horses on the path and out of the ravine?

On the count of three let go one two three

It's hardly ever fall off cliffs well Suns getting low so we better get to camp. We're still going

But how can we camp without any equipment well tomorrow?

Think we could start a campfire with this fanservice is anybody lucky stay close guess not

Wood for the fire Wow alright let's get this fire going

Didn't you ever find it no the map was too cryptic Lucky's mom and I tried dozens of times

But we could never get past the first clue you ain't tried too bad. We don't have the map who says we don't oh


That's no treasure. Map. It's just pictures in a poem. I can't even read it but from my ghost you'll never be free

What does that mean all I heard was ghost?

It's a puzzle. I'll say

Can you tell what this means

Lucky come here check this out


It's aquellia s' that's mom's horse

She named him after her constellation. Yeah, the quay leus wasn't the biggest of strongest horse of all

Your mom always liked that story she

Said it reminded her to pick her battles wisely. I don't think that horse of yours likes me very much

He just doesn't like rope

Or you sorry and lucky stick with Prue and Abigail while I'm gone

Okay the first thing I want to explore is where espero hid his fortune through a telescope, so we're far far away from the ghost

Wait a minute it's like a constellation. We solved the puzzle. What are we waiting for let's go get that gold?

Last one Wolfe's Ridge is a minor snow

The only thing I know that hisses and rattles is a snake

But I don't see any snakes around here

There that are oils the exact same shape as the snake on the map

I'm gonna buy a real turquoise bridle and brandy riding boots besides

He'll forget all about it when he sees the treasure. It's okay, Abigail

He knows we can handle ourselves in the wild well I do


A rock slide that rock didn't slide

That's it. Let's start with our what are you doing now s we have to follow

And back get that fire started cuz I could eat a horse

Are you kidding me campus less than a mile away, we just wrote in a big circle. We're practically back where we started

It's the snakes tongue it points to the left so

There's a path the treasure must be behind the waterfall come on

There are schools on the map too. They've got to be related

Yeah, but how I don't like any of this all these skulls are scary this one looks

Nice work, Abigail I can't take all the credit this girl's really helped

Would you wait to show me dad, it's the ghost that's not a ghost unless this is his cave


Still have marshmallows, maybe we can befriend him. Oh, yeah, that'll work

I'm sure he'd much rather eat a marshmallow than a bunch of tasty girl


We both saw the treasure chest lay with all the skulls and all

You know I always hoped you would take to this life, and you have


Right you ready to try it again. Sorry boy. Is that the church bell, but it's Saturday hmm

Must be a Town Meeting come on. We've got to get to the school school, but it's Saturday

just come on so get the word out to bring in all the cows and horses and

Sheep and sheep. Why isn't the mayor telling us this?

Well, that's the other thing

I think my horse got it this morning his eyes were all crusted and goopy you I meant questions about leadership

Or fashion not doc Wilkins. He's got the flu, too

Everyone please listen a special train is on its way with enough medicine for a full outbreak

But how can we get these to you they're your favorites

Snickerdoodles oh I know get Thunder boomerang he can pass them over to me

no way, thank you boomerang your reward a

Bowl of my proven restorative chicken soup will set you right in no time

Quarantine didn't work. Oh

Half the town is laid out Thank You snips, and it's only getting worse, but I brought you some of my special chicken soup

Hey boy

Hi cheerio. Hey lucky glad to see this there's me

You go home Toro. I'll take care of all the horses. You will of course now feel better and don't worry

Let me get that

Dad stay here, I'll go meet the train and get the medicine. No I'll stay here and you go

What are you doing here as first daughter of Mayor Darrow?

It's my responsibility to take official receipt of the medicine and deliver it to dr. Wilkins. That's okay

I'm taking that shipment as soon as the train gets here. Not if I'd beat you to it you won't

Lucky as Acting Railroad chief. You should be embarrassed trains are supposed to run on time JP and Sons railroad always does

Where are you going? I do not hate horses. I just think they have their proper place or more to the point

I think that ladies have their proper place, and it is not a student Petro wouldn't move a little faster

We'd all be moving faster. If you hadn't insisted on coming along

I'm the one letting you come along this is official town business

This snow is going to make for a great snowball fight when everyone gets better. I wouldn't know I've never been in a snowball fight

Then we can't go through it we have to what if the train with the medicine is stuck on the other side

without it people could die but if actually I read it in a boxcar Bonnie mystery I

Can't believe I'm trusting my life to something you read in some dumb books

Lucky yes, just making sure you're still there. It's so dark from here. I can't see where we're going. It's okay

What's going on

Helps me

But I could help you the engineers really hurt he's got to get to a doctor right away

Spirit, and I will free these horses and be right behind you

They want me to go back home with mirrored arrow do your duty?

I'll race the dr. Wilkins

Nice cool this guy is great when you're in spirit come here

Okay boy take us home

You're not scared are you fella me neither. We'll just follow the tracks, and we can't get lost

He's lucky with you we went to find the Train we got the medicine and there's an injured man

Maricella where's lucky help she made me leave her she told me to go. It's ok Marisa you did the right thing

Where are you going? You need medicine? I've got

Easy boy easy

Spirit spirit

Come on boy

We're off the track

This will be two, and I'm talking to you like you can understand English but

He couldn't have done it without you

Thank you know. We can't go out there. There's no way we'll find her even if we stick to the tracks

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 46 - Elliot Finch - Duration: 17:26.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 579 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:28.

Three of mysterious island

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel


Hmm why if you make a cloud of fog around our ship the sea pups won't be able to see us

Exactly I can't believe my beach ball floated this far

XMP Artie's



Here no one knows. Why or when the island appears and then disappears and no one's ever

Stepped foot Bonnie. I guess. That's why it's called mysterious island keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest


Well so the puny pirates have set their sights on mysterious island

Mysterious island Paul. We also know all there is to know about that island Sharky bones

set sail for mysterious island I

Can't see a thing shiver me timbers. We've gotta get rid of this fog

Good idea Bucky. There's one problem

Mysterious eyelid is going gone

But how it's a mystery next thing you know we'll all be disappearing like

Ghosts well we haven't disappeared yet, and now the sea pups can see us as clearly steady

Mysterious island just popped up right underneath us

We're the grounds really hard and shiny and look at these funny-looking streams

This isn't like any island. I've ever been on follow me boys

Careful everybody the ground is as slippery as an eel especially the green stuff

Grab the end of the seaweed rope cubby

Now let's reel em in me hearties save me Smee


Captain Hook claim this island to belong to Captain Hook

You can't just say you own the island and then kick us off I come

I'm full pray tell is going to stop me

Timbers from head to toe that's the biggest sea serpent ever

That's not a sea serpent place is really a giant sea turtle

Swimming around and diving under the water all right. We did it. We solved the mystery of mysterious island

Quick on your feet we gotta get back on Bucky fast. Well if you insist


Wonder where the giant turtle is going now, it's a mystery


One two three four five six seven eight nine

Huh laughs mr.. Smee

Oh, I wanted was an island of my own is that too much to ask

Pleasure of the time

Maids are planning some sort of

All will be revealed at the turn of the time

Okay, then we'll start hiking to Hidden Cove and meet you at sunset Jake

Thanks for taking whatever it is

Indeed and the good news is that little busy easy doesn't have pixie dust to help her out

So step lively and claim the nimitz treasure for me own

Me will you help us stop Captain Hook yo?

We can win faster than you can go and shiver me timbers

Yay-hey noway

That tricky seal is slippery

Hey, hey we got out of the lagoon and we got three gold doubloons

Oh hello, there little fella. Would you like a bit of a biscuit? Oh?

They're sweet little sea horses captain easily spooked

they are so be nice and easily spoke of a

Quick everybody let's go three more. Gold doubloons. Let's grab them and go catch up to Captain Hook

Ha ha coconut, oh well can't blame a baby for trying I

Know captain that lovely mermaid marina said all will be revealed at the turn of the tide

You know that's when the water moves away from the shore. Well. Maybe not you come the mermaids

What can I they're no match for Captain Hook and remember try the throne from the rock?

That's what you think Drake no, this is an emergency cubby dizzy

Once a year we gather to honor one among us who best represents kindness to all sea creatures

There's more to being a mermaid than just having a tail

Thanks for helping us celebrate the treasure of the tides ceremony mateys come on count with us 1

2 3 4 5 crowns for being the best matey's ever whoo

Boy stir crackers, ooh

At least we're not sinking

You had to say it didn't you

What's going on is he use your pizza just all day long now, let's buy everyone use pizza

That's just

My pixie dust is gone, and it's all my fault

Take a ride you sneaky forest then climb the pixie peak you will have to work together to

Find just what you seek


Remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team

We've been looking for treasure all day, and I haven't found a single bobble doubloon a piece of gold

I don't think I can take a stab

We'll find the fountain of forever

Good, I hope we find it soon

So I can get more pixie dust without it. We can't fly and you know how much we need it for emergencies

Oh, it's icky trees

Greetings friends and how are my favorite pirates today?

Well mr.. Tiki. We're on our way to plan

Tiki trees

Come on mateys we're getting closer to finding the fountain you sure I can hardly see anything I

Bet he'll try to take all of our pixie. Dust and if he does were sunk

Ok mates. Here's the plan. We'll try to lose hook in the fog

And wings let's do it

And we got three more gold doubloons take it to the place where pixie dust flows you hurt the fairies

Might I point out that this fog is a bit too well

Foggy I am NOT going to let our little fog stand in me

dusty stuff Oh

Pixie dust I want

Whenever I watch it

Really messed up if I would have never dropped my pouch it takes the ass none of this would have ever happened

I gotta fix this

Sharky bones

True these little pests so err before I lose me cool

We've got to get Hook away from this place. We can't Wow


Now on I'm gonna be extra careful not to spill it it's ways to import

Come on count with us 1

2 3 4 how long do you think this flying dusty stuff laughs? Oh?

Let's see I'd say til right

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho


That means where Jessica has accepted your invitation to go on a treasure hunt

Yes, mr. Smee

Isn't it wonderful?


Red Jessica, it's so good to set me salty eyes on you

You brighten up me ship like the sunrise. I'm just having a bit of fun

Speaking of fun Captain Hook, please call me James


Know the way straight to the heart

Easy the dominici shows you need boys you stay here and keep an eye on the Jolly Roger well

This is the key no no mr.. Smee you all wait

Shiver me timbers, hookahs actually help remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Cupid's -

I'm impressed

James you certainly know exactly where you're going so that he doesn't go the wrong way, and I know how?

Meas let's shake a bunch of fruit down onto the path to stinkpot swamp

Yay-hey we put hook on the right path through Cupid's Grove, and we got two gold doubloons. Let's grab them

Bags come on James we can jump over them giant love bugs

Help us to clear the way shoot shoot comrade Jessica we have us a treasure to find

We got bugs to fly away

And we got three more gold doubloons

hold the Ruby heart of hearts

I've got to hand it to you James you found what I've always wanted that didn't make getting the treasure any easier

Well looks like our treasure hunt ends


Simply swing across I've tried my best to get the Ruby heart of hearts

And so have you our best however isn't good enough I?

Always get my treasure

My word, what was I thinking?

Treasure is impossible

Fly over and get the Ruby heart of hearts for red Jessica


Lisa is for you

Ruby heart of hearts

You truly are great and glorious oh

My the captain has finally found his treasure

One two three four five friendship bracelets made out of seashells

Of course you will Kat you can look at her picture every day

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 579 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 16:28.


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Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 239 - Molly King - Duration: 17:12.

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No little pay you Wiggy

You know what let's go visit him mom. I'm taking flushes two boobs land

Boov Kyle it is blocking out all sound and natural light so you can focus on captain duties

But how will tip get in here for visiting so

Hang out all the time. I'm wishing the same wish oh I have a crazy idea. Oh, No are you okay?

What if I do not know I?

Will call myself the king of police let's go tell everyone

I think I caught a family when someone coughed on me. The family is like well. It has kind of

Was just wondering Kenny, please

You have my picture in your room that is being so cool

I also have many personal items. Where should I be putting them?

Anywhere you like dude, maybe this side of the room hmm not that whole spot either

It's great right you'll fit in here real. Good. Oh

My very own drawer in my best friend's room

And for my new family I will prepare a surprise I love surprises dinner is served

Yes, my mom is having a stronger food sack than tip

I get out when we wake up is there being time for a familial embrace No Oh

Her face was all scrunchie, and she did not want to give me a familial embrace

Maybe you should surprise her with something nice like a dance party you were wanting lasers in a dance party, okay?

I'm also thinking that tip is desiring the opposite of that

Look. I love you and all but today's been a lot to handle. It's not you

Tips is saying she is needing space. Do you think I should leave?

Wow do you think I should stay


Dollars nope you can't bribe me well. Maybe I can


On get yourself together we need to let the rest of the bug tip

Is that you my hands are my eyes now?

Hmm, are you okay? Honey? I just I think

When you asked me to live with you my heart soared to the skies, but I messed things up

Oh does anyone have any questions

I'll be home late, so I figured some scary movie

Remember there are seven boov genders boy girl boy girl girl boy boy boy boy boy girl and boy boy boy boy

Crunkle is being the one I am liking

Hi Tim dude that boob is crazy crunkle is crazy because you made me

Dates or whatever

We do not have families, but we definitely have the one no

Crunkle will ring my bell jingling. That's crazy

Then if the date is going well, and I does not get sweaty if you don't get sweaty. Yes, crunkle will wrinkle time I

Will no crunkle is

Pablito one don't wait for me jingling

Tim are you okay? Oh like this girl, and she's awful and mean, but he's pooping farm where she grows a stupid pain

That is not how you treat a guy

Wildfire food straight up a car and this very morning

Crunkle will have the office chair pie, and I will have the Taj shredded tire with cat litter on top

that's oh for sure look for something spicy to put on it I have

Excusing me

One more ring from that horrible booth and we'll lose out forever. We end this now

Good thing I've learned a thing or two about booth mama check this out

Huh Tim my mom, what are you doing here uh?

I don't know. What are you doing here? No what have we done what have you done?

We didn't want you to leave us forever, so


Well by now Oh has done it and is done with love forever unless of course I wants the two

Different water days careful secret whispers are the longest lashes on the market?

She's lovely

Well, you know she's entering the battle for the crown. She's won it three I do I can do a backflip

Almost mommy look. She's wearing sneakers


Penny look yeah

Okay tipped if you're really gonna enter this beauty pageant

Let's see you're gonna need a gown um some of unitards a truckload of makeup

Wait a minute the Battle of I'm still going bare

Hands and eyes can help whoa what when I was having no friends

I was watching beauty pageants on earth channels

For extra points, and if you

Yes is always end world hunger, honey. Yeah, I'm being so nervous. Are you being nervous colorful?

Fun ah I only put on 5 a.m.. Perfecting the look

The walk is flawless, what are we gonna do but I can

I'm - ax t 2g say something

Don't I get points for personality. You know what I bet if I keep showing the judges my true self. I'll win this pageant

It's time to get serious remember winning isn't everything, honey

Are you sure you know what I want, I want to win give me those flashes

Our final round

Only 2% of humans in the world have the eyelid strength to wear those

One boy to win Miss Virtua t do G

Now for the final question if you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be

So here's the real me and I can almost do a back

Miss Tootie your walk was perfect

Congratulations, baby been fun to steal that crown from

Perhaps the pig cat is not

Understandings when you chew on my not away from the me

Mm-hmm safe place safe plate. Oh the metal safety capsule

Big cat, you must be staying doubt Oh day Tuesday be closed

Don't you touch that we promise not to touch. Oh we got to get them out Pfister Matt

Died so he could not sickle my nostrils know what see out there

We're going to put up posters to help I'm pig tip I did a very good job at hanging my mister works

If we shake these treats and piggies anywhere around here he'll come running

Why not

You are clearly not understanding the most clever solution is found


An optimum outcome to our searches yes, that's an action

Where did you get?

This and I know


Out of controls, I know that is being

It was yours I

Am sorry what more do I need to do oh dear oh rivers you like garbage I am

Big cats big house giving me a gift. That's not a gift

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 239 - Molly King - Duration: 17:12.


The 7D - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Moment Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 61 - NID MEDIA - Duration: 18:22.

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For more infomation >> The 7D - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Moment Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 61 - NID MEDIA - Duration: 18:22.


Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 26 - Nicole Iqbal - Duration: 19:45.

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Good thing we just ate cuz I hate busting metal on an empty stomach

It's a dragon laughter

- but how


Know what he's dreaming about

Ten chunks of aura says it's ramps 20 says cliff jump

You'll never guess what I was

ramps cliffs

Guys I was flying

You're blocking my food, but if trucks could fly Oh

Think of all the cool things we could do all the or we could find all the exploring wicked

Like those enjoyed by airborne creatures such as scrappy dactyls tera copters can I be invincible while we're at it?

It's a cool idea Ton, Ton

Drop your blade

Let's get him a new cylinder of course excellent idea tai

You know how hard these things are to find. I don't mean find a cylinder. Ah the memories

Come on. Let's get forging hold up ten tonnes moping around over there

Do I want to know

No, I don't

You want to fly to tune and then we turn that wagon we built into a ramp and the media ruled over us, yeah?


Dude, if anybody can make the impossible possible if it's you guys

Plus everybody else said no

Dinner for me dude turn we will help you

Let us up with the truck sing Auto

Maybe if we tried putting the shoe up on Hagen on the post excellent idea

Back to the drawing rock

You that with this newest design you will not be able to fly

But you will be able to glide Oh shaken

Hmm oh, and of course Arthur I gotta give you guys nicknames. It's your design

So you're gonna be Winx you can be


He got the cool one

Hey, not bad

Not bad from doser as an awesome from anybody else it is rockin dude that I know where

To turn make sure you hit them up with enough speed so you can overcome the forces of drag

Follow the beat in the force

How did you find us when Diaz plays in the crater best chance you got for overcoming the forces of drag?

Dun dun

That was exciting well at least we didn't see the squatter eggs

Judging by the maturity of the eggs we only have a few hours before they hatch yeah there try that

When we trucks it up

Not your fault untied

Formation is created a wind tunnel nothing a rescue will prove difficult

Maybe we can glide to safety let me try okay. I've flown on dragon flappers

It's a good idea

Oh not this again, I can get behind a bridge. I may be wrong, but I think this ground

Any ideas that don't involve flying

Knocking uh oh wait you're not actually considering this. Are you show us the autos plans tonton?

Trust me, Otto, that's a good sign you

Guys are pretty handy

Flat on the bottom and curved on the top which creates a pressure differentials

Yes, what we need is the love of forge believe we're building ways

It's go time this is it Suns on the dyno troops are using our ving design quickly

You don't think this is actually gonna work. Do you?

It's still amazing

I know dude, but that wind it's like hitting a wall more of them for stability

well, whatever we're gonna build with here, so I'm gonna set some ground rules I

Do not think they're drill one yet thin and small keep moving keep low and don't give them a target


Come on you just need a push, and that's my fish

Yeah, you just wanted to show off your new cylinder didn't ya let's go

It's gonna crash hard then let's catch up


Yeah, and thanks to you our flying

Bus a very loud roar

Am I the only one who's starving say no more you

What did you find out?

It's in the forest down everything we have to flee they easy to lose our home because of some bully

Let me at least go look for the tea trucks

Hudna you have one day to find this tea trucks in this rep to a friend

I'm on a roll next one of your favorite things

It's angry

There's a whole vein up dere d-structs place

What did you say

And rescue trucks in need oh that was not the right thing to say

My pleasure

Fun with that jewel worse you said it oh

That's worse a tea truck should be feared

I'm guessing you must be in pretty big trouble to be out on your own really big trouble

That's so scary

I'm afraid to scream if we don't get help all of our homes will be destroyed it seems our community has set up certain

expectations tied

They are dangerous trucks what gave it away?

One of our distant lookout platforms we will have to move faster if we want to cut him off

Tie I suggest caution Rev come on I got this

Let me try this on my own don't want him to feel threatened

So I met your dawn back off t trucks. This is my for you can saw away. I make my own rules

Nobody tells splitter what to do for the record I was asking

but now

Rabbit oh that was a close one that does not seem very cool

Do we have a 3/4 like you gotta ask

Though on my way

I didn't think someone would get hurt. That's nothing little dude. You've lost panels cracked Reds

Smash bolts nuts on a good day, so we'll be careful our kind of careful

let's figure out a plan on the way back to the forest we don't have much time I

Might have an idea when I was understand no matter how dangerous then what's wrong

Those tree stumps are a nice protection for him hate to say it he's no dummy

You sure about this

Weak lacking out. We'll run interference with you in case that thing wakes up running is my specialty especially in terror

Hodnett you are with me

There's no way under without getting shredded

Should we go in don't worry

Wake saw boy for sure

Hmm, there's no tree long enough or light enough that I can use to hold you over him

Um I have an idea, but what if we could get some that are already made?

And you think you to wrap tools can defeat it

And if it doesn't we'll be right here to get all you little dudes out of the way

But or we can just go home put our treads up and dig into some chewy crunchy

Popping or you heard him. Let's trucks it up

Okay raft, it's all you

It's pretty high not as high as a scrap of dactyl nest you will be fine follow my lead good luck

This is so dangerous why?

Do you do this lot somewhere between often and all the time

Rabbit what's happening?



You are sad

If you're so worried about the tools home let me just take care of it right now

We have to stop

We're not gonna make it file naked

That's far enough splitter, I don't know why you care so much

I told you not to get my way

I think we're done

I'm not looking for friends

Tai's making enemies now yes

This could be our best best best best best day ever

For more infomation >> Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 26 - Nicole Iqbal - Duration: 19:45.


Penn Zero Part -Time Hero Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 1 - Ethan Edwar - Duration: 16:16.

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Famous reindeers eyes I didn't trust so I cut him out ah Nate

Wow guys just thinking about you on Christmas Eve not a big deal just another day that

brings families together


Uncle Chuck Aunt Rose house

But I'd be bombed if this were my first Christmas without my parents who were trapped in a loss to mention

Oh gosh the fence exact situation

Most people nice

For you I built a roller skate skates this placement of radioactive waste

You forgot to make her one didn't you affirmative?

No, no sorry for yelling that is literally my nightmare actually something's up with my moo-hoo

I'm just wondering if maybe you could tinker with it so I could yeah. I don't know talk to my

Me no. He totally is Phyllis you sure you don't want in on these pocket eggs

Okay, I want a magnet that attracts cool t-shirts a set of metal also

I want a dog that knows how to fly a jet pack. Let's just get this over with Sasha check the specs Oh

All right, you're filling in for Santa the elves have gone missing and there's a major Blizzard coming in a weird way

Watch your backs. We don't know what they're gonna find in here

Snazzy those are dwarves not elves. Well. They're still small and adorable

Sorry no one's gonna miss

I have so many flavors

Delicious well then just quietly eat your arm, okay, yes, sir

We rescue the elves and take the gingers by surprise wrong

Villains always have the back entrance covered baby for Christmas

I'll get you a dictionary so you can look up you know I think the snowman's plan makes more sense we do this

Right we fix the moo-hoo and save Christmas

Sneaking into the feet late check wait. What did I say?

Wait is that it rolling down there, that's it

Wait why looking for this I

See you've met my associate mr.. Snowman. It's not just my eyes that are made out of coal

Huh sort of snowman's head over you guys cuz I wanted to get the moo-hoo fixed. Don't be so hard on yourself

Yeah, there's nothing more depressing than a sad Santa except for like maybe an Easter Bunny

He's lost except for the part about ruining Christmas for all eternity. That's gonna bother me for a while

We've got 10 minutes before the blizzard

We can still get that sleigh in the air backstage, but there's Christmas magic in the air

And I had the earliest Yuletide song to share


breaking out of here for Christmas

I won't be trapped by Keiji sparser walls

When they get up I'll make the bestest babies

People and yaki Yeti caterers the evilest caterers in the entire northern hemisphere now that's pretty evil

We get out of here no matter, how small

Hello, I'm Santa all we need to do is make a chimney and I can slide right through it, baby

Full Santa you know like putting a toy under a tree from your sack. It's like my drama teacher says commit or quit

That so much

Don't tell mom but I'm about to ruin my dinner

Watch out guys thanks, and we were trapped in there for hours. Oh, no more speeches Sashi

You have those little else go get the reindeer Boone, and I we got the sleigh

It will shatter on the ice and you'll never speak to your parents again

Forget Christmas turn the sleigh around and I'll give you back your breakfast move

Merry Christmas mom and dad

Conifer tick


Not too long ago two heroes fucked to keep pen safe you'll understand take care of them Phyllis

To save our world the people energy

till yesterday

See his happy story. Anyway. That kid over there having bad hair day that is their son oh

Can you locate my parents am I gonna get them back? I need to know now

No it takes three shots to triangulate the most dangerous world imaginable, so I'm meeting to work as normal

Yeah, okay sure fine. It'll be normal, but I want to save my parents ASAP

Don't stop to make any more professional-looking comic book this nice threads

Check out this view

Nice well shiver my timbers I guess boats are alive in this world o

Multiverse, what will you come up with next check the specs sash?

Well no I don't have to but I thought it might be fun

I don't know why it's okay for you to talk like a parent

I can't talk like a pirate pirate and parrot are practically the same word

Did you know what you're you

Thanks for the map and your belt

sincerely a better pirate belt

To walk free which is gross and Milton out for all to see

Split CDC wishy and a Yoho Philippine. I'm the one that wrote this scene


Hate that I sound like that

No, no I I wasn't gonna say that because a pirate can't be female oh

No, no, I was gonna be females some of my best friend

Mmm-hmm can you say confusing much?

The maps all yours I've always thought it was cool to break the law, but the way you guys with your new attitude

He will go far

It's pirate talk

I'll do my best to live up to your high standard you for eyebrow enhancement

I don't need eyebrow enhancement my eyebrows are one of my best natures. She's going down

And I have two x's and one riddle and I have it going on how you doing well boat

How you doing? Now look? I think we should team up. Okay? We just I'm well aware of the pirate song, but I can handle

Maria you can definitely not handle me, but you got yourself a deal

Huh letters all over the ground hold on wait the clues Oh

Weird you know I didn't even notice oh

We gotta do is just step on the letters that spell the first word, I'll think about this with a completely blank mind

I'll do it

Okay going blank

Okay disco letter monkey

Is a shell yeah, no thing hang on maybe we can use it later oh, yeah definitely

Sorry sharks don't have ears

I don't think I am the fact that you just said that thank you all this day well

We should be able to make short work of these next two clues. I was always good at puzzles

Even when I was little what?

Puzzle pieces stupid mission stupid puzzled mission

We all have issues I've never told anyone this before, but I used to be part of a pirate team


That was the last time I trusted a human. I trust talking boats, but that's it

I promise I won't double-cross you not even for a seaweed Nancy, but the clue says the puzzles are piling

We just need to pile them up

Okay, let's see here a music stand and a note yep


Why not start a business renting monkeys

You say what happens with

This is beautiful

Why am talking look that ride brought us to the last X on the map add up all your clues of which there are three

Try to see what's not?

Fun hey your childish freakout worked there's hidden writing on the note

I bet we're supposed to play the shell like a musical instrument


We did it Maria my impatience worked to our advantage and you put your trust issues behind you and pull the sword on me what?

How did you get down here

Larry's been dumping me down whirlpools all day luckily the last one sent me here

You'll never get out of here with that chest fine. He's a terrible villain

Which I had ha ha

Ha ha ha ha got one for what I have to our name Francine they're sisters aren't they the same person

To settle this I challenge you to a duel yeah

What is that redwood would you believe pine? I've never felt so beautiful. Well you look it. Oh come on at best

He's a seven at zero let's do this

It's over

victory at last

You're lucky I came back. I'm a terrible bar that had access to small mammals

I had a plan we put Sashi under my hat and you came back me, too

You really taught me that being part of a team is worth the risk I?

Like you oh

Well technically there's no dust in a world covered in water, but eat it anyway

Alright one step closer to mom and dad oh

Come on. Why I'm serious. Why did my pants fall down just then?

For more infomation >> Penn Zero Part -Time Hero Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 1 - Ethan Edwar - Duration: 16:16.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Children Episode 61 - Jake Brooks - Duration: 15:40.

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Prince2 charming

The kingdom up you have any ideas oh, just a few


Well, if prince Alonso's half as prepared as everyone has heard about how you rescued your people from judy key you have quite an impressive

your lady oh

It's what any ruler would have done for her people your highness. I am so glad that you will be what?

Well hey there I'm Alonso Prince Alonso nice to meet you

The throne is right this way I love all the tapestries ah

They depict the important woman's in córdoba's history when the greatest work of art is standing right before us

What is that some people call it poetry no?

I mean that

is that a

Giant butt and it would be my pleasure to take you on a tour of the kingdom to see all of them

but first things first


This bridge is the perfect combination, but it's our job. We shouldn't give it to someone else of course, please forgive me

How would you like to proceed princess well let's compare our list of take my chariot?

Sorry but my chariot only seats to

Bright sparkling mysterious

Now I chose this site because the river is really narrow here, so it would save us time and materials perfect

We'll build here

I don't know about you, but I really working with a week in the economy the Akali the wooden giant from the tapestry yes

But that's just an old legend. It's not real has anyone seen this you collie yes

It is hard keeping up with the fastest chariot in the kingdom only because they're the slowest horse in the kingdom well

You're just in time coz we're about to break ground. Yes. I know I've been practicing calling the workers

After we finished our job our job was to pick the spot for the bridge not stand here and watch them build it I

Was thinking we should at least supervise him for a little while to make sure they're doing

My grandma thought it was funny

You can be serious when you're an adult when you're young like us your only job to have a good time

Look I'd love to take a break with you

But we still have work to do just think if you worked as much as crown princess imagine what you'll be like when you're Queen

We call this the coral cascade I've never seen or heard anything like it. It's it's so


Princess Elena you've been here a while shouldn't you head back to the?

Bridge site now. Oh right we should check up on the progress, but we haven't finished our lunch. Oh, I knew we shouldn't have left

Picnic can you think of food at a time like this?

The youkali is real

Good day. I hate to inconvenience you, but your presence is not welcome here. I

Deeply regret to inform you that since you destroyed this hole. I must now destroy your most gloom east

quick guards do something

Yes your highness


You okay, I'm fine, but that you Kali is off to destroy the palace

What do we do Prince Allah, so I am I don't know the purchase of late

Friends I would be forever in your debt if you could leave

What's wrong? You call? He's coming to destroy the palace what I thought that your colleague was just a legend

oh He's very real your highness and surprisingly polite father Hey the workers woke the Akali

That's not what happened your highness. It was Alonso who upset the youkali not the workers things would have been okay

I did choose the site your majesty

But I wanted to leave after I heard about the youkali I should have trusted my instincts

He I see I want two lines of Defense and we need to get everyone in the palace to safety right away your majesty

Stay close I'll take you somewhere safe

Britta's Elena, we've got to keep moving, but your collie is here

See how his other arm goes off the edge the rest of it is in that tapestry the boo

He toes are sitting on the Akalis arm

it's just a tree branch I

Think I know how to save the palace

We need to evacuate immediately I hate to agree with them, okay, Chris Elena

You need to be somewhere safe not out here digging in the dirt. It's reckless and not how a royal behaves

This is exactly how a royal behaves we serve

You have my most heartfelt apologies for the commotion

I've really hope this plan works meet you

Signora collie we had no idea those dirt mounds were the Buki Jose homes

And we're sorry for what happened to them so we built this burrow to replace the first one

I accept your apology on behalf of the people of Cordova. I promise an incident like this

They loved their new home you have my eternal gratitude princess

Congratulations princess you get to spend the rest of the day touring

Cordoba with I'm a prince a prince is supposed to ride over a bridge not help build one a

Brain serves his people and right now. This is the best way for you to serve your peoples the whistle I

Can't thank you enough for what you've done forgot about princess Elena

I look forward to seeing you again once the bridge is completed. Oz duaa. It can wait a bit longer

We finished our job, so now we deserve a little break. Let's tour the kingdom are you sure yeah, we're gone

We should have a little

My bear nail

This is going to be the best week wait to see your room. You've never slept in a palace before that's not true guard barracks

What just kidding?

Allow me to introduce a

Van we told you

I was passed over for the Grand Council

Well this child was referred to the seat the age of your birthday's this Saturday aha

And your parents won't be here for it. No, but birthdays aren't a big deal in my family. It's too bad

I'm not a valoran well. Maybe you were born here, but you are a valoran at heart plus one. What a lovely idea

I still remember my

Quinceanera like it was yesterday the throwing at Royal quinceanera is no simple task

It takes weeks

Maybe months of intense planning and royal expertise

But not even our dear Chancellor Esteban could prepare someone like miss Turner for a royal quinceanera

Is that a challenge and you and I will begin first thing in the morning miss Turner begin what your royal training of course?


One will look foolish because Naomi is going to have the most fabulous

Quinceanera the kingdom has ever seen I guess the whole kingdom will be the judge of that

My court the birthday girl picked seven boys and seven girls to be on her Court

They'll stand by you at the quinceanera and dance your first waltz with you

You need rules on your court that is the tradition one of them will be the crown princess

That's gotta count for something. I think we can bend tradition just this once

Can't we Chancellor?

With a cord that small

Then let us begin

Making a flawless grand entrance at a royal quinceanera is keeneland way

why hello Duchess so good to see you my you look radiant tonight Chancellor oz do you've

Hiya Pete glad you could make it Scottie. Love the new eye patch Ricardo

Maybe we should start with something easier

Repeat after me I am delighted you were invited extremely excited to be reunited pretty

Excited to be reunited

That you've been knighted

Listen carefully. Yes you did poorly ah this is impossible

Elena she is beyond help, don't you think you're being too hard on her keep saying it. It should be fun not stressful

I want her to remember this day forever

And what brings you here today, dunya. I was just checking to see if you had given up yet

I know it must be terrible well. We must get back to Naomi. They see you at the party Dona

Oh, I'll be there

Now Miss Turner the waltz is the heart of the Royal quinceanera

Imagine the kingdom's finest. Oh you had to ask is this not how you carry water ownership. Yeah, but we're not oh shit

Why you two times 1 2 3 I?

Told you to bring an umbrella sorry I

Think I'm getting the hang of it yes George extremely excited to be reunited

That's it. There is hope for you yet miss Turner scarf you and I might pull this off

No no the very best no this simply will not just

As water ruffles if it roughly are the better your dress must be the fanciest of them all

I don't think you must have a brand-new dress. No me. I don't know if

All right, let's see it abuela. I'm gonna ask you a question and I need you to be honest

It's hideous wait until Naomi. You don't want to wear it. I can't

Ah one more time from the top

How sorry

My fault, babe

Uh your did you cough up a spell and get her back you guys she's just a little worried about her party a little

Okay, a lot, but it's her big day. Let's try to be understanding

What after all that practicing you're not really gonna. Let us step on replace us are you?

Not you, Oh Gabe you guys won't embarrass me as long as you're not dancing oh

Let's get out of here Mateo

after all the waltz is

Well if that's what you're really I can't believe she didn't stop me I

Can't believe she left you did the right thing then why do I feel so bad you would just have to wait and see

Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you. She's flying

she's gliding I

Am delighted you were invited yes. This is true

She may look and act like a proper lady, but can she dance like one

You don't let me handle this

Do you think she even cares that we're not there

Hi, good evening

I'd like to thank everyone for coming to our home and helping us celebrate Naomi's birthday when I had my

Quinceanera many many years ago

as friends of course

My my talking about this fiasco for you

Naomi what are you doing here?

yeah, and the fanciest party in the world doesn't mean anything if you're not there I


My friends my son

Nope just come as you are

Ah we can still fix this hurry, and you're so understanding

Like it like it avalor will be talking about this party for years. I have one more

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Children Episode 61 - Jake Brooks - Duration: 15:40.


Adventure Time with Finn & Jake I Remember You Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Anna Lambe - Duration: 17:39.

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okay gota you're ready for the show to begin

wait one two three huh if you go to them would you even care go to do you even

love me ah it's rhetorical go okay Gunther you

cute little dummy you know Gunther my song is gonna need some dope lyrics to

lure the honey's in hmm quickly Gunther to the the past room

yes I'll take some of these for lyrical inspiration so where's Marceline living

these days right a cave help you pick up on chicks come on we can be a prog-rock

duo I'll even split the fans with you I get the princesses and you get whatever

it is you're into me play you what I've written so far tangles in the cord

sometimes if this happens when you fly with it that good Ice King oh you got

him nice job Marceline your kata you know it's okay you guys can go okay well

I guess we'll see you then so what kind of song are we playing oh I

brought these for some inspiration and just use these to work off of you know a

template okay that's your okay while Barry Princess

could be better all of the bridges are pretty alright but if you like I send

your picture of that to gum I really need someone please stop acting

crazy I just wanna be loved oh I'm sorry I pushed you huh

what you got an apple oh no if I can I thought you were but you're really me

down you know I'm actually glad to see you maybe I'm the one who's how about

one of these ah

assist it's all here on the page the page in song baby on this receipt on

this takeout menu all these newspapers this you took this picture bro you've

scribbled all over it hmm oh oh marceline is it just you and me in the

wreckage of the world that must be so confusing for a little girl and I need

to save you but who's going to save me please forgive me forever I do when I

don't remember I can feel myself slipping away I can't remember what it

made me say but I remember is going on in there

like justice Billy but you can't kick a plane yeah that dang snail again man

mucking it up again but there were other guys this time too

the bear was there and some dogs and Billy's lady and Billy and Billy we

better code tell Billy about it just in case he'll know what to do

dang whoa I dreamed I was in kindergarten again but wake up you guys

do what a mikroc it's three o'clock in the morning oh you know just dropped by

to say hello see what you're been an old lady and a snail and you were there and

the snail killed you or something

was the cosmic our there our mission to save all life from the Lich yes wait so

we have to snatch the gems out of all the Crown's of power that's true

one way - or one hmm a bear this book is really important it has magical powers

turn the little sword sideways what is this stuff hold on

anyway they're poles and others can become linked artificially by magical

portals torn open by items of great power once the last gem is inserted into

the enchiridion it will have the power to create a portal tini let's go get

that Jim yeah that was an accident

the book mess everyone up you treat me No Child it's all true the

book has great power I can make you live forever

thanks Finn I couldn't have done it without you

come on Jake

let's think I can make that driz no problem it's crazy far man nah that's

just a perspective illusion it looks far cause the cliffs lower sight hey you

know what this is cool just having bro time for once holy fizzle what's going

on here tough boy what is that huge dude he's the farm the legendary

I want Bionic legs who's your friend Yeah right it's secret don't follow me

No you think we can beat him yeah way we can't he's the ultimate but if we beat

him we'll be crazy legends man I already am

a legend in other aspects of life third lock no man trained up like get ripped

yeah I was just kidding let's destroy that guy we're coming back for you the

farm after we train now watch my something style I'm a full-grown dog of

my own and I need to play kompy's kastle' every day so I can maintain my

rank so you don't care about me I'm gonna break every bone in your body then

heal you later with that magical goo we got from the Cyclops's eye

by these putting the time i'ma make you mine

that's right come and get your cheap moves hey come on you gotta fight the


Wow looks like a car Oh

awaken to your dream Finn and Jake whoa who are you

cars are cheap but they drive bad when I turn out the lights turn out the lights

these sweatpants have another pose ripe enough to bite bite that's all I gotta

say for now get lost what is going on here dream warrior yeah

what is all but listen man I'm sorry I got mad at you cares about my high

scoring copy it ain't important no man it is important being the third best

swords came back to watch us fight this is it let's use we learn in training ah

all we did was fight dirty with cheap way to golden apples think I know what

that means well sure I can make a wild guess you

ready man yeah

you're getting all bit up on mosquitoes no okay bit up by something man I can't

believe you said this was a good swimming hole my people are in trouble

i'm a mudscamp yeah we will of course will help why didn't you just say

something before I'm shy woobeewoo this way this is the village elder he'll

fill you in on the deets greetings heroes let's cut to the chase I mean for

many for many moons now our village had been under siege by the megafrog easy

scary I mean wwhat if you got ate think about it all along the stomach full of

acid mommy mommy mommy help me Billy is that

you mommy cool look see they're already practicing the poor fools they don't

know what they're in for whoa relax buddy you're talking to the

right couple of guys that's nice thanks man now farewell heroes we're counting

on you real idea man I was just gonna throw them all on the

ground anyway wow wow wow wow this way sweet these will take us right

to him that's his butt tree like three times oh yeah you should probably

backtrack dairy oriented and all that word wait these prints are on purpose so

we'd use up all our lollies and get totally lost what nah man frogs are

mighty dumb you know that he's probably running around like that cuz he's lost

forget that you see anything through that mess plus I got struck by lightning

I don't think it's working man I think I saw some guy do it like this once that's

not you just gotta get some momentum going

he's just sitting there what's he doing out there I don't know but let's pound

him while he's vulnerable okay hog out here tempeh dunk him right while he's

all confused yeah that's a great idea man that's a great idea Jake

yeah but it's hard to make out I'm shy first please yeah but it's hard to make

out I'm shy it's hard to make out hmm

thanks little deal Oh weird well thanks man I don't know a lot of dudes who'd do

that to help a guy out whatevs

For more infomation >> Adventure Time with Finn & Jake I Remember You Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Anna Lambe - Duration: 17:39.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 5 - Sam Day - Duration: 17:22.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 5 - Sam Day - Duration: 17:22.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 317 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:17.

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The princess ballet

That's it

Princess Currie you're singing sunflowers are extraordinarily enchanting. Thank you miss flora

Wow Oh children we only have a few minutes left of class so I want to share some exciting

News with you the day after tomorrow

Royal prep will be hosting it school would like to put on an enchanted Orchestra performance Oh

Bo Derek, thank you and would anyone like to dexhart sirs to perform a simple

But stunning belly any takers

Bravo ladies, but this dance requires three performers we can help you learn the steps amber

And I have taken a few classes and knowing you you'll probably be a prima ballerina by the end of our first rehearsal

Just like your mother gather around budding ballerinas before we begin rehearsal

Let me offer you some words of advice from my very favorite ballet teacher the world-famous then an arabesque

into a good side that looks tricky and will end with a

And still

Like that only better got it

Here goes

Are you alright, I'm okay, I'm okay oh

Come on curry you can take a little break. No not just yet. I really want to do a perfect pirouette

But it doesn't do you really like it? I made it out of all these cool old things. I found at home

It's Melvin

So it is

Don't forget to find a good spot for my sculpture. You got it. Okay guys. Let's get to work

It's so

We still have tomorrow when the next day to learn the routine I know I sold, it's enough time SIA Sophia

Khari, my little superstar. How was your day ballet? That's

Wonderful. I can't wait to see you leap and spin just like I used to the thing is I

Haven't really gotten the hang of ready for rehearsal. Oh, I see rehearse those already started. I got here early to practice

Sophia she is really serious about this too serious

I can do the car

Okay, let's get back to practice my parents are coming to see me do ballet. Not some silly hop

It's not what she thought it would be she'll be so disappointed in me

Yes, it was a marvelous pair wedding


Finally uh I was starting to think I'd never get it now

We can start working on the other dance moves in the route sure there is we can do it. Maybe you and amber

Can you've taken ballet before but this is really hard for me. I think you're gonna do fine carry

Him Sergio Adagio

By what moments our friend needs to learn the arabesque glissade and garage attack and she needs to learn them fast

I don't know how to do any of those moves I

Am very glad to hear that

Hmm I see this will require some special training shit. Eh like you have never said before

Just remember girls in fact I'm not so sure that mop was even part of the sculpture. Yeah

I think it fell out of the janitor's closet oh

Yeah, but I still say it's a lot

My money you certainly learned the way to grande jeté I can even bless the hut and arabesque

It looks like you girls are ready to rehearse the Indo I could do a pirouette before why did I mess it up now?

Because it takes a lot of practice to get it right every time, and we haven't worked on it in a while

I don't want to almost do it it has to be perfect

I'm sorry. I don't think I can be in the show khari


Hi guys the hall looks great


Is that my sculpture what sculpture where I don't see any sculpture?

Some things might not be in exactly the same place as you had them or even close. We are really sorry

Hey, do you have any other sculptures you want us to mess up hurry

What's the bleep? I just can't do it Sofia

Doing it is the fun part even if you don't do it perfectly

But my parents will see you having a great time dancing in the shell. What do you think ballet is fun? Don't you oh?

I hope you all enjoyed the art exhibit in the hall now onto the next arts night


ladies and gentle Kings

My arabesque was wobbly

I completely flubbed my pirouette we don't expect you to do everything perfectly

But mom you were such an amazing ballerina

I'm in ok just go like this with your arms, and hop on your legs like this

And flick

I gotcha fluke you sure about that Hoonah to get to the other time

Luke you crack me up who wants to watch me juggle sea urchins

It sure feels good to be back at merroway cove shames you got my bathing suit all wet

Isn't that what it's for that is the last thing. It's for your beverage and Sun spectacles princess amber

Wonderful baileywick. There's just one problem your Majesties. How do we invite the merpeople?

Ah good point none of us can really dive all the way down there to tell them

Everyone can you guys spread the word about the party yeah sure

Handle this

Well that takes care of that let's go find my friends Sofia they didn't get to meet you last time okay this way

What's it like having legs what so like living on land, it's much drier up there

Excuse me is anyone going to introduce me. Oh sorry are they all human

What else would they be I don't get it slim what makes her so special?

Probably being human if I had to guess or we could play a song for them

We have a band you do that sounds like a terrific gift. Hey, let's play one of our songs for Sofia

Do you want to hear one sure?


Know I'll get the Pearl out of that giant clam now, that's a gift fit for a king and queen

It's no use a bunch hmm, let me try this

I'm sorry flip it was the only way to present clam open. Yeah, I know it's okay

Oh, it's a big scary manta ray with a really sharp horn sticking out of its forehead

Mantacorn shut their horns every year and grow new ones

But they keep the old ones and a special cake I'll swim in and grab one of his old horns before he even wakes up

That doesn't sound like a good idea not if you're slow, but if you're quick like me. It's no problem back in a-flat

Where's fluke? You already wasn't thought? We should going after him, but we might wake up the mantacorn

I concur the best course of action is to stay right here where it's perfectly safe. He's right

They can eat like a whole herd, and one fitting like a floating pink

Yeah, maybe there's another way out of here. I'll take a look

The entrance is blocked look

Don't worry about it. I'll figure out a way to get us out. There's one

I'm agin it no way you'll wake him up for sure. Let's just go

Oona's right everyone follow me oh you I'm the leader of this pack

Why did you try to take that horn we could have gotten away ah don't sweat it princess I've got it all under control

Here's the plan I'll swim out there and get the mantacorn to chase okay fine

There's gotta be a back tunnel that leads out of the caves. We just have to find it follow me everyone

No way fluke

Is that what you tried to take the horn because everyone started paying attention to me instead of you whoa

I guess you're right good

Because I think we should find that bathtub lead the way Sofia

There's nowhere to swim

Wait we should go this way

There's too much seaweed I know I have a plan you're not just doing this to show off

Are you why are you stopping there? They are the entire stash of Manticore horns fluke?

Don't worry flip you can't get us he's stuck in the CV that was your plan

Yeah, so where's faith. We're safe. I was just minding my own business

Takin a nap and you

Try to steal me on

Now what kind of hole do you need have got a bunch of tenors a few Altos really what do they eat puffer fish?

Let's give them a little more time shall we

Something's happening

Welcome everyone, but where is Sofia mom yeah, I guess you found, Oona

Uh-huh we have a special surprise for everyone

May I present to you the Marr tones performing a special song in honor of the king and queen of enchancia

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