Toddler Learning Video
Learning Baby Surprise Eggs
Learn Colors For Kids With Ducks
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Epic race Disney Cars for kids MINI Lightning McQueen, Nigel Gearsley Holley Shiftwell Jeff Gorvette
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Learn Colors with Spiderman & Color Classic Cars - Learning Colors Video for Children
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Kids Games Fun Animals Care - Dress Up and Bath Time | Baby Animal Hair Salon 2 Games For Kids.
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Wrong Heads Videos For kids - Wrong Heads Disney Cartoon - Learning Videos For Toddlers - Duration: 1:45.
J-31 Chinese 2nd Stealth Fighter for Carriers - Duration: 4:10.
hand embroidery designs for beginners | hand embroidery designs, simple mirror work blouses - Duration: 2:10.
maggam work blouse designs
Model Shoot at Parks and Wildlife - Korean Hanbok and Roman Goddess Theme BTS 002 - Duration: 7:17.
Brownie is missing!!!
I found Brownie!!! No need for you to worry. Brownie is here!!!
So we're here today at
Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife
Abbie is here with me today
My neighbor and former shipmate.
It's his first time to go on a photoshoot.
I really am a bad influence!!!
I'll just ask later for her surname
Abbie and I are in one group
also with that guy with the brown pants.
I'll be using
one light in my beauty dish
We're taking turns so each of us will get plenty of time.
We just finished
our shoot with Charm. I gave her a sword to
give it an "Engkantadya" feel.
Brownie is missing!!!
I found Brownie!!!
No need for you to worry. Brownie is right here!!!
Finally it's done. Very tiring.
Conscious Universities for the New Generation - Duration: 21:01.
Conscious Universities for the New Generation
Living in Alliance with the Earth
When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for
an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle-class young person.
I entered an elite school not out of any particular ambition, but because the story that surrounded
me said that this is how to do life.
College, and probably further degrees thereafter, was the path to full participation in society.
The problem was that, deep down, I didn�t want to fully participate in society.
I sensed a wrongness at the base of things.
As I learned more about the workings of the world, I didn�t want to be part of it.
Even the public service paths, that elite education could prepare me for, seemed themselves
to be still part of the same system.
But I didn�t know of any alternative to university, or perhaps I wasn�t brave enough
to find one.
And besides, at that time I couldn�t identify the cause of my lassitude, my passive rebellion,
my lack of motivation.
Now two of my own sons have reached college age, one 18 and one 20, and neither has yet
gone to college.
The nebulous intuition that led my unconscious rebellion has become, for them, an outright
refusal to follow �the program.� Moreover, they have alternatives that were not on my
radar screen in the 1980s.
Jimi has spent some time in ecological, spiritual, and permaculture programs in the U.S. and
Costa Rica, that prepare people to participate in a future that is not just an extension
of the present, but a different world with different values and different ways of seeing.
Programs like these exist all over the world, yet still, they are scattered and lack a unifying
narrative that might present them as a solid alternative to traditional higher education.
Young people must luck into them or know enough to seek them out.
Wouldn�t it be wonderful if this kind of education � education in what the planet
needs most right now � were more easily accessible?
Teach permaculture Imagine if permaculture practices were taught
in all schools.
Imagine a worldwide archipelago of land-based institutions of learning for people like my
sons; sanctuaries of alternative technologies of earth, mind, matter, and body that are
marginal or absent within conventional universities.
So much of the most exciting work, whether in medicine, agriculture, or social change,
is happening outside academia, invisible to many of the young people who might otherwise
follow them into a career, and lacking the financial support and community of research
that could propel them to the next level.
We need a parallel system of technology development that can guide society as conventional systems
unravel and conventional technologies fail to adequately address our problems.
We need, to use Ken Carey�s phrase, to establish islands of the future in an ocean of the past.
For reasons I will describe soon, let us call these places Institutes for Technologies of
They have two main functions: research and learning.
What is Technology?
What kind of technology are we talking about here?
The word usually brings to mind things like computers, robots, lasers, nano-scale fabrication,
gene editing, chemical engineering, and electronics.
These we think of as �high tech.�
All of these share certain characteristics in common.
They depend on a high degree of specialization; they depend on a vast industrial infrastructure
to produce, they are derived from scientific research, and they are based on the application
of energy to manipulate and control matter.
Accordingly, the standard dictionary definition of technology is �the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes.�
These technologies have utterly transformed the world in the last few centuries, but they
are proving incapable of solving the problems we face today, many of which, ironically,
are caused by the very same kind of technology we hope to use to fix them.
Whether it is agricultural chemicals degrading the soil and creating the need for even more
chemicals, or medical interventions causing side effects that require further medical
interventions, technology often becomes a �fix� in the sense of an addiction; requiring
more technology to manage the results of previous technology.
We�re popping pills for symptoms caused by other pills!
On a broader scale, the entire scientific-industrial system has created ecological degradation
and social atomization that we attempt to fix from within the same technological mindset
of quantification, engineering, and control.
It follows the dream of techno-utopia: that if only we could exercise precise control
over every bit of matter; if only we could quantify and label and digitize every object
with its own IP address, then we could manage the world rationally, eliminate uncertainty,
and maximize human wellbeing.
Technologies of Separation vs Technologies of Reunion
On the social level, the same ambition translates into the program of total information awareness,
so that each economic transaction, each social interaction, and all physical movement is
tracked and saved in a database.
Yet it is becoming obvious that despite continuing advances in our ability to control matter
and society, the promise of utopia is receding into the future, and indeed has passed the
event horizon called cynicism.
No longer does anyone believe that material and social engineering is on the verge of
ushering in a perfect world.
For these reasons � the failed promise and worsening crisis of technology as we know
it � I would like to offer an expanded conception of technology.
The kind of technology described above is but a subset of all technology, a subset I�ll
call �technologies of separation.� These will always have their place, but at the present
historical moment we need to shift our collective will and energy toward a different kind of
technology, which I will call �technologies of reunion.�
To expand the definition of technology, we can simply return to the original Greek roots
of the word, which means �a logos of crafts.� Technology is a system of techniques for applying
human will to alter the physical world.
A Transition in Our Narrative
Technology is not just a haphazard collection of techniques.
As a �logos of crafts� implies, these techniques are interrelated; they grow from
a common logic, a unifying narrative or worldview.
This narrative determines what we consider to be real, possible, and important.
It answers the questions �What can we do?� �What should we do?� and �How can we
do it?�
The technologies of separation that dominate the world today draw from the story of separation,
which includes:
Humans are separate from nature The self as a separate individual
Full selfhood (consciousness, sentience) existing in humans alone
Competition as the defining characteristic of life
Domination and control over the other as the key to wellbeing
That all things are composed of generic, identical building blocks
That to be real is to be measurable and quantifiable That the forces of nature are basically random,
so human progress depends on insulating ourselves from their dangers and harnessing them for
our purposes Linear and reductionistic thinking as the
basis of technology Force-based causality
Human destiny to conquer or transcend nature.
These are the threads of the mythology that has overtaken civilization over the last few
thousand years, and especially the last few centuries.
It is rapidly becoming obsolete though, giving way to a new and ancient story, the Story
of Interbeing.
It holds that: The self is relational at its core
Humans are not separate from nature What we do to the world, we do to ourselves
The basic qualities of a self (e.g. consciousness, intelligence) are ubiquitous and universal;
everything is alive Each being is a holographic mirror of all
Cooperation, sharing, and symbiosis are defining characteristics of life and evolution
Morphic resonance is the primary causal principle Each being has unique and necessary gifts
to give toward the wellbeing and evolution of the whole
Human destiny is to use its unique gifts to serve the health and development of Gaia
Technologies of Reunion draw from the Story of Interbeing and contributes to its emergence
in world civilization.
Each includes the other, the part includes the whole, the inner mirrors the outer.
Technologies of Reunion contribute to the reunion of human and nature, mind and body,
thought and emotion, matter and spirit, modern and ancient, masculine and feminine.
They reunite all that which has been made artificially separate or even placed into
opposition in the civilization of separation.
It is not the erasure of binary opposites, nor is it the dissolution of all boundaries;
rather it is the understanding that each includes the other, that the part includes the whole,
that the inner mirrors the outer.
Examples of Technologies of Reunion
Almost any practice, whether in medicine, agriculture, energy, or education that is
called �alternative� or �holistic� exemplifies a technology of reunion.
Here are a few examples to illustrate how these practices draw from the Story of Interbeing.
Regenerative agriculture, for example, no-till organic horticulture.
This practice is motivated, in part, by the understanding that the health of crops and
of people is inseparable from the health of the soil.
It seeks, therefore, to serve the wellbeing of the soil, confident that the health of
one is the health of all.
Secondly, regenerative agriculture sees the soil not as a mere repository of chemical
nutrients, but as a living being possessed of its own kind of intelligence, and as part
of a larger living being that is the entire farm ecosystem.
Therefore, instead of merely imposing a methodological template on a piece of land, the farmer carefully
observes the land until she intimately knows it as a being unto itself, so she can ask,
�What does the land want?� The relationship is intimate, personal, and unique, irreducible
to any set of quantitative data on soil composition and rainfall distribution.
Homeopathy, based on the realization that every condition of a human being is mirrored
by some material substance.
Self and world are not separate.
Homeopaths believe that introducing the informational signature of that substance into the body
will unlock that disease pattern and bring healing.
Furthermore, the medium for conveying the information signature of a substance is water,
which in homeopathy is understood not as a generic substance defined merely by its chemical
formula, but as capable of holding information and structure (a view supported by recent
scientific thinking as well).
Homeopathy Homeopathy adheres to the priciple that the
self and the world are not separate.
Truth and reconciliation processes.
The Story of Separation says, �If I were in the totality of your circumstances � biographical,
economic, cultural, etc.
� I would not do as you did.
I am better than that.� Punitive justice comes from that belief: people do bad things
because they are bad people and therefore must be deterred by threat of punishment.
The Story of Interbeing says the opposite.
It says:
If I were in the totality of your circumstances, my brother, I would have done as you did.
Truth and reconciliation processes change those circumstances.
They come from the belief that if he could only be connected with the full impact of
his actions, he would no longer want to do that.
They rely on the healing power of the truth made visible.
Brutalization depends on a cutoff of empathy, on the dehumanization of the victim.
By sharing their stories to the witnessing of the perpetrators and the surrounding community,
the victims reclaim their full humanity in the eyes of all.
Universal basic income (UBI) and community-based forms of resource sharing.
In the Story of Separation, which says human nature is to maximize rational self-interest,
this is an insane idea.
If everyone�s basic needs were met, what would compel people to work and contribute
to society?
But if we believe that human nature is to want to contribute to something meaningful,
greater than oneself, UBI and resource sharing becomes a way to support that impulse.
It also validates and supports the kinds of contributions that are hard to quantify, such
as giving loving care to children or old people, making art and music, bringing healing to
land and water in ways that don�t increase economic output, and so forth.
So, Technologies of Reunion include material technologies, social technologies, and also
non-material technologies based on a different understanding of what is real.
A partial list might include: mycoremediation of toxic waste, composting toilets and graywater/blackwater
recycling systems, herbal medicine, therapies using psychotropic plants, earth building
techniques, sacred architecture, sound healing, hypnosis and mind/matter techniques, nonviolent
communication, compassionate listening; sociocracy, holocracy and other group decision-making
methods; council processes; restorative circles; family constellation work; tantric sexual
practices, communication with other-than-human beings, nonviolent methods of political direct
action, implosion motors, over-unity energy devices, worker-owned cooperatives and other
forms of economic cooperation, biodynamic agriculture, silvopasture, perennial-based
horticulture, wetlands restoration, Montessori education, Waldorf education, technologies
of voice, dance, and mask, the use of trance and dream states�
Mycoremediation Mycoremediation�the process of using fungi
to degrade contaminants in the environment.
In various ways, all of these draw on the new and ancient Story of Interbeing.
What does crystal therapy have to do with composting toilets or attachment parenting?
On a deeper level, they are related because their �what� and �how� draws from
the same overarching story.
There is tremendous support for the technologies that have brought us to our present situation,
but little support for the kinds of technologies that are most necessary for our society to
transition into an ecological age.
The technologies of reunion need communities of practice, and they need patronage from
visionary holders of financial wealth and other resources.
Some examples of incubators for technologies of reunion include The Land Institute, devoted
to perennial agriculture, The Farm in Tennessee, which pioneered the renewal of midwifery in
America, Tamera Ecovillage, dedicated to healing human sexuality (as well as water retention
landscapes and peace work), and the Damanhur intentional community in Italy, with its astonishing
experiments in sacred architecture and plant communication.
There are also growing linkages among institutions that are part of this movement, for example,
Numundo and the global network of Ecoversities.
These institutions are each edgy in their own way, and perhaps conventional in other
Each chooses its areas of exploration in the vast territory of Reunion.
In a sane future on a livable planet, places like these must no longer be radical outliers;
they must be the new normal.
The Starseed Generation
The blatantly new-agey term �starseeds� just popped into my head to describe the current
generation of young people coming of age today, who do not fit into dominant models of higher
The rewards and threats that bring most people into conformity with the old story do not
sway them.
They cannot be bribed into a normal career.
Therefore, most of what conventional universities offer is unattractive to them: both the curriculum
content and the form in which it is offered.
'Starseeds' �Starseeds� seek something more than our
dominant models of higher education offer.
Some of these young people muddle through university anyway, engaging themselves in
political activism as an outlet for their passions.
Others, the lucky ones, find new story content in the margins and crannies of their institutions,
provided by professors who are adept at sneaking things under the radar.
Many more drop out of college or refuse to go entirely.
It is not that they are uninterested in learning; it is that what they want to learn is not
easily available.
They are here on earth with a purpose and cannot tolerate spending years of their lives
on something that isn�t aligned with that purpose.
When these youth get their first glimpse of permaculture, or gift economics, or herbalism,
or some other technology of reunion, they come alive.
Their eyes light up in recognition: here is what I was looking for.
Or at least, here is a signpost that tells me that what I am looking for is out there
Equally powerful for these young people is to come across others of their tribe; allies
in the purpose of serving the healing of Gaia, and especially elders who model an alternative
life path.
They realize then that they are not crazy and they are not alone.
For a young person to follow this path does take courage, because it is preparation for
a world that does not yet exist, a world that values Technologies of Reunion.
Yet, paradoxically, it will never exist if we don�t prepare for it.
The technologies that serve an ecological future also serve the transition to that future.
And, to risk following this path is to make an offering of one�s life, and that is a
powerful prayer.
Learn Colors with Giant Syringe for Children, Toddlers - Duration: 2:10.
Learn Colors with Giant Syringe for Children, Toddlers
Dinosaurs with Baby Panda | Dinosaur Planet and Jurassic World | Learn and play with Baby Panda - Duration: 22:06.
Baby Panda Explore Jurassic World and Dinosaur Planet.
The Ductmaster Thermal Challenge
We are here at Robert Price builders merchants
today for a challenge!
We are going to find out if our
Ductmaster Thermal product can beat
the two alternative methods of insulated ducting.
This is the Ductmaster Thermal
it's the only all in one thermal solution on the market.
It's NHBC and building regulations compliant.
It comes with the unique clamping system
which saves time and money on the site!
Ductmaster Thermal will race against
two traditional methods of insulated ducting.
Both competing methods use sealant and tape
to connect their PVC ducting components together.
Method 1
Needs 7 layers of foiled face bubble wrap
around the pipe for enough insulation
to comply with building regulations.
Method 2
Only meets building regulations
if 25 millimetres of Rock Wool insulation
is wrapped around entire PVC pipe run.
The Ductmaster Thermal
already meets building regulations
and it's ready to fit with it's easy to clamp system.
Our contestants have chosen their methods.
Lyndon has put his faith in Ductmaster Thermal.
So no need for tape and sealant.
Rich, has armed himself with a sealant gun
ready for the foil method.
and Mark has bravely stepped up to the challenge
using rock wool.
Ok, gents. This is the race.
Five metres of ducting,
fully connected
and insulated to meet building regulations.
90-degree bend on the end
first one to the finish gets Nuaire Cup.
Are you ready?
On your marks
Get set
Lyndon, you have won by a massive margin!
Yeah... The Nuaire Ductmaster Thermal Kit
is... quick and easy
So no sealant, no tape, no mess?
Looking at the other guy's workstations
Looks like a bit of a warzone...
To say the least...
How did you feel about installing it?
With, clamping it and you know putting it all together?
Was it an easy install?
This is a lot easier and quicker
really simple, so just click together operation.
Easy for 1 man, basically plug and play.
No need for taping,
no need for jointing,
no need for silicone!
How long did it take you to actually fit this
5-metre length?
I would say about 10 minutes.
Start to finish.
10 minutes, for real?
The other guys took probably over half an hour so...
Ideally, they would need two men to do that in the loft.
Where this is one men job.
Nuaire's Ductmaster Thermal
won't just meet building regulations!
It will help you get the job done in half the time
and as we know time is money!
Find out more about the Ductmaster Thermal range!
Visit us online at
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Indian party wear dresses for girls Flipkart amazon shopping online
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Light Pink
Light Blue
Word of the Week - Gruntled - Duration: 0:53.
let's put a new piece in that vocabulary puzzle, shall we?
Hi, I'm LittleTracks and welcome to word of the week.
This week's word is gruntled.
Gruntled is an adjective meaning pleased, satisfied and contented.
So you could say "well, the cat sure looks gruntled after they stole that last piece of chicken."
or "My that teddy bear's face sure does look gruntled."
So, this week I hope you are gruntled and get the chance to share this word with someone
Thank you for watching, commenting and subscribing and we'll see you next week!
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