Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017






For more infomation >> BODIL40 is g a y for SKYDOESMINECRAFT??!?!?!?!? (NOT CLICKBAIT)?!!?!?!?! - Duration: 4:52.


Michelle Obama is SCREAMING! Trump Just ERASED 8 Years of Her Life With One OUTSTANDING Move! - Duration: 2:34.

Michelle Obama is SCREAMING! Trump Just ERASED 8 Years of Her Life With One OUTSTANDING Move!

President Trump came into office ready to make the changes needed to help this country.

Most of those changes required undoing all of Obama's anti-American policies, but Barack

isn't the only one getting his legacy erased… so is his wife!

Michelle Obama spent years enforcing an initiative aimed at regulating what foods schools could

serve to children in cafeterias.

American children throughout the nation were forced to eat what they referred to as "prison


School kids tweeted pictures of "soggy rice" and complained that they were forced to go

hungry during their school day.

Well, those days are over and our kids are free to eat lunch again!

President Trump is getting rid of Michelle Obama's ridiculous regulations and allowing

parents to have a say in what their children eat instead of the Federal government!

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue unveiled a set of changes to federal school lunch programs

designed to "provide greater flexibility in nutrition requirements" during a visit

Monday to a Virginia school.

President Trump isn't only saving our children from hunger pangs, he is also saving the taxpayers

some money.

Trump is rolling back a second Michelle Obama program that was wasting serious government

dollars called the "Let Girls Learn" program.

The program was deemed unnecessary and duplicative.

The Federal government already has several programs in place that achieve the same goals

as Michelle's program that won't cost taxpayers a fortune.

Michelle Obama spent her husband's entire presidency on these programs (when she wasn't

on vacation) and now they are GONE!

Sorry Michelle, but like your husband said…

Elections have conequences!

For more infomation >> Michelle Obama is SCREAMING! Trump Just ERASED 8 Years of Her Life With One OUTSTANDING Move! - Duration: 2:34.


Lucifer 2x15 Promo "Deceptive Little Parasite" (HD) Season 2 Episode 15 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

It's the most powerful weapon in the universe.

The three of you plan to use this flaming sword

to cut through the gates of heaven and go home.

Only you can ignite it.


We'll fix it.

There's plenty of time.

Just not for me.

Lucifer, all new next Monday on FOX.

For more infomation >> Lucifer 2x15 Promo "Deceptive Little Parasite" (HD) Season 2 Episode 15 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


COD BO3 DLC 5 ZOMBIES CONFIRMED!?!? - Duration: 5:40.

can you guys say HYPE for me today

comment down HYPE in the comments because

today guys

DLC 5 for call of duty black ops 3 has

been confirmed more news will get a get

into that after the intro but as well I

always do this in the beginning of the

video leave a like and let's see if you

had at least 15 likes in the maximum

lateen begins as oh maybe 25 or 25 or

over something like that anyways just

leave a like if you have an account you

don't create an account leave a like

subscribe you ever do you want to do but

anyways let's roll this intro so guys

the reason why I think this is

officially confirmed is because call of

duty black ops 3 zombies chronicles has

gone a ESRB rated thinking you know how

usually on a game on the bottom right

corner says rated E for Everyone rated M

for Mature something like that well

there has been a listing so the ESRB

rating board and the US has officially

put up a listing of call of duty black

ops 3 zombies chronicles for PlayStation

4 Xbox one and PC and it got rated for M

for Mature now the rating has gone live

today but it has gone down today as well

that is just another sign that this is

real why would they put it up and take

you down right everything makes sense

it's real it's official stasia oh shit

when you take it down but the crazy

thing is ESRB usually only raised games

that are you know it's separate for

example my black ops training for the

warfare knows what get you no ratings

but you know say like a DLC would I

really get a rating unless you know to

tour the game then it would get the game

rating because it's just a map basically

what this means is that zombie

chronicles could be separate it could be

at other retailers think about you pick

up zombie chronicles maybe - maybe it's

an adult but also it's like a CD like

for all of remastered zombies Maps or

something yes RB ratings go live when a

new product is close to launch meaning

zombie Chronicles should be releasing at

some point in the near future this month

next month this summer it has to go live

either this month or this summer you

best believe when it goes live or what

live-streaming that shit


the rating summary does not officially

reveal what's included in the zombie

chronicles but I didn't make a video on

this a while ago where I said it was

like a zombie TV lc5 something real like

no it's not your dumbass why did you do

that but hey what did I tell you guys

and there was a listing and Mexico and

somewhere and Paris I think so hey it's

officially confirmed now to me it is

maybe some of you will all you will

Activision has been confirmed that I

don't care ESR be the people who rate

games confirmed this okay also like I

was going to say earlier today they

updated the the the news website and

they said that there has been an update

on the ESRB website they have now

removed a listing because it has gone

live earlier than they should have

thought basically it I don't know how

this happens but they put it up earlier

than they like even they should've and

they're like oh crap would you take it

down but anyways let's take a look at

the rating summary so guys the rating

somebody says is a first-person shooter

and which players assume a role of a

futuristic military unit attempting to

thwart the plans of a cartel now this is

weird I don't know what zombie

chronicles is gonna be maybe it's gonna

be like a story mode for zombies and you

have an extra three modes or something

like that maybe it's like a full call of

duty zombies game this is something that

people have talked about since black ops

1 so I don't know maybe it's fully

happening but I'm not sure what's going

on right now let's continue reading

players use machine guns pistols

shotguns grenade launchers and various

cyber core abilities drug control

confusion for human enemies to kill

robots and soldiers amid futuristic

urban environment actions forensic and

frequent gunfire explosions present

paint and blood splatter effects some

attacks a lot of players to blow up

enemies or blow up their arms and legs

a handful of cutscene depict figures

being being tortured or stabbed some

stabbings are defecated fairly up close

during the course of the game players

can select emblems from the menu screen

for care 13 customization a few emblems

are suggested of marijuana now guys I do

not know why now I'm confused

this is not related to the black ops

zombie storyline at all I don't know how

it's going to connect to it at all but

what does the cartel doing here I mean

I'm always going on if you guys have any

who tell me in the comments but right

now I literally have no clue maybe this

is a another you know summary for they

for another game or maybe this is the

summary for the black ops 3 campaign

like a region okay I don't know I mean

that's what I'm guessing because it says

nothing about zombies here it just talks

about this is a first-person shooter and

you're you basically what you're doing

is you're in a futuristic military unit

attempting to thwart the plans of a

cartel so I'm not cool with the

summaries about black ops 3 call duty

black ops 3 zombies chronicles has been

confirmed tell me which thing in the

comments down below leave a like for

this guys leave a like that we're going

to get extra DLC far this is what DLC 5

is it all makes sense now right I mean

we got the black jack gun game meaning

that all the DLC weapons are done we've

gotten this listing today and has been

taken down it's just all falling into

place anyways guys to get agendas here

make sure to leave a like in the video

that maybe I say healthy and uh yeah

I'll see you guys on the next one

For more infomation >> COD BO3 DLC 5 ZOMBIES CONFIRMED!?!? - Duration: 5:40.


AWFUL! Senator Chuck Schumer Sends Melania And Barron Trump A SICK, Violent Threat – This Is UNBELIE - Duration: 2:29.


Senator Chuck Schumer Sends Melania And Barron Trump A SICK, Violent Threat – This Is UNBELIEVABLE

(Read More)

As much as Democrats detest President Trump, they truly need to figure out how to keep

the family and youngsters out of it.

Democrats have been tormenting Melania Trump for needing to keep Barron Trump in New York

City so he can complete his school year.

They unexpectedly, truly think about Government going through and are worried about the high

expenses of security.

Be that as it may, Melania and Barron would need security regardless of where they lived.

(Particularly since such a variety of Democrats appear to need the Trump family dead).

Perhaps Democrats don't think Melania and Barron ought to be permitted to go out.

Senator Chuck Schumer thought of a route from the leader of New York City to rebuff the

lady and tyke.

"[Mayor Bill de Blasio] ought to tell the Congress if we do not pay for it, New York

City cops are not guarding it, and let the Feds put more people in.

That's what I think he should do, "said Schumer in an interview with Buzzfeed.

Directly in the wake of proposing that Melania doesn't merit police insurance, he offended

President Trump for not being sufficiently pleasant to him.

"When I talk to him, I try to talk to him about serious issues and he just changes the

subject," Schumer said.

"He listens to what I have to say on the important subject of the day and then he talks

about what he wants to talk about," Schumer explained.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

Share the truth, be patriots!

Thanks for reading.

H/T Conservative 101

For more infomation >> AWFUL! Senator Chuck Schumer Sends Melania And Barron Trump A SICK, Violent Threat – This Is UNBELIE - Duration: 2:29.


Breaking news - TWICE's Fans Are Loving It with Tzuyu Is Defying Traditional Beauty Standards - Duration: 1:40.

TWICE's Tzuyu Is Defying Traditional Beauty Standards And Fans Are Loving It

Although TWICE is known for being a group of visuals, maknae Tzuyu has been touted as their visual member – and it looks like she's only growing more beautiful as time passes! 

Ever since TWICE's Mnet survival show SIXTEEN, Tzuyu has been praised for her beauty.

In fact, although she's still just 17 years old (international age), Tzuyu has been at the center of more than a dozen CFs already and has even received international viral attention for her stunning visuals.

In addition to having a fair complexion and model-like height, Tzuyu is also known for her healthy image and amazing proportions.

Rather than adhering to the incredibly strict Korean beauty standards, Tzuyu has proven that female idols can be beautiful without having to starve themselves, even earning the title of the "goddess of eating" along the way. She definitely doesn't skip leg day.

Her legs are long and strong. She's always been known for her tall frame and toned legs. Her visuals are only getting better! Tzuyu waves at fans at Incheon International Airport after coming back from Singapore.

For more infomation >> Breaking news - TWICE's Fans Are Loving It with Tzuyu Is Defying Traditional Beauty Standards - Duration: 1:40.


What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD - health - Duration: 6:48.

What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects children and teens and can continue

into adulthood.

ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder of children.

Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses.

Or they may have trouble paying attention.

These behaviors interfere with school and home life.

It�s more common in boys than in girls.

It�s usually discovered during the early school years, when a child begins to have

problems paying attention.

Adults with ADHD may have trouble managing time, being organized, setting goals, and

holding down a job.

They may also have problems with relationships, self-esteem, and addiction.

Symptoms in Children

Symptoms are grouped into three categories:


A child with ADHD:

Is easily distracted Doesn�t follow directions or finish tasks

Doesn�t appear to be listening Doesn�t pay attention and makes careless

mistakes Forgets about daily activities

Has problems organizing daily tasks Doesn�t like to do things that require sitting

still Often loses things

Tends to daydream Hyperactivity.

A child with ADHD:

Often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting Doesn�t stay seated

Has trouble playing quietly Is always moving, such as running or climbing

on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as restlessness.)

Talks excessively Is always �on the go� as if �driven

by a motor� Impulsivity.

A child with ADHD:

Has trouble waiting for his or her turn Blurts out answers

Interrupts others Symptoms in Adults

Symptoms of ADHD may change as a person gets older.

They include:

Chronic lateness and forgetfulness Anxiety

Low self-esteem Problems at work

Trouble controlling anger Impulsiveness

Substance abuse or addiction Unorganized

Procrastination Easily frustrated

Chronic boredom Trouble concentrating when reading

Mood swings Depression

Relationship problems Causes of ADHD

The cause of ADHD isn�t known.

Researchers say several things may lead to it, including:


ADHD tends to run in families.

Chemical imbalance.

Brain chemicals in people with ADHD may be out of balance.

Brain changes.

Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD.

Poor nutrition, infections, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse during pregnancy.

These things can affect a baby�s brain development.

Toxins, such as lead.

They may affect a child�s brain development.

A brain injury or a brain disorder.

Damage to the front of the brain, called the frontal lobe, can cause problems with controlling

impulses and emotions.

Sugar doesn�t cause ADHD.

ADHD also isn�t caused by watching too much TV, a poor home life, poor schools, or food


ADHD can�t be prevented or cured.

But spotting it early, plus having a good treatment and education plan, can help a child

or adult with ADHD manage their symptoms.

ADHD Treatment

Many symptoms of ADHD can be managed with medication and therapy.

Medication: Medications called stimulants can help control hyperactive and impulsive

behavior and increase attention span.

They include:

Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) Dextroamphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine)

Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) Methylphenidate (Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate,

Methylin, Ritalin, Quillivant) Stimulant medications don�t work for everyone

with ADHD.

Nonstimulant medications may be prescribed for people older than 6.

These include:

Atomoxetine (Strattera) Clonidine (Kapvay)

Guanfacine (Intuniv) Dietary supplements with omega 3�s have

shown some benefit.

The FDA has approved a medical food called Vayarin, which contains omega-3�s and is

available by prescription only.

Therapy: These treatments focus on changing behavior.

Special education helps a child learn at school.

Having structure and a routine can help children with ADHD a lot.

Behavior modification teaches ways to replace bad behaviors with good ones.

Psychotherapy (counseling) can help someone with ADHD learn better ways to handle their

emotions and frustration.

It can also help improve their self-esteem.

Counseling may also help family members better understand the child or adult with ADHD.

Social skills training can teach behaviors, such as taking turns and sharing.

Support groups of people with similar problems and needs can help with acceptance and support.

Groups also can provide a way to learn more about ADHD.

These groups are helpful for adults with ADHD or parents of children with ADHD.

What to Expect

Many people with ADHD live successful, happy, full lives.

Treatment helps.

It�s important to pay attention to symptoms and see a doctor regularly.

Sometimes, medication and treatments that were once effective stop working.

You may need to change the treatment plan.

For many people, the symptoms of ADHD get better in early adulthood, and some are able

to stop treatment.

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