- [Julien Blanc] Anyone here going through adversity,
going through something bad,
how do you know it's bad?
That question is huge, how do you know?
And then reflect on how ignorant you are.
Because what is really a life crisis?
It's when things don't go according to your plan.
How do you know what's best for you?
And really reflect on how little you know
about the world, the universe, about how...
We know nothing.
We're so stupid, so stupid.
You have no idea and we're so quick to judge shit.
As soon as something... "it's not going according to plan,
"fuck, why is this happening,"
stop judging it, how do you know?
And then reflect back on all those things
you thought were bad for you,
and how maybe in the long run, they weren't.
You don't know what's good for you or not,
stop judging it, and as soon as you stop judging it,
shit gets way easier,
'cause that's what holds us back,
we think it's bad for us and then we resist it
and there's all the... "why is this happening"
and the self-hate, if you're just like
"fuck yeah" adversity.
You don't know what's good for you or not,
stop judging, you're on this ride that is life,
you're already on the fucking ride,
your seatbelt's fucking strapped in,
you can resist it and judge every up and down
or just go with the flow.
You're here till you die, go with the flow shit.
You don't know what's good or not,
why not just embrace it all and just view it as contrast.
As you were asking with different emotions,
that's what makes life interesting, it's the ups and downs.
If things were going well the entire time,
how boring would that be?
You can think you know more than the universe
or the universe has your back.
Now fuck should I know if the universe has my back,
but guess what?
Life's a lot easier if you adopt that belief.
(Mumbles) It's like here's a new flavor, here's a new face,
you could even view your life like a fucking movie,
it's like here's the next scene,
you've exhausted that scene,
you've reached that point where there's nothing
to learn from that scene anymore,
you won't expand from that phase of life
so here's something new,
and it's always extremely uncomfortable
because you're kinda shoved into the unknown,
it's out of your comfort zone,
again if you won't expand, life will help you expand,
and if you go with the flow, shit's way easier.
Find it exciting that you are back to ground zero,
but in a new area, so here you are in this new phase
and you can resist trying to go back
or let's see what up.
This is also a huge thing when it comes to adversity.
Stop focusing on whatever happened
or on blame and look for the lesson.
So it's not like "oh this happened, what if-"
It's what's the lesson here?
Imagine this was for your own good,
what's the lesson, what can I take out of it?
And there's always some kind of lesson
or some kind of opening.
For more infomation >> Julien Blanc's Best Motivational Speech: NEVER BACK DOWN (Motivational Speech For Success In Life!) - Duration: 3:32. -------------------------------------------
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids Part 1 - POPPY SHORT - Duration: 18:04.
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For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids Part 1 - POPPY SHORT - Duration: 18:04. -------------------------------------------
Come All Ye Faithful I Christian Songs | Holy Tales Bible Songs For Kids Children | Froztee & Friend - Duration: 4:41.
O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, o come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold him,
Born the king of angels.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above.
Glory to God,
Glory in the highest.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Yes Lord we greet thee, born this happy morning,
Jesus to be thee all glory given.
Word of the father,
Now in flesh appearing.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
For more infomation >> Come All Ye Faithful I Christian Songs | Holy Tales Bible Songs For Kids Children | Froztee & Friend - Duration: 4:41. -------------------------------------------
Puppy Dog Pals The Latke Kerfuffle Best Cartoon for Kids - POPPY SHORT - Duration: 18:04.
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You sure monster, I don't want to be a shark monster. What for tempting we're surfers, and we need you to be the shark monster
Ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday
Hope you guys find something fun to do well. I'm not here
Did you hear will Bob said just barely that before really is noisy you and I are going on a mission
Bob's into these towers for us to put stuff in
Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my tongue. Oh
Was talking about that thing around your neck. It's a lay hand surface
Probably, I hope I don't get sunburned cuz that hurt
And it's exactly what I need these crabs are
We need something big at Fox like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work
Came here to get Sam for bob's toes. I changed everything that's crawling on the beach
You're both floating
Yeah, we four leggers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy
What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something to play
I'm gonna
Be so happy when he sees all the Sanford's toes we should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits, I put in our collars
Yeah, all we have to do
Holy wait we have all the sin we need oh shit, but not to block itto
See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a
Shark monster until I finally said okay
I've been looking forward to seeing you all day
Whoa, would you two get into Oh?
Actually, it feels really good like what the beach must feel like in Hawaii
That was your flight a little bumpy and landing
How I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things I do if I was here
hi bingo, hi Roley I
call him Earth, which stands for Auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all I
Even programmed them to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work
Here no more, man
Hmm he looks friendly
One of me ARF, maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means
Make a bet yeah make on that so ours gonna have fun. Cleaning it up
Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up
The floor oh
Wow if Bob came home from work and saw a mess like this
Bob also programmed ARF to beg, I don't think we have another listeners
Yeah, I either need a longer leg or shorter neck
Excuse our
Because Bob only program are to clean up after bingo and Roley not to clean up after his II and I've
So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
puppy dogs die
It's not gonna be fun Roley it's going to be work
Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. What are we gonna do all their washing?
Quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine?
Like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine, I guess my new invention really worked, huh?
Which is why I'm gonna be the first one there on your part. Let me wish your vote take the step revoir
I'll go along with that
Dagger II knows you're looking for someone to throw that stick
I wish I had time, but I'm heading out to buy stuff for the big game. That's on TV
Besides if you think you could put in this machine Bob said whatever we want
Wait a minute, what are you guys doing with Bob special baseball Bob special?
Okay, Rolly Rolly know our mission is to get bob's baseball before
Leave us alone cupcake not a mission yahoo fetching bombs baseball. Well. I wouldn't want to get in your way
Which is why I'll have Rufus getting you wait for me
Okay got some chips and my fruit smoothies for the game just need to make a quick stop
This is got to be the hardest game of fetch we have ever played
This is bad that drain could lead anywhere. If only we knew someone who knew where that drain dries out to
Rolly we do
Okay, so if we follow this drain through this pipe up back and around
That baseball you're looking for should be coming out right about
Hello, baseball fans and welcome to teddy peppercorn day
Hey there well looks like you've been having fun with that touch machine
Is that my special baseball I can see why you'd want to play with that it's so Rolly
Well I guess I never turned this thing all the way around before to see that it was there
Hey there pup stars I see you started breakfast, it's time for my breakfast -
Can't wait to make myself a couple of pieces of French. Oh well that ruins this morning I
Love to imagine
Bingo Roli
I learnt bob being a bob then we've got a fun what he needs to make
Okay our mission is to bring home the best time french toast making bread for Bob
Wish there was a French merry-go-round there, so I can ride it up and down horsey
Hmm. I'm not sure where we're supposed to start looking for what we're supposed to be looking
What's on the bridge I am making more as quickly as I can
Are you puppies looking for French bread like everyone else
Cooling outside, but it's gone are there any clues about who might have taken it
I did see some tiny footprints leading away from where the bread used to be
None of those big feet would have left tiny footprints
Let's go
We've got you now you tiny footed bread takers
Please adopt a kitty boy, then why were you running away because we will be in chased by two Skelly looking dogs
There's another clue. Do you know what it means?
Yes, I know what the world clue means that's one of the first things they teach us at detective school
But they're also wet
Another clue said anything about webbed feet that's because we didn't take anything then why are you running away?
because two scary-looking dogs were chasing us oh
You if only there were news I could actually follow
Did you hear that rolling breadcrumbs, so there's one thing we have to do
The race is
Sneaky little hider you still don't know who's been hiding it
Maybe we ask those pigeons who are hiding it here hoping. They would feed us bad seed instead well
Why don't you snot eat the bread they were feeding you yeah, then people will feed you burn seat like you want
Yeah, that is one or really good
I deep I
Don't know why everyone kept feeding break to these pigeons if they liked our Birds eat a whole lot more
Which means there's more bread for my Tumtum?
French toast you're scary bear face is even better than roly's this is my normal face
For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals The Latke Kerfuffle Best Cartoon for Kids - POPPY SHORT - Duration: 18:04. -------------------------------------------
Learn Colors for Children Wooden Shape Cars Surprise Toys Set | Car for Kids Play | Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:35.
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For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children Wooden Shape Cars Surprise Toys Set | Car for Kids Play | Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:35. -------------------------------------------
Miles from tomorrowland Spaceship Invader Best Cartoon for Kids - ZOE HANES - Duration: 18:54.
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I'm sure if you won't mind letting us play one game
I scheduled this exo-flex time like galactic years ago, didn't you look at the sign of heat? We have a sign-up fee
Fine you can do your axial flexing doing anything in here until you two can come to an agreement yeah?
There see you agreed on that
Nothing gets done when you argue. We all take turns so everyone gets it the TTA is facing a dangerous
Level orange alert actually it's not too bad more like a yellow alert
Orange yellow orange yellow
Orange because the collision will rain chunks of rock meteors and planet eskalene
But a Scalia has atmosphere molten meteors. Just burn up when they fall through it exactly problem solved good
You'll have a front-row seat for the big collision show oh, that's exciting. Can we watch too rotten?
Unfortunately no. We have an important meeting with the fastidious. That's tomorrow. It's today
The animals weren't kidding this asteroid is gonna crash right into that one, baby
Looks like we've got company let's root those starships away from the collision site, Loretta
coordinates set mile
launching space goes
You mean when I'm playing galaxias
All right, it's asteroid smash up show time should be some facial this I gotta see up close
firm captain Callisto magnify
What is it really really cute?
According to my says it to die
It could be a girl hey you two we only have 51 seconds left until impact we need to rescue that creature ASAP
Then keep it
Stellosphere we have adorbix repeat the adorbix is tsar
I'm leaning you might wake hurry after my favorite scientist what I already named
after my favorite space cowboy
Sounds like it already has a name wasn't and crick weren't kidding. This is quite a show
Bye-bye Canadore bees language like what like
Family Stella magnify view
Lots of family, but we can only save them if we do it together
Miles mercs right we won't be able to save any of them if we keep arguing that's true besides
What really matters is helping these guys?
Over there
A little unmarked you got the other two
And I got you
Thank you for sending us the adorbix
They will soon be relocated to a new home where they might want to wipe off that holo screen
You did a stellar job working together out? There kid. Thanks mom astrolutely
I think you two should take a well-earned break in the activity room
Magnetic mark
Okay, mark keep an eye out for space junk. I have no idea what the SIS, which makes it perfect for my collection
Space junk really likes you
Miles any idea why these things are after Merck not really merc and I were out looking for space junk
But when we came back metal stuff just started singing to it
Magnus how come
- because you're not metal but poor Merc is going to keep sticking to everything that is can't return work back to normal
astrolutely captain Callisto we have a serious problem an
Asteroid is about to crash into Planet air enjoy right where we have a TTA outpost relax it Ron
Activate will divert the asteroid and keep playing and err. Enjoy safe. No, Kapowski
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that me, too
Tomorrowland over the moon, and I'm so ok Callisto's we need to find that asteroid and
Here comes that asteroid let's head out come on Merc you'll be safe out on the neck. There's nothing to stick you up there
And made almost entirely of metal
Only we had an even bigger magnet we could use that would get Merc back Loretta. You're a genius
Just like Merck did then we can use it to pull him off that asteroid everyone back to the bridge
We've got a robo-ostrich to save
Exiting dustcloud now for the real test
Nice work everyone now, let's get out of here
That'll get the asteroid off our tail then we'll bring merc back inside
Stella scan for a magnetic field opposite to ours if we get near enough it should cancel out our magnetic
Cylon we're magnetized
You Callisto's always managed to keep things interesting?
Hang tight we'll get this taken care of Stella empty magnetize. I'll plot us a course toward the magnetar
Let's just hope we get there before that asteroid catches up with us
I appreciate that miles, but I still can't shake that asteroid. You don't have to
Now take a sass taken care of mission accomplished
Let me check something
a growing problem
My biocollection see each plant likes and doesn't like different things here. I'll show you
This moon flower is your mom's favorite, but it only blooms under the right
But if I can figure out how to make it bloom in here, I'm gonna surprise mom with a big bunch of them
She'll love it
Incoming call from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority we have a new mission for you to save an entire planet
Planning our sisa. It's so beautiful Narciso
isn't that the place with all the moon flowers yes, and now it's using up the soil and the water and spray and it's
If that moss keeps growing none of the other plants on the planet will be able to live not even the moon because of your
Expertise get it Mack expertise
This doesn't even look like the same planet Wow I didn't else that bad
With so much space mas out there, you must have like a zillion actual flex shoots to get rid of it, nope just the one
Their tech
This suit is designed for clearing overgrown environments for construction if we can pull up the original mosque or the rest will shrivel up
But there's one problem. We've calculated that the loss is so I'll take out the cockpit
Not really the type for jokes leo seriously get rid of the cockpits, then the robot will be lighter and faster
But Dad, how will you steer it mean?
Hey miles, I was thinking when I'm piloting the robot
I could use someone to keep an eye on things when that timer runs out the whole planet will be covered with mops and stopping
It will be impossible
Good eye miles much appreciated. Oh, this is intense
All right Loretta got my coordinates almost there
You're the expert Leo there has to be a workaround and not to stress you out or anything, but we're running out of time
There's no cockpit whoever climbs in the robot has to be someone small
Miles this is all you ah sounds like someone just got promoted from navigator to pilot
That Moss is no joke
Okay Merc you're my navigator out here
Dad what's he doing? He's either figuring out the kitchen?
Don't worry Merc meat doesn't look so tough. That stump is the source of the moss you need to pull it out kid
Likes and doesn't like different things, right
Right right check your bracelex does the mahjong a weakness, let's see
Traveling all over the planet
Mom dad told me like moonflowers
So we got you a whole planet full of them
Whoa that's harder the right
Game over you're thinking we'd better get to the bridge incredible. How does she do it?
British captain, Callisto
Sir Rubicon good to see you professor. How's the research station Trident lab has been studying earth creatures known as
I know all about those from your Hollow book. They're also called Water Bearers exactly, but I just discovered got a little
Loose a days ago one of our lab assistants was using a matter sizer to enlarge packages
And he accidentally zapped the tardigrade that was in our microscope
Tardigrades can brave sub-zero temperatures solar winds even a lack of oxygen, but not forever. I'm guessing
That's where we come in tardigrade search and rescue, huh exactly
Okay everyone take a sector of space and stay on the lookout for the tardigrade
Already reading your mind
Yes, that's because tardigrades go into a kind of hibernation when they're in space so it's a sleep that should make it easy to catch
I'm not sure where we'll put it. Maybe we can tow the tardigrade back to Professor Rubicon slap galactic ID Loretta got it mom oh
You have a very important job stay on the bridge and keep the ship steady
What are you doing?
I'm worried about him q mark, but we'll get him soon. I know it
Captain Callisto, I have scanned the area and I believe
Okay once upon a time. I saw miles reading a really big animal to outer space it looks kinda like
Incoming call from the blob family put them through so we just saw miles riding a giant monstrous alien on the whole time
Superhighway, yeah, it's called a tardigrade
It's okay my family's here, we're safe miles is not safe
There are dangerous radiation belts around Jupiter, and he's getting too close Callisto's
We are nearing dangerous levels of Jupiter radiation
We have to get miles and the tardigrade out of there okay, everyone we got to think big
Okay, that's away
I'm so proud of you
And you to Merc
Miss you too, buddy, I can't thank you enough it wasn't only being big it was thinking big
Well if there's anything I can do to repay you no need professor we're just happy we could help
For more infomation >> Miles from tomorrowland Spaceship Invader Best Cartoon for Kids - ZOE HANES - Duration: 18:54. -------------------------------------------
Spirit Riding Free Lucky and the Price of Freedom Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - JENS HERZ - Duration: 17:35.
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Wildest dreams, but he was too greedy to spend it
So he hid it and made a map after he died legend said
Lucky we're going on a camping trip
I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed I've never been camping before well
We're about to change that let's hit the trail your dad's a genuine Explorer
Dad how come you never told me any of these stories before I didn't want proof. How we tie the horses sure thing mr., Prescott
Why are they doing that to keep the horses on the path and out of the ravine?
On the count of three let go one two three
It's hardly ever fall off cliffs well Suns getting low so we better get to camp. We're still going
But how can we camp without any equipment well tomorrow?
Think we could start a campfire with this fanservice is anybody lucky stay close guess not
Wood for the fire Wow alright let's get this fire going
Didn't you ever find it no the map was too cryptic Lucky's mom and I tried dozens of times
But we could never get past the first clue you ain't tried too bad. We don't have the map who says we don't oh
That's no treasure. Map. It's just pictures in a poem. I can't even read it but from my ghost you'll never be free
What does that mean all I heard was ghost?
It's a puzzle. I'll say
Can you tell what this means
Lucky come here check this out
It's aquellia s' that's mom's horse
She named him after her constellation. Yeah, the quay leus wasn't the biggest of strongest horse of all
Your mom always liked that story she
Said it reminded her to pick her battles wisely. I don't think that horse of yours likes me very much
He just doesn't like rope
Or you sorry and lucky stick with Prue and Abigail while I'm gone
Okay the first thing I want to explore is where espero hid his fortune through a telescope, so we're far far away from the ghost
Wait a minute it's like a constellation. We solved the puzzle. What are we waiting for let's go get that gold?
Last one Wolfe's Ridge is a minor snow
The only thing I know that hisses and rattles is a snake
But I don't see any snakes around here
There that are oils the exact same shape as the snake on the map
I'm gonna buy a real turquoise bridle and brandy riding boots besides
He'll forget all about it when he sees the treasure. It's okay, Abigail
He knows we can handle ourselves in the wild well I do
A rock slide that rock didn't slide
That's it. Let's start with our what are you doing now s we have to follow
And back get that fire started cuz I could eat a horse
Are you kidding me campus less than a mile away, we just wrote in a big circle. We're practically back where we started
It's the snakes tongue it points to the left so
There's a path the treasure must be behind the waterfall come on
There are schools on the map too. They've got to be related
Yeah, but how I don't like any of this all these skulls are scary this one looks
Nice work, Abigail I can't take all the credit this girl's really helped
Would you wait to show me dad, it's the ghost that's not a ghost unless this is his cave
Still have marshmallows, maybe we can befriend him. Oh, yeah, that'll work
I'm sure he'd much rather eat a marshmallow than a bunch of tasty girl
We both saw the treasure chest lay with all the skulls and all
You know I always hoped you would take to this life, and you have
Clip right last year, but it was too hard for some of the riders. What's the saddle club ride?
Every year kids from all over get together and go on this super fun
Group ride into the mountains to have a big picnic bus but you're just not ready for the saddle club ride
Not ready, didn't you see how fast beard and I can go there's a lot more to riding than just going fast
That was so fun. I wish we didn't have to stop writing. We don't after dinner
Let's take a sunset ride up to pitchfork canyon ooh, when the sun's going down it turns the entire valley gold. Hey Joe
What's you doing? I put down fresh hay for boomerang and chica Linda
And Cora me and spirit just went on the most amazing ride oh
They'll all look the same in our stomachs I
Don't understand what that wild horse was doing in my barn to begin with
I'm really sorry I didn't to all of you
Well you thought you were stuck in there all night, didn't you I
Forgot this is all new to you, too
You're gonna fix the hole all of you or you young lady will be staying home from the saddle club ride
All right, we've got three days to get this place in shape
It's way better than the one she got you you're going on the ride I
Sorry my brother is such a pest
I don't get it if a little kid like snips gets to go on the ride, then why can't can go to
Abigail said you're the best horse woman in town if anyone can do it. It's you
Mmm. This is true. This is it great. She's gonna need to learn jumping and all that stuff anyway
She is so why not learn it now
There are two things you need to learn jump oh
I think you need to jump higher
Next lesson spirits galloping, and you need to stop Sutton. What do you do?
26 times
You have better sense than that and shouldn't you be fixing the barn you're cutting it close if you want to go on that ride
I've got it dad everything is under control
Don't think spirit is going on want to wear a saddle, but since we only have two days left to practice
One Wow toast look great. Do you want to make one for spirit no point? He won't stay inside
Okay, I reckon you can go on your ride
Sorry I guess your dad is still mad commit to a jump
You can't hesitate you have to trust your horse to take you through the course. I do trust him good
We'll start with a small jump
Okay, good only this time when you lean forward and relax try leaning forward and relaxing
If you can't jump here, there's just no way you'll be able to jump there
But just think how good you'll be by next year well, thanks. I can't do this
Everything here is too hard lucky. What kind of attitude. Is that a bad one?
nonsense and
So many of them
But you didn't give up. No. I certainly did not
Then I won't give up either Thanks as we can just make it over that last jump. We didn't go on the ride
Fault because you let her think she'd be able to learn a lifetime of writing in three days
You know better than that I just wanted her to be able to I
Expected better than you Peru I
Am so so so mad at me
And I'm gonna miss the saddle club ride all because of you I know and I'm really sorry I feel terrible
I'll help you fix it. You've done enough helping for one day
Yeah, lucky. You're a natural
Why aren't you on the saddle club ride, I wasn't gonna go without my friends. Yeah the whole point was to do it together
Lucky really messed things up for all of us
Lucky did everything you asked her to she tried as hard as she could well I tried as hard as I could - I know
But remember could it everything
She's not the president of horses
Let's show them what we can do
They were right I'm not ready for this. Oh, why didn't I wasn't a pro. I don't know how to ride a horse
I've got a walk
No, it's too high
Are you hurt
Spirit I'm so sorry boy. Can you walk?
Huh what happened?
Took spirit down the trail you said it was too hard
fine after a good night's sleep really
Come on let's get him inside so he can rest
You know spirit won't let himself be shut in he won't have to be now spirit can come and go whenever he wants
I can't believe you did this for us. We just wanted to show you that we
That I was sorry I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I'm sorry too
Hey you feelin better
We'll still take it easy today, there's no rush
For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Lucky and the Price of Freedom Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - JENS HERZ - Duration: 17:35. -------------------------------------------
The Amazing World of Gumball The Remote Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Ruby Jame - Duration: 18:18.
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For more infomation >> The Amazing World of Gumball The Remote Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Ruby Jame - Duration: 18:18. -------------------------------------------
Bay Area Braces For Rainstorms, Snow Blizzards - Duration: 2:17.
For more infomation >> Bay Area Braces For Rainstorms, Snow Blizzards - Duration: 2:17. -------------------------------------------
Miles from tomorrowland The Great Blastboard Chase Best Cartoon for Kids - ZOE HANES - Duration: 19:59.
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miles versus the volcano
You've got gay, yeah how, do you even think that must be auntie frida, oh my sister must have, some, new
Paintings to show us i hope so her last ones were super stellar
Boom that's a painting of where she lived it's
Incredible estrellas professor the biggest volcano in the solar, system olympus mons is about to erupt
That hasn't happened in millions of years the tta's experiment
And had caused the core of mars to overheat our scientists made it to safety but
Unfortunately the olympus mons volcano is now?
About to erupt use one college on purpose, yeah it's an artist they, want to live as simply as they can that's
Why, auntie, frida only calls us when she goes into martian. City for supplies that, means they, also don't have any starships
38% of the surface gravity on earth
Welcome to the martian artists commune may i help you please can
You, tell, me where this, woman, lives frida she lives in that dome over there but
She's not home right now she went on an art. Hike this morning
she actually
Good miles merc you're with, me let's go on foot we're gonna find one?
Mom, wanna be faster predict
The earth mars seems like the perfect, time to use
Brown just hit the blue button on your west ha astrolutely
There's a whole lot of shakin, goin on around here
Different but, i like it perfect, for my, neck see, well hell
It's painting time
It is she must go this way on her art hikes let's get a better view. And see if we can spot her
But next time without the volcano
Hi, there i just can't say, no to a sale
Another maersk week that, means the volcano is erupting soon, don't worry starshine mom and miles will find your aunt frida in time free -
Only one person in the galaxy paints, like that
Said you liked surprises whoa, we need to get to more stable ground come on
On, my, way loretta i'm taking the starjetter to get your mop i need
You to pilot the stellosphere out of the evacuation zone you got it dad
Any other ideas?
For some sparks guy. Oh that's a little high miles not four pollock. Huh, what you think in my, leo
May, i use some of your quills
Let's hear it for the callisto's our hero, oh?
And also you're out of comic coco vests and a spark of inspiration
I'm so glad you officially joined the cosmic explorers there are some other new members as, well
We also have a dis ally burning holo-badges it's not a competition
See, well then make sure you're the best at earning, yours, by, any, means necessary
you'll follow
My clues and take pictures of what you find and if you finish on time you'll get your mars explorer holo-badges sounds blastastic
We have two teres gifts so you can travel around. You won't get your hollow
Badges so you'd better hurry head to the base of olympus, mons that's, where i'll give you. Clue number one good luck cosmic explorers
Professor rubicon said you'd give us a clue but i don't see him anywhere
Check it out i bet he left this
Mars's to what and how are, we supposed to find out if we can't look around, well we can look down
Mars is too right bobo see demons they're one hollow. Photo down
black, terrific job explorers that's, where we're, going come on
Spot on mars maybe we'll have some time for that later but right now merc can you take a hollow. Photo
My, bracelex says dust devils on mars are big but harmless
Galactic then let's go, oh i really hate getting just like ooze
Valles marineris the biggest canyon on mars and our last avenger' hunt oliver i don't think you should stand so close
Hey it looks like a girl. You think ridings in there let's go dig does
Didn't go this way, we better turn back? Oh which way is back?
Maybe, we should call paris brighton's mom scary it sounds like it's getting closer
And we have headlamps?
Hey, who's like him he's down here somewhere
He got stuck on some old vehicle, we got lost trying to find him, no wonder we're in a maze of bamboo
did you hear that
No it's a serious. Clip ragged work, we gotta stop me?
Sweet sagittarius there you are we've been looking everywhere let's get you back
And but i thought nobody knows, where that colony is nobody
Did until, today thanks to these cosmic explorers the lost mars colony has been rediscovered
We thought its history and research yeah
And i can't wait until we're home come
Along, ryan mom can i say goodbye dearest gratitude of the tomorrowland transit authority
And special tta discovery holo-badges, which are only given when an amazing discovery is made
Maybe we're getting, supercharged turbo plastic. Boosters or multi-layer insulation
Material reflects light, and heat see
When insulation mode is on your ride, won't overheat? No matter how, fast you race this baby
trying to pull out of in miles i'm coming
Not invited very room
Hi i'm leo callisto
That was usually did lex only goes for shiny things, well the photon fire does have?
Some shiny new insulation yep i would do it so
duplex loves bling on a criminal level catch
Fast cadet now that you and your dad found dibblex we're all gonna work together to capture and get your vote on
My, jet then what i'm only looking you see i just nabbed him when i got your call no
not really but i know
We can, handle it i don't like it joe all right i'll be back as soon as i can come on get
Him on katfoe i cut to the chase, hey i know, what duplexes next target is gonna be right?
Like you've even met her of course i have hey it beats being in jail
All right gadfly, we'll give you a chance but if you're on our ship you have to follow our rules
Carrot doom is that a moon not just any moon it's made of diamonds there's nothing more sparkly than that it must
Be what it was i thought somebody dropped it gadfly, i think it's best you wait out this trip to the hangar
Are those the ones that sell the space cookies nice to everyone
miles meet us on the bridge, we found dip lex, but how, do we get into her starship if
Yet, we better think of something fast?
She gets her hands on that moon's diamonds they'll really power up her engines dad do you have, any multi alarians often opener doors
Stellar thinking cadet, we must be related leo you bedazzled the starjetter joe be ready with your cruiser
callisto's let's rocke, oh
You left your blasted behind and space
Fine, dib lex's ship should be right over?
wow that was fast did i mention she really likes shiny, stuff joe get ready to follow us in i
Don't get that much you must be dib lex i'm captain callisto and you have something that belongs to my son
I'll tell jo seriously i wonder if this thing has turbo
oh, cross
my sin
Gadfly, saved you
Well now i've heard everything what you don't know cosmic explorer rule number five be nice to everyone in space you learn
my, name that's a change that's true i
Still think it'll be a long, time before i invite him back, aboard the stellosphere
Hey, that reminds me is that where it's always sunny and always summer and now we'd improve the view
Say, goodbye yeah to traffic and hello both walt's armor on?
Isn't that galactic mark since dad designed the skyrise, we get to be the first to try it out
Today now if only our invention, would work is?
three two
Think, they'll give you a special, award at the opening ceremony today
Real triumph ooh do
Know how fast the skyrise, goes my mom says it only takes ten minutes you get down to the resort come come everyone time
On behalf of planet alarbus and the tta, we would like to recognize those
Who contributed to the sky rise for overseeing construction on this state-of-the-art spaceport
Also, bubble bluff for inventing the really strong immensely long elevator cable going down
I added several slight improvements to the interior design in order to achieve this magnificent look
The controls have overloaded the motor won't shut off and the brakes out but but burning out as
We speak the brakes are working what if we can't stop, won't smash you to the ground
Please let us know when we should something tells me i should not have done that do you know
What this means next stop flats ma'am rose maybe you speak a, little less freely. Oh right i will calm down
The skyrise is just having, some technical difficulties we're. Plummeting to our doom
Too, much what can, we do do you have, any parachutes maybe through a hatch on the roof then, we can just go out
The front, door climb up there and reverse the motor right wrong at the moment i can't remember, why
I did this but i saw to it that these friends
Nice going, blodger, okay murr keep him, safe these things will keep us stuck to the skyrise
Not slowing down cree can you, tell, me if the spaceport, is built solid enough to stop us
If everyone alright we're. Fine what, about you guys as long as this pod stays sealed, we'll be fine
Don't stretch, yourself too thin good blobbing, blippi but too many more cracks like that
Bubble shield, won't be big enough to cover the whole sky rice pod but joined with others at night
Miles were just about out of time how's that plan ears coming along
Close but great
Jupiter what 18?
Is what you can't do alone you can do as a team even if you have to make it up as you, go
Whether it's with, bubble shields or friends
lowest out from below, the beach
Guess it's time to start rebuilding the sky rise
Yeah, i guess it is but we'll have to wait until my team is available and at the moment
For more infomation >> Miles from tomorrowland The Great Blastboard Chase Best Cartoon for Kids - ZOE HANES - Duration: 19:59. -------------------------------------------
Doc Mcstuffns Righty-on-Lefty Best Cartoon for Kids - TEGA BELE - Duration: 17:40.
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You oh
There's one more card I still have to deliver and it's the best one close your eyes
Come here you
Think you have room in that box for one more Valentine
Raisa the doc is in
Last Valentine's Day
Thanks, I just can't help myself
Valentine's Day is my favorite day of oh here just wait until yeah
Everyone this is Val Val this is everyone
To my heart, would you look at those decorations
Smile Emmy time for this year's Valentine's Day party picture
Thanks stuffy
I have something really special to show you it's my super special
Valentine's Day step on up and get a gutter
It's okay Lambie Val's new here. She's just being friendly you're not really made of snow remember
You're stuffed full
Who wants to make my Valentine's oh, and this is gonna be my best Valentine card ever
Valentine I'm your Valentine
Thanks Duffy, you're the best dragon Tyne I ever got I've never seen anything like it
It's good to send a Valentine if you got love to share
But there are always other ways to show someone you
If you're happy happy smug ass will you be my favorite funny Valentine let's shine
It's nothing
You okay Lambie
Hmm, I'm fine
Nothing in your ears. Let's check your eyes
Is that do you really think I'd rather be with vowel in with you
Why was your number-one cuddler your best friend's?
Valentine's Day was my day
Boo-boos, please Holly I'm glad you told me how you were feeling Lambie now. I can make a diagnosis
You have splitty ones get hurt your heart can feel like it's broken
That's how it feels all right. I'm sorry Lambie. I guess I was so caught up in valiant
Hey, Doc my split heartitis
It's gone
The she cannot make it dog I think she'll make a full recovery
Would you be in the picture to Val I thought you'd never ask
Are you okay, ah takes more than a pony ride to scare a big brave dragon like me, huh
She got scared when she saw you but not me I'm stuffy hi stuffy
My name's Teddy be me everywhere huh to Grandma's to preschool to the beach
He even slept with me every night
So why aren't you with Donny? Now double cuddle a?
triple cuddle
You have no idea how hard it is in a teddy bear to live without cuddles. I mean look at me the
Voice I can't believe I'm a button something that's gonna make you
Hurt sue
When Donny held you he started to sneeze
You know that's exactly what he did before he stopped playing with me the last time, too
The doggies
Hey everyone
You need hippo ho
Doc I wanna give Teddy. Thanks. I miss Donny Donny misses you too. I know it
I'm not giving up. Let's start with a checkup. Okay, Teddy. I'm almost done. I just need to top your knee
Wow look at all that what's that mean it means that you're full of dust and sass is making Donny sneeze
Donny has allergies
I remember my mom saying Donny was
Really allergic to dust I remember that too
Donny was cuddling by using the washing machine
It'll wash you with soap and water then spin you round and round
Of course I will I'm coming too me too. All right if it means I can be with Donny. Let's do it
Oh, I can't wait
Hi mom hi duck what's going on is just what this bear needs?
Oops we're out of soap. I'll be right back. Can we dock well you both can use wash?
You do that for me
Teddy then I'm ready these guys will be clean in no time at all. Thanks mom
I've never felt so clean where's Teddy B
Look at me. I'm clean clean no more. I can't lose their toy
I have something for you
I know and if he ever makes you C's again. Hey, you're welcome
That's what toy doctors and big sisters are for
Anto bloopers
Pardon me miss Lambie. Would you care for some more tea? Oh some more awesome watch him stop around?
stop stop
You can stomp with Bronte later young man. You spilled juice all over yourself at the arcade
Ronde McStuffins
Just came for you. You're so big and
the tables so
Why don't we go outside to play?
Hey everyone, I want you all to meet Donny's new toy bronty like what's up bronty, oh wow
It's great to meet so many new toys. Oh
Family well sure except of course the Dragons now wait
There Dino, dude
To have a carrot for a nose, thanks doc
What's wrong? You look all squished. I got a boo. Oh, did I hurt you a
Little does it hurt anywhere else it hurts here here here here
here here
Hallie get the big book of boo-boos I have a diagnosis
What stuffy got doc stuffy that does make me feel better
Perfect timing I could use the help of an expert cuddler
No, dude you gotta burn it doc. They've all got a bad case of Bronto boo-boos
Lambie I think I'm gonna need your help here little cuddle get in line sugar
But we can't keep kissing and cuddling forever
Speak for yourself doc this little lamp like cuddle till the cows come home. I know you could but as a doctor
You need to cool your jets there Dino dairy I
Like to have a talk with you can we but today?
I had it gives more boo-boos than ever Oh, No what happened
I know you didn't mean to but you hurt some of the toys today. I'll never play with the other toys ever again
Bronty, that's not what I meant
Doc is everything okay bronty odd
How'd you find me you're too extra careful when you play with smaller toys
It's just like I have to be careful when I'm playing with my little brother Donny
You have to be careful too. Okay, I'll be careful and not play rough anymore
I promise and then everyone will have more fun. Let's see if the other toys still want to play it goes stuffy
Over here stuff, dude
It's great he's so big it sure is
You can't scare brave dragon
Okay kiddo mom's taking you to soccer. Let's go find your gear
Anyone want to go play outside
You mean abroad dbag ride
Did I step on anyone
No, no, no nothing like that
What's the matter Lambie? I just noticed Lenny over there all by himself
And he looks kinda low more of a Dino and the dinosaur delivery
Taking time to smell the flowers
That's nice weird
Squeakers must want a hug
He's feeling better
Stuffy bronty it's for you me, what do you mean?
Honey, don't take this the wrong way, but your breath could strip the grace out for Gretel
really I
Can fix your breath I'm going to give you a dental check-up, Oh
How's that gonna help me? I'm going to look inside your mouth and check your teeth
You're gonna love this chair
Whoa that was fun so far this dental check-ups not so bad now
Lis what it is I have a diagnosis bronty you have stinky salami breath
I just know this one's going in the villainess oh
Now that you took the salami out my breath is fine again, right?
Could sure use a hug Oh I mean cuddle right now
Going in
You raced you squeeze a little bit of toothpaste onto the toothbrush, then you stick the brushy
End in your mouth in your no way I'm not sticking that thing it Martin
It sure does doc brushing is so nice. I do it twice a day to get all those itty-bitty bits of food right out
You were right doc brushing my teeth was fun. Oh boy. It was so much fun and take a look oh
Now that my stinky salami breath is cured uh
Do you guys want to you know?
Play with me again
Horrible breath was hard, but how is it now?
And my breath is better - hey
How you see me home? You know that salami sandwich you have for lunch
Yeah, you may want to brush your teeth
For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffns Righty-on-Lefty Best Cartoon for Kids - TEGA BELE - Duration: 17:40. -------------------------------------------
Doc Mcstuffns Chip Off the Ol' Box Best Cartoon for Kids - TEGA BELE - Duration: 17:23.
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Doc mcstuffins cosmic mobile Wow I can't believe it this looks just like me
Silly that's the sound you make when your hobby. It's your stuffing moving around
No, I'm gonna see what's wrong?
Hi, my name is doc doc McStuffins hi can't wanna live anymore mind if I take a look
The thing is Maddy, I'm pretty good at fixing toys, it's kind
Why don't we got doc. I don't know yes
Fiddlesticks, I didn't flip did I let's have another go
If you just let me give you I
Have a diagnosis Norton you have a missing winder-upper and without a good wind up you can't flip
Let's see here. Oh, that's a silly saying. I am NOT a real snowman
No really, I can't
I don't have the tools. I need to fix you here. Yes
I'm headed for the broken toy pile Maddy keeps it in the very back of the closet
Under a shoe and his stinky gym socks
I'm sorry
He's not fixed I thought you said you could make him work again, I know
This has never happened to me before no I have to leave the park at 2:00 for my ballet class
Two o'clock okay. Don't know how I'm gonna do it but
She got it out by patient what lizard wildebeest are you talking about doc I always helps her patients
Call and are no cold
She'll ever play with them again
Dragons come up with great new ideas
Wait a minute
Oh, I got it. Oh, but you go first and fill it with everything we need
There's a whole world of toys out there that need our help with a clinic on wheels doc
Hi doc what can I do for you?
I was wondering if you could help me make something sure as long as it isn't an intergalactic
I need it in time to take it back to the park before two o'clock oh
Okay, ooh
I have something we might be apartment and a paint dispenser and a better spin Wow I
Think I might have just the right stuff
It's prettier than a princess on prom night. No it's so much more than pretty
Bow bill
Come on Maddy's be here
Madi with my dad. Thanks. I'll bring them back in a few minutes
You did all this to save little old me fancy that I was hoping you'd do the honor of being the first
patient in the doc mo PL by George ice
magnifying glass
God Norton, let's catch Tamayo
Want to see the doctor oh
Okay, well let's get started
What seems to be the problem Paul? It's my Barber's we're having a party. It's gonna be the biggest party in town
Sounds amazing you guys sure know how to put on a show, baby
We'd better keep practicing kiddo
Hi doc I was playing soccer and I told from the ball and well I kind of brings into your jack-in-the-box oh
Good see you later doc
Kind of new for me, so I hope it goes okay?
Doesn't sound good. Maybe something is wrong. Oh
Sugar let's get you into the checkup room
Gary looks like you could use a cuddle little Jack I
Have a diagnosis sounds like a case for the big book of boo-boos. I didn't see
That's okay, my pop can take it you can write of course I can
Can't do it myself it's okay to ask for help doc look no further than the strongest dragon in the room
There's another
Thing stuffy, but I think I need my dad
He'll be able to straighten this crank out in no time and he will
Good, but either than parents get hurt sometimes. We get sick too, but I'll get better
So don't worry
No matter what?
This swing will help, but until you feel better you're on box rest, but the show must go on
Let's do it without you. I'll be way too scared. I need you to put on a poppin show for a buddy's birthday
Besides it'll help me forget about this property
There you go
Don't worry little Jack. We'll all be there cheering for you
Receipt in the box if they're not the right size oh
No tires just what I needed oh, thanks guys and
Now I'd like to introduce the juggling Jack
What's a little help from my friends all right heads up
There you go doc all straightened out that's perfect. Thanks dad
Thank You doc for taking all the ouches away
My pleasure little Jack, I am so proud of you for doing the juggling Jack act all by yourself
I know you can always count on me, but now
Must find a way to make it mine
Hey you guys go more blocks to build a dream house for the Moose dream house mine are you kidding?
I would never help you
Look into the spa
This house is looking great, but it still needs something
You mean like a statue and everyone is always going on and order, but how cute you are
That's true
The house
Was amazing
You stopped the charging truck with just one arm. Well. I couldn't be awesome guy without my awesome
Of course I'm okay, and I'm better than okay in fact. I'm awesome
You may be awesome. Why this ball of power away. Oh never fear good toys awesome. Guy is here
Don't have what it takes to be a superhero anymore
You're still a superhero. You just need a checkup doc. We'll get you back up feeling awesome
She's the best doc mcstuffins. I would like to request a check-up, please
I could hear it from here now. Let's check your reflexes
At least now we know your legs can still give an awesome kick indeed
It's my awesome arm that worries me, but it hurt when you try to use it
So now I'd like to test your strength we already know awesome guy is the strongest toy
There is when did your arms start hurting? Oh?
About halfway through lifting all the toys my awesome arm started getting tired
Sometimes if we overuse part of our body it can get all tired out like one time Emmy
and I were doing ballet twirls like this if we didn't stop I would have hurt my feet and
That wouldn't have been fun at all
Hmm, it's no fun having a hurt arm
Will still have to rest I will follow doctor's orders and
By helping him rest
Need a pillow well since you're asking
Buddy maybe you could use those blocks to build a wall so awesome guy get some cool shade
Your arm should have time to heal by tomorrow morning. I can hardly wait
It's morning
Now try lifting my otoscope again. Oh
No does it hurt no, and I feel better so much better now
Don't celebrate too quickly I have come with my bouncing beam signals foiled again
Sure is great to have such
Oh good morning
Appreciation day again already
Ok Lambie, let's get ready. I've been ready for this day my whole life
I pressed my truth to end fluff my plush last night. I just cannot wait for all those cuddles from all those kids
Morning dad morning doc. You're ready early with lots of jelly just the way you like it
I forgot something upstairs be right back
Lambie yeah, I know I know it's time for a checkup
My sandwich bag must have leaked grape jelly let me rustle up the big book of boo-boos
Lambie I'm afraid you've got a bad case of what?
More wood wipes more whips
Okay, I love a good day at the spa, so we'll do it after school, right
No, I know
But if you try to cuddle anybody you just spread grape jelly all over Oh
Having to stay home doesn't oh, did she ever but Doc's mom said she had to stay home
So she wouldn't spread germs to everyone please doc
I really want to go doc almost ready. Yeah, dad. I have to clean my backpack and get going
Sorry Lambie you said going to school wouldn't be they forgot
Wow that's a new one guys. It's not gonna snow. It's nowhere near winter Lambie
Are you trying to get me to stay home with you today? What?
No, this is what I was worried about
Lambie it's but I still wanted to go Oh
Stuffy, I'm really sorry for ruining your day hmm. It's okay
I know you didn't mean it if you say so doc. Just do not leave me alone with that class hamster
I won't I promise I'll take really good care of you all cleaned up
What a day you've been through if only you two could talk
You must be feeling all kinds of wonderful
We still wish we'd been able to go with doc. I had a feeling you'd be feeling blue
So I brought something to cheer you up. I'm feeling bad. I'm feeling blue if
disappointment gets to you oh
Hi there doc
We really missed you every kid in class and that hamster cute cute
So Lambie, but you know the most important thing what's that watch out for grape jam?
For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffns Chip Off the Ol' Box Best Cartoon for Kids - TEGA BELE - Duration: 17:23. -------------------------------------------
Makeup Brushes For Beginners - Part 2 | Glamrs Classics - Duration: 9:49.
Hi, I'm Pallavi Symons your makeup expert with Glamrs.com. I'm going to start with Sanchita who's about to do her own makeup and I'm
going to take her through it while explaining the use of these brushes
and the method of applying the products that we have picked for this shoot.
We're getting on Sanchita with the more terrifying part of using brushes. I think for most people and that would be
eye makeup. Although it's not a necessary thing to do, I would use a little bit of powder under the eyes
because for somebody that's trying on eye makeup
this is a great way to prevent falling eyeshadow from sticking to your skin. So tiny amount of powder
which you should not forget to dust off with a powder brush later.
Let me just tell you that the theory remains the same. Again flat brushes for heavier application and deposit of colour and
rounder brushes for softer finishes on the eyes so washes of colour
blending two colours in, this is a great brush! So now this is called a small eyeshadow brush. It's a paddle brush again. Flat!
Hair that's held together really flat.
So I'm just picking up a product. Now if you notice the picking up is important as well. Now with a flat
paddle brush don't ever use the tip like this to pick up a product. You're ruining your brush.
You're not going to get what you want, so use the paddle of the brush.
Which is why it is a paddle brush! So use the paddle pick up your product.
Use the paddle apply the product.
So place it as you would if you were using your fingers. So kind of sweep
it across and using the flat of the brush use it where you normally would put your highlighter.
Now this simply blends
the two colours or more colours together.
And another thing that a rounded brush does is that it gives you a softer deposit of colour.
So I'm just colouring the corner of her eye again using the flat brush.
This is to show you how you can mix two colours using her eye shadow brush. So as you can see now
There is a clear separation between colours and also this shape that you can't kind of blend off with a factor flat brush.
So you want to use a round brush to soften those
corners edges and make it a soft finish. Make sure that you don't press into your eyes.
So you don't want to push anything into your eye or push the pigment into your
You actually want to soften, give it a softer focus.
So I'm just going to show how you can use a liner brush because this is also very
important to create shapes on your eyes especially if you like winged eyeliners or if you like very precision eyeliners.
I do understand that most eyeliners come with their own brushes as in wands that actually deliver the product which is great as well.
But having said that professional brushes do have a little bit more bend. This bend actually helps
you create shapes. Remember that brushes that are long need to have colour along the entire length of the brush.
So you just have to pick up the product also along the length of the brush. Make sure you have the excess off
and then paint your eyeliner as you normally would. Now Sanchita is holding the brush in absolutely the perfect way.
I notice that most people that use liner brushes tend to use the point again even on the eye.
The whole point of having a nice long
bristle is to use the length of it, so you can sweep the colour across your eyes in maybe two motions
if not one. In the event that your product has dried up on your brush, always keep tissue handy.
You just want to take off the excess product so your brush gets back to its nice you know flexible self.
Another key feature for Indian makeup is Kajal. I think most people have progressed from wearing Kajal just as a Kajal to
smudging it making it more intense, more smouldering, softer, more captivating.
So I'm gonna show you how you can use a smudging brush. Basically, it's a tuft of hair
that's very tightly held together in a mount which is sharp at the top.
Now there's a reason for that. Now the tip is used as you can see, the tip is quite small compared to the entire
brush. Now this is used to kind of soften the product that you're using
and as you can see there's a small incline along the brush
which is quite tapering. Closer to the eye you use the tip so it stays dark and as it taper down it softens
So on how I'm going to use a generous amount of Kajal.
Now just remember that if you're going to smudge a Kajal you need to have enough product to smudge at all.
So as you can see
I'm going to do a fairly thick amount of product here and take it to the absolute corners of the eyes both ways.
By using this brush effectively you keep the darkness close to the eye, but you softly diffuse the rest of it to a smokey effect.
So the point actually keeps the product
whereas the tapering hair
disperses the product. So you disperse the Kajal to create a soft smokey effect
The eyes are done, so we've done a very basic use of brushes on the eyes
Just two eyeshadows how to use a liner brush and how to use a smudging brush.
Now, what completes my makeup really is eyebrows and most people tend to
you know kind of not do it at all, and if you have very thick eyebrows
It's okay to just groom them with an eyebrow brush, but having said that there are several
sets of eyebrows that need more than grooming. They need filling in as well.
Filling in is necessary when you see little gaps
and you can see the skin through your hair growth. So what you need for grooming your eyebrows or filling in your eyebrows is a
very firm slanted brush such as this. There's several sizes that you get to fill in your eyebrows
The larger size and smaller size, I personally pick the smaller one because I find it handy
and it's I think very easier to fill in with a smaller brush.
Just make sure that the bristles of an angular brush are not too soft
They need to be a little key stubborn and a little inflexible.
Just gonna use a colour that's close like a deep brown or stoney brown.
Make sure that you angle the longer point inwards and
then go according to the growth of the hair. So you
do it in upward strokes because that's how your hair grows
Make sure you get the colour here as well.
And as you come to the corner where your hair slopes downwards make sure that you turn the brush this way
Basically what you're doing is imitating the line of your hair growth
So there, it's a very natural fill.
Now we're gonna progress to the cheeks which is quite simple
I think most people do know how to use a blush brush
but having said that a small slip could cost you a whole shape of your face. A small blush brush should suffice as a
brush for bronzing and for blush. So I'm gonna use one brush
And show you how both products can be applied. Now the important thing is to learn where to dip so you
dip this part. Now in a bronzer
you're shaping so you use the part that will create shapes that is normally the side
That's what creates shapes whereas the top creates the fluffiness the roundness so you can use the top to blend or use a blush
Whereas the sides that create the shape can be used for bronzers, so you dip like this,
not like this
So you dip like that
Get a fair amount of product and place the colour in the hollow under your cheek. The minute you use the rounder part
it's going to get soft, and it will give you a more rounded appearance versus a sculpted appearance
like that
This is just to show you how to blend or how to use this brush for
this you know for a blush effect as well. Now when you're using a blush
then use the round because you want the colour on your cheeks
and now you can use it in rounded motions and blend it in with your bronzer.
So you create a diffused effect, so there's no shape. There's no specific shape, it's more like how you dust powder.
Just be mindful that if you're using a blush brush for both products
it has to be a small headed blush brush. If you used a large headed
Blush brush like this one the chances are that if you're not very
good with using brushes, or you haven't used brushes at all. I wouldn't recommend this for both products
This is great as a blush brush only you cannot really use this to sculpt and shape because of the large rounded head.
Coming to the last brush on our basic brush kit tutorial.
There's a lip brush, which I think most people either don't need because we tend to just wear your colour in or
most people just simply know how to use a brush. Now again lip brush is a paddle brush. It's flat and
Fibers are really stuck together.
So you can actually
pick up the lipstick and paint over. Now this lovely curve that you have on a lip brush is meant for you to be able
to pick up product. Again using the flat of the brush
this actually helps with the precision and
to paint in the corners. This curve actually helps just to paint in the corners right here
which most people miss when you simply swipe your lipstick over.
Sanchita has already worn a lip pencil as a base, so I'm just showing you over that.
As you can see the curve actually helps create the shape and the paddle fills in.
Another great reason why you should use lip brushes is sometimes when you swipe the lipstick across your lips
And you don't stretch it you tend to leave lines of bare skin coming through
Now the lip brushes are fantastic for that so you can fill those lines in even after you complete
one wear of lipstick.
For more infomation >> Makeup Brushes For Beginners - Part 2 | Glamrs Classics - Duration: 9:49. -------------------------------------------
Randal Mistakes Natalie for a Fool | Tyler Perry's If Loving You Is Wrong | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 2:08.
Yeah, yeah, no.
I just want to say thank you for understanding.
I mean, to have Dr. Raston switch that DNA,
I mean, regardless of what you think of me, that's--
you have to know that's wrong.
I mean, that's-- you gotta agree with that.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, you know it was Dr. Raston.
It had to have been Dr. Raston.
Who else could it have been?
So you think I'm a fool, huh?
No, no, no.
See, you think, you think I'm some ignorant ass fool.
Just go sit here and talk to you and tell you something, right?
You're right.
I'm a tell you something.
I'm from the hood, and we don't do that.
So you get your ass out of my house right now
or they will take you outta here in little bitty pieces.
I'm too smart for your bullshit.
I knew you were.
It's that hood mentality.
I really do like what you've done with the place.
A lot of Negro art.
Probably do with less of that.
Looks nice.
We'll talk.
For more infomation >> Randal Mistakes Natalie for a Fool | Tyler Perry's If Loving You Is Wrong | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 2:08. -------------------------------------------
Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me | Nursery Rhymes for Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:50.
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
For more infomation >> Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me | Nursery Rhymes for Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:50. -------------------------------------------
One Two Buckle My Shoe | Video For Toddlers | Song For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 42:23.
Hey kids let's count..
Buckle my shoe...
Knock the door..
Pick up sticks...
Let them straight..
A big fat hen..
there's more.
11, 12 Dig and delve;
13, 14...Maids a-courting;
15 ,16.. Maids in the kitchen;
17 ,18.. Maids a-waiting;
19, 20.. My plate's empty.
Let's count again..
1...2.. Buckle my shoe...
3...4...Knock the door..
5..6...Pick up sticks...
7....8 .Let them straight..
9...10..A big fat hen..
Remember what's next..
11, 12 Dig and delve;
13, 14...Maids a-courting;
15 ,16.. Maids in the kitchen;
17 ,18.. Maids a-waiting;
19, 20.. My plate's empty.
Did you have fun.
For more infomation >> One Two Buckle My Shoe | Video For Toddlers | Song For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 42:23. -------------------------------------------
Ready for WAR? China shows off MISSILES in shock video amid US tensions - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:50.
Ready for WAR? China shows off MISSILES in shock video amid US tensions
CHINA has flexed its military might as Beijing revealed never-before-seen footage of nuclear
cruise missiles which are already in US bases.
Chinese state media published footage of the DF-10 weapons being fired from ground-based
The weapons have a range of up to 930 miles, which puts the weapons in reach of US military
bases in South Korea and on the Japanese island of Okinawa.
People's Liberation Army commanders are ramping up their military power, with President
Xi Jinping demanding his forces to be able to win "any war".
Tensions have been raging in recent months with US as the war of words over the South
China Sea looks set to flare up once again.
USS Carl Vinson sailed through the disputed seas last week in a move designed to send
a message to China.
Video published by Chinese state televisions showed six of the weapons being fired from
the back of trucks.
Two rocket launcher vehicles fired three missiles each in the footage accompanied by stirring
China regularly shows off its weapons, with the nation having the biggest military in
the world.
DF-10 missiles – also known as CJ-10s or "long swords" – can carry nuclear warheads
weighing up to 500kg.
They are designed for ground attack and can either be mounted on missile trucks, submarines
or warships.
Versions of the weapon have also been specialised to take-out ships, to have increased stealth
capability, and some are even capable of supersonic speeds.
Warships and warplanes have been flooding into the region amid growing tensions and
fears of conflict over the South China Sea.
Beijing has been transforming the region into a fortress as it builds up a series of manmade
islands packed with missiles and aircraft.
China claims the South China Sea as its own by right – ownership disputed by the US
and their allies in Asia.
The US and China have been at loggerheads since 2016 when the UN ruled against Chinese
attempts to claim islands in the South China Sea.
Billions of dollars worth of trade passes through the dispute sea every year – which
is bordered by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
South China Sea tensions are believed by many to a be flashpoint for a conflict that could
spiral into World War 3.
For more infomation >> Ready for WAR? China shows off MISSILES in shock video amid US tensions - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:50. -------------------------------------------
World War 3: Russia BLASTS Donald Trump for 'aggressive' policy to ARM allies with NUKES - DAILYNEWS - Duration: 3:47.
World War 3: Russia BLASTS Donald Trump for 'aggressive' policy to ARM allies with NUKES
THE US is breaking the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation by training non-nuclear European nations how
to use tactical nukes against Russia in what is described as a "hostile act", according
to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Mr Lavrov's comments were made at a session of the UN Conference on Disarmament in Geneva
on Wednesday in which he criticised the US deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in
Europe as well as the involvement of non-nuclear states in training programmes.
Russia's critical stance of the US is that it is training non-nuclear Nato allies on
how to use American nuclear weapons, which Moscow considers a breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT).
Mr Lavrov said: "Everybody should understand that the US military is preparing the militaries
of European states to use tactical nuclear weapons against Russia."
he added that Russia had not deployed any nuclear weapons and did not test them unlike
the US which has taken an "aggressive position".
Last April the Russian Foreign Ministry complained about what is calls "joint nuclear missions"
and says the US has many nuclear sites in Europe as well as giving training to European
The Foreign Ministry issued a statement last April, saying: "Washington's approach to compliance
with its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
is still of great concern.
The US and its non-nuclear NATO allies continue their nuclear skill training as part of the
so-called 'nuclear sharing'.
"This is a serious violation of Articles I and II of the NPT."
Article I of the NPT says nuclear states cannot transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices, or control over such weapons, to any recipient either directly or indirectly.
Article II prohibits non-nuclear states from receiving the weapons.
Mr Lavrov repeated Russia's position on Wednesday, saying: "These initiatives we see
on the part of the U.S. do not promote non-proliferation, they promote the deterioration of the full
implementation of it (the treaty)."
Russia has long objected to the deployment of Nato missile defence systems in Eastern
It claims that it is not designed to prevent an attack from Iran but to neutralised Moscow's
nuclear arsenal.
But Nato and the US deny the accusation.
The foreign minister said Russia had reduced its nuclear arsenal by 85 per cent compared
to the Cold War era.
The US stores an estimated 200 of its B61 nuclear bombs in countries including Germany,
Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey as part of Nato's nuclear-sharing programme.
Also, the US is upgrading the B61 to make it more flexible.
Russia claims the nuclear weapons are necessary to counter Nato's overwhelming superiority
in conventional arms.
The Russian Minister said nuclear disarmament was impossible without taking into account
factors which destabilise "strategic stability and international security today".
Mr Lavrov concluded: "As we all know, these nuclear missions violate the Non-Proliferation
Treaty and non-nuclear states plan and take part in the US exercises and learn how to
use the nuclear weapons."
For more infomation >> World War 3: Russia BLASTS Donald Trump for 'aggressive' policy to ARM allies with NUKES - DAILYNEWS - Duration: 3:47. -------------------------------------------
How Much Is That Doggie | Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Baby Songs | Happy Kids | Pattie and Pixie Show - Duration: 2:12.
How much is that doggie in the window,
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window,
I do hope that doggie's for sale.
I don't want a bunny or a kitty,
I don't want a parrot that talks.
I don't want a bowl of little fishy's,
You can't take a goldfish for a walk.
How much is that doggie in the window,
The one with the waggly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window,
I do hope that doggie's for sale.