Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017



For more infomation >> How to Download Bahubali 2 full Movie in Hindi For Free - Duration: 3:14.


Dr. Oz on Being Up Against Daughter for an Emmy - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Dr. Oz on Being Up Against Daughter for an Emmy - Duration: 2:26.


Learn Colors with shot colorful Wooden Duck for Children. Colors for Kids to Learn Baby Battle Field - Duration: 3:32.

Learn Colors with shot colorful Wooden Duck for Children. Colors for Kids to Learn Baby Battle Field

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with shot colorful Wooden Duck for Children. Colors for Kids to Learn Baby Battle Field - Duration: 3:32.


Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid - Duration: 2:37.

Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid

Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid; Fabulous scheme of colors are red integrated for this Khaadi Lawn 2 Piece dresses collection 2017 which are aqua, beige, mustard, pink, yellow, cream, navy, brown, blue, black, grey, turquoise, white, orange, green, red, off-white and so on. Same like prices of these suits that are also dissimilar from each other.You are on right page here if you are looking for the best and latest summer dresses.Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid

Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid

For more infomation >> Latest Khaadi 2piece Collection 2017 For Eid - Duration: 2:37.


Color Gorilla Vs Shark Cartoons For Children Gorilla Nursery Rhymes Shark Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 14:07.

Color Gorilla Vs Shark Cartoons For Children Gorilla Nursery Rhymes Shark Finger Family Rhymes

For more infomation >> Color Gorilla Vs Shark Cartoons For Children Gorilla Nursery Rhymes Shark Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 14:07.


Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dragon Attack Epic Battle Full Movie For Kids Dragon Dinosaurs Fight - Duration: 1:39:49.

Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dragon Attack Epic Battle Full Movie For Kids Dragon Dinosaurs FIght

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dragon Attack Epic Battle Full Movie For Kids Dragon Dinosaurs Fight - Duration: 1:39:49.


Learning Colors with Wooden Horse on The Truck Color Horse Animal Transportation for kids Toddlers - Duration: 58:31.

Learning Colors with Wooden Horse on The Truck Color Horse Animal Transportation for kids Toddlers

For more infomation >> Learning Colors with Wooden Horse on The Truck Color Horse Animal Transportation for kids Toddlers - Duration: 58:31.


Spiderman Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Spiderman Dinosaurs Movies For Children Dinosaurs Fight - Duration: 49:42.

Spiderman Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Spiderman Dinosaurs Movies For Children Dinosaurs Fight

For more infomation >> Spiderman Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Spiderman Dinosaurs Movies For Children Dinosaurs Fight - Duration: 49:42.


Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Fighting Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Battle Fights - Duration: 58:31.

Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Fighting Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Battle Fights

For more infomation >> Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Fighting Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children 3D Gorilla Vs Dinosaurs Battle Fights - Duration: 58:31.


Tōrangapū: Pita Paraone backs Maanu Paul over foreshore and seabed claim - Duration: 4:01.

Time now for our political segment with Pita Paraone from NZ First.

Tena koe.

Do you agree with PM Bill English

that Ngati Awa figure Maanu's Marine and Coastal Area claim

on behalf of Maori can't win under current legislation?

No I don't agree with the PM.

Because he doesn't have the last say the courts do.

Aside from that, good on Maanu bringing this issue to the courts.

Because he is the spokesperson for his group the NZ Maori Council.

That group is the only one who can represent and speak

on behalf of Maori under the law.

So I'm not surprised seeing Maanu and his team bringing this to court.

Do you believe they will be able to achieve this?

Maybe some of it.

Personally I'm not too sure they will achieve everything.

But if they do,

I know it'll be given to families, hapu and iwi.

Do you have any words of advice

for your fellow Ngati Hine relation Willow-Jean Prime,

who's now the highest ranking Maori on the Labour list,

named at 16th place?

Huge acknowledgements to her.

However my advice is

- if she gets into parliament after the general elections,

to not forget the knowledge and education passed down to her

by her ancestors, hapu and iwi.

Have you seen the list?

Do you agree with it?

I'm happy for the people who are on that list.

However as for anything after that, I have no opinion.

Leave that for Labour.

Speaking of the elections, we have already spoken about this

but new speculation says you will now stand for Pakuranga?

So that Shane Jones will be free to stand for Whangarei?

Is that correct?

Well at the moment there's a lot of speculation going around.

Even though the board of NZ First is yet to determine a decision.

But soon we will see if that's correct or not.

But if the board wants Pita Paraone to represent another area,

then they have the last say.

But will you agree if the board wants you to go to Pakuranga

- will you do it?

If that is what the board wants, then I will agree.

Do you think Shane Jones should stand for NZ First in Whangarei?

I will be sad if he does represent Whangarei,

as I've worked in that community for countless years.

But that's politics.

Some days you are up and others you are down.

So I'm not surprised by this.

Thank you for your time, Pita Paraone.

For more infomation >> Tōrangapū: Pita Paraone backs Maanu Paul over foreshore and seabed claim - Duration: 4:01.


Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Dinosaur Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Nursery Rhymes Compilation 3d - Duration: 54:57.

Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Dinosaur Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Nursery Rhymes Compilation 3d

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Dinosaur Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Nursery Rhymes Compilation 3d - Duration: 54:57.


Jiwadamai | Bali | Ubud - Duration: 4:06.

I wanted to work on an organic farm and

I saw that Jiwadamai not only

had the permaculture aspect but the

connection with the community in hiring

local staff and providing enrichment to

after-school programs for local

Indonesian street youth and has the

personal growth aspect with yoga and

meditation with heart opening, discussions

with all of these various entities that

fet like the full scope of what Bali has

to offer I knew that this was going to

be the place for me.

We are an educational nonprofit

organization and welcome guest,

classes, workshops as well as many

volunteers from all over the world and

we offer internships. Our main aim is in

a wonderful setting getting close to

the earth working from the heart to

learn the skills about gardening and

education as well as supporting inner

growth. A lot of people come here and

looking for different way of life and

they are searching and we offer an

environment where both is possible.

Here at Jiwadamai we are

connecting with each other.

The volonteers and the stuff are working

together and helping each other.

I enjoy here most the organic planting.

My experience since I work here is a lot.

I can improve my english, learn how to make poducts

like coconutoil, dryfruits out of banana and Papaya at Jiwadamai.

I also learn how to harvest moringa

and many other things.

I think that most impactful

experience I've had here is kind of

feeling like I come back to life just

being around the garden in this

environment where everything is just

ripe and scheming this life and I went

deeper into myself, yoga,

Meditation and working and kind of finding

that same natural quality of the earth

breathing life back into me all these

different ways.

So the reason that I came to Jiwadamai is

because, there was a point in my life where I

have been a lot of different things, in

the hotel restaurant and hospitality

Business. I was missing the element the

earth the gardening and I've never been

exposed to taking care of a garden or

planting. And so the program was exactly

what I was looking for.

This place has a special energy it has something

underneath it that is this collective

consciousness that kind of

unites us all and whether you

subscribe to that belief system or not

you can feel that energy from an

individual standpoint so strongly

whether it's in the garden whether it's

with yoga whether it's this meditation

you know there is something about this

place it's very special and you will just

dive right into that so yeah it's been

an incredible experience it had major

impacts on my life and I'm sure I

haven't even discovered yet

For more infomation >> Jiwadamai | Bali | Ubud - Duration: 4:06.


Wolverine Reels2Digital Moviemaker Workaround for 7" and 5" reels. Seven Inch reel on projector - Duration: 10:03.

This is Ron from super8tovideo this is part two on how to set up a Wolverine MovieMaker

to copy 7" reels.

When setting up the Wolverine for a three inch film like I am doing right now, you zoom

in very little so it captures as much of the picture as possible.

When this zoom setting is done on a 7" reel you can run into a problem.

A seven inch reel is just 8 three inch reels spliced together.

Because the films on the 7" reels may have come from different cameras or the film cartridge

may be from a different manufacturer the frame adjustment may start to show the next picture

like in the film I am now playing.

I'll show some options on how to deal with this problem.

I started filming at the point where the next spliced reel is about to get pulled into the


Because it's a different reel coming into the Wolverine this can happen.

Sometimes it shows at the top and sometimes it shows at the bottom.

This can also happen when copying from the 5 inch reels on the MovieMaker.

It has nothing to do with the 2 projector set up to copy the films.

The first option is simple all you do is zoom in all the way with zero risk of the problem


Zoom in less and get more of the picture it all depends on how much change there is between


To demonstrate I have zoomed in with as much picture as possible showing.

Then I hit the zoom in arrow 4 or 5 more times and that usually does the trick.

However with my camera's film I can hit the zoom in arrow from this point 16 times

before I am completely zoomed in.

The downside to this zooming in is, you give up some of the picture that the camera took

so the less zooming in the better.

I have also noticed that on my Wolverine the more I zoom in the less focused the picture

appears to be.

I do not know if that is just my machine or if it is a function of the zooming in.

I know when I use microscopes and telescopes they seem to be more out of focus also as

they gain in magnification.

The Wolverine zooms in as a square so you give up more of the sides than you do the

top and bottom because Super8 and 8 millimeter film is a rectangle.

One of my subscribers Daniel Phillips had a better idea and I like it by far the best.

I even suggest it for three inch rolls because you can get the entire films frame.

You will even see parts of the picture your projector did not show because all projectors

clip the tops and sides a little too.

All cameras were a little different on what part of the film was exposed to the light.

My camera did not expose the film to the light between the sprocket holes on the film.

I am talking about this part of the film right here between these two holes.

However, the most famous 8mm film ever taken did expose the film between the sprocket holes.

I am talking about the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination.

I'll leave a link to where you can see the Zapruder film zoomed out to where this part

of the film is visible.

I'll also leave a link on my web page.

All you do is, is zoom out a lot and use the crop features in Video Editing software to

zoom back in.

Like I said you can capture the whole picture.

The down side is you lose a little resolution as you zoom in.

For instance if you zoomed out 10% you lose 10% of the resolution when you zoom back in

with the editing software program.

I much prefer the little loss of resolution to the gain of the whole picture.

These films are in slow motion so you can see them in detail.

The one on top I used VideoStudio Pro's copping feature.

It has the maximum picture size possible.

The film below is copied using the Wolverine's maximum zoom in feature, it has the least

picture size possible.

I took a snapshot of the film so I can exhibit how much of the picture is missing when using

this setting.

This balloon is this balloon but this balloon is missing.

This street lamp and this street lamp are completely missing.

From this building back it is all missing.

I'm starting the same film up again.

The one on top is exactly the same film as before.

The one below is copied using the Wolverine with its Zoom in feature used as little as


I took a snapshot in exactly the same place.

Again this balloon is this balloon.

Notice how some of this balloon is now showing.

Notice both these street lamps are now in view.

However, this blue sign is completely missing.

Remember I zoomed in as little as possible and if you were to try that little zoom on

a five or seven inch roll I could almost guarantee that one of the other spliced in films would

begin to show the frames from above or below.

To be pretty confident you need to zoom about 4 more times.

That is why I prefer to zoom out and then use video editing software to zoom back in.

You do not need to zoom out all the way like I did.

Zooming out completely caused about 10% to 15% resolution loss.

If you zoom about half way out instead of all the way, it usually works with most films.

Then you loose less than 10% resolution when zooming back in.

This can save you from having to re-copy a 7 inch roll because a frame came in from above

or below.

Remember those seven inch rolls take 4 hours to copy.

This is Ron from super8tovideo signing off.

I was able to convince a professional film copy service Legacy digital, to give anyone

watching my videos, a 10% discount, on transfers done by them, Their copies are better than

the Wolverine is capable of and the cropping is already done for you.

Legacy Digital's prices are competitive before the 10% discount and super competitive

with that discount.

keep in mind you don't have to be in the state, or the country for them to give you

a professional copy, just ship the films to them and they'll ship your films back with

an extremely high quality digital copy as well.

They have copied and shipped films from as far away as South Korea.

To get the 10% off call them and say you want code 888.

And yes, I'm up front, I get a small compensation from Legacy Digital, for the referral.

Now, I'm going to show you how to get to my website.

When you click on this white circle these come up select any of them they all take you

to the same page.

Now you are on my website.

These two Icons here, are part one and two of this series.

Right here, click, to go to legacy Digital's homepage, for more information.

Click here to Amazon, if you want to get your mittens on one of these Wolverine Machines.

If your interested in trying the video editing software program VideoStudio Pro click here

for the latest version, and you can try it for thirty days free.

Incidentally I put this tutorial together using VideoStudio Pro.

If you want to obtain an earlier version of VideoStudio Pro for about half the cost of

the newest version click here.

Click here to go to the Zapruder film I mentioned earlier.

This video was uploaded on May first 2017.

I'll try and keep these links updated as time progresses.

I be quiet now.

This screen will stay up about another 2 minutes to let you make your choice on what you want

to do.

For more infomation >> Wolverine Reels2Digital Moviemaker Workaround for 7" and 5" reels. Seven Inch reel on projector - Duration: 10:03.


Colors Animals Shark Dinosaurs Gorilla Finger Family Songs Learn Colors and Animals for Children - Duration: 1:39:49.

Colors Animals Shark Dinosaurs Gorilla Finger Family Songs | Learn Colors and Animals for Children

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