We have a lot of challenges facing us
like all of the California Districts right now.
But the neat thing about the challenges,
is it gives us opportunities for growth and
to learn in different ways.
So we have the challenge right now,
our city of La Puente became a sanctuary city
and encouraged us to become a sanctuary district.
Our district has become a safe haven district.
It was a call to action really, an initiative
from our coaliltion groups in our community,
definitely from the city of La Puente.
And at each school board meeting
we had community leaders from different organizations,
we had parents, we had teachers and
classified staff and we had students as well
speaking to us about their fear.
What if we go to school and we
come home and our parents aren't there.
What, all of the big what if's
that they fear about everyday.
And that's one of our big challenges with
the social emotional piece right now,
is because there is that fear and that
trepidation about what is going to change?
Are we going to be okay?
Is our family going to be split up?
On the flip side of that part comes the fear of,
if categorical funding is taken away,
federal funding funding is taken away from
our district, we would lose about nine million dollars.
And so that would cut so many programs from all students.
And that's the double edged sword
between where we want to protect and then
in the same vein that might make us lose
this funding that brings, you know,
free breakfast and lunch to our students,
that brings head start preschool, that brings
so many of the services that we can offer
that are categorically funded.
In fact our whole division, the instructional
services division is categorically funded.
So all of these services that we bring to schools,
whether it's professional development,
whether it's training for the teachers
or the students or student or
adult leadership, would go away.
Most districts have achievement gaps.
Achievement gaps are very difficult to close.
There are many reasons for that.
The first part is being aware of the gaps
and we like to put faces to the data
so we're not just looking at a group of students,
you know the significant subgroup.
But we're actually putting a face to each piece of data.
So for every student we want to meet them
where they are, differentiate for them where they are.
So if they need acceleration, if they're
gifted, we want to go there.
If they need to be retaught something, we want to go there.
If they need an intervention, bell to bell
within the day or whether it's after school
or on the weekends, we provide that service.
Our multi-lingual department and equity
and access department have put on
Saturday academies in both language arts and math.
In the summers we have our algebra enrichment academies
and the first year we had 16 classes
of middle school students.
Last year was 22 classes and we expect 28 classes this year.
A big part of it is training our teachers
and administrators and classified staff
on what needs to happen.
So if in this, with this rigorous testing
students need to be able to complete
performance tasks and have more deeper
critical thinking and create and innovate and invent,
then they need practice doing those things.
So we are training our teachers on not
just gradual release of responsibility
but also layers of facilitation.
Because it's not just career and
college readiness that our students need.
It's career and college competitiveness
because we're preparing them for jobs
that don't even exist yet in the future.
And so a lot of training with technology.
A lot of training with 21st century
classrooms and flexibility and learning spaces.
In Hacienda La Puente we're very fortunate.
We are grateful to our community for
passing by 76% our school bond and that
is specifically for 21st century classrooms,
technology infrastructure and classroom settings
that will better meet the need of students.
So going full circle back to
the achievement gaps, they're hard.
They're definitely hard and we all need
training and we all need to keep moving
forward in order to get there.
Definitely status quo is not gonna cut it.
The new California school dashboard I think
is easier for students and parents
and community members to understand.
Students start taking these assessments
in third grade and third graders can
very readily understand colored graphs.
And they can understand that the blue one
at the top with all the pieces of pie,
that's the one that would be the highest level
and go through the color sequence.
The fact that it's not just based
on test scores alone is nice.
That it accounts for attendance, it accounts
for suspensions, it accounts for graduation
rates for high schools and all of those things.
So I think there are some pluses there.
I think it's good that every school is
held accountable because with this new
California school dashboard, every school is
given goals and targets as far as,
even if you're way up high like some schools
are in our state, they have to stay there.
They can't keep dropping and dropping.
So I think that's a good thing.
There's always going to be people questioning,
you know, why is there a new system and
we just got used to the old one.
But I do think it's one that our students
specifically and of course their parents
and all of our stakeholders can understand.
We need to create connections for
every child and family to the school.
And once students have those connections
and want to be there and feel success-
They may not feel success in every single
content area but as long as there's something
that they want to come to school for
and what keeps me awake is are we preparing them?
Are we giving them the best?
Are we treating them like we treat our
own children, because they are our children.
And I think sometimes with all of the hullabaloo
with the meetings and L cap and the funding and
all of the paperwork and all of the strategic plans
and everything, I sit in all of these meetings
and sometimes wonder, when are we gonna talk about the kids?
And I am a mom as well with three children,
so I always want to remember why we're here
and that's for every single student.
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