Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 12 2017

Bulu - arey Vedant, Rohit has got a new bike finally...

Vedant - The Benelli.. Bulu Yes, Vedant - We can go on a ride together

Bulu - We will grab a party from him

Bulu , Vedant - Congrats Rohit...

Vedant - Why is the Helmet not on your head?

Rohit - There was lots of Police Checking therefore I was wearing, but now it is too hot so I have removed it and feeling very relaxed

Vedant - you are coming from there without an helmet

Rohit - Its so hot you know

Bulu - So it is a safety for your hand now Rohit - Yes you can say that...

Bulu - What is this yaar? Where is your riding gears? And slippers on this bike seriously?

Rohit - I have spent all my savings to buy this bike

Rohit - I dont have any more money to buy Gears

Rohit - second thing these Riding gears are SHOWOFF

Rohit - Third Ihave never fallen from a bike, I am riding bikes since childhood.

Bulu - Vedant, First point we have to clear him that Riding Gears are not expensive with a Demo, So lets go to the Cofee Shop

Bulu - Lets show Rohit the Financial Calculations...

Bulu - Rohit, Do you have a car?

Rohit - Yes Ihave a Chevrolet Cruze

Vedant - You have a Cruze?

Vedant - Does it have airbags?

Vedant - Why do you need 8 Airbags?

Rohit - What do you mean by 8 Airbags?

Rohit - Our Roads are full of idiots, what if a Truck or a bus hit me on the road? Its for safety purpose, cars need to have 8 Airbags

Vedant - Exactly that's what we are trying to explain you, Roads are full of Idiots...

Vedant - If you are in car or bike, how does it matter for Idiots?

Bulu - Guys Watch this out...

Bulu - These kind of Accidents are quite common in our roads

Mistake can be anyone's but ultimately you will be the sufferer.

Because of someone else Mistake.

No Matter, how good you are at Road, what is the guarantee about Others?

This person might have been Saved if he had a Decent Helmet... It was a Head Impact

And the person died on Spot.

That one day might be the Worst day in your life... Why to take a chance? Why not be safe?

Rohit - I agree, our roads are full of idiots, but Riding Gears are very very Expensive.

Vedant - Lets calculate what is more expensive

Bulu - You just watched the cost of Gears v/s our Body Parts

Bulu - I think Rohit can manage with One Eye if he looses the other eye...

Vedant - we will sell his Benelli for his eye Replacement

For more infomation >> RIDING GEAR is WASTE of Money - SHOCKING RESULTs Ahead - Duration: 7:34.


Is my channel dead? - Duration: 3:17.

I'm not dead.

At least I hope I'm not.


The answer.



Well, we need a graph,

and also, we need to go back in time.

Say...last September.

Prior to that month, I attached myself deeply to Minecraft...simply because I hadn't experienced

what other games had to offer.

Which brings me to September.


Puzzle Chronicles.

My good friend, Joshinja, gifted me with this wonderful game.

Let me tell you, it offered unique, thrilling and original gameplay that opened my eyes

to the vast collection of video games.

- [laughter]

- [heaves]



- I'll be serious now.

This game made me less involved in my channel.

Not significantly, but it gave me the idea that I could play games instead of doing work.

That thought shortly paused after being asked to create a video for my family.

It practically consumed most of my month, but they funded me to purchase a GTX 950.


And during that month, I discovered the first Mirror's Edge.

That game blew my mind.

Take back everything I said about Puzzle Chronicles; Mirror's Edge inspired me to seek out more

games such as itself.

(Even if i didn't like the ending very much.)

In October, Josh introduced me to SUPERHOT,

the most innovative shooter I've played in years!

Then came Rocket League, the game that my awesome friend, Joseph (or Robin), promised

he'd get me after buying my 950.

Notice that this one is bold, as it costed countless of hours I could have been animating.

Not only did Joseph get me Rocket League, he also got me Battlefield 1.

Then came Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Watch_Dogs 2, Garfield Kart, and GTA.

(Which Joseph bought for me too).

Then came February, which was a very depressing month. For me, at least.

I was rejected from the school that my friends were graduating to.

So I wasted the entire month feeling stupid and hating myself.

Yet, I somehow completed my Pylon entry that month.


Finally, March came.

Slightly recovered from my February sadness, I took the Yearbook Editor job that my current

school was looking for.

I haven't stopped working since.

And that leaves us to the present.

As of May 11th, 2017, I'm still doing the yearbook and I have no time

to create any videos.

As for the summer, I'm going to be at a Film Camp for the entire July and Fun Camp for

the entire August.

Again, I honestly doubt if I'll have ANY time to make videos.

But that doesn't mean I won't try.

Thank you for following me these past 3 years.

It means a lot to me.

"Thank you for sticking with me these past three years. Even when owning a small channel, I'm enouraged knowing that there's an audience enjoying my content."

For more infomation >> Is my channel dead? - Duration: 3:17.


Love Actually 2 Trailer Reveals What Happened to the Characters - Duration: 3:41.

the short film Red Nose Day Actually, which will be part of NBC's epic Red Nose Day Special on Thursday, May 25. Following a new Love

Actually 2 poster released earlier today, NBC has also debuted a trailer that features new footage from this short film, revealing what these

Exactly two weeks from today, fans will finally get to revisit all of their favorite characters from the 2003 romance classic Love Actually with

characters have been up to for the past 14 years. While we have to wait two more weeks for the full short

this trailer will certainly whet your appetite for this long-awaited follow-up.

This trailer debuted on the Red Nose Day Twitter, which features the first actual footage from the short. There

was a Red Nose Day Actually teaser from March, which debuted just before this short debuted in the U.K.

version of the Red Nose Day special, but that only featured the cast members holding up cue cards, re-

enacting Mark's (Andrew Lincoln) iconic cue card scene at Juliet's (Keira Knightley) house. We saw in Love Actually 2 set photos released

during production that there would be another cue card scene, and we get a brief glimpse of it here,

with Mark asking Juliet if she likes his beard, although she's not a big fan.

he trailer opens with a shot featuring young Sam (Thomas Brodie Sangster) telling his stepfather Daniel (Liam Neeson) that he's had a lot

of his mind recently. While Daniel thinks he's having problems at work, Sam reveals that, "it's more of a love thing, actually," which doesn't

exactly sit well with Daniel. We also get a glimpse of recording legend Billy Mack (Bill Nighy), who reveals in a radio interview that the best

sex he has ever had was definitely with one of the Kardashians, but he isn't revealing which one.

For more infomation >> Love Actually 2 Trailer Reveals What Happened to the Characters - Duration: 3:41.


ComposerDad Vs. Bible Podcast Ep.1: I'm a Composer and a Dad - Duration: 7:27.

It's unseasonably warm outside

for February in the Northeast.

ProfessorMom is out shaping minds, and I am

with BuilderBoy and SquishyBaby at the Tot Park

Suddenly, there's a stiff wind,

the grass vanishes and the earth ripples.

Right away I know who's about to appear.

It's Bible with another intense compositional

challenge for me, ComposerDad.

"Hello, Bible, we meet again," I say, standing tall.

"Hello, ComposerDad,

I see you have your little ones with you."

"Yes. I do.

I am a composer and a dad."

Bible knows all about me, but he likes to preface his compositional challenges with

certain clues and wit.

"I want cheesy pasta," says BuilderBoy.

"Don't worry, Son, we'll have cheesy pasta when we get home," I say.

"Right now, I'm about to receive a new challenge from Bible."

Suddenly SquishyBaby is climbing on top of a playhouse.

I rescue him.

BuilderBoy smirks.

What's happening?

How did he get up there?

Never mind, I'll deal with this later.

I look back to Bible.

"Your familiarity with smallness, ComposerDad, makes me think of something," says Bible.

"Micah 5:2 talks about Bethlehem being 'small'.

Though it was small it was called to great things–the greatest of things.

I want you to create a catchy tune on smallness, based on Bethlehem.

Also you must use a saxophone. Goodbye."

Bible likes to drop verses in my lap in profound ways at surprising moments, and then challenge

me to respond to them using my insane musical gifts.

"No problem, Bible," I say.

But Bible is already gone.

"Let's go get that cheesy pasta, Son."

We walk home.

It takes forever because home is up a big mountain.

After cheesy pasta, I jam with BuilderBoy and we find a hook.

A hook is a part of a song that's catchy.

Some of my songs have lots of hooks–


I jam with BuilderBoy and we find a hook

for the song.

It goes like this:

Mow mow, ma-ma-na-ma-na-mow-ma-na-MOW.

Mow mow, ma-ma-na-ma-na-MA MOW.



I find a saxophone, then I find someone who knows how to play it.

I hire more musicians: a violinist, a trombonist, a cellist.

We sing together, "We are small, we are small, we're children of the King."

We all sing in tune.

Being small feels very BIG.

When I'm done, I name my song for Bible, "I'm Small."

Then I post it to the WORLD WIDE WEB where everyone can hear it.

Then I return to BuilderBoy's room where I read about the extremely dangerous

Island of Sodor.

I await my next challenge.

When and where will Bible appear next?

What is he trying to say to me?

And what were my kids up to at the Tot Park back there?

Next time on...

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