Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 12 2017


Sam : Hello everyone. It's Sam

Jisung : Hello. It's Jisung

Hayoung : Hello. It's Hayoung

Sam : We've been watching M/Vs and the mask singer.

Sam : So I think it's time to watch a touching commercial.

Sam : I appreciate the recommendations of our subscriber, so we found the video to watch easily.

Sam : So I considered what we're gonna watch.

Sam : People recommended a lot of videos…

Sam : So what we are watching today is

Sam : "My Dad is a Liar

Hayoung : It's a story of a father

Sam : Yes it is… The title is making me sad already…

Hayoung : Already…

Sam : My dad is a liar…

Sam : It makes me feel the father's love already..

Sam : Let's watch it!

Jisung : Yes

Sam : There is a kid!

Hayoung : So cute!

Sam : The dad is lying

Sam : It's very touching…

Sam : very toouching….

Sam : It seems a insurance commercial.

Sam : And I think it's not a Thai commercial

Sam : Because there were Chinese characters in the video

Sam : It seems other country…

Sam : I don't know well..

Sam : Anyway the face of the dad and the voice of the daughter…

Sam : It would impress every daughter.

Sam : It's like other side of father..

Sam : It reminds of the weak points of our father..

Sam : Yes…A father is the leader of family

Sam : So He should show the strong aspect to the wife an children.

Sam : But it reminds of the behind and the weak aspect of father.

Sam : So I was thinking my father during watching..

Hayoung : I was surprised it seems my father's story…

Sam : It's so touching and The face of the daughter and the acting of the dad is still in my mind..

Sam : Jisung, Do you think you can do like that when you become a dad?

Jisung : I think It's possible when i love my daughter so much

Jisung : It's the mind of father.

Sam : He suffers his life for his beloved daughter

Sam : I think this commercial express the love of Father who want to give 100% to us..

Sam : And we can enjoy our life because of His love

Sam : So It's so thankful.

Hayoung : Father doesn't spare himself…

Hayoung : He just cares of children more than his need or pleasant

Hayoung : I thank for his unconditional love.

Sam : If I watched this when i was young

Sam : I would say like this daughter

Sam : She says He is lying. He is not hungry. He says he has everything. he lies like this.

Sam : If I watched it when i was young

Sam : I would think just the dad is lying.

Sam : But now I see it with the perspective of adult.

Sam : He is not lying…

Sam : Father doesn't feel hungry when he watches that the children is eating

Sam : The father's heart…

Sam : When the children happy, He is really happy too.

Sam : That mind…

Sam : It's not a lie…I've got this insight when i was watching it…

Sam : I might not able to be touched like this if I watched it at young age.

Sam : And now I'm getting to know the Father's love

Sam : I feel that father doesn't lie but feel happy in real

Sam : When he sees that I eat and be full and I'm happy.

Sam : I thank that I've got that love

Sam : I wonder who made this video.

Sam : It has the message, so it's well made.

Sam : I hope many people feel the Father's love. right?


Sam : And Anything to say?

Jisung : It's very well made.

Jisung : I felt the father's love again

Jisung : It reminds of the past when I was not well behaved

Jisung : He endured and waited that moment with love.

Sam : I hope that you say that I love father today.

Sam : I don't know how old you are

Sam : When we were young we can say i love you dad easily.

Sam : But it's hard to say it when we are grown up already.

Sam : Especially to Father…

Sam : It's ok to say it to mom. but it's hard to express to dad

Sam : Father is wating for hearing that

Sam : It would be great to say it to father

Sam : Ok Let's finish here.

Sam : Please promise to say 'I love you' to father.

Sam : And we will see you in the next video has more touching and warm feeling.

Sam : Let's say good bye


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For more infomation >> [Korean Reaction] TVC "My Dad is a Liar" (My dad's story: Dream for My Child | MetLife) - Duration: 12:12.


10 Signs You Have Mold Illness And What You Need To Know - Duration: 1:55.

10 Signs You Have Mold Illness And What You Need To Know

Mold illness can be very scary.

According to Surviving Mold, mold is composed of biotoxins the body cannot process.

When these biotoxins enter the body, they can wreak havoc on the body, causing a range

of symptoms.

While symptoms may manifest differently in different people, it is wise to look out for

the top 10 symptoms of mold illness, as outlined by Mayo Clinic.


Sneezing 2.

Runny or stuffy nose 3.

Coughing 4.

Itchy eyes, nose and throat 5.

Watery eyes 6.

Dry, scaly skin 7.

Wheezing 8.

Shortness of breath 9.

Chest tightness 10.

Postnasal drip

Mold illness is often misdiagnosed because many of the above symptoms are similar to

those of other allergies.

While the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America explains some molds can in fact cause

allergic reactions, Mayo Clinic urges people not to assume their sneezing and wheezing

is mundane.

It is important to talk with your doctor, especially if symptoms persist.

This is because complications from mold illness can lead to asthma, sinusitis, and inflammation

of the lungs, among other issues.

Reduce your risk of mold exposure by using a dehumidifier and opening windows in bathrooms

to reduce humidity and increase air flow, promptly removing clothing from laundry machines,

checking windows for condensation, and immediately repairing any and all leaks.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says these precautions can reduce exposure

to mold spores and reduce risk of mold illness.

Do your friends and family know the signs and symptoms of mold illness?

Save a life when you SHARE this article on social media!

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For more infomation >> 10 Signs You Have Mold Illness And What You Need To Know - Duration: 1:55.


WTF! this game is unfair - Duration: 5:00.

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Srry about lag


That was a stupid move of me to make

For more infomation >> WTF! this game is unfair - Duration: 5:00.


ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura) Testimonial, Low Platelet Count - Ayurvedic Treatment - Duration: 12:40.

Greetings, Dr. Vikram!


Today, there is a patient with you. I think his son was seeking treatment from you?


Please tell us about your son and what problem did he has?

My son had this problem since last 3-4 years and it was a very serious problem.

We got him treated at PGI and then in Rohtak.

What was the problem?

He had Platelet abnormality.

First, he got tiny eruptions on his body, we misunderstood it for chicken pox.

But when we took him the hospital, they took some samples to test from his Spinal cord.

The doctors said he is suffering from ITP.

How old is your son?

My son is 16 years old.

How did you come to know about Dr. Vikram?

I got to know from mobile.

From Internet. So what all kind of problems your son was facing.

He was like, got very serious problem. He used to receive platelets within 8-10- 15 days.

He was well for 10 days after transfusion of single dose of blood platelets.

After that when we again went for blood transfusion, doctors said like blood does not grow on trees, have to bring someone to donate blood.

It was such a critical condition and we were in very helpless condition.

My son was asking, Papa from where are we going to get blood.

It was last time.

We asked in every place in Delhi and other place, there was no cure for this problem.

The situation was like…he will survive till he is getting blood supply.

Then my son searched on internet about this clinic and we came to Mohali to meet doctor here.

Here we got very good result.

How much were platelets earlier?

Before, it used to be around 10,000. Doctors tried a lot.

They did transfusion of around 8 packs of bloods and then discharged, but after 3- 4 days again same problem appeared.

So when you started the medicine, how much and how long it took to get result.

After taking Ayurvedic medicine, it was like putting oil in a lamp, there was great improvement.

Initially it was 20,000- 30,000 and it reached to 90,000 within 15 days of medicine.

Then it came to 1.5 lakhs and now with god's blessing it is 2.5 lakhs.

Did it ever reached to 2.5 lakhs before Ayurvedic treatment?

No. never. Whenever we went for platelets transfusion, if it was 30, 000 and they transfused 5 packs, after test platelets came to be 25,000.

We got upset in such situation, what will happen now?

Once my son just removed the cannula from his vein and said like Papa why are you getting upset, you know I will die.

Its ok, don't get disheartened.

What treatment was suggested by Dr. Vikaram Chauhan? He will be fine now.

Doctor is like god, he saved him.

Doctor Vikram, what did you suggest in his case?

My son asked, when, I will be alright? They said till you are getting the medicine and blood, you will be alive.

Did they use to give him steroids?

Yes, they use to. He became fat with that.

Is he taking now?

No, we stopped the day you told to stop.

Doctors said that if you stop using steroids then we do not give you any guarantee.

Steroids are totally stopped?

Yes, no medicine is being used now.

We are giving only yours medicine.

Since when you are taking treatment? I think it's been 3 months?

It's been 3-4 years when we noticed this condition.

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