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VidCon Vlog #1: Exitement, Humans, Volunteering and Stroopwaffels😍 | The VidCon Series - Duration: 18:01.Hi everyone, this is Estarlina and welcome back to my Channel,
And also, welcome to my first blog ever.
as you can se I'm already inside the plain
I'm not having a great time
But I at least I made a friend,
I met a girl in the cue, and she was really nice so, at least I started the day making a friend.
And... I don't know (Panic face)
I guess I will just wait here until this "Flying thingy" decides to go to Amsterdam...
I'm in Holland Babyyyy!!!!
I can't believe I was brave enough!
I'm, I'm so proud of myself!
I'm in my way, to take the train to Amsterdam central
And then I'm going to go to RAI cuz I want to see it.
I've seen the RAI on google maps, SOOOO many times, that I really want to see how it looks in real life so...
I'm really excited now!
I'm so happy right now that I don't even mind, showing people hoe stupid I am...
I am Exited...!!!!
Lots and Lots of Chocolate :D
And Flowers...
Seriously I'm going to start considering moving to Amsterdam because there is CHOCOLATE everywhere,
and I like that so... Yeah!
I don't know I want Chocolate, I WANT CHOCOLATE!
I have some chocolate in my bag so...:D I'm going to it that mmmhhhmm :)
Okay on my way to the train, Still, cuz...
(Reading Signs....)
Information... Maybe.... maybe Shall I go?
NO! I'll find it myself, I'm a DIYer
I do things, By myself HMH! :)
I don't know If I should have taken these stairs but I'm going to...
WHAT THE....?!?!?!
LOOOOOL Hahahaahaha xD
That way??
That way?
I have nothing to declare...
Maybe that way? No I think is the other way...
yeah, that way...
Step One, Buy a ticket.
Ahaaa! Found yaaaa :D:D
And I'm going to Amsterdam central? No... No... NO...
I don't now... I don't know what I'm doing... xD
Man this is heavy,
Well it was not the right place, I have to go to the next one... u_u
Much better!!
OMG I think is this one...
Oh no that one left... It was not that one... ( Yes it was xD )
Okay okay... number 3... HERE!
Weell apparently yes, that was my train, it didn't leave... it just went more.... to the front...
And now let's find a seat... xuxuxu
I've seen these things on Google maps soooo many times....
Ohhhh...They look bigger than...
No I'm just kidding... xD
Ohhhh My GOD! Can you see that?!
Can you see that little thingy?!
AAHHHHHHHH :D :D :D (Chimpunk noises)
(More chipmunk noises)
WEll so I have my Badge... OMG I'm so excited!!
Also I met fellow creators arround here, which is great!
And I'm going to go to the Hotel, cuz I'm still carreing my backpack and my suitecase along with me
So I'm going to the hotel, and then I will have to come because I have a
vlonuteering Shift this afternoon at the registration, so yeah, great!
My inner chipmunk is screaming :)
There are sooo many things to do! I can't stay here
This is my note notebook, Here I'll take all the notes, that I'm going to be taking in all the conferences...
Ahhhhhrg I lke to shake things in front of the camera!
This, are your VidCon Agendas,
Here you have all the amazingly awesome activities and information arround VidCon...
There is a map at page 10
Are you all meeting... I hope you are going to have a lot of fun...
This is happening, like... OMG!
Have a lot of fun, and.. see you arround!!
It's so nice....:)
So hi, how it's been your super busy volunteer shift?
Demi: Yeah there is a lot of people... Me: There is quite a lot of people
It's nice seeing so many nationalities
And there are so many awesome names!!
Every person that is coming, I'm like.. Omg I Love your name,
it's super cool!
It's complycated to compete with.. l mean.. look at this one,
Maybe it's Common for you but...
People can't pronounce my name like... Let me write it for you because my...
D:Oh no I S*ck at pronunciation...
D: Oh yeah I can Understand... xD
Pronounce it! :)
This is an "X" right? - Yeah it is :)
-Yeah it i
Meritxell? ( GREATJOB:)
Not Bad! I heard worst ( definitely)
And also here we have an Excitometer, and if you are not excited enough, we can give you the ticket...
Soo are you excited enough?
Here is your ticket!
Yeah I want, I like people to assemble it themselves, it's part of the experinece,
you take away the experience of taking this off...
This is your baby.. you have to feed it 3 times a day,
cover it with a blanket, you have to brush it's imaginary hair...
'cuz if you lose it, we can not replace it. So it's really your baby.
Also you will need to have a lot of fun... I have a list and I'm going to be checking If people is having fun...
so I want you to have a lot of fun girls :)
I'm Loving this (Thank you mMcDonals... 😒 )
Hello, I love your Hair!
Have you seen it?
- No I haven't seen it...
-You haven't seen it? oh It's beautiful!
Are you ready?
Close your eyes, give me your hands....
Look at it
-It's Shiny, it's beautiful!! I love it!
Hey, this is really happening, It's VidCon Omgg!
I still can't believe it!
Oh I have cookies, do you want cookies? I HAVE COOKIES
No, I just ate a Stroopwafle...
A what?!?
Haven't you had one of those Dutch things?
oh OMG... Ugh It's heavy,
-It's good!
Look at this!, look at what I'm eating!!
Well I'm keeping it cuz I have another costumer!
Okay so they gave me a cookie, It is a Dutch thing so... I'm going to try it...
It's SOFT!
It's really good, Oh my god...
I was not expecting this!
-What did you expect?
-Something Crunchy...
-But is so soft!
It's good!
Oh Look, Humans woooooah!!!
So How can I help you?
-I would like to pick up my badge...
- What else?...
I keep asking, I don't know this I thing is funny, cuz it's like.. I don't know why you came here...
More Humans!! :D Oh My God I have so many Humans
-This is great!
It's good right?!
Ask Silvia, there is a woman, with a denim jacket, She is like a Fairy goodmother, she knows all the answers
So if you wan't something She can help you with that...
She it's like a fairy GoodMother
We have some Mythical beasts ...
And they are about to meet... Who are you going to meet?
-we are going to meet Rhett and Link, and Smosh, and Joey Gracefa...
-It's true cuz you had Smosh and Rhett and Link
- yeah, I have Smosh, Rhett and Link, Joey Graceffa snd Hanna Hart. They are my top four.
I love Mythical beasts, mithycal beasts are great
And Hope you guys will have an amazing day,
-Oh we are, we are, I hope you'll have fun too,
and I hope you can also meet R&L.
-Oh That would be great,
-That would be awesome
I will come to say Hi :)
Did I Do a great job here? :)
So yeah, my shift is over, 5 hours at the registration Desk, It was fun!
I met a lot of super awesome and nice people... It was super fun!
Also I got to try this, This are delicious! I don't know how to call them
But they are like... uhg.. Dutch Candy, They are great, they are really great!
So yeah,
Now I'm just going to the Hotel, I'm pretty tired, and I have quite a headache...
But it's fine, and now
And now... I will have to prepare everything for tomorrow,
cuz tomorrow is going to be day number One!!
I'm so excited, OMG It's going to be great!!
It's going to be super great!!!
What I love about VidCon is that everybody is so happy and so passionate about what they are about to do,
That everybody is so, so nice and AAAh! That was so coolI really really really like that!
So since it's quite late, I went to a supermarket, to see if I can take something to have for dinner...
But I don't know cuz, it is all in Dutch
So I might end up, maybe, taking some of this, cuz this is the only thing I recognize... xD
No there are some things... I'm taking some bread...
I'm taking some bread, some bananas and some milk
And I don't know, I don't know what else I can take...
There is some meat... But it all looks the same so...
I don't know what is what...
So... yeah this is going to be fun...
I was about to make myself a sandwich but this all look the same, this all look the same to me...
I don't know what to choose... I Think this is:
But I don't know what is this.... What is this... Wat is this thing...
What is this...? OMG... u_u
So yeah finally at the hotel, with my pajama, ready to go to sleep... Cuz I'm quite tired...
Also, I have quite a headache... So.. Luckyly enough I have this pills with me, some nice pills (#Don't do drugs kids xD )
That will hopefully take my headache away...
Also I have my dinner, which I just crafted myself
O bought some bread, and this thingy that I don't know what it is, but it smells a little bit weird so...
I don't know I hope it's not to bad
And also I have some mozzarella, cuz it was the only cheese that I was able to recognize...
So yeah I crafted this little sanwhich and I'm going to see how this tastes
And once I'm done with that, I'm going to go to sleep cuz I'm so tired, I need to sleep...
But yeah, OMG, that was a f un day, that was intense, that was an intense day...
So yeah, This is it, I hope you have enjoyed this video, give it a like if you did...
And remember, If you want to achieve something you have never achieved,
you have to do something you have never done....
And as always, I hope to see you...
In my next video
I don't know where she went... - Duration: 2:25.Yes we still have Nala
Nala is honestly such a cute and silly dog
I'm not really big on dogs but she really changed my mind on them
and with no other clever way to transition
what are you doing?
unlocking the door
i don't want to get in trouble
get in
don't ruin my seat because they're cheap
because of Allison's impatience jarem too came to pick up allison
where's my honey
she really does!
but you wanna know someone who doesn't look all that bad
ME :)
I look hella fresh
GOD I really don't get any respect from this goddamn town
I gotcha stuff
ANd theyre hugging...GROSS (ugh)
I opened it for you
thank you come here and you're going to get scolded by jarem
I really want to see your hair
there was something wrong with her hair
yes that's why I want to see it
so insecurrr
there's nothing wrong about not looking real
where's allison?
I that's when I realized we kind of lost allison
meh whatcha gonna do?
after hitchhiking her way back home I decided to make her dinner
and then she said something really clever but I didn't get it
can you say that again I didn't catch that on film
*synchronized laughter*
I don't remember what she said but... it was really funny
you really had to be there i-i guess
i don't get it
her hair looks so weird right?
12 Cool Things Coming to WoW in Patch 7.2.5 - Duration: 8:36.Hi!
I'm Hazel, and this is a countdown of my top 12 Coolest things coming to WoW in patch 7.2.5.
7.2.5 is a minor patch coming to live Legion servers fairly soon, and it's got a lot to
get excited about.
#12: Heirloom Upgrades to 110.
Legion didn't start out as the kindest expansion for alts, but we've been moving steadily in
the right direction.
In patch 7.2.5, you'll be able to purchase Weathered Heirloom Armor Casings and Scabbards
to upgrade your previously capped heirloom items to scale up to 110.
Combine full heirlooms with account wide Legion flying and the stellar experience from Invasions
and you are on a fast track to having an army of alts with no legendaries.
#11: No More Key Depletion.
In 7.2.5, you will no longer have to worry about burning your precious Mythic Plus key.
All Keystone dungeons will reward one chest with three items if you make the timer or
two items if you don't.
Finishing too slow will give you a new keystone for a random dungeon, just downgraded 1 level.
Even if you don't finish the run at all, you'll get a keystone for the same dungeon that just
kicked your butt, one level lower.
Disastrous key runs are less punishing now, so you can get -out there and pug your heart
out without fear of ruining your keystone.
#10: A New Raid Tier.
Tomb of Sargeras was technically part of Patch 7.2, but it's very likely that the raid will
open on or a week after the launch of 7.2.5.
With it we get 9 new bosses, brand new tier sets with new bonuses for every spec and the
return of those old guildies who only come back for new raid tiers.
Nighthold was great but it's time to move on.
With the new tier, we'll be able to upgrade our legendaries up to item level 970 through
a new Titan Essence quest.
#9: Flightmap Toys.
This is a brand new feature and kind of unexpected.
In 7.2.5, you'll be able to purchase toys which teach all of the flightpaths in either
the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor.
Because it's a toy, once you have it you can then learn those flightpoints on every alt
you have or ever make, forever.
They cost 15k each and there's a version for both Horde and Alliance, so if you want both
continents unlocked for both factions it'll set you back 60k.
This is a really useful perk for anyone leveling a new alt from scratch and a healty-sized
gold sink at the same time.
#8: Major Class Balance Changes and Reworks.
With a new patch comes a new wave of adjustments to class tuning.
The mighty will probably fall, the tiny will get lifted up and I'm sure somebody will be
forgotten and get mad.
The class changes coming in 7.2.5 are extensive and I recommend reading the latest patch notes
for the full gist of them.
Brewmasters in particular are getting some core rotational changes to try and smooth
out the keg-slinging experience.
#7: Black Temple Timewalking.
You asked for Timewalking Raids, and in 7.2.5 Blizzard delivers.
The Black Temple will be available to queue for during Burning Crusade Timewalking week.
On top of your Timewarped Badges, you'll be able to collect Tier 6 armor appearances,
Raiding with Leashes battle pets, and even Warglaives of Azzinoth.
Demon Hunters will be able to collect the Warglaives Appearance for mog by completing
the 'I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out' achievement.
If you have the BC achievement of collecting both Warglaives on a character that can equip
them and you then kill Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple on your Demon Hunter, you'll
earn the Arsenal and be able to transmog to a legendary for the first time in WoW history.
#6: The Chromie Scenario.
A new scenario is being added in the patch called the Deaths of Chromie.
Chromie needs our help to hopefully probably not die in some time travel bronze dragonflight
In any case, there's a new transmog armor set for each armor type from the scenario.
Maybe I'm biased from playing a Priest for too long but the Cloth looks by far to be
the best set in my opinion.
There's also potentially a new Bronze Whelp pet- The PTR has a pet in the journal labeled
as Test Dragon Pet with the moves Sandstorm, Bend Time and Cheat Death.
Potential Spoilers?
We won't know til we play it.
#5: Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon!
Originally I could have sworn it was announced that we were getting both Deadmines and Gnomeragan,
but at this point it's quite likely that they're holding onto Gnomer for patch 7.3.
In any case, Deadmines is a fantastic pet battle dungeon that you won't want to miss.
In order to play it, you'll need to have done the Wailing Caverns pet dungeon at least once
so do try and get through that before the patch.
Deadmines is better paced and I personally found it more fun than the Wailing Caverns.
It's bringing new battle pets of course, and once you've done it once you'll gain a cooldown-free
teleport from Dalaran to Westfall.
Get your teams ready by checking out my full Deadmines pet dungeon guide, linked in the
video info.
#4: Holiday Dress-up.
So maybe this isn't as high up on everyone else's list but I'm REALLY excited about this!
In 7.2.5, Holiday Appearance items such as the winter sweaters and Lovely Dresses will
be Transmoggable, but only during the duration of their holiday.
That means you can put together sets for Winter Veil, Midsummer, Brewfest, Noblegarden, Love
is in the Air and Hallow's End and then when October rolls around, wear a pumpkin on your
head right through the event.
I kind of miss decorating for the holidays in my Garrison, but this means I can decorate
for the holidays on MY FACE.
I'm so game.
#3: The Trial of Style.
I haven't been this hyped for an in-game event in FOREVER.
The Trial of Style is an in-game transmog competition where you show off your finery
vs five other players and vote for your favourites.
It's on the weeklong event rotation, so it'll be up for a week at a time but won't be available
very often.
You'll earn mog tokens for competing and even more for winning.
Save up tokens to spend on new apperances which infuriatingly enough haven't been added
to the PTR yet.
It's hard to be patient when you're this excited.
I'm getting ready for the Trial of Style by filling out my appearance collection in the
meantime, which is a pretty fund grind that NEVER ENDS.
#2: New Battle Pets!
You had to know this was going to be near the top.
So far I count 7 new pets in 7.2.5, and there's still time for them to add more.
We have that mysterious test whelp which is almost certainly from the Chromie scenario.
For finishing the Deadmines pet dungeon, we have the Mining Monkey!
On the Deadmines pet vendor for weekly-acquired bottle caps, we have the Foe Reaper .9, the
Pocket Cannon and Tricorne.
And in the newest build, we have two new pets that are supposedly from Pick Pocketing.
Steal yourself a Dig Rat and a Sneaky Marmot, although off who is anybody's guess.
That Marmots got a ten year old model but some really dope moves.
He can counter Undead with Chomp, buff his damage with Prowl and hide from attacks with
He's also randomly got Humanoid abilities with Jab, Blinding Powder and Smoke Bomb.
At first look this thing's a PvP monster and I can't wait to get my hands on one.
Finally, my #1 pick for coolest thing coming in 7.2.5- Class Specific Legendary Talent
Every single class is getting a new legendary ring, and each one comes with a socket and
gives you a talent.
That means that with that ring, you can use two talents from that row at once.
These are very obviously not finished yet and there's only a few in the files so far,
but once they're done these are going to be cool.
How good they are depends a lot on which talent they give your spec, but I love that they
don't take up a tier slot.
Tier slot legendaries are the bane of my existence and the sooner I can ditch them the better.
I think for most classes, the new rings will be middle of the road legendaries at worst.
Assuming that they drop like the other legendaries, I recommend doing your best to collect the
existing ones before the patch so you can pick up your new ring fairly early in 7.2.5.
It's mildy noteworthy that I did not see any new mounts at all on the 7.2.5 PTR.
We'll gain access to Class Mounts around this time as well as the Tomb of Sargeras drop
and achievement mounts, but all of those were technically included in 7.2.
Maybe after doing all the class mounts the mount-making-people needed a break!
It's also been quite some time since we've seen a shop mount, so that's my theory.
Patch 7.2.5 will likely drop along with Tomb or a week before in Mid June ish, so we're
approximately a month or so away.
It's looking good and I can't wait to dig into the new content.
Thanks for watching!
Let me know what you think, please consider subscribing if you'd like to see more and
have a wonderful, wonderful day.
BH4U | Boost Hair Growth In Just A Week With Homemade Hair Mask - Duration: 1:26.[music]
Boost Hair Growth In Just A Week With Homemade Hair Mask
If you're one of the unfortunate people suffering from alopecia or hair loss, you
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it from the comfort of your own home.
Here's what you need to do:
½ a banana
½ cup of beer
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoons of honey
Just mix all the ingredients in a blender and that's it! Apply the hair mask on the
affected parts on your head and leave it to work for a couple of hours. Don't worry
if your scalp burns – it's a sign that the remedy is working.
Repeat the process every day and you'll notice significant improvements in just a
Please leave your comments below, we will answer you as soon as possible. Like, share,
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What can sociology do for you? - Duration: 14:28.In this lecture, I want to talk about
what sociology can do for you, and in
particular I want to talk about the
classes, the major, double majoring with
sociology and some other major, or minoring
in sociology because sociology really
can provide you with a lot of skills as
well as a lot of resources for you to
use in a labor market. So the first thing
I want to talk about is the skills that
sociology can give you for the workplace
and for dealing with a rapidly changing
So in short, sociology provides very
important skills and these skills can
help you in the workplace. They can also
help you for dealing with a rapidly
changing world. In an article titled "Why
a sociology a major?" the University of
Michigan-Dearborn Chancellor Daniel
Little recently said the most basic
justification for a liberal education is
the idea that these disciplines can help
students gain important qualities of
mind that lay the foundations that they
will need for productive and innovative
lives: rigor, critical reasoning,
creativity, communication skills, ethical
capacities, respect for human diversity
and alike. In short, a liberal arts
education teaches you how to think and
especially how to think critically about
the world around you.
So what skills does sociology in
particular give you? Sociology will teach
you about research, including statistical
knowledge and reasoning, as well as
skills in qualitative research. So for
example in our methods classes you learn
foundational statistical techniques that
can be used in a wide range of jobs and
fields. In addition you learn how to
complete interviews and focus groups and
these are important for many careers
today. The senior research seminar
teaches students how to conduct a
research project from start to finish
building each step along the way. So
sociology is a major if you go that
route offers you three at least three I
should say courses that are specifically
geared towards research.
Don't be scared away by that because
your professors do a really good job of
walking you through each of the skills
and each of the techniques that are
needed. Also, not all of these are
quantitative research many of them
include qualitative research as well. In
addition to really important research
skills, sociology also teaches you about
the theories that can help you
understand the world around you. For
example, how can we explain globalization
and rising inequalities? This is very
important for entering a workplace in
which diversity is increasingly
important and so this gives you
important skills at learning how to deal
with people who are different from
yourself. Together, both the research and
the theory skills can provide you with
the foundation for understanding the
social world and can prepare you for
work in a global economy. Our social
world is one in which patterns of power
and group dynamics are always and
rapidly changing. In contrast to
psychology, which is also a fabulous
major I'm not knocking psychology, but
psychology really focuses on individuals.
Sociology provides you with skills for
understanding how group membership
influences people's lives and the social
world. As Chancellor Little said
recently of sociology, it is very
important for well-educated young people
to have the tools to piece together
their own understandings of how these
social forces work. Sociology teaches
students how to make sense of a rapidly
changing world. So why is this important?
Because the workforce in particular
demands that you have experiences with
understanding and dealing with diversity.
Speaking more specifically about careers,
the American Sociological Association
states that a degree in sociology is an
excellent springboard for entering the
world of business industry and
organizations. The sociological
perspective is crucial for working in
today's multi-ethnic and multi-national
business environments.
Students who graduate with a BA in
sociology and enter the job market
directly will find themselves competing
with other liberal arts students but
with an advantage—knowledge of key
social factors and a firm grasp on
research design and methods. This
advantage of the bachelor's degree in
sociology programs provides breadth and
potential for adaptability. I want to
mention too though that majoring in
sociology is only one option that you
have. You can double major in sociology
and another field. For example many of
our students double major in sociology
and psychology or sociology and criminal
justice. One particularly interesting
student I had recently majored in
sociology and business and she works in
marketing research. Her sociology degree
was crucial for her getting a wonderful
job in the business industry. Many
students choose to minor in sociology
instead to enhance their resumes in that
way. Others take classes in sociology
that they find interesting. Once you've
taken an introduction to sociology or
social problems class, you can take
virtually any other sociology
class that we offer. So I want to spend a
few minutes giving you some information
about some of the careers that sociology
majors go into. So through its emphasis
on critical thinking and sound data
collection and analysis,
sociology prepares our students to excel
in a variety of jobs. Sociology majors
work in business and industry, government,
education, research, community and social
services as well as the justice system.
On the next few
slides I've listed many of the job
titles for sociology majors and minors.
Please take a moment to look at these to
see that there are many different
directions that our graduates go after
they complete their degrees. So some of
these in business include things like
banker, business analyst, consumer
relations specialist, human resources
manager, etc etc
in terms of government, employee
specialists, foreign service officer,
human rights officer, urban planner, just
don't jump to the end. There are many
jobs available for sociology majors and
minors. We have some other fields that
sociology graduates work in,
including education, as admissions counselors, public health
educators, in research and this is a big
one because sociology really does
prepare you very well for research, you
learn about how to do all kinds of
research you could do something in
relation to the census, a census
researcher, consumer researcher,
criminology researcher, data analyst and
there's a wide range of data that really
needs to be analyzed now on social media
in particular,
interviewer, market researcher, social
researcher, statistician and survey
research technician. Some other job
titles include jobs and community and
social services and many of our students
go on to work in nonprofits because they want to
do something that they feel very passionate about, the
kinds of things that they've done
include child development specialist,
environmental organizer, family planning
work or hospital administrator, housing
coordinator, career counselor etc etc In
the justice system, our majors have gone
on to be correctional counselors,
correctional officers, criminal
investigators, juvenile court specialists,
parole officers, police officers etc
This career path diagram which as I know is
very hard to read, depicts some of the
careers that I mentioned and how the key
sociology courses helps prepare you
for different areas. So since I know that
this is hard to read a very small font
I'll kind of highlight a few of these
for you but at the center in the yellow
are many of the courses that we offer
here for the sociology major. These
include things like research techniques
and statistics, which leads you to
careers excuse me which leads you to
careers in research,
and a lot of the research
careers that I mentioned are listed here
courses in poverty, inequality, race and
gender lead to careers in advocacy or
social service agency, education, law
enforcement among others. Graduates with
the major in sociology can also find
research positions in a variety of firms
and governmental agencies that conduct
social science research. So what this
chart is depicting is essentially the
courses in the middle, which are all
the courses that we offer here lead you
into different fields and those in turn
lead you into particular job paths.
So in short there are a wide range of
career paths for sociology majors.
Sociology also prepares students for
graduate and professional school in a
wide range of fields. I have a few of
them listed here, that's not all of them.
Sociology prepares students for masters
level work in social work, PhD level
work in social work, also public
administration and public policy
graduate programs, criminal justice
graduate programs, law schools, masters
and PhD level programs in sociology as
well as medical school so because of the
breadth and rigor of our coursework in
both methods and theories, students are
well prepared for these programs in
particular our Senior Seminar capstone
course and I apologize I see that my
images cut off my words in the very
bottom of the slide so I apologize about
that I'll read you what I had written. In
our Senior Seminar capstone course, this
is a chance for students to design and
complete a research project from start
to finish. When students complete that
Senior Seminar course they come out of
the class with incredible research
skills. They've also by the way
developed those research skills in their
other research courses of which
there are several and so it's really
important to see that sociology is
really preparing you for both careers
and for graduate or professional
school. The last thing I want to talk
about is community so the sociology
community on campus is a wonderful very
supportive environment. The professors
very much care about our students so for
example, sociology is the only or one of
the only majors on campus that provides
each and every major with a PhD level
faculty mentor so mentors meet with
students every semester or as needed. If
they don't want to meet every semester
it's up to the student to determine how
often they want to meet and the mentors
so faculty member mentors meet with
students to discuss their future
coursework, their career plans, their
graduate school plans, their goals, sort
of what they're thinking about.
The other thing I want to add is that
the students are especially interesting,
engaged, and diverse. We have a lot of
students who are really, really
passionate about sociology which is why
they chose the major. They care about the
social world and they're just really
excited and interested in being there. So
in sum, sociology can really do a lot
for us. It can teach us to think
critically about the social world. It can
provide us with skills and research and
give us a deep understanding of
diversity and also our rapidly changing
world. It can connect us to a supportive
environment that can nurture our
excitement about the social world. So
just to sum this up, I just want to say
that I know that not all of you will
become sociology majors just from
viewing this video or from taking
sociology classes, but I certainly hope
that you'll consider either taking more
sociology classes in the future, maybe
minoring in sociology or of course
becoming a sociology major or becoming a
major a dual major with sociology in
another program. And I would welcome each
and every one of you to go and talk to
your professors, to go and talk to the
sociology faculty,
because we really are a very open and
supportive group and we're really
excited about having students come to
talk to us and about the major and
you know we really do care about
students and teaching
students. So just to
summarize this lecture very briefly, the
sociology can do a lot of things for you.
It can provide you with skills that are
very, very valuable in the job market. It
can also provide you with skills that
are very valuable as you begin to apply
to graduate or professional schools. And
then finally, sociology is really a
wonderful community on campus and it's a
supportive environment that we certainly
as faculty members hope that you will
find engaging and enriching. So come and
talk to us. Thanks very much for watching.
OXENFREE - Episode 2 [Crazy Cave Adventure!] - Let's Play | Gigamax - Duration: 20:59.Oxenfree - Episode 2 - Let's Play
NEW Funny Dinosaurs Movies For Children Cartoons - Animated cartoons Kids - Duration: 51:39.NEW Funny Dinosaurs Movies For Children Cartoons - Animated cartoons Kids
Royal Treatment Shampoo and Conditioner Duo For Dogs - Duration: 12:31.-------------------------------------------
What is a Facelift? - Duration: 4:13.well we're going to talk about facelifts
alright love facelifts probably should
have never been called facelifts face I
mean what's your face right your face is
a lot of things it's your eyebrows and
your eyeballs and your nose and your
mouth and your cheeks and a facelift
does nothing for those things okay a
facelift is really an operation that's
designed to handle the jowls and your
neck the lower part of your face and
neck they should have called it a jowl
neck lift or they should have called it
a lower face neck lift something like
that but that's not very catchy and so
it wasn't called that it was called a
face lift and it doesn't lift your face
what it does do is involve an incision
around the ear my preference is to go in
the little groove or crease that people
have right in front of there's a lump
called the tragus and then it involves
undermining the skin and then you've got
to deal with this deeper tissue the
continuation of these muscles the
platysma muscle that comes up onto the
face and covers over the deeper
structures of the face you've got to
lift that back and manipulate it you
got to get rid of some fat many times in
my world I like to add some fat that's
usually with needles and that's kind of
a facelift so how do you know if you're
a candidate for a facelift well you
could be a candidate for just
liposuction right if your skin the
elasticity is still really good we can
get away with liposuction have the skin
just sort of redrape bounce back to the
elasticity will sort of help it contract
right usually around 45 mid 40s
somewhere the elasticity gets kind of
marginal you know certainly into mid
50's it's rare for me to be able to just
liposuction because if I just
liposuction this it's gonna hang the
elasticity is not there anymore and
that's when we got to pull it back at
the same time
so the best thing to do is if you're not
come have a consult if you're in the DC
area I can usually tell with photos or a
Skype interview if you're more remote if
you live far away
send me or send me your pictures send me
a video but that's how you usually tell
it's really an examination kind of
phenomenon have to take a look and feel
and see how things move tell you one
thing though you want to err on the side
of conservative if you think it's going
to be a little bit loose usually just
want to pull it because the scar is so
good the scarring is really really good
it should be almost invisible within you
know a week or two could take longer if
we get into trouble with scarring it's
usually around behind back where things
get a little thick sometimes pretty
straightforward to handle it
what could happen well we'd like to see
you back the first day just because
there could be a little bit of blood
that collects under the skin and we'd
like to get that out we'd like to see
you back at a week because we want to
make sure that things are healing well
we'd like to see you back in a month
just to making sure that things get soft
we're many times we'll do a little bit
of liposuction in the jowl or in the
neck things can get hard for a while and
then we see you back at three months and
see kind of how we did it's rare for me
at this point to make a cut under the
chin to address these bands these little
these things right here the medial
borders if you will of the platysma that
the official name because I can usually
get it by pulling back this way and then
doing a little work on the platysma
this is called the FaceTime facelift
that my wife coined it turned four five
six years ago doesn't mean in some cases
I won't make a cut because I will if we
need to but all of that is also just
address the jowls in the neck which is
really what a facelift is go ahead and
hit the like button if you enjoyed this
video and feel free to share with a
friend you can stay up to date with the
latest in cosmetic surgery by
subscribing to the Austin Weston YouTube
channel and for more information on the
Austin Western Center visit our website
at or click the link
in the description below
Mia Luang Episode 3 Eng Sub - Duration: 1:38:44.-------------------------------------------
Isabelle Ve, Production Training Scheme: Researcher - Duration: 2:07.Hello I'm Isabelle Ve, and here are some
tid-bits on what I think about diversity
and its role in the TV industry.
So for me diversity is both extremely important
and unimportant. As a disabled trans woman
walking through life is not quite the
same as everyone else
Mrs Smith next door can go to a
chip shop she'll spend four quid getting
herself a nice fish and chips she'll go
home and watch EastEnders.
For me, I'll walk into a chip shop and I will
spend four minutes being spoken to about
about my junk. It's an almost put upon
me niche life experience, but diversity
shouldn't have to matter because these
things shouldn't be happening. I should
be able to go about my life how I want to.
But what does my diversity mean for
the TV industry, what would I bring... well
I wouldn't be coming to work just
thinking about diversity... that won't
be my job but diversity will be a lens
through which I see the media. So when
I see an issue or character or
documentary a concept ( Hollyoaks is
great for this ) I'll be thinking
"who are these people" you know what's
going on "is there a stereotype being
perpetuated", is there a deeper societal
problem at stake, "have these people been
consulted", that there are better way of
putting this forward many people who
watching television and experiencing and
learning about these issues for the very
first time, how do you represent them
Of course this analytical approach is
very applicable to a range of issues
Why are policemen (officers!) always shown eating
donuts! Has anyone asked the
policeman (officer!) they might not like that much
savory sweets. So I have this
very wide set approach to how I see the
media and I think this very alternative
perspective is what I'd be able to
contribute. So that's all for me thank
you very much and have a good time
wherever it is you're watching this...
I probably say "you know" again at this point.
Mia Luang Episode 2 Eng Sub - Duration: 1:40:43.-------------------------------------------
Short Meditation for Kids' Yoga (with captions) - Duration: 3:36.Get into a comfortable position.
You can lay down on your back, or sit with your legs crossed, or even stand.
Now, close your eyes.
Think of your favorite color.
Got it?
Now, think of a giant balloon of that same color.
Can you picture the balloon?
Rest your hands on your tummy as you picture your colored balloon.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, and feel your tummy fill up with air like you're trying to blow up your balloon.
Hold your breath for a moment, and feel your balloon in its fullness.
Now, let out the air by breathing out through your mouth.
You can even make a hissing sound like you're letting the air out of a balloon.
Try it with me. Breathe in through your nose and blow up the balloon.
Feel your tummy getting bigger?
Now, hold it for a moment.
Then, breathe out through your mouth.
Feel your tummy getting smaller like a balloon being popped?
Try it again.
Imagine your colored balloon. Each time you fill it up with breath and let the air out, feel your body relaxing.
When you fill up your balloon, expand your belly as much as you can.
Feel it with your hands?
Make your balloon big with your breath.
Hold it for a moment.
Now, let it out slowwwwly.
Isn't that a nice feeling? Try a few times by yourself. Do you think you can?
Breathe in -- fill up the balloon big.
Breathe out -- let out the air.
In and out.
Feel your belly getting bigger and smaller with your breath.
Feel your body relax.
Now, rest for a moment.
Imagine your colored balloon in the sky.
It's surrounded by nice, fluffy white clouds.
The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and it feels nice and warm. It's a great day to play outside.
Now imagine your balloon floating away and taking your worries with it.
Bye-bye, worries! Bye-bye!
Reach your arms up to the sky and wave bye-bye to the balloon.
Reach higher! As high as you can!
Stretch your legs like you're on your tippy-toes to reach. Big stretch!
Now open your eyes.
Look around by moving your head from side to side -- slowly.
That felt nice, didn't it? You can practice your balloon breath whenever you feel worried or upset, and it will help you feel relaxed.
When we practice yoga we can say "namaste" for goodbye. Namaste!
Helping you to plan for your retirement | Nationwide Building Society - Duration: 2:23.everybody wants enough money to enjoy
their retirement a great place to begin
is the government's pension website it
tells you the date you'll be able to
claim a state pension from and you can
also find out how much you might receive
each week you might find it's not quite
enough to fund the lifestyle you have in
mind that's why many people set money
aside each month in a pension scheme if
you're employed you may already have a
pension scheme in place set up by your
employer and if you've worked for a
number of different companies over the
years you could even have a few
different pension pots out there that
you've lost track of if so the
government's pension tracing service can
help you find them but just how big does
your pension pot need to be well it all
depends on what your aspirations are for
retirement to help you see what your
pension could be worth most pension
schemes issue a yearly statement showing
your pension figure or your potential
funds value and what income that could
produce in years to come your employer
or pension provider may offer options on
how you could increase your pension pot
say by increasing your monthly
contributions or allowing you to make a
lump sum payment every now and then
another option could be to delay your
retirement and just carry on working
even if it's only part-time
you could even defer your state pension
which will increase its value by one
percent every nine weeks you don't claim
it for which works out at just under
five point eight percent for every full
year you delay of course in the years
leading up to retirement you could
always try saving more either into a
private pension an ISA or other
savings accounts and investments so when
it's time to retire you can enjoy every
single minute of it
Mia Luang Episode 4 Eng Sub - Duration: 1:39:05.-------------------------------------------
2015-2017 F150 Barricade Rattler Steel Running Boards Review & Install - Duration: 5:05.Hey, guys, Adam here with
Today I'm bringing you a detailed overview and installation of the Barricade Rattler
Steel Running Board, available for all 2015 and newer F-150s.
The Barricade Rattler steel running board will be available for any 2015 or newer F-150
owner who might be, obviously, looking to pick up a set of side steps, or running boards
in this case, in order to help them get in and out of their truck safely, especially
if it's a lifted setup.
Now, this particular running board option from Barricade does offer a very rugged, industrial
appearance, as far as aggression goes, to replace the boring factory side steps if your
truck came with them from the factory.
Now, on top of that, even though this does carry extremely high-quality and durable,
steel-like materials, which we'll detail later on, it will carry a more budget-friendly price
As far as the installation goes, don't expect any drilling or anything like that, no modifications
It will bolt directly up.
Now, with that said, it will get a one out of three wrenches on our difficulty meter,
and I'll take you through that at the end of the video.
Obviously, if you're in the market for something to help you get in and out of your truck safely,
even if it's lifted, there are tons of different options out there.
You'll see there are side steps, nerf bars, and, of course, running boards much like this
All three of those categories fall under the same functionality but have a different appearance
and, of course, different materials and price tag, all of which will come into play when
deciding which one is for you.
Just to give you a brief overview of the differences between a side step, nerf bar, and a running
board, a running board like the one you see here would typically offer a stepping pad
throughout the entire bar, running the entire length of your cab while also be completely
attached to the body of your F-150.
Now, a side step and nerf bar will actually gap out from the body, leaving a negative
space, and would only offer that slip-resistant pad underneath the door.
Obviously, the side step and nerf bar portion would be a lot different than the factory
option, but if you're looking for more of a safe stepping portion, the running board
is definitely a safer bet.
If you're looking for a bigger change in appearance, a side step and nerf bar might be the direction
you wanna go.
Now, this particular design offers a very durable material here, with raised bumps which
actually give you that traction across the entire board.
Now, this one is gonna be a lot different than some of the other options as far as running
boards go simply because of this raised bump and drilled-hole design.
Obviously, that lets some kind of elements, the snow, the rain, the wetness, go through
the board without staying on top and gathering in a puddle, while the raised bumps get a
lot more traction to your boot while hopping in and out of the front and rear of your cab.
As far as materials and construction goes, this is manufactured out of an extremely tough,
heavy-duty steel which is great for durability, exactly what you'd want in a side step or
running board.
Now, in addition to that, it does offer a 6-and-a-half-inch stepping area for the width
which is actually a little bit bigger than most of the different options out in the aftermarket
Huge bonus for the guys looking for a maximum amount of stepping area.
To finish it off, it was completed in a black, powder-coated finish to help with corrosion
resistance and just make it that much more durable, extending the lifetime.
Now, although side steps, running boards, and nerf bars are typically described and
advertised as added protection for the sides of your truck, I wanna stress that if you're
doing some extreme off-roading, constantly tackling those big trail hazards, this definitely
won't be the side armor that you might be looking for.
Now, if that is the case, there are tons of different, more protective options out there.
But considering this attaches to the side of your F-150, expect it to protect against
door dings and rock chips maybe in the parking lot, but nothing too crazy while doing some
extreme off-roading.
As far as the pricing is concerned, this one is gonna fall on the more budget-friendly
and more affordable side of the pricing spectrum which is exactly what you can expect from
Barricade across the board.
Now, this one's gonna come in right around the $280 to $300 mark, and the price differences
will come in with regular cab, super cab, and super crews, obviously depending on your
personal trim.
Now, that, I wanna keep in mind, is a very budget-friendly part, but it does come in
with really high-quality materials which is great for guys looking to save money, saving
the wallet while also getting some durable stuff.
The installation is also going to be extremely straightforward.
You can probably get this done in about 30 minutes to an hour, of course, with extremely
simple hand tools.
You wanna have a ratchet and socket set on deck, and, really, that's about it.
It definitely comes with all the hardware and brackets you need to get the job done,
so I will be giving this a one out of three wrenches on our difficulty meter.
Obviously, the first thing you need to do is locate the pre-existing mounting holes,
already located on the interior wall of your rocker panel.
From there, you can take the brackets included in the kit from Barricade and bolt those up
to those set holes.
Once that's taken care of, and those are torqued down to spec as per the instruction manual
included in the kit, you can pick up your Rattler steel running board, put them onto
the brackets, and bolt them down.
Now, it's not the heaviest thing in the world here, but I would recommend having a helping
hand on deck, just to balance this thing out and keep it leveled while you work the ratchet.
All you gotta do is repeat that process for the opposite side, and you're good to go.
Just to wrap this one up here, if you're the owner of a 2015 or newer F-150, I'd recommend
checking out the Barricade Rattler steel running boards, which are available right here at
How To Coloring Hello Kitty Coloring book for Kids Hello Kitty in the shower Funny Coloring Book - Duration: 10:04.How To Coloring Hello Kitty Coloring book for Kids Hello Kitty in the shower Funny Coloring Book
Healthy Family Meal Prep for the Week! - Mind Over Munch - Duration: 11:05.Meal prep, eh?
For one person only?!
What if I wanna prep for my whole family?
Blah, blah, blah.
I'm here to help!
My munchies!
I'm Alyssia if you're new, welcome to the channel.
I am SO excited to share this episode because there have been SO many requests, and it makes sense!
Meal prep is great to help stay on track, but a lot of people still have to cook for more
than just themselves, so how can that be done?
It's hard to please everyone, everyone's lifestyle and schedules are different, so
I'm going to give you some tips and ideas that you can take and make your own when prepping
for a family, by sharing this meal prep for four that I designed.
I don't have kids, but I do have a few people in my household, and I'm still going to
keep this "kid AND adult friendly."
For breakfast I'm prepping overnight oats for the week.
Now the best way I've found to make overnight oats in advance is to store them dry on their
own without any liquid.
If I were just prepping for one person, I'd prep individual jars, but since I've got
20 BREAKFASTS for the week, four people and five week days, it isn't really feasible
for me to store them all individually.
Instead, I'm storing in bulk.
In a large container, I'm mixing oats, sliced almonds, raisins, coconut sugar, chia seeds,
cinnamon, and salt.
I'm giving that a mix, it's easiest to just shake the whole thing, and it's ready
to go in a large storage container to keep for the week.
NO messy dishes!
You can of course adjust the add-ins to your family's preferences.
For instance, you could have a "kids" and "adults" container if you prefer different
The tough work is now done!
The night before, all I have to do is scoop out some of the oats from the large bulk bin
into a small jar, add milk, stir, and refrigerate!
It's MUCH easier to scoop the pre-made mix than to measure everything out each night.
In the morning, it's ready to go!
You can add your favorite toppings and enjoy!
For lunch, I'm sharing a really nifty hack—freezer sandwiches!
Sandwiches are also great because you can adjust for everyone's preferences, AND you
can switch them up throughout the week so you don't get bored with the same combos
every day.
Some fillings freeze well, and some don't.
I'm going to give you three combos to get started with and share some tips to help,
but I do encourage you to get creative and make YOUR favorite sandwiches.
First up, an ABJ!
I've got some good old whole wheat bread set out assembly-line style, but I know one
person in my family prefers sandwich thins, so no problem!
Have fun with different types of breads, Ezekiel works great, and even pita and tortillas can
work just fine to switch up the style and flavor!
I'm going to spread almond butter on one side in a nice THICK layer.
On the other side, I'm adding a really THIN layer of nut butter—this is going to act
like a "raincoat" of sorts, to keep the jelly from seeping through the bread when
we freeze and thaw the sandwich.
Then we can dollop on our jelly, spread, and assemble.
Add to a labeled zip top freezer bag, make sure to get all the air out so there aren't
any gaps, or else you allow room for freezer burn.
To store, place them all in a larger freezer safe bag OR just back into the sandwich bag
Clever, eh?!
Then you can freeze for up to three months!
Simply thaw out the sandwich the night before in the fridge, or you could even go straight
from the freezer to the lunchbox the morning-of!
Next up: Turkey & Cheese!
I am using different varieties for different people! Meat and cheese freeze well, but low-fat
cheese doesn't tend to hold up as well, so go for full-fat varieties if you're going
to freeze.
The key here is to place your condiments on the INSIDE of your filling ingredients.
I'm spreading hummus on my cheese, and mustard on my turkey.
I can then sandwich those together in the middle, so the condiments aren't touching
the bread.
Again, this will help keep it from getting soggy!
Package up as you did before.
Now, I personally like some veggies on my turkey and cheese sandwich, but since they
don't freeze well, I can simply add a little sandwich "kit" to my lunchbox, that I
can then add the day of!
It's got some sliced tomato and cucumber to give my sandwich a little more flavor,
nutrition, and volume.
The last one I'm going to show is a tuna salad sandwich.
First, we need to prep the tuna salad.
We've got canned tuna, dried onions, relish—and now traditionally, you see mayo in tuna salad,
but oil doesn't freeze so well.
I use Greek yogurt in tuna salad all the time for a nutritional boost, but that doesn't
freeze well either.
HUMMUS, however, is a great creamy substitute that WILL freeze.
I'm also adding in some cracked black pepper.
Depending on the salt levels of your other ingredients, you may also want to add salt.
Adjust to your preferences.
To keep the bread from getting soggy this time, I'm using thinly sliced cheese on
either side of the bread, and then sandwiching the tuna salad in the middle.
Freeze it up!
Now another cool thing about freezer sandwiches is you can also HEAT these if you want.
I know kids may not have access to a microwave, but if you are eating these at home or at
an office where you have a toaster oven or stove, you can totally turn these sandwiches
into grilled variations by adding a little butter and frying it, OR simply use a panini
I can easily turn the tuna salad into a tuna melt!
Trust me, you'll be very IM-PRESSED with the results.
It's pretty neat, and it's a fun way to keep switching up meals throughout the week.
If you're enjoying these tips, tricks, and ideas, be sure to subscribe and hit the bell
so you don't miss any content each week!
For lunch, I'm also prepping some snacks.
Hummus with veggie dippers.
I chose bell peppers, celery, carrots, and snap peas, but you can use your family favorites.
Again, rather than storing in individual jars or packets, since 20 jars of veggies would
be a little obnoxious, I am using one of these veggie-saver containers, which I will link
below, to keep the veggies fresh.
The night before or morning-of, I can simply portion them out, and I'm using one of my
favorite nifty tricks—hummus in the bottom of a jar for dipping with veggies on top.
I'm also pre-portioning some nuts, since these are easy to store in the pantry, and
if I pre-portion, I am much less likely to over-do it later.
I did a few different combos to suit my family's preferences.
I also have some mixed berries that are ready to pack day-of.
Not all of the family members like berries, so I've also got clementines and bananas.
That lunch was so easy to throw together, and everyone gets what they want!
For some additional afternoon snacks, I'm boiling up a ton of eggs.
Now, in my last meal prep episode, I showed my fool-proof method, so be sure to check
it out if you need help, but you can use any boiling egg method you prefer.
And then I am also prepping some air-popped popcorn!
I LOVE air popping my popcorn because NO oil is needed, so it keeps this whole-grain snack
I can also season these to my family's taste preferences.
I've done a few different flavor combinations.
First, I add a spritz of cooking spray to help the seasonings stick, and then add salt
with parsley flakes to one, nutritional yeast and salt for a cheesy flavor to another, chili
lime seasoning (which I got from Trader Joe's and LOVE), and salt and cinnamon for a sweeter
Spices make it really easy to keep things interesting WITHOUT added fat or expenses.
Popcorn will last a week or two once popped, but remember that air popped popcorn doesn't
tend to be AS crispy as oil-popped.
I've also got bagged apples for anyone who wants them throughout the week as an extra
On to dinner!
Rather than prepping dinner in advance for the ENTIRE week at once, I'm making it easy
on myself with some slow cooker and one-pan meals.
First, I prep some basic rice with a bit of fresh cilantro for flavor, and quinoa with
fresh parsley.
I can store them for the week and serve along with my meals.
The slow-cooker meals are a minimum of 8 servings each, so they'll last me two days each for
my family, AND they're freezer friendly, so they can be stored for a few months, too!
First up: slow cooker chili.
To a freezer safe bag, I add chicken, which is completely optional and not necessary if
you prefer a vegetarian or vegan dish, onion, black beans, white beans, red kidney beans,
diced tomatoes, canned green chiles, minced garlic, paprika, chili powder, cumin, oregano,
and salt n' pep.
Seal it up and freeze!
Or, if you're going to use it the next day, you can refrigerate.
Thaw it out in the fridge the night BEFORE you are ready to use it, and then all you
have to do is add it into the slow cooker, along with frozen corn, and frozen bell peppers
to make my chopping life easier!
Let it go all day while you're at work, or throw it in when you're back from work
for a few hours before dinner.
Serve over your parsley quinoa, and I added a dollop of Greek yogurt as sour cream, and
save the rest for leftovers for the next night or later in the week!
The second slow cooker freezer meal is black bean fajitas—a meal perfect for meatless
Mondays, and it's actually vegan, too!
To my freezer safe bag, I add sliced bell peppers (I chose to slice these because that's
how I like them in fajitas, but you could use the pre-cut frozen peppers again to make life
easier), diced tomatoes, canned black beans, sliced onion, chili powder, cumin, paprika,
red pepper flakes for a kick (or omit if your kids aren't into heat) and salt n' pep.
You could of course also add chicken or beef if you prefer, to have the extra protein.
Same as before, freeze and thaw out the night before using.
Cook in the slow cooker all day or just for a few hours, and serve with tortillas, toppings,
and your cilantro rice for a fun fajita dinner!
You could also just serve this as a salad over greens, or as a rice bowl—there are
A LOT of options to keep it versatile for your family.
Thumbs up if you want MORE freezer slow cooker meals!
Okay, the last dinner is a one-pan sheet dinner.
For this meal, you could make the sheet pan dinner and then store it for the week.
OR you could prep the items you need and store them, and then quickly bake it up before dinner.
It's up to you.
I used store-bought pre-cut butternut squash and Brussels sprouts to make my life easier.
Either way, you're going to line a baking sheet with parchment and add butternut squash,
Brussels sprouts (or whatever vegetables your family prefers) and chicken breast.
I used two sheet pans, because one wouldn't fit four servings worth, but I can still throw
it all in the oven together.
I add olive oil to the vegetables and season with salt and pepper.
I also added some chili powder to the squash, and then tossed to coat.
For the chicken, I simply brushed with a low-sugar barbeque sauce.
Bake in an oven preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 25 to 30 minutes, until the chicken
is cooked through to 165 degrees Fahrenheit and the veggies are roasted!
This is an easy way to get FOUR meals in one oven at one time!
And that is my family meal prep for the week!
Remember, your possibilities are really endless!
Yes, meal prepping requires planning, ESPECIALLY when it's for a family, but if you take
a few minutes to plan, you'll save HOURS throughout the week and set yourself up for
success, and it is POSSIBLE to be accommodating to different family preferences with a little
bit of effort, just by prepping the basics.
I also have a meal prep eBook that is designed to help with EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE meal
If you use the code "FAMILY" at checkout, you can get 10% off any eBook or package this
week only!
Also, on Monday I shared three other sheet pan dinners—if you want to see more of those,
you can check it out!
If you found this video helpful, please share it!
Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing!
I will see you next week for a brand new episode, and remember,
it's all a matter of Mind Over Munch!
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