now remember about a year and a half ago
it broke in Idaho that reportedly some
teenage boys raped
not teenagers no
now they've pled guilty and admitted to it and I have a
special report on that coming up at the bottom of the hour
that I shot
the real news
Alex is getting it wrong just in his response to the suit
they weren't teenage boys
it's good to
see you Lee you and I have known each
other 22 years something like that
no probably 25 years
there you go
you were so on the cutting edge with
digital video visual effects animation
how did you make that transition to journalism
well I've been doing TV and film
production since I was 14 I was an
intern on a TV show I made music videos
that are in the Museum of Modern Art
I mean by made I mean I was a PA okay so
there's a Commander Cody video for two
triple cheese side order of fries there's
all these french fry houses I made the
french fried building (laughter)
and my dog's in the video and then I did
visual effects I taught a lot as you
know yeah I did a whole series of
training videos I did the whole series
of training tours then I ended up
working at Access Hollywood as a graphic
artist and we had a lot of paid vacation
mm-hmm so we had Christmas off and
Thanksgiving the week you know what I
mean right I started making YouTube
videos I started making YouTube comedy
2007 so ten years ago and I ended up on
CNN twice I was on the left at the time
I was a Democrat that's the other thing
that we need to talk about it yeah you
made that switch here's a good way to
get on TV quickly make fun of Republican
ha ha ha I didn't realize it at the time
but if I'd made fun of Democrats I never
would have been on set I just
realistically right I never would have
been on CNN but I made fun Republicans
boom rocket ship to fame there I go so I
was on CNN twice within a week and the
first video I did got like 35,000 views
the first night or 51 hours opinion
YouTube YouTube it was eat like a year
old Wow
so part of it was experimenting to me
part of it was was let's try this
YouTube thing so I made a account and I
did come I did improv comedy
li for ten years and then we think two
weeks Time Newsweek Rolling Stone had
all written about me I was being called
a genius make fun of Republicans boom
right to the top that ended up with me
being offered a gig at The Huffington
Post to do my comedy there and at The
Huffington Post you could do if you were
doing HuffPost comedy you could also do
how close news because you literally hit
publish it would be on the site there
was no editing Wow yes so the John
Edwards story broke where he'd been
caught in the Beverly Hilton Hotel
coming out of a room at 3:00 in the
morning and I read I heard an
interesting definition of the difference
between an amateur and a professional
recently there's a writer Grant Cardone
and he said a professional can predict
things and so I thought about that I had
developed the ability to predict news
events because I would say this is where
this is going to go and it's where it
would go and I was I was invariably
correct I just played it through him
like he's coming out of a hotel room at
3:00 in the morning he hides in the
bathroom from reporters he calls the
police to get him out of the bathroom
Wow now how do I know that yeah I called
a Beverly Hills place so then I do
research to write I give basic research
so I called the Beverly Hill Police I'm
like is it true that you got John
Edwards out of the bath so you were
baiting them or you know either
I read all right but I didn't trust it
right I did not trust it right but I
wanted to find out for myself if that
had happened because I think it was the
Enquirer who was reporting it and so I
called the Beverly Hills Police
Department they said yes we hadn't
rescued him from the bathroom
and I just played it through and I'm
like okay well I asked my wife I said if
I had come out of a person's room at
3:00 in the morning and hid in the
bathroom for reporters and called the
police would you be suspicious honey
and she said she would be and so I
played it through and I had the ability
to write about news and I being opposed
so I did a piece another post and at the
Daily Caller I was writing at the time
and I said seems to me probably was
doing something he shouldn't be doing
I don't usually trust Inquirer but they
didn't lie their reporters caught him
coming out of the room and out because
why were they there yeah why did he hide
and I said look I've been married a
couple times I've cheated I was a
Democrat right so I'm saying I'm not
passing moral judgment on the guy but
let's get this scandal out of the way if
he did it he should come forward and
admit he did it and then you should go
bake bread for a year and monastery and
then we're done that was really my
thinking and I didn't think it was
controversial I thought people would go
well yeah sure that makes sense he could
have been president absolutely yeah and
here's the thing I admit it I have
cheated however I did not do it while I
was running for president nor as it
turns out did I ever get my mistress
pregnant and then have a friend of mine
it's claimed that he'd gotten my
mistress pregnant and then have my
mistress move in with that friend and
his wife and their kids which in were
John Edwards oh my god while his wife
was dying of cancer now right well yes
and I didn't do that either some like
you know though I'm not saying I'm
perfect but that's pretty big I could
ask something there right yeah and again
I'm not one of those people I really am
reasonable I mean people like well
Donald Trump was married three times and
I'm like okay he's got me
he's got me beat by one but okay and I'm
not really one of those people and I'm a
Christian I'm not one of those people
who people are human and they make
mistakes and I'm to me I can deal with
someone cheating I really can I don't
expect perfection and I think it's a
weird standard for politicians but all
of that stuff I just said a lot and then
by the way and then I didn't also when I
found out my mistress was pregnant I
didn't privately call her a whore which
is what he did he basically called real
hunter a whore a slut bring it I forget
the term does it matter now right but
that's bad right and so so anyway so I
reported on that but nobody else
believed that everybody else was like no
no he didn't do it and what I said was
and I recently reread this I said let's
be honest if he was a Republican oh yeah
we'd all be all over this story and we
wouldn't say well it's the Enquirer
ignore it so first off the first
principle was I didn't ignore the story
because of the source right which is a
big principle of mine I don't care who
writes the story I checked it back
second I ran down the facts third I
tried to think it through and I asked
for simple fairness okay which is if
we're going to do this to a Republican
we should do this to a Democrat and vice
right if a Republican was caught coming
out of a hotel room every Democrat would
have been on it I said I don't see
anybody on the Left talking about it and
I'm just trying to be the voice of
reason and non hypocrisy and very
quickly I got kicked off daily cause
banned for life Wow now why if you were
accurate why would they do how ha good
turns out that Marcos the guy who runs
daily cause had a book coming out in a
few months but guess who wrote the
foreword for the book maybe John Edwards
close Elizabeth Edwards uh Oh either
worse alike oh now my conjecture is that
that may have had something to do with
the decision I don't go down that way
yeah as House of Pain the irish-american
rap group said I ain't going out like no
Punk bitch so they kicked me out the
only cause so I write about it you see
what I'm saying
they like it out I get fired from
Breitbart for a story I'm correct on I
talk about it sure that make sense yeah
journalism is a very difficult career
laying down does not help you so when I
was kicked off for a story that I knew
was it correct
because I wasn't jumping ahead and
forming 900 crazy conclusions then that
made me actually go okay screw you
so then I looked into it more and I
ended up breaking news on it I ended up
breaking stuff that nobody else had but
wait a second did you get from the left
at Huffington Post all the way to bright
so I really like interviewing people and
I've interviewed Kevin Smith the
director and Congressman Steve King and
Michele Bachmann and just a lot of
people at the time Andrew Breitbart was
completely controversial he couldn't get
on Fox News it was a timely shirt
Shirley Sherrod incident so anyway I
found out somebody I knew knew Andrew I
called Andrew I said I'd like to
interview you I found out that the
Huffington Post was Andrews idea that he
knew Arianna he knew Roy Sica who was
the editor at the time and I was like
okay okay this guy is interesting to me
you know I wasn't inclined to like him
and then when we talked I really liked
I just liked him personalized he had
four kids I had kids who were similar
age and blah blah blah blah blah and I
really liked the guy and he wanted he
was working a story which the Pigford
black farmer scandal which the 30-second
version it was black farmers who said
that they were treated unfairly by the
USDA had settled with the government but
right before the settlement was approved
by a judge
the lawyers decided rather than give
these 600 farmers a half a million
dollars each which would let them do
something half a million dollars we'll
let you buy some more land or whatever
they said let's open this up so that if
you claimed you de tempted to farm you
can get an automatic payment of $50,000
now there were only about a couple of
thousand black farmers in the entire
country and it ended up tens of
thousands of people buy on these claims
and got an interesting check of $50,000
Wow but further guess who didn't get
paid the guys that brought the suit the
actual black farmers and guess who was
the biggest single recipient Shirley
huh who got 13 million dollars for her
and her farm new communities Wow and
Andrew thought that this Tickford story
was really interesting and he'd been
talking to black farmers and he said
I've looked into your work you're
obviously the edward's things are
obviously honest and I don't think
either of you were brave but he may have
fearless is what I would say here list
is a good yeah right so he knew but he
knew he knew that the agenda was not
more important than the facts for me is
that I've said yes he said I don't want
to tell you too much about the story
look into it yourself see if you think
there's something there mm-hmm I looked
into it I called him back in a couple
days I said yes it's obvious to meet her
something there and I think you're on to
something and I'm a filmmaker what if I
went on the road for a week and
interviewed this guy and I could shoot
the interview and he said okay so this
is great he said I didn't want this
story to die in the right-wing media
ghetto so again this is something about
Andrew he specifically sought out
somebody with a different ideological
framework than he had but who we knew
was good at getting the facts because he
thought the story was important this is
all lost today at five years after
Andrews death people are at loggerheads
and I'm not I'm still loyal to
Commission so I went on the road for a
week found some stuff when I wrote for
another week end up being in the road
for three months three months later I've
broken the story broken major news on it
interviewed a dozen people all
throughout the South dug up documents
and everything else
I go to CPAC I meet Andrew for the first
time we've been talking every day right
and that sort of began a working
relationship and again I was raised in
Massachusetts then I lived in Southern
California right there the odds of me
being liberal or 100 to 1 right
and I was a teenage libertarian I went
down Iran's funeral and stuff like that
so I I've been libertarian then I got
out of that and then when I got back in
I thought about
recently the reason I became a Democrat
when I got back into politics was
specifically because I didn't like
George Bush that's an easy one and you
know what I still don't like George
course not and so so we're at a time of
I think big political change and I
didn't have the word for it at the time
I didn't have the word populist for it I
didn't have the word I'm an
anti-establishment I would have said
that because again I'm a punk the punk
thing is important to me because and by
the way when I say Punk I mean you know
solder moans in 1979 saw Black Flag at a
roller rink when Henry had long hair
right in front I mean that's what I mean
at a roller rink I was right at the
stage Henry was potentially sweating on
Wow tendons right forward right but the
reason it's important is nothing to do
with the music in a sense huh it's
important for two reasons number one
it's this fearless screw you attitude
number two its DIY its do-it-yourself
don't ask permission to start a band
don't even worry just if you want to
start a band start a band does that make
sense you've always done that every day
and it's in journalism school it's like
just go do it and it's like that's in my
DNA so I mentioned the punk thing
because I because I realized in
retrospect that yeah that was important
because it's not because I was also I
was a punk who also like the Canadian
power trio Rush you know so I like prog
rock too right yeah so it's not even
about the music cause I like jag like
all kinds of music it's that fearless
attitude and it's that DIY attitude and
I lost all my friends when I when I
started working with Andrew Breitbart
that's the point I'm trying to make well
I had time in Newsweek and Rolling Stone
called me a genius and then I start
working with Andrew Breitbart and all my
liberal friends were like and I was like
okay but here's the story you're going
to read the story you know like our
story and people are still like that
today I didn't really know about Andrew
or Breitbart until other mutual friends
of ours handled us that you were working
for Breitbart and I was like well what
the hell is that I mean this was a few
years ago yeah you mentioned that
Huffington Post was his idea
we mean by that how is it his idea
Andrew is this
no hype and I'll explain it Andrew is
one of the most important figures in the
history of digital journalism you cannot
tell the history of digital journalism
without telling about things that Andrew
Breitbart was a quarry one Monica
Lewinsky he was working for Drudge when
the Monica Lewinsky story broke Andrew
used to set the front page for draw Wow
so let's just start there if you're
telling the history of digital
journalism you can't tell it without
talking about the Monica Lewinsky story
and how drugs broke that story when the
mainstream media wouldn't touch it so
that's number one number two if you're
going to talk about another big event
the founding of the Huffington Post
completely changed the nature of news
blogging and took it to another level
well that was literally Andrew Breitbart
idea he worked for Arianna Huffington
which he was a Republican continued to
work for at her house in Brentwood when
she became a Democrat and he went to her
and said you need to take your golden
rolodex and turn it into something then
I would argue also that the Shirley
Sherrod story was another benchmark
moment in digital journalism I would
argue that hiring me to cover the
Pickford story was a major achievement
that he doesn't get credit for not
because of me but because here's the guy
on the right hiring somebody on the left
- that he didn't hire me because I'm I'm
a yes person right in fact he wanted me
to look into Shirley Sherrod a little
bit because he was clearly interested in
her I said I'm not going to do that I
said I'm oh you were almost his his test
against himself well that's exactly
that's why we've talked every day and
again this is something else that's lost
I'm somebody stirred by the sink of
pantry that I see right now in the media
towards quite a torch you know towards
everybody everybody roots for their own
side and nobody wants to root against
their own side and so there's this
reflective reaction and people now
who've been doing this for a year try to
tell me know
tell me what to do because I've been
doing this for a while and I watched
Andrew Breitbart do it
I got everything happening I've been
Docs I've been put in jail I've been in
real band I went to Lebanon when you
weren't supposed to go there was a
travel advisory not to go to Lebanon
I've been tear-gassed right Wow
I've had great threats against my wife
I've had my dress put out there all this
stuff right and so for people who've
been doing this a year to come along and
go well we're criticised in the
mainstream media it's like well welcome
to the party yeah welcome to the party
some of us have been here for a while
and Andrew was there before I was an
Andrew of course an a-hole Andrew took a
lot of arrows too so just a circle back
to finish the story so I met Andrew I
lost all my friends on the left now
after Andrew died a year later the New
York Times said I'm working on the story
so I'll give you everything because I'd
already planted like live in the story
yeah so I'm very mean you know me I
don't believe in proprietary yeah like
let me let me keep my techniques secret
I don't keep my technique secret I've
never you know damn you doesn't it and
the reason why is because my trick is
not the techniques it's that I audacity
it I do the work yeah I do reckon I
don't I don't give up so I've never I
want more good journals right now I want
more good journalism I don't have any
secrets and it bugs me and I'm really
passionate about it because that's what
I want I want more good journalism so
anyway the New York Times did a front
page above the fold story on the Pigford
scandal and confirmed everything that
Andrew and I've been reported so all of
the hits that we took I was called a
racist immediately by Mike by Media
by Eric bowler why would they say that
though you're that's what the left up
ending them I was absolutely learned
that's what the left just immediately
call you a racist they're dishonest
liars unfortunately they're dishonest
liars as critical as I am of people on
the right sometimes the left is far
worse and left media is far worse and
that's again why when people come in
try to lecture me unlikely you don't
understand how the media works I'm like
you who are you that's like just the way
I feel it this was like who are you you
where were you five years ago where
we're eating one years ago when you were
only around you know I mean everything
everybody's doing now with digital media
I mean it's taken for granted I also
remember this - because you were around
I so want published Video Toaster user
yep and then I had a column at the back
of the magazine I was talking about the
median remember you I do remember it now
that you bring it up I had totally
forgotten about Video Toaster user
magazine but but think about it because
I would do editorials at the back and I
remember them now bigger picture stuff
about here's the media and here's the
way and even like politics like the anti
just goes back to the punk thing the
anti-establishment thing right it was
always like oh look here's a way in like
here's a way in like I could make a TV
show I could make a movie I could record
an album I can do a blog I can do it's
just like oh look I because computers
are good and I've owned them since the
trs-80 Eric trs-80 - an Amiga to
Eusebius to Vienna
right and granted so so I've been doing
that since I was 14 so you've been there
from the start you're talking about
organizations like Breitbart Media
Matters this is everybody knows about
now ten years ago nobody heard of these
things nobody knew about that so Media
it's a there's a center for where it's a
Podesta Clinton reverie Clint was
publicly bragged about starting media
Maddox and the trick about Media Matters
and even a a well-known I'm not in a
stinger name but a very well-known
left-wing media personality told me in
the past year they said I used to think
Media Matters was like an objective
source and now I figured out there
Clinton Schultz ah yeah and now you
figure that I think they did he or she
but all right he but they told me that
and though I understand it because yep
okay so one of the big problems on both
the left and the right is media bubbles
if you're in this medium bowl and
that's all the time and you don't get
any external stimulus or challenges or
you're told when cults recruit you
particularly client cults like
Scientology or s or the forum or life
spring all these client cults one of the
things they do is they they bring you in
on a low-risk thing they'll bring you in
for a seminar and at the end of this at
the end of the seminar logo
okay now everybody oh we I want you to
be aware when you go home you had made
everyone here you know the amazing
emotional experience you have but people
are going to try to talk you out of it
they're going to say we're a cult don't
listen to them they're trying to hold
back your growth
I said I'm saying yeah and they say
don't listen other people don't let
other people well that's what people do
in media bubbles and I'm very wary of
anybody who tells you don't listen to
other people I'd say listen to everybody
I'm not critical to people and people
like oh I need to talk about the mic
servicable there why even talk about
well first time you talk about me a lot
but second off I'm not saying don't
listen to what I'm saying I'm aware of
what he does
feel free to listen to him but he's bad
for business or I I mean I've been real
critical some of the stuff Breitbart
done recently that was a bad report
she's a bad report it's embarrassing
they can't handle criticism you know
honest criticism I can always handle I'm
interested in honest criticism and it's
one of the reasons I try I got on my way
to make myself so accessible know
somebody just got insulted right that
devolves to that if it's all weird very
quickly with some people with some
people they're like they're like
critical or whatever in that's that's
fine another advantage I had in doing
this was when I was 17 or 18 years old I
had dropped out of two colleges by the
time I was 16
Wow I went to Simon's Rock early college
and Springfield Technical Community
College for telecommunications
here on out of 16 / so I was learning TV
and film and then I dropped that up for
semester and then I spent a year reading
philosophy and so a lot of rhetorical
techniques argumentation techniques when
I say it's second nature to me that's
not quite accurate but it's stuff I've
been studying for 40 years or something
like that a long time and I'm very good
at it and so knowing how to argue and
being able to identify fallacies and to
think through stuff has helped me a lot
in journalism but it's not taught to
most people high schools don't really
teach it they don't eat people don't
know how to do it or they don't really
know how to do it on their own you're
right because I think what this whole
devolution of these conversations it's
coming from a place of frustration the
person who can't answer you with
something well thought out just like oh
well you're a racist
you work for Breitbart you're a racist
for instance it's an ad hominem if I say
if I say one plus one is two you're a
racist doesn't respond right that that
denies that's right yeah if you look at
human history we're at an interesting
point now where we have more access to
information than ever before at any time
in human history yeah instant access to
all of it but our ability to this goes
back to what I just said about not
teaching basic critical education
critical thinking skills is worse than
ever ended up one side the left that
smugly thinks they control scientific
thought and evidence they had that
stupid March for science last week right
and all these people walking around with
evidence like oh like evidence it's like
you don't even know what evidence is
right if so curiously when they want to
see evidence and when they don't worry
about all the evidence that was on that
email server nobody thought that was a
big deal it's smugness Andrew Reese
referred to it as the I gave it the
office ethics in other words simply
being liberal makes you a morally
superior person to liberals I am better
I'm a liberal I'm better than you
because I'm not racist I'm not
system homophobic I'm in favor of
science I like puppies right like
although my basket of deplorable thing
was just throwing gasoline on that fire
exactly right yes the rise in the 60s of
the left on the west coast happened at
the same time as the rise in the 60s of
Scientology and asked and life spring
and all those client cults at all the
form all those it all happened at the
same time and there's direct connections
and the reason that happened direct
connection between what the less well
for instance Cesar Chavez was friends
close friends with a cult leader and
there were connections between those
groups Jim Jones Jim Jones People's
Temple Guiana where 800 people drank the
kool-aid and died right Jim Jones was a
respected part of the San Francisco
democratic political machine
he was a housing supervisor he would go
out and gather votes for Democrats and
when I spent time in Oakland last year
went to the newspapers for the People's
Temple and when I was going through the
newspapers like in real time when it
happened on about day three the lead
story in the San Francisco Chronicle was
Democratic leaders scrambling and it
showed Dianne Feinstein Willie Brown
they were all close to him Jones and
suddenly he's Jim he's not Jim Kelton's
he suddenly Jim Jones does that make
sense yeah he's the Colca how many how
often do you hear today Jones not
everyone knows the Jonestown is how many
people talk about his connections to the
Democrats zero
now why was okay so how did why how does
that similar I started to get this
because I was interviewing people in new
the Black Panthers and who said they
were a cult the Black Panthers yes a
journalist friend of mine said they were
a cult basically she said never heard
that I'm gonna be salty here but she
said she said what is it cult do they
control who you fuck where you live what
you do for work they control your whole
life right the Panthers they live
communally they control
work they controls were you fucked
situation they would not allow you to if
you look at the Weather Underground one
of the things that Weather Underground
did was they immediately started
splitting up couples so if you came into
to the to that group you and your
girlfriend then everyone is going to
fuck your girlfriend and you you with me
to take away that solid that are exactly
right they talked about this openly they
would specifically do this and if you
work good but you're like well I'm not
gay you are now Wow
and they did that on purpose why do they
do that they do that to break down and
the resistance is a very culty technique
that's what happened all these groups
and so the Panthers like I say they live
communally they have harsh punishment
date they would they do this thing
called mud holding yeah where if you
broke the rule they would gig a ditch in
the back and fill it with water and dirt
and then they throw you into it when you
try to get out and kick you with their
boots right that's what they would do or
they would whip each other with bull
whips this is a black room this is
admitted by them in their own books if
you broke a board if you've got the
newspaper out late they would pull with
now while psychologically when you're
black and you're being bullwhipped
yeah that's to fuck with your mind
that's the oh right that's the reason
you need grading and so when you look
into these groups and the techniques
that they used explicitly right and then
you find out that you may Newton was
friends with the cult leaders and that
she's a Chavez the trinsic co-leaders
and all these Democrats and all of these
groups took people who've moved to the
west coast who were rootless picture
this you're in New York in the 60s or
you're in Ohio or West Virginia you move
to LA moved to San Francisco you're free
yep and there's drugs and there's people
are dressed less because the weather is
nice yep and you're in a hot tub and
you're smoking weed you're drinking wine
and stuff happens right yeah and blah
blah blah and you've got that now you've
created people who are rootless and
their families not they're their
families back in Ohio their families
back in West
Virginia in New York right so who's seen
so those people end up developing a
craving for a family which is why the
Manson Family which is that's why you
see them saying and Jonestown it was
your family so they create these fake
familial units to appeal to people
there's a reason that whole thing those
are groups all over each other and dealt
with each other so it's a very
interesting phenomenon that I think has
created a cult-like atmosphere on the
left and the way they do it is by that
they say we're good we want a better
come join join Stone Joe sounds a
racially diverse because it was it was
black people the People's Temple
here's your giveaway for the left some
by the way the People's Temple a meant
that enough Marxist way right if you get
people to get into that group right if
you don't say to them hey we're going to
whip you until you leave and talk and
that's what you're going yeah that's not
appealing it's like we want freedom and
justice this is exactly what the left
does as soon as you go outside the ring
a little bit don't I mean I can tell you
over and over and over again people who
were on the Left and if you try to stray
off that reservation or a bit they just
put you down well that's very culty and
by the way this is what bothers me about
the stuff I'm seeing now with people on
the right is people who know who learn
these techniques right and now try to
apply this they want to shut that up and
I called it the call right and it
bothers her and then I see the
fanaticism that the people get on this
stuff where if I question a story they
don't go like well here's some evidence
they go like so if you question pizza
gate you're you must be a pedophile yeah
they rely on their emotional response
rather than saying well wait a minute
here's a fact that you didn't know about
pushing that story actually or promoting
they actually promote it so when I
questioned the facts and a story and I'm
okay with people agreeing to disagree
I'm okay with people going like
I guess we don't agree on that I still
think there's something here you don't
that's fine but when you call back
quickly on ad homonyms it's just I I I'm
old enough now where I just see in the
bothers me so see this goes back to the
media stuff I was talking about 25 years
ago I was always in favor of you can be
your own news yeah right and I'm okay
with there being more bad news but
people even the alright I'm afraid of a
speech person so I'm okay with people
talking about that but I don't agree
with it and daily stormer wrote
something because I said my poster
racism and I explained why I'm opposed
to racism I'm not a collectivist I'm an
individualist you had said that you are
going to be making a documentary on
what's going on with George Soros well
George Soros is clearly important and
we're doing a segment about what he's
doing in Macedonia he's a big funder of
the left but really what I'm doing is I
want to make a film about the
institutional left and Soros is the easy
way to pull people into it a lot of
people on the right have heard of George
Soros but they're not aware of the Ford
Foundation or the Kellogg Foundation of
the John D and Catherine T MacArthur
Foundation or the Packard Foundation or
all of these other groups in case of
Ford who spend more money than Soros so
this is what the institutional left is
is it's a group of institutional funders
who spend billions of dollars and this
explains the Kabuki theater that we see
in the media it's it's much more than
fake news okay so for instance let's say
you're flipping through and you see on
YouTube you see a report on democracy
now and on democracy now they've got a
professor talking about a protest that
happened that was a black lives matter
protest that 20 people were arrested at
when the black bloc started breaking
windows and the professor is explaining
to you the significance of this uprising
in this
now what you don't know is that the
protesters were organized by a union
who's funded by let's say Soros the
lawyers who are at the protest making
sure the cops are backed off yep we're
funded by Soros the protest organizers
are paid by community organizing groups
who are funded by saw results all
alinsky stuff well this is all but this
is this is the institution so now we got
unions we got lawyers we got protesters
some of the protesters were paper the
organizers were also paid right that the
professor who's explaining it to you was
paid by a grant from the group and that
the show that you're watching is funded
by the same group so literally every
aspect of it is Kabuki theater that's
all puppet mastered by this group does
that make sense yeah but what you think
when you're watching is wow these people
are upset and they hate Trump it's good
television what you don't know and what
the people involved don't even know is
that the people funding it are really
rich and they're using this whole thing
to keep themselves really rich they have
a tremendous amount of money they like
cocktail parties they live very well
this is the Clinton Foundation's and the
Open Society Foundations in these perks
and by the way and they also fund the
politician through a PAC that's going to
be on the same show and talking about a
political response whether it's cory
booker or whatever right so what I'm
saying is what you see on TV is often
completely puppet mastered by these
groups of institutional people now Soros
is one of them and he's a major one yeah
but he's not the only one by the way
maybe there are some teachers involved
and they got their students too
about their high school students even
we've seen this and they were college
students for sure college students for
sure right and so the institutional left
is this group of organizations labor
academia media legal community
organizing etc etc all funded by this
set of institutional funders who spend
billions and billions of dollars to
create the illusion of political
consensus for their crappy ideas that
all has been a result of keeping poor
people down keeping middle class people
docile and keeping super wealthy
globalist super wealthy and none of its
conjectures the biggest news story in
the world is how much the news that most
people know and take for granted is
wrong yeah this goes back to the Edwards
story that I covered it first this goes
back to every almost every story I've
covered that's why so many people are
like oh well you know about the media
it's like I do what people know and they
take for granted
is usually wrong yeah but they know
about the student hill story or the
serious story or the Russia story they
don't know this and that's why I'm so
obsessive about trying to get facts
right so when I say the biggest story is
the matrix the biggest story is that
most people don't own the actual story
on memmer's we started to see behind
that curtain with the whole when they
start talking about fake news and this
goes back to what we learned in the
direction so now we've got a situation
where people are they realize that what
they're getting is not right that's very
troubling for a lot of people and a lot
of people tell me I don't know what's
real what's not exactly right is a real
psychological yes and that's what
bothers me so much about these New Age
people on the right and everything a lot
of people I said like I said I've been
critical Breitbart in the Christmas
service having critical of Alex Jones
and I think these are all sources people
should look at but I think also people
on the right should
them accountable and go hey Mike you got
that wrong
hey Breitbart why are you promoting
Ivanka Trump hey Alex you're getting
this stuff wrong ain't no worse
the flip side of that is audiences have
a responsibility to the media to hold
them accountable right Steve Annan said
that at CPAC you need to hold us
accountable so I see people going along
go low whatever Trump wants to do is
okay with me I'm like you advocated your
responsibility and people need to do
that with the media and I don't know how
else to say it if we're up on the roof
the citizen journalism school building
here what I call it and it's a beautiful
view Yeah right
yeah and I saw you backing up towards
the end of the roof right you're backing
up you're backing up I'm not being
supportive if I go well you know Jason
has his way of walking I have my way of
walking who oh look he fell off your
supportive if you go hey dude stop
you're backing up and quite frankly if
you if we were drunk up there and you're
running around it might be my
responsibility to do something and if
you were really going nuts to call
somebody you know this is like Bill
Gates oh so you've got a brief spot by
the way this is what happened right
before we did the interview I think
you've got a responsibility to a lawyer
to Andrew Breitbart stood for I'm loyal
to what Donald Trump stood for and that
means to me sometimes if I've got to be
the guy to go hey we're off track here
you recently did a really good interview
with Ray McGovern yeah about a question
that he had asked to Michael Flynn yeah
and I think it's it's it's been buried
not your interview but I'm saying this
whole Michael Flynn issue they just
basically say always having dinner with
Putin he works for the Russians no good
yeah as the Barry talked a little bit
about the loss of Michael Flynn and how
that's impacted the Trump presidency and
where we're going to go in the future as
a base well in retrospect
we didn't know at the time about the
rising power Ivanka Trump and Jared
Kushner and Gary Cohen and Dena Powell
right we didn't know about that at the
time getting rid of Flynn and putting
McMaster in there has been a disaster
foreign policy-wise for the Trump
administration and the thing people
don't know and they should really go
watch it for themselves
is watch what Flynn said in Russia
because what he said in Russia was
against terrorism and if you listen to
the interviewer the Russian propaganda
interviewer from RT the horrible Russian
propaganda interviewer if you watch the
interview very good Journal you find
yourself going way twice and our media
absolutely right and and I I'm not cool
that anybody who watches that interview
I think will go it's totally legitimate
why is why aren't we talking about this
why is CNN going to simply be working
with Russia the situation in Syria is a
mess for everybody it's affecting the
whole world people need to be able to
repatriate back we get that and you need
to be able to stop terrorism and we get
that and you need to be able to stop
this uprising if someone were to step up
to the plate and say Iran you chill out
Saudi Arabia you chill out Assad you
shell out here's what's going to happen
here's the deal this is over god it's
over it's almost like an adult stepping
in with two kids who are fighting and
just saying the fights over
but the problem seems to be that for the
past many many years the guys that run
our government seems to be working for
Saudi area that's exactly right not
telling them what to do but you see what
I'm saying what I just explained there
that would work now here's the thing
let's flip it the other way you can't
say what I just said to Isis now it's no
longer a fight between two kids it's
just like between a kid and a rabid dog
you can't go to the rabid dog
okay rabid dog listen in a chef if
Russia backed it - and by the way I
believe that's a deal we could get you
it's too late now the missile strikes
don't think it's too late I still
absolutely not realistically that's the
path forward that would solve a lot of
problems in the world today but in so
many ways the media the fake news has
really actively worked hard with the
Russia hacked and all of this to create
an environment where Donald Trump
realistically couldn't even meet I think
Putin even may that's why they did that
that's why they did it but what I'm
saying Michael pointers is so that there
isn't backed a way forward
it's kind of so obvious nobody wants to
say it out loud right
I've had this periodically it's like
well okay why am I the one talking why
do I live I'm not the John Edwards thing
that's literally what I went through in
the core story I covered it was like why
the one talking about this and then I go
screw it I don't know I am so I'm going
to write so why am I am I a high school
dropout the one who can figure out the
Syria thing I don't know but apparently
I am because I don't hear other people
saying yeah and my idea is I'm going to
keep saying it out loud and I think
people are going to go yeah you know
what that seems reasonable I'll bet if
we got together with Russia Saudi Arabia
in the position they're in right now
where they need us because Isis is a
rabid dog that they created and they
don't want it going back on them we can
say to the Saudis if you want stay in
we'll help you defeat Isis everyone
needs to chill out on this stuff we can
bring Israel we could easily Trump could
do it and go we're going to chill out on
this stuff right but part of the issue
is the big people who make money and I
talk about genie oil which anybody can
look up genie oil as a company it has
drilling risers but the goal on which is
between a change legal and Syria this is
the other reason like I say that I
oppose racism anti-semitism is because a
lot of these situations are complex and
soon as I hear people get overly simple
and stuff like Israel what's the right
thing in Israel and the answer is it's
Israel is not a lot of people on the
right like to go Israel is awesome yeah
yes they are but it's complex yeah
they're certainly better than most of
the other countries
Middle East that I can think of but but
we're not Israel the United States does
not in fact Israel and Israel's got a
second set of it's got its own
priorities and there is a rights issue
in Golan Heights or whatever between
them and Syria and frankly imagine if
the United States got together on that
said hi you might end up splitting the
baby down the middle here and you guys
but you know what you're rather at fifty
percent of something than 100% of
nothing and right now fifty percent of a
baby as it did baby well but you know
but on something like the Golan Heights
that might be the world right but that
but what does negotiating that you hear
the Bible story that was a negotiating
tactic and my point is I don't even see
anybody reasonably trying to negotiate
these things right so reasonably
negotiating things things being
realistic about Israel it means being
realistic that Kushner clearly cushion
ur not diseased George Netanyahu was
slept that Bibi Netanyahu slept at
Christians house she made the comment
why talk about it well because it's
obvious it's been another thing it was
announced before Kushner was so what I'm
saying is we don't just have a situation
where it's like Kushner zone Tricia he's
a Jew it's like okay well whatever
that's not my point
my point is I know plenty of Jews who
didn't a DB sleep at their house right
yeah in fact most Jews out of right have
not Andrew Breitbart met Netanyahu never
slept at his house and Andrew never
urged missiles being fired into Syria
was it is Raju's
yeah and most people think Breitbart is
a bunch of Nazis so I know that raise
really grace all out the runs is Jewish
and Joel Pollack is Orthodox and Ben
Shapiro when he worked at company was
worth the docs and so we have we had
people who don't work on Saturday in the
news business because then they don't
because they keep the Sabbath they don't
they're they're serious you know I'm a
pretty strange how far the truth is from
well my god and people and started the
you're the Jerusalem bureau huh and here
in Klein I get just go down the list it
would management a lot of the management
right but it's Jewish but like I say he
didn't watch missiles and BB didn't
sleep at his house and so it's not guilt
by association it's just like let's be
realistic about this Kushner's got a
unique relationship with Netanyahu let's
just that's unique that is unprecedented
on president politics relationship so
we've sort of got like the president law
listen Lee there's no end to what we can
get us here but I really appreciate the
time yeah bet I'll see you soon
you bet legs very much yeah
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