Peace be with you.
I wish to warn all Muslims that you have been deceived by Iblis.
Whether or not Iblis in the Quran is one and the same person as Lucifer of the Holy Bible,
it is not the main topic of discussion in this article.
Both Lucifer and Iblis rebelled against Yahweh Almighty and Allah, respectively.
So they are either the same person or servant of the same master, Lucifer the adversary
that is, commonly known as Satan or the devil.
Iblis is the chief jinn based on the Quran and he refused to pay homage to Adam when
all angels were told by God to prostrate before Adam, the first creation of Yahweh God after
His own image and likeness.
As a matter of fact, both Christians and Muslims have a common enemy who is Iblis or commonly
known as Satan.
There is no god who introduced himself to Muhammad any where in the Quran: I am Allah.
But the Quranic version of God spoke to Prophet Moses, I am Allah, appeared three times in
Quran Ta Ha Chapter 20 verse 9 to 14, Chapter 27 verse 9, and Quran Chapter 28 verse 30
are plagiarised version from the Torah of Moses.
The Eternal God spoke to Prophet Moses in the Torah for 27 times, I am YAHWEH your Elohim,
and for 71 times, I am YAHWEH.
As a matter of fact, YAHWEH had spoken for 158 times, I am YAHWEH in the Old Testament
Hebrew Bible.
Lord Yahushua ben Yahweh had declared in the Gospel that the Scripture cannot be broken,
based on John Chapter 10 verse 35.
The Word of Yahweh is Eternal likewise His Law cannot be nullified.
When Lord Yahushua Messiah said: I am the Son of Elohim, in John Chapter 10 verse 36,
He meant, I am Elohim, based on His statement: I and My Father are Echad and that He defined
Echad to mean, the Spirit of My Father is in Me and I am in My Father based on John
Chapter 10 verse 38.
Furthermore, Psalms Chapter 82 verse 6 is the Law of Yahweh delivered since the time
of prophet David that the phrase Sons of Elohim, means Elohim.
But the author of the Quran disputes with YAHWEH in Quran Chapter 9 verses 30 and 31
in respect of two honorable titles of Jesus Christ called The Son of Elohim and The Lord.
Right in Mark Chapter 12 verse 36, Lord Yahushua Messiah quoted Psalms Chapter 110 verse 1
whereby the Holy Spirit moved the mouth of Prophet David to speak: YAHWEH said to My
Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
As David himself calls Yahushua, My Lord who is Allah to dispute with the Christians who
imitate Prophet David to call Yahushua is My Lord?
Prophet Moses had declared: The secret things belong unto YHWH our Elohim: but those things
which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words
of this law.
" Deuteronomy Chapter 29 verse 29.
Whatever has been revealed by YAHWEH to the Hebrews belongs to the Hebrews in Israel,
and it has nothing to do with the Arabs in Saudi Arabia.
By analogy, the Israeli BMW Car bearing registration plate DEU 2929, is missing and it is found
parking inside the compound called Quran.
The registration plate is gone but the chassis serial number bears the same serial number
in the logbook except with some numbers have been tampered with.
The chassis serial number bears the code Moses and burning bush fire.
The owner of the compound have to surrender BMW Car to the rightful owner.
If the owner of the compound insisted that the BMW Car belongs to him but unable to prove
that he acquired it legally from the former owner, then he is guilty of theft.
Under the court of law, the author of the Quran is guilty of plagiarism as there is
no proof that Allah spoke to Muhammad personally and told him his name.
So the Hebrew version of Moses was told by YAHWEH about His Name is original and valid.
Under the precedent law of any nations, the Law of Israel shall overide the Quran.
There is no room for doubt that Allah has not spoken to Muhammad: I am Allah your Elohim.
Furthermore, the author of the Quran claimed that Allah spoke to Muhammad for the first
time to give him the scripture which his forefathers were neither sent the scripture nor, the apostles
to them, so as to guide them from idolatry vide Quran Saba Chapter 34 verse 44 to 45,
Quran Al Qasas Chapter 28 verse 45 to 46, and Quran As Sajdah Chapter 32 verse 2 to
This implies that both words Allah and Kaabah were used to worship Allah and 360 gods and
goddesses including Allat, Al-Uzza and Manat before Muhammad was born.
So Allah had a wife Allat during the pre-Islamic period until Muhammad came to force Allah
to divorce Allat, Al-Uzza and Manat.
Can you imagine an Arab man can force Allah to divorce three goddesses who were partners
of Allah?
I did not fabricate this false charge against Muhammad.
This is based on the Satanic Verses incident written by historian Al Tabari on how Muhammad
spoke from his mouth that those three goddesses were intercessors of Allah and later he changed
his mind and fabricated an excuse that an Angel reminded him of Iblis cast words upon
his tongue to say: They are the high flying cranes whose intercession is to be hoped for.
If Iblis can cast words upon the tongue of Muhammad unaware to him, then he is a false
prophet based on Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verse 20 for speaking in the name of other elohim.
So who is the God that spoke to the prophets based on the Quran Al-Imran Chapter 3 verse
81 whereby two prophets must confirm a later messenger or apostle, like Muhammad?
The task to declare the first Shahada is the work of two prophets since the covenant of
prophets is plural of prophets besides Allah as stated in Quran Al-Imran Chapter 3 verse
But this task of the Shahada has been shifted to non Muslims for converting to Islam.
Whoever is saying the Shahada: la ilaha illa Allah; There is no god except Allah, is guilty
of blasphemy.
The example of some Arabs declared to the author of the Quran: you are an apostle of
Allah, may not be acceptable to Allah but they shall be classified as hypocrites, as
told in Quran The Hypocrites Chapter 63 verse 1.
This implies that there is no evidence that Shahada is spoken by Allah himself.
For instance, when the commandment to forbid erecting the standing image like the Kaabah
in Mecca, YAHWEH declared His Name: I am YAHWEH your God, in Leviticus Chapter 26 verse 1.
Yahweh always mentions His Name in almost every statement He made to the children of
For thus saith YHWH that created the heavens, Elohim himself that formed the earth and made
it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited:
I am YHWH; and there is none else.
" Isaiah Chapter 45 verse 18.
How could the Shahada harmonize with the words of Yahweh who says there is none else besides
Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this
from ancient time?
Who hath told it from that time?
Have not I, YHWH? and there is no Elohim else beside me; a just El and a Saviour; there
is none besides me.
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am El, and there is none
" Isaiah Chapter 45 verse 21 to 22.
Even Iblis the Satan and jinns know that Allah has not spoken to Muhammad directly: I am
YAHWEH your God.
But YAHWEH had inspired the scribe of Prophet Yahushua to write in the Book of Joshua Chapter
24 verse 26 three words Elohim, Allah and YAHWEH in the same verse.
YAHWEH has not redefined the same word Allah to mean His Name.
As the Scripture cannot be broken, there is no way for Allah to be equivalent to Elahh,
the Aramaic word for Eloahh the Hebrew word singular of Elohim.
Elahh, Eloahh and Elohim basically means Strong, whereas Shaddai means Almighty.
But when Elahh with double H is edited by removing one H to become Elah, codified as
H424, it is equivalent to Allah Hebrew word codified as H427 which means Oak tree.
The meaning of one Hebrew word Elahh can be changed totally by a change of a single letter.
This speaks of the divine inspiration of YAHWEH is most precisely moved by the Holy Spirit
to speak each word clearly and accurately.
Nowhere in the Quran, Allah spoke to Muhammad directly, I am Allah.
So there is no god in the Quran who called himself, I am Allah or my Name is Allah.
As a matter of fact, the pagan culture of the Arabs is the root cause to encroach into
the Hebrew word Allah which means an oak tree.
In fact, three Hebrew words, Allon, Elah and Allah, mean an oak tree for the different
species of oak.
Messiah Yahushua ben YAHWEH is He who inspires His prophets to speak for Him based on John
Chapter 16 verse 15 whereby all words of the Father belong to Him and the Spirit of Truth
merely executes for Him by taking every word from Him and show it to His apostles and prophets.
It is not a coincident that Prophet Yahushua the successor of Moses and Lord Yahushua ben
YAHWEH bears the same Name Yahushua in Hebrew, commonly known as Jesus in English.
In fact, Yahushua son of Nun has the original Name called Hoshea, based on Numbers chapter
13 verse 16 and prophet Moses called Hoshea by the prophetic name Yahushua pointing to
the coming Yahushua Messiah in the first century A.D.
Muhammad did not confirm that he spoke for Lord Yahushua Messiah who owns all words of
the Father.
Hence, Muhammad broke the covenant of prophets in Quran Al-Imran Chapter 3 verse 81 by failing
to agree with what Lord Yahushua Messiah has spoken in John Chapter 16 verse 15.
It is Iblis who refused to obey YAHWEH but tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit
and then she also gave to Adam to eat.
It is the same Iblis who refused to obey Lord Yahushua Messiah but tempted Muhammad to fabricate
Esa the false Jesus, by saying what Messiah Yahushua ben YAHWEH has not spoken, so that
he can continue to mislead the descendants of Adam concerning the Name of the true God.
May YAHWEH Almighty prevail over the falsehood of the Muslims for misleading the Christians
away from the path of truth to follow the path of Iblis.
The Shahada of Islam is the basic deception of Iblis which no Muslim can prove from Allah
is the original Name of the Creator of the Universe.
Nowhere Allah has spoken to Muhammad directly in the Quran: I am Allah.
For more infomation >> All Muslims or Christians have been deceived by Iblis, the Satan? - Duration: 12:07.-------------------------------------------
Ashe Gets Emotional Talking To Her Daughter | Season 1 Ep. 8 | SHOTS FIRED - Duration: 1:47.
I'm wearing your bracelet.
I never take it off.
It reminds me I did one good thing.
You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and the fastest,
and the strongest, and the bravest.
If you ever feel down, you hear my voice telling you that.
I know this is hard.
But just remember, this is part of your journey.
And one day, you'll be proud you made it through.
You'll be like a super hero.
You are the very best part of me.
Embrace your fearlessness, OK, and your curls, and your pretty
brown skin, and your butt.
You got that from me, too.
You are loved, OK, so deeply.
Don't ever let anyone take that truth away from you.
If anything ever happens to me, I need you to know this.
I love you, Books.
Master Roshi's True Power- Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:45.
In this video, we will talk about the God of Martial Arts in DBU- Master Roshi.
In Dragon Ball Super Episode 89, Roshi got some action for the first time after resurrection
F, and this gave us an idea as to where he currently stands in terms of power.
It was a really funny episode, Yurin who was in the crane school back in the days, came
back to seek revenge, as Tien never agreed to fight with her.
Master Roshi saw through the wickedness and was thus being extra perverted or maybe he
didn't, he was just being himself.
This scene really cracked me up; Goku never breaks the bro code!
So, basically this Yurin girl mastered Witchcraft to take revenge on Tien, she gets Tien's
student as well as Master Roshi under her control.
As Master Roshi was still playing around with her in the name of fighting, she was able
to catch him off guard.
Now, Goku and Tien were easily able to stop the students, but the case was not going to
be the same with the master.
Because he is the same guy, who built the basics of the best warrior in the world Goku,
this is the same human who displayed the biggest feat in the Dragon Ball days by destroying
the moon, this is the guy who was able to defeat The Great Ape, an Ape that had the
potential to take down the entire planet, this is the guy that grabbed 18 just like
that, he is the Master who invented The Kamehameha Wave and that is the most iconic attack in
the history of anime and the world of fiction.
Anyways back to the episode, Tien decides to take on Roshi, with the aim of removing
the scroll.
He spars with let's say base form Roshi for a while, but Roshi gets the better of
it as they both land on the ground.
Roshi then goes maximum power, and buffs up to his hulk form.
Tien takes his shirt off and uses the Four Witches technique for the first time since
Dragon Ball.
Things look pretty intense as two monstrously muscular fighter clashes, but for some reason
unknown some fans would rather have 2 kids with 0 character depth fight, instead of these
expert martial artist with prolonged history.
I absolutely don't know why some people choose to be the things they choose to be,
but in this case, I think the only reason those guys would rather have 2 kids in action
is because they are Saiyan, and they think only Saiyans should matter in Dragon Ball.
Anyways, Roshi charges up one of his signature or finishers, it's an electrical attack,
I don't remember the name right now, and is this able to counter Tien's Four Witches
Technique, but as we know the match gets interfered by Goku who deflects the Kamehameha away.
He then spars with Master Roshi for a while and gets surprised at how strong Roshi is
when he is not holding back.
This also confirms the fact that, Roshi kept training throughout the years but in secret.
Unlike what you might hear from many haters, this is not a sudden and desperate move.
It was made very clear in Resurrection F, that Master Roshi kept training and gained
enough strength to be more resourceful than Yamcha and Chiatzuo at least.
During the battle, it was said Yamcha and Chiatzuo were too weak to be there, but as
we all saw Roshi did just fine.
So, it has been long since they established that Roshi is now more resourceful than Yamcha,
and it was bound to happen.
As Yamcha's work ethics is really awful, after hearing about the tournament he could
have gone to training right away, but no he waits at home.
However, since Master Roshi's skills, technique and battle intelligence is of a superior level
he can be useful in any fighting situation with just a decent amount of power.
Especially, in a battle royal setting where skill is the priority.
Killing is not allowed, and so on.
Also don't forget the fact that Goku and Master Roshi brought him some mystical weed
By the way, I just want to mention the fact that Goku interfered the fight between Roshi
and Tien, and that he deflected away the Kamehameha wave aimed towards Tien does not in any way
confirms Roshi is stronger than Tien or Vice Versa.
The main reason Goku interfered, wasn't because there was no way Tien could win or
to save Tien's ass.
He interfered to save time, to get the job done faster.
This fact is made even clearer and obvious when Goku going against his nature abandons
the fight and makes Chiatzuo distract Yurin, which in turn made Roshi inactive as he was
under her control.
Apparently, many fans didn't get this concept for reasons unknown.
So, Goku actually didn't defeat Roshi, he was made inactive so that he could get the
job done faster.
Otherwise, the fight could last longer, so DBS is keeping us in shades of mystery in
terms of Roshi's power.
This time-saving effort once again proves that Goku interfered to save time, not Tien.
Besides, Tien obviously wasn't willing to inflict serious damage on Roshi, but Roshi
who was under control just wanted to tear Tien down.
If you notice, Roshi used a finisher attack, this is the same attack he used against Kid
Goku, and it actually has the potential to kill opponents.
Back then, Goku wasn't able to escape out of this attack as Roshi was holding him up,
Goku then looked at the moon and turned into his Great Ape form.
Roshi was still able to hold The Great Ape with this technique for a while!
On the other hand, Tien was literally using nothing he just popped out two extra arms
which assist mainly in hand to hand combats.
Tien's finisher move would be the Tri Beam which he didn't use; neither did he use
the solar flare or any of that.
It just baffles me that some fans are concluding by their imagination that Tien is 100% confirmed
to be weaker than Roshi, and is bashing Dragon Ball Super based on that misinterpretation
they created.
Roshi was out for blood being under the spell, obviously, case not same for Tien, he wouldn't
want to do that.
It's a simple equation get it, right.
I hope those of you who watched this video will spread this explanation, and whether
in social media posts or conversations you will explain what actually happened, and defeat
the trolls with facts.
Now, Goku interfering to save time was in the plot reason.
Externally, the reason Tien didn't get much action in this episode is because he is already
scheduled for a good amount of action in the next episode that is Dragon Ball Super Episode
Where he will be teaming up with Goku to fight Piccolo and Gohan!
The preview summary says, he will be using some unique techniques giving Gohan a run
for his money, but obviously he won't be able to keep up as Gohan, Piccolo and Goku
are 1st tier fighters of U7.
Nonetheless, I hope it would be a treat for all the Tien fans.
So, guys try to see through things.
It's almost like there's a group of people, who just watches every single episode of Super
only to make illogical negative comments against it.
I bet Dragon Ball Z would get even more bashed if it was airing for the first time in this
snowflake age of the internet.
Also, I think making Roshi relevant in Super was an excellent decision.
This guy has so much history behind him, and is also equally entertaining to watch., but
I have a feeling just because Roshi was in a lot of comedic scenes people tend to forget
who he is, and where he stand in terms of importance or the respect he deserves.
I will give you one example, like fans, create memes on facebook where we see Goku is in
a beam struggle with Beerus, then on the bottom picture we see Bardock saying something like
' My son is a god..', but we never see memes with Roshi's picture attached in a
similar way, where it says Roshi took 50 years to invent the Kamehameha Wave.
Goku learned it from him, and now his student is making him proud by using it against a
Hell No! you will not get that.
Like, that doesn't make any sense.
Bardock appeared in only one or two episodes, and yet he is more popular and respected than
Even though he didn't do anything that significant, Master Roshi is the guy who built the basics
of Goku's fighting.
Also, current Master Roshi is way stronger than Bardock of that time, but it just annoys
me that no one is willing to respect him.
By the way, don't get me wrong, I also like Bardock, he is such a badass character, after
all, my issues is on the other side.
Besides, out of all the characters in Dragon Ball.
Master Roshi hiding his powers makes the most sense, because he has shown such tendencies
Finally, after all these years, DBS is trying to make them relevant, is trying to give them
some importance, and I think it's one of the best decisions Super ever made.
One sector where Super is ahead of Dragon Ball Z.
Additional information, spoilers alert, Majin Buu is going to miss out the tournament of
power, and shockingly Frieza is going to be the one replacing him, and he will only get
resurrected for 24 hours by fortune teller Baba.
Do let me know what you think about that, was it really necessary to bring Frieza back
once again?
Since we already had Frieza in DBS, wouldn't it better if they brought Cell back, and somehow
explain that Cell found a way to increase his powers while he was in hell?
Comment your thoughts and opinion down below.
See you in the next, Dragon Ball Super video.
Sound of the Sun – The Voice of Universal Consciousness - Duration: 7:51.
of the Sun � The Voice of Universal Consciousness
BY Christina Sarich
Most of us are familiar with the Sun as the main source of visible light and energy on
our planet.
There is another phenomenon of the Sun � it�s magnetic influence on us, and every living
thing on the planet � which fewer are familiar with.
The domain of the sun�s magnetic influence (also known as the �heliosphere�) extends
billions of kilometers beyond Pluto.
This magnetic field has profound effects on all living things on Earth and strongly affects
human consciousness.
You could say the sun is changing its tune, but we need to know how to listen so that
we can harmonize with its music.
We can see this influence created by solar activity throughout certain periods of human
history, often marked by social and psychological unrest.
However, the sound of the Sun, which has been compared to the sound of OM, can also be recreated
into a musical harmony, as discovered by a team of astronomers at the University of Sheffield,
headed by Professor Robertus von F�y-Siebenb�rgen.
These scientists have been studying the magnetic loops on the outer layer of the Sun�s atmosphere
� known as coronal loops � and have discovered that they behave like sound vibrations of
musical instruments creating a musical harmony.
F�y-Siebenb�rgen states,
�The coronal loops vibrate from side to side because they are �plucked� rather
like guitar strings by the blast waves from explosions on the surface of the sun.�
The scientists have also found that �the loops vibrate backward and forward in a way
that mimics the acoustical waves in a wind instrument.�
The sound of the Sun is not something that we can easily hear, because of the composition
of the space between the Earth and the Sun and because of the limitations of the human
Human beings only hear in a range that includes sound frequencies from about 15 to about 18,000
waves, or cycles, per second.
The general range of hearing for young people with good hearing is 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Though all objects in space have their own sound, since they also have their own frequency
of vibration, we are unable to discern them.
You can even hear some intriguing radio waves that NASA�s Cassini spacecraft collected
near Jupiter, or the earth�s �song� created by plasma waves hitting a radiation
belt, but they had to be altered to put them within the human range of hearing.
Audible sound cannot travel through the vacuum of space, however, so the scientists at Sheffield
had to recreate visible vibrations generated by the sun�s coronal loops using satellite
Then, they turned the vibrations into noises and adjusted the frequency so that they could
be heard by the human ear.
The result was a sort of musical harmonics.
In many ancient religions, the sound of the Sun is considered the most sacred sound of
the Universe.
It was described by the ancient Hindus in the Vedas thousands of years ago as a mantra
that can be intoned with human speech to result in �Aum.�
Although the sound could not be heard audibly by the Vedic scribes, they were still able
to identify its existence thousands of years ago, possibly through an elevated consciousness
achieved through meditation or yogic practices.
Were these humans able to tap into the Universal consciousness and perceive the sound of �all
Astronomers believe that coronal loops are involved in the production of solar flares,
which in turn disseminate highly-charged particles out into space.
Increased sun activity can have interesting effects on Earth, including affecting electronic
equipment, overheating power grids, and damaging satellites, but they also have an intriguing
effect on human consciousness.
Particularly after X-class solar flares, most people experience a host of psychological
and physiological symptoms which can include:
� Headaches � Heart palpitations
� Nervousness � Agitation
� Emotional overwhelm � Nausea
Some assert that as the coronal energy hits our biological form � our cells � it awakens
deeply held memories and wisdom.
This solar energy affects our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions because it is igniting
our own conscious ascension.
Because the energy of the sun (in the form of massive amounts of photons) is a much higher
frequency than what we are used to, it can trigger the release of old, stored emotions,
thus causing the symptoms (and others) listed above.
Some have called these �ascension symptoms� but essentially we are receiving the same
influx of energy which knocks out power grids and messes with WiFi signals.
By understanding the patterns in the �music of the sun�, Professor F�y-Siebenb�rgen
believes we can start to better understand, and perhaps even predict, solar flare activity,
but we can also predict human unrest and put it into perspective.
These changes will hit us fast, too, because photonic light, or photons (quantum energy)
moves at least 10,000 times faster than the light we can see with our eyes.
This doesn�t mean we should panic, though, but instead prepare for these psychological
and physiological changes and know that they are being instigated by the deep wisdom of
the sun�s energy as it too, expands.
The earth receives only one half of one billionth of the sun�s output, and on average, it
takes about 100,000 years for a photon to travel from the sun�s core to the surface,
but as the sun�s coronal ejections become more intense, we will feel the sun�s �sound�
in the form of transformational energy, and its music harmonizes with our own personal
�The Sun is playing a secret melody, hidden inside itself, that produces a widespread
throbbing motion of its surface.
The sounds are coursing through the Sun�s interior, causing the entire globe, or parts
of it, to move in and out, slowly and rhythmically like the regular rise and fall of tides in
a bay or of a beating heart.� ~ Kenneth R. Lang
Battle Bay The Shark is Hungry Ep. 9 - My First Commented Video - Duration: 3:20.
Hello people of Battle Bay
This is my first commented video
In this video I'm in fleet with my friend Spitfire
and we are against my friend kenzer
and fixer Brizo, and they are tough guys
It will not be an Easy match
But I have cover of Spitfire
he is a great fixer and he is armed to the teeth
So let's go
Here comes Kenzer
I can't get too close this guys because they are tough
Brizo have an Epic tier 5 Carronade
and it is deadly
and kenzer usually play with Flare Gun and Blast Cannon
that is a Evil combo
If he catches you is gone
I need to corner someone
and this is so hard because they are attacking togheter
so It's no good at all to pursue the Defender because he is distraction
let's go
It would be better to take down brizo first.
We need to take him down because he is healing the enemy
and that way my missiles are no longer efficient
so they are inside and this is the chance to get them
Let's go with me guys
I think this is time to rain missiles and put end on Brizo
very good
with Tatalox's help
let's go Kenzer
I think it's not your day Bro
still equal 4 x 4
Is not easy for us, they are attacking hard
i'm going turn here
and I will take this late guy
Angry Beast unlucky day for you
shit what a grotesque missed shot
Kenvil get out of my way, I need to take my food
It's hard game with so much missed shots
They are smart and know that missiles will not effect behind the wall and cover
very good
But I need to finish with my food
Ohh he stolen my prey
I'm still hungry
Let's go Kenzer
I need to take you down because you can turn it to your side
Suui%$# confusing name
I will take him down because I don't like this nickname
Will be you
sometimes I make some mistake, but it's ok
Kenzer I think this is the end
Now it's just over
take it
This is it guys
This was another episode of Battle Bay the shark is Hungry
See you
The Best Time is Now - Show Up For Yourself - Make Things Happen - Duration: 22:04.
hey hey hey Facebook friends and family
is your girl Dallas G coming at you live
from ATL on a Monday day Monday morning
good morning to you guys what is up its
Monday it's a new week to rock it out
and get started what is going on in an
18 I've been in the ATL area this
weekend I came down to visit some
friends as well as to hook up with some
other entrepreneurs
it was simply awesome guys it was
actually my first time doing my first
meet-and-greet my first e-commerce
brunch and I really do believe that
everybody was blessed by the experience
and so was I so I started out here doing
some touring in the area having some fun
with a friend of mine and then the next
day we did our e-commerce brunch so it's
a really awesome experience we had fun
I'm really excited to be doing some
traveling this year in each state that I
travel in I'm definitely going to be
doing a meet-up so that I can meet some
of the people that I'm actually
connecting with so it's awesome because
that's what it's all about guys so
living out your passion living out your
dream waking up every day to do some of
the things that you absolutely love so
it's your girl Dallas G if you don't
know me yet guys I have been hailed the
econ cache queen you can find me at
income cache queen calm I have a group
on this Facebook media social media
called EECOM cache army you can connect
with me there you can connect with me
for some motivation inside of make the
shift which is VI T dot ly /the great
shift so Chris I see you there I know
you're inviting if you guys are coming
in like me please say hello to me drop
me a comment show me some hearts let me
know that you are here with me this
morning guys so I want to talk about
today and I don't want to jump too
quickly into my topic because sometimes
I do that and then lots of people show
up towards the middle so guys we talked
about last week or was it Friday we
talked about how do you how do you
fulfill your purpose how do you show up
for your purpose even when you don't
feel like
and what are five we had five hey hey
Chris I know right everybody when he is
quiet but what are five habits of the
emotionally strong so that's something
that we talked about last time so Chris
did you log in through my profile and
actually join us live and invite people
out cuz I know I have a lot of people to
invite so guys what are the habits what
are the habits of the emotion strong and
that's what we talked about morning
Friday so we racked it out on Friday so
if you guys are coming in line for me
please say hello to me don't be shy I
would love to say hello to you and by
some friends out and share the love and
share this out with your friends guys so
I'm just going to get talking
I'll be leaving ATL guys in like a
couple hours it was a lot of fun your
girl pretty much ran herself out hey
Tracy are you sure yeah right girl
you've been doing sorry guys you've been
doing these live videos you are far from
shy you are rocking it out lady so
welcome in so guys when is the best time
to start I'm asking you when is the best
time to start at anything if you are a
perfectionist like me you want to wait
until you have all other pieces together
you want to wait until you've gathered
all the right information you want to
wait and sell everything
it's seemingly perfect in your life
before you start right that's right
you just gave the answer away girl the
right time is now the right time to move
forward with your passion the right time
to move forward with your purpose is
right now and I know you've heard it
before but do you really believe it are
you really acting out in your purpose
okay so the right time is now you got to
jump in and just go for it right Tracy
that's what you got to do in no time
like the present why is there no load no
time like the present guys and I'm
stumbling cuz I'm tire but why is there
no time like the present guys why why
because tomorrow is not promised that's
right let it happen hey Shana good
morning honey thank you for coming in
live with me this morning there is no
time guys no time what
so ever like the present because
tomorrow is simply not promised to you
you don't know how much time that you
have okay so you have to push through
your feelings I might be feeling some
sort of way about life I that's why no
regrets I might be feeling some sort of
way about life right now and the kid
just packed in good morning Paula good
morning girl thank you so much for
coming in again because I was just live
in a group and these guys are awesome
they're rocking out my tribe is rocking
out with me again but like me and the
kid we're talking about and like some
other friends that we've been talking
lately and our frequency guys our
frequency that's right Paul to live your
best life now our frequency guys has
been kind of shaken lately can you give
me some
oops cool scoops give me some of those
if you guys can relate heineke a girl if
you can relate if you can relate give me
some of those give me some of these
because lately our frequency has been
shaken lately our frequency has been
shaken and I almost feel like it is
universal so Tracy you can relate let me
tell you something everything evil
everything rotten everything
dissatisfied everything disappointing
everything frustrating has literally
arrived okay on my door said literally
arrived on my doorstep trying to knock
me off you can relate to Paula trying to
knock me off my axis trying to knock me
off my purpose trying to knock me off
what it is I'm supposed to do trying to
knock me off of staying the course okay
and that's what the agenda is of all of
these adversities is to knock us off of
the course so a lot of my friends we've
been talking and we've been saying what
is going on that's right the knock off
it stays real it stays real that's right
you know it all too well Paula but you
keep it going that's right you have to
keep it moving so that's why I say guys
on this Monday that there is no time
there is no time like the present to get
out here guys and make it happen
how many people when I speak out might
have a better day today how many people
might have sunshine that's right Tracy
you gotta push back in their day-to-day
as a result of me coming outside of
myself and my personal feelings and my
personal struggles okay to speak to you
today how many people are going to have
a better day as a result of me stepping
outside of myself and my personal
struggles and my personal feelings and
still coming forward and speaking with
you today I'm in Atlanta I'm also
getting on a plane but I have dedicated
myself to you
hey cater what's up let's go let's get
it bro that's right good morning to you
right so I'm pushing for guys through
myself and I'm telling you that there's
no time guys like the present there's
not a tomorrow there's not a yesterday
the only time at this nail moment exit
that exists is right now and what time
is it
10:10 where I am it is 10 10 10 minutes
after 10 ok a.m. Eastern Time
I only have now I don't have an hour
from now I don't have two hours from
there when I get on the plane I only
have right now to fulfill my purpose and
to fulfill my destiny
right now the nail moment so this week
guys this week of May this week is going
to be a week of nails okay it's going to
be a week of nails for us are you in
agreement with me so this week as we go
into the week as we ask ourselves
questions but what if I can but what if
I don't feel like it this is just too
hard I just don't have time for this I'm
going to need you to drop the excuses
right in their place wherever you are
and make it happen right now
this week guys it's a week of nouns it's
a week of doing what you desire to do
which you know you need to do on the
inside and everything in all forces
might be fighting against you but you
know that you need to make it happen now
this week that's why it is your now
moment guys it is your now moment
the time is now do you know that this
morning guys we were perfectly
synchronized it just happened to be that
I just happen to go live today to my
personal page a lot earlier than I
normal do and you and you answered the
call you are here with me listening to
what I have to say in the nail moment
and I'm sure I'm pretty a hundred
percent sure that what I'm saying right
now it's ringing a bell for somebody on
here even if it's just one person that's
like you know what that's me that's me
that's what I needed to hear on a Monday
that's what I needed to hear for this
week and if you guys are coming in
loudly say hello to your girl I want to
say hello to you definitely about your
friends and share this out and spread
the love I greatly appreciate you crawl
and kick and don't quit and Paulo that's
exactly what I do sometimes I'm getting
out of bed y'all kicking and screaming
I'm getting out of bed good morning
Tiffany Nicole welcome in honey I'm
getting out of bed crying some days I'm
getting out of bed feeling some sort of
weight on some days
thanks in the Kia right that's how I'm
getting out of bed some days I'm feeling
some sort of way I'm tired my shoes look
about five sizes bigger than my feet
what do I mean by that my destiny over
hey tamesha more good morning honey it's
looking way bigger than me I'm this
little five to little thing and I gotta
fill up these size 10 shoes and
sometimes I'm feeling like God I don't
know if I can do this I don't know if I
can share this I don't know if I can
speak right now because I'm feeling some
sorta way I'm in pain life is knocking
me down right now how am I supposed to
that's right Paula how am I supposed to
do this I don't even feel qualified
right now God to speak to people because
I'm definitely less than perfect but you
know what he says back to me that the
time isn't now there is no time like the
present moment and when you take the
negative situations in your life and you
turn them around into positive and you
move forward anyway a blessing happens
not only a blessing to the people that
you're reaching but also a blessing for
you hey Carla good morning love
no you were here so guys this week
Monday through Sunday this week is a
time for nouns it's a time for nouns and
this needs to last you throughout the
entire week so if you get to Tuesday and
you're feeling some sorta way tell
yourself you know what I'm acting out of
this in a positive light the time is now
Wednesday you might be like oh it's
Wednesday I'm at the middle of the week
that's right miracles do happen every
day Paul oh hey Nicholas that's right
given to others it's definitely given to
ourselves and welcome and thank you for
joining in no matter what day of the
week you get you this week guys this
week is a time of now start breaking out
of the habit of I don't feel like it
stop breaking out of it start breaking
out of the habit if I don't feel like it
because you are in control you're in
control of your body you're in control
of your mouth you're in control of your
actions you are in the driver's seat
okay and if you don't drive you're
allowing life to just happen to you stop
being that person we got to stop being
that person that just sits around on the
dock of the bay y'all know that song
that old song in my old school y'all
that just sits around on the dock of the
bay and just wait for the tides of roll
out and ties the roll in and guess what
the tides just might drown you they just
might roll you over but you're just
sitting there waiting don't be that
don't be that person get in the driver's
seat guys of your own life and push the
gas navigate that thing and drive it
stop being controlled by the spirit of I
don't feel like you guess what I didn't
feel like it today I'm away I'm not even
home yet I didn't feel like getting in
my group this morning I didn't feel like
getting on here live this morning but I
have been dead I'm dedicated first to
myself I'm dedicated to myself because I
know that I need to show up do you know
what I need to show up for guys not
necessarily just my business but I need
to show up for my purpose I need to show
up for my calling I need to show up for
what I have been I feel I am
dedicated to do I need to show up for
the message that somebody needs to hear
right so guess what that's right
jumpstart that is right Paula hey lor
Val hey friend thanks for coming in show
up that's right Tracy show up because if
you don't show up and show out like
y'all here the church folks say who else
is going to do it for you nobody no body
I spend 98 probably 99% of my time being
someone else and other people's
cheerleaders and pumping them up and
saying you can do it and that's just my
nature to be to provide support and help
for other people guys but who is going
to cheer for me if I decide to quit
today do you ever feel that way that's
right what about you guys to show up for
your own vision you got to show up for
your own destiny you got to show up for
your own purpose guys because if you
don't show up who else is going to show
up for you nobody because nobody can do
you the way that you can do you so stop
it and here's another thing stop
expecting other people to show up for
you stop it stop expecting for someone
else to do for you what you can only do
for yourself frankly there are certain
things that only I can do for myself so
I gotta stop expecting for everybody
else to carry my weight and I gotta show
up and get out of the spirit of I don't
feel like it and make it happen
because I trust me when I say Thank You
Tracy when you do make it happen you
feel so much nobody if finger keeps wet
voice that's what I'm talking about
Tiffany you know what when you do show
up and you do follow through and you do
push to the mark and you do make it
happen when you do make it happen and
you turn the light switch on instead of
laying there in the dark and being sad
and feeling pitiful for yourself guys
the blessing eyes it shows up it shows
up and it shows out and when you help
other people guys in turn
you are helped you know what I got on
this live I didn't feel motivated but
right now I am on fire I am gonna have a
terrific day I'm motivated I'm smiling I
got chill bumps I just feel it all over
me right now you know why because I
showed up today for my passion I feel
those signs too in shoes just now and
I'm going to continue hey hey mickey hey
honey good morning to you that's right
it happens when you happen that's right
Tracy that is so powerful it happens
when you happen when you decide that
you're going to turn on the on switch in
your own life and stop sitting in the
dark and being sad for yourself and stop
feeling some sort of way I get it I get
it 100% I get it okay and like I said
I'm I'm talking to you I'm preaching to
you whatever you want to call and I'm
motivating you out of my own pain out of
my own place of pain
y'all know your girl likes to get
transparent okay and just keep it a
hundred percent real well yeah right now
I'm at that space in my life I'm asking
God wine where my hope meter is low I'm
like coming and go live in your own life
verse that is right Tracy that is a
hundred percent right where I'm like
getting more done and I'm like God I
don't mean to question you but seriously
my hope meter is you know how they talk
about faith the size of a mustard seed
you know how small a mustard seed is you
can barely see it guys that's where my
faith is on some days because I'm so
tired and I'm so exhausted
from feeling like I'm being kicked
around and I'm being dragged around from
circumstances that could be honest with
you your girl has had some questions
lately but you know what I do instead of
tarrying there instead of staying there
instead of letting my adversity overcome
me guys guess what I'm turning the way
that I feel I'm turning my pain into
positives I'm turning my pain into
positives so when is the best time to
show up for yourself it is right now you
don't have five seconds from now you
don't even have the
last five seconds from the time I just
got on this live broadcast that's right
Chris from the time I first got on this
live broadcast guys which wasn't that
long ago that moment is now gone and I
can never ever ever guys get it back so
the only thing that I can do is be my
absolute best self right now that's
right Tracy now now and now three times
that's right what about do it right now
I'm so glad you needed this sister I
really appreciate you getting one live
with me this morning I love you very
much and miss you so guys what are we
going to do this week that's right Chris
ship your perspective into a positive
that's right more Val live in the
present live in the present guys live in
the present that's right
that's what you need to do that's right
to Mischa live in the present so this we
got hashtag NAMM right hashtag now
hashtag hashtag hashtag the now moment
hashtag the now moment hashtag now
that's the way that we are going to live
out our lives this week that's right
Michael what you say is what you get and
that's true that is so true so this week
guys we are living out the nail moment
we're not going to like let life we're
not going to let circumstances we're not
going to let love you we're not going to
let with someone else says to us how
someone else treats us we are not going
to let the outcomes make us a flatline
we're not going to let the outcomes make
us keep our mouth shut when we have a
message for the world
that's my tracy begin with the end in
mind that is right Tracy yes yes that's
an awesome saying so this week guys
we're going to have a week of nail
moments I want to see you guys doing
great things
I want to cheerlead you I want to
high-five you I want to see you walking
out and your purpose I want to hear from
some people that are walking forward in
their purpose I want to hear you know
what I heard that message on Monday I
got firing up this
has been a week of nothing but nails for
me I've walked out of the spirit of I
don't feel like it in the spirit of I
can't and I've actually stepped forward
into my destiny and I am on fire when I
show up for my purpose and I show up for
my passion do you know how that makes me
feel that's right let's rocket ooh
that's right tres let's rock it out this
week that's right more about you are a
hundred percent welcome so I love you
guys definitely connect with me if you
haven't connected with EECOM cache queen
or make the shift a lot of the links are
above in my profile so definitely
connect with me I'll be back on this
page on Friday guys but if you guys want
to learn business with me throughout the
week definitely join the econ army FBI T
dot L y /g comm army if you want
motivation throughout the week join the
great shift it's awesome join make the
shift at bi t dot ly the great shift you
welcome to Misha so guys I will see you
throughout the week I'm here to support
you have five you thank you so much for
being my facebook friend and I would
appreciate you thanks Nikki ring girl I
will have some safe travels hope you're
getting some rest today girl because I
know I wore you out so guys I love you
guys so much so so much more than you
can imagine
okay you got your plate full of nothing
but great oh my good that's right
Michael your plate is full and
overflowing with nothing but great
things nothing but blessings are coming
your way this week nothing but blessings
are coming our way this week us I'm
tapping into that chink brother I'm
tapping into that step good stuff too so
y'all have a wonderful blessed week
don't shoot forgets that everything you
put your hands to it shall prosper if
you believe I love you Chris okay guys
I'm checking out have a wonderful
blessed week and I'll see you guys
TIME CAPSULE The Man Determined To Prevent World War III - Duration: 6:38.
TIME CAPSULE: The Man Determined To Prevent World War III
A Courageous Hero Tells the Truth About the Greatest Conspiracy
of the 20th Century
Truly, if World War III is somehow averted, it is Benjamin H. Freedman who ought to receive
the accolades and adulation for accomplishing such an awesome feat.
Without qualification or condition, without a doubt or a question, the following video
presents �by far � the single most important rendition of revised history on the World
Wide Web today.
Given the current state of international affairs, The Millennium Report would go one step further
and assert that the preceding speech represents the greatest expos� in modern history�bar
What, then, distinguishes Mr. Freedman as the greatest whistleblower OF ALL TIME?
And what exactly makes this the most important video on the Internet today?
Simply put, were Freedman�s historical retrospective on World Wars I and II listened to by a critical
mass of people, the entire planetary civilization would literally change overnight.
Because of his extremely compelling and factual firsthand account of the true causes of both
World Wars.
More significantly, Freedman discloses the carefully laid plans for a Third World War.
That truth, incidentally, is so radioactive it has the power to immediately terminate
the unfolding agenda to trigger the hot phase of World War III.
The Truth Shall Set Ye Free
It�s crucial to note that Benjamin Freedman was, at one time, an insider who was always
a peacemaker, never a warmonger.
Because of his enlightened perspective and privileged positions vis-�-vis the U.S.
Federal Government during the first half of the 20th century, he was privy to the plots
and schemes of the rich and powerful.
As a result, he was able to deliver the highly authoritative and indisputable back stories
of both World Wars with great conviction.
The following link provides the full and unedited version of Freedman�s epic talk at the Willard
Hotel in Washington, D.C. in 1961.
It contains the many references to World War III which have been removed from many shorter
versions on the Internet.
What makes these revelations so extraordinary is that they have been bravely uttered by
a Jewish American businessman who was in the know� � � about practically everything
of global import.
Bear this in mind as you listen to the hard (but politically incorrect) truths about world
history over the past 100 plus years.
It cannot be a coincidence that this recording of Freedman�s WW3 speech has gone viral
on the WWW exactly one hundred years after President Woodrow Wilson declared the entry
of the United States into World War I.
Likewise, it is no accident of fate that this momentous political sermon was given by a
man named Benjamin H. Freedman� a man who sought to free the whole world with the most
highly consequential truth of the 20th century.
That same truth, of course, has predictably dictated the destiny of the world community
of nations during this 3rd millennium.
Hence, the fate of humanity now hangs in the balance � as does the future of planet Earth.
Which brings US to the only logical conclusion that can liberate all of humankind from the
ravages of war, once and for all.
To publicly render such searing testimony in our nation�s capital in 1961 took a tremendous
amount of courage, faith and intestinal fortitude.
No one had ever before exposed the elaborate Zionist plan to start the first two World
Wars; nor has anyone since, especially in a major venue in Washington, D.C.
To his great credit, Mr. Freedman also expended large sums of his own money to further reveal
the highly organized conspiracy to stage World War III.
Freedman�s story is quite instructive for the current generation.
It�s particularly didactic from a civics lesson standpoint.
His various heroic initiatives, conducted on behalf of his fellow Americans, show how
every U.S. citizen can also assist this valiant endeavor to avert another World War.
What better way to honor Benjamin Freedman�s monumental sacrifice to humanity than to disseminate
his teachings which set the historical record straight?
Because of the relentless rush to war by the Zionist Neocons strategically positioned throughout
the Western powers, Freedman�s message is more urgent than ever.
The best insurance policy against yet another world war is the accurate retelling of the
real causes the First and Second World Wars.
By widely disseminating that revised history, as well as the ongoing plot to instigate a
Third World War, perhaps peace will break out across
the planet instead of war.
[There is no Game] ASOMBROSO Juego INDIE Titulado [No hay juego] - Duration: 10:16.
Deputy Beck Thinks Ashe And Preston Are Bluffing | Season 1 Ep. 8 | SHOTS FIRED - Duration: 1:30.
Used to be a Gate Station deputy parked out front.
What happened?
I didn't need him anymore.
Was that your decision or theirs?
What difference does that make?
I just want to make sure they're still being supportive.
They ain't your family, Josh, never were.
Is there a point here?
Why are you protecting them?
We know you know about the tours.
We believe you know what happened
that night Joey was killed.
What are the tours?
I don't.
Someone broke into our workspace, sucker punched me,
and I'm still mad about it.
They were after a video we recovered from Jesse's phone.
He recorded your stop.
They're afraid that if you go down,
you're going to take the entire department with you.
Look, we're giving you a chance to come clean.
Tell us what you know.
Maybe we can help you out.
Show us the evidence.
They don't have a video.
They're bluffing.
We're done here.
Thank you.
You lied, Deputy.
Jesse didn't open his door.
You pulled it open for him, after he
threw his ID on the ground.
I don't bluff.
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