Baby Hazel Games - Brushing Time
For more infomation >> Baby Hazel Games - Brushing Time - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
The Entrance to 'Inner Earth'—Meet the EVEREST of Caves - Duration: 6:42.
The Entrance to �Inner Earth��Meet the EVEREST of Caves
With a total length of cave passages reaching a staggering 13,232 m, the deepest explored
parts of Krubera-Voronya reach 2,197 m.
It remains the only known cave on Earth deeper than 2,000 meters�rightfully earning the
title as the entrance to Inner Earth.
Known as Krubera-Voronya�the cave is known as the EVEREST of caves.
With a total length of cave passages reaching a staggering 13,232 m, the deepest explored
parts of Krubera-Voronya reach 2,197 m.
The difference in elevation of the cave�s entrance and its deepest explored point is
2,197 � 20 meters (7,208 � 66 ft).
Krubera remains the only known cave on Earth deeper than 2,000 meters.
This fascinating cave is located the Arabika massif, in the Gagra mountain range, in Abkhazia,
The cave is divided into two branches, one of 1,300 and one of 2,196 meters of depth,
which drop into several smaller slopes.
The first data on the astonishing depth of the cave emerged in 2004, during three expeditions
that obtained different records of depth, all agreeing that for the first time in the
history we�ve found a cave that exceeded 2,000 meters in depth.
The most important moments of the exploration of the face are as follow:
1960: The cave was found by Georgian explorers, who reached a depth of 180 meters.
1980: A Russian-Polish expedition discovered three caves in the Ar�bika system: the Siberian
cave, the Henrich grave and the Berchil cave.
In the early 1980s, the Kiev Club explored the cave up to -340 meters
In 1999, the expedition of the Ukrainian Speleological Associations (Ukr.
S.A.) led by Yury Kasyan made a major breakthrough in Krubera Cave by discovering and exploring
two branches behind the windows at a depth of 220�250 m.
These branches stretched in two different directions.
The �Main Branch� was explored to -740 m and the �Nekuybyshevskaya Branch� to
-500 m.
2000, in August, the same Ukrainian team continued exploration up to -1200 m.
2000, in September, the UkrSA and MTDE teams continued exploration up to -1410 m.
In January 2001, the Ukr.S.A. expedition explored the cave to -1,710 m (-5,610 ft) making it
the deepest cave in the world.
For the first time in the history of speleology, the deepest cave in the world had been established
outside of western Europe.
Since 2001, the Krubera explorations by the Ukr.S.A. have been undertaken within the frame
of the multi-year project named �The Call of the Abyss�, coordinated by A. Klimchuk,
Kasyan, G. Samokhin and K. Markovskoy.
Besides the Ukrainian speleologists, cavers from many countries such as France, Spain,
Russia, Moldova, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Ireland, Israel, and Lithuania have taken
part in different expeditions of the Ukr.S.A.
January of 2007 the CAVEX team expedition.
Performed a dive in the terminal �Dva Kapitana� sump and claimed it to reach -30 m depth below
the water table.
However, characteristics of morphology of the underwater passage reported by the team
were not confirmed by the subsequent exploration, and no safety line was found deeper than 16
August�September of 2009 the Ukr.S.A. expedition led by Yury Kasyan further pushed the Nekuybushevskaya
Branch to a siphon at depth of 1,557 m (5,108 ft).
The international �Towards the Centre of the Earth� expedition led by Aidas Gudaitis
returned to the main branch to collect data from water level loggers, swap their locations
and push exploration in the �Spanish branch� near camp 1400.
2012 August: A team of 59 spent 27 days exploring Krubera.
Including members from nine different countries, the team set up a series of camps underground.
Ukrainian cave diver Gennadiy Samokhin was responsible for reaching a new world depth
record of -2,197 meters (-7,208 ft).
Huckabee Sanders says answering questions about Comey firing is 'above my pay grade' - Duration: 0:59.
>> When the president was
considering nominating rezstein,
did he talk about Rosenstein
>> No, not that I'm aware of.
>> The president's statement he
talked to Comey about whether or
not he was being investigated
raises several questions.
Can you talk about why you're
not willing to add anymore to
that about who asked for that
and why that was discussed?
>> Who asked for what?
>> The president seems oo be
trying to exonerate himself in
Is there any reason why you
won't add anymore?
>> Again, I'm not going to get
into the specific details.
I'll check and see if we have
follow up on that.
But at this point I'm not going
to comment any further than that
was spelled out in the letter.
>> If you don't want to clarify
your comment, why was it put in
the letter in the first place?
Installing TypeScript - Duration: 6:06.
In this video, I am gonna briefly show you how to install and setup typescript for Visual Studio Code.
I am Pirzada Rashid and thanks for watching this video.
These are few commands, we gonna use throughout this video.
Before we move forward, I just want to mention something here.
If you have an older version of Typescript may be installed due to Visual Studio,
because some versions of Visual Studio install Typescript,
then check your PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE and remove this path
Directory location can be this
to check if Typescript is already installed on your machine.
Go to search
type CMD to open a terminal window.
tsc -v
Press ENTER.
See any version number is displayed.
If not,
there may be a chance that TypeScript path is not added to PATH environment variable.
Let's try another command.
npm list –g
You can also add package name with this command like this.
Press ENTER.
If both the commands not showing anything then let's install Typescript.
Open your browser.
Go to
Go to
this is the home page for TypeScript.
This is the current version at the time of recording.
Click this DOWNLOAD link.
Basically, there are 2 ways to get TypeScript.
One is by installing Typescript's plugin.
And other is via NPM (Node package manager)
You can download and install Visual Studio plugin by clicking one of these links.
I am gonna click
Scroll down a bit.
To know more about the download,
click DETAILS to expand it.
This will also display the list of previous typescript releases to download from.
In case, if you need any specific version.
Scroll up
and click this RED button to download TypeScript installer file.
This will take few seconds to download.
Once download is complete, click to open it.
Once download is complete, click to open it.
Just accept the license and hit INSTALL button.
I don't wanna install right now.
Click CLOSE to close the window.
This will install typescript in this directory.
Make sure to add this path to PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE.
Now let's install TypeScript via NPM.
To work with NPM,
you need to install Node.
npm install -g typescript
and npm will fetch it down for us.
-g flag installs typescript globally on our system so that tsc (typescript compiler) can be used in any of our projects.
tsc -v
to see the typescript version.
Let's fire Visual Studio Code.
Press CTRL + B to open Explorer.
Click OPEN FOLDER button
and create a new folder.
Let's call it test.
Press SELECT FOLDER to open it.
Let's create a file demo.ts
.ts is typescript extension.
I am gonna write some code here.
Go to VIEW
tsc demo.ts
and press ENTER.
This will generate demo.js file.
Same file name but with .js extension.
Demo.ts will transpile into valid JavaScript version that the browser understands
which is ES5 "ecmascript 5".
You can see both the files side by side.
Typescript 1.5 introduced tsconfig.json file.
This file can be used to control the behavior of the Typescript compiler.
The presence of a file also indicates that the directory is the root of a Typescript project.
To create a file,
tsc --init
in the terminal and press ENTER.
In this video, We covered
NerdStuff Toy Review: Dinosaur Dig - Duration: 3:18.
KidzLabs Dig A Glow Dinosaur
Why are you supposed to dig a glow dinosaur?
Well there's a dinosaur in the middle of
the egg. Do you know what a paleontologist
is? What? No, It's a person who digs old things! Yes!?
Remy, what's a dinosaur? Can you name the dinosaurs? No.
It says you have to scrape away
the way plaster
Oh there's dust. I should have seen this coming
Let's put this down
[Scrape] [Scrape] This is very very easy
start me off with a cross
So that 'X' marks the spot. 'X' marks the spot.
So, when I started this project, I thought it would
only take them a night to get to the
center of the dinosaur egg.
Ready? Errrrrrrr. No now try on the other side.
Hammer. Oh, you want to hammer it? Okay.
try to hammer. Is it working? No
It could be anywhere in the egg. It could be
anywhere in the egg, but it's actually
sticking out a little bit
Where is it sticking out?
Rright there.
Well I wanna do it.
Oh mama, I think that's a head.
I want to cut there.
Whoa whoa whoa. This might be taking a long time.
We might have to come is back and do this another day.
This is quite the project. Okay
Turns out, it took a lot longer
How ya doing? Okay. You're getting it.
Do you want to show it off?
How much you got done? Yeah,
You got some rocks
and stuff.
We can see the dinosaur's head
still stuck in it pretty good, huh. Yeah.
Notice the bowl to keep the mess semi-contained
The dinosaur's getting out!
Good job, Wesley. Thank you.
He looks like a ship.
See, He looks like a ship.
Alright, we finally got it. Wanna show it off?
Wes, what's wrong? [indistinct whining]
why do you need somewhere it's dark? [Indistinct whining]
Why don't you want anyone to find you? [Indistinct whining]
because you're pouting? [Yeah]
So now you're upset that you can't find a good spot to pout? [Yeah]
You're pouting about pouting?
just wanted to clarify.
google translate is greater then anything eles - Duration: 3:25.
YOU NEED TO IMPROVE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I Probably need to remove song so here is the original one in video idk though lolold saoldsalosaldsoadslad
Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share and if you do that you will get a cookie [You don't need to ofcourse :D)
Leave already. jk stay.. ._.
Simplifying the "Going-Solar" Process - Duration: 2:31.
Charlie Gay: Somebody who wants to go solar is confronted
with, "How do I do this?
Where do I go?," SunShot helped fund EnergySage to make a convenient portal to the world of
Today, the start-up is a multi-million dollar business with over 30 employees.
EnergySage has made it easy to find the competitors who want your business.
Vikram Aggarwal: The long-term goal from the U.S. Department
of Energy is to make sure that solar energy keeps getting cheaper and cheaper.
For every 5-10% drop in prices, the number of households installing solar may increase
by 10 times.
Millions of homeowners are now looking to install solar and, consumers being consumers,
they want to shop around.
What we at Energy Sage are trying to do is make buying and selling solar really simple
and efficient.
And the way we are doing that is by offering an online marketplace.
You come to our website, you identify your home on a google map...
And then we ask you, do you have any preferences?
Are you looking for certain kind of equipment, certain kind of financing?
We take that information and we send it out to a network of solar installation companies
that we have pre-screened who are using some of the most advanced tools and resources to
evaluate the roof remotely and be able to size the system very, very accurately.
We present these quotes in a matrix-like format, so you can very easily and quickly compare
them side-by-side in an apples-to-apples format.
We are encouraging fair and free competition.
Helping solar installation companies, whether they are local mom and pop shops to larger
companies that may have a national footprint compete on an equal footing.
And because of fair and free competition, consumers end up paying lower prices than
they otherwise would.
Of every 100 homeowners that are looking to install solar, typically anywhere from 3 to
5 of them end up installing solar.
We are helping increase those conversion rates to 15 to 20 consumers.
Charlie Gay: SunShot helps consumers have choices.
When there's competition, the lower the cost.
That's SunShot's goal...
Getting to that low cost.
Walking vs. Running -- Which Is Better? - Duration: 1:27.
Walking vs. Running -- Which Is Better?
Running and walking are both popular ways to get a great cardio workout.
But is a brisk walk really as good an exercise as a sweaty, heart-pounding run?
Research reported by the American Heart Association finds that walking is just as good as running
when it comes to lowering your risk for heart disease.
Researchers analyzed the health of some 48,000 runners and walkers mainly in 40s and 50s.
They found that, mile for mile, brisk walking lowers the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol
and high blood pressure as much as running does.
The difference?
You'll have to spend more time walking than you do running to get the same health benefits
simply because it takes longer to walk than to run the same distance.
For instance, a 15-minute jog burns about the same number of calories as a half-hour
brisk walk.
Keep in mind that the chance of being injured is greater in runners because running puts
more stress on the body -- on the joints in particular.
But if you're still thinking of stepping up the pace to running, first check with your
doctor, especially if you have arthritis or other health conditions, like heart disease
And keep in mind that you don't have to stick to either walking or running.
You can stay motivated by mixing it up.
Thanks For Watching
Marriage Coaching vs. Counseling - Duration: 3:20.
So, a lot of people ask me what is the main difference between counseling and coaching
and so coaching is a very different approach because we take you where you are today and
we focus on where you want to go and it is very important to understand that you are
the sum of all the choices you have made in life and this makes you who you are today
but my question to you is where do you want to go and so when you have a coach by your
side we help you get step by step we put in place a strategy and the tools and we help
you get to this vision that you have and it is very important to see the difference we
do not really go into the past when you leave a session you will feel with a high energy
your heart full of possibilities and very very empowered very different when sometimes
I've heard in counseling you are sitting there and telling me your story and your point
fingers and he did that and I did this and I feel this way and sometimes you get out
of there and you are just like what was this all about you know we don't do that we really
go for results we are results oriented and we equip you with the tools to really get
you to what you want and that is really the key to coaching so we do go back you know
maybe 5% in what I call the rear view mirror to really understand why you do the things
you do and but we don't stay there so when you come to coaching it is really like you
take and onion and you peel layer after layer and we really go to the core of who you are
and then we remind you of the tools or we teach you new tools that you can implement
in your life right away and that reminds me that a marriage will perish if there is no
vision you have to have a vision and that is something that we work on also together
in coaching and its not enough to say oh a year from now because you know I am going
to be working on my marriage and a year from now my marriage is going to be doing so great
that we will be going on vacation to maybe Cancun and then it's just like, maybe Cancun.
It is very important to see yourself there you see yourself on the beach and you feel
the heat of the sun and you feel the sand as your walking
on the beach and then you are there and you are going to be watching the sunset and you
see yourself sitting on the beach you know really holding hands with your partner and
your both drinking a piña colada or what not but whenever you have a visions you need
to put emotions and feelings sensation you need to live it already and that's what we
work on in coaching we really look at where you want to go what it's going to look like
what's it's going to feel and how tot get there and give you the steps as we go
Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams CNN, NYTEver Wonder What Fake News - politics - Duration: 2:09.
Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams CNN, NYT: "Ever Wonder What Fake News Is?"
Clearly upset with reporting by CNN and The New York Times, about a new political document
from the Palestinian group Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed President
Trump in a social media posting on Sunday.
�Ever wonder what fake news is?� Netanyahu asked
�Last week, headlines in CNN, Al Jazeera and The Guardian said Hamas now accepts a
Palestinian state along the 1967 lines.
The New York Times headline called this �moderation.��
�The intimation is that Hamas now accepts the state of Israel,� Netanyahu continued.
�Great news, right?
Well except for one small detail: This is a complete distortion of the truth.�
CNN�s headline on the new Hamas document reads: �Hamas says it accepts '67 borders,
but doesn't recognize Israel.� The New York Times in a May 1 front-page headline wrote:
�Hamas Tempers Extreme Stances In Bid For Power."
While the Hamas document states a willingness for a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders,
the group continues to back terrorism, Netanyahu argued, and has no interest in peace with
�It's bad enough Hamas lies to the world.
We don't also have to lie to ourselves,� Netanyahu said.
�Hamas murders women and children.
It [has] launched thousands of missile attacks at our homes.
It brainwashes Palestinian kids in suicide kindergarten camps."
�So, where does this hate-filled document belong?� he concludes with a question.
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