How To Maintain Your Cars Leather! - Aston Martin - Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 3:15.Hey guys today I want to show you a quick tip on how to maintain your leather.
Now lets say you've already cleaned and conditioned your seats but every so often you still notice
a little bit of grime and debris, that is what our Leather Quick Detailer is for.
All you have to do is spray it on the surface, spray it on a towel and wipe it off.
It is going to clean it and protect it while rejuvenating that leather scent.
So spraying directly into the towel is going to prevent any over spray on the seat especially
since there are fine stitching here and we don't want to cause any staining or clotting
in the edges.
You can see it pulls off stains, body oils and grease to revive the leather.
If you think about it, leather is just like your skin and grime and filth can stain.
But by cleaning and protecting it will help promote longevity to the leather.
Spraying the towel again and wipe up any excess, staining, spills and messes for a perfectly
supple clean leather surface.
We're wrapping up the detail on this Aston Martin, Javier and I took care of the exterior
by washing it with Meticulous Matte because of the matte finish and we don't want to add
any shine or sheen to this while preventing scratches and swirls.
It created tons of lubricating bubbles that cleanse the surface without creating paint
imperfections, then to prevent water spots we used Meticulous Matte Quick Detail Spray
that contains a little bit of sealant that protects the finish from discoloring or degrading
over time.
Moving on to the interior we used Leather Quick Detailer to remove any dust, grime and
fingerprints while reviving the leather scent and smooth feeling.
Now lastly the tires, as you can see the whole car looks great except for the rubber.
It has a browning affect and it is very dull.
After cleaning it we noticed the tire is very dry and it lacks that deep lustrous shine
so we are going use Factory Finish Coating.
This is safe for any rubber and plastic around the vehicle to give it a matte sheen to match
the rest of the vehicle.
Simply shake it up and spray it directly on the surface.
Working our way all the way around the tire in an even coat, you can reapply as necessary
and buff off any excess with a clean microfiber towel.
So now this tire looks a lot better than it did with a nice sheen, it'll bond and will
be dry-to-the touch and won't sling.
To check these products out go to our website
If you like this car or this video be sure to give it a thumbs up.
Don't forget to subscribe because we launch new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
we'll see you guys next time right here in the Detail Garage.
Energy Update Have You Been Hiding Your Power Or Afraid To Own It - Duration: 10:30.Energy
Update - Have You Been Hiding Your Power Or Afraid To Own It
by Anastacia,
�Have you been hiding your power or afraid to own it?
Have you been feeling powerless or fearing you aren�t strong enough?
Its time to focus on your solar plexus, and start to build your sense of personal power�.
�It�s time for you to claim YOU � to claim your life and claim the fact that you
are a powerful, incredible soul�.
�You are either about to enter into or you are already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS.
It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning.
You are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness.
In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY
to make room for the new�.
�This is is VITAL and necessary.
Remain as calm as you can while the earth shakes under your feet.
You will find yourself quite pleased with this new consciousness and way of being, once
this shift is complete.
In the meantime, try to stay open as these changes occurs.
It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable
�The Gifted card comes because you are doubting yourself; questioning who you are as a person
or whether you have anything of value to give.
Your unique gifts are very needed here on the planet.
Spirit is asking that you place your doubts aside and start to cultivate self-worth and
personal value.
You were given certain gifts, because only you can bring them to the world in the way
you do.
Trust your soul�s wisdom in choosing the path you are on, and the gifts you are here
to give�.
�You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life
This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul�s
You play an important role in the cosmic plan.
This card has come to you today as Spirit�s way of giving you a much needed reminder � that
you hold a great worth and value.
You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world�.
The Power card rules the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra.
This is where we experience our own sense of personal power.
If you have drawn this card today, it is because Spirit is asking that you focus on you own
sense of personal power-and claim it.
Have you been hiding your power or afraid to own it?
Have you been feeling powerless or fearing you aren�t strong enough?
Its time to focus on your solar plexus, and start to build your sense of personal power.
Sometimes there can be a drain from our solar plexus, because we are unintentionally corded
to another person-most often in close relationships.
This energetic cord runs directly from our third chakra and attaches to the other person.
We unknowingly let others siphon off our power.
This can happen if we are enabling or trying to please someone.
It can also happen if we fear losing the love of that person or if we feel attacked in some
It is time for you to look closely at why this has happened to you and to ask your guides
and angels to assist you with cutting that cord.
This card also comes if we are in fear of claiming our power; of standing tall and showing
the world exactly who we are.
Most often, we have had experiences in our earthly years where we personally witnessed
the misuse of power or had some attempt to diminish our own.
This was in the past though, and you know how power is not to be used.
You also know that not claiming your own power does not serve you.
It�s time for you to claim YOU-to claim your life and claim the fact that you are
a powerful, incredible soul.
Our personal and spiritual growth occurs in a series of rhythms and patterns.
When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a holding
pattern until we MASTER it.
Things will fall into a steady, reliable pattern.
We come to know what to expect and how things are going to be.
And because we humans are creatures of comfort and habit, we usually enjoy hanging out on
the plateau where things are familiar and reliable.
This card has come to you today because you are either about to enter into or you are
already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS.
It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning.
You are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness.
In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY
to make room for the new.
You may find yourself changing jobs or careers.
Old friends or relationships may drift away as new people enter your life.
You may move to a new home or have a sudden change in finances.
On an energetic level, your consciousness is opening to the hidden wounds you carry.
More than likely you are feeling very far out of your comfort zone, possibly even experiencing
situational depression.
This is is VITAL and necessary.
Remain as calm as you can while the earth shakes under your feet.
You will find yourself quite pleased with this new consciousness and way of being, once
this shift is complete.
In the meantime, try to stay open as these changes occurs.
It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable
This card is a reminder that you are most certainly talented, gifted, and skilled in
a very special way.
It�s time to stop looking outside and comparing yourself to others.
Your gifts were never intended to function or work exactly the same as another person�s
By looking at how others are �more� gifted, or �better than you�, you are unintentionally
sending energy out to the Universe which says you are �less� than.
This action is the very thing that is blocking your gifts from developing to their fullest
You cannot compare yourself to anyone else.
If you see greatness in someone else, it is because you hold the quality of greatness
within you.
That is how the world Mirrors ourselves for us, by seeing ourselves in others.
This card can also come if you are experiencing fear or apprehension about sharing your gifts
with the world.
Underlying this fear and beliefs and doubts about whether you are enough, or good enough.
And Spirit is asking your to start addressing those beliefs immediately.
Sometimes our fear of sharing our gift is the very thing that blocks us from discovering
how we can best use it in service to others.
In either case, the Gifted card comes because you are doubting yourself; questioning who
you are as a person or whether you have anything of value to give.
Your unique gifts are very needed here on the planet.
Spirit is asking that you place your doubts aside and start to cultivate self-worth and
personal value.
You were given certain gifts, because only you can bring them to the world in the way
you do.
Trust your soul�s wisdom in choosing the path you are on, and the gifts you are here
to give.
You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life
This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul�s
You play an important role in the cosmic plan.
This card has come to you today as Spirit�s way of giving you a much needed reminder � that
you hold a great worth and value.
You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world.
We all look to our physical world for confirmation.
We question whether we are good enough, wanted and needed.
We want the world to tell us that we are doing well and that it wants what we have to offer.
But your value and worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of you.
Just a you are, right now in this moment � you are enough.
It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value.
Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are.
Begin by asking yourself: How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you
are to others?
If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would.
You value them in your life?
If someone gave to you as you give to to thers, would you value it?
Of course you would.
You need to see yourself.
See just how valuable you really are.
Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave.
Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source.
Once you fully realize this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover
their own worth too.
Return of Spirit � Cheryl Lee Harnish.
Bavaria, Germany – Episode 2: How to relax in Munich. Englischer Garten, Marienplatz and Isar valley - Duration: 14:45.It's past seven o'clock and we're already up,
ready to enjoy our breakfast at the hotel.
Here they serve cheese, cold cuts
yogurt, cereal, muesli
and several types of jam to suit every taste.
That's right. We really need an energy boost after an almost sleepsless night.
We didn't sleep well.
The heat, the people who talked, the noise from the street,
drunk people,
with no air conditioning and it was so hot.
We left Rome where it was hot and we came to Munich
where it is just as hot.
This morning it's slightly cooler.
One last dose of honey for me
and once breakfast is over,
we have enough energy to start the day.
Our goal today is to visit the Englischer Garten.
So we walk to the central station
where we'll take an S-Bahn train
which serves the city center as well as the suburbs.
And then we'll switch to a U-Bahn train,
which is the metro of Munich.
And even in the station where we just arrived,
we notice something odd.
I don't get why all the escalators go down
and we have to use the stairs to go up.
Because they want to keep us fit.
Yes, for sure ! It's good for our health.
We're at the subway stop "Universität",
which is the university district of Munich, as it can be easily guessed from its name.
And just a few steps away, here's the Englischer Garten
which, with an area of 3.7 square km,
is one of the world's largest urban public parks.
And there, by this beautiful stream that runs through the park,
some people come to play with their children.
Any kind of children.
And after witnessing this scene, we give into the temptation,
The only place where we've found some relief from the heat so far is the Englischer Garten
where we are right now.
And now I'll just soak my feet in this really cool water.
The temptation to stay here all day is really strong
but we still have so much to see.
So we leave the cool waters of the stream
and we go see the Chinese tower.
This 25-meter-high wooden structure
was modelled on the "Great Pagoda" in the Royal Botanic Gardens in London
and made several appearances on the TV show "Derrick".
This is one of the main points of reference of the park
and all around the tower, there are several bars, restaurants,
beer gardens that are everywhere in Munich - the Biergarten.
And this Biergarten, with 7,000 seats, is the second largest in the city.
We continue our walk, but since we're kind of hungry
we sit on a bench to eat something.
And now we'll take a short break to eat the eggs that we got at breakfast.
Tiny eggs, but at least they'll satisfy our hunger for a while,
before leaving the park and finding a place where to have lunch.
How small is the egg ?
Very small.
We are at the Kleinhesseloher See, an artificial lake in the park
where the inhabitants of Munich come to find a way to relax.
Some do it by reading a good book
and some come here to surf.
Some relax with a nice boat ride
and some come here to jog.
And there's also someone who can simply relax by feeding the ducks.
And speaking about ducks,
we can't help but make some philosophical considerations
on how carefee their life is.
They don't have to work, pay taxes.
They don't know what war or ISIS is.
Swimming, eating and sleeping all day.
Maybe I should have been born a duck.
We say goodbye to our little friends
and after a walk around the lake,
we start heading back to the exit.
Our visit to the park is about to come to an end
and I'll cool down my feet one last time
before heading back to the center of Munich.
The water is not too cold. Very pleasant.
With the heat ahead of us, we're going to miss the cooling feeling of these waters.
Just outside the park, we bump into the usual long line of parked bicycles.
With so many bike lanes,
bicycles are the favorite means of transportation of the people in Munich.
But since we don't have one, we'll take the subway to go have lunch in the center.
At the Biergarten by Marienplatz we fill our bottles with fresh water.
After quenching our thirst, it's time to also satisfy our hunger.
What will this Biergarten offer to starving people like us ?
But it's obvious: Würstel, Würstel and more Würstel
with all kinds of meat
from the red one of the Rotwurst
to the white one of the Weisswurst,
on a plate or in a sandwich,
with Sauerkraut or Kartoffelsalat.
We choose a Würstel sandwich.
And even if we'd like some Sauerkraut,
the ladies warn us that there isn't any.
This is the exact same place where we had Würstel sandwiches
the previous time I was in Munich
and the two ladies are still obnoxious as they were then.
They are rude, kind of abrupt.
My sister asked for Sauerkraut and they gave her a cold, scornful look.
And they're still behaving in the exact same way.
Full and satisfied,
after a whole morning spent walking around,
we decide to go back to the hotel.
We're exhausted
after walking around the park this morning
so now we'll take a short break,
we'll get some rest, since we hardly got any sleep last night
and then we'll keep exploring Munich.
Now that we're well rested,
our next mission is to go to the station
and buy the train tickets for tomorrow morning.
The destination is a surprise.
At the central station, crowded as usual,
we start looking for a ticket machine
and after buying the tickets, we head back to the center.
We walk by the Strunz (=asshole in Italian)
and then we end up at the same fountain from the night before
where, in this heat, the kids are having a lot of fun.
The attractions in this pedestrian zone are a lot.
Like this string quartet.
And soon enough, we get to the most famous square of Munich,
Marienplatz, where in the Middle Ages a market was held to sell salt and wheat.
On one side of the square, there's the monumental Neues Rathaus,
the neo-gothic New City Hall.
And in the middle, there's Mary's column,
and at its base four putti are fighting different beasts.
One is fighting a snake, which represents heresy,
another is fighting a basilisk, symbolizing pestilence,
another is fighting a lion, the symbol of war
and the last one is fighting a dragon, the symbol of hunger.
The New City Hall hosts the biggest carillon in Germany
with 43 bells.
Everyone's anxiously waiting, because at 5pm sharp
its 32 life-sized copper figures will come to life.
And after the reenactment of William V's wedding, it's time for the coopers' dance.
We're hungry again,
but since we're tired of eating Würstel all the time
and we don't feel like having Italian food in Germany,
we settle for Middle Eastern food at Oliva,
the best döner in Munich, apparently.
What type ?
Chicken. It's good.
And now, with a full stomach, we can keep exploring the area.
And this is the Isar, the river that flows through Munich.
The river Isar, which is Germany's second most important tributary of the Danube,
attracts the inhabitants of Munich for different types of leisure activities,
between ancient and modern,
between a statue of Bismarck and a weird rotating abstract work of art,
All along the river, there are bike lanes
used by hundreds of cyclists,
while the so called Isar Valley
is crowded with bathers who want to spend these hot days in the best way.
Some simply relax in the sun
while someone else ventures into an awkward dive.
We leave the Isar valley
and after spotting one of the very few specimens of Vespa,
a rare alternative to bycicles,
we are witnesses of a brave endeavour.
3 !
That's right ! Münchners really know how to have fun with what they have,
even if it comes to breaking the rules,
because here, although swimming is forbidden,
some people are soaking in the water in a carefree way.
After this long walk, we are craving something sweet,
so we decide to treat ourselves to a huge ice cream cup.
What about sour cherry ?
Then there's this one with walnuts.
We are at the ice cream parlor "Venezia"
where the Italian staff had the brilliant idea to open a commercial activity
and to bring some Italian treats to Germany.
Good !
And after savoring our sour cherry ice creams,
we can go back to our hotel
and end the second day of our trip
bringing sweet memories with us.
"This is Nixonian." - PA lawmakers react to Comey firing - Duration: 1:15.WITH THAT.
constituents deserve answers
and I hope to see a full
explanation soon. SMUCKER
Mark Levin Asks THE Question - What Is A Pre-Existing Condition? - Duration: 1:45.What do we mean by pre-existing healthcare?
Does everybody who has pre-existing healthcare?
deserve to be subsidized?
I should say a pre-existing condition.
The baby who is born who has a heart condition had no choice.
but what about a middle-aged man or a middle-aged woman who had a choice and
Chose not to participate... that is chose not to buy health insurance?
What if they chose, and I've brought this up many times and the backbenchers are repeating, that's a good thing,
but if they chose not to buy
Car insurance and got into a horrific accident
What if they chose not to buy homeowners insurance and their house burned down?
What do we do then, can they go to the insurance company and say I have a pre-existing condition?
You know I had this terrible accident in my car, and I need another car, and I need you to insure it.
"Well, I can't."
Well, no, no, no, you must!
My house burned down I have nowhere to live and I don't know I can't ran...
I don't know, and what am I supposed to do?
"Well of course we'll cover you."
Somebody who has spent much of their life not purchasing insurance doing other things with their life
Going on vacations, buying a second home, eating dinner out five times a week...
They get a horrific disease. They've a pre-existing condition now
Should they be able to get insurance at the same rate you do?
Haile Selassie is Alive | Day 2 Footsteps of Our Emperor Tour (subtitles) - Duration: 2:22.Say it again, you don't believe Haile Selassie 's buried here
We don't believe Haile Selassie's buried here
reason is when they found the body under
the toilet from his former palace they
measure the body. So. this body
was 170 centimeter but the height of
Haile Selassie was 165 yeah and at that
time the Communist leader Prime Minister
Mengistu, he sent him to Dire Dawa with
Volkswagen car and the people told us
when he get to Dire Dawa, at that time
Thousands of people gathered and welcomed him
In three or within five days he
>> "And that's why Mengistu started killing everybody?" Yeah..yeah..
>> "So he's not dead?" >>It's difficult to say so
but yeah, yeah... >"But he's also been sighted
in Ethiopia his Imperial Majesty. And I
know an Italian man who also saw him in
meeting with the Pope because the Pope
was giving money to build back to build back
the roads in Ethiopia, and this man didn't know
anything about Rasta believing that...
about the divinity of Haile Selassie and
he told me he said he saw him is very
old but he looked very good for his age
and he the man was one of, ahh
Mussolini's soldiers. He told me he saw
him and that was in the late nineties." > Yeah...And if you go to
like in UK maybe if you get the chance
you can visit museum
in London still you can see it
Haile Selassie's uniform, when he went to Dire Dawa
he used to use that uniform. Nowadays, you see that uniform
located in UK museum. >"Right. And in Bristol..."
where we stayed" > They will buy him in his uniform
in his clothes. >"They don't have his ring...
The Solomonic ring?"
The Solomonic Ring. We believe, we believe
The Solomonic Ring {had} Mengistu.
So this ring came from Emperor Menelik I
And when new Emperor came, they should give
the ring to the next Emperor. Yea
So he did not got also his ring...yeah
Professional Business Coaching: Idea, Consider, Decision, Act - Duration: 2:30.So I talked about making decisions.
Super, simple, successful decision making system.
So you have an idea come to you and you want to consider the idea, then you want to make
a decision on the idea, and then you want to take action on the idea.
So the idea comes to you, you simply ask yourself.
The consider is, is this something I want?
Something I want, is this someone I want to become?
Is this something I want to have?
Is this something I want to do?
That's it, that's all you have to do to consider the idea.
Decide, so your decision is simply the answer to that question and that's it.
So now the action, this is where we get all hung up here, is when it comes time to act.
So what we do is in the decide stages that's yes, that's what I want to do.
And in order to do that I've got to do this and this and this and then after that's
done, I've have to do this and this.
And if it goes one way then I'll do this and this, if it goes another way I'll do this
and this and then I have to do that and then you've talked yourself out of it.
So stop, your decision is a yes or a no.
What is the first step, only the first step?
Now take that first step immediately.
The reason I say immediately is because complacency will stop you from taking the step at all.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, there's the first step I have to take now, so I'll do that later.
And then you just go on same 'ol, same 'ol and it doesn't happen.
And then you think about it later and you've lost all the enthusiasm of the idea that came
to you, and there's no momentum without the enthusiasm.
So this is all to happen immediately, that first step and it needs to be a non-negotiable
HOW DO I FIND MY LIFE'S PURPOSE? | The #AskNick Show Ep. 23 - Duration: 2:40.What's up everyone its Nick here with
Real Talk with Nick and I just wanted to
answer a viewer question all the way from
Chapman University so what's the
question? How do you find your life's purpose?
how do you yeah yeah I get this question
often and I this is not a good answer
but you don't. People are always wanting
to find their life's purpose and for me
I find is your life's purpose is to
become a whole person. Your life's
purpose is to become authentic where
your head and your heart matches and you
live the way you're design. Forget the job.
Forget all these things because when you
match, when you're congruent, it finds you.
It's not a job that we're talking about.
It's not a material wealth but life's
purpose, life's work is when you're
authentic. Knowing how you're built, the
people just show up. The events show up. The
setting around that needs your life
purpose to be played out will be taken
care of itself. Again that's where faith
comes in. That's where the design of your
life comes in. That's none of your
Your business is something that you
can control and that is making sure
you're congruent. Making sure your head
and your heart matches.
Forget everything else. You're not in
control of that and I think that's where
a lot of people get in trouble where yes
you work hard, yes you'll have a strategy
for your life but it's not going to play
out that way and it's out of your
control and forever you're going to
forever suffer, so my tip is stop looking
for life's purpose. Be congruent and your
life's purpose will find you. What you
ought to do is check in with yourself
about what excites you. When I'm
around this person, when I'm doing this
thing, when I'm engaged in this topic,
every ounce of my being wakes up. My
spirit wakes up. That is your key to
living your life in alignment and the
purpose will again show up. I hope that
makes sense. Yeah.
Are Humans Hardwired to Be Cruel to Each Other? | Robert Sapolsky - Duration: 6:41.So when you look at us—us as humans, as apes, as primates, as mammals—when you look
at some of the most appalling realms of our behavior, much of it has to do with the fact
that social organisms are really, really hardwired to make a basic dichotomy about the social
world, which is those organisms who count as Us's and those who count as Thems.
And this is virtually universal among humans and this is virtually universal among all
sorts of social primates that have aspects of social structures built around separate
social groupings.
Us's and Thems: we turn the world into Us's and Thems and we don't like the Thems very
much and are often really awful to them.
And the Us's, we exaggerate how wonderful and how generous and how affiliative and how
just like siblings they are to us.
We divide the world into Us and Them.
And one of the greatest ways of seeing just biologically how real this fault line is,
is there's this hormone oxytocin.
Oxytocin is officially the coolest, grooviest hormone on earth, because what everybody knows
is it enhances mother-infant bonding and it enhances pair bonding in couples.
And it makes you more trusting and empathic and emotionally expressive and better at reading
expressions and more charitable.
And it's obvious that if you just, like, spritzed oxytocin up everyone's noses on
this planet it would be the Garden of Eden the next day.
Oxytocin promotes prosocial behavior.
Until people look closely.
And it turns out oxytocin does all those wondrous things only for people who you think of as
an "Us", as an in-group member.
It improves in-group favoritism, in-group parochialism.
What does it do to individuals who you consider a Them?
It makes you crappier to them, more preemptively aggressive, less cooperative in an economic
What oxytocin does is enhance this Us/Them divide.
So that, along with other findings—the classic lines of Us versus Them along the lines of
race, of sex, of age, of socioeconomic class: your brain processes these Us/Them differences
on the scale of milliseconds, a twentieth of a second, your brain is already responding
differently to an Us versus Them.
Okay, so collectively this is depressing as hell.
Oh my god, we are hardwired to inevitably be awful to Thems, and Thems along all sorts
of disturbing lines of: "Oh, if only we could overcome these Us and Them dichotomies!
Oh no, are we hardwired to divide the world along lines of race and ethnicity and nationality
and all those disturbing things?"
And what becomes clear is, when you look closely is: it is virtually inevitable that we divide
the world into Us's and Thems and don't like Thems very much and don't treat them
But we are incredibly easily manipulated as to who counts as an Us and who counts as a
And those fault lines that we view as, "Oh my god, how ancient can you get?" that say,
somebody of another race evokes limbic responses in us, commensurate with they are a Them,
they respond, they motivate automatic responses—"Oh my god, is that just the basic fault line?"
And then you do something like have faces of the same race versus other race, and either
they are or aren't wearing a baseball cap with your favorite team's logo on it, and
you completely redefine who's an Us.
Us is people who like the Yankees and Them are Red Sox fans.
And suddenly you're processing, within milliseconds, what damn baseball cap they have, and race
is being completely ignored.
"Oh my god, we are inevitably hardwired to make really distressing Us/Them..."
We're manipulated within seconds as to who counts as an Us and a Them.
Good news with that: we can manipulate us out of some of our worst Us/Them dichotomies
and re-categorize people.
Bad news: we could be manipulated by all sorts of ideologues out there as to deciding that
people who seem just like us "really aren't.
They're really so different that they count as a Them."
Okay, so a fabulous study showing this, this double-edged quality to oxytocin, and this
was a study done by a group in the Netherlands.
And what they did was they took Dutch university student volunteers and they gave them a classic
philosophy problem, the runaway trolley problem: "Is it okay to sacrifice one person to save
Runaway trolley: can you push this big, beefy guy onto the track who gets squashed by the
trolley but that slows it down so that five people tied to the track don't...
Standard problem in philosophy, utilitarianism, ends justifies means—all of that.
So you give people the scenario and people have varying opinions, and now you give them
the scenario where the person you push onto the track has a name.
And either it's a standard name from the Netherlands, Dirk I think, this is like a
meat-and-potatoes Netherlandish name.
Or a name from either of two groups that evoke lots of xenophobic hostility among people
from the Netherlands: someone with a typically German name—oh yeah, World War II, that's
right, that was a problem—or someone with a typically Muslim name.
So now they're choosing whether to save five by pushing Dirk onto the track or Otto
or Mahmoud and, in general, give them those names and there's no difference in how people
would rate them if they were anonymous.
Give people oxytocin, where they don't know that they've gotten it—control group has
just placebo spritzed up their nose—give people oxytocin and, kumbaya, you are far
less likely to push Dirk onto the track, and you are now far more likely to push good old
Otto or good old Mahmoud onto the rails there.
And you are more likely to sacrifice an out-group member to save five, and you are less likely
to sacrifice an in-group member.
All you've done there is exaggerate the Us/Them divide with that.
Los Glaciares National Park (Parque Nacional Los Glaciares) Google Doodle - Duration: 1:09.Google is showing this Doodle at its home page in few countries for the 80th Anniversary
of Los Glaciares National Park.
Los Glaciares National Park is a federal protected area in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.
In 1981 it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The park's name refers to the giant ice cap in the Andes, the largest outside of Antarctica
and Greenland, feeding 47 large glaciers, of which 13 flow towards the Atlantic Ocean.
In other parts of the world, glaciers start at a height of at least 2,500 m above mean
sea level, but due to the size of the ice cap, these glaciers begin at only 1,500 m
sliding down to 200 m.
Los Glaciares is a major attraction for international tourists.
The park has a cool and moist temperate climate.
Budh Purnima Straight from Bodh Gaya | Kaal Chakra - Duration: 1:12.Straight from Bodh Gaya (Budh Purnima)..
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5 Ways men express their feelings - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Youtube is a bully (The Adpacolypse) - Duration: 3:11.Hey it's your friendly neighborhood emo kid, Amber here
And today I'm not sure what kind of video I'm filming
Hey kid
Hi youtube
You filming a video?
For youtube? For me?
Yeah! :D
Fucking punk
You think you're cool cause you do, mE??
*Slight chuckle*
Hey how are you??
How's that sandwich?
Is that a sandwich?
Yea do you like that sandwich?
You like it?
Is it good?
I'd hope so
Yeah I'd hope so to
*slightly crying* Yeah
Tell your mom to make me another one, it's pretty good..
What do you wan-
Whatcha reading?
nature is so pretty when youtube isn't around!!
Hey hey hey, I'm sorry
what are you doing out in nature??
You're suppose to be inside
Isolated from society
But I made an exception, just for you
Are you gonna hurt me?
No no darling I wanted to tell you I'm sorry
Really, I wasn't trying to be mean
Or (pause) Hurt you
*That* Badly
So I just want to let you know that I'm sorry
You really mean it?
Are you dead?
Angola é Nossa - Portuguese Marching Song [With Lyrics] - Duration: 2:03.Angola is ours, Angola is ours.
Angola is ours, Angola is ours.
Angola is ours, Angola is ours.
Angola is ours, Angola is ours.
Angola is ours, Angola is ours.
Angola is ours.
Oh, heroic Portuguese people, In a stoic effort once again,
You have to fight, to win, To crush the vile betrayal.
To triumph, having reason, Is what gives you valor.
Angola is ours, I shall shout! It's flesh, it's blood of our nation!
Without hesitating, to defend, And to fight until we win!
Angola is ours, I shall shout! It's flesh, it's blood of our nation!
Without hesitating, to defend, And to fight until we win!
To the traitors, Punish,
With an ancestral fearlessness, To detain, to mangle,
To win, to chase out, And yell:
Angola is ours, Angola is ours, it's ours!
It's ours! Angola is Portugal!
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