Learning Colors for Kids with Rubber Duck Coloring Book | How to Draw Cute Duck Coloring Painting
[FiFa World cup 2018 Russia] Germany Squad For World cup 2018 - OFFICIAL - Duration: 3:28.
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National Guard activated for Nor'easter - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Hamantaschen For Everyone! - Duration: 3:32.Hello everyone, welcome back to "'Winks' with Cynthia Tiddly." I'm your host,
Cynthia Tiddly, and this week we welcome back Mrs. Katzman.
Can you see the shadow now? (Clears throat)
Oh hello, everyone, it's Mrs. Katzman! Hello! Today I'm here to talk to you
about the Jewish holiday called "Purim," which is a lesser-known holiday, but it's
very popular among the kids.
Because they dress up, and, uh, they also get to make noise, and
also there's a great treat to have, and the treat is called "hamantaschen!" That's right!
So this is it, right here -- it's a cookie! And it's named after a very bad
man named Haman. (Yells) Everyone is supposed to make noise when anyone says the word,
"Haman." (Yells again) Alright.
So that's a little fun for you. Anyway, Haman (yells) wore this three-cornered hat, which,
incidentally, makes a triangle, and that's why we have these cookies which are
called hamantaschen after that man. I'll spare you additional noise.
You fill them with a variety of things, eh, usually it's some kind of fruit filling, but, very
popular is poppy seeds, okay? And I don't know who was the person who came up with
that idea, because it's a terrible idea for a number of reasons.
Number one, I love chocolate, myself, ok? You wanna win the way to my heart? It's through chocolate.
So, I always come up to a table of hamantaschen, I see the dark center, and I
think, "Oh! It's chocolate!" You'll note, here, you can actually see the chocolate chips.
I did that so there was no confusion -- when you walked over to mine, you knew
what you were getting! But anyway, I have walked over before, seen the dark
filling, thought, "Oh, gosh, it's chocolate!" only to find it's poppy seeds. Oh, I can't
stand it! It's like caviar that's like popped up in a dessert! I, I,
have no time for that. Furthermore, the other zinger is that if
it's a dark filling, it could also be prune!
You know what? There's a time and a
place for prune and it's not for hamantaschen or Purim, so really... just
know that. Alright, so listen: I'm gonna go ahead and eat my hamantaschen,
but I wish all of you a very happy Purim, and thank you so much, alright?
Shalom! Goodbye!
Mrs. Katzman, thank you so much, always a pleasure. And thank
you, viewers, for tuning in once again. Please
pass the video along to your friends if you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up, and
subscribe. Thank you. We'll see you next week. Cynthia Tiddly.
Logan Paul The Number Song Parody / ABC Songs For Kids - Duration: 2:03.abcdefgh
You can sing your alphabet with me
with me, with me.
you can say them with me.
abc abc abc's are so much fun!
and there's only three more x, y, and z.
You can sing your alphabet
you can sing it with me
anytime with a friend
now let's sing it once again
you can say your alphabet
with me with me
ijklmno you can say them with me
abc abc
abc's are so much fun
and there's only three more x, y, and z
You can sing your alphabet.
you can sing it with me
anytime with a friend
Now let's sing it once again abcdefgh
you can say your alphabet
with me with me ijlkmno
You can say them with me
abc abc abc's are so much fun
and there's only three more
x, y, and z
You can sing your alphabet You can sing it
with me anytime with a friend
now let's sing it once again.
abc's abc's abc's abc's abc's abc's abc's abc's
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.7 TBI FOR MASERATI 235 PK, QUADRIFOGLIO VERDE,LEDER,XENON - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Investors need to prepare for the new normal-higher volatility: Joe Duran - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
Bugatti Galibier concept 4 Door Model For 2024 - Duration: 2:26.it was only earlier this week when we discussed bugatti chiron successor and
now there are more initial details to share according to a new report from wot
emotive news the French mark is considering to
replace the two door concepts of its only model with a four door layout the
four door car is not dead Bugatti president Wolfgang Durham er told the
publication during the Frankfurt Motor Show as we already reported next year
the company will evaluate different concept ideas for its new hyper car and
a final decision is expected in late 2018 a couple of months later the actual
engineering work will begin the Chiron which recently set a new world record
for a zero to 249 miles per hour on will remain in production for 80 years
slightly shorter than the Verint 12 year lifespan the hyper car will be replaced
by a single new model as bugatti wants to remain a 1 nameplate brand expected
to arrive in 2024 or 2025 while the guy Ron gets its power entirely from an
internal combustion engine its successor could receive some kind of
electrification according to automotive news Bugatti has yet to decide on a
final powertrain for its next hyper car and is considering hybrid full electric
or pure IC II options the longer the manufacturer can hold off
on taking the final decision the higher the chance the new model could use
electrification since battery and electric powertrain technologies are
accelerating rapidly Bugatti boss commented
it will again be decided on the performance criteria because this is the
ultimate our customers expect from us Durham are told the publication in
Frankfurt the ingredients are open currently vighati has a waiting list of
four years for the guy Ronon has recently received a pre-order for car
number 300 out of 500 no more than 70 examples will be assembled annually
Not Too Young for Lung Cancer | Mark Potuck | Goshen Heart & Vascular - Duration: 1:42.I am Mark Potuck.
I am a Tobacco Treatment Specialist here in the Cardiopulmonary Rehab Department of Goshen Hospital.
My worst experience here at the hospital was actually about six months into my job here.
I had a 42-year-old who called me, and she said "Can you help me quit smoking?" and I
said, "Oh I'd be delighted to."
But she was dealing with lung cancer at 42 years young.
I worked with her and her husband over the next three-four months, and unfortunately,
she lost her battle.
I went downtown to the funeral home to pay my respects, and I just started bawling.
I just started crying uncontrollably.
I couldn't even catch my breath.
That was so dramatic to me.
A 43-year-old dying from lung cancer.
That it gave me a whole new perspective on dealing with young people because so many
young people they think oh if I get sick from tobacco it'll be when I'm really old...like me.
Not so.
I knew the statistics.
I heard about the statistics for respiratory problems, lung cancer.
But when I started working here, those statistics all of a sudden had names, and they had faces.
Now I actually see the results first hand, and that's made a dramatic difference in my
outlook, I guess and my approach to the subject.
And helping people quit smoking.
Hope Hicks' Resignation A Personal Loss For Trump - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
FBI joins search for missing Montana woman - Duration: 0:32.-------------------------------------------
I'm Proudly Pro-Life | Steve Braun for Congress - Duration: 0:07.I'm Steve Braun. I'm proudly pro-life and I'm running for Congress.
Learn more at SteveBraun.com.
Lee Joon Gi Confirmed For New tvN Drama + To Reunite With "Time Between Dog And Wolf" PD - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
What´s a bad hair day for you? @skopljak - Duration: 0:35.WHAT´S A
A bad hair day for me is when I wake up and my hair is like...
I don't really get a feeling from it. It's like flat and unfresh and doesn´t smell so good
and I can't really do anything with it. And yeah, those times I have to like
put a hat on my head or like put it in a bun.
Jobs for ENFPs with TRAVEL & Always Changing Jobs as an ENFP - Duration: 8:25.Hey Dan here and in this video I'm gonna answer two different questions about
ENFPs and building a business or career that's really well suited for you. So the
first one was a comment on one of my other videos about a good careers for
ENFPs and it was what is a good career within these guidelines that has to do
mainly with travel I can't seem to figure it out and so question is
basically how do you work within travel and what I would ask you is do you want
to work about travel or do you want to travel because there are many travel
agents sitting in a flight center somewhere Travel Agency right that
haven't been across you know to another country in a couple years they just
basically are working in an office helping other people travel now of
course if you are a travel agent you get more perks it's going to be a little
better than not being one but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a lot of
travel so that would be my first question is if you really just want to
travel but not necessarily be in the industry then I would look at something
like what I teach about freelancing building your own business where you can
work from anywhere something like that because you don't have to be related to
travel to actually be able to travel right it's more about just setting up
your business or your career in a way that gives you that freedom now if you
want to live abroad for maybe three months or six months at a time there's a
lot of different things you could do I always thought being a tour guide would
be a lot of fun I've even thought of doing it in different cities I've lived
in just for kind of entertainments sake where like you get to come up with like
a one or two hour tour and tell all these stories and meet new people every
day I think that would be very cool and it would be something in ENFP would be
great at because you would be connecting with people you'd be entertaining them
you'd be telling stories using your communication skills and of course as a
tour guide you can probably have a crappy job where you don't earn much
money but you could also be earning a lot of money I'm sure doing it as a
business charging people a good rate because you have the best tour in the
city that sort of thing as well what else can
you do within travel I think something around like a travel assistant could be
very interesting this is something that I've thought about trying to find
someone to hire it's a bit of a unique job I'm sure but you have a couple
options if you're someone like me trying to book travel you can go to a travel
agency where they are a bit bias because they get commissions from different
people and they're more looking at where they're going to earn their commission
to some extent and generally people who use travel agencies most of them are
doing sort of cookie cutter tours like I want to go to Mexico for two weeks or
something like that so if you're looking for a really like interesting creative
trip they're probably not going to be great for you and the other option is
like concierge services like my credit card has a travel concierge where
they'll book things for you but they're more like a credit like a travel agency
where they're just like okay I'll look up a hotel and book your hotel that sort
of thing I've never been able to find a service that offers this kind of
creative like travel planning that I would do for myself like piecing
together multiple flights finding really creative ways to have like a two-day
layover and mixing up different kinds of housing like sometimes I'll stay in a
four or five-star hotel and sometimes I'll stay in an Airbnb or in a hostel
depending on what I feel like for that trip that could be a very cool service
the other thing I would look at is careers that you would generally want to
do that happen to involve a lot of travel
now unfortunately with videoconferencing and basically free long distance now
there's less and less careers where you do just travel for your work 30 40 years
ago it was very standard right if you live in Canada and you had a client in
Japan or Germany you would fly there for meeting at least once or twice a year
and you've got all this free travel that happens less and less now because people
our companies are looking to save money right and just do videoconferencing and
that sort of thing but it still does happen so looking at a career like let's
say you wanted to be a trainer like a group training for companies or organize
workshops or things like that you could do that in a way where you
work for an organization that sent you all over the world
visit their different clients or that sort of thing so there's two ways to do
this one is just do something really travel related like I said a tour guide
or like a kind of travel planner person or the other is just find a normal job
that happens to have a lot of travel built into it of course doing your own
thing and having that freedom is usually what I would recommend is my number one
option as well the second question is as an ENFP how did you finally find
something to focus on I end up doing different jobs because I can never stick
to a business idea good question so it's going to take you some time that's my
short answer as an ENFP you'll likely want to change direction sometimes and
that's okay but what I would recommend the way to do it strategically is
whatever job you get or whatever business you start try to build skills
that you can use in the next thing right so for instance I worked as a freelance
copywriter for many years and I really enjoyed that it was closer to what I was
meant to do with my life than what I did before what one of the things I was
doing before was as a mortgage planner and that had some elements I liked I
learned how to sell I learned how to do presentations so I built skills but I
realized it wasn't for me and then as a copywriter I got closer to what I
enjoyed doing I was using my creative abilities projects were challenging I
got to work with entrepreneurs but it wasn't quite the right fit for me so I
then continued on right but in that I built the copywriting ability and
copywriting is writing to market or to sell which is a very valuable skill for
any kind of business owner so each of these different things I did I learned
what I didn't like I learned about things I did enjoy and I built the skill
and that's what I would really encourage you to do so let's say you look over ten
years I don't know how old you are now but look at someone who is 23 right say
they're going to have five jobs before they're 33 where they change every
roughly two years which is more and more common
now in each of those jobs you your next job should be closer to what you want to
be doing with your life like your life's work and you should be developing a
skill so over ten years you will have developed five really strong maybe
skills maybe ten maybe you're learning different things in each business right
more than one skill I would probably hope and each time you're getting closer
and closer to what you're meant to be doing your life's work
now you might stumble upon your life's work you know on your first career or
your second career choice right and doing things like personality tests and
personal development working with coaches all this stuff can help
accelerate that but the big thing I would leave you with is whatever you are
doing make sure you're developing skills you can use elsewhere and make sure that
you're doing something like whenever you do a job or start a business if it
doesn't work look at what you liked about it and what you didn't like about
it and then make sure to apply that to the next thing you're doing so you don't
repeat your same mistakes so that you're getting closer and closer to your target
each time now I'm sure if you're watching this as an ENFP you have your
own comments to share your own answers to these questions so I encourage you to
share those below in the comments if you aren't already a subscriber do subscribe
to the channel I do lots of videos on personality type on careers on
entrepreneurship and all kinds of other good stuff and I'll catch you in the
next video thanks for watching
Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Door Hinge Set for Half Doors (1987-2006 YJ, TJ) Review - Duration: 3:32.I'm Ryan from extremeterrain.com, and this is my review and installation of the Rugged
Ridge Door Hinge Kit, available in both black and stainless, fitting your 1987 to 2006 Wrangler.
Today, we're gonna talk through the installation of this hinge kit which is the very simple
one out of three wrench installation, you'll be able to get these bolted up to your Wrangler
in under an hour, but we'll talk more about that in just a second.
We're also gonna talk through the construction and a few of the features of these hinges.
There're a couple of different reasons to wanna swap out the door side of your door
One is that the paint is starting to flake off of yours, and you wanna replace them with
something that has a nice fresh powder coat, or in the case of the polished stainless version,
a stainless finish that isn't going to rust or corrode.
Now, another reason to swap these out is just that you like the look, either you're going
for a blacked out look, and you wanna install those black hinges, or you're going for the
stainless accent look, the stainless hinges are available.
You can also get these which are the door side of the hinge, and you can get matching
in either black or stainless body side of the hinge to really complete the look.
These are a steel hinge that's covered in a semi-gloss black powder coat, but as I said
before, there is a polished stainless version available as well.
These do come in a set of four, so you have enough for both doors of your TJ or your YJ.
They are direct fit so they'll bolt right in place of your factory door hinges, and
they'll work on either your full doors or your half doors, whichever you have.
Getting these installed on your Jeep is a breeze, and as I said before, I'm giving it
one out of three wrenches and about an hour to get them installed.
All you'll need to do is close your door, go ahead and remove your mirror from your
top door hinge, and then go ahead and remove the three Torx bolts that are holding the
hinge to the door.
Now, if you have the door closed firmly and you still have your bottom hinge in place,
nothing will move so you won't have to realign anything.
Then go ahead and remove that hinge, drop the new hinge into the body side of the end
bracket, and install the new hardware.
Finally, reinstalling you mirror.
After that it's just a matter of repeating for the lower hinge.
Of course, you won't have the mirror down there, and then repeating that whole process
on the other side of the Jeep.
You won't need any specialty tools, but you will need some Torx bits because the bolts
that hold your factory hinges in place are a Torx head.
I think these are a very fairly priced set of hinges, for around $50 you're getting all
4 of them, the finish on them is very nice, of course the stainless is going to be a little
bit more expensive, and even by the time you consider purchasing the tub side of the hinge,
if you do want them to match, you're still not going to be in these for a ton of money.
The black or the stainless are both going to drastically change up the look of your
Jeep, and especially if you're replacing the chipped paint of factory hinges, these are
going to look good for a low price.
So no matter why you wanna change the factory hinges on your door, either because the paint
is flaking, or you're just looking for a different look, these are going to be an inexpensive
and easy to install option.
So that's my review of the Rugged Ridge Door Hinge Kit, fitting all 1987 to 2006 Wranglers,
that you can find right here at extremeterrain.com.
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