Marlins Hosting MSD Families For Special Pregame Ceremony - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Requiem for a Dream — On the Nature of Addiction - Duration: 10:37.Ready, Mrs. Goldfarb?
Ready for what?
3, 2,
This isn't happening
During the opening scene in Requiem for a Dream
we can hear an orchestra tuning up, just like a musical composition,
preparing us for what we're about to experience.
the entire movie is a piece of kinetic filmmaking
with music.
The fast editing and the rising score go perfectly together
to create a masterpiece.
Help us!
Fucking help us!
It continues to be one of the most disturbing movies of all time.
But it's somehow difficult to take our eyes off it
and after 18 years since its release, hasn't been able to slip our minds.
Here we go!
It seems odd, but what has remained arguably the most effective
"anti-drug" message didn't end up being a government public
service commercial,
but Darren Aronofsky's second feature film.
This is your brain on drugs.
It depicts four different forms of addiction, leading to these characters essentially ruining
their own lives.
But it's not really an "anti-drug" movie, although it never glamorizes substance use.
Aronofsky has said in an interview that Requiem for a Dream is not about heroin
or about drugs.
" The Harry-Tyrone-Marion story
is a very traditional heroin story.
But putting it side by side with the Sara story,
we suddenly say, "Oh my God!
what is a drug?"
Shut up!
It's a film built on the complex nature of addiction,
and the pursuit of a dream.
this is a study of the human condition
and what happens when cold reality shatters fantasy.
Let's explore these tales of addiction and the horrors they unleash.
I just wanted to be on the show.
Let's get something important out of the way.
Requiem for a Dream dives very deep into the human psyche,
so simply treating it as a drug movie or a movie about drug addiction wouldn't
be fair.
I told your ass, stay away from that arm, see?
The drugs the characters get hooked on are simply a plot device that work to move the
So what is the foundational theme of the film?
This is introduced in the very first scene of the movie.
Come on, ma?
Sara locks herself in her closet as Harry steals her television,
Why you gotta make me feel so guilty, ma?
something we can assume he has done before.
Here, we are introduced to the split screen,
which is later used when Harry and Marion are lying in bed together.
Both scenes communicate the same concept,
that even though these characters are close
to each other physically,
in reality,
they couldn't be more alone.
Aronofsky presents an interesting question here:
What is a drug?
Requiem for a Dream gets rid of the binary conventions of "good and bad drugs".
I need the number of that doctor.
Just because it's legal and a doctor says it's OK to take
does not make it "good".
There are no "good" drugs in this film.
The doctor's diet pills are exposed as nothing more than lab grade speed
and they have just as terrible, if not worse consequences than the other characters'
heroin use.
When Sara tries to explain her delusional behaviour to the doctor,
he doesn't even look at her.
He's presented as nothing more than a careless, cold drug dealer dressed in a doctor's robe.
The addictive potential of TV and sugar is also exposed,
as Sara Goldfarb, a woman who clearly has a personality with addictive tendencies
can't shake either of them.
Be excited!
Be, be excited!
Television, food and drugs all provide an escape.
A fix becomes a companion, a friend,
even for the briefest of moments.
This is usually caused by isolation, followed by desperation.
Drugs + Desperation usually ends up in a destructive pattern.
Can you hear me?
So at its core, Requiem is a movie about failing to connect.
None of these characters are able to connect with each other,
which leads to the desperation to no longer be lonely.
Characters looking into mirrors embody this loneliness
and demonstrate the conflict between external beauty and internal chaos.
Tyrone, for example, admires his appearance in this scene.
He's then swept away by a childhood memory with his mother.
He knows that the heroin is now in charge of his life,
that he's disappointed his mother,
despite looking good on the outside.
You don't have to do anything, my sweet
You just have to love your momma
A similar thing happens to Marion in a scene where she admires her beauty in the mirror.
Her outside and inside world are at war with each other.
As the film progresses, the split between illusion and reality widens.
In the summer, the fantasy expectations of all characters
reach their peak.
But as the seasons progress, these expectations spiral downward,
relationships fall apart and finally, dreams turn into nightmares in the winter.
A Requiem is a "mass for the dead" or a "solemn chant" accompanying it.
In simpler terms, it's a haunting piece of music that's
played at a funeral.
The problem with each character is that they think drugs are the gateway to
their dreams.
It's a reason to get up in the morning,
It's a reason to lose weight,
to fit the red dress.
Sara uses amphetamines to lose weight and get on TV,
and the other three characters want to sell heroin to get rich,
but they get lost getting high on their own supply.
Harry's dream is to be with Marion.
This vision comes to Harry while high: Marion on the docks with a red dress.
Harry speeds toward her, but can't reach her because the vision is
interrupted by Tyrone returning with some heroin.
Should we try it?
The same dream comes back to him in the end, but this time,
he realizes that Marion is gone for good.
Harry's failure to connect with his girlfriend is because the heroin gets in the way.
I'm telling you, is no good.
Requiem shows us the relationship between Harry and Marion
slowly dying over the course of the film.
So Requiem for a Dream is like a funeral for their relationship,
and for the dying dreams of the other characters.
Tyrone knows he let his mother down, Marion has prostituted herself several times
at this point to score, Harry has his arm amputated
and Sara has completely lost her mind.
Everything is going to be alright Mrs. Goldfarb.
At the end of the film, everyone's dreams are shattered beyond repair.
In what is perhaps the most haunting ending ever put to film,
Aronofsky gives us an insight of each character trapped deep inside their obsession.
This drives most people crazy.
Each character is lying down, assumes fetal position and their own dreams
are played in their heads.
With a look of desperation, we realize that all hope is lost.
Several times in the film, Aronofsky will let a scene play out
and then cuts to reveal that it's all been an imagination.
What is it?
In the end, we hope that he'll cut away,
revealing that it's all been some kind of sick joke.
Just like the characters, we are denied the escape and are forced to
see the harsh truth for what it is.
Requiem for a Dream invites us to question our behaviours,
our habits and what is or isn't considered a drug.
Perhaps the most important message the movie has to offer
is that when our emotions and thoughts aren't in accordance with the physical world,
everything starts to break down.
We realize during the heartbreaking unfolding of events that addiction,
whether it's to sugar or heroin is an escape to go in a direction of a need
that is currently not being met.
I'm lonely.
Maybe that need is companionship, a true connection to the outside world.
But the only way to overcome this, what our characters ultimately fail to do,
is by figuring out what we're really running away from
and realize that what we are truly lacking isn't a quick fix,
but the ability to connect.
We got a winner!
I never thought I'd be on Television.
You know what we need to do?
We need to get us a piece of this Brody shit,
cut it up
and off it!
Your sketches are great, We'll put up a store!
My Louis, she went to a doctor and he gave her pills.
You don't want to eat!
Purple in the morning,
Blue in the afternoon,
Orange in the evening.
What is the big deal of being on Television?
Those pills you're taking will kill before you ever get off.
I'm somebody now Harry!
You promised me that everything was going to be okay, remember?
I told your ass, stay away from that arm.
Let's do this right.
Can you hear me?
Help us!
Can you come Today?
I just wanted to be on the show!
most people
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Feed me, Sara!
Happy 4k subscribers, guys!
This was a tough one to make, Requiem for a Dream is one of the most heartbreaking
movies we've ever seen,
but it's a fantastically well crafted movie
and it's pretty different.
As always guys, we hope you enjoyed this video.
If you're new here and would like to see more videos like this,
be sure to like and subscribe to A Matter of Film.
Let us know what you think, what movies you would like us to discuss.
Thank you so much for your support,
see you next week.
Syrian reporter fears for her life at a protest (2012) - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Passover Begins Tonight For Jewish People Around The World - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Top 3 Less Known FREE Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing - Duration: 9:26.What is going on guys my name is Anthony Villa welcoming you back to a brand new
video here on the channel where today guys I'm gonna be giving you my top
three lesser-known lesser-used free traffic sources for affiliate marketing
now guys these top three are gonna be lesser-known less you use so they're not
gonna be like huge platforms but they are gonna be very beneficial to you if
you're actually in a play marketing and you don't want to hop on like the big
five social media platforms when everyone thinks of social media
marketing and actually utilizing social media platforms for affiliate marketing
they think of like the top big five which are of course gonna be like
Facebook Twitter snapchat Instagram YouTube but guys these like these
lesser-known platforms can still be extremely beneficial and they can still
convert really well to leads and to sales which so I'm gonna give them to
you guys today those of you who are injured in some smaller platforms and
normally want to hop on those top five huge social media platforms right now
with that being said guys I'm gonna show you that in just a minute by diving into
my computer but before I do that guys if you're brand new to the channel this is
the first time you're watching on my videos I encourage you right now to go
down below and please subscribe for brand new videos just like this one
every single day and with that being said guys we're gonna start this video
off right now by diving into my computer alright guys we're not in my computer as
you can see on my whiteboard top three lesser-used free traffic sources of
course guys I have the black boxes covering each of the three I have like
two or three main points for each of them then I'm gonna go over a little bit
of detail for you guys that we can guys can get a better idea of exactly how to
use these platforms for affiliate marketing with that said guys I'm not
gonna waste any more time let me pull the first box out of the way so because
the first one is gonna be reddit now guys of course reddit is still a massive
social media platform but in terms of a flight marketing in that aspect of the
internet it's not very heavily used because like I mentioned guys everyone
long those top five social media platforms
web sites like Reddit which it can still be extremely valuable getting Noord
so has the reason reddit is such like a website to actually do it marketing on
is because guys they have millions of daily users one that's of course
fantastic for traffic purposes because that's a ton of people you can actually
get in front of out some people you can actually market your affiliate offers
and your affiliate products too with that said though guys read it also has
very niche communities of course he's being known as subreddits whereas these
niche communities or front sake for marketing and because again
you're able to establish yourself as a little bit of an authority figure and a
little bit of a smaller community without needing like hundreds of
thousands of followers in order to do that you can still come off as an
authority finger just for what you know and just where you post on on those form
on that forum you don't necessarily need sound like 50,000 followers on Facebook
and like a thousand followers on Instagram you can just be known for
actually just giving out valuable content and helping people out so guys
when you want ready to actually help people just putting your affiliate link
and like the bottom of your description or the bottom of your bio or something
like that can definitely help you generate leads generate sales so guys
you want to go on Reddit and be as active as possible any suburb it's in
these forums that way you can actually establish yourself as an authority
figure and somebody who knows what they're doing once you're able to
establish yourself as an authority figure in these communities and as
somebody who knows a lot it'll be very easy to actually generate leads and to
monetize later on that's because you guys these people are gonna see you as
somebody who knows what they're talking about so eventually if you want to sell
like ebooks courses maybe even coaching to them they may be that much more
likely to buy is because they know you as somebody who actually knows knows
their stuff and not just another person on these forums not just another person
trying to sell them I ran the product but you're actually an authority figure
that's exactly what you guys want to do no matter what nice rent or no matter
what subreddit you're going into you want to establish yourself as an
authority figure and someone who knows that knows their stuff and with that
said guys that's the first I've like the lesser-used
free traffic sources I know about after that one guys then the second example I
gave is gonna be a Korra so of course guys Cornell one is gonna be another
huge forum where people can answer and ask questions of course it's gonna be
another great one because again they have tons of daily traffic there are
tons and tons of people on Korra every single day asking questions answering
questions just interacting with each other in that in that tight little
community of people in the website of course guys Korres isn't gonna
necessarily be like a social media platform but it is gonna be extremely
valuable because guys it has very similar features to read it because it's
gonna be a very tight-knit who are people who care a lot about their
specific niche and their specific topic or subject so we're getting a genève me
going in to quarrel with a very similar mindset of wanting to help people out
and do some questions and but just by doing that you'll be able to establish
yourself as an authority finger and someone who knows again knows their
stuff guys let me keep singing about the video but it's very important to
establish yourself as that even on the core guys so when you start answering a
bunch of questions people see your name pop up over and over and
over again and I'm never seeing that seeing how people out there gonna
respect you and they're gonna trust your opinions and know everything and all the
knowledge you share just because you're able to help so many people out and it's
because your knowledge is not much more valuable there Horace guys my second
third point for Cora is that it's very easy to drive traffic on there because
the gang guys all you really have to be doing is actually answering questions
all you have to be was answering questions in your niche so for example
guys if you don't like the health and fitness niche and somebody comes in and
says hey you know I'm going to a wedding in like three months but I want to be
able to lose like 15 pounds in that time or like ten pounds in that time what do
you guys recommend what should I do they said their thing to actually achieve
that goal and then all you I all you guys have to do as an acclaimed marketer
is coming in just give them some knowledge guys drop like a paragraph or
two of us valuable knowledge and then guys you can also link out to your
landing page or to a free ebook or something you're giving away at the
bottom but guys once you actually provide that value they're gonna trust
you enough to actually go ahead click that link and actually sign up - with
that said guys that is exactly why Cora is gonna be a great lesser-known traffic
source to use because there aren't that many people using it for affiliate
marketing and again guys this is gonna be completely free traffic Cora and
reddit are both completely free platforms you guys can leverage for
their free traffic which is a course fantastic and another great point here
is guys that it's gonna be a lot easier if you to compete on these platforms
when it comes to the competition because guys on reddit and Cora it doesn't
really matter how many followers we have it doesn't think none of that stuff
matters on there and it's fantastic but you guys can just help people out and
just give value and give your knowledge away for free and they actually get
something in return you don't need like five thousand people following you on
Twitter or ten thousand people following your facebook page to actually be seen
as an authority figure and somebody who knows their stuff you just have to
actually know what you're talking about and then help people out on these forums
on Quora on whatever it is you're actually going into an established up as
an authority figure in that way you know after we're bowling and following
building up an audience building up a following account when you're giving
away your knowledge for free on these platforms with that being something guys
Quora is gonna be another great one that's very undervalued not any people
using it and without say guys I'm actually pulled the third box way now
showing you guys the third lesser-known free traffic source you guys can use
this one isn't gonna be necessarily a website but this one's gonna be niche
forum there's someone's gonna be little more of a topic or a category and what I
mean by niche forums arguing as individual forums dedicated to one
specific niche one specific topic or they're gonna be things like health and
fitness forums bodybuilding like ham is a great example of that they're gonna be
like home gardening forums they're gonna be very niche specific small website
forums but they can still be fantastic for affiliate marketing and the reason
that is and the reason that is guys is because they're usually a very tight
community of people and if you can actually establish yourself and within
that community as an authority figure it's gonna be very easy for you to sell
and market your services your products whatever it is just because you're able
to establish yourself and everybody in that community knows you and they know
you as an authority figure we should be very easy to actually market to them and
to anybody else who ever comes onto the forums just because you'll have built up
so much rapport with everybody on the forum they'll know you in that community
and it's gonna be a lot easier to actually establish yourself as that
authority figure in these tight-knit niche forums just because guys you're
gonna keep seeing the same people over and over and over again whereas the red
ink were there any literally millions of people all in websites every single day
with these niche forums it might be the same 5,000 people the same 10,000 people
and of course guys I might that's all I got insane amount of people to market to
but if you can establish yourself as a serious authority as somebody who's
really at the top in this on niche in this market you guys can really make a
lot of money just also I was like ten twenty thousand fifty thousand people
that visit the website every single month with that being said the guys
don't go to too crazy and go into these forums like 50 people and show the
market and sell to all of them because I mean you want to go too crazy with the
guys of course they're gonna be extremes but pretty much all these examples you
want to stay away from those and it's kind of stay in the middle
but guys with me swarms are extremely undervalued they're extremely underrated
because of course guys again I won't watch this ticks like those top five
even read it in court a little bit more known but nobody's really going for
those very niche forums that I think are very undervalued and it's very easy to
build yourself up as an as an established authority figure in those
tiny communities where everybody kind of knows the top people in that and that
niche in that category with that being said the guys that
pretty much wraps up this video those are my top three lesser used with that
being so other guys if you did enjoy the video definitely should drop a like on
it right now and if you guys really enjoyed the video definitely make sure
to go down below right now and please subscribe for brand new videos just like
this one every single day with that so guys if you guys any questions comments
concerns anything feel free to drop a comment down in the comment section down
below I'll answer every single comment I get whether it's actually on these
free traffic sources but it's on a plate marketing online business whatever it is
guys any questions you might have I'm here to help we're that said I'm
Anthony Villa I will see you guys in the next one and I am out peace
Is it time for Hillary to withdraw from the public eye? - Duration: 11:12.-------------------------------------------
Fan Mail for Parkland Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz: 'I Feel Sorry for You' - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
New South Augusta development could call for tall, grande or venti gourmet coffee - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
SPCA now charging fee for surrendering animals - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Alyse for Alaska - Duration: 2:22.Hi there!
My name is Alyse Galvin, and I'm running for Congress!
I know most of you don't know me, so I'll give you a short bio.
My family first came to Alaska during World War II.
They stayed, becoming butchers, builders, bankers, locksmiths, misfits, and outlaws!
I grew up in the Government Hill neighborhood.
I went south for school, and worked my way through college.
Doing everything!
From hauling trash to construction sites, waitressing, and even gutted fish at a processing
I've owned two small businesses, managed a large hotel in Anchorage, and spent the last
four years advocating for every student to have a quality public education, as a leader
of the grassroots group, Great Alaska Schools.
It was that advocacy work, spending time in D.C. and in Juneau that I realized how important
it is that our leaders represent our values.
This past year in particular, I've been disappointed in many of our leaders in Washington.
As my frustration grew with the partisian politics I was watching, I made the decision.
Instead of hiding my head under the covers, it was time for me to step up and do something
about it.
I am running for Congress because I believe that I will be that voice for change, and
action, in Washington.
Standing up for Alaskan values.
I want to fix the mess that is our health care system, build an innovative economy for
jobs with liveable wages, and ensure that every Alaskan child has a high-quality education
from birth that leads to good jobs.
And let us not forget, global climate change is real, and Alaska must be at the forefront
of research and development for renewable technologies.
This is very important that our families are set up for being strong.
I hope you'll learn more about me, and see where I stand on issues that are important
to you.
If you want to join our effort, please sign up to volunteer!
And please invest in my campaign here.
If you have any questions, please reach out and we'll be there to answer you.
Thanks for listening, and keep in touch!
Crowdfunding page for fired FBI deputy director close to $500K - Duration: 4:04.A crowdfunding campaign to cover legal costs for Andrew McCabe,
the former FBI deputy director fired two days before he planned to retire and
obtain a full pension, was approaching half a million dollars Friday,
almost double its $250,000 goal.
In fact, the original goal for the legal defense fund was $150,000,
which was later raised to $250,000, and by Friday more than 10,000 people had
donated more than $460,000.
An updated description called the support "overwhelming, humbling,
and deeply appreciated." The funds will go toward "a number of congressional
inquiries that he will be required to respond to,
as well as the broader Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation that is
ongoing, and any potential lawsuits he might consider," the page said.
"[McCabe] and his family continue to deal with the very public and extended
humiliation that the Administration, and the President personally,
have inflicted on them over the past year," the page read.
A description on the page clarified that it was the only official one raising
funding for McCabe, despite imitation pages.
Extra money raised will go toward charities of the family's choosing,
the page said, and although it's unclear what will happen to McCabe's pension and
healthcare benefits from more than 20 years in the FBI,
"no funds raised for the Andrew McCabe Legal Defense Fund will be used for anything
beyond his defense of the allegations against him.
He will continue to fight for the pension and benefits he deserves,
rather than accept any crowdfunding for that purpose," it read.
"Not in my worst nightmares did I ever dream my FBI career would end this way,"
McCabe later wrote in the Washington Post.
In an official statement from Attorney General Jeff Sessions on McCabe's
termination March 16, he said investigations concluded that McCabe had made "an
unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor — including under oath
— on multiple occasions."
"The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty,
integrity, and accountability.
As the OPR proposal stated, 'all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath
results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand,'" Sessions said.
McCabe issued his own statement saying he would no longer keep silent — and kept
that promise by writing the op-ed.
"For the last year and a half, my family and I have been the targets of an
unrelenting assault on our reputation and my service to this country.
Articles too numerous to count have leveled every sort of false,
defamatory and degrading allegation against us.
The President's tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all.
He called for my firing.
He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service.
And all along we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the mission of
the FBI by addressing the lies told and repeated about us."
"No more," McCabe said.
McCabe joined the FBI in 1996.
Beginning in 2016, he served as deputy director of the FBI under former FBI
Director James Comey.
McCabe became acting director after Comey was fired and then resumed his role as
deputy director when President Donald Trump's appointee for director, Chris Wray,
was sworn in the late summer of 2017.
Video: Assistance center for Puerto Rican evacuees to close Friday - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Myanmar President Calls for Constitutional Amendments - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
My Love and Hate for League of Legends - Duration: 4:30.(sigh) ...oh my fucking god.
This has been a video I've been dreading to make.
League of Legends is this peculiar case of gaming that
I have this particular love-hate relationship with.
It's a game that heavily depends on either your team banding together to form this
PERFECT hive-mind of somehow creeping ...forward in-game... fifty minutes ahead of... y'know, where you are now,
Or honestly, it's depends on something like uh, for example,
a mastery 7... Yasuo getting Phantom Dancer in
10 minutes or less or your pizza's free.
It's repetitive, it's draining, and oh my god it is so addicting.
Let me tell you, I have been addicted to this game on and off for the last two years,
and the only off periods I had was when
I had to intentionally uninstall the game when college papers started stacking up,
or I had some event in my life going on, so of course, you know,
You uninstall.
And not only is it addicting, but it takes an extreme long period
of time in the game
of playing game, after game, after game
to gain actual SKILL.
...IN this game.
And even by the point of time where you get this skill to play the champs you love
you only have about a fifty-fifty percent chance of actually winning,
or, by the time you do gain the skill to actually play the champ you love,
they nerf the SHIT out of those champions that you love.
Which brings me to my next thing:
After a long time of playing this game,
I began to realize I wasn't really playing it for FUN anymore.
The game wasn't FUN for me after a while.
I started opening it up every day because I wanted to WIN
more than I actually wanted to PLAY the fucking game.
And... that's how addictions start.
You start off having a great time with something,
Doing something for fun,
Then, bam, addicted, pregnant, third testicle and heroine addict.
Well, maybe not that last thing.
When you get to a point in the game
where you care more about WINNING
said game rather than PLAYING said game,
It's time to uninstall.
Because you're playing it more for the satisfaction of the award that
isn't even guaranteed after every game
rather than enjoying the actual gameplay of it, no matter win or lose.
This, for me, was really the straw that broke the camel's back.
But then again, there are some parts of this game I realize I love.
Like those clippets of time where your team actually becomes
a hive-mind for a split second,
for a few small minutes,
actually pulling off some sweet strats and getting a well-earned kill.
Then two moments later, they're back to feeding.
But that one moment,
where you actually do something extremely cool,
and hip, and seemingly professional,
that's the feeling I wish I was always able to achieve from League,
That's the equivalent of attempting to scale from bronze to diamond in a month,
It just... doesn't happen.
You honestly gamble every time you play the game,
Your mid can feed and your jungle can never gank early,
but you can have a great ADC and support that basically carry the entire game,
Or, you could have a great Gangplank top,
and an... alright jungle,
and have.. everybody else feed a mastery 7 Yasuo
My point being is every game
for me, was a gamble of how I was going to feel afterwards.
...after the game.
(burp) Oh, excuse me.
And... that's really when I knew I had to uninstall.
But positive notes, really, I really
love the design of this game,
to me, it's the cleanest of it's genre when it comes to design.
not nothing overly flashy and you can really see what's going on.
The artwork is... incredible.
the map is super innovative and the community really does not let that down when it comes to design.
Through countless collaborations of art and music and animation,
I really love that side of the community and I will continue to support it.
In game, a bit toxic and... belligerent.
But it's mostly because people love this game,
And... probably too much.
But, yeah, I'm done with League for the most part.
I love it... but I hate it.
You know, the moral is, play it not because you want to win,
but because of your love for the game.
and, that's really it.
that's all I got to say,
See ya later.
No bail for Texas couple allegedly found with weapons cache, ammo in hotel - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Officials: Tax Break For Outside Revenue Abused By Nassau Businesses - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
( US News ) Pope Francis Uses Christmas Message To Call For Two-State Solution - Duration: 6:17.Pope Francis Uses Christmas Message To Call For Two-State Solution
6k 68.
VATICAN CITY, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Pope Francis used his Christmas message on Monday to call for a negotiated two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, after U.S.
President Donald Trump stoked regional tensions with his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Francis spoke of the Middle East conflict and other world flashpoints in his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) address, four days after more than 120 countries backed a U.N.
resolution urging the United States to reverse its decision on Jerusalem.
"Let us pray that the will to resume dialog may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can finally be reached, one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two states within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders," he said, referring to the Israelis and Palestinians.
"We see Jesus in the children of the Middle East who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians," he said in his address, delivered from the balcony of St.
Peter's Basilica to tens of thousands of people.
Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters Pope Francis waves as he leads the Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message from the balcony overlooking St.
Peters Square at the Vatican on December 25, 2017.
It was the second time that the pope has spoken out publicly about Jerusalem since Trump's decision on Dec.
On that day, Francis called for the city's "status quo" to be respected, lest new tensions in the Middle East further inflame world conflicts.
Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future independent state, whereas Israel has declared the whole city to be its "united and eternal" capital.
Francis, leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, urged people to see the defenseless baby Jesus in the children who suffer the most from war, migration and natural calamities caused by man today.
"Today, as the winds of war are blowing in our world.
Christmas invites us to focus on the sign of the child and to recognize him in the faces of little children, especially those for whom, like Jesus, 'there is no place in the inn,'" he said.
Mussa Qawasma / Reuters Clergymen attend a Christmas midnight mass at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on December 25, 2017.
OPEN HEARTS FOR REFUGEES Francis, celebrating the fifth Christmas of his pontificate, said he had seen Jesus in the children he met during his recent trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh, and he called for adequate protection of the dignity of minority groups in that region.
More than 600,000 Muslim Rohingya people have fled mainly Buddhist Myanmar to Bangladesh in recent months.
The pope had to tread a delicate diplomatic line during his visit, avoiding the word "Rohingya" while in Myanmar, which does not recognize them as a minority group, though he used the term when in Bangladesh.
"Jesus knows well the pain of not being welcomed and how hard it is not to have a place to lay one's head.
May our hearts not be closed as they were in the homes of Bethlehem," he said.
He also urged the world to see Jesus in the innocent children suffering from wars in Syria and Iraq and also in Yemen, complaining that its people had been "largely forgotten, with serious humanitarian implications for its people, who suffer from hunger and the spread of diseases." He also listed conflicts affecting children in South Sudan, Somalia, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Ukraine and Venezuela.
At his Christmas Eve Mass in St.
Peter's Basilica on Sunday, Francis strongly defended immigrants, comparing them to Mary and Joseph finding no place to stay in Bethlehem and saying faith demands that foreigners be welcomed.
(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Gareth Jones) .
Kevin Burke - "What the Volume Knob is for" @WANPOETRY - Duration: 1:58.Burning behind the eyes, salt the teeth, splinters in the knuckles.
This is what the volume knob is for.
Spit, rattles through walls, dice the vocal chords, iron in the throat.
This is what the volume knob is for.
His fingers wrap around dreams, crush sleep to paste, sweat in the mattress.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
Turn it till it breaks off.
Crank that shit.
Open it like a sink.
Let it rinse out all the smoke, the vomit, the stinging.
Shower down, rinse out, clean up, stand up.
When you need up, up, up, up.
Turn it up, up up!
This is what the volume knob is for.
When you are drowning on air, sinking into silence.
When the room is thick with empty, and you are choking on your own skin.
These speakers are floodgates, blowin out, blowin open.
Your ears, a life raft.
Your heart, a flare gun.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
This is what the volume knob is for.
It all feels better swimming in this noise.
It all feels better swimming in this noise.
You stop sinking and you float in this noise, in this noise, in this music, in this music.
This is what the volume knob is for.
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