welcome to the video guys so I'm going
to try to film this a different way it
is back day today it is Tuesday April
24th but I'm going to try to film this
back day a little different here I'm in
this room by myself I'm gonna try to do
the exercises and then show them to you
or like talk to you as I'm going along
with them but we'll see trying to break
that barrier like I told you guys but
Tuesday back day and let me know guys
let me know what you guys think about
so the very first exercise that I'm
doing is pull-ups um as you guys just
saw that's the very first set so the
first set is pull-ups doing about four
sets three to eight three eight four
sets of eight so that's what I'm gonna
do but this is gonna be hard when I get
out there and I actually have to start
talking after each set so let's see how
this goes
make sure when you guys are doing your
pull-ups or whatever that you want to
get a full hang on it because you're
just doing like partial reps or not get
down a little way you're not getting to
forage in bushes so make sure you get
that full range of motion there are
different variations where you could do
partial reps and stuff but that's for
the advance so if you're doing normal
push pull up make sure you the full
range of motion I will say that a
majority the exercises that I'm going to
do today though are able to be done in
this entire room because there's an
entire set up here everything is all
here for me so I just did pull-ups now
I'm going to do rope lat pull down
you'll see it's like super close
engagement so instead of going out super
wide I'm in really close and it helps me
engage the lower portion of my back down
there so that's what I'm about to do now
so let's get it probably going to do 4
sets of 12 to 15
so the entire premise of this workout is
for me to stay in close with everything
that I do and then I do back day again
on Friday and everything that I do is
going to be more of a wide grip so
everything that I do today is super
close grip and then the very next
exercise I'm going to do I'll show you
right now is going to be a t-bar row so
unless you know what a t-bar row is um
see here but t-bar row so I'm going to
super set this t-bar row holding this
neutral grip here and I'm going to come
all the way over here and I've actually
never seen this machine but I'm gonna
hold the neutral grip here as well I'm
gonna pull this way towards me so you'll
see that with the t-bar row I'm pulling
from a neutral grip below me and then
I'll be pulling from a neutral grip in
front of me kind of like another t-bar
row so that's what I'm a superset next
but like I said everything for the
premise of this Tuesday back day is
everything super close and tight trying
to engage my lats a little bit better
because it'll help the lower portion I
and believe it or not I don't know what
this machine is and if I'm using it for
the right thing but whatever I do
whatever machine it is is working really
well because I have to have a slight
like all my weights in front of me like
my lower portion of my body is in front
of me and then I'm pulling up to like
away from my lower body with that
I did force us to ten for that superset
we're gonna tell you guys four sets work
sets of ten see you guys like I'm
purposely staying in here and talking to
you guys like this and I'm purposely
finding workouts in here that I can do
so I can kind of have this one-on-one
talk with you guys as I'm doing my
workout and like there's a lot of things
in here so I'm making it work and it's
really really working out for me
doing articles right now I was going to
be forced into it but I'm doing three
surgery instead and start with 365
I'm not crazy so I'm going to go up
plus two chefs
alright guys so a couple things with
that workout this morning so the one
thing that you might have noticed with
the last couple exercises I did a little
bit of talking in there but you know
went out with the savages in a gym there
so it was kind of nerve-wracking the
rack pulls and I talk to you out there
with those but then I show you two bicep
exercises I wasn't originally going to
do those I was going to show you those
but because I want to make the video too
long but I did anyways one set of each
but with the last bicep exercise with
the reverse grip cable curls make sure
like you didn't see it on my first set
and that's why you're going to see
coming up right now you're going to see
on the second set here that's why you
want to make sure you like flex your
tricep at the bottom that's the full
extension of your bicep so make sure you
flex your tricep at the bottom and
you'll see like my tricep contracting
there um that just means you're getting
it's like a acts as a break to your
bicep now physiologically your bicep
only goes about like that far down
physiologically physiologically means
inside your body but anatomically your
arm can extend all the way so when
you're doing the bicep curl make sure
you extend all the way contract that
tricep and you're good to go but this is
about going to conclude the video but
there's two things I want to touch upon
number one um I've been wearing cut-offs
more I don't know why I just happen
maybe it's because I'm dieting and I
feel more comfortable with how like my
body's looking like in the cuts and
everything but that is will be a segue
into what I'm going to talk about right
now is I'm sort of seeing more like more
cuts more definition on the cuts in my
triceps like I never had good arms and
this passed like a year and a half even
two years now because it was before my
last cut and then this year especially
like I hammered away at doing arms
because I used to not do arms cuz I used
to think I'd be like that douchebag or
like that typical gym douchey not I mean
so I stopped doing oh I'd never just did
arms um now I realize like they're super
important to your overall physique and
appearance especially since that's like
the highlight of what really people look
at I'm for the majority you know people
like glutes people like someone with
nice calves people like someone with ABS
but like the biceps like growing up and
in older times is like the muscle group
to have the Flex animal anyways yeah a
little rant there I don't know why I
said any of what I
but he was so I started working on arms
and you know I'm starting to kind of see
that fruition so if there's a body part
that you'll AG like work at it like I'm
doing back twice a week right now like
if you think while you're dieting that
you're going to build muscle like you're
wrong well you have to you have to
preserve your muscle but when you're
dieting you're not going to build muscle
at all you're actually going to lose
some muscle mass so you want to try to
do anything you can to preserve it and
for me like I really don't have I felt
like my back was weak and I should
probably should have started doing more
of it to begin with
while I was building but uh yeah I'm
gonna continue doing back to you twice a
week it's become my favorite day and I'm
really trying to put an emphasis on if I
can't really grow it too much I'm gonna
try to do exercises that are going to
emphasize the cuts that I'll get by the
end of this diet so I'm excited but
that's going to end this video guys like
share subscribe if you have any
questions if you like the way I did it
in there today let me know if you like
the way I've done it in the past if you
made it this far in the video so enjoy
your day it's Tuesday and kill it guys
let's get it I don't know let's get it
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