Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 29 2017

hey everyone I just wanted to get a

couple of things off my chest before

this video starts this is the first time

me doing YouTube which has only been a

month and a half that I hated doing a

video I hate that I have to do this

video so I want everyone to know that

and the only reason I did is because I

think it's very important video

regardless that I hated doing it now I'm

going to talk about some progressive in

this video and her not supporting

justice Democrats and telling other

people not to support them I think this

video is important because she has

swayed a lot of people into believing

what's what she says and this video is

not just for seeing progressive this

videos for anyone who thinks this way

I'm only using her because she has the

biggest voice in this dissent so I had a

had to now I know seen progress the

reason I hated doing the videos because

I know seen progressive shares my values

and I know she believes in pretty much

the same things I believe in and I used

to be a fan of hers until she did this

and unfortunately this video had to come

out and I had to I had to express my

feelings I do go in on her I don't swear

or anything or give her sweater or

anything like that but yes I give her a

piece of my mind in this video I also

want really quickly to say that the

difference between me and one same

progressive and you all you other people

who are doing this is is that I support

everything and anyone who says that

Kyle kolinsky and TYT anyone who's

involved in just Democrats are trying to

tell anyone to only do the justice

Democrats are lying and if you have a

video showing me that they're saying

that you send it to me and I'll give you

500 bucks that's how much I know that

you'll never find that video no one's

saying you have to do the Justice

Democrats I'm not telling you you have

to either all I'm saying is don't tell

other people what's good and what's

wrong as long as progressives get in

that's what that's the only thing that

should matter I also want to say that

and this is the last point ask yourself

this before you write a comment who

believes in this stuff before you write

a comment ask yourself this if you were

if you were the last votes to vote on a

Justice Democrat

who shares your values and you tell

yourself that you're not going to do

that you want to vote then as you look

in the mirror like same progressive

likes to tell people to look in the

mirror you look in the mirror and ask

yourself are you a real progressive

because if you're telling yourself that

no I want to vote for that just as

Democrat even though they share my

values then you're not a real

progressive and even though I don't

agree with the same progressive at all

in this I would still vote for any

candidate that she had that shared my

values and that's the difference

so before you write that comment ask

yourself that question because I asked

myself that question and I still would

support any candidate in any any party

it doesn't matter as long as they share

my values I would support that person

that's all I have to say I would say

enjoy enjoy the video but I really did

enjoy making this video but I do think

the message is important and even if I

and I hope I framed them at this video

well enough that even if it changes one

person's mind to at least support it

just as Democrats you don't have to be

all-in and but at least at least accept

them and and support them like you would

support anyone else who's progressive

then I've done my job thank you

hey everyone welcome to the progressive

social warriors where we speak truth to

power we speak truth the Republican and

Democratic Party but especially a

Democratic Party because that's why we

have Trump so we're going to get into

this really quick is that I want this

video to be any longer than it has to

well I'm going to discuss the same

progressive I know a lot of a lot of

people watch her and a lot of people

seem to agree with what she has to say

about the Justice Democrats I totally

disagree with her I think that she is

doing harm to the progressive movement I

think she's splitting progressives in a

way that is wrong and which I don't

agree with whatsoever if you agree with

the same progressive do me a favor and

watch this whole video before you try

and argue with me because if I notice

that you haven't watch this whole video

you're just commenting I'm not even

going to bother answering you back so

I'm going to get into this real quick I

looked at the platform that was put up

by secular talk and the Turks and it

just okay let's let's let's break it


Kyle Kaczynski and junk youger it's time

to face the facts the Democratic Party

is broken and the corporate

establishment wing of the party is

responsible okay in the first sentence

they're lost alright

no it's not the the establishment

corporate Democrats that that is why we

are where we are today we the American

people and the Democratic constituents

have been codependent and neighbours to

the corruption of the Democratic Party

we have failed to practice basic citizen

oversight we've watched as they again

and again and again and again and again

cross lines to dirt across and then we

always are rationalizing why we have to

stay with politicians who are betraying

our most core interests all right let's

look okay so let's start off by saying

that she has a point yes

people have been not paying attention

and voting for these politicians but

let's also be unfair that people are

just starting to wake up unfortunately


as a point but what does she want to

just Democrats to have the first thing

on their platform saying by the way it's

the vote it's you guys the voters fault

for why we have these politicians and

that's why that's why we have them

because it's your fault what what what

is she talking about man

okay yes she has a point people people

weren't too weren't awake enough to

realize what was happening but they are

now but just several kinds are going to

put in their platform it's the voters

fault it's your fault for putting these

people in to begin with Wow

so already starting off pissing me right

off with nonsense

to move on to the next so the strategy

is in 2018 hundreds of Justice Democrats

will you run a unified campaign to

replace every corporate back member of

Congress and rebuild the party from

scratch and they go on for their plan

they want a constitutional amendment to

take the to end the Washington

corruption corruption and bring about

election form you're not going to get a

constitutional amendment to to do that

you're not I'm looking at your plans and

I'm and there is a glaring omission a

glaring omission that puts your plan

dead in the water before it even

launches election fraud is is a reality

and we're met with radio silence as

Bernie Sanders refused to address the

fraud that cost us all the nominations

so if you're looking to that as a leader

you know you can talk about every great

policy and you can talk about everything

that we need to do to to an act but if

you're not going to address the core

issue of corruption and fraud yes that's

not the person who's going to lead you

out of this he is sheep dogging and he

dangerous at this point

okay so instead see this is how you do

things okay people because it matters

how you say things okay it does it

matters how you see things she could say

hey listen during the primary

I was with the Bernie Sanders campaign

and I've seen a lot of election fraud

and a lot of purging and and yes I'm

sure that happened and that there's been

proof and it's where she's right it's

proven that that there was purging from

the front from the voters and there was

shenanigans going on in the primaries

when it came to Bernie Sanders yes I

agree but instead of saying hey listen

just as Democrats I just want to give

you guys fair warning that you know this

is what I experienced so just so you

know going forward if you're going to

run these candidates even though I agree

with your policies figuring to run these

candidates make sure you look out for

this because I in my experience this

happened you know what I mean

not on Iran all forget about it it's not

going to work because of election fraud

and you guys didn't mentioned the

election fraud so therefore it's not

going to work and don't bother with it

what that's progressive that someone's

trying to help but that someone who's

not trying to help there's a difference

of how you say things guys come on man

that's common sense

she talks about common sense that's

common sense that's how you do something

you want to have your concerns come out

and and some of her concerns are

legitimate but you do it in a in a

reasonable way you do it like I just

said hey listen you know this happened

look out for it not don't do it don't

bother with it it's not going to work

what a joke that's that's so wrong you

have no idea how upset I am that someone

with a decent following I mean she's not

one of the biggest youtubers but you

know she had a decent following would

come on and do this it makes me think

she has alternative goals and

alternative reasoning for why she did it

anyway let's keep going we're going to

have a People's Movement is something

where people all get together and we

talk and we talk about creating an

alternative strategy this is kind of

patriarchal what I'm seeing with the

Turks here and Jack and Kyle they make

the plan simply Bernie Sanders just like

Bernie Sanders this is what we're going

to do this is how we're going to do it

this is the way and and did we have a

conversation so this is what

I mean when the hell did jancker Kyle or

Bernie say this is the way it is and you

got to do it this way they never said

that you go and check what Kyle actually

said because Kyle talks about this more

in depth okay and I always have a link

about the Justice Democrats on him

explaining it okay but I'm sure all of

you already know he says I support her

just like me that's the difference

between what she's trying to do and what

I'm trying to do and what Kyle's trying

to do I don't care how progressives get

in I just want them to get in you want

to do it a different way I support you I

don't care how you do it but I'm not

going to go around saying don't do it

that way that's the wrong way and it's

never going to work that way and so

don't bother with it

come on no one has to check in with you

that B no one has to check in with you

we should be supporting all of every

single way we can get progressives in

not it's my way or the highway this is

what I mean man just one one way

thinking no let's let's have a variety

of ideas no one's saying that you have

to fall I'm not saying you have to

follow just add support adjust American

sir I'm not saying you have to follow it

and you make sure you know you want to

do a third party or you want to whatever

you want to do I don't care what you do

I support you anyways this can't work

because the election infrastructure

isn't in place to vote these these

politicians in they cheat they cheat at

every level they cheat at the local the

state and the national level so you can

talk about starting so what's her logic

it's impossible to do anything why even

try they cheat but they're not going to

let a third party you're going to cheat

a third party - they're going to cheat

in the primaries they're going to cheat

period because they cheat on every level

but then she I didn't find it the

interview not the interview her talking

about it where she talks about Xiaomi

suwanee I can't sorry I missed but

churring her name but how she how she's

going to have around her Shores she's

trying to have her on her show but she's

an elected official at the City Council

level in Seattle but why didn't they

stop her from getting voted in it's all

rigged they everything's rigged it's

impossible so how did she get in also

it's not impossible it's just impossible

because they want to do it a different

way than you want to do it yeah it's

hard to do yeah I'm sure there is

shenanigans and I'm sure there is people

behind the scenes who are trying not to

let these progressions get into office

but it can be done because obviously the

way from Seattle got into office and she

got it and she got a $15 minimum wage

push through in Seattle I'm sure the

Democrats didn't want that and people

talk to people well people will come -

well right on me don't don't tell us

about a Democratic Party I rarely gets a

Democratic Party I hate the Democratic

Party I wish Bernie Sanders went to a

third party okay I just don't think

Bernie Sanders ever going to do that and

I think just the Democrats is the

fastest way of going forward to get

progressives in that's it okay

I support all third parties I support

anything anything to get progressives in

I support I would never bash anyone's

way of what they're doing not to say no

you can't do it that way you didn't have

a conversation with me or Ives

what why did you have to have a

conversation those people decided that

this is the best way that date that

we're moving forward you think it's a

different way great go ahead do it but

to bash other people for trying

different methods that's a joke man

groups that were down there who are all

getting together to meet up and they do

not want to move through the Democratic

establishment and yet they're talking

about doing direct actions they're

consulting which hedges which is

probably one of the most brilliant

people a West is is on the side the

people of standing rock black lives

matter alternative party leaders they

all got together and they all put down

their individual agendas to talk about

what we all do in this cat a and this is

what I mean great do all that but

because Kyle and and TYT didn't go to

that meeting they're dismissed from

anything because they went on to the

inside to go on there I want to do

something different so fuck them people

stop thinking one way there isn't we're

not it's not teams anymore it's not

third party teams versus just as

Democrats it were all

on the same friggin team who cares how

things get who cares how we put these

people in as long as we put them in so

you're telling me that the same

progressive is going to see a justice

Democrat who she believes in all the

policies and she's gonna and and it's

her vote her vote is going to be the

vote that put that just a Democrat

person in who's going to believe in the

same policies as her or any of you who

believe this

and you're not going to vote for them

because of they didn't address election

fraud or they didn't or they didn't go

they didn't go the way that you wanted

them to go then you're not a real

progressive take that out of your head

right now you are not a real progressive

because I would vote for anyone I don't

care how what party they're from I don't

care if I believe in them I'm voting for


clean and simple I'm not here to

disregard or bash anyone's way of how

they want to move forward that's what

she's doing and that's 100 percent wrong

I'm gonna answer one question that

people were asking me people were like

well who who who did was a general

election stolen for in 2016 you know it

was it stolen for Trump was it stolen

for Clinton you know or was it tried to

be rigged for Clinton and Trump overcame

the margin of cheating I will say this

to you there is a huge debate within the

election integrity activist community

with people split on how the cheat went

down because there was a cheating and

there was cheating both sides I fall on

the on the side of Trump overcame the

margin of cheating because the

establishment Republicans and the

neoconservatives and the bush

administration officials associated with

election fraud we're actually with

Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump but

you know with the way that the power

mechanisms play behind the scenes you

never know how these things go down so

the real thing is it's impossible to

know so it's impossible to know now but

I thought she knew but the election

fraud she was an expert on election

fraud but Donald Trump overcame that

election fraud so it's possible not to

over overcome the election fraud because

there's because it

right a third party which I'm sure

that's what she's trying to do I'm not I

don't know what she's trying to examine

watch her anymore because after this I

was done

anyone who who's trying to split people

I'm done and I'm going to tell you

something I did not the video the video

itself is ok but I did something called

Bernie Sanders versus Tulsi and someone

in the Facebook group and tells you

group called me on it and said why are

you doing that why is your title and

your thumbnail like that and I say you

know what that person's right I

shouldn't it did that that's stupid of

me of doing it I went right away and I

and I erased the title and I erased the

thumbnail made a new title and thumbnail

the content was fine I was basically

saying how tall she and Bernie how I

love them both and just giving the cons

and pros on both of them which is fine

and asking people who they like better

or if they like them together if they're

ok with both of them so the content

itself is fine but yes the thumbnail and

the title was absolutely wrong and the

person called me out and I agree with

them and I said yes I shouldn't did that

I'm starting with this YouTube and you

know sometimes you do things wrong but

I'm I was man enough to say you know

what yes I shouldn't did that I was

wrong you think same progresses going to

do that if she watches this video if

he's gonna say you know what that guy's

right man I may not agree with the way

the just Democrats are moving forward

but you know what who cares as long as a

progressive gets in and they believe in

the same policies that I that I do who

you know as long as we get as many

progressives in as possible which is

what you should be doing not bashing

people you can warn people absolutely

she could say all this stuff that she's

saying she could say it but do it in a

in a positive way in a way of just hey

this is our concern

you know just watch out for this not

don't do what it's not going to work hmm

I also think it's a highly important

because we know that the Democratic

Party establishment in their corruption

and in their manipulations have their

hands in everywhere

so when I see any organization begin to

form that is especially if it's act

asking for very large pools of you know

to see money I think it's imperative

that everybody looked to make sure that

there are no conflict is interest with

the establishment

Democrats now I've seen these ties with

the Justice Democrats and I'm not going

to go into that if you want a much

longer explanation you can look at the

video description below and see those

videos but I will I want to note one

thing that I thought was fascinating

secular talk Kyle's because Linsky is

one of the cofounders of the strategy of

the Justice Democrats and recently he

did a video talking about how

establishment Clinton ight Democrat

Howard Dean was the very first one to

mention the group and you know mention

it on the mainstream media he didn't say

it say the name of group directly but he

was alluding to it directly talking

about what the group had done how many

members have gotten strategy they were

talking he was talking about the Justice

Democrats and I thought it was

fascinating that the very first person

to talk about the Justice Democrats and

the mainstream media was an

establishment Democrat who one of who

their um co-founder Zack actually who

was a co-founder also of the Justice to

Democrat was a direct advisor to Howard

Dean but when I say that an

establishment Democrat is mentioning

this and kind of you know talking about

it in glowing terms it's a red flag okay

so now she's trying to make it seem like

justice Democrats are corrupt and

they're playing this mind Jedi trick

with you with everyone and they just

want you to come to the Democratic Party

and they're really establishment and

look see there was Howard Dean and

Howard Dean you know you don't like

Howard Dean and this right here this is

now the other stuff she was talking

about I yes absolutely she's fine and

doing that but what she what she just

did right now is horrible okay and this

is she's just horrible on what she's

doing okay so now we're going to see if

Howard Dean was talking about glowing

terms because she was talking about

going terms about the Justice Democrats

right that's what she said okay let's

see website that was just put up and

maybe like 250,000 people who agreed it

swing left please me and they got a

thousand people who agree to run for

office now I know this is unorganized

and disorganized but it's so how so now

this is unorganized and disorganized

trying to belittle that justice

Democrats because that's what he's doing

there okay he's making it seem like

their honor

organized and disorganized but I thought

it was glowing terms that's glowing

terms see what I mean did you see what I

mean that's not glowing terms you could

watch the whole interview I just took a

little snippet of it but then she was

not that much longer he never talked

about them in glowing terms okay

he just she just pretty much punked off

the group by saying they're unorganized

and disorganized or Dean for those of

you who don't know he was the Bernie

Sanders of the 2004 election now feels

gross even putting him in the same

sentence with Bernie Sanders because

soon thereafter when he lost I think he

briefly was the front-runner but he lost

in the primary he probably sold out

another thing that you need so not so

the night is just saw Kyle talking shit

about Howard Dean but she's doing it

because she's trying to trick you

even though Kyle and and even a lot of

members of TYT and even Jiang himself

who I don't always agree with and I'm

going to make a video on t YT and why I

think people should trust T YT even

though I don't always agree with them on

a lot of things but why I think you

should anyways I want to get into that

I'll make a video if you want to watch

it you can watch that okay but Kyle all

he does is talk shit about Democratic

Party all I do is talk shit about the

Democratic Party how much I hate them

and how much I will do anything anyway

it takes to get these people out of

office people will watch this and I feel

like you're part of the Democratic Party

and and so she so she's trying to show

how they're part of the party and

they're playing Jedi Mind Tricks with

you and you see what I mean man that's

horrible man I consider if the conflict

of interest of a media organization even

creating a third party fundraising pact

to be allocating funds to politicians

then that should not be done and I don't

care if it's the Justice Democrats doing

it through the Young Turks or any media

outlet organization doing that that is

an inherent conflict of interest we're

trying to get

rushon out of politics the corruption of

money out of politics and yes that means

keeping corporate money out of our of

our political campaigns it often means

not putting the media in the middle of

putting media money into a political

campaign not unless you trust those news

those people who are doing this which a

lot of us do because a lot of us see day

after day that all they do is rail

against the Democratic Party so we trust

in them and we feel like you know what

these people are starting an


let's support it because they obviously

agree with us because as for some people

out there who might think they're

playing Jedi Mind Tricks I don't because

I don't know what kind of trick it is to

go out every single day and put

thousands of videos and bashing the

Democratic Party how that's going to get

you to like the Democratic Party okay so

yes I agree

I like secular talk I like TYT and I

agree with them as far as this I don't

agree with TYT I agree with secular talk

almost mostly everything he talks about

to be honest with you not everything but

a lot ninety percent TYT and it's not so

much 90 percent not some of the hosts

anyways but if I agree with them yeah

the reason I don't agree with

corporations and stuff is because the

corporations have vested interests in

doing things against us I don't think

they have secular talk or TYT have

interest in going against that I think

they're with us so yes I support them

and if they want to do something I will

support it because video after video

they show me that they do support us

it's not because I'm trying to be a

defeatist I think if you listened to my

concerns they are they are they are

legitimate they are fair points they are

things that absolutely should be

considered and any organization should

expect this kind of scrutiny and this is

a big difference yes you want to

scrutinize what they're doing fine you

want to give them you want to tell them

this in

you guys should address election fraud

because I had a really big experience

with it or whatever you whatever your

grievances are okay I don't have a

problem with that what I have a problem

is the way is how you're doing it

because it matters how you talk it

matters how you say things okay and for

you to go around telling people that do

not support them because they don't

there they're not doing it the way I

want them to do it is absolutely

horrible you are not a progressive if

you believe that I agree I believe in

any kind of way you can get progressives

in office and it doesn't I support every

every way anything third parties it

doesn't matter

same regret she was not doing that and

that's horrible and I do not trust her

anymore and I will never watch her again

because of this because if she came on

and said what she said what she said in

in a different manner then I would be

like okay yeah she has some concerns

okay that's cool me hopefully they

listen to her and you know they they

come out and address these issues but

don't do what you just did

telling people to disregard them and

they're never going to win and no one's

ever going to get into office because

I'm accent fraud and even though there's

progressives in in office so it's not

impossible it might be hard but not

impossible and because they didn't check

in with you people who listen to st.

progressives and aren't they're going to

come and bash me a hundred percent it

doesn't matter even though I'm telling

you and she has valid point and I

disagree with how she's doing this and

I'm even and I'll even tell you that I

used to watch her and she hasn't she is

a progressive so it kind of hurts me to

do this but I have to do it I have to do

it if you're going to do that if you're

going to try and split people in not

going in whatever direction it takes to

get people that we trust into office

then to me you're not a friend anymore

you're an enemy okay now I will support

I mean enemy in the terms of I'm not

going to I'm not going to bother paying

attention to what you're talking about


now I come across you had a candidate

that you were supporting that was

progressive you say I'm going to support

that candidate I don't care if I don't


you and what you just did that person

believes in my policies seem progressive

supports them I'll support them I don't

care this is the difference I will

support anything that she does as long

as it's to further the policies of

progressive she's not doing that and

that's not right and that's why I made

this video because that's horrible

anyways let me know you guys think

comment below guys if you like this

content please subscribe and please at

least back me up because there's going

to keep people that are going to be

reaming me thanks guys

For more infomation >> Sane Progressive Loses Her Mind Justice Democrats - Duration: 28:36.


if you must. - Duration: 2:45.

soo, where are you?

leave me alone

I have to go now

did my soon deok receive lots of love from the prince?

they loved each other very very much

life is like a dream

it hurts

how can it be like this?

I'm sorry for leaving you alone.

For more infomation >> if you must. - Duration: 2:45.


How to Improve Your Communication Skills • The Key to Developing Successful Relationships - Duration: 5:33.

We think that Communication is simply the fact of sending A Message.

A concept or an idea comes into your mind and we use different ways to share it

But we forget something essential In this video, I want to show you how to improve

your communication skills And use them to build strong and successful


We spend our childhood learning things We learn History, Geography, Chemistry ...

But when do we learn how to communicate?

Society expects you to learn on the fly, on your own.

We grew up and became "Adults", But usually, nobody showed us how to communicate


If you have problems with your intimate relationships, at work or with clients;

Many times, it's because you lack communication skills.

I had those same problems.

That's why I want to give you the tools that helped me to better understand how communication

works, But mostly, they helped me build better relationships.

At the end of this video, apply what you learned and notice that you will deliver your messages

more effectively.

First, let's look at the pillars of Communication and think where could you improve.

Assertiveness, Clarity and Listening: The first principle is Assertiveness: This

is the power that fuels your message to come out of your mind

At the end, you want to make an impact so you need the confidence that your idea is

worth it.

A weak communication is not going to give you the results you expect:

Imagine it as a rocket going into space, if the rocket doesn't have enough power, it

won't be able to leave the atmosphere, it will fall and explode.

If you want to communicate your ideas, you have to be assertive.

The second principle is Clarity: This is the way you send your message.

Think of it as the truck that transports the idea from your mind to the mind of someone


That's why clarity is so important If you are unclear, your message will be understood

in a distorted way You have to learn to articulate your messages.

Finally, the third principle is Listening Skills: People want to feel that they are

being listened to.

You need to be open and aware that you're not the only one sending messages,

The other person wants to communicate theirs too.

You have to keep an open mind and listen to what others have to say.

People will be open to understand you're message only if you're also interested in

listening to them.

Keep in mind these three principles And work on them.

You will improve the skills to communicate more effectively with people.

But to build deeper and more meaningful relationships, You will have to consider another concept,

much more counter-intuitive than the first three.

You'll need to understand the following: "The success of MY communication comes from

YOUR response, regardless of MY intention."

This presents the concept of Empathy.

A message can be delivered successfully IF the person understood it correctly.

Not too long ago, I almost had a huge fight with my girlfriend.

She asked me how she looked, I replied 'Ok' without much enthusiasm.

She was really offended and a little bit sad.

To be clear, I think she's beautiful but I was distracted, and while she expected me

to say, "Oh my God!

You look delightful!"; I just say "Ok" She wasn't expecting that.

I had two options: The first one was to defend my position, no

matter what.

Fight with my girlfriend and try to defend my "Ok".

Justifying that I was tired and distracted.

This is what most people do.

The second option, requires more emotional maturity:

It is to recognize that my message hurt her feelings

And accept that my communication gets meaning from her response, regardless of my intention.

Now, let me ask you something: Do you prefer to defend your position?

How's that working for you?

You need send your message with more empathy Don't just consider your own intentions,

think on how they will react.

I'm not saying that you become weak, On the contrary, I want you to be aware that

your words have power, therefore you have to anticipate how the other person will receive


I propose that you get rid of your narcissistic need to defend your intention and focus on

how to communicate more effectively.

Empathy is crucial to communicate better.

Start to practice this principle.

If you're not use to it, you will feel uncomfortable early on, but keep practicing, just remember

the following:

The success of your conversation comes from the listener's response, regardless of your


The key is to consider the feelings of the other person.

And If they respond to you in a way you didn't expect, don't be offended.

Instead look for a better way to communicate your intentions

So that their response matches your intention It's that simple.

Develop this basic principles of communication, And you will build stronger and more meaningful


Next time you try to communicate a message or an idea remember:

Be Assertive Be clear

Listen, But above all, have Empathy.

Don't fight to defend your position, Instead keep improving your communication

skills And study how to reflect your intentions more


Thank you for watching If you liked this video please subscribe.

Full Perception was created to help you understand concepts that usually nobody teaches us

So I hope you will join us on this journey Finally, don't forget to go to

for more exclusive content See you soon.

For more infomation >> How to Improve Your Communication Skills • The Key to Developing Successful Relationships - Duration: 5:33.


The Flash 1x06 Promo "The Flash Is Born" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:20.

What exactly did you hit?

A big, bad man.

You'd have to hit him at approximately...

Mach 1.1.

He would create a sonic boom,

which, as I've said before, would be...


For more infomation >> The Flash 1x06 Promo "The Flash Is Born" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:20.


How powerful is your passport - Duration: 1:09.

If you're an American you can travel to 174

out of 219 countries and territories

without visa. Hi everyone it's Abhinaya here. iIf

you're anything like me you love to

travel but depending on where you live

it might be super difficult to travel

because of visa. This led me to see which

country has been most powerful passports

such that you can travel the countries

without getting visa beforehand. The

number one spot goes to Germany. If

you're a German passport holder you can

travel the 176 countries without getting

a visa or visa on arrival. Second place

goes to Sweden with 175 countries and

third is tied between five countries

where you can travel to 174 countries

Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, and United

States. The country with the least privileges

is Afghanistan with only 24 visa free

countries that you can travel to.

This is one of the ways where privileges shine.

So it might be possible to travel the

world but first you need to make sure

you can enter that country. So until next

time to keep learning.

For more infomation >> How powerful is your passport - Duration: 1:09.


The Flash 1x06 Extended Promo "The Flash Is Born" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

I don't know where you came from.

I don't know your name,

but I have seen you do the impossible.

What exactly did you hit?

A man. A big, bad man.

How do I fight a guy that's made of steel?

You'd have to hit him at approximately...

Mach 1.1.

He would create a sonic boom,

which, as I've said before, would be...


For more infomation >> The Flash 1x06 Extended Promo "The Flash Is Born" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


The Evidence for Reincarnation Scientifically Documented True S - Duration: 18:30.

The Evidence

for Reincarnation- Scientifically Documented True Stories That Prove Past Lives Are Real

By Ervin Lazlo and Anthony Peake

A case reported by Stevenson involved a Burmese girl called Ma Tin Aung Myo.

She claimed to be the reincarnation of a Japanese soldier killed during the Second World War.

The case spans huge cultural differences between the person reporting the experiences and the

individual whose experiences she reports.

Reincarnation Experiences

There is evidence that at least some, and possibly all, people have previously existed

in another body and lived another existence.

When anomalous �memories� appear as personal recollections, those who experience them tend

to believe that they stem from their own previous life.

However, the memories that surface in consciousness are not likely to be past-life recollections.

Instead, they appear to be �experiences of the reincarnation-type.� The latter are

widespread as well.

Stories suggestive of reincarnation are not limited, whether geographically or culturally.

They occur in all corners of the planet and among people of all cultures.

There is of course more to reincarnation than memories.

For reincarnation to have actually taken place the consciousness of the foreign personality

must have entered the body of the experiencing subject.

In esoteric literature this is known as the transmigration of the spirit or soul.

It is said to occur in the womb, perhaps already at conception or shortly afterward, when the

rhythmic pulses begin that develop into the heart of the embryo.

The spirit or soul of an individual does not necessarily migrate to another individual.

Buddhist teachings, for example, tell us that the soul or spirit does not always reincarnate

on the earthly plane and in a human form.

It may not reincarnate at all, evolving to a spiritual domain from where it either does

not return or returns only to fulfill a task it was to accomplish in its preceding incarnation.

But what concerns us here is the possibility that reincarnation could truly occur.

Can the consciousness that was the consciousness of a living person reappear in the consciousness

of another?

In his book The Power Within, British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon wrote that the evidence on

this score is too strong to be dismissed:

For years the theory of reincarnation was a nightmare to me and I did my best to disprove

it and even argued with my trance subjects to the effect that they were talking nonsense.

Yet as the years went by one subject after another told me the same story in spite of

different and varied conscious beliefs.

Now well over a thousand cases have been so investigated and I have to admit that there

is such a thing as reincarnation.

Variations and Variables in Reincarnation-Type Experiences

Perhaps the main variable is the age of the person who has a reincarnation-type experience.

Those who do are mostly children between the ages of two and six.

After the age of eight the experiences tend to fade and, with few exceptions, vanish entirely

in adolescence.

The manner in which the reincarnated personality has died is yet another variable.

Those who suffered a violent death seem to be more frequently reincarnated than those

who died in a natural way.

Reincarnation stories tend to be clear and distinct in children, whereas in adults they

are mostly indistinct, appearing as vague hunches and impressions.

The more widespread among them are the d�j� vu: recognizing a site or a happening one

sees for the first time as familiar.

The sensation of d�j� connu, encountering a person for the first time with a sense of

having known him or her before, also occurs, but less frequently.

Whether reincarnation stories convey verifiable information, evidence and proof about places,

people, and events has been tested in reference to eyewitness testimonies and birth and residence


The experiences often turn out to be corroborated by witnesses as well as by documents.

Sometimes even minute details correspond to real events, persons, and sites.

Vivid reincarnation stories are accompanied by corresponding patterns of behavior.

Behaviors suggestive of the reincarnated personality appear even when that personality was of a

different generation and a different gender.

A young child could manifest the values and behaviors of an elderly person of the opposite

sex from the past life.

The pioneering research on recent reincarnation stories is the work of Ian Stevenson, a Canadian-American

psychiatrist who worked at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

During more than four decades, Stevenson investigated the reincarnation-type experiences of thousands

of children, both in the West and in the East.

Some of the past life memories recounted by the children have been verified as the experience

of a person who had lived previously, and whose death matched the impressions reported

by the child.

Sometimes the child carried a birthmark associated with the death of the person with whom he

or she identified, such as an indentation or discoloration on the part of the body where

a fatal bullet entered, or a malformation on a hand or the foot the deceased had lost.

In a path-breaking essay published in 1958, �The Evidence for Survival from Claimed

Memories of Former Incarnations,� Stevenson analyzed the evidence from reincarnation stories

of children and presented narratives on seven of the cases.

These past life cases turned out to be verifiable, with the incidents recounted by the children

recorded in often obscure local journals and articles.

The Proof of Reincarnation: Stories of First Hand Experience

In 1942 Burma was under Japanese occupation.

The Allies regularly bombed the Japanese supply lines, particularly the railways.

The village of Na-Thul was no exception, being close to the important railway station at


Regular attacks made life very hard for the villagers, who were trying their best to survive.

Indeed, survival meant getting along with the Japanese occupiers.

For villager Daw Aye Tin (who was later to be the mother of Ma Tin Aung Myo) this meant

discussing the relative merits of Burmese and Japanese food with the stocky, regularly

bare-chested Japanese army cook who was stationed in the village.The war ended, and life returned

to a semblance of normality.

In early 1953 Daw found herself pregnant with her fourth child.

The pregnancy was normal, with the odd exception of a reoccurring dream in which the Japanese

cook, with whom she had long lost contact, would follow her and announce that he was

coming to stay with her family.

On December 26, 1953, Daw gave birth to a daughter and called her Ma Tin Aung Myo.

The baby was perfect with one small exception: a thumb-sized birthmark on her groin.

As the child grew up it was noted that she had a great fear of aircraft.

Every time one flew overhead she would become agitated and cry.

Her father, U Aye Maung, was intrigued by this, as the war had been over many years

and aircraft were now simply machines of transport rather than weapons of war.

It was therefore strange that Ma was afraid that the aircraft would shoot at her.

The child became more and more morose, stating that she wanted to �go home.� Later �home�

became more specific; she wanted to return to Japan.

When asked why this was the case, she stated that she had memories of being a Japanese

soldier based in Na-Thul.

She knew that she had been killed by machine-gun fire from an aircraft, and this is why she

feared airplanes so much.

As Ma Tin Aung Myo grew older she accessed more past life memories of the life of her

previous personality.

She was later to tell Ian Stevenson that she remembered that the previous personality came

from Northern Japan and that he had five children, the eldest being a boy, and that he had been

an army cook.

From then on the past life memories became more precise.

She remembered that she (as the Japanese soldier) was near a pile of firewood next to an acacia


She described wearing short pants and no shirt.

An Allied aircraft spotted him and strafed the area around him.

He ran for cover: as he did so, he was hit by a bullet in the groin, which killed him


She described the plane as having two tails.

This was later identified as substantial reincarnation evidence, being a Lockheed P-38 Lightning,

an aircraft used by the Allies in the Burma campaign.

In her teens Ma Tin Aung Myo showed distinct masculine traits.

She cropped her hair short and refused to wear female clothing.

Between 1972 and 1975 Ma Tin Aung Myo was interviewed three times about her reincarnation

memories by Ian Stevenson.

She explained that she wanted to be married to a woman and had a steady girlfriend.

She said that she did not like the hot climate of Burma nor its spicy food.

She much preferred highly sweetened curry dishes.

When she was younger she loved to eat semi-raw fish, only losing this preference when a fish

bone stuck in her throat.Reincarnation Story 2: Paddy Fields Tragedy

Stevenson described how a Sri Lankan girl remembered a past life in which she had drowned

in a flooded paddy field.

She described that a bus had driven past and splashed her with water just before she died.

Subsequent research searching for the proof of this reincarnation found that a girl in

a nearby village had drowned after she had stepped back to avoid a passing bus while

walking on a narrow road above flooded paddy fields.

She fell backward into deep water and died.

The girl who manifested this experience had, from a very early age, shown an irrational

fear of buses; she would also get hysterical if taken near deep water.

She had a fondness for bread and had a liking for sweet food.

This was unusual, in that her family did not like either.

However, the previous personality was noted for both of these preferences.

Reincarnation Story 3: The Case of Swarnlata Mishra

Another typical Stevenson case was that of Swarnlata Mishra, born in a small village

in Madhya Pradesh in 1948.

When she was three years old she began having spontaneous past-life memories of being a

girl called Biya Pathak, who lived in a village more than a hundred miles away.

She described that the house Biya lived in had four rooms and was painted white.

She began to sing songs that she claimed she used to know, together with complex dance

routines that were unknown to her present family and friends.

Six years later she recognized some people who had been her friends in the past life.

This stimulated her father to start writing down what she said and searching for proof

of her reincarnation.

Her case generated interest outside of the village.

One investigator who visited the city discovered that a woman who matched the description given

by Swarnlata had died nine years previously.

Investigations subsequently confirmed that a young girl called Biya had lived in just

such a house in that town.

Swarnlata�s father decided to take his daughter to the town and to have her introduced to

members of Biya�s family.

As a test to see if she indeed was a reincarnated personality, the family introduced people

who were not related to the child.

Swarnlata immediately identified these individuals as being imposters.

Indeed some details of her past life memories were so precise that all were amazed.

Reincarnation Story 4: Patrick Christenson and His Brother

One case offering substantial reincarnation proof was that of Patrick Christenson, who

was born by cesarean section in Michigan in March 1991.

His elder brother, Kevin, had died of cancer twelve years earlier at the age of two.

Early evidence of Kevin�s cancer was presented six months prior to his death when he began

to walk and had a noticeable limp.

One day he fell and broke his leg.

Tests were done, and after a biopsy on a small nodule in his scalp, just above his right

ear, it was discovered that little Kevin had metastatic cancer.

Soon tumors were found growing in other locations in his body.

One such growth caused his eye to protrude and eventually resulted in blindness in that


Kevin was given chemotherapy, which resulted in scars on the right-hand side of his neck.

He eventually died of his illness, three weeks after his second birthday.

At birth Patrick had a slanting birthmark with the appearance of a small cut on the

right side of his neck, exactly the same location as Kevin�s chemotherapy scar, showing startling

evidence of reincarnation.

He also had a nodule on his scalp just above his right ear and a clouding of his left eye,

which was diagnosed as a corneal leukoma.

When he began to walk it was with a distinct limp, again, offering further proof of reincarnation.

When he was almost four and a half he said to his mother that he wanted to go back to

his old orange and brown house.

This was the exact coloring of the house in which the family had lived in 1979 when Kevin

was alive.

He then asked if she remembered him having surgery.

She replied that she could not because this had never happened to him.

Patrick then pointed to a place just above his right ear.

He added that he didn�t remember the actual operation because he was asleep, which was

consistent with details of Kevin�s past life.

Reincarnation Story 5: Ancestral Memories of Sam Taylor

Another case offering substantial proof of reincarnation involved an eighteen-month-old

boy called Sam Taylor.

As his diaper was being changed he looked up at his father and said, �When I was your

age I used to change your diapers.� Later Sam disclosed details about his grandfather�s

life that were completely accurate.

He said that his grandfather�s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had

made milkshakes for his grandfather using a food processor.

Sam�s parents were adamant that none of these subjects had been discussed in his presence.

When he was four years old, Sam was shown a group of old family pictures spread out

on a table.

Sam happily identified his grandfather every time with the announcement, �That�s me!�

In an attempt to test him, his mother selected an old school class photograph showing the

grandfather as a young boy.

There were sixteen other boys in the photograph.

Sam immediately pointed to one of them, once again announcing that that was him.

He was right.

What the Evidence Tells Us

Reincarnation-type experiences can be vivid and convincing to the extent that they appear

to be testimony and evidence that a previously living personality has been incarnated in

the subject.

This belief is strengthened by the observation that birthmarks on the body of the subject

correspond to the bodily features of the person whom he or she seems to incarnate.

This is most strikingly the case when the past life personality suffered bodily injury.

The corresponding marks or deformations sometimes reappear in the subject, seeming to offer

proof that reincarnation is indeed occurring.

Many observers of this phenomenon, including Stevenson himself, held that matching birthmarks

are significant evidence for reincarnation.

However, the coincidence of birthmarks and other bodily features in a child with the

fate of a previously existing person is not necessarily assurance that that person is

reincarnated in the child.

It could also be that the brain and body of the child with the given birthmarks and bodily

features are especially adapted to recall the experience of a personality with analogous

birthmarks and deformities.

For more infomation >> The Evidence for Reincarnation Scientifically Documented True S - Duration: 18:30.


Love and death - Patriotic enthusiasm [ HD; ENG; RU SUB ] - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Love and death - Patriotic enthusiasm [ HD; ENG; RU SUB ] - Duration: 1:26.


Extraterrestrial Shot Dead in New Jersey Case Review by JP - Duration: 13:25.

Extraterrestrial Shot Dead in New Jersey (Case Review by JP)

In 1978, an incredible incident allegedly took place in New Jersey, USA, which has somehow

evaded both the attention of many UFO researchers and the mainstream community alike.

Two adjacent military bases Fort Dix and Fort McGuire played host to an incredible extraterrestrial

and UFO encounter.

UFOs were sighted flying over the bases during the early morning hours of January 18, and

shortly afterwards Air Force security patrol were ordered to the back gate of McGuire AFB

to allow entry to New Jersey State Police who were searching for something, but what?

State trooper Sgt.

Jeff Morse (pseudonym) was one of the airmen on duty and was told that a Fort Dix MP was

pursuing a low-flying object that had hovered so close that it was actually just above his


Then according to the MP a small being with a large head and slender body appeared in

front of his car, causing him to panic and shoot the alien several times with a .45 automatic.

The being then fled over the fence which separates the two bases, before collapsing on the deserted

runway and dying.

The body was found lying on the runway by Morse and his colleagues before other "blue

beret" forces unfamiliar to Morse and his companion took over once Morse had followed

the routine procedure of cordoning off the area of the "crime scene".

Later that day a C-141 cargo aircraft arrived from Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where a team

crated up the body, loaded it on board, before taking off.

Morse and other participants were taken to Wright- Patterson AFB two days later where

they interrogated and warned not to talk about the incident to anyone.

(Morse supplied the names of the interrogation team taken from their name badges, and their

identities have been verified.)

The information that follows is taken from the MUFON Symposium Proceedings, "THE FATAL


DIX-McGUIRE: A CASE STUDY; Status Report IV." by Leonard H. Stringfield.

The setting at Wright-Patterson was like that of a court martial, a table and chairs in

an unadorned room which Morse describes as follows: "While there we were all together

except for actual interrogations.

Mine had two men, one apparently a civilian with pipe and beard who never spoke.

At one point there were three men.

One played nice guy, one mean guy, and, of course, the silent civilian.

All they wanted to know was the nature of the incident, what I knew and then told me

about my duty to keep my mouth shut...

I signed a form and it is supposed to bind me for life."

Never once, as Morse recalls, did any of the interrogators offer information or an explanation

of the incident.

Nor did anyone ever refer to the retrieved dead body or suggest that it may have been

of extraterrestrial origin.

Said Morse, "they beat around the bush, all references to it were indirect."

The day after the interrogation, Morse returned to McGuire, was debriefed by his Commanding

Officer, Lt. Col. FM, and released for normal duty.

The incident, he said, was not discussed again by anyone as though it never happened.

Morse was debriefed by his commanding officer, a lieutenant colonel shortly after returning

to McGuire AFB and heard no more about the incident.

But it wasn't long before each of the airmen who had been involved was transferred to a

separate overseas base.

Morse was shipped to Okinawa, Japan.

Morse was within 40 to 70 feet from the dead body on the abandoned runway #5 at various

times during his patrol duty but was never close enough to observe details such as facial

features, or its hands and feet.

However, under the glare of truck headlights, Morse did recall seeing the skin of the naked

hairless body which he described as being wet, shiny, and snake-like.

As reported in his initial letter, the entity was about 4 feet in height with a large head,

slender torso, thin arms and legs, and overall, of greyish-brown colouration.

The humanoid which was not human, seems to fit the anatomical description so often heard

from military sources who have made claim to having seen entities at crash sites in

the past and most likely fits the Zeta-Reticulan model commonly referred to as the Greys.

UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield wrote to the man using the pseudonym Sgt.

Morse, to hear his version of events.

Below is a copy of the letter Stringfield received as a reply to his correspondence:



REPLY TO: (deleted) ATTN OF: (deleted)

(deleted) SUBJECT:

Response for Request of Information in Palation to U~ Contact

and other Related information TO: Len Stringfield


In January of 1978, I was station at McGuire AFB, N.J..

One evening , during the time frame of 0300 hrs. and O500 hrs., there were a number of

UFO sightings in the area over the air field and Ft.

DIX Army camp.

I am a security policeman and was on routine patrol at the time.


State Police, and Ft.

Dix MP's were running code in the direction of Brownsville, N.J..

A state trooper then entered Gate #5 at the rear of the base requesting assistance and

permission to enter.

I was dispatched and the trooper wanted access to the runway area which led to the very back

of the air field and connected with a heavily wooded area which is part of the Dix training


He informed me that a Ft.

Dix MP was pursuing a low flying object which then hovered over his car.

He described it as oval shaped, with no details, and glowing with a blueish green color.

His radio transmission was cut off.

At that time in front of his police car, appeared a thing, about 4 ft. tall, greyish, brown,

fat head, long arms, and slender body.

The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 Cal into the thing, and one round

into the object above.

The object then fled straight up and joined with eleven others high in the sky.

This we all saw but didn't know the details at the time.

Anyway, The thing ran into the woods towards our fence line and they wanted to look for


By this time several patrols were involved.


We found the body of the thing near the runway.

It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running.

It was all of a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area.

We roped off the area and AF OSI came out and took over.

That was the last I saw of it.

There was a bad stench coming from it too.

Like ammonia smelling but it wasn't constant in the air.

That day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came in a C-141 and went to the area.

They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and then put it into a bigger metal


They loaded it in the plane and took off.

That was it, nothing more said, no report made and we were all told not to have anything

to say about it or we would be court-martialed.


I will be getting out of the air force in about two months.

Do Not disclose my name as I could get into trouble.

I am interested in pursuing this and other matters if you need help.

Forgive me for not signing this but I can't take any chances.

Please reply to the above address and my parents will forward it to me or I will be home already.

Don't send it here because they monitor all mail closely and I again don't want to take

any chances.

Another military figure has come forward in connection to the remarkable incident in New

Jersey, but he has been brave enough to use his actual name.

Major George Filer now retired (see image above), who was also stationed at McGuire

AFB in 1978 was serving as an intelligence officer at the time of the incident and although

he was not on duty that morning, he was witness to a lot of unusual activity and he heard

talk about the "alien body" the following morning.

Discussing the case with Dr. Steven Greer for The Disclosure Project, Filer said "This

particular morning, when I went into the command post, I was met by the head of the command

post, and he said that it [had] been a very exciting evening - that [we'd] had UFOs over

McGuire all night, that one had apparently landed or crashed at Fort Dix, and that when

a military policeman came upon the alien, that he had pulled out a gun and shot him."He

told researcher Richard Hall "Our security police went out there and found him at the

end of the runway dead.

They asked me to brief the general staff," but was later told not to.

In Greer's book Disclosure, Major Filer continued, "The security police were out there and had

captured the body, so to speak, and were guarding it.

He said that a C-141 from Wright-Patterson was coming in to pick up the body.

That made me stand up, because I didn't realize that Wright-Patterson had C-141s."

Filer was then told by his superiors that "We want you to brief us at the standup general

briefing this morning and explain what happened to everybody".

"And, I said you want me to tell General Tom Sandler and everybody in the command post

that we captured an alien?!

They said, "Yes, we want you to brief them this morning."

Well, I did some checking around, and I called the 38th Military Airlift Wing Command Post

to check with them to see if the story was the same I was given.

They said, yes, that they had heard the same information; they said that this actually

did happen - that an alien was found on the base."

Filer is not new to UFO sightings either.

He also chased a UFO over England when flying for the U.S. Air Force.

"I didn't believe in UFOs until London Control called us in the winter of 1962 and asked

us would we chase one?

So we said sure."

Since that day he has maintained an interest in the subject, claiming that "I personally

have observed a UFO both visually and on radar.

I've been chasing them ever since,".

Despite the apparent lack of physical evidence to legitimise this particular case, it is

certainly consistent with other stories of a similar kind.

The secrecy, the threats, the involvement of Wright-Patterson AFB once again as the

site to house and conceal extraterrestrial bodies and craft.

To delve deeper into this case click HERE to read Leo Stringfield's investigation in

more depth.

For more infomation >> Extraterrestrial Shot Dead in New Jersey Case Review by JP - Duration: 13:25.


How Does Parliament Work? - Duration: 2:55.

In the UK our government consists of

the Queen


and the executive which is the Prime Minister and his or her cabinet

The Prime Minister and his or her cabinet consists almost entirely of Members of Parliament which are you might have already guessed this

From parliament

Oh and quite importantly, the Prime Minister cannot actually get anything done

cannot run the country

or pass laws,

without the consent of Parliament.

so it's safe to say that the Prime Minister relies pretty heavily on Parliament.

Parliament has two houses,

One called the house of commons which consists of 650 individual MPs, or Members of parliament

Which each represent one consitituency in the UK

Every four or five years there is a general election,

Which is when the constituents the people who live in a constituency

Get to decide who their MP is by voting,

Because of this, the House of Commons is often refered to as the elected chamber in contrast to

The house of lords. The house of lords is not elected and instead is made up of about 800 Lords, who are not elected.

But hey, wait a minute you haven't actually explained how Parliament works?

We know how it gets elected, but what's it doing in that time between elections?

When Parliament is in session, when it is active, most of the time is spent debating,



voting on

and, eventually turning bills into laws

Both houses have the power to create and scuritinise bills which are what laws are before they are passed by Parliament.

However it is mostly the house of commons that starts off bills and the House of Lords cannot actually prevent a Bill from becoming a Law or reject it, they can only delay it.

This is because the House of Commons is the upper house and the elected house, they are the house most in touch with ordinary people so are therefore more likely to represent the views of the public, so it is said.

For a Bill to become a law, it must pass

multiple readings,


and votes in both houses

all of which scrutinise and possibly amend the bill and ensure that it is the best possible legislation in the eyes of both houses.

Once a bill has passed all of these stages which is often quite rare,

it will be signed into law by the Queen,

a process know as 'Royal Assent'

So that's how Parliament works, pretty confusing isn't it?

Thanks for watching and please like, share and definitely subscribe.

For more infomation >> How Does Parliament Work? - Duration: 2:55.


The History of Internet in the 1990s - Duration: 10:31.

Before everything, we have to say what's the Internet, how and why it was born.

Internet is an evolution of "Arpanet", which was the first computer network ever created;

In fact it was created in 1969 and officially closed in 1990.

Its purpose was to keep in contact a lot of governative computers in the USA during the

Cold War, mostly for defensive reasons.

In the years Universities started to use this network to keep themselves in contact and

even other countries created national networks (such as the French CYCLADES or the Norwegian NORSAR)

to connect to the Arpanet; between 1982 and 1983 Arpanet was officially replaced

by the Internet, which still link all the nations of the world and lost its primal defensive


But when Internet became as we know it?

The Net is continually evolving but it reached most of its important goals in the 1990s:

let's see what happened with a timeline.

1990: Arpanet officially closed because of its evolution in Internet: as we said before

it already lost its military purposes in 1983 (when the US government created the secret

MILNET) and it started to be used by Universities to communicate.

In 1990 was also created the HyperText Markup Language.

It was mostly born to format and typeset the first Internet hypertextual documents and

it's still updating!

It's still important in its simplicity for the actual websites even if there are a lot

of others markup languages.

1991: The CERN announced the creation of the World Wide Web, whose inventor is Tim Berners-Lee.

Already in 1989 he exposed his idea to create a database project to connect all the documents

in the Internet, then in the next years he used the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

to identify everything in the Internet, the already mentioned HTML and the Hypertext Transfer

Protocol (HTTP), which was created in 1991 to transmit hypertexts by a client-server structure.

From this moment the WWW will become the most important service in the Internet to link

almost everything: the original version of the website is still available and opened

to all the people who wants to visit it.

1992: The Internet Society (ISOC) was born.

The ISOC it's still a non-profit organization founded to provide leadership in nternet-related

standards, education, access, and policy.

It states that its mission is "to promote the open development, evolution and use of

the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world.".

It has its headquarters in Reston, Virginia, and its offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

1993: Mosaic, the most important web browser in the early years of Internet, was created

by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina.

Mosaic was a real innovation for the World Wide Web: it was the first browser to visualize

picture with the other texts: other browsers in fact had to open other windows to show


Meanwhile, the CERN officially made the "WWW" a public domain, pretending no copyright:

before, it was used for scientific divulgation and research.

1994: The White House created its own website: it's one of the first governments to use Internet.

Initial commerce sites are established and mass marketing campaigns are launched by

email, introducing the term "spamming" to the Internet vocabulary.

Also Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark start Netscape Communications.

They introduce the Navigator browser, which soon will replace definitely Mosaic.

1995: National Science Foundation stopped to finance the Internet project: from this

moment there will not be restrictions on Internet commercial use.

The CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) also developes

the first web-mail software.

In 1995 W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium was officially born too.

1996: Internet reaches a very important goal: in this year almost 10 milions of computers

use Internet worldwide: the Web era has already started.

1997: Mosaic was updated for the last time to the 3.0 version: infact, from this moment the project

will be abandoned, simply because people started to use other browsers, such as the Microsoft

Internet Explorer, which was more efficient.

In December Jorn Barger creates the "weblog" term to describe that kind of websites used

as a sort of "diary" by the creators.

1998: From this year the blog-revolution starts: people all over the world started to create

milions of personal weblogs thanks to OpenDiary.

1999: In the last year of the 20th century Napster, the first file-sharing system, was


The Internet users in this moment are over 200 milions: I want to remember that just

three years before, in 1996, they were only 10 milions.

Also Peter Merholz uses for the first time the term "blog" in his site, splitting

ironically the word created in 1997 by Barger in "we blog".

As you can see, the 90s were definitely the most important years for the Internet rise:

in those years Internet lost his military, scientific and academic purposes to be accessible

to all the people.

I also want to say that this video is just a quick summary of what happened to Internet

in ten long years, we could talk about a lot of other things: but if you are interested in

the topic you can depeen it by yourself!

Finally, I want to thank you for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it.

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