Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

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And wait to see what prison said to brings in the morning merry Christmas to all and to my pets a good night

I think it fell out in that bulky snowstorm outside

Mobs present is lost. Yes, and each present is just as special as the person whose

Good idea Roley Santa lead the way to your slick

It's going to be hard to find bob's present

Okay bob's present is wrapped in red paper has a green bow on top and smells like candy cane

Santa well hello, Daisy - and Duke Merry Christmas



We'd love to share our Christmas treats with you tonight

Thank you Merry Christmas - on until on a good bite


Haven't seen Bob's present, but I did see a red. I put him up to bring some Christmas spirit to the junkyard, but they're broken

If you need some Christmas more than just colorful lights decorations

The storm is picking up again, but we've still got Bob's presence afraid

According to Bohr's it should have landed somewhere around there

Merry Christmas

Cupcake you're useless

You must be confused because I was playing out here when I saw that present fall out of the sky for me

Hello cupcake hello Rufus

What's wrong you may not have been the nicest dog all year

but I know who you are deep down and you my sweet cupcake are a

Good tool now if we can't get my slave free. No one else will get their presents this year

Bob's present is fight

Well that was some Christmas Eve I was exhausted as an exhausted

puppy meet sue Christmas brother Merry Christmas brother

That's Christmas

Smoke opal a present for me. This is exactly what I wanted and smells like candy canes

Hey guys, let's take a picture of us with our Christmas present Merry Christmas

This is Kitty

Sorry, but I'm right in the middle of an important map right now our bingo and Roli playing with Missy

We're trying but his he doesn't want to play

I'm not a baby kitten anymore. I still like to play at all. I just don't play as much as I used to yeah

So the kid is gonna stay right here until we can find where she lives

Wait what now and you can play with my kitty? Will I'm gone?

Is he talking about me? She's probably too young to know how to talk?

Her name

Whiskers Mik twitchy tail or Dino rocket blast that's perfect. She loves it and she loves you

Okay, snowflake and then her all that must be sad that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where she lived

but baby kittens like to run and jump and play and I

Want to do none of those things we'll be back

Let's go

You have a plan how we're gonna find snowflakes Holmes sure do Missy says she played a lot as a kid

And I think I know where to look first

Kids love playing with yarn. Maybe snowflake lives here. Let's see if we can find any cat stuff around

Oops I'll get those

We have

It's a little big for you like Jaron that much

We tried looking for something of kitten would play with but this place clearly isn't her own

Let's look for someone once you play with maybe her alone would be with them

Snowflake made hits each umph hi

Don't scare me like that. Why don't you go play with our for something? Yes? Oh yes our loves to play?

why and if I fall asleep now I can still

Wants to buttocks button is stuck

Alright, so we haven't gotten any closer to finding your home. Maybe we should find the lost cat on that poster

Yes, if she knows with snowflake lives

She did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives, so he can take

Oh time for a nap

There's no place

You're okay, kiddo it's not like I mind being high up, but this is really high up

also, I'm not sure how to get us both down I

Can't hear me over his cleaning music. I can't wait so hissy that we found snowflakes. Hold you did

We can help you. I'm gonna jump in

Mad if we use my puppy parachute

Just water exactly water

Thank you I looked everywhere

For you my sweet snowflake. I knew your name was snowflake

Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess tracing lights or get trapped in a tree

But if you do

Sorry is she we know you don't want to play with us actually tossing around some yarn sounds like a pretty good time

Hey there pup stars I see you started breakfast, it's time for my breakfast -

Can't wait to make myself a couple of pieces of French. Oh well that ruins this morning oh

I love to imagine

Bingo Roli

I want Bob being a bob then we've got a fun what he needs to make

Okay our mission is to bring home the best time french toast making bread for Bob


Wish there was a French merry-go-round there, so I could ride an up-and-down horsey

Hmm. I'm not sure where we're supposed to start looking for what we're supposed to be looking

What's on the brain I am making more as quickly as I can

Are you puppies looking for French bread like everyone else

I had more bread cooling outside

But it's gone are there any clues about who might have taken it

I did see some tiny footprints leading away from where the bread used to be

None of those big feet would have left tiny footprints

We've got you now you tiny footed bread takers

Please don't take any blood then. Why were you running away because we will be in chased by two scaly looking dogs

That's another clue. Do you know what it means?

Yes, I know what the word clue means that's one of the first things they teach us at detective school

But they're also wet

Another clue said anything about webbed feet that's because we didn't take anything then why are you learning away?

because two scary-looking dogs were chasing us oh

You if only there were news I could actually follow

Did you hear that rolling breadcrumbs, so there's one thing we have to do

The race is

Racism racism, I'm gonna catch it


Still don't know who's been hiding

Maybe she asked those pigeons for hiding it here hoping. They would feed us bad see them stamp well

Why don't you just not eat the bread they will fear you yeah?

Then people will feed you burn seat like you want yeah, that is one or really good

I don't know why everyone can brag to these pigeons

They like our birdseed a whole lot more, which means this more bread for my Tumtum

Your scary bear face is even better than roly's this is my normal face. Oh

Ice ice buggy

Free to play now, I just want to pour myself a big glass of iced tea before I leave I

Can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea

It's more than cool, it's cold

Doesn't matter where it is. How are we supposed to get to it Antarctica place our f-dotus on the wall? I don't know

Which of this ice do you think will be best for Bob's ice tea

I don't know, maybe we should ask those Penguins are sliding my tortoise

Wanna mister looking for ice oh well you're talking to the right penguin I can go find you the best eyes there is

Sliding all over the ice

We get storms here that blow everything around good everything while

Or not forever at all would it mr.. Penguin go

Well, I was leaving warm toasty lovin. Let's see what else is in this box

Yes, so we can't let it get away

Because it wasn't

You know and we can see if he found Bob's ice

But wait what if he follows our traps and comes to this cave thank you all here?

So it's a good thing Bob. Put this ice drawing thing in my collar in case you ever need you're awesome. You're nice

I think I smiley face too hard

We should waddle, that's what mr.

Penguin said penguin to do so they don't fall back nothing one man's ever gonna clack like that it wasn't you?

Found the eyes you were looking ball do you have my egg?

Oh you boys did a great job on to my egg and taking care of my little girl well

I went out looking for your eyes


Go ahead take oh you are

We'd love to see you and play with you, but my brother, and I had to get home as fast as we can

How're things on the bottom of the earth cold icy helps if you are old ah

Did you get the ice Bob needs for his iced tea you sure did the best there is here?

Good idea, Missy this is gonna taste so good

Does this mean we finished our mission yep

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 115 - Green Deer - Duration: 17:46.


Adventure Time With Finn & Jake Rattleballs Best Catoon For Kids & Children - Reece Hall - Duration: 13:24.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Adventure Time With Finn & Jake Rattleballs Best Catoon For Kids & Children - Reece Hall - Duration: 13:24.


The Lion Guard Paintings and Predictions Top Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Samuel Pugh - Duration: 20:05.

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bring good call Oh No

you finished you love that trick no no the neck it is much too short coming up

hmm I guard let's go calm the Seavers down before

they hurt somebody

just like the ones that rafiki's painting the zebras look like the ones

from rafiki's painting too

sukhasana what's the cravat away from those rocks

the wrong ad cabeza stop

there we go nice job everyone the hyraxes are sick uncle evil all of a

sudden there was a big boom boom what do you mean a boom you know a great big

boom I think he might mean thunder and that storm is good plan

well the storm clouds are gone you have nothing to worry about

see you can all go home fabulous know which ways home

look at all those pasties ooh

sighs I be site ready strike BJP the scene for her was so much fun one day


lots of mischief to be done

okay big fee look at this Seavers are running and they predict the future

PAH hey doesn't this one look like kion

thank you for getting us here safely oh no my pleasure keeping everyone in the

pride land safe as the lion guards duty so John job just wait till I say don't

believe this rafiki's paintings they predict the

future you're right I don't believe it there's no way rafiki's but Kyla

the paintings no time for paintings Bunga we need to stop the hyenas

but what if rafiki's painting comes true while we're fighting my eanes

there they are oh no leave the Zebras away from the hyenas try to calm them

down you've got a calm

- lionguard we never even saw you coming

I don't want them to come back no why do not be out of that tree I was trying to

take janja by surprise oh yeah about that oh well that's a new way to run out

by eanes then he's still in danger at least the Zebras are safe and we can

head home there aren't any trees in the lair

everyone we have a problem I did a quick count of the herd and we're three zebras

short why the hyenas affirmative so how are we gonna protect kion now

don't worry little B maybe there aren't any trees between here my G Buriti Falls

Unga Bunga leave a sari alone sorry thought you were a tree perhaps i should

bite you all right you two what's going on

you're acting even stranger than usual okay so it's hard to believe but what if

it's true how would you feel if kion got hurt

okay let's go warning we tried he didn't believe us guys this is not a shortcut

going on we're trying to save kion you're right I better help clean some

danger not anymore oh no now that you know kion has the whole lion guard

looking out for him yeah Andrew make sure he doesn't keep the but but fully


Banga there's no way rafiki's paintings tell the future now let's focus on

getting these zebras back to their herd could you get up please


hapana the zebras are heading towards Monte Farini falls

Haizi kabisa I have an ID or make sure the zebras are okay

Oh comfrey

why would you think such a thing cuz cuz we saw the zebras run and the rocks fall

and we first do not take Rafiki stuff secondhand teens they show the history

of the pride lands about this one it's just high on falling leap to conclusions

and you lead to confusions but he was said by the lion guard of his day you

see these paintings do not predict your future except for this new one

you look tasty

The Jackal I'm gonna eat you okay where was Joseph right behind my den okay

stay back sorry didn't mean to scare you oh no sign of going going from above not

even their scent and believe me if they were around huge smell honza wasn't here

either I bet makuu goigoi and janja heard us

coming see that's just how good we are we just show up and last I checked none

of them eat roots or leaves right and janja doesn't usually something weird is

going on oh no scout the pride lands see if you can find the cute boy going janja

wait it's not John John no no no no I'm not I'm come on thanks tomorrow

till the pride Lands End

I'm gonna I mean it wasn't me I can explain

all right kids is it my fault that my performances are so convincing it's a

compliment really but you did it to steal their food

although I think I am but when it came it wasn't all that great I had to find a

different way so imitating bad guys is my way to run a meal

nobody's ever harmed

bird of a thousand voices yes indeed thank you thank you very much oh can you

do an imitation of meat sure hmm bone guys if I had an amazing

talent like yours I'd use it to do good you're right

I feel so ashamed poor little guy tell you what from this day forth Oh

John John his crew they're about to hurt and follow us and this time I can say

them now I'll never know what I sound like

nothing don't you remember janja made a great joke about faster the

better that was a close call I'm feeling a

little peckish peckish I've got a big feed like bet you wouldn't say that to

janja means I didn't say anything but somebody did

wait don't leave me I mean wait don't eat me I don't think I can I've never

done Chi ons voice before what's that so all right so you know now they think

about it maybe I can do Chi ons voice thanks impulse what are you waiting for

hyenas are coming escape to the Outlands right

so can I go now I did what you asked hmm yes pretty quiet guess tomorrow

really is keeping his promise no sign of John Chad cheezi and chungu either I

never said that yes you did I heard you say it to the impalas and everyone knows

zebras have so hearing is believing not what tomorrow John go around but weren't

supposed to go to the outlier I got myself a long go a long time ago why

would I want to get away this is a great setup

nice try Bert okay my little talent sure got me out of that mess but it got those

impalas into a mess you better run away while you can

our be prepared to fight the lion guard its - I'm really sounded a rolling hey

please never bored in your mouth

you are running out of time janja let's go fellas

that was a brave thing you did back there tomorrow you helped save the

impalas thanks guys it felt great unless it's for cut that's

great but could should imitate me just

flying guard spread out you're surrounded hyenas why are you trying to

scare everybody we worked you were just playing mind

guard false alarm everyone no honey this here so you guys were pretending to be

the lion guard oh yeah well little lion guard

this isn't the best time to pretend to be I ate us did you want to ask me

something ah how's it feel to be so strong what's it like well I better get

going Oh can't you see just a little longer

Bessie I'm just not afraid of anything and oh no but you're the biggest reason

I like the lion guard well we need to be ready to chase down genre wherever we

find it I'm always ready hey guys the sky is probably the safest place to

be everybody follow me

not as deep as I thought hmm let's run a stealth surround drill yeah yeah where

we practice sneaking up on bad cat you know the drill

wait till I'm out of sight then try to surround me you got it kion hey Kai on

how's it going I don't think Kai on earth

let's keep moving hey bestie we're not going this way guys good Becky what's

wrong it's my toe toe I can't find him anywhere I'm right here besties again

we're just glad you're not hurt with toto

but I think it's time for you to head home yeah I guess so

sorry you had to rescue me well I should have kept an eye on you but you're okay

and that's what counts I really messed up Here I am today

surprised among the pride lands best take it from me

- raise your trunk up I till the world wait and

and who knows maybe you'll join real lionguard someday when you're old you

know we know wait'll I show you this great trick I

came up with when I was training with the guard to the pride lands

gosh this isn't as much fun as usual yeah cuz we promise not to be hyenas

great job on the obstacle course now it's time for some speed training on

your mark get set go what is the point of living in the pride lands if we have

to run from hyenas all the time I mean real don't worry

ah he got away what do you want to chase now I got an idea

how's about we chase no fear kicking

seriously there's no reason to be afraid maybe not for them oh not again don't

listen to these little troublemaker well hey thing the good news is I didn't

see any hyenas and the bad news is I also didn't see besties hey little buddy

welcome for help

20 I don't see besties anywhere or is little elephant buddy aren't those my

todos friends with Jax you know I should be able to make better time almost home

a total oh look

so much for stealth mode oh no oh you came back and you brought your little

friend wrong Georgia I sure am glad to see you

I'm just sorry we couldn't find you sooner better late than never right big

B you said it look so I just kept spring I'm right in the face

well best is swam like the wind amazing like I said you're my hero and you're


For more infomation >> The Lion Guard Paintings and Predictions Top Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel - Samuel Pugh - Duration: 20:05.


Sofia the first Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 17 - Ava Phillip - Duration: 14:47.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Let the good times roll oh

No at least it's not in the water

It's okay, so the trolls never come out during the day. I'll go get your kite. That's alright. I'll go

You forgot your kite

It's you don't know about the trolls

Surely, you've heard the story of King Gideon and the castle trolls no no can I tell it dad sure go right ahead James

Guards come quick

protect the castle

The guards bravely charged the trolls can chase them all the way back to their cave and no one's seen a troll outside the cave

That troll I saw must have brought it back

You saw a troll and he fixed it - maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all I'm gonna go think

Hello is anyone here mr. Troll

Careful princess some of those planks are really loose

So is this where the castle trolls live right through here come on. I'll show you

They remind us of the stars well hello there, what's your name teenie nice to meet you teenie?

The Sun is too bright for our eyes our great. Grand trails went up to look at the stars

Such a beautiful sight all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky

Tolls were so happiest. I never seen real stars only days

I heard this story Kinki and thought the trolls were attacking the castle

Attacking the castle James. I need your help with what I met the trolls

And they're really nice you went down to their cave and they didn't bonk you with their clubs

No Dave, but first you have to help me show everyone that they don't need to be afraid of the trolls


Do we have to it's almost dinnertime brilliant

We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle how will we even get inside without anyone seeing us well make them like us

I do teeny. I really do


hmm dinner was delicious

But I'm stuffed me too. Can I be excused you don't want dessert? Well yeah, but like we're full

Coming quick hi. We are all very excited to see your performance. I'm sure you'll find me

Come on come on come on where should they hide there

Oh hi to really want to see those acrobats huh, we can't wait

Your Majesties may I present tonight's entertainment


There is not on my schedule some very special musicians who are also our closest neighbors

Hmm, I wonder who that could be

Howdy trolls get into the castle

I brought them even if Sophia let them in the trolls broke the rule they stay below. We stay above yes your majesty

Tomorrow morning, I'll place a guard outside their cave so this never happens again

You always want to see the good in everyone we can talk more about it in the morning

but for now you need to get some sleep I

Love you. Good night. I'm sorry

What are you doing tomorrow they're pink

Hey flicks

Yo, I need a favor buddy by airplane lantern great idea clover back later. I'm with you. It is spooky in here

I need to talk to you

Need to get help

Sophia are you all right? I?

think so

Sophia you knew about the rule. I'm either did you tonight and now we'll never see the stars

The stars they love to look at the stars dad if only you had listened

All these years we thought the worst of the trolls yet tonight

You risk your lives to save ours you showed us much courage as my bravest Knights

I'm going to make a Royal Proclamation. Oh what?

And who do we have here?

You sir are well teaming the trolls are and always have been our friends

From this day forward. They shall be treated as such

What is the king mean? I will become here to look at stars look at


I'm so glad it worked out well, but promise me you'll never go let's make some noise

The amulet in the anthem

It looks like every kid in the kingdom

Of the blazing palaces

Thank you, it's Luciano the host of the Harvest Festival. No he's the Mormon will be chosen to sing the enchancian anthem

And this year as a singer will be

Wave to the crowd

behold this year's lucky winner

Receive and of course you must rehearse the song, but first the very best part you get to meet


Sophia you are going to have the best time

Look the painter Otzi are already lining up to paint your portrait really they want to paint me

Authority post and enchancia today all want to write stories about you

Me see and you stop being a princess was a big deal

So pretty it looks and that's not all they're going to send hundreds of talents to the castle and I get to pick which one

To wear for the big show that sounds like fun doesn't it princess Sofia over here

Might is a new anthem singer posed for answer and could you two step aside. You're in the frame

You'll see me on stage

Princesa Sofia welcome to your first rehearsal this let me try that again

Are you okay princess of here actually mr


Congratulations princess. Haha I heard the big news

Thanks, but something's wrong only princess turned into frogs

Although I didn't hear about a swan who turned into a princess once

I don't know no no no it was a princess who turned into a swan


Hi amber. What are you doing here?

I got your back princess. You'll see


Time to water the begonias once these bubbling potions mix a pouring rain

So I am cursed how by home well

By your precious amulet no doubt or curse

You my dear must have done a very bad deed, but I haven't done anything bad

Well, then your amulet wouldn't have cursed you. I can't take it off. I promised dad

I wouldn't oh you've already done one bad thing today. What's what oh?

Isn't there anything else you can do suit yourself, but I'm only looking out for you my dear princess

I mean I wouldn't want you to walk out on stage at the Harvest Festival in front of all those people away

But I won't be fixing it for her

I will use it myself to take over this Oh

Oh soon, I don't believe it. I must have or I wouldn't be good

Croaking huh? Well we gotta figure out what you did wrong if we can figure it out. Oh clover

What am I going to do? I don't know?

Mm-hmm, but it's getting late, and you should get some sleep. We can figure it out in the morning

We have to whenever I lose a carrot out back

I retrace my steps go back exactly the way I came until I find it

That's what we got to do to figure out why you were cursed go all right clover

I came here in the morning with Ruby and Jade okay, then what happened then mr. Luciano announced. I was going to be the

Anthem singer and brought me onstage. Thanked all of them

Well, we can rule out bad manners, then I remembered that Jaden Ruby were waiting for me

And I ran back to find them then I told Ruby and Jade about everything for

Everyone wanted to interview me and give me gifts. Oh, and did I tell you about the standing ovation I got

Listen to her. How could all the French stand to hear her ball bragging to Ruby and Jade

I was going on and on about all the great things that were happening to me, and they wanted to see me hand them to

Ruby Jade can I talk to you are you sure you have time

It wasn't very nice of me, and I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings

You did but it's okay. We forgive you you do oh

Just the princess I was looking for mr.. Ceedric. I figured out why he was cursed, and I think I fixed it

Well, I'll be right over there by the stage if you change your mind

But time is running out tick tock tick tock tick


Now what are you doing here princess Sofia your amulet brought me here to help the amulet put a curse on

Who fell deep under a spell?

That he couldn't undo


Though he tried to say that yes. He'll fix your mess do more than confess

use all your

minds to make it right

By doing something great you just might lose

You could delight your friends tonight outer than work

Well I see you've discovered this only one way out of your predicament have a frog in my throat

But it's okay, because I don't deserve to sing me anthem

You really want us to sing. I really really good Thank You Sophia

Golden glaze

Your friends sound over how do you say in a trance eeeh?

Awesome, we really do they're singing it better than I would have


For more infomation >> Sofia the first Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 17 - Ava Phillip - Duration: 14:47.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 652 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:06.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Maya Graham Channel

Pleased to meet you governor groundhog allow me to show you why I'm the best deputy who?

I see you I see you there

Super shiny deputy stars - all the best deputies really that's right

And if I can show him I'm a great deputy. He'll give me one

Special shiny star

Get a super special shiny deputy gold star

Let's give the governor a big nice and friendly corners welcome

Friendliest place in the West

Don't you fret Priscilla, I'll teach your birds back


Sheriff I can't go off chasing a whistling bird right now. I got to stay here and show governor groundhog

What a great deputy. I am I know I'm a-comin too on account of I'm the deputy

But don't let governor groundhog leave until I get back


Think I spotted dolly

Yep, she's on top of that there tree covering her cluster

Just hold yourself still

Are you okay

Well, I'm afraid I must be going

Even if it means I won't have a chance to meet deputy pack

Do declare I've never have seen such wonderful cactus dancing

Whiskers ah almost header you'll get it this time Cheers

But for similar loves that bird, and she'd be plumb heartbroken if we don't catch it. I reckon so

It's just I had it all planned out how I was gonna show the governor. What a great

Hey, there's Dolly and I think she lacks your whistlin

She does she sure does don't stop

You're doing great

But I really must be going

I do declare you to be the most

And my beak is all puckered out

It's just too bad I never got a chance to show you what a good deputy. I am governor groundhog

You're wrong about that deputy I am

Yes, Bersani deputy gold star

Sweet sassafras that is big

Folks of nice and friendly corners, I give you my latest creation and best of all it only costs a nickel

I love milkshakes all

Know just where to find oh go as sheriff Callie

Okay, oh wait the gamekeeper has too long, right?

It's a bottle cap

Gaeseong stinky, I don't know anybody who does that too bad?

See there's this green bead convention over at red gap, and if somebody'd wot Aussie tied up

I'd you got to make sure she doesn't eat ended by the flowers Boston likes flowers. Especially the pig

This down it'll make her go crazy. Oh, okay, no slurping noises


Supposed to eat the daisies I

Guess you like daisies as much as I like new shapes. I don't even drink another one if I had another nickel

really a nickel per cow

Sounds fair here's two nickels for two calves

Anybody in here wanna babysit our cows we're willing to pay a nickel each

Good idea sheriff Callie

Where'd all these cows come from where's the barman who's supposed to be watching these cows

Toby they paid me a nickel age to watch their cows

You call this watching Toby did the farmers tell you how they wanted you to take?

Yeah, I'm not supposed to do that

Thanks sheriff tally you stopped the Stampede and save the whole time

Well, it was like this II I was so excited about getting Hellas new milkshake and another and another

from now on I promise to keep my


Cowboys honor just promise me you'll help clean up Cal sitter

Sorry if I still had your nickel. I'd give it back. Oh

Tobey for all your hard work cleaning up J bikes

but uh

Could you hold my car while I drag it yeah?

To Toby, but I got a shake up 50 milkshake sometime for the hoedown tonight

Can't start now, Toby. I've got to open the clinic

But nobody had time to see it, I'll call it the cowboy cactus kick stick

What a great name, yeah

Sheriff are you okay? I think I might be coming down with the

Sniffles I am feeling a tad out of sorts, but I'm okay really

Don't worry, Toby the milkshakes can wait versus thanks, thanks

Down the hatch this will help cure that stuffy noses

Now get plenty of sleep Sheriff doctor's orders. I will then thanks everybody for taking such good care of me

Toby are you sick too? Oh, we've got two patients

Come on. Let's get Toby to bed. Yeah, come on everyone


You I've treated a lot of patients in my day, but never have I seen such a sneezy cactus

Okay everyone time to go see a better talent, okay?

Now you need your rest

We'll stop by later, and I'll bring you a triple berry shake in that case okay, I mean

Oh hah there Sparky. Yep. I'm feeling all better

Come in howdy Toby. Oh, how you feeling

It's just the rest of me, that's sick

Shit aren't you I I?

nod Sigma right achoo

I was just about to ride out there and bring him

those balloons

Wait a second maybe Thanks always won all that TLC well pretending to be sick sure isn't the way to get it

All it makes for is one dishonest cactus

He loves to dance

Sure does why just this morning? He was trying to show me a new dance step new

Catholic I think it starts with a slide like this then you spin round and round

Everyone was too busy, so you pretended to be sick to get our attention

Uh-huh, but I talked you in with my coziest quilt, and I gave even to be sick is no way to get attention

You just ended up missing out on the fullen. I know that now and believe you me

I'm never gonna do it again sure


- Claire Sparky, you'll just get faster every day

What's this I bet I know what you want to do next take a ride in your favorite place big box canyon

Hey sure is shiny and I'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind

Because he can stop teasing boy

You look good

That's a mighty fancy Iron Horse you got there

Thank You sheriff my horse is the future horses are the past?

Hands up their horse

Hey there Peck I bet he thought a lot the Iron Horse better than him I gotta find him and set things straight oh


Nope we didn't need any oats

And a cowgirl and our horse

- rather you

To me miss you sir

We play you you race to my like to me


Thank you oh

I'm sorry. I hurt your feelings Sparky. I couldn't do without you. You know that right?

Yes, there's nobody closer than a cowgirl


That was the best ride through big bucks candy. We've ever had

You can together

Come on Sparky don't give up show that old iron horse

Can we step on the way back, I dropped my parasol

For good do you remember that Sparky? I earn or not you're the

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 652 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:06.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 500 - Red Elephant - Duration: 14:26.

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Enchanted science

Class we've spent all last year the winning team made an enchanted prism

We're gonna win right Vivian we might then again

We might not, but hopefully be Bill Sophia and Jane. No is it


Enchanted science was my favorite subject. I entered the fair every year

But I know books you'll need her right here, and who knows maybe one of you will bring home the trophy this year

I will daddy

Just try your best

None of these projects have anything that explodes

We could make a thermometer flute or a whale song translator, or ooh, how about glowing glaze?

It makes anything light up look. I guess then let's do it. Okay. We just need to get all these magical ingredients, ooh

Where are we gonna get all that stuff?

I have an idea right we need ingredients for our science project you

Have come to the greatest sorcerer in the world for school surprises

No, we came to you crocodile tears very hard to find the real hmm and hocus-crocus

Oak strokes we need some of that too, so do we

Hey remind me to get a lock for that door

Looks like we have to start our projects all over again there. You are take it

It should be enough for one of your little

Projects just one and that project will be ours come on

And we can't let them get it in the end the race is up

Maybe we should let someone else get the hocus-crocus and choose another project amber. Let the others change projects

I have to win the trophy for daddy coachman go

Don't let them get ahead sorry princess this carriage is only one horsepower that one's too. Oh

Yes slowing her down with carats is brilliant

James please there are friends come on Sofia

Do you want to get that trophy for dad or not you saw how much it meant to him?

Then we'll have to land at the bottom and hike up

Oh the crystal forest how beautiful we're not here to sightsee come on

That's right nice

Great now what do we do? I think we can go around it if we're careful

Let's go around it looks like we go this way come on James. Yeah, I'll be right there

Bo Reliant Sofia wait up amber must have switched the sign on us No who would do something like that

Only amber, I guess huh, don't you think all this?

Weirdo sing musical miss geysers you better watch out you never know when they're gonna blow

But there's a peak the hocus-crocus is so close. Maybe there's a way around them

We can still catch them how do we know when these geysers are going to erupt we don't?

There's a pattern to the kaisers like a loan hearing Oh

Vivian there's a pattern let's into the sound they make babe Sophia. What are you doing? Don't help them?

Why not just because we're all trying to get the hocus-crocus

Alright, nothing can stop us from getting the hocus-crocus now

Wow how about I give you a peppermint instead peppermint that does look tasty wait yeah

Is hard to find, but easy to lose oh

I know a sock a sock


anyone oh

It's not a sock. Oh, I've got it. Is it a friend a friend ha

Just her not you especially not you they suck breathe


It's the hocus-crocus, did you say hocus-pocus?

Give it back amber, so field was the one who got it. Thanks to you amber

You were the one who ran off with it colleague you ever started it but none of us stopped it and now

None of us have the hocus-crocus fair now

Why not you can choose new project can't you but we hardly have any time, and we don't have any hocus-crocus

Maybe what daddy said it was too big a project for two people

What if all six of us work on it together?

But we were put in teams of two Sophia and each team can do one part of the project

Yes, and the only way to win the science fair is to start acting like friends again

So what do you think?

Okay, I'm in so am I let's do it

If it'll help us win. I'm all fours and


Which team is presenting this project alpha

I'm sorry. We didn't win dad. We know you really wanted that trophy. It's the best enchanted science project

I've ever seen and we couldn't be more proud


The little witch except on my birthday you

Came to the castle and she's always playing tricks on us

Last week she put a hex on my dolls and turned them into mice

And she melted my crayons together see come on. Let's go hand out these beautiful invitations

It's my birthday, and I'm having a party at my house

What's that it's a tail silly

I'll be right back. I hope so

Who are you I'm

Sophia why are you dressed like that are you some kind of princess? I am a princess

Have any friends yeah friends don't have them

Don't need them or their silly parties that I'm not invited to wait just leave me alone

Princess or I'll hex you now Lucinda. That's no way to make friends. Which is what you want, right?

Why do you act so mean, I don't know how else to act what

Hexing is all. I know how to do my parents are witches my

Grandparents are witches so we have a hard time getting along with regular people I understand how you feel

You don't get along with regular people either


Everyone in the village then the first thing you should do is apologize to everyone in the village. Oh, I'm not good at apologies

Pranks I can do all you have to do is say. I'm sorry do it

Come on

Okay, we'll work on it on the way okay. Oh, and she has something she wants to say yeah, right Lucinda

Jade I'm

twice yeah twice

But she's sorry. I bet she's just pretending to be sorry so she can surprise us with something extra mean. I'll never invite you

They're all better right not all better how about now


No a witch trap

This is hopeless Jade's never going to be friends with me none of those kids will

Are you okay, you saved me so you can be a good witch if you want to I guess that's why the kids

So if I were you here's what I do

Little way

Hop on let's walk

Hello everybody its Lucinda Ron. I knew you could do it Lucinda

I just want you to know if I could I would invite you to Jade's party

Really, yeah?

But it's not up to me. I hexed her a lot you could start by fixing her garden

I can do that perfect then she can have her party outside again. She'll be so happy. Let's take my broom to Jace

We'll get there faster. No. Thanks. Come on. It'll be fun

It wasn't so fun last time. That's cause you're



Did you hear something uh no well I did

I told you I really really think she's trying to be good now. I mean

This is all your fault just don't way no one wants you here. I knew you would never forgive me. Oh


I try to tell you

Wait please

Stop what I was wrong, I'm sorry I should have given you a second chance

It doesn't have to be ruined, what do you mean?

When new and improved birthday party coming right up, let's stop with these decorations

So uh want see some party tricks, don't worry. They're nice chicks

You're the best witch thank you

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 500 - Red Elephant - Duration: 14:26.


Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 55 - Max Brady - Duration: 17:11.

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sir you must eat something food will not help me now shoo go now I need the power

of something much great I built with my own two hands from the ground up after

the Great War I live there alone for some time while figuring out what to do

next to protect the sky lens from threats and

face there once you do you will find the light energy necessary to you know

terrible to do with stand on the tile that represents you relevant wait

seriously how we never noticed that before would you talk about later

Eruptor let's move skylander Academy to retrieve my book of spells and I need

you to keep Kaos preoccupied until I return I cannot have him interfering

with my plans today understood never fear I've got much

bigger fish to catch the bone-in fry my powers have grown considerably since I

laid my hot little hands on Mother's book and I'm not about to let that go

away hey remember that time you roasted me on a spitting out that with some

quality pain I'd totally be up for a little more of that what do you say that

was a special time nope I'm out of here

oh so happy Toby what are you doing here I thought

all of us numerators agreed to come get the book as a group tomorrow

you're not double-crossing us are you

look for yourselves that was not the plan

we're sorry a gold nest we'll stick to the script from now on so why are you

here because come together in a consolidated formation

you mean Skylanders unite yeah that ice we're making it worse

never living up to my father's expectations I'm informed political

discourse what is it we're truly afraid of right what should we go after them

kaboom they're short-handed snapshot and we can't leave the cadets alone to

defend the Academy we need all the hands on deck here it's the darkness I'm not

myself until I am healed of this sickness no one is safe yes or you are

next obstacle well my friends call me Dale but for your purposes yep I'm the

next obstacle or rather its gatekeeper I

am sometimes what you fear seems like you're gonna fail we're probably all

doomed now thanks for that four seconds come on come on what is it

I don't know but if this is the end I'm gonna close my eyes

thanks old wizard dude debts well well look who it is

you've come down from your castle for the first time in years that book of

yours must be as powerful as everyone thinks it is Cassandra the entire school

on my own and if we take it down the place is all yours you let us have the

Academy and whatever comes with it all of it

I um it's been a while and my magic can be unpredictable

what about chaos don't worry about him he won't be screwing this up any worse

than he already has

ah well you see I've got this Finn right so obviously I'm a shark and I use

bubblegum bubbles to to

the main hall let's go gloomy the only place you're going is down didn't anyone

teach you it's dangerous to play with blades choppy marriage mother hey I told

you to keep him busy I tried man but his powers inside the academy of course my

queen whoopee lay down a serious hip no group

was there another path we missed did we go the wrong way we got to go back if we

go back Eon won't know this is the way I know it what are we supposed to do Spyro

huh okay I'll do it

you ain't going without me you gotta go sometime Oh like I'm gonna be the one

who ruins it for everybody fat chance Skylanders core of light the

key to balance and harmony in our world I can't believe we're here this is like

a coolest thing I've ever seen

sorry that's me you used one of my spells didn't you Oh fool I did I used

my power to move the location of the core of light somewhere you will never

find it the map is useless sir get over here now club' gasps join us together we

will rule the realm like you've always dreamed chaos come here do not why

mother why wouldn't you teach me how to be as powerful as you I have my reasons

chaos I do not need to justify them to you or anyone else now or ever I choose

then you leave me no choice

never come home you're out forever oh we gotta go do writers your golden Asst we

did it mr. on we found the core of white and filled the vial here here drink

evil eating elderberry most delicious so what happens now young I will take this

book somewhere it's evil power can hurt no one ever again we're so happy you're

okay yeah did you bring it of course and now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt

that it belongs with you thank you just do what needs to be done

which means you aren't going so here we are my queen

running this gang side by side why do you care about that judging by the way

Cassandra risked her own nap to get that book back I am more convinced than ever

that it holds the key to darkness reign

come out come out nefarious person is engaging in people

activities wherever you are big secrets from all of us it's got me more

convinced than ever that he knows something about my ancestors and I don't

know what to do about it anything I can do to help yeah and I didn't thanks for

lending me in here you have ears right I have exceptional audible organs they're

just not in the place where one's ears usually are oh you've got to be kidding

me the ship operates on this city course the problem you bet

starter up Jaden anything else you want me to take a look out before you go

and he didn't say thanks yeah so probably just my alarm didn't go off

I didn't wake up till 5:00 a.m. it was only an hour early to my blade anything

to report well my super charger gave me a few fits

this morning but it was nothing I couldn't handle

well we will need some help getting this situation this decision was neither

Willy nor nearly sprocket powers are based in the tech element which means

she is an expert on all things of that variety plus reinforcements to round

them up sounds like a software virus invading

the prison cell block matrix I can fix it please hurry if it spreads to the

outer perimeter all the dates could be affected a time like this glum shanks

golden greenness seize the castle turned mother into a museum piece and I'm

powerless to do anything about it this is the worst day ever all of us

there there may be one way you can it could be the only way tell me claw me

I'll do anything I will

sprockie but it looks like it's time to do this the old-fashioned way with a

little elbow grease your wrench is working sweet help please

this is my this is worse than I thought if the portal that leads to the Citadel

Skylanders use the super chargers and travel to the realm to fix every portal

in need until this is done all of Skylands is in grave danger work

portal at the academy and use it to travel around to fix the other portal

great idea sprocket we'll handle that while you stay here and get these

vehicles running again okay failing spell which hides mother's book of dark

magic locked away in their tiny troll brain all this time your entire life sir

I am the only one Cassandra trusted with such a powerful secret he credits sounds

about right now listen close Cassandra's book is

hidden inside her meditation chamber chant a spell I gave you to reveal it

there okay now him guy you've been guarding all day

rocket scientist oh speaking of rocket science have I

ever mentioned that I was once recruited by the sky land space program fresh out

of school and would it have killed someone to label the control panel oh we

can't even function without all our devices pathetic the whole lot of us

and now you can get my point my vacuum is working again at least the magnet

party's helping Spiro sounds like a cop show if we're all done congratulating

each other sprocket the super charges are ready yes actually no no officer no

you're their senior officer I'm here to assist you all because you need my help

right now one of you way more than the rest I do not need your help

now stand down guys I think there might be something wrong with the portals does

Ian know about this if you just stayed with the super charges like I asked wait

so this is my fault too fine it's not your fault it's technology's fault

happiness just feels that way because it helps make your life better but it's not

making it better it's making it harder all the downloads and upgrades and

passwords and resets it's this time because I was afraid of being honest

with you oh it's cool look sprocket every problem that came up today you

fixed all because you're their friend their leader and like technology I

really am just here to help I've been an idiot and now a stuck here for who knows

how long

so that's the control panel yeah it's like I was trying to tell you before

come on robot find the core of oh hey guys you're back in time to help us get

swarmed by the Academy's mechana trolls which have come to life

I knew magic eggs existed got any more JV all right I'm afraid not

shut that oh this might not be the best time to mention this but moustache

I need you all to scare the living daylights out of me go go go

thanks buck well I wouldn't have known about the power of my eggs at all

without sprockets help you still need to repair some of those wonky portals right

I was wondering I'm you know I've suspected for the longest time that you

knew more about what happened to my family than you're willing to say I

wanted to trust you I did mastery on but then I found it

Spira I what I'll tell you everything right now

and I was tasked with protecting them but I failed Spyro at the apex of the

Great War a mysterious dark force Rose took formidable dark magic to take

control of your ancestors and turn them evil he was going to use them to destroy

the core of light I was for somewhere right we we can still find them I'm

afraid it's not that simple the magic I used was unfamiliar unwieldy devastating

my entire race and you're sorry spider

seize your destiny and become the man I always knew who never rule by your side

and why would you do that because there is nothing I wouldn't do

For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 55 - Max Brady - Duration: 17:11.


Nexo Knights Rotten Luck Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Red Hat - Duration: 16:50.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Nexo Knights Rotten Luck Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Red Hat - Duration: 16:50.


FOR TOMORROWERS® S1:E3 Tomorrow - Duration: 3:05.

Did you see that?


- Coffee, please!!

- Wait...



And here she is!

Just as I expected!

- Hi!

- Heu...Hello!

- I think you forgot that.

- Heu, thanks.

In the waiting room?

- Yeah!

- Ok...

- Can I sit down?

- Uh ... yeah, yeah go yeah

- We all know how much first meeting

can be embarrassing and


Also, out of modesty,

and because we do not have that to do,

I have prepared a little summary.

- Hi, I'm Thomas

- Oh, hi, I'm the brunette girl

and I could not help but take a look

at your file and it's really interesting!

- Oh thank you I know where to hide ...

- Basically I was looking for interesting people

to interview for my thesis about

entrepreneurship of people rather like you actually.

- So, like me!

So, what a coincidence, fate would not it be for something?

fate would not it be for something?

- In my school, everyone understands that

it is up to us to invent the world of tomorrow,

so I was looking for people who have

new ideas about the future and

who are looking for ways to implement them

- This is your school that looks really interesting,

I too must find one this year but,

I do not feel that there are many

who go the world like yours ...

- Well, when you have finished your little number,

you may be able to help me finish the job.

- Now, my Tommy

you have your destiny in your hands.

For more infomation >> FOR TOMORROWERS® S1:E3 Tomorrow - Duration: 3:05.


The 7D - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Moment Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 102 - NID MEDIA - Duration: 16:28.

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Jumbo jam

Wait a minute is it yellow. Yes shaped like a stop sign yes, but what about the jumbo jungle monster?

You don't believe in City fairytales like that. Do you well no not really maybe sorry yeah, I do totally

Just go


Can't wait to sink my choppers into that three cheese cheese ball pizza with cheesy crust an extra cheese

Will that be with or without cheese?

Don't talk my few joy. Go take care of it sneezy Joe who I be I hear you're very brave you need your hearing checked

The glitterpillar will think it's one of her own, and we can lead her back to the jumbo jungle all right 70

Let's bug out. I absolutely hate thee whatever you wish my dish

I'll scare Queenie boo beanie the Goblin no time Julia wait and the throne will be

Waxey 70

Do something with her hair blinker she's a giant all right?

This is my console so get out I

Got one of them

Look at that. She's getting all metamorphic ated oh he's the word metamorphosis eyes too soon

Not even close, but whatever the word is don't do it. We need you we should be safe in here

And then instantly we see that we're not safe funny

Thank you 70 you saved the day

You gotta see this the great glitter fly migration

You better get going little, Missy

Now alright, I'll share

Goodnight Giselle

The kiss goodnight Edna

Goodnight, I'm turning in

Yeah, YUM black pudding it needs more topic now skeezy win

That'll teach you to eat my dessert

I'm for pancakes Giselle


Let's not let you sell to run off before breakfast. Oh here

She goes here, and this where could she be going where's my little pig gone

You what are you doing? He?

Was completely after the sacred

Ingredient in a patrol knows that the secret ingredient in bug puddin is toffee

Rod send all the lost stuff they find in the world your keys your other sock your dreams your self-respect

Yeah, we have to get in there get our pets and get out swallow its keys stuffed teddy bears and killed fuzzy mittens

Who are you?

Let me guess Bo peeps lost sheep baa. That's us ba ba ba ba ba you out of lost acres

How're we gonna do that I have no idea

Wait you're a warlock. You can just use your wand and hocus, but pull the wool over your eyes


Are you lost

You look just like the done denied who sent our pets in ears Keepers losers weepers with your host me Finders Keepers

Let's meet our contestants

We're ready to play just get on with it, okay

We asked 100 goblins what their favorite food is name that food. I know this

It's fish sticks loose. We asked 100 ogres. What their favorite candy is

Name that candy. It's candy corn. I don't know you sure yes candy corn

Contestants I'll send you home now losers weepers, or you can play the risk it all round

What's that if you win the final round you all will do it what there's no way to win the game is rigged

But we came here to save our Pig and our goat

Thing is named that ingredient

Times up and although you can't so all the lost stuff flew out of lost acres and back into the real world

The three mittens lost by kittens

Little Bo Peep shit

Well looks like we're done here nice working with you oh

You too, creepy. Why nice. I don't mean nice. We are still mortal enemies and nothing's team

That was very inappropriate mr.. Hicklepips yeah, he doesn't like it when people think he's not alive

You're the reason we can't have nice things

I'm gonna call you

Wait till the fellas see you

I'm not saying that's a good thing I bet Stephie can do tricks come on boy

Speaking so don't say speak don't say what speak

What's that mr.. Hicklepips don't say

No problem

Crystal bull, no jokes look relax all you need is another pet

Just adopted this crinkly wrinkly fire hazard

At least nothing got toasted

I'll give those clubs something that's easy

And it's all hail Queen Hildy

Allergies, and I'm not afraid to use

Billy your mom's here

I got an ally let's go home, and how is miss yourself

Sir yipsalot and the mutt

Now know royal dogs don't chase squirrels

I don't see anything

Well that was it done

I love a good letdown makes you really appreciate what you have

Look closer and watch as my fleas perform astounding aerial feats. Do not miss the show tonight

It's the tiniest show

Do not know I know there we are they are lost style


Sir yipsalot what have you done look at you come on let's go back to the castle I gotta get you cleaned up

Terrible forest hey, this is not so bad, then I was a girl. I lived on a woolly mammoth

Worse than a garbage dump in the summer so stinky

Sure that was scary that was nothing you weren't scary you should see me without my makeup

Tonight hello sure and um with the cream a bomb a liniment

That it tastes better on ciabatta. What should I put your bread upon?

I roll you and he never needed sad wooden boys donut what you sad

And now back to our story

Watch this. Yep. Huh let's have a look-see

Sir yipsalot a girl well then we better

No, don't do that sir yipsalot. You're not a girl this isn't sir yipsalot

Gotcha I do not worry doggy. I just need my fleas then you will be free my

Sir yipsalot missin fleas huh hey that eg mutt might know something about this

Oh, Flynn family it is you the circus is back on

Oh, what a difference a hat makes oh no - with me


See he's been outside play you so here's a not don't have to act like a Roy your dog

Who wants to go to the circus

Yeah, yes Hey about to join the circus. We could call it

stroganoff circus featuring von flea family and Princess yaps alot

Don't go in that thicket of each week. Oh, she's gonna need some

For more infomation >> The 7D - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Moment Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 102 - NID MEDIA - Duration: 16:28.


Mia And Me The Panned Piper New Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel- Ryan Huchi - Duration: 19:41.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

whoa whoa hi aunt ow what are you wearing these for you go get them - I'm

not even sure it's music where's it coming from

phuddle I might have known hey guys

what did you think pretty sweet eh for the first minute or so you don't get it

it's not just any old music you guys have trouble finding you steps okay in

the woods and attract every unicorn in centopia tell me so much unicorn dust

the elves won't know what to do with it all along the grounds it can't be seen

go further down in the ravine this is definitely a ravine

Wow every one of them looks better than the last

nice work phuddle it may not attract unicorns but it's pretty good at digging

up pieces of a trumpet

hypnotized for the music oh

Oh No

yes my queen sorry my queen well where did they go

I don't know we've had Scouts late before but not this many at once oh hang

on how sparkly your mask looks today have you polished it they take their

weapons and throw them in the cage hey that's mine

give it back

but uh you can come out now subtle I did if the monks like this

thing so much what do you say we give it to them what give away my precious UHN

accordion I don't mean literally

okay let's do this take it away photo sold beautiful such

lovely music

whatever this thing is it belongs to Pantheon now sure thing boss I brought

it for us

bring this thing

oh I hope he knows what he's doing huh what is this a pen my queen play

play you know a nice bouquet of flowers in a vase here would be really inspiring

Nia boy are we glad to see you your

beautiful photo don't stop playing I believe the word you're looking for is

data on card what do you want me to 4d play oh no run

playing now puddle you got a go before Panthea comes back but what about the

unicorn Ian it's going to have to stay here no don't need them I have to cheat

though a bit on the engine you know to make room for the couple

don't even mention cheating to me today right I gotta get back I have my own

project to finish bye everyone I don't know about you

I don't know if your aim is getting better or worse

sorry windy today didn't mean to dive-bomb you like that I missed here

hmm there are two bridges south of here another to the north a couple to the

east it's pretty much bridge central could be any of them feeling any better

today Majesties Beagle too bad we don't have any nevermind that funnel I can't

laze around babe it won't which is why mo should take the throne

while we recover really me King that would be awesome the poison the king

it's not poison its bubbles cooking I am standing right here you know okay be

wise belie my balloon throne why not well you don't know how to steer it and

you might get hurt I can handle it no you can't band anyway

hey you they're not goofing my parents are sick so guess who's in charge now

really you're king of centopia yep which sounds better

King mo the lion tight but he's not wearing one for my first official act as

king we will locate the trump 'test piece and deliver it to the palace ah

all that pollen would make your eyes water like crazy and the altar lore

bridge leaves there that could be it let's go hi photo by fettle you have one

hour are you sure you don't need me we can

handle it your highness but feel bad for him you know someday mo

is gonna be the real king of centopia yeah and he's going to need a queen

that's bridge is the only way into the phase that not-not-not

herbs well you can either go to the pollen fields or duck this fish for

sickos dinner oh the king thanks you for your humble gift of this plant and I

have to say I have never seen anyone bow for 20 minutes before thank you it's on

the agenda sire I am The King I postpone it

when we are having more fun than this

whoa this pollen is nasty q yeah I'll look over there

ancho and I will look over here what's that that's weird

nothing wrong with just sitting in it maybe I can spot you going Mia all quiet

on the home front Oh frig goes out the unicorn's will be

trapped we need help that's just great we gotta find that and

get out of here when you have some spare time

time for some fast bridge repair forget the rules Mia and richelene me go blow

your nose guard gonna

man we could use those hey where are you going

punch ow get those unicorns across the bridge we'll take care of the monks

Meah take the piece and go

stand there

oh now that's better courtesy of King mo the Lionheart breeze

within our reach well mo it seems your reign has been

successful what yeah balloon throne

you did it for the right reasons and that kind of judgment is what makes a

king a king and anyway the balloon can always be fixed you'll be doing it

full-time soon enough oh no my battery I'd love to stay and help but

ancho that's weird I wonder where he is that sounds cute what is it there's a

competition to see who is crowned the blush flower princess girls are judged

unintelligent charm beauty Mo's the judge has been going on I've never even

seen this ball thing it already bugs me plant that likes to swallow I hope it's

not that big plant thing that tried to swallow pull it base then you aim hold

steady Nia I will you will I was meaning to

compliment you in your speech yesterday thank you

I'll definitely keep my eye on you today


maybe you should keep your distance from moe you know just for today

he's pretty distracted uh-huh I'll be lucky if you finish I make up for my

deficiencies in other ways that you don't like charm for instance

oh I'm not charming let's just say your charm

okay so you guys have been so busy being weird you haven't even told me what

we're looking for why don't you ask me since she's so

charming why don't you ask Yuko since she's such a good flier do you know what

we're looking for

she's fighting I'm above that kind of thing she's the one fighting I'm nicer

than her right I think you're both pretty nice most of the time but right

now you're both kind of be careful

Thank You mo your reflexes are so fast

that's a smart idea Yuko you hear that Nia smart and also as what maybe you can

send Mia in to double-check I have a better idea why don't we feed the plants

something gross and bitter so it throws up the trump to speed Mia what about you

would somebody please tell me what's going on we decided to enter the blushed

flower princess contest contest has to wear a rainbow blush flower in her hair

it's tradition no I forgot well you better go find them

Hey what let me go this is ridiculous I'm never gonna fuck where'd you get

that just lucky I guess did you find one no and I bet that was

the last one

here you deserve this more than I do now it's yours

you found it hurry hurry hurry

have you seen moe we thought he came back here at the Trump dis piece I

haven't seen him all day can you find him we can't start without him

it's heading back toward the flower

hurting me


and you yeah

well you're late but at least it was worth it at the sound of the hope

you're the real elf princess here come on

go you go go it's your turn yeah oh you go

new beauty and poise what was I thinking even entering this contest you can't

give up now not when you're doing so well

attention everyone it is time for Prince mode to crown the blush flower princess

in saving me she showed great skill and unselfishness with no concern for her

fancy hairdo or beautiful gown and to me

would you care to dance

why are you dancing with me shouldn't you be dancing with Yuko oh no better

try hi guys

For more infomation >> Mia And Me The Panned Piper New Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel- Ryan Huchi - Duration: 19:41.


Sofia The First Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 402 - Jodie Day - Duration: 15:07.

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Carroll of the era oh

Listen to this it appears that local do-gooder Carroll of the and stop the runaway carriage

I wish I could doing the merry band

Then I could go all around the kingdom doing good deeds with Carol your Majesties your royal coach awaits

And it'll be nice to spend time together as a family. Well. I can't go crate picking in this gown. You're right

Let's all change first. Is it okay if I bring minimus mom he loves the fresh air

No his horse has got out. What do you think you're going fella? Let's get you back to that correct

Well you're incredible cuz who are we going?

We're camera well Mary

That's what everyone says to her maybe I should tell her what a big fan, I am or ask for an autograph Darrow

Okay, that's what I'll do a while back my cousin Henry

Got stuck in a bog and the royal coach flew right overhead didn't even stop lucky for him

I was walking by Carroll doesn't think the Royals helped enough. That's ridiculous

I never would have flown in the Derby race if you hadn't helped me face my fears

Which are still is real today as they were then?

No, I don't look anything like a princess Sophia. I'm not sure this is such a good idea once

I said I was a unicorn and all it got me was a hoof full of heartache and have a wonderful day

Now remember I'm not a princess and you are nuts a flying horse not a flying horse

I know all your good deeds by heart, and I'm a huge fan. Ha ha I don't need any fans

You don't what I need is more folks to join my merry band

How do I do that come with us if you can do a good deed by the end of the day?

Then you're in the merry band really. Thanks Carol

So I will be keeping an eye on you


I see a need for a good deed

I'm ready to go Carol, so we can't make lemonade daddy. I guess not boys

We'll get the lemons down kind family. Well, it's cute

What's it like being in the merry band? I'm not part of the band yet. Oh

but she will be after she does a good deed and

Right Gerald hmm not bad Jane now Sophia. Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it

Oh, I hope so I'd say we have enough grapes. Let's make juice baileywick

Can you find Sofia and tell her it's time to make the juice right away your majesty?

Well kind farmer there's a stream over yonder

We can all fill those buckets up with what if we use those wagon wheels and rope to make a pulley system?

Then you can pull the buckets to the stream fill em up and pull them back. You won't have to lift a thing

That should do it. I really hope this works minimus, okay, we're all set

Scoop up water and bring it back to your garden hmm. I'd like to see the Royals come up with something this clever

It didn't work don't worry Carol. I'll help you come up with an even better plan

That was my big chance and I blew it

Minimus if they see me with baileywick, they'll know I'm a princess I have to make him go away, okay, but you better hurry

Oh, I suppose not okay creeps thanks, baileywick

I'm gonna have to do a good deed quick man. I'm so late. They already helped him well then maybe we should just head back

All the time it's usually me saying

I'll help your baby mrs. Raccoon. She can talk to animals yeah

And then I can just pull the log over good thinking Sofia

Hang on baby

Hold up everyone the law won't budge we have to find another way never been thinner

Can I have the Rope please Jane of course Thanks this time I'll tie an even tighter knot

What's a group, I just

Well, I heard you say that Royals don't help much and I wanted to show you that Royals can do good deeds, too

I say we forget about Little Miss princess and


Hi mom

Baileywick found your tiara in your basket. Is there a reason you took it off. I met carol of the arrow mom you

Did uh-huh but she doesn't think the Royals helped enough especially if they can't see what a sweet and helpful person you are

Sofia Kara

It's Carol

But Sofia proved me wrong so I owe you an apology I owe all of you an apology

It's okay Carol, and if you want to give it another try Larry Ali I got this

Thank you for saving him you're welcome

Jane you all are well, maybe the more members we have in the merry band the merrier will be I

Thought Sofia was trying to take my place

But now I see there's room for both of us

There is you did your good deed Sofia welcome to the Mary Beth. I think this calls for a celebration

How would you all like to join us for some fresh grape juice we'd love some

You the Royal dragon

You want me to open it okay, I'll open it

You are invited to this year's dragon roasts and toasts that sounds fun

How could it I do I really do Sofia then why don't you just go away because?

Everyone is supposed to come with their very best dragon, buddy, and I don't have a dragon, buddy, so I can't go

I'll go with you, but only dragons are allowed then. I'll be your dragon buddy. I wish to be a dragon

I'll just tell my parents where we're headed great

We can fly over together, and I'll teach you some dragon songs and fire tricks on the way. See you tomorrow

Your fight your seats are really great. Thanks. Hey. Do you think that'll impress the other dragons and help me get some friends

I'm not sure that's how you make friends. Oh, yeah, yeah, you're I just showed you how not to do it

That's this thing anyway. I think it's decoration for the roasting toast look down below

We're here Sofia. You're supposed to be dragging Sofia who they've never met before


Won't leave tonight late over there either. I can't believe you have more dragon friends than I do - who

Star wait all my friends, I've got more to show you watch this

Is that you Wow I haven't seen you in forever hi sizzle, I was just telling my friends

Some things okay

First showing off your fire-breathing skills come on gang hit me with your best spark

Fink's hey, we knows this is our chance to get back at them fine the proof

Single-handedly ruined it mistakes a bunch I've been practicing is that right well, so have I

My name is guys. Don't you just love the Duchess hooah?

Seward she's knowing the most important dragon ever exactly, which is why I'm so excited

She asked me leader of the Dragons that sounds incredible

It is she's teaching me all sorts of fabulous had dragon type stuff from dragon ever in the history of

Its getting her even more dragon friends oh

That's nothing sizzle reckon of enchancia. Oh, that's fancy

Yuck she even has a castle no wait. She has ten. You don't know everything sizzle

Now excuse me my best buddy's looking for me, and I don't want to keep royalty waiting

It looks like you're making just look at young dragons special cavorting about making sure raggedy merriment

Oh that is about to end these balloons of water

We always have room for new friends there's smoke wings and Fire

Dragons I've never met before

But I always go first then maybe it's crackles turn

Yeah, maybe it is after all back in a chance eeeh I was the star of the Leafs on festival well

I've been this'll just be yourself and it'll happen

You know what? I'm just gonna start singing, but do that before I start singing?

Why don't you think that's another dune, I'd be happy to


I'm sorry crackle. No it's okay Sofia. I should just get used to not having I

Want to see your best flips and spins show your fellow dragons or what do you got?

This is my last sheep

See Sophia watching

Thank you

Crackle those dragons think I'm the Royal dragon of enchancia. Hey that is weird we should ignore them and keep fuck

I'm sorry crackle. I only turned into a dragon so you could come here

I don't feel right lying about Who I am on top of that fine. I'll just find another way to impress everyone

And why did crackle say that you were the Royal dragon of enchancia

You don't look like a dragon at least not any more. Oh like brain hurts. I don't have any dragon friends at all

By using my no blaze dragon proofing net no I have to warn the others

Doesn't make any sense yeah, dragons are friends with the nights here in Brazendale. There's no reason. They'd attack

You all have to leave or that night, and he does not like

The Dutchess is training you to lead the dragons. She taught you how to create a wall of fire. That's great. Oh

Right and how to flap your wings so hard. They make ins because I

Didn't have any friends of my own to come with but you're always surrounded by other dragons

Sure, they'd like to watch me do stuff

I'm up for that. If sizzle is I was about to say the same thing good because I have an idea

Quite a few times

Sir Oliver

This is what picnic and we will never forget

I'd like to thank all three of you for saving our scaly hides to be honest auntie

It was mostly only if my friend crackle comes with me friend. Are you meeting Fievel?

I sure do in fact next roast and toast I want to be a dragon

Wife takes the child the wife take the town hi-ho the derry-o the nurse takes

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 402 - Jodie Day - Duration: 15:07.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 81 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:27.

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It is Saturday

Are you ready to adventure your face off think so?

Remember when you tried to help me with my math homework

Try being responsible that is one of your best watch

My mom would you like to join me in a weekend adventure sorry Oh momma's got to go to the gym fun

City why don't you go check out something you've never seen before

Well okay

Maybe's tip is being right I am a strong

What flavor do you get mint chip? Hey? That's my favorite?

Yes looking that earth water beasts can be fun even if I am all

And you are purple - you must be an earth ancestor of the boov

It looks like you are feeling the lonely - do you not hate

Meet Walt or

Him we met on this crazies adventure called lighting a cuttlefish cuttlefish

I bet he lives up to his name

He's your alien girl oh I still have a bunch of work to do, okay

Policy oh well have fun with Walter well Walter

Walter is a member of this family, too. You cannot just ignore him

Books have feelings to tip

Really, yes Walter thinks you could be spending a little more time hanging out with him does he now well

Why don't there's Hugh? Just because you are too busy to sees what Walter does all day?

Why are you getting in my face about this?

It's your report Walter, and I has plenty to do without you like like

Having Czar Walt or friend party a Walt or friend party. It's not like he's my best friend. It's not like he's


Walter says thanking you everyone for coming to his party

We're sorry that tip could not making

You made it Wow

You really uh uh went for it with the fish party huh, buddy?

You sit down shoot shoot

Walter wants you to have some cake

Well did you ever wonder why Walt's war always feels exactly the same way you feel like maybe they're actually your

Feelings are not hiss

From now on when you are busy. I will not panic and make new friends at the Chicago aquarium

You want to have

Well I guess this is goodbye for now needs to do something without you I write your little thief

You're ready to take a ride downtown

Or hmm we say you don't want to press charges

All right, Walt Dohrn if that's the way you want it. I guess we'll let it slide


Well, thank goodness things for Walt are right

Funny I am family what is a reunion a reunion is a big party where you get to see family members?

You haven't seen in a long time


Tim you have my cousin, I don't know man your eyes are

Special you see you are part of the family. You just aren't actually related to anyone oh

So you are saying big happy family that

Is being the most impressive evidence of family nasai have ever seen this is what I want

The closest I have ever had to DNA relations for my pod mates, but I have not seen them since the gestation period

Just like me I am oh please sit with me, I already ordered you a tea cupping

You make a family pyramid with me

Yes, I will make a family here hey you throwing a party oh I am throwing a party oh

Yes, I am the left one is slightly shorter than the right one yes, this guy creeping me out

We are putting on our own family reunion, and we has invited all of our former pod legs tip expert on family


Welcoming you

There now I will lose you Aussies sorry, but it's like Where's Waldo in here

Shh time to make some DNA connection

Welcoming you

This is Candace one of my pod sisters. What is on the schedule today. Oh, oh modeling's are not needing schedule

She is so practical is this the dwelling in which a gathering of the pod Lang's is to occurring why yes?

Human decorative and left sock soup is never served as an altitude of less than 90 and occasional

Sounds like it is coming from over here

When did you arrive our connection, but the probability of social embarrassment grows with a bug other

Time is not

We'll be right back

having an argument

Crying I think that humans are bad

The probability of becoming inside is about point zero zero zero zero them not good

Really thought we were going in a different direction with that

You climb here

Yes, that is correct everyone stop groaning

Perfect tip can you take the picture please if you really wanted a

Man what a bunch of jerks why couldn't you just try to get along? That's all he wanted. Hey oh?

So you having a little potty break the cooling water helps my nerves

See dude who made you laugh


relatives I

would reach a deeper sense of

Connectives, but now I am in a crowd wondering aloud why do I feel?

I'm far away and all on my own. Yes. It's all. I wish for is a family that would take my hand

Why do you feel alone?

We're relative related. You're not on your own. We will always have each other till the end of time


Believe you should have just said so you didn't have to sing it


Do not think you look offensive my mom thinks. Oh, but you are looking stupid

Okay you you

Know what let's go visit him mom. I'm taking flushes two boobs land

Booth Kyle it is blocking out all sound and natural light so you can focus on captain duties

But how will tip get in here for visiting captain. There's no time so much. We can hang out all the time

I'm wishing the same wish oh I have a crazy idea

Oh, No are you okay? What if I do not know?


Will call myself the king of police let's go tell everyone make it me and be part of her family

Family I

Think I caught a family when someone coughed on me the family is like

To learn more about family. I am leaving in charge

You have my picture in your room that is being so cool. Yeah, I

Could shred if I wanted I also have many personal items

Where should I be putting them? Hey dude this could be your bed?

It's great right you'll fit in here real good. Oh

My very own drawer you are right tip

I do not needs adequate sleeping quarters a reasonable storage for my belongings when I have God's family

And for mine, I put a little extra love in yours

What will we do after unconscious

My mom I am thinking that tip does not want Oh for her little brothers anymore

Oh, I bet she's just being stubborn. Oh, I don't know it's pretty late wait hold on a sec

Looking like she is leading a familial embrace

I am thinking that a familial embrace is not correct, but I just need a little space for a bit. Okay. I

Can be doing that?

Whoa I'm seeing some kind of pink blob but

You are a wise Beast


Poopy best friend Kyle, I need your help. Oh, you are obstructing the justice Kyle


We need to let the rest of the boov know how horrible families are

Hey, oh oh

Now where did he hey mum?

Do you think maybe you were a little hard on him turtle hair? No. I just said I

Needed the little space

And lasered my mom's eyes


Got a question. Why'd you leave us you big dough head? Hey look it stopped

Because you said before to give you space you still want to be a part of the family

You're part of the family

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 81 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:27.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 655 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:09.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

Oh, I was just reading from a favorite book about bugs to me. Matey hairy hairy hairy

Ho well hairy spider of course



That bug looks like it's made of gold

Did you say?


Smee set sail for big bug Valley we're off to find that bug mr. Smee Oh

Blast we're looking for bugs, not yes, we're off to big bug Valley with me

Why they could help us find the caterpillar

Of a big bug valleys full of all kinds of but big bugs

They might be big and look scary tubby, but they're really nice

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest is everybody ready. I got my sword

We're knows you shouldn't alter done that

Shiver me timbers if we want to find the golden caterpillar

Yoho way to go we got past the roly-poly bugs

Looks like we walked all the way to the middle of big bug fest and that means now where am I?


I was lost until this big fellow. Family. Go ahead you lead us right to

the what mr

Bones is trying to say is if we follow this beast we might learn all kinds of false treasure

The other treasures me I can feel it

Actually, it's called a chrysalis

When a caterpillar is fully grown it makes a bunch of silk, which it uses to attach itself

Oh, there's a legend that says if you follow the golden caterpillar. It will lead you to treasure

So that's why you're here hook

Whoa Izzie, we've gotta help caterpillars, this is an emergency that caterpillar turned into a butterfly

Turning into a butterfly is the treasure of the caterpillar treasure, I want


after that golden butterfly

Come on count with us


One two three

And I made a new Butterfly friend shiver me timbers cabbie. What's that on your arm?

With nothing, but a broken heart cheer up sir, I've got something to chase away the blues

What's going on is he your bitch to dust all day long now, let's buy everyone use pity

That's just for

My pixie dust is gone, and it's all my fault

Did you ride you stinky forest then climb the fitzy peak you'll have to work together

To find just what you seek hey remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team

We've been looking for treasure all day, and I haven't found a single Bobble doubloon a piece of gold

I don't think I can take another stab

We'll find the fountain of forever

Good, I hope we find it soon so I can get more pixie dust without it

We can't fly and you know how much we need it for emergencies. Oh, it's icky trees

Greetings friends and how are my favorite pirates today?

Well mr.. Tiki. We're on our way to

Thanks for the ride Tiki trees

Come on mateys we're getting closer to finding the fountains. Yeah sure I can hardly see anything I

Bet he'll try to take all of our pixie. Dust and if he does were sunk

Okay, mates. Here's the plan. We'll try to loose hook in the fog

And wings let's do it

And we got three more gold doubloons take it to the place where pixie dust blows you hurt the fairies. Let's go

Might I point out that this fog is a bit too well

Foggy I am NOT going to let our little fog stand in me

dusty stuff Oh

Pixie dust I want

Whenever I want it

Really messed up if I would have never docked my pal to take the ask none of this would have ever happened

I gotta fix this

Sharky bones through these little pests, Oh a before. I lose me oh

We've got to get Hook away from this place we can't Wow


Follow me

He might need a

White House summit I must be

Miles away from that and go

Now on I'm gonna be extra careful not to spill it it's ways to import

Come on count with us 1

2 3 4 how long do you think this flying dusty stuff laughs? Oh?

Let's see I'd say til right

Oh, hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew?

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password

Welcome to mermaid lagoon

That's right huh the crew of the best ship ever forced Oh upon you the greatest honor ship can receive in

Recognition of your bravery at sea what are those popinjays up to now Oh?

Golden anchor so shiny Somu a curse what's that noise?

Like you gonna miss it will you help us catch up to Bucky is everybody ready, I've got my sword I

Got my pixie dust

The fairies gave it to me so that we can use it to fly good idea marina

It's no but but I think we can make you work

Barnacles yeah fan is working captain

What do you know Oh?

Thanks mr. Octopus yay. Hey, we're on our way, and he got three gold doubloons

Pale-blue see our news on our face in that fog if we can't see anything neither can the itty-bitty

pirates into the fog

And we lost the sea pups

But Bucky's nowhere in sight maybe he's lost in that thick fog a

High Dolphins book he's heading for the swirling whirling-pool

Got five more gold doubloons, let's grab them and go get Bucky

They took me hat imagine

I thought I lost you in the fog. We're here to take back this calls for a little pixie dust

Yoho way to go we got fuck you Scholl denied your back come on count with us 1

2 3 4 5 with you on this crew, but you will always be shipshape

Oh good thing I got my inflatable dinghy

Nevermind well of a tale

I've done it


How right you are mr.. Smee, Oh sake what's taking so long?

Are you whispering oh here let me spell

How long were you down after that whale want me treasure back

Wreckers remembered in the end

I hope the berries tasted good. They were delicious, but

Something must be wrong with him

Sounds like me when I'm seasick. That's sick. Happy. Whales don't get will you help us find out why the whale has a tummy ache?

Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we solve a pirate problem

Faced up by the tail

You gotta calm them down, I know let's try singing a lullaby

Mr.. Whale is it okay if I give you a check-up to find out what's making your tummy hurt

Okay, then I need you to open your mouth

Those puny pirates are going inside the Beast to get my treasure

Sharky bones

Launch the dinghy. We'll use it. We shall

And you watch the ship, I want me treasure chest back even if Smee and I have to go

Yeah, what does old feather hat well with us? I don't know huh, but I'm not gonna. Let him stop us from helping that whale

a treasure chest

No wonder the big fella has a tummy. Ache. I think we should get the treasure chest out of the whales tummy to help

We're in a boat Captain Hook let us get it for you to snare my treasure chest in a way

That's safe for the whale may. I borrow your neck please oh

Is that a good sign it sure is cubby the treasure chest was bothering his tummy, and now that we got it out

He's feeling better

Oh, what will we do?

We gotta think of a way out Jake well um

Let's grab them and go

No, not going anywhere. Not until you hand over me treasure chest

But what can we do well this is an emergency?

And try not to swallow any more treasure chest especially if they belong to Captain Hook

Come on count with us 1

2 3 I

Think he likes you captain

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 655 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:09.


Mia And Me All That Glitters Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Jame Bird - Duration: 19:39.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Mia And Me All That Glitters Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Jame Bird - Duration: 19:39.


Dinotrux Ottos Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Sara Schu - Duration: 19:05.

Thanks you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Dinotrux Ottos Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Sara Schu - Duration: 19:05.


Vampirina Game Night Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - HALY RICE - Duration: 14:50.

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here we go as the reigning game night champion I

got a lot of control you do remember I thought her everything she knows what

do you girls going to play I know

you could play I can't believe it's been hiding there this whole time that sneaky

sneaky game the last time we played we were here visiting uncle the rules are

simple the first player to catch the skeleton oh that doesn't sound very hard

Oh whoever catches the skeleton first wins we play three rounds that's why

there's three skeleton okay first I shuffle the cards and poppy you pick

rocks okay it's a leaf let's do it

the deli deal

I forgot to feed miss cuttle cakes she really needs no

no one else is slippery turns you people they're tricky okay let's play

the last round how bad can it be the final round of

Skelly run let's come out and fill this room

wasn't more sorta used to games with the board and the dice there's no monster

rocks and spider webs and fewer eyeballs and look we don't have super speed or

battling's like you oh I'm glad you told me you're not upset here my best friends

I wanted to share Skelly remedy a party that's guaranteed till May

what humans think us mom's just finished the girls were helping Demi and gregoria

are in charge we'll be back late so go to bed when

they tell you Ann sees it's a full moon tonight

we put wolfy in his crate for Wendy Transylvania I loved exploring on rainy

days Demi Gregory yeah can we go to the attic

sales area I like it it's ball way hey you can't get over how cool your super

speed is V I would love to be a vampire well maybe if we find one of my dad's

old tapes

Wow what is it toes are spooktacular I was just putting out some milk and

cookies or Spooky's as I like to call them puppy

you've got the healthy pale glow of a vampire Andy your look is so human shake

what happened that's what we want to know

sounds like form opened how do you two know so much about full milk endures

Gregorian I accidentally put them on a couple hundred years ago and switch just

like you did let's just say I rock the garden being breezy well we should

probably switch back then huh

which is usually a fine quality in the ghost but we were so worried about

Wolfie in the full moon we forgot about the milk you man either I can't fly I

don't have my super-strength and I'm feeling sleepy already they've got this

time to put my new super speed to the test use my super hearing to listen for

him maybe you help me do it I've got the vampires oh yeah that should work okay

stand up really tall that's not good someone's gonna have to go get it Oh

who's gonna have to all happening up here

I know permanent magic and everything I'm going in don't worry I'll talk you

through it

me okay definitely take a deep breath okay

well your mom and all's the concentration you make it look easy

I know being a human could be so tough either good thing I had all you to help

me out well they say to truly under 500 girls

it's past your bedtime what are you still doing up

wait for it here it comes

hi sir no I'd scream if I saw someone do that here come in Thanks

we're psyched to be you guys it's sweet getting to hang with our fans we could

do that later Wow your guitar I can't believe I'm holding

it do you play any more of the spookily girl myself I always wanted to be in a

band so do it you play the spook alele you play the

drums you're the lead guitar that's all you need for a band rock this is sure do

I have a feeling you're gonna be great you guys remind me of us when we started

out really you're so good or invite a crowd so we can really rock this place

wait I can make myself disappear

oh I was too late wasn't I uh-huh I know it's scary to think about playing in

front of an audience to the best of us when I get nervous my arms fall off

awkward and my hair just fell good way I told you we couldn't do it no one said

you couldn't do it you totally can you just have to believe in yourself

tell you what we're gonna put you the ghostly gals know about new ghosts on

the block okay forget ghosts I got it Demi's darlings dummy in the Jets you

have to find your inner ghoul one has an inner ghoul find the strength inside

yourself girls it's fierce just like we are

I don't feel that fierce but I like it you just gotta stop thinking about them

think about something else and forget there's hair great advice

I meant ladies and gents thank you and get a roll of claws someone has your

this crowd is going to get gnarly why don't we go out and jam a song to keep

the audience and then you guys can come out we'll be

the warm-up in free will never be as good as they are they are pretty

incredible I can't wait to see that big ending oh no their big ending everyone

will see and get scared yeah I knew you could do it

and they're pretty amazing I don't know about yours but mine sure is maybe you

shouldn't hide in the same camp for every time it's true we always find you

because we always know where to look the pressure we skip in that drawer Demi

just guessed all my ideas just a little hide and shriek protip try thinking of a

hiding place without looking at it I can see you don't think that's how it works

only said you should try it I guess I am your house is kind of spooky hey maybe I

should just go home no way we just have to show you

something do the thing

see things aren't always as scary as they seem I guess I just let my

imagination get the best of me I think I'm ready to find my own brand new

hiding spot is that bus supposed it's not what she could have gone too far

yeah did you check the hamper we completely lost Bridget please are you

kidding they'd fall right off if you see the size of her feet or the basement I

could see how that might be more likely this place sure is dark Wyatt - where is

she I don't know

my favorite stuff

Chupacabra over for intro we color that sometimes new things can seem scary

until you see them for what they really are

oh my remember that now please write brave like Bridget brave like Bridget

oh hey guys what do you think of my ogre or Bridget you're okay of course I'm

okay we thought you'd be terrified no way trying new things really can be fun

someday I'll be as brave as all of you I'm pretty sure that you are the brave

one today and also you're gonna be I'm gonna play a solo game of shrieking hide

For more infomation >> Vampirina Game Night Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - HALY RICE - Duration: 14:50.


Do This Daily for Treating Diabetes and Weight loss - Duration: 3:34.

Basil seeds cures diabetes and reduces weight the black entire shape seeds may

confuse with chia seeds bustled seeds are also known as sabja seeds

interestingly these seeds of the bus'll plant contained no calories bustled

seeds are rich in antioxidants helps in controlling diabetes how to consume

muscle seeds you can soak about 2 teaspoons of bustled seeds in one cup of

warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes warm water makes the seeds to fully

swell up releasing antioxidants and more beneficial to digestive and James

bustled seeds are most nutritious when so green water unconsumed with a

transparent white film coating each black seed and then become twice their

size basel seeds for diabetes basel seats are considered to be good for type

2 diabetics as it is known to keep a chick on blood sugar levels they slowed

down the metabolism of your body and thus control the conversion of

carbohydrates into glucose you could simply mix super basel seeds in a glass

of milk and consume it instead of breakfast muscle seeds for weight loss

bustled seeds are known to be rich in alpha linolenic acid that is a la which

comes from high levels of omega-3 fatty acids present in the seeds this acids

help in boosting the fat-burning metabolism in the body you can add 1

spoon of so-called seeds 2 glass of water and drink 30 minutes before your

meal treating diabetes with acupressure acupressure points are most preferable

for the people suffering from diabetes acupressure is an ant scientist

technique which helps to heal diabetes acupressure has various pressure points

on body spots to cure diabetes acupressure is almost 5,000 years old

therapy to heal any illness through applying

mild pressure on pressure points here we are going to discuss acupressure points

for diabetes control spleen point logo leg point spleen point is situated

in lower leg it is directly connected with this plane you can find the exact

spot of acupressure spleen point and behind the shin bones the spleen point

is at four fingers above side of ankle bones applying firm pressure on spleen

point for at least three to five minutes a day will give you insulin related

problems continue doing this for about ten to twelve weeks to see good results

intestine point intestine point is very helpful for diabetics intestine point is

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index finger and thumb find the interesting point as shown in video

apply pressure on intestine point and massage joint area on a regular basis to

get relief in intestine uplink pressure on intestine point will remove the

excess heat from body and will give more energy thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Do This Daily for Treating Diabetes and Weight loss - Duration: 3:34.


Spirit Riding Free Lucky And The Pie P.I. Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Jimmy Robison - Duration: 17:10.

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Candy apples candy apples come on lucky. We're missing it

That's what my mom did in the circus


Okay, we're gonna. Go that's Javier the best trick writer of our

We've got a China

I've got to learn how to do that. Maybe I can drop out of school and be a pro trick rider ah


You and your horse are doing tricks

That was a good try thanks, I get Egypt off nice moves you too. Looks like you really mastered the dismount ah

Don't listen to her spirit. We just have to practice a little and we'll be just sir in this jar only a nickel I guess

Abigail you coming

If you guess right you get the whole jar for yourself the whole jar



3008 I'll be back for you jellybeans

Glad we rehearsed right dancing. That's what you do at the Fiesta. No they ought to call it the dance esta


Let's see I had a jar half that size once and I ate it in six hours

Figuring an average of a me to take his place whoa

doctors can get sick I

Didn't know you sang Peru sure I love it. I mean I've never sung for an audience, but because there isn't


You shouldn't worry at all I mean

What are the odds of you screwing up and humiliating yourself in front of the whole town I?

Thought you were professional come on just guess so I can close up. I want to go home to my family


One thousand and nine sounds great

Maybe you do not know but lassos are four cows not Cowboys

Yes, I have Bienvenue those. I heard you'd come in come on dr. Familia hallo, Marisela bien gracias

You know Spanish of course?

Sour jelly beans. Oh, I will beat you jar beans

Honey look figuring this out taro. Yep the square root of 361 is 19

Really see it's all about balance put your feet here lucky keep your back straight and go slow

Now you try just you gotta try again. Yeah


Cut just took the most scrumptious souffle out of the oven come have a piece. Can I say the money seller?

Vamos let us try again

Back straight go slow

Much better we couldn't have you going out looking like a street urchin

Thanks. Yeah, just regular everyday grooming those to help you win a jar of jellybeans lucky

I love you, but you're distracting me. Where was I Oh?

What's the matter

My throat is feeling scratchy and my

Arms are feverish don't worry Pru. Yeah, if you don't want to do it. You don't have to it's okay most certainly is not

Okay, you mustn't cheat yourself out of a fun experience if ifs and buts were fruits and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas now

sing for me

Try again now take a deep breath

Keep your head up, and show that audience what you've got oh

Never mind, Oh what's this stain when do we even have coleslaw?

Excuse me girls

Well, what are we I've got a few minutes to prepare

I'll be throwing up in the bushes

If it'll help me learn

I would have been so much better. She's not I've been breathing for her diaphragm my eyes are filled with tears

What is my I love dancing me too? No, that's a lie I'm terrible oh

But wait I'm ready to guess Paul right jelly beans we have a date with destiny

But I'm ready to practice now if you are I would love to

3000 jellybeans they couldn't fit in bear, but you're the only one who entered so by default your guess is the closest so



Mean not this show how about that program sure everyone give her a hand

Wait una

Javier mas

Haha that is not true didn't you see me back there you cannot stand up if you do not fall down I

Fell many times when I learned these tricks you will get it

And then marisel a storm daunted you were really great Prue was there ever any doubt

Did you say goodbye to Xavier? Yeah? He said something in Spanish? I'm not sure what I meant


Clip rides last year, but it was too hard for some of the riders. What's the saddle club ride?

Every year kids from all over get together and go on this super fun

Group ride into the mountains to have a big picnic bus but you're just not ready for the saddle club ride

Not ready, didn't you see how fast beard and I can go there's a lot more to riding than just going fast

So fauna, I wish we didn't have to stop writing we don't after dinner

Let's take a sunset ride up to pitchfork canyon ooh, when the sun's going down it turns the entire valley gold. Hey, Charo

What's you doing? I put down fresh hay for boomerang and chica Linda

And Cora me and spirit just went on the most amazing ride oh

They'll all look the same in our stomachs I

Don't understand what that wild horse was doing in my barn to begin with

I'm really sorry I did it to all of you

Well you thought you were stuck in there all night, didn't you I

Forgot this is all new to you, too

You're gonna fix the hole all of you or you young lady will be staying home from the saddle club ride

All right, we've got three days to get this place in shape


It's way better than the one she got you you're going on the ride I

Sorry my brother is such a pest

I don't get it if a little kid like snips gets to go on the ride, then why can't can go to

Abigail said you're the best horse woman in town if anyone can do it. It's you

Mmm. This is true. This is a great. She's gonna need to learn jumping and all that stuff anyway

She is so why not learn it now

There are two things you need to learn jump oh

Boy I

Think you need to jump higher

Next lesson spirits galloping, and you need to stop son. What do you do oh?

It's a surprise okay 26 times John

You have better sense than that and shouldn't you be fixing the barn you're cutting it close if you want to go on that ride

I've got it dad everything's under control


Don't think spirit is going on want to wear a saddle, but since we only have two days left to practice

One Wow toast look great. Do you want to make one for spirit no point? He won't stay inside

Okay, I reckon you can go on your ride

Sorry I guess your dad is so mad commit to a jump you

Can't hesitate you have to trust your horse to take you through the course. I do trust me good. We'll start with a small jump

Okay, good only this time when you lean forward and relax try leaning forward and relaxing

If you can't jump here, there's just no way you'll be able to jump there

But just think how good you'll be by next year well, thanks. I can't do this

Everything here is too hard lucky. What kind of attitude. Is that a bad one?

nonsense and

So many of them

But you didn't give up. No. I certainly did not

Then I won't give up either Thanks if we can just make it over that last jump. We didn't go on the ride



Fault because you let her think she'd be able to learn a lifetime of writing in three days

You know better than that I just wanted her to be able to I

Expected better than you proof I

Am so so so mad at me

And I'm gonna miss the saddle club ride all because of you I know and I'm really sorry I feel terrible

I'll help you fix it. You've done enough helping for one day

Yeah, lucky. You're a natural

Why aren't you on the saddle club ride, I wasn't gonna go without my friends. Yeah the whole point was to do it together

Lucky really messed things up for all of us

Lucky did everything you asked her to she tried as hard as she could well I tried as hard as I could - I know

But remember could it everything

She's not the president of horses

Let's show them what we can do

They were right I'm not ready for this. Oh, why didn't I listen to Prue? I don't know how to ride a horse

I've got a walk

No, it's too high

Are you hurt Oh

Spirit, I'm so sorry boy. Can you walk?

Lucky huh what happened?

I took spirit down the trail you said it was too hard fine after a good night's sleep really

Come on let's get him inside so he can rest

You know spirit won't let himself be shut in he won't have to be now spirit can come and go whenever he wants

I can't believe you did this for us. We just wanted to show you that week

That I was sorry I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I'm sorry too

Hey you feelin better

We'll still take it easy today, there's no rush

For more infomation >> Spirit Riding Free Lucky And The Pie P.I. Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Jimmy Robison - Duration: 17:10.


101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 149 - Pink Fish - Duration: 17:56.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

You see folks

Already keeps a catching on fire and the bank of the bill won't lend us some are

We back to raise money with the bashed out cocktails

And we like to hold it right here on the fucker folks can pay to sponsor this

She hired ugh

I can totally see it now. What if

attention flight director lucky your ego trip has been canceled I

Was chief art knowledge. I've used my title to promote peace among I correct the sirens all

The birches

May I take your lawyer only

Our family has a tradition being the best fire dogs in the land beginning with your

great-great-great grandfather, Rolando

Don't be discouraged Roley remember when it comes to setting goals for yourself if you can imagine it you can be coming

This Saturday the daily farm sponsor your favorite puppy, but the donations

Just change up here

Regulation of water spills it

Well you know guys I'm chief fire dog you can come and visit me at the firehouse whenever you want

but dad said it's

Now here this cadets chief fire dog honors don't come easy peace

Sorry needle neck poultry don't qualify

But I do know a position fire axe out of the stump

Then it's over the monkey bars after a jump over the water trough

it's up and down the fire pole then it's through the tires and a leap up onto the fire hose reel to unwind ah

Who else re-grab sorry lado guess I'm just cheap fire

Was sunny out just a few minutes ago well, don't just stand there

Introducing the Deville diamond trip fire hydrant do you have any change sir?

I should have known it was you started this fire fire. What fire. I don't know what you're talking about

I don't even start the fire

Congratulations, I'll try to make your proud Londo

The day started like any other a dog at dane and all detective show

But soon never would have figured Natasha did it Oh give me a break. It was obvious from the beginning

Here's the old hollow poodle trick. Oh, yeah, right private eye all tree

Doormats me like a rubber sandwich sure rich Cornelius laid the biggest egg and chicken history

That'll make a big noise

Now I'll never get any peace and quiet you're not a morning person

Are you about a new line of fashionable work wherefore farm folk out of the stable and straight to the table?

Something's bothering the hens I better go check

At the County Fair oh


Cornelia you wonderful girl look at the size of this egg

Anita I don't have time for this kind of mass time

smooth yet strangely move oh

I've just most extraordinary giblets. It's something there was abundant in that big

I sure wish that TV did except. It was here. He could suffer

It was crazy

What's up with you poultry P. I suspect

Good let's taste the joint

This is a farm those footprints are all ours minor detail

Observe the size of the quill blinked of the barbs, this is the primary way better


A disgruntled goose with a dislike for festivals a goose who never wanted to see that age match

So who else was that feeling suspiciously? Uh? What was it?


idea I

Began to wonder what sir crazy scheme not karela day. You might be cooking up perhaps a dumpling

Look Roli in there in that set the size the shape, it's gotta be the egg or a really big dirty just hide

My assignment, I know right sneaking into fella. Devel was risky

What places to sleep

Good miss honey bunch you certainly like you do ever you. Did you do?

When you feed a good crowd

This is where Lucy's been hiding

Goosebumps on the back of my neck told me somebody was on my trail

Anymore that's it we lost stop leg. No she's got to be here somewhere. You know

We shouldn't jump to conclusions sure we should nobody is going to banish you from the farm for all eternity

If that's the way you want to be who cares this place was always too noisy he's all over Lucy's nest

hmm my finally to indict if your instincts say there's something funny about these shells I

Still have a priest left

So this means no

Suspects and why are you eating so much?

little peach affect the pork of beet

What I thought she bite no none of your business. What's it to you?

You felt threatened by mommy's great double jumbo, and that's why I do not answer any more questions

dream for a stick-up

Master nut if we follow our noses

Sigh cunts your little game is over and you're taking the five

I've always been proud of you you'll always be the biggest farm bang in my heart

Never be over until a travesty of justice was righted

In our fair community death I also must say that I'm sorry for my hasty actions Lucy

And I have forbid dumplin to participate

What do you want to do for fun today Roli well you see now there's breakfast Ron

Thanks, Jay. Sure wish we could see it. What's stopping us?

It says No

Isn't it lucky?

Your obsession with thunderbolt has caused you to lose your moral Center, but we have to sneak in there won't

What just in time?

Welcome to the house of Devil's concession stand collection exclusive

Now here's Jasper Rena in a new line of deli where oxygen soda

All our designs are on sale at the concession stand don't be afraid to make a fashions. Now's our chance come on

Gets please

From us

You'll buy your snakes inside like everybody else

Hey hey hey stop that dog somebody I'm sure there's another way

You know what they say when one door closes another one opens o me?

This box has been opened

Are you shorting me again? I'll count every straw, but if this is

In we're winners

We're missing somebody where's Rowley

It's locked is there another door

I'm recording

One popcorn poncho, please small medium or large

Got one in a 42 now. I'll see about this

Welcome to the Cruella blacks theater remember no smoking no talking unless

You buy more food from the concession stand

We've been spotted you were born that way look it's part of who we are no I

Read out 98 to go

Wish I could get my mind off Thunderbird I can still hear his theme music

Querétaro kinetic power you are throwing your subconscious. That's not me. It's coming from over there. I

Don't believe this

We were to all that trouble and the movie is here free of your impulsiveness lucky as quickly as possible

Thanks to me. We missed the movie of a lot tomorrow. We can really

Alright, oh I wish tomorrow would hurry up and get here

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