take people like this and I can show them
the real time it takes to get the job
done and they tell me I have no time
you know why they don't have time? guess what they tell to themselves
statements of all day long I have no
time and they are so stressed ate up all the
time to tell themselves I have no time to think
about it there's no time to eat up all
the time they don't think efficiently and
they don't leverage anything if you do
these first two steps would you be
lightyears ahead of anybody else around
you think yes or no? now third step commit
and schedule 3 c's so far capture create
the plan commit and schedule let me talk
what do I mean by commit ?commit is now that i got
these let's say six outcomes of the day
does that makes sense? 6 outcome blocks each one has an
outcome a purpose might have four five
six action items in it
I know the most important ones i will
look at those ago some of the stuff is
scheduled like I have to do this at
three o'clock today so you walk that in
your schedule you put in what we call
the big rocks first some you know this
metaphor if i take a class over here and
I take this class and I start to see if
I got a glass over here so I could show you what I
mean yeah let's do I take this glass
over here and it's already this full and
then I start adding items to it how much
about how long before this thing is
going to overflow but if this was empty
and I first take the big items the rocks
of my life the things that I have to do
that i've scheduled they go in first
couple of rocks and then secondarily I
commit to some block time for some
things that matter to me i'm going to
block some time here with my team
between two and three thirty every
single Thursday where we're going to go
through one of these seven items how many of
you know what I'm talking about here?
ok i'm gonna block that time ok I'm going to
commit that time
alright so commit is committing the most
important things and then scheduling
those other items that are going to be
important to you so it goes from just a
list to when am I going to what? when am I
going to work on it when I'm going to do
block times can move schedule times
can't unless you renegotiate what's the
difference in a block time to schedule
scheduled as you made a commitment to
another person so can't move without
negotiation got a call gotta work it out
lock time you could move if you need to so
it has more flexibility makes sense? and you do
this with the way to do it we doing on
the computer is actually for fun but
I've been on paper for years
number four we want to complete the
achieve complete the most important items
achieve what you're after that simple
and finally the most important one of
all to me.. celebrate they are all C s
why is it important to celebrate your
victory celebrate the magic moments of
your week or the magic moments of your
dad why is it important to do that?
because it will give you the
energy to go for more
does that make sense? otherwise it's like
remember I told you cheese and cracker story?
you know..you're holding out you know
someday I'm gonna celebrate and someday
never comes somebody leads to town
called nowhere right you don't want to be in
that place so you want to celebrate and
you want to celebrate the little
victories you want to celebrate the magic moments
how many breakthroughs if you have this
forget the things you've learned how
many of you have breakthroughs like
insights distinctions about you or your
business that are that you couldn't put
a dollar value on it you know for you
the value is infinite how many gotta
experiences like that?
ok so if you don't capture that you
don't give yourself credit if you don't give
yourself credit your brain doesn't
notice it ever since the first day
here's how things get created you know
you can successfully focus on something
doesn't this system help you focus on what
you want to generate enough energy to
motion you're totally commited you'll do
anything to achieve it and then step two
is execution step three is grace but
grace gets magnified the more you
appreciate it
the more you notice that your guided or
that things happen for you... now
if you've been with date with destiny you know
I have a core belief and that is life
doesn't happen to you.. it happens for
you it's your job to figure out how it's
happening for you if you don't notice it
you won't experience it
right that's what we're talking about so
from now on if I never saw you again and you
didn't go to your coach.. at least you
know the thinking process. I go to a meeting
before I go to the meeting guess what I do I write
down a bunch of outcomes for one of my
meeting what do you think I do first? I
will capture sheet for the meeting
I'm all week long something comes up
I write on that sheet I don't write 20 emails to
people in the middle of nowhere so by
the way let's talk about this
I just capture it I get there look at my
list of the most important outcomes is
as an action items on what outcome they fit under?
are you going to a meeting or are you asking other
people? tell us what are the most important
ones for this meeting? most important
everything is now an outcome when you are outcome
driven you produce results like nobody
else and I'm associated with why am I
doing this while why I'm in partnership
with these people right
what's this all about because that will
put you in state for this to be alive
and not just being a piece of paper i'm
gonna take this from an idea and I got
to commit and when am I going to do this
what day what week one month one hour
I can plan weekly first and I put into
days and when I get to the night before I plan
the day because a lot moves around until
that time right then after I do that
what do I need to do? whats the step four?
complete what ?complete what?all the
actions ?the outcomes.. complete by
achieving what matters most
cut to the chase get to the must is it
possible by having that outcome so clear
you might come up with something that's
not on the page that's better and get
you there quicker
yes or no? now by the way on the computer
you can leverage the whole block you can
push the button send somebody email push
a button and give an audio message of
what you want and they can accept it
comes back and say they accepted so I'm
excited about what its gonna be like or
use your iphone or use whatever you want
it's a thinking process
and on the other hand think about this leverage
if you leverage it your staying connected
you know what's going on but also they
know the outcome they know the why it
might be useful to talk in terms of
their why too
so now they're they're activated
why do people do certain things and not
others because certain things they have
enough reasons to in their reasons.. other
things they don't..they value something more
people say I don't have time for this
what they're really saying is something
else is more important to me but
usually it isn't really something is more
important but something else is more
urgent and they don't know what's
important to them so maybe you can help
them fourth piece is complete and achieve
what's the final step 5?
celebrate and the way I celebrate personally
because I'm constantly making lists of
magic moments and accomplishments
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