Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 30 2017

My laugh sounds so evil.

Hi Guys, it's Pierce from Pierce'sWorld.

And today we are going to do the Paw Patrol Easter Mini Figures!

You can see the golden Chickaletta.

It's the rare one I want to really get.

You see it says," Fine the Golen Chickaletta!"

So, this is the full set of 30 Easter eggs!

I love opening surprise eggs.

And if you want to see my other surprise videos, please click the 'i'.

Yes, the 'i'.

You can only buy these at Walmart.

And Paw Patrol is from Nickelodeon.

These are the characters we are trying to get.

So, you want to try to collect all 6 pups.

This is Chase, Zuma, Rubble, Sky, Rocky, and Marshall!

And if you're new to this channel, please hit that subscribe button right there. Yes, right there.

So, you don't miss any of my upcoming videos.

Let's start opening.

There's a swinging egg in this party...

I love to do this with my surprise eggs.

I caught the egg...

It has the Paw Patrol logo right here.

It's the Paw print.

Like this...

Do the Paw Print! Uh-huh!

Let's see who we got.


It took me like a while!

And I knew we were gonna get Rubble because I actually peeked, and saw his little tail... and I was like...

Uh-huh we got Rubble.

Rubble is a construction bulldog.

He's strong and eager to help.

And he's also funny. He likes to skateboard, snowboard, and get covered in mud.

Let's keep going!

Oh, this one is yellow and purple.

This is how I always open things.


1, 2, 3... let's do it!

Oh yeah!


New Pup!

Finally! Who do you think we got?

Do you have a guess?

Who looks grey? Who looks green and white? Rocky does!

If you guessed Rocky, then you are right.

Oh, he is lifting his paw up.

Standing and he is lifting his paw up.

Rocky is a 6 year old mutt.

And he is a recycling pup, and he is very creative and has thousands of ideas.

And someone else's trash is his treasure.

And I think we figured it out because this is all Rubble.

This is all one other pup.

We are not sure...

We are just guessing.

I think we got Zuma. Yeah, it's Zuma.

Now, there's Zuma.

He loves to get wet. He's a water pup.

Zuma is a labrador pup.

And at 5 years old, he's the youngest Paw Patrol member.

He always likes to laugh and surf.

We got Sky!

And here is Sky, and she is a flying pup!

She's 7 years old, and she's a cute cockapoo.

She's older than me!

I'm 6, and she's 7!

Do you know what a cockapoo is?

It's a dog that's half cocker spaniel and half poodle.

Her favorite videogame is Pup Pup Boogie.

Marshall! The fire pup!

I just have 4, and I just need Chase.

Ok, here is Marshall.

So, Marshall is the team's brave fire dog.

And he's a 6 year old Dalmatian puppy.

Did you guys notice that we didn't open that many eggs?

But, we got a lot of characters!

So, you know what we noticed?

To save some money and you want to get the whole collection, buy the eggs in a row like this... up or you can down.

It changes on every single row, because every single row has a different pup.

But if you buy it like this way (horizontal), it will all be the same.

You get a matching one. Does that make sense?

Makes sense to me.

If our guess is right, then I think we got Chase.

Chase it is!

And here is Chase!

So, Chase is a German Shepherd police pup.

And he's 7 years old.

And he's a natural leader.

And he can sniff anything out, but he is allergic to cat fur and feathers.

So, now we just have to guess which one egg has the golden chickaletta.

Chickaletta is Mayor Goodway's chicken.

So, wish me luck!

Wish me luck!

Hopefully, there is a golden chickaletta, and we don't have to open everything.

I think we are going to try for this pink one.

We never go for pink.

I took a peek, and this one is Rocky. Agh!

It's really annoying.

This one is Rubble...


Please tell me I get the golden chickaletta.

I'm begging for the golden chickaletta right now.

Try purple. We never did purple.


Golden Chickaletta!

It's Zuma.


Man! This is still not going well!

This is like a guessing game.

Seriously? It's probably Chase or Zuma.

This is not a great day!

Man, let's start opening!

oh my goodness!

Yes! Finally!

The golden chickaletta!


The golden chickaletta!

I'm so happy I got the golden chickaletta!

So, this is the complete collection of the Paw Patrol Easter Eggs.

I'm so happy I got the golden chickaletta.

Now, guys, remember, if you want a shout out, subscribe, like, and comment as often as possible for a chance to be picked.

Stay tuned for our 5,000 Subscriber Giveaway!

So, if you liked this video, please give me a big, big, big thumbs up!

And don't forget to subscribe to my channel, Pierce'sWorld.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram, and check out my Pinterest page.

Ok, I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Surprise Eggs Easter BLIND BAGS Opening GOLDEN Chickaletta - Duration: 9:31.


RCMP Officer for the Day - Runner up - Duration: 1:03.

I would like to be an RCMP officer for a day because…

Police are so awesome because they have my favourite protection like chest armor,

tazer, bullets, ak-47s, mini guns, cars, trucks,

helicopters, bikes and shotguns.

Cops have shepherds as dogs.

Police have daggers.

I love to hunt but not big animals

only birds with a bow.

Why do people hunt big animals?

Why do you have guns?

I want to be a swat officer some day.

Who is your chief?

I want to make my own police academy one day

and I want my friends to be officers and I will be chief.

I will drive a cop car and my friends will be swat officers

and they will drive a black swat officer truck.

I love working and helping people.

Helping is the best thing that I love most and working is good for everyone.

I love Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Sincerely, Future Officer Mackenzie

For more infomation >> RCMP Officer for the Day - Runner up - Duration: 1:03.


Jon Hamm and Jack McBrayer Leak All Their Secrets (Before The Government Can Sell Them) - Duration: 2:52.

- Hey, everyone!

Extremely likable and non-threatening celebrity

Jack McBrayer here.

- Extremely likable?

- Jon Hamm here

to help me out. - Hi, everybody.

- Now we all know that the government is now able

to monitor us by hacking into our phones

and TVs and computers.

So, I thought I'd take this opportunity

to just leak all my compromising info myself

before they can use it against me.


- I'm very nervous.

- Don't be.

- Okay. - You know, I mean--

- Okay, well let's see where this goes.

- Sure! Okay.

A lot of celebrities lie about their age.

I'm no different.

- True.

- I tell people I'm 43 years old,

but in reality,

I'm a mannequin who came to life but ten years ago.

- In fact, I animated him.

A lot of people don't know this about me.

I'm a wonderful woodworker named Geppetto.

- For the longest time,

I thought the term preemie was short for premium baby,

so I would go around congratulating pregnant ladies

and say, "Oooh, I hope it's a preemie!"

- That's actually true.

- [Jack] Well, that's what

I thought. - I was born a preemie,

and this is what happened.


I don't wanna give too much up,

but if we are sharing.

- Okay.

- I will tell you that Jack's genitals

are in fact made of actual junk.

- Found objects, really.

- Yeah, there's a lot of rebar,

some busted concrete bits,

an old soup can,

and a cartoony fish bone.

Oooh, tell 'em about your teeth.

- Yes.

- Actual Chiclets.

He can't really chew anything harder

than a boiled banana because the teeth will just--

- Just turn into

like mushy gum. - Actual chewing gum.

Chewing gum. - Yeah.

- The one thing I will say about Jack,

delightful breath.

Mostly it smells like bananas and chewing gum.

Most people know me from Mad Men.

Most people know you from?

- 30 Rock?

I auditioned for Mad Men.

- [Jon] What part?

- Peggy Olson.


- How did you get your job on 30 Rock?

- I got 30 Rock

because I have a Polaroid of Lorne Michaels

strangling some other Canadian by the river.

- And that's why we need the ACLU.

So, thanks ACLU.

We really, really love what you do

and the inspiration you give us.

- My hair is spun sugar.

(big band music)

For more infomation >> Jon Hamm and Jack McBrayer Leak All Their Secrets (Before The Government Can Sell Them) - Duration: 2:52.


The War for Iokath: The Republic Mobilizes - Duration: 0:27.

You compiled a report on the Alliance Commander...

What's your recommendation?

He's a hardened veteran with extensive personnel and resources.

Even with our numbers, I doubt our chances in a head-to-head battle.

Asymmetrical tactics would be best...

A surprise attack. Surgical and precise.

Then we'd better shock the Alliance Commander.

Gather your top engineers and rally the troops. I'm coming to Iokath.

For more infomation >> The War for Iokath: The Republic Mobilizes - Duration: 0:27.


Surgeon Simulator TWO FOR ONE BRAIN + EYES Transplant Funny Moments - Duration: 6:33.

hey welcome back now I know I know you

might be like heart kidney does are

pretty close but brain transplants I

don't think so well you know after

christmas new years my wife leaving me

with a new boyfriend and taking all my

money I am several levels beyond

financially but so I gotta work the ex

route you gotta do what you gotta do am

i right but on the other hand Bob here

what Fergus has read transplants in like

two weeks and I mean every time the

nurse was coming to my office and be

like oh my god dr. we have an emergency

transplant the patient in science and

I'm like is it Bob again she's like yeah

you think that after all the times I

saved his life I mean granted I did kill

him much more than that but after all

that you think he'd give me a tip or

something at least but no more progress

richest part and also an ungrateful

prick you know Bob is the new year so no

organ failures how about that for a new

year's resolution all right okay just

broke your skull in the pieces I don't

know if he's actually going to be able

to use that again please stop we're

going you're making this much harder bro

ok now let's stop the bleeding right in

the eye that is good and now give me

that stupid rotten brain of yours oh my

god i broke my ending got up oh no never

mind it's fine now give me that rotten

breath all right dad Gus in but at least

it's out let me just get you a new on

can he work with two brains I mean

that'd be pretty cool just don't drop it

yep it is sideways but think it's gonna

work no I can't put two brains I got

damn it good don't stop I mean you don't

even need it doesn't matter and let's

just cut that come on there we go if

you're going to fix itself because I do

not want to touch it it looks very very

sensitive come on well guess i'm going

to have to and i broke my finger now

okay oh he's alive that was pretty fun

but you know what since its new years

and all

we're going to do two operations in this

episode perform an eye transplant whoa

that is going to be interesting okay

what the hell why does he have goggles

if I want to take off its breaking on

just give me the goggles no not the

respirator the goggles no way do I

really have to break him off oh my i am

going to end up snapping his neck whoa

what the hell please don't tell me that

was here all the time and my demise

doesn't see it god damn it can I use

this to cut up the goggles please I mean

it's going to hurt but okay that is

right on his face all right goggles are

off ladies and gentlemen now on to the

eye okay what the hell do I do now hey

pup you want blue ones or the brown one

i think i'm going to give you both

you're going to look pretty like that Oh

what is this is this something I have to

use no way do I gotta do that to take

his eyes off well I guess take a bite

your eyebrows Bob oh my God look at that

you look beautiful like freaking hit man

can I use stencils to get it out I mean

I am clueless here might as well try

everything okay a pen will do know that

does not freaking work neither does the

laser cut it is only killing you look

had that blood going down bro all right

you know what the drill is the only

viable option left here so might as well

go for it Oh does not seem to be working

so you know what what I'm going to do is

go back to my medical books okay the

internet and see why I gotta do I'll be

back in a sec I am back from consulting

my magical books I have figured it out

but let me tell you it is not pretty

okay first off let me just punch the

shit out of them to take the goggles off

come on give them to me Bob given to me

they don't even look good on you okay

so that way and okay he is bleeding but

that is fine good you're gonna bleed

even more trust me and now to the

disgusting part yep there it is you have

to wedge it deep in there and fucking

pull it out that's how fucked up it is I

am so sorry did there we go that is the

second one oh my god this is fucking

awesome yeah shit come on there we go

okay next up we have to bash him in the

head with this box this little girl dude

just let it okay now you know o clock

and help that is gross that is so gross

please don't make it any grosser stop

moving thank you okay that is one out

okay quietly dude who it is over hold on

let me just stop the bleeding real quick

none and then I need to sign it no don't

okay you know what fuck the bleeding we

aren't doing this without it you mean

those freaking eyes did okay I got one

okay there we go you finally grabbed it

just oh god this is hard this is going

to be a close one come on no just just

get in there get get are you in okay I

thank you it and let me just get another


Bob only make you unique I want to make

you stand out ugly but still unique i'm

going to give you this read you please

just lift your fucking head up and not

all okay he almost bled out well we're

going to see what laughter does that I'm

not going to be able to unsee this

operation hi my name is ray I meant this

piece of shit also made this other piece

of shit and if you two hate lizards and

subscribe to this channel because fuck

them okay bye boo boos

For more infomation >> Surgeon Simulator TWO FOR ONE BRAIN + EYES Transplant Funny Moments - Duration: 6:33.


Volley Heart! FOREVER「AMV」 Anime Pictures [haikyuu!!] - Duration: 2:15.

Once in the field, the ranking does not count!

Next time for sure we will win! the next!

Well, you have nothing to fear!

Continue to look in front of you, because behind you there is me

Win! you have to win!



Give it to me!

It is feared more the better ..

more he will shine

the wall will focus on him.

I wait for you!

freed the way to our ace!

Numer then!


I feel excited!

* I can not take it *

One more!

Nishinoya nice ball

Again, again and again!

Stay focused and do not stop running!


one more time!

how did it go? did you have fun? Tadashi!


I want my body to move as I say.

control the ball.

fight with stronger opponents!

We have no time!

Stop it now..

it's impossible!

Mister, continues to train ..


the wall jumps ahead of you ..

see the network closely and ..


For more infomation >> Volley Heart! FOREVER「AMV」 Anime Pictures [haikyuu!!] - Duration: 2:15.


Facing Acne 2017 Scholarship Submission - "Helping our Health" - Duration: 4:38.

It's a fast new world of the World Wide Web

Ain't it funny how info spreads

So easy, it's peasy, when our pores are greasy

We can hop online like lemon squeezy

The internet is a tool you see

To help us get fit, to help us feel free

In our everyday lives and our familes

Access to thousands of resources with ease

What's up with this dead skin and stuff?

Am I soaping too hard? Do I drink enough?

How much water, fitness, pills, or citrus

am I gonna need just to feel like me?

With one search in Google it's easy to see

Check out Mayo Clinic or WebMD

For symptoms, for myself, and my family

I can find out what foods that I need to eat

I can access info for my own safety

For medicine, the exact dose that I need

It's important to be sure so you don't OD

And best of all


It can be a pain when you're going to college

Most of the time, it's the 'rents with the knowledge

Of immunizations,


Sometimes it's easy to lose your patience

But the web is makin' it better than ever

You can simply log in to your health provider

While you're sitting at home doing whatever

View and print out your records for a new semester

With clicks of a button you can get opinions

Schedule an appointment or make decisions

Regarding your personal wellness and visions

Yes, the power of the web helps you go the distance

10 pound, 20 pound, 30 pound weights

Jump-ropes, yoga mats, bikes and skates

Blenders to help us make them protein shakes

Books, music, and art that motivates

We can add to the bag, to the basket or cart

With a click of a mouse we can make those smart

Decisions-- products that are good for our heart

It's honestly not at all hard to start

And if you're like me and trying to save money

There are still ways left to hit the ground running

WikiHow, YouTube, bloggers, Instagrammers-- it's stunning

Knowledge is everywhere if you just do some huntin'

The web is a powerful tool you see

To help us get fit, to help us feel free

In our everyday lives and our families

It's all out there to access with ease

When you're feeling down or you're feeling blue

There's lots on the World Wide Web to do

Like videos of kittens, puppies or cats

Shows-- the Office, and Orange is the New Black

Music, podcasts, Netflix and Facebook

But don't get caught up on how "great" your friends' lives look

Boost your self-confidence, blog, read the news

Search ways to beat stress, however you choose

Those Amazon buttons that are sweeping the nation?

Maybe we'll have them for our medications

A doctor will approve and fill our prescription

With the press of a button we can get a subscription

To meds by mail--or delivered by drone--

Well, that would avoid awkward talks on the phone

Yes-- and instant messages with expert physicians

Could help help us out in the worse positions

If we're stuck at home or aren't physically able

We could DM doctors from our kitchen tables

And we could stay connected from our phone or tablet

Track progress with workout buddies with applets

Or applications to beat our personal best

To put our skills or motivation to the test

To lose weight, to gain friends, to help us get stronger

To help us sweat and live a little bit longer

Fitocracy, Extra Pound, Daily Mile

Apps working to bring people together in style

Social media platforms for getting fit

Could be the future of healthy kids!

Let's face it, what it takes is the help of the village

Determination, positivity, courage

United we could change ourselves for the better

Because there's nothing like getting healthy together

It can help us

get easy, fast, professional help!

It can help us

be informed!

It can help us

make the crucial paperwork easier!

It can help us

eat smarter!

It can help us

purchase healthy goods!

It can help us

inspire us in our health!

It can help us

take care of our mental health!

It can help us

embrace our best self!

The web is a powerful tool you see

To help us get fit, to help us feel free

To help us feel strong and know inner beauty

'Cuz that's how it always was supposed to be

We should be chasing, embracing, relentlessly racing

The up and up that the wide web is facing

To help us continue at our own pacing

'Cuz liberating ourselves and our health amazing.

Hi, I'm Stephanie behind Stephanie Scribbles

And thank you for watching my video submission for the Facing Acne Scholarship!

As you can see I'm facing a little bit of acne myself right now,

But this video was so fun to make, and I hope you guys had as much fun watching it

As I did filming/drawing it.

So if you guys have any tips or ideas or the ways you use the internet

to impact your health in a positive way

let me know in the comments below and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Facing Acne 2017 Scholarship Submission - "Helping our Health" - Duration: 4:38.



whats good YouTube its Casper, miss P here

and today we back to react react to" IT"

official teaser trailer let's get it


oh damn each other notable so that's all

I ask is this a shit it's stephen king

yellow jeans

oh you saw her out it was too clean oh

thank you I think so Oh yo that thinking

hello fasten mm-hmm this gonna be better

than yeah and I saw the original what I

love about that and that one was good I

didn't see the original into like last

year something wait worry I don't know

how we started was gonna be a boring

movie I was mixing that up with the with

the John Wayne Gacy story and that was

about that guy who dressed up yeah that

looks something like that yeah i was

always mixing because i remember my

parents watching the that John Wayne

Gacy movie when I was little and then

everybody was like yo you ever saw that

movie with the clown and always thought

it was that movie right then I'll catch

a key it was like my first scary movie I

gotta sleep for days tel Aviv fishes

have fun watching you cum nothing well

that was it trailer teaser trailer damn

it doesn't teaser for two minutes and 33

seconds it was doing awesome I can't

wait for the trail of one that's just a

Jesus yeah yes notice that the kids the

group of friends are more than the

original movie the original was really

like three or four friends over here is

like a good do you think 36a nagar them

because later on dependent meeting other

a bikini well okay and they didn't show

that beginning the boy what he had

disappeared yeah let me know I was not

coming that was it let me know what you

guys thought about it like comment

subscribe all of that

For more infomation >> IT OFFICIAL TEASER TRAILER REACTION AND REVIEW - Duration: 4:12.


Pakistani Atheist Tayyab Sardar Apologizes For His Blasphemies Embraces Islam FunKarachi com - Duration: 4:02.

Please Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> Pakistani Atheist Tayyab Sardar Apologizes For His Blasphemies Embraces Islam FunKarachi com - Duration: 4:02.


The number e explained in depth for (smart) dummies - Duration: 18:38.

Welcome to another Mathologer video.

A while ago I did this video in which i

wanted to explain the mysterious

identity e to the i pi is equal to

minus 1 to Homer Simpson who encountered

it in one of the Treehouse of Horror

episodes. So my mission was to explain

why this identity is true to someone who

knows only basic arithmetic: plus, minus, times, divided

Today I'd like to do the same

for the other fundamental facts about

the number e. These fundamental facts

I'm thinking of include this truly

amazing identity here that expresses the

exponential function as an infinite sum.

I'll first show Homer and you how you can

derive this identity from scratch just

using basic arithmetic. Then we can set x

equal to 1 and use the resulting sum to

calculate an arbitrary number of digits

of e. Now here the main point is to

figure out when you can stop adding the

terms of this infinite sum and be

absolutely sure that you've calculated

the first, say 1 million digits of e or

however many digits you are after.

Then i'll show you that e is an

irrational number, why e cannot be

written as a fraction. And for the finale

I have to catch Homer on one of those

days that he's super smart, that he knows

a little bit of calculus for example. The

finale is about showing why the

exponential function is its own

derivative, some super famous facts about

the natural logarithm, the inverse of the

exponential function and a couple of

other super cool insights to round

things off. Now the main point of

the video is to show you WHY all these

things are true and not just talk about

them like it's usually done on YouTube

and to show this to you in as elementary

and accessible way as possible.

As usual please let me know in the comments

how I did in this respect. In the e to

the I pi video I first showed Homer that

if he invests one dollar at an interest

rate of one hundred percent and

compounds the interest N times during

one year he'll have that many dollars at

the end of the year. For example, if you

compound twice you end up with two

dollars and twenty-five cents. Now the

more often you compound the interest,

that is, the larger the N, the more money

you'll have by the end of the year. But

this amount does not grow forever.

There's a limiting value and this

limiting value is the number e which is

approximately 2.718. Then I show Homer

that this actually extends in a

straightforward way to the exponential

function. So plug in any value for x like

for example 5, crank up the N and in the

limit you get exactly e to the power

of 5. Then we just go for it and plug in

i pi for x and see what happens when we

crank up N. Translating all this into

geometry leads to this neat complex

number pokeball there. It looks like a

pokeball right? The green point shows what

complex number we are dealing with for N=6

Then cranking up N you

can see the green point tending towards

-1 and so e to the i pi is equal to

minus 1. Super neat, check it out. For

today I'll return to this point of the

argument here and branch off. Now

let's try something super natural. I think

anybody would try this. Let's expand the

right side for a couple of small N and

see whether we can see some sort of

pattern. So N equals 1, nothing to

expand here. N equal to 2, I'm sure

everybody watching can do this. N equal

to 3 and equal to 4, and so on. A couple

of patterns are emerging, right? In terms

of green and blue bits it's clear how

this continues. What about those other

numbers? Well, there's also a pattern and

I'm sure many of you will be familiar

with it from school. These are binomial

coefficients and can be written like

this. We've got our pattern right there.

But before we carry on just a reminder

that there is a special way to write and refer to the

denominators 1, 1 x 2, 1 x 2 x 3, and so on.

For example, 1 x 2 x 3 is written three exclamation mark

and it's called 3 factorial. And there we

have 1 and 2 factorial. Now that we've

established a pattern let's crank up the

N and replace 4 by something big, say

1000. All right, so here we go. Now what I

want to do is swap things like that. And

what I mean by this is I want to swap 1!

by 1000, 2! by a

thousand squared and 3! by a

thousand cubed. And so on so let's just

do it. Now let's have a look at the

fractions. Okay this guy here is equal to

1. That one is equal to 1 too. What about

that one here? Well it's close to 1 and

as we replace 1000 by larger and larger

values this fraction will tend to 1. All the

other fractions that you see here also

go to 1 and so all the numbers here will

go to 1. And so in the limit we get

this identity here. And if you are a

mathematician you can dot all the i's and

cross all the t's to prove that this

amazing identity is really always true

No matter what you plug in here for X. If

you know more maths you may have seen

this identity before but derived in a

very different way and in a more general

context. In that general context it's

called the Maclaurin series of the

exponential function and there it is

derived using calculus. Setting X

equal to 1 we get this identity here and

it allows us to approximate e by adding

more and more of those simple terms. Now,

as promised, and i hope Hormer is still with

us, there's only basic arithmetic and

some glossing over details involved.

Before we calculated e by cranking up

the N in this expression here. In

terms of using this expression to

actually calculate a good approximation

for e the problem is that every time we

up the N we have to start afresh and

discard everything that we've

done so far. More importantly, although we

know that we get e in the limit, to start

with we have no idea how large an N we

have to choose to be able to guarantee

that we found correct to the desired

number of digits. On the other hand, the

infinite sum is much much more

user-friendly in this respect. As we add

more and more of those simple terms our

approximation gets better and better and

it's also very easy to estimate how well

an approximation a chopped-off partial

sum is. So here if top of the infinite

sum at the 8th term. How close does this

get us to e? Well, the error or the

difference between e and this

approximation is just the sum of the

remaining terms. Let's estimate how large

this error is. the 8! at the

bottom is just 1 x 2 x and so on to 7

which is 7! times 8.

9! is 7! times 8 times 9,

and so on. Let's pull out the 1/7!

Now the bracket is still very

complicated so let's do something

drastic, let's replace the 8, 9, 10, etc.

in the denominators by 2s. This

gives the new simpler expression. Is this

new simpler expression greater or

smaller than the error? Well we're going

down in all the yellow denominators, so

that means that the new expression has

to be greater, right? But now it's really

easy to see that in the brackets we have

1/2 plus 1/4 plus 1/8, and so

on which you all know is equal to 1.

And so to summarize, the error we

make by chopping the sum off at the

1/N! th term is equal to 1/N!

which is very good because

1/n! gets very small

very quickly. So let's just put down all

the numbers in sight here. If we focus on

the zeros in the estimate for the error

it seems clear that our approximation

will be correct in the first

four digits, right, and it is. So this

means that if we wanted to have some fun

calculating the first 1 million digits

of e from scratch, to pinpoint how many

terms of the infinite sum we'd have to

add we simply have to figure out which

number we have to substitute 7 by to get

a million zeros at the beginning of the

estimate at the bottom. Can someone

discuss in the comments why, just going

with what I've shown you so far, one

might want to aim for a million and one

zeros instead of just a million.

Anyway, in this way you can figure out

that you have to add a little more than

the first 205,000 terms of the infinite sum

to be able to guarantee a million

digits of e, very neat, right? And maybe

surprisingly the sort of thinking that

went into all this is also very

applicable. In fact, you use infinite sums

and estimations like this all the time

to come up with approximations of

complicated numbers that are accurate

enough for practical purposes.

It also turns out, and this really is

very surprising I think, that this

estimate for the error also gives a

straightforward way to prove that e is an

irrational number, that no fraction is

equal to e. Are you ready for some real

magic? Okay, so let's summarize what we've

done so far like this. On the left side

we have the difference between the true

value and the approximation, that's the

error, right? And we've seen that this

error is less than 1/7!

Now let's warm up by using this

inequality to show that one particular

fraction, 19/7 is not equal to e. Why 19/7 ?

Well, it does not really matter what

fraction we start with. The only reason

for us using 19/7 is that it has a 7

in the denominator which will mesh in

nicely with the other 7s that are

already floating around here. Can e be

equal to 19/7 ? Well, let's assume it is.

Then we've got this inequality up there.

19/7 minus the junk in the brackets is

less than 1/7!

Okay, now all the denominators on the

left divide 7! , right? Just

think about it for a moment. Yes they

divide 7! which means that we can

combine the left side into a fraction

with denominator 7! where

the ? stands for 1 or 2 or 3 or some

other positive integer. So IF 19/7

was really equal to e, THEN we just

showed this fraction, the error would

be 1/7! or larger. But, and

this is really the punchline, we already

know that the error is definitely

smaller than 1/7! . So our

assumption that 19/7 is equal to e

implies a statement that is obviously false.

So this means that our assumption, that

19/7 is equal to e must have been

false to start with. Tada! Okay you

probably didn't see that coming, right? To

show that e is not equal to any fraction

a/b we simply have to adjust our

argument like this: first replace 19/7

by a/b. Then, instead of summing up

to 1/7! we sum up to

1/b! . The estimate then also

changes to 1/b! and this

statement down here is still impossible

which implies that no fraction can be

equal to e or, in other words, that e is

irrational. Now you may have to watch

this part of the video again to really

get what is going on here. What makes

this proof work is the fact that the

close approximation to here on the left

is super close in the sense that it can

be written as a fraction that differs

from e in less than 1 over its

denominator. Similar super close

approximations to pi and other

irrational numbers also play a crucial

role in proving the irrationality and

transcendence of these numbers. Actually

a video on transcendental numbers is

next on my to-do list, so stay tuned.

The Simpsons singing nonsensical stuff...

(announcer) Tonight's Simpsons episode was

brought to you by the symbol Umlaut

and the number e, not the letter e but

the number whose exponential function is

the derivative of itself. (Mathologer) Hmm, the

exponential function is the derivative

of itself. Before I deal with this

congratulation to Homer and you for

making it this far. For this last part of

the video I'll assume that you do know a

little bit of calculus. In particular

I'll assume that you know what the

derivative of a function is. If you need

an introduction or a refresher check out

this video up there and then return here

or just sit back and admire the

mathematical magic doing its thing. Okay

we want to convince ourselves that the

exponential function is the derivative

of itself. Because of this identity the

derivative of the exponential function

is just the derivative of 1 plus the

derivative of this term plus the

derivative of that term, and so on so.

What's the derivative of x cubed divided

by 3! for example? Let's see: 3!

is 1 times 2 that's 2!

times 3. The derivative of x

cubed is 3 x squared. The 3s cancel

and of course what remains is equal to

this term here. So the derivative of x

cubed divided by 3! is simply

the previous term and you can check that

the derivative of that previous term is

the term before that. And the derivative

of that term is 1 and the derivative of

1 is 0, and so on. And so you can see that

the derivative of all the junk on the

right side is again the right side which

means the exponential function is its

own derivative. Fantastic, right? So, if you

made it up to here there is no reason to

stop. Let's use this insight for something

fun. The natural logarithm

log X is the inverse of the exponential

function. This means that e to the log X

is equal to X. Let's find the derivative

on both sides. The derivative of X is 1

and the derivative on the other side,

well we need that exponential function

its own derivative and the chain rule

for that but then we get this.

Now we have a close look and you see two

bits that are the same which means we

can also write X down here. Now divide

and we've got one of those super famous

facts from calculus, that the derivative of

log X is 1/X. Wonderful! And now I'm

just going to go for it. So integrate and

we get this guy here. We substitute e for

X and that gives this guy here. Now on

the right side we've got log e and

obviously that's equal to 1 since our

logarithm is base e. Almost there !

The standard geometric interpretation of

this definite integral here is that the

area under the graph of 1/X between

1 and e is exactly equal to 1. Now many

people are under the impression that, unlike

pi the number e does not have a nice geometric

interpretation. Well here we've got one,

right, in terms of the hyperbola which is

both the graph of 1/X and a basic

geometric shape closely related to pi's

circle. This is the way to remember it:

open up this yellow curtain here under

the hyperbola until it's area is exactly

one and you've found e. All right, now to

wrap things up I'll quickly sketch how

you can also use our infinite sum

identity to derive e to the i pi is

equal -1 and that's the

standard way this is done in calculus. There are also

ways to write the sine and cosine

functions as infinite sums like this.

After substituting i X for X in the top

identity and multiplying the sine

identity in the middle by i we've got

exactly the same stuff in the purple

and the blue boxes. Now since we're

dealing with identities, the same has to

be true on the left. So the contents of

the purple box is equal to the sum of

what's in the blue box, and this is

Euler's formula, super famous, right? Now

I go over all this slowly in this other

Simpson based video up there. So if you,

you know, want it a bit slower, check it

out. After plugging in pi for X the

right side becomes -1 which then

brings us full circle back to Euler's

identity. If you've made it this far

you've really earned yourself the

Mathologer's extra huge seal of approval.

So, as usual, I'm very interested in

finding out how well all these

explanations work for you. So please let

me know in the comments. And that's all

for today.

For more infomation >> The number e explained in depth for (smart) dummies - Duration: 18:38.


Unpacked: Investing in Infrastructure - Duration: 4:03.

Hi my name is Adie Tomer

I direct the infrastructure portfolio at the

Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program

and I love researching infrastructure policy

because it's a sector that everyone uses every day.

Throughout the presidential campaign this past year

between candidates Trump and even candidate Clinton

we heard so much about infrastructure policy.

In fact infrastructure was more of a topic than

it's been in any presidential campaign

in recent history,

and with good reason.

We see infrastructure every day across our built environment

struggling in certain ways.

More and more Americans are

driving than ever before.

After a dip during the great recession we've set

more than three trillion miles of total driving

on our roads.

At the same time we're

seeing public transportation agencies

looking for more buses and more trains

and more investment needs.

So there's just more and more demand

on our roads.

Our freight networks are more important than ever.

We move more than 20 trillion dollars worth of goods,

and that's not just the computers

and other equipment you see in your offices

and of course the coal that we mine

to the agriculture that we harvest,

it's frankly all the consumer goods

that many of these days

get delivered directly to your house.

It's the groceries that you

shop to put in your refrigerator

and they're really expensive

and unfortunately about eighty percent

of those goods move along just ten percent

of trade corridors.

So next time you're driving through New York or Houston

or Dallas or San Francisco,

and you're wondering what all

that traffic is due to

part of it is all the goods that you're

demanding at home.

At the same time we're

seeing a significant amount of

investment needs in our water infrastructure.

Even though water is still flowing extremely well

into our homes and into our businesses,

we're talking about over 600 billion dollars

in investment needs.

But here's the real kicker,

only seventeen percent

of municipal water agencies even think they

have the capacity to make these investments.

So what we're confronted with

is that soon the tap inside your house

may not come out with the water that you need.

So the question is,

if infrastructures matter so much

how are we going to make sure

that we can find the investment capacity to rebuild America

for the next century of economic prosperity?

One of the biggest misnomers going on

not only in Washington D.C. circles today,

but frankly in the national media

is this concept of an infrastructure bill.

and in many ways it makes a lot of sense.

In particular we

heard Canada and now President Trump

talk about an infrastructure bill

ad nauseum, frankly.

It was one of the biggest ideas

even into his inaugural speech.

We've heard Speaker Ryan and

Majority Leader McConnell talk about

infrastructure potentially being on the docket

and continue to talk about it

as some kind of singular thing that

we're going to execute.

But here's the dirty little secret,

there is no such thing as an infrastructure bill.

In fact, throughout our entire federal government

apparatus, we're actually set up to

really do infrastructure in different sectors.

So think about it like this:

Congress has multiple committees in each

of the chambers that each deal with

issues ranging from transportation

to energy, to water, to telecommunications

it's almost exhausting even saying them all.

Now the problem is

how can you get these groups to talk together?

You're effectively asking for congressional

Tower of Babel if you expect that an

infrastructure bill is going to get passed.

But here it actually gets worse.

The executive agencies are also built around

these same silo groups.

So how are you going to get folks

from different committees in Congress,

different executive agencies

all to come together

to even agree on what an infrastructure project is?

But let's say we find the money somehow,

well that's the issue,

there's no money around.

Are we going to take more money from repatriation?

Well, Paul Ryan's already effectively pegged that

to pay down for a decrease in corporate taxes.

We could go the route of

just having the infrastructure tax credit

but we've already seen rural

senators say that's not going to work

for their state because they're probably

not going to get projects from the

private capital markets.

What we're really left with

is a system where folks are

asking for an infrastructure bill,

but they don't yet realize that it's not coming.

For more infomation >> Unpacked: Investing in Infrastructure - Duration: 4:03.


U.S. Army Studies 'Third Arm' Device for Soldiers - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> U.S. Army Studies 'Third Arm' Device for Soldiers - Duration: 0:57.


Investing for Passive Income with Brendan Kelly - Duration: 17:55.

The conversation today is all about life and money it's all about how much do you need

to retire comfortably or retired early

I guess the best way to start this conversation is if we go back in time and we look at our

lives from the beginning of when we start to earn money to when we can finally declare

to ourselves we have enough.

If I reflect on my life for a moment my early money making day started out as an employee

I worked casually on Elwood beach in Victoria selling soft drinks needless to say at the

age of 15 I wasn't particularly school so my rate of exchange of time for money was

really quiet poor.

But it did introduce me to the idea of what employment was an employment is just that

it's an exchange of time for money and over a period of years I learnt that if I skilled

up if I specialised I was able to create a better exchange rate as I worked through school

and then through uni I finally got a degree as a teacher of math science computer science

having that skill allowed me to improve my rate of exchange better than that of selling

soft drink cans at a beach.

Well at the age of 22 that offered me a new found freedom I was pretty excited I was out

of home I was into my own car and happen to be a 1972 white Toyota Corolla Coupe admittedly

it was held together by wire and rope but it was still a car it was mine and I had my

freedom was pretty excited I was out of home life was wonderful but over a period of years

I recognise that there's a vulnerability to employment given that I am exchanging my time

and skill for money it doesn't matter how skilled I become if I can't put my time and

I'm not going to earn any money let me ask a question if you were no longer able to spend

time in your job what would happen to your income if you were no longer able to commit

time as a self employed person what would happen to your revenue or if you're running

a business that still heavily dependent upon you and you were not able to commit the time

what would happen to the business and in that we are living with a vulnerability so if we

look at this differently and ask a different question we might then get to see the significance

of the vulnerability that we facing as an employee has a self employed person or as

a business owner where the business is still heavily dependent upon us being there

what is retirement?

well retirement is your ability to earn an income without putting the time in so the

answer to having a better life the answer to Early Retirement or retire and comfortably

comes in our ability to create a system whereby we are no longer needing to exchange it time

for money so how do we do that what's the solution

the solution is simply to build an asset base but is there a right and wrong asset base

to be building.

If I had a 5 million dollar home and no income is this the sort of asset base that I'd want.

And the answer is no I might be living in the Taj Mahal but I'll be living on baked

beans and that's not the life I want to live.

What I'm after is an asset base that somebody else wants to use because if somebody else

wants to use it then they will pay me to do so in that I am generating an income stream

now if my acid base is big enough and people are willing to pay me enough then there will

come a point where I will no longer need to exchange my time for money in order to live

the life I want before the power of this really hit home for me I thought that my time with

better spent being a better employee so I spent my time skilling up I spent my time

learning about what it was to be a great employee how I can be indispensable to the company

or how I can be eminently re employable if it was it something occurred and I was no

longer able to be employed in the company that I was working for at the time.

And by doing that I thought I'd mitigated the risk of exchanging my time for money when

in fact what I've done was Focus my energy on entirely the wrong thing you see what you

think it determines the outcome of your life and let me see if I can explain it a bit.

when I was an employee looking to be a better employee I thought about being a better employee

as a consequence I make decisions about being a better employee as a consequence of those

decisions I took action to being a better employee Those actions that I've taken the

outcome was that I was a better employee goal accomplished except that's not the goal I

need to accomplish if I want to retire early or retire comfortably

The goal but I need to accomplish is to be better at building my asset base and that's

an incredibly powerful shift in thinking if I begin to think And begin to think about

being better at building an asset base then I start to make decisions about being better

at building an asset base as a consequence of those decisions I begin to take action

to be better at building an asset base and as a consequence of that action I have achieved

an outcome I am better at building that asset base and as a consequence of being better

at building that asset base I've been able to quit the rat race now that was a really

powerful shift for me and that is the exact same shift that's available for you it starts

out very subtly but the impact in your life could be phenomenal if you shift your thinking

from being better at being employed being better at being self employed or being better

at being dependent in your business and work on think about create ideas around being better

at building an asset base.

And if you continue to apply that focus, then you will continue to grow in your wisdom and

your ability to build a phenomenal asset base.

An acid base that will allow you to retire decades early or retire extremely comfortably

let's start to make that real and it leads into today's topic how much is enough

so we now need to figure out how big this asset base needs to be in order to allow us

to retire early or comfortably and as with most goal achievement it begins with the end

in mind the end here in this instance is how much income would you be happy to live off

how much income is enough for you to retire early now there are a couple of ways we can

calculate this one is to think about everything you want in your life and the lifestyle you

want to live it up all of the costs associated in a 12 month time frame to achieve that and

that would represent what you would need to earn in a year another alternative might be

just to pick a flat figure like for example a hundred thousand dollars a year if I had

$100,000 a year and no debt that would be a fairly comfortable way to go for some people

over $100,000 is either too much and unrealistic or not enough and and that expect more so

another way that you might like to figure out how much is enough for you would be to

think about what you're currently earning in a year and add a bit

so if your on $50,000 a year you might wanna make that 55 or $60,000 a year and use that

as your line in the sand for how much you'd like to accomplish as a passive income or

an income that your earning from your asset base for the sake of simplicity though I'm

going to choose $100,000 a year as an example to help do the mathematics so that you can

apply the same approach to the income that you're interested in earning

Now if we've got an asset base and someone is willing to pay us $100,000 a year that's

going to represent a certain return on investment or rate of interest now depending upon your

level of sophistication and skill that rate of interest becomes quite variable for some

it will be 2% someone to be 4% for some it'll be 5 for some it'll be 8 for someone to be

10 for someone will be 20.

So I'd like you to think about what you think would be a fair and reasonable return on investment

that you think you might be able to get.

For me I'm going to pick 8% so if I'm going to earn $100,000 from an 8% return on investment

what is the size asset base that I'm after well simple mathematics suggest that all we

need to do was divide $100,000 per annum by 8% and in doing so we achieve an asset base

requirement of 1.25 million dollars.

now as a property coach and mentor when I said this I deal with people the reaction

has been quite different for some the reaction is just 1.25 wow that's easy I could do that

really quickly for others it's 1.25 that's impossible how can anybody achieve that.

it doesn't matter what your feeling right now around your ability to achieve that what

matters is the numbers what matters is the goal that we looking to achieve so if I had

1.25 million dollars of income producing assets with a return on investment for about 8% then

I would be earning $100,000 a year so if we now take your example think about the income

that you want to earn as a passive income think about the rate of return that you think

you can get divide your income by the rate of return and this will give you an idea of

the asset base do you need in order to achieve their now if you think that I said base is

too big then we might need to make some adjustments and you can do so by increasing the rate of

return and learning how or reducing the amount of money you want to earn in any one year

and still be comfortable but I'd like to suggest that there is no need to be fearful about

the size of the acid base that you're looking to achieve because as property investors we

are problem solvers and by declaring the size of the asset base that we are after with just

simply seeing a problem A job now is to solve it

Well I guess the next question then becomes how do we achieve that it's great to know

that amount but how do we achieve it how do we get that much money in our bank account

if we are able to siphon off some of that time and some of our money so that we can

spend our energy on building out wisdom building our knowledge being able to buy the right

property being up to follow through on our projects and our purchases and being able

to deliver a profit and an income then we will create an asset base the size that we


let me ask a different question now where do you think your biggest risk in achieving

this asset base is well the idea of creating an asset base is a great idea it is just an

idea until it is a reality and the human mind is very very good at rationalisation so while

you may be engaged in the idea of building an asset base now it's very easy for life

to push back and get in the way in our conversation so far we've done some math and talked some

numbers and I encourage you now to think about your reaction during those conversations because

again when I speak to people on this there are some common reasons justifications excuses

for why they may not be able to achieve that the first is the lack of I don't know enough

I don't have enough money to get started I don't have enough time my life is full of

those things problems well yes they are if you don't believe you know enough then guess

what you don't know enough if you don't believe you have enough money well guess what you

don't have enough money if you don't believe you have enough time well again guess what

you don't have enough time and therefore for you these things are very very real I appreciate

that but has property investors we are problem solvers so my question back to the people

who raise these concerns is is I don't know enough a problem with a solution and invariably

the answer is yes there is a solution to not knowing enough is there a solution to the

problem of not having enough money again yes there is is there a solution to the problem

of not having enough time again yes there is so each of these common problems do have

solutions and it taps into why your investing if you have a strong why then you'll be interested

in finding the solution and you'll be keen to know what that is if you've not tapped

into why your investing then you might find at the size of a problem you think you're

facing feels overwhelming and therefore you stop dead.

My encouragement to you is to try a process of thinking where there is no problem that

doesn't have a solution and rather than focus on the problem focus on the creation of a

solution and in that you get to keep going in that you get to continue to create and

in that you will achieve the asset base that you after to retire early and retire comfortably.

Now before we close off today's conversation, I'd like to raise one more alarm bell for

what might get in the way for you, and that might be procrastination.

procrastination comes in many different forms it comes in the form of distraction or putting

things on hold or thinking about it tomorrow or just putting it down and not persisting

procrastination takes many many different forms and as an idea I would encourage you

to be vigilant to observe yourself watch yourself as you progress on this journey to achieving

great wealth that you are not waylaid by procrastination watch yourself as you get distracted watch

yourself as things get in the way and you engage inside line issues because anything

that can take you away from your time to creating an asset base adds time to the creation of

that asset base so retiring early becomes less early retire and comfortable it becomes

less comfortable to achieve what you want to achieve requires a certain vigilance a

certain persistence and I would encourage you to take on the idea of you can have anything

you want but be persistent with it you can have the asset base that you're after but

be persistent with it you can have the passive income you want but be persistent with requiring

be persistent with building it be persistent with learning how to create that and if you

do then you have a life far better than you think you can have right now.

Until we meet again invest wisely.

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