Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

The most timid of the crested penguins, the Fiordland crested penguin, or simply Fiordland

Penguin, endemic to New Zealand, only has a world population of around 3,000 breeding


Also known as the New Zealand crested penguin, tawaki, pokotiwha, New Zealand penguin, thick-billed

penguin, and Victoria penguin, Little is known about the marine ecology this beautiful bird.

Hi, welcome to Animal Facts, today we try to uncover some tasty nuggets of information

about this bashful bird.

Let's get started.

If you'd like to know more fascinating facts about the many critters we share this planet

with, make sure to subscribe and hit that like button.


One of the smaller members of the penguin family, the Fiordland crested penguin has

a black head, throat and back, a white front and underside, a thick stubby orange bill

and pink feet.

The most distinguishing features are the yellow sulphur-coloured crests above the eyes that

extend from the bill to just behind the head.

Both sexes are similar, whereas young birds have paler cheeks and shorter crests.


After spending much of the year alone in the open ocean, males arrive at the chosen breeding

site ahead of the females during late June or July.

Two weeks later the females arrive and mating takes place.

The birds are monogamous and prefer their nest sites to be hidden from one another.

Two pale-green eggs are laid in a cavity between tree roots, stones or small burrows in the

coastal forest, and incubation takes from four to six weeks.

The birds do not attempt to collect nest materials.

Although it is usual for just one egg to hatch successfully, occasionally both chicks emerge.

However, the parents rarely catch enough food for two offspring and the smaller chick usually



The survivinng chick is looked after by the male and fed by the female for the first few

weeks, then the parents take it in turns to hunt.

Sometimes the chicks join a creche with other youngsters, but they always return to their

nest to be fed.

By the time the chicks reach 10 weeks old they have their adult plumage and they are

ready to go to sea.


They communicate by emitting barking calls when out at sea and by visual and vocal displays

while on land.


Fiordland Penguins are members of the crested penguin group which also includes the Royal

Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, Snares Penguin, Erect-Crested Penguin, and the Rockhopper


All are black and white penguins with yellow crests, red bills and eyes, and are found

on Subantarctic islands in the world's southern oceans.

All lay two eggs, but raise only one young per breeding season; the first egg laid is

substantially smaller than the second.


Fiordland Penguins are very timid, usually active on land during the night, and are hardly

ever seen during the day.


Fiordland crested penguins occasionally grow barnacles on their tails - an indication that

they may be at sea for long periods of time.


Chicks eventually leave for sea at an age of about 75 days, usually in late November.

The departure of the chicks is gradual and they do not appear to be accompanied by other

chicks or adults.

Fiordland Penguins usually only start to breed at an age of 4 years.

Fledged chicks are recognizable by their greyish-blue plumage.


Fiordland Penguins may show aggression towards each other in a number of ways.

The most severe fights occur prior to breeding and appear to be mostly initiated by late-arriving

females expelling new partners of their previous mate or by single males trying to displace

a breeding male from its partner.


The main threat to Fiordland Crested Penguins is predation by land-based predators which

were brought to New Zealand by European settlers.

Further, the Weka (a large flightless bird) may steal eggs, yet its numbers are also dwindling.

Chicks are highly susceptible to predation by stoats, ferrets and rats but also by domestic

animals such as cats and dogs.

Well, there ya have it, 10 fearless facts about the timid Fiordland Penguin.

Did we miss any facts?

What's YOUR favorite animal?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you made it this far, take a moment to like and subscribe to get more fun facts about

the critters we share this Earth with.

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And as always, catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Fiordland Crested Penguin Facts for Kids Penguins 101 #penguin #NewZealand - Duration: 3:57.


HOW TO MAKE FROZEN DUMPLINGS (Live Video) - Duration: 10:29.

Hey guys!

Hello, welcome to my kitchen.

I don't even know where to look; I guess I'll look over there.


I wanted to make frozen dumplings, and so I did yesterday.

And I wanted to show you how I do them, because when I make frozen dumplings - the way my

mom taught me to - they are incredible.

You have to ignore what the package tells you and basically take dumplings, boil them

the day before you're going to be making them, right?

You boil them in hot water, and then you just let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.

Let it completely dry out and the next day they'll be cold and hard and ready to fry

and that's what we're getting ready to do right now.

We're going to pan fry these.

I have a giant - like, bigger than my head - 14-inch skillet.

This is from Anolon, they actually just sent this and I'm going to test it out.

And it's humongous.

And so it will happily fit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 dumplings.

So the dumplings that I made - let me get the heat on.

The dumplings that I made are actually kimchi dumplings.

I usually get Chinese dumplings from the Chinese store but I didn't have time to drive all

the way out to San Gabriel Valley to get that.

So I ended up getting dumplings from the Korean store and they were kimchi dumplings.

So let me show you...going to turn on the heat.

This is my new stove and it's really old.

And really really powerful.

So we're just heating up the oil, this is extra light olive oil which means that it

has the potential to go to a very high heat.

You wouldn't want to do this with regular olive oil, so I would recommend using like

a vegetable oil, or a peanut oil or a canola oil.

Happy New Year, by the way!

Yes - Happy Lunar New Year - which is tomorrow?

So this is perfect to make for the Lunar New Year celebration.

Dumplings for everyone.

Okay, so some other things that we have here are tamari.

So tamari is - it's like soy sauce, but I didn't have soy sauce.

I just moved.

So I didn't really bring everything that I needed to be bringing.

So I got to go out and get more soy sauce.

Okay so we go the pan heating right here and actually a good way to test out to make sure that

your pan is hot enough is just to put in like a few drops of water.

And then when the water starts to dance about in the skillet you know that it is ready to

be cooked.

So right now that water is not doing a dance.

Hi Rina!

Happy New Year!

Rina's an old friend - I knew Rina when I was like, very young.

Okay so waiting for the water to start dancing - actually you know what?

I think I learned that water tip from reading Ramona books?

Ramona Quimby books, anyone else a Ramona Quimby fan?

Nicholas pointed out something great - you do look for the ripples in the oil as well.

Oh I'm starting to hear a little dance happening, little dance in the skillet.

I'm going to start adding - you know what I'm going to start adding these and because

it's just easier to videotape and cook I'm going to use tongs.

Now this pan is actually okay with metal instruments but most non-stick skillets would not be.

Oh my God a dumpling just went to the side.

This is hard to do by myself.

Usually I have my husband as my cameraman but I'm doing this all by myself guys.

And apparently all the oil is on one side so that means it's all tilted.

So we've got them in the pan - take my chopsticks - just move them around and you sort of just

let it sit in the pan and wait for them to get nice and brown on one side.

So you know like when you get frozen dumplings at the store and they tell you to just put

them frozen in the pan and sear them on one side, add some water and cover?

I don't like that.

I like this method a lot better because you get brownage all over, and then at the end

I'm going to take this Tamari - or you can use soy sauce - and just deglaze the pan.

And then that way you don't even have to get like, you know, dipping sauce.

Which I think is pretty cool.

Okay so we got these kimchi dumplings from the Korean Market.

I had some of this last night, I made some last night.

And these kimchi dumplings are pretty spicy, they're really good.

Now I've never done this with a thin frozen dumpling so I don't know if that's going to

work and also I've never done this in anything other than a cast - I mean, a non-stick pan.

I've never used like a cast iron pan or anything, so this is just my method and I wonder if

it will work for you?

But ooh it smells really good right now in my kitchen.

Someone just wrote "I got a dumpling fusion version - Mexican Asian" that sounds insane!

Mario tell me a little bit more about that Mexican Asian infusion.

Okay we got these sizzling away in my giant skillet which could fit like at least a dozen

more dumplings.

And let's see how we're doing.

So it's been like maybe just a minute.

It's only 10am here in LA and oh - we got some brownage, right?

I think I want it to go a little more brown.

So we can let it go a little bit more.

This is really hard to do with one hand while filming, by the way.

We got this going on, my dog is sniffing around, waiting for something to drop.

But it's not going to drop.

How are you guys doing?

How are you guys feeling this Lunar New Year?

How are you celebrating Lunar New Year?

Are you going to be with your family?

Are you going to be eating dumplings?

Are you going to be eating noodles?

Are you not going to be doing anything are you going to be eating a burger and watching


That might be what I'm doing too.

Let's see how this is going...and I see nice brownage.

Yeah, that's what we like.

We're flipping it over - I see my pan has a hot spot.

You know I love these kimchi dumplings because they make them pink!

They're kind of pink-ish.

And the rest of it is all vegetable but the kimchi is not vegetarian because it has like shrimp.


Look at that!

Look at that sizzle.

Yum, it smells really good in here.

Doesn't it, Julius?

Yeah, it smells really good in here.

So we have the dumplings going.

You know I actually did a post on this on my blog The Actor's Diet so I will put in

the comments a link to the "recipe" so if you wanted to recreate this for yourself you

could do it that way too.

And you know the second side doesn't need to cook up as long as the first side.


Like we're already getting pretty crispy down there.

Oh yeah.

So when it's getting like to the point where it's not quite as brown as the top.

So let's see.

Nah, I'm going to give it like another minute or so and then we'll deglaze it.

So the point is you have to cook them the night before in boiling water and then let

it completely evaporate because they reach a really nice consistency the next day after

being in the fridge.

That when they hit the pan they just really stick together and I don't know they're

so much better this way than the way that has been on the package.

So that's why I like...okay I think we're almost ready to deglaze.

Yeah we're going to check the underside.

So yeah, we're looking pretty brown.

Time to deglaze!

Unscrewing the bottle and here we go!

Tamari or Soy Sauce.

Just hit the pan.


And then as that evaporates it sticks to the rest of the dumplings and we have - we have

dumpling madness.

And then, just bring the skillet to a plate.

Ahhh I'm doing this all with one hand I can't believe this.

And there we have it.

The dumplings.

They're all done.

Thanks guys for joining me in my kitchen this morning.

My hair is sticking to my face.

We have dumplings that I'm now going to eat for breakfast and enjoy the New Year and you

know what if you don't know if you're going to be celebrating the Lunar New Year tomorrow

I suggest going to get yourself some frozen dumplings, today, and then in case you feel

like it, make these.

Also tomorrow I will post a recipe with my mom making shrimp stir fry, you don't want

to miss that.

So you know what, you can actually take a sneak peek at it already if you subscribe to my

YouTube Channel - the video's already up there.

But I will post it tomorrow with the recipe.

Thanks for joining me guys!

Oh have fun in Vegas.


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE FROZEN DUMPLINGS (Live Video) - Duration: 10:29.


The History of Psychiatry and Gay Conversion Therapy - Duration: 5:24.

Because 1 out of 3 of you will turn queer.

And if we catch you in vow with a homosexual.

Your parents are going to know about it first and you will be caught.

Don't think you won't be caught because this is one thing you can't get away with.

This is one thing that if you don't get caught by us, you'll be caught by yourself and the

rest of your life will be a living hell.

Welcome to Psych IRL.

The attitudes of sexuality and it's acceptance have fluctuated overtime.

In ancient Greece "homosexual relationships" weren't as frowned upon as they were in

the United States in the 50's.

That phrase's meaning today may not even embody how the ancient Greeks thought of their


The Sacred Band of Thebes for example were said to have been composed by same sex male


It was theorized this would strengthen their protectiveness for one another since the army

was made up of lovers.

In the beginning of the 12th century hostility toward homosexuality began to grow in parts

of Europe.

Some sources have linked it to the growth of Christianity, but others have claimed it

to start further back.

Christianity's main approach was procreation.

The more babies a Christian couple had, the faster Christianity would spread because the

couple would teach their kids, and their kids would teach their kids, and so on.

Homosexual relationships stood in the way of this goal and were therefore looked down


Soon religious views began to be implemented into societal law.

In the 13th century males found to be partaking in homosexual behaviors were punished by castration,

disembodiment, or burning.

In the 1900s many sought out treatment for their friends, children, family members for

homosexuality, but psychiatry and medicine didn't universally see it has a mental illness.

Prominent psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud wrote a letter to a mother who sought treatment

for her gay son.

Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no

degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation

of the sexual functions produced by a certain arrest of sexual development.

Unfortunately this view would soon change in the 1940s after Frued's death.

Other psychoanalysts such as Sandor Rado criticized Freud's views.

He deemed homosexuality as unnatural and ultimately going against nature.

Other psychoanalysts began to follow such as Irving Beiber in 1962 who believed the

cause was from a distant father and overbearing mother.

These new theories introduced a number of "Gay conversion therapies" in which the

goal was to reduce homosexual behavior and increase heterosexual behavior.

Homosexuals could be involuntarily committed to psychiatric facilities by their families.

They were subject to a number of practices such as castration, aversion therapy.

This included taking nausea inducing drugs while watching same sex erotica so they associate

nausea with same sex desires, or electroshock while watching the erotica.

Other practices included lobotomies where a pick like instrument was inserted through

the eye socket and into the brain.

Patients were often left severely disabled.

Now, all while this was happening there was growing amount of research that countered

the theory of homosexuality as pathology.

Researchers found homosexual behavior occurring naturally in a percentage of animals.

Also, the research used for the support of conversion therapy concluded homosexuals to

have greater psychological disturbances compared to heterosexuals.

A problem with those studies were the biases in the population.

The participants recruited for those studies were from prison.

Evelyn Hooker found no difference in psychological disturbances between straight and gay men,

when her study sampled men that weren't in prison.

In 1973, homosexuality was removed from the DSM and replaced by something called "Ego

Dystonic Homosexuality".

It's criteria involved: 1.

Persistent lack of heterosexual arousal, which the patient experienced as interfering with

initiation of maintenance of wanted heterosexual relationships.

Persistent distress from a sustained pattern of unwanted homosexual arousal.

Activists called for more action, saying this move from the APA was done to compromise for

psychologists who made a livelihood from gay conversion therapy.

In 1987, it was completely removed from the DSM.

This resulted in a split from the psychological community.

Many groups who advocated for keeping "Homosexuality" as a mental disorder split and formed small

groups such as NARTH, EXODUS and JONAH, continuing conversion therapy.

The years following led to many legal battles and some of these organizations shutting down.

In Michael Ferguson vs. Jonah, the New Jersey civil court was sued for deceptive practices.

Some patients claimed the therapy not to work, reporting they were still attracted to the

same sex.

They also had to pay for mainstream therapy for the damages done in conversion therapy.

Conservative groups in Welch v. Brown (ban of therapy in CA) fought against the ban of

conversion therapy saying that it is a violation of free speech, freedom of religion, and privacy.

Today, the law bans conversion therapy for minors in 5 states: California, Oregon, Illinois,

Vermont, New Jersey, (and D.C).

45 states have no laws on conversion therapy.

For more infomation >> The History of Psychiatry and Gay Conversion Therapy - Duration: 5:24.


Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (William Black Remix) - Duration: 3:25.

Between the spaces where we long to be Beyond together and alone

And at the edge where you fade into me We find a shelter we call home

Call home

Escape the shadows that were holding me Slip these chains of flesh and bones

And in the seconds where we know we're free This is the place where we call home

When there's no where left to run Run with me

Let the moment be a sanctuary

When its all that you've become Set it free

Let this moment be a sanctuary

When its all that you've become Set it free

Let the moment be a sanctuary


For more infomation >> Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (William Black Remix) - Duration: 3:25.


DECIDE SKINS FOR SKINS protect | CS:GO - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> DECIDE SKINS FOR SKINS protect | CS:GO - Duration: 6:58.


Encouragement for Single Christians | Should I Stay Single? - Duration: 6:17.

Encouragement for Single Christians | Should I stay Single?

Over this last month we've talked a lot about Christian dating and not so much about

being single as a Christian young person.

So, in today's video I want share a word with all of you Christian singles out there

so stay tuned!

Hey guys, Justin here with another episode of That Christian Vlogger.

If you're new here, definitely consider subscribing as I make new videos every Monday

and Thursday on practical subjects like Christian dating.

If you've been enjoying this series on Christian relationships, would you give the video a

thumb up?

Alright, let's get started.

So many people in the world as well as in the church seem to have the wrong idea of

what it means to be single.

Now a days, being single isn't looked at as a blessing or an opportunity and certainly

not looked at as a calling.

But instead, to most of us- being single feels like a curse.

At best, many of us look at singleness as a phase, much like puberty- an awkward and

confusing time in our life that we are embarrassed of and can't wait to be done with.

But have you ever considered if being single was your calling in life?

In other words, what if God actually intends for you to be single?

Consider what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7, "I wish that all were as I myself am.

But each has his own gift from God…

To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I


Yeah… not a really fun verse to talk about for many of us.

Paul evidently thought it was a good idea for people to remain single their entire life.

Now before you freak out, he did later say in that same chapter, "Only let each person

lead the life that the Lord assigned to him, and to which God has called him."

So singleness, rather than being some hard fast rule or doctrine according to Paul, was

just more of a preference.

Paul isn't saying that everyone HAS to be single, he's just speaking from his personal

experience saying that being single has it's benefits.

After all, Jesus lived his entire life as a single man.

So what are these benefits really then?

Well, Paul would later say in that chapter that the unmarried man is free from anxieties.

While a married man has to worry about pleasing his wife as well as God, a single man on the

other hand, can devote much more mental energy towards serving God.

When Emily and I got married, so much in my life changed.

At the time I was living the nomadic lifestyle- often times serving on mission trips and traveling

around the country doing ministry.

Most often times that would mean me bringing along a sleeping bag and crashing on the floor

of some classroom in an empty church.

Seriously though…

I did that for like 8 years of my life pretty much day in and day out.

But when things started getting serious with Emily, I realized that this phase of my life

wouldn't last forever.

I mean, even if she could put up with the meager pay and the 80 or 90 hour work weeks,

something tells me that she wouldn't be so stoked to sleep on the floor for the rest

of her life.

So yeah, things changed.

For example, instead of crashing on the floor in a sleeping bag, now we have a bed with

sheets, and blankets, and comforters, and TONS of pillows.

Like seriously large amounts of pillows.

Side note- what's the deal with girls?

Why do they need so many pillows?

When I was single and traveling and sleeping on floors for all those years, I didn't

even use a pillow or a towel for that matter- I would just air dry after showering!

My wife on the other hand requires like 5 different pillows.

2 for her head, one for her feet and one for either side.

And now!

Get this…

Now, my wife wants these things called "throw pillows."

Which aren't even for sleeping on… just for display.

Someone help me…

I just don't understand…

So yeah, things change.

I no longer can be as flexible and free as I was back when I was younger and single.Today,

it's harder for me to pick everything up and just move on a moments notice.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it in the least bit, I'm just saying things

are different now, that's all.

So what are some things that I would say to encourage single Christians out there?

Well first off, I would say that nothing is wrong with you.

Well, that's not necessarily true- I'm sure you're messed up in some way.

But there's nothing wrong with being single.

The odds are that a decent percentage of you, are just better suited for the single life-

and that's totally ok.

Some of you may be called to a life of singleness like Paul and that's not a bad thing.

Paul was able to accomplish so much for the kingdom of God largely due to this availability.

Rather than being tied down to one particular location, Paul was able to travel the world

and do the thing that he loved for his whole life.

There's just something about being single that gives you so much more flexibility and


As a single person it's infinitely easier to go travel the world or go serve on a mission


Singleness allows you to spend time with family and enjoy a deeper community of friends since

you don't have to split your time with friends and your significant other.

If you're more the ambitious type, you're free to work long hours on projects that you

love and pour yourself out for causes that you really believe in.

I think that it's definitely time for our society and our churches to stop pressuring

young people into feeling like they HAVE to get married.

Let's stop communicating that singleness is a curse and instead show young people that

being single is a blessing and a huge opportunity when approached right.

Thanks so much for watching todays video!

As always, these are just my opinions and I'd love to know what you think.

What advice would you give to single Christians out there and how would you suggest they use

their singleness to God's glory?

Let us know in the comment section below!

Before you go, give this video a thumbs up and to know when new videos come out, go ahead

and subscribe and turn on channel notifications.

I make videos every Monday and Thursday for Christians like you!

Until next time, I'm That Christian Vlogger, and I want to encourage you to experience

"Faith in the First Person."

God bless!

For more infomation >> Encouragement for Single Christians | Should I Stay Single? - Duration: 6:17.


10 Argan Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin - Duration: 6:14.

Can you imagine that in this world there is a fruit that is so delicious and nutritious

that goats will literally climb trees to get to them? Inside that delectable fruit is a

little nut, which gives us argan oil. For many, many years, those that reside in the

Argan Forest in Morocco have extracted this oil, which serves many purposes.

Argan oil is chock full of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, both of which have healing properties.

It also contains linoleic acid, antioxidants and Omega-6 fatty acids. 

If you own any high-end cosmetics or hair supplies, you will likely find argan oil listed

in their ingredients. While a bottle of 100% argan oil is pricey, you will only need to

use one or two drops a day, so it will last you a very long time.

In today's video, we will discuss our top ten ways to implement argan oil into your

daily beauty routine.  

1. Skin Toner

Argan oil can help to keep your skin clean. To use, begin with one cup of boiling water.

Pour the water over a green tea bag and let steep for seven to ten minutes. Then, remove

the tea bag and bring the tea to room temperature. Next, add one or two drops of your favorite

essential oil. We would recommend orange, lemon, or tea tree. Then, add two to four

drops of argan oil and seal the mixture in a jar. Use this mixture both day and night,

after cleaning your face, but before applying moisturizer. 

2. Nighttime Moisturizer

Because of the Vitamin A and Vitamin E that are in argan oil, it is great to use as a

night-time moisturizer. The oil absorbs into your skin quickly and will not leave your

skin oily. 

After you wash your face with an all-natural cleanser, simply add one drop of 100% argan

oil into the palm of your hand and apply to your neck and face, using a circular motion.

Overnight, the oil will work to fight fine lines and wrinkles, as well as to keep your

skin moist. 

3. Acne

Argan oil is high in linoleic acid, which helps to reduce inflammation in your skin

caused by acne, rashes, bug bites and skin infections. It can even lower the sebum levels

in your body to combat oily skin. 

If acne is an issue for you, simply place one drop of argan oil in the palm of your

hand and place on the areas of concern. You can also add tea tree oil to help fight the

acne more effectively, along with any inflammation and scarring. 

4. Exfoliating

Purchasing exfoliating products in the store can be pricey. Luckily, we discovered a do-it-yourself

exfoliator using argan oil that not only removes dead skin cells but also fights signs of aging. 

To make the exfoliating mixture, use one tablespoon of brown sugar and add one or two drops of

argan oil. Rub this mixture into the skin on your face by applying in a circular motion

for two to four minutes. Be sure to pay close attention to any areas that are dry or are

prone to breakouts. The brown sugar assists your body in absorbing the nutrients in the

argan oil. 

5. Razor Bumps and Burn

An issue that plagues both men and women alike is razor burn. Argan oil can soothe the discomfort

and heal the inflamed skin.  Used one or two drops of argan oil and massage

into the affected area. The area will heal quickly and you will also reduce the chances

of getting ingrown hairs. 

6. Stretch Marks

Argan oil can help to make your skin more elastic and therefore can help to prevent

stretch marks from forming. This is because the Vitamin A and Vitamin E help to replenish

and moisturize your skin. You can accomplish this by using two to three drops of argan

oil to massage into the skin of your stomach, hips, thighs, or any other area of concern. 

If you already have noticeable stretch marks, try massaging them with argan oil and brown

sugar before your next bath or shower. After applying and massaging, wash well and then

add argan oil to the area prior to getting dressed.  

7. Lip Conditioner

Argan oil can help the skin of your lips, as well. Simply use one or two drops as a

Chap-stick substitute and wipe away any excess. The oil will heal cracked lips and keep them

protected from the elements. 

8. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling

As we discussed earlier, argan oil is not greasy and is a perfect addition to your hair

styling as a leave-in conditioner. The oil will tame your hair, protect your hair against

the elements and repair any split ends. 

To use, start with one drop, but you may need to use anywhere from one to three drops depending

on the length, condition, texture and thickness of your hair. Place the drop, or drops, in

your hand and rake through your hair, paying attention especially to the ends of your hair.

Next, add a half of a drop to your fingertips and massage into your scalp.

9. Dry Feet and Heels

As you can imagine, argan oil can help treat any cracked or dry skin on your feet and heels.

Just rub two drops onto your feet and pay close attention to the dry or cracked areas.

If your skin is especially dry, you may need to add a few more drops to properly moisturize

your feet.  Then, cover with a pair of cotton socks and

leave on overnight. If that is not an option, be sure to leave on at least for twenty minutes. 

10. Nails

Since argan oil is not greasy, it is also great to use on your nails and cuticles. The

oil conditions the nails and your cuticles to prevent hangnails from forming. 

Be sure to remove any nail polish and wash your hands and feet prior to applying. Then,

dab just a fraction of one drop directly onto each nail. Do this one at a time and rub the

oil into your nail bed and cuticle. Keep the oil on until you have completed all nails.

Then, be sure to wash your hands and feet thoroughly. You can then add nail polish if

you so desire. 

If you like the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!

For more recipes and tips, subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> 10 Argan Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin - Duration: 6:14.


Pet Questions: Ideal time for having dogs fixed - Duration: 2:02.























































For more infomation >> Pet Questions: Ideal time for having dogs fixed - Duration: 2:02.


Gaz Beadle transforms into naughty Grandad for hilarious skit - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Gaz Beadle transforms into naughty Grandad for hilarious skit - Duration: 1:51.


Tremendous Trump: You might like him when he's angry... | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:14.

We go live now

to the White House briefing room

where the President is addressing reporters


you losers, first off

I'm not talking to CNN

It's fake news

Mr. President

Mr. President


Uh Mr. President last week you claimed that millions of undocumented immigrants voted

illegally, yet you provided no proof

These people are so illegal

okay, and I have so much proof

it is going to knock your socks off

It really is

Mr. President right here

Mr. President

Next question

Uh the Mexican border wall

Fake news!

and I answered that

No but I haven't even asked a question

Yes you did, you did ask it

and you know what, you're a loser it's sad

it's really sad

Mr. President

Mr. President

Mr. President

Mr. President

What's happening - what's he doing?


When he gets too angry he transforms

You mean like the Incredible Hulk?

No, like the Tremendous Trump

My apologies everyone

CNN what are you doing all the way back there

please come up to the front where we can see you

Now, where were we?

I believe you asked a question

You asked about a wall

The raucous rhetoric of my campaign rallies

foreshadowed this directive to fortify the border

I believe I described it as huge

Why is he speaking full sentences?

He just pronounced the "h" in huge

Yeah, unlike the Incredible Hulk

When Tremendous Trump transforms he gets smarter

Okay next question

Loving the questions by the way guys

Really smart questions

Keep em' coming


Ah Mr. President you plan on moving forward with the repeal of Obama Care?

Yes, I signed an executive order to minimize the

unwarranted burdens of the Affordable Care Act

This could destabilize health care enough to require

a repeal and a replacement

Do you need me to go into further detail because I totally can


No I'm good


Great, okay if there are no further questions

I'm going to go tell my wife that I love her

and ask how she's coping with all the big life changes

that she's been going through

I mean there's no President in a marriage, it's true

Mr. President do you care to comment on the small size of your inauguration?



For more infomation >> Tremendous Trump: You might like him when he's angry... | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:14.


For The Record: President of the National Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Duration: 22:57.

For more infomation >> For The Record: President of the National Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Duration: 22:57.


Baby Shark | + More Kids Songs | Fun For Kids TV Songs - Duration: 31:43.

You are watching Fun For Kids TV...

lets learn and have fun...

Nursery rhymes... music

Baby do doo doo

Baby do doo doo

Baby do doo doo

Heee Haaaa

Mama shark... do do do do do do

Mama shark... do do do do do do

Mama shark... do do do do do do

Daddy shark... do do do do do do

Daddy shark... do do do do do do

Daddy shark... do do do do do do

Hey look.. here comes grandma

Grandma shark ... do do do do do

Grandma shark ... do do do do do

Grandma shark ... do do do do do

It's fun..

Grandpa shark ... do do do do do

Grandpa shark ... do do do do do

Grandpa shark ... do do do do do

Hungry sharks do do do

Hungry sharks do do do

Hungry sharks do do do Hungry sharks

Tasty fish do do do do

Tasty fish do do do do

Tasty fish do do do do tasty fish

Hummm it's yummy

Hee haaaa

Let's go hunt do do do do

Let's go hunt do do do do

Let's go hunt do do do let's go hunt

Let's swim away do do do do

Let's swim away do do do do

Let's swim away do do do do let's swim away

We are safe... do do do

We are safe... do do do

We are safe... do do do We are safe...

End is happy do do do

End is happy do do do

End is happy do do do end is happy

Na na na na na na na na na

For more infomation >> Baby Shark | + More Kids Songs | Fun For Kids TV Songs - Duration: 31:43.


WCCO Men Go Red For Women 2017 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> WCCO Men Go Red For Women 2017 - Duration: 0:21.


Setting Committee Deadlines - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Setting Committee Deadlines - Duration: 14:28.


Hailey Baldwin steps back into her ballet shoes for a photo shoot - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin steps back into her ballet shoes for a photo shoot - Duration: 1:26.


Wai-O-Tapu, a thermal Wonderland - A Wop in New Zealand 10 - The Traveling Wop - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Wai-O-Tapu, a thermal Wonderland - A Wop in New Zealand 10 - The Traveling Wop - Duration: 5:04.


New Drug Inspired by Shark Antibodies Set for Human Trials - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> New Drug Inspired by Shark Antibodies Set for Human Trials - Duration: 0:58.


Drawing Rave Jack from Samurai Jack (SPEED DRAWING) - Duration: 6:31.








For more infomation >> Drawing Rave Jack from Samurai Jack (SPEED DRAWING) - Duration: 6:31.


Yukio Mishima: The Modern Samurai | Tooky History - Duration: 3:25.

Yukio Mishima was one of the most influential Japanese writers of the 20th century

And was considered for the Nobel Prize three times

Mishima didn't allow the political views he expressed in his books to remain in his books

He led and lost his life trying to establish what he believed in

Mishima was separated from his family at a very young age and lived with his grandmother

His grandma wasn't the kind of grandma that would give you cookies all the time

And make more food than you really need

She was the kind of grandma that was often violent, didn't let you leave the house

And made you play only with your female cousins and their dolls

Fair to say he didn't know much about football

But who cares when you can make a perfect French braid on a Barbie doll

At the age of 12, Mishima returned to his original family and had already started writing

He was mostly writing poems at this time. Meanwhile his dad, a man with a soft spot for military discipline

Belonged to the infamous "poetry is gay" artistic school of thought. So he tried to put some masculinity into Mishima

By destroying his writing and holding him up against a speeding train

Mishima was drafted for the Japanese army at the beginning of WWII

But had a cold when he went for a medical checkup

The army called Doctor Drama and he claimed it was not a cold but tuberculosis

So Mishima wasn't able to take part in the war

After the war, Japan really wanted the others to forget that they were allied with the Nazis

And wanted to convince everyone Japan was just a country of fun-loving people

Who make origami and water bonsai trees all day

This was strongly against Mishima's patriotism and his pride of Japan's tradition

You know, the samurai and shoguns, not flashing billboards in English

Mishima had an option to marry Michiko Shoda, who later married another guy and is now known as Empress Michiko

Well, I guess she's not crying herself to sleep because Mishima swiped left

Instead, he got married with another lady and had two children, which didn't succeed in stopping the rumors

That he was visiting gay bars and was indeed a homosexual

It would be cynical of us to go back now to his father's views on poetry, but, thankfully, we won't do it

Having been let down by the westernization of Japan, Mishima formed Tatenokai, or the Shield Society

A private militia consistent of around 100 students who were devoted to returning Japan to its former ways

Mishima followed Bushido, the code of the samurai, and was hated by both the left and the right

In 1970, at the age of 45, Mishima, with four other members of the Tatenokai

Went to the office of Japan's Self-Defense Forces and tied down the commander

Mishima went to the balcony and held a speech in front of the soldiers, wanting to initiate a coup

Disappointingly, the soldiers mocked Mishima and booed him off the stage

Mishima then went back, wrote his death poem and prepared himself for hara-kiri

He sat down, stabbed himself in the stomach and waited for the second part of the ritual - a decapitation

Now, to nicely cut off someone's head you need a sharp blade, a steady arm and one swift blow

Morita, who was Mishima's designated head cutter had only one

So, yeah, things got really awkward and messy

Now after more than a few tries, another guy, Koga, took the sword from Morita

And managed to kill Mishima in his first try

Embarrassed with his performance, Morita kneeled down next to Mishima and committed hara-kiri as well

With Koga now decapitating two of his friends

On the day he was just supposed to be an uncredited member of the audience

For more infomation >> Yukio Mishima: The Modern Samurai | Tooky History - Duration: 3:25.


Kids Score Skate Park Using Health Data - Duration: 7:27.

When you think about health in general of a community, you think about access to parks,

you know access to places where you can exercise or you can walk freely.

City Heights is a very underserved community.

There isn't that much park space for the current population here.

There usually isn't a safe place for young people to go.

Ever since I was 13, I skated.

We're profiled as bad people.

We're profiled as those that don't really know what's happening in our communities,

and we cause harm to our communities.

We were harassed by police officers.

We'd get ticket for skating on curbs.

But in reality, we just have nowhere else to go.

Because we don't have a skate park that's accessible here in our community.

Skateboards are loud, they look dangerous, they worry business owners.

And there are laws about not skating in the street.

but we are the center of the universe when it comes to skateboarding.

This is who we are, this is part of our essence.

I grew up in North County and I watched a lot of skateboarders get marginalized.

We were trying to do something, and we weren't able to articulate, really, the feelings that we know now.

But we were trying to do something that we really thought was all right.

And we would get in trouble for being places.

And we didn't understand that.

So it's very easy for a young person in that period of life and development to feel like

the world's against us, the rules are against us.

Mid-City CAN stands for the Mid-City Community Advocacy Network.

We're 26 years old.

We've always worked in City Heights, and that's our primary focus.

Mid-City CAN has facilitated the Mid-City CAN Youth Council for about five years.

About two years in, the kids were looking for a project.

One of our Youth Council members got hit by a car while skateboarding, and that really

showcased how unsafe our community was, especially for the skateboarding community.

And so, we decided to start a campaign on bringing a skate park here to City Heights.

And they began talking to politicians, decision makers, and very few people took them seriously.

Their youthfulness was being used as an excuse to not listen.

They kind of dismissed us saying, yes, yes, you guys want a park, but we have other things

that are more important than just a skate park.

So we went back to the community.

We petitioned.

We built a small army.

We began by being a small group of kids rallying around their friend, to hundreds of community members.

We were having rallies with 300, 400 people.

These kids are really dedicated.

They educated themselves every step of the way throughout this entire process.

They knew the end result that they wanted to get out of this, but they hadn't previously

worked with the city, and so there were lots of challenges that came up through the process.

There was a lot of resistance from the community, they really, really didn't want a skate park

here in City Heights, and I believe it was because there was a lot of misconceptions

around skaters and the whole skating community.

We found ourselves that we didn't have any hard data to back our stories up.

A ways into the campaign, the California Endowment, who's one of our largest donors, connected

us to Human Impact Partners.

And they came to us and said, "Hey, we have this thing called a health impact assessment.

And we really think it can help your campaign."

A Health Impact Assessment brings data to decision making processes.

And informs decision makers and other stakeholders

about how a proposed policy will impact health and equity.

We also use it to support community led campaigns around policy change to improve health outcomes.

So, they came to us, and they told us what this research was going to do and how it was

going to help us, so we decided to partner with them.

Human Impact Partners led the HIA process.

We managed the whole thing.

But we did that with joint decision-making with Mid-City CAN's Youth Council.

Everything that was decided in the Health Impact Assessment, the four key components

to it, which is the general, the youth development, the crime rate, and as well as injuries, were

all decided by the youth.

The canvassing, going out door knocking, finding out the precincts, and talking to the people,

these were all youth-led.

What the HIA really did was help us have a focus and a means for communicating our values

around equity to decision makers.

It was also instrumental in dispelling a lot of myths.

The HIA said that people who skate are healthier.

They're less obese.

This is really good for the community.

This is really important.

The naysayers don't really understand what skating is and how good it is for the community.

We found that having a skate park actually reduces injuries from skateboarding, because

it means that kids aren't skateboarding on the streets and having to deal with cars and

other vehicles or pedestrians.

I do remember one night in particular, a meeting that was attended by a lot of adults,

a lot of neighbors, and they became very difficult.

And it was one of the young people from the Mid-City CAN Youth Council who quietly

raised her hand, got up in the back of the room and said,

I think a lot of you don't understand what this is.

We've done the research, we have the data, and pointed them to the HIA.

And it was really a great moment.

So at one point in the process, there may have been a 50/50 split between those who

wanted the skate park and those who didn't.

By the end of that meeting, once we worked through and educated the community

and talked about the Health Impact Assessment, the benefits of this project,

we probably had a 90% favorable rating.

It took five years.

For a young person, that's a really long time.

But now that I'm here and physically standing next to the skate plaza,

I feel like all that work was worth our while.

Because now young people have a place to skate.

This is a great example of getting a project done.

It was a great opportunity for the city to bring resources to work closely with this community.

The youth were able to step up and become leaders.

Their legacy in this community is going to be the impact that this park will have on

the future youth of this community.

Being involved in this process, being able to use something I love to do,

and being able to make that change here in the community that's sustainable,

it helped show that no matter how young you are, your voice is heard.

I have to say that I really love watching the young people when they do what I used to do,

when they do their problem solving, when they challenge themselves.

The skate park is really a medium for a social transformation.

It helps young people, to understand and believe that the system and even the local government

is here for them.

It's not against them.

But when they engage, they can get results.

A piece of advice that I would give a young person trying to make a change or a difference

is to focus on something that they're passionate about.

And to just stay committed and continue working for it.

Because there is going to be a lot of no's.

There is going to be a lot of people who say 'you can't do that' and that you don't a voice,

but you do, they're wrong.

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