Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Hey guys!

Hello, welcome to my kitchen.

I don't even know where to look; I guess I'll look over there.


I wanted to make frozen dumplings, and so I did yesterday.

And I wanted to show you how I do them, because when I make frozen dumplings - the way my

mom taught me to - they are incredible.

You have to ignore what the package tells you and basically take dumplings, boil them

the day before you're going to be making them, right?

You boil them in hot water, and then you just let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.

Let it completely dry out and the next day they'll be cold and hard and ready to fry

and that's what we're getting ready to do right now.

We're going to pan fry these.

I have a giant - like, bigger than my head - 14-inch skillet.

This is from Anolon, they actually just sent this and I'm going to test it out.

And it's humongous.

And so it will happily fit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 dumplings.

So the dumplings that I made - let me get the heat on.

The dumplings that I made are actually kimchi dumplings.

I usually get Chinese dumplings from the Chinese store but I didn't have time to drive all

the way out to San Gabriel Valley to get that.

So I ended up getting dumplings from the Korean store and they were kimchi dumplings.

So let me show you...going to turn on the heat.

This is my new stove and it's really old.

And really really powerful.

So we're just heating up the oil, this is extra light olive oil which means that it

has the potential to go to a very high heat.

You wouldn't want to do this with regular olive oil, so I would recommend using like

a vegetable oil, or a peanut oil or a canola oil.

Happy New Year, by the way!

Yes - Happy Lunar New Year - which is tomorrow?

So this is perfect to make for the Lunar New Year celebration.

Dumplings for everyone.

Okay, so some other things that we have here are tamari.

So tamari is - it's like soy sauce, but I didn't have soy sauce.

I just moved.

So I didn't really bring everything that I needed to be bringing.

So I got to go out and get more soy sauce.

Okay so we go the pan heating right here and actually a good way to test out to make sure that

your pan is hot enough is just to put in like a few drops of water.

And then when the water starts to dance about in the skillet you know that it is ready to

be cooked.

So right now that water is not doing a dance.

Hi Rina!

Happy New Year!

Rina's an old friend - I knew Rina when I was like, very young.

Okay so waiting for the water to start dancing - actually you know what?

I think I learned that water tip from reading Ramona books?

Ramona Quimby books, anyone else a Ramona Quimby fan?

Nicholas pointed out something great - you do look for the ripples in the oil as well.

Oh I'm starting to hear a little dance happening, little dance in the skillet.

I'm going to start adding - you know what I'm going to start adding these and because

it's just easier to videotape and cook I'm going to use tongs.

Now this pan is actually okay with metal instruments but most non-stick skillets would not be.

Oh my God a dumpling just went to the side.

This is hard to do by myself.

Usually I have my husband as my cameraman but I'm doing this all by myself guys.

And apparently all the oil is on one side so that means it's all tilted.

So we've got them in the pan - take my chopsticks - just move them around and you sort of just

let it sit in the pan and wait for them to get nice and brown on one side.

So you know like when you get frozen dumplings at the store and they tell you to just put

them frozen in the pan and sear them on one side, add some water and cover?

I don't like that.

I like this method a lot better because you get brownage all over, and then at the end

I'm going to take this Tamari - or you can use soy sauce - and just deglaze the pan.

And then that way you don't even have to get like, you know, dipping sauce.

Which I think is pretty cool.

Okay so we got these kimchi dumplings from the Korean Market.

I had some of this last night, I made some last night.

And these kimchi dumplings are pretty spicy, they're really good.

Now I've never done this with a thin frozen dumpling so I don't know if that's going to

work and also I've never done this in anything other than a cast - I mean, a non-stick pan.

I've never used like a cast iron pan or anything, so this is just my method and I wonder if

it will work for you?

But ooh it smells really good right now in my kitchen.

Someone just wrote "I got a dumpling fusion version - Mexican Asian" that sounds insane!

Mario tell me a little bit more about that Mexican Asian infusion.

Okay we got these sizzling away in my giant skillet which could fit like at least a dozen

more dumplings.

And let's see how we're doing.

So it's been like maybe just a minute.

It's only 10am here in LA and oh - we got some brownage, right?

I think I want it to go a little more brown.

So we can let it go a little bit more.

This is really hard to do with one hand while filming, by the way.

We got this going on, my dog is sniffing around, waiting for something to drop.

But it's not going to drop.

How are you guys doing?

How are you guys feeling this Lunar New Year?

How are you celebrating Lunar New Year?

Are you going to be with your family?

Are you going to be eating dumplings?

Are you going to be eating noodles?

Are you not going to be doing anything are you going to be eating a burger and watching


That might be what I'm doing too.

Let's see how this is going...and I see nice brownage.

Yeah, that's what we like.

We're flipping it over - I see my pan has a hot spot.

You know I love these kimchi dumplings because they make them pink!

They're kind of pink-ish.

And the rest of it is all vegetable but the kimchi is not vegetarian because it has like shrimp.


Look at that!

Look at that sizzle.

Yum, it smells really good in here.

Doesn't it, Julius?

Yeah, it smells really good in here.

So we have the dumplings going.

You know I actually did a post on this on my blog The Actor's Diet so I will put in

the comments a link to the "recipe" so if you wanted to recreate this for yourself you

could do it that way too.

And you know the second side doesn't need to cook up as long as the first side.


Like we're already getting pretty crispy down there.

Oh yeah.

So when it's getting like to the point where it's not quite as brown as the top.

So let's see.

Nah, I'm going to give it like another minute or so and then we'll deglaze it.

So the point is you have to cook them the night before in boiling water and then let

it completely evaporate because they reach a really nice consistency the next day after

being in the fridge.

That when they hit the pan they just really stick together and I don't know they're

so much better this way than the way that has been on the package.

So that's why I like...okay I think we're almost ready to deglaze.

Yeah we're going to check the underside.

So yeah, we're looking pretty brown.

Time to deglaze!

Unscrewing the bottle and here we go!

Tamari or Soy Sauce.

Just hit the pan.


And then as that evaporates it sticks to the rest of the dumplings and we have - we have

dumpling madness.

And then, just bring the skillet to a plate.

Ahhh I'm doing this all with one hand I can't believe this.

And there we have it.

The dumplings.

They're all done.

Thanks guys for joining me in my kitchen this morning.

My hair is sticking to my face.

We have dumplings that I'm now going to eat for breakfast and enjoy the New Year and you

know what if you don't know if you're going to be celebrating the Lunar New Year tomorrow

I suggest going to get yourself some frozen dumplings, today, and then in case you feel

like it, make these.

Also tomorrow I will post a recipe with my mom making shrimp stir fry, you don't want

to miss that.

So you know what, you can actually take a sneak peek at it already if you subscribe to my

YouTube Channel - the video's already up there.

But I will post it tomorrow with the recipe.

Thanks for joining me guys!

Oh have fun in Vegas.


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE FROZEN DUMPLINGS (Live Video) - Duration: 10:29.


10 Argan Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin - Duration: 6:14.

Can you imagine that in this world there is a fruit that is so delicious and nutritious

that goats will literally climb trees to get to them? Inside that delectable fruit is a

little nut, which gives us argan oil. For many, many years, those that reside in the

Argan Forest in Morocco have extracted this oil, which serves many purposes.

Argan oil is chock full of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, both of which have healing properties.

It also contains linoleic acid, antioxidants and Omega-6 fatty acids. 

If you own any high-end cosmetics or hair supplies, you will likely find argan oil listed

in their ingredients. While a bottle of 100% argan oil is pricey, you will only need to

use one or two drops a day, so it will last you a very long time.

In today's video, we will discuss our top ten ways to implement argan oil into your

daily beauty routine.  

1. Skin Toner

Argan oil can help to keep your skin clean. To use, begin with one cup of boiling water.

Pour the water over a green tea bag and let steep for seven to ten minutes. Then, remove

the tea bag and bring the tea to room temperature. Next, add one or two drops of your favorite

essential oil. We would recommend orange, lemon, or tea tree. Then, add two to four

drops of argan oil and seal the mixture in a jar. Use this mixture both day and night,

after cleaning your face, but before applying moisturizer. 

2. Nighttime Moisturizer

Because of the Vitamin A and Vitamin E that are in argan oil, it is great to use as a

night-time moisturizer. The oil absorbs into your skin quickly and will not leave your

skin oily. 

After you wash your face with an all-natural cleanser, simply add one drop of 100% argan

oil into the palm of your hand and apply to your neck and face, using a circular motion.

Overnight, the oil will work to fight fine lines and wrinkles, as well as to keep your

skin moist. 

3. Acne

Argan oil is high in linoleic acid, which helps to reduce inflammation in your skin

caused by acne, rashes, bug bites and skin infections. It can even lower the sebum levels

in your body to combat oily skin. 

If acne is an issue for you, simply place one drop of argan oil in the palm of your

hand and place on the areas of concern. You can also add tea tree oil to help fight the

acne more effectively, along with any inflammation and scarring. 

4. Exfoliating

Purchasing exfoliating products in the store can be pricey. Luckily, we discovered a do-it-yourself

exfoliator using argan oil that not only removes dead skin cells but also fights signs of aging. 

To make the exfoliating mixture, use one tablespoon of brown sugar and add one or two drops of

argan oil. Rub this mixture into the skin on your face by applying in a circular motion

for two to four minutes. Be sure to pay close attention to any areas that are dry or are

prone to breakouts. The brown sugar assists your body in absorbing the nutrients in the

argan oil. 

5. Razor Bumps and Burn

An issue that plagues both men and women alike is razor burn. Argan oil can soothe the discomfort

and heal the inflamed skin.  Used one or two drops of argan oil and massage

into the affected area. The area will heal quickly and you will also reduce the chances

of getting ingrown hairs. 

6. Stretch Marks

Argan oil can help to make your skin more elastic and therefore can help to prevent

stretch marks from forming. This is because the Vitamin A and Vitamin E help to replenish

and moisturize your skin. You can accomplish this by using two to three drops of argan

oil to massage into the skin of your stomach, hips, thighs, or any other area of concern. 

If you already have noticeable stretch marks, try massaging them with argan oil and brown

sugar before your next bath or shower. After applying and massaging, wash well and then

add argan oil to the area prior to getting dressed.  

7. Lip Conditioner

Argan oil can help the skin of your lips, as well. Simply use one or two drops as a

Chap-stick substitute and wipe away any excess. The oil will heal cracked lips and keep them

protected from the elements. 

8. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling

As we discussed earlier, argan oil is not greasy and is a perfect addition to your hair

styling as a leave-in conditioner. The oil will tame your hair, protect your hair against

the elements and repair any split ends. 

To use, start with one drop, but you may need to use anywhere from one to three drops depending

on the length, condition, texture and thickness of your hair. Place the drop, or drops, in

your hand and rake through your hair, paying attention especially to the ends of your hair.

Next, add a half of a drop to your fingertips and massage into your scalp.

9. Dry Feet and Heels

As you can imagine, argan oil can help treat any cracked or dry skin on your feet and heels.

Just rub two drops onto your feet and pay close attention to the dry or cracked areas.

If your skin is especially dry, you may need to add a few more drops to properly moisturize

your feet.  Then, cover with a pair of cotton socks and

leave on overnight. If that is not an option, be sure to leave on at least for twenty minutes. 

10. Nails

Since argan oil is not greasy, it is also great to use on your nails and cuticles. The

oil conditions the nails and your cuticles to prevent hangnails from forming. 

Be sure to remove any nail polish and wash your hands and feet prior to applying. Then,

dab just a fraction of one drop directly onto each nail. Do this one at a time and rub the

oil into your nail bed and cuticle. Keep the oil on until you have completed all nails.

Then, be sure to wash your hands and feet thoroughly. You can then add nail polish if

you so desire. 

If you like the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!

For more recipes and tips, subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> 10 Argan Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin - Duration: 6:14.


One Day at a Time is the feminist sitcom we need | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 10:57.

Hey there!

So today, I wanted to talk about something a little bit more happy because all I've been

able to think about for a while is like Trump shit and I'm just so done with it.

Like, I just wanna enjoy something.

So I wanted to share with you, a show that I've really been enjoying on Netflix, and

it's called One Day at a Time.

I think this show is brilliant, like honestly.

Like it's so good.

And I'm not sponsored or paid by them or anything -- I just really enjoyed this show, and I

watched like the whole first season in a few days because it just gave me so much joy in

a very unjoyful world at the moment.

And it's just very real, but in like a comedic and relatable way.

Like it's not like it's gritty and drama and stuff -- like it's a funny family sitcom with

like a laugh track -- or like, there's laughter going on when people tell jokes and stuff.

And it's really like just genuinely a good time.

So I want to talk about like some of the specifics of it,

and what makes it so good and intersectional and feminist.

So if you haven't seen the show, I recommend you go watch the show and then come back here.

I know that's like several hours of homework, but you'll love it, I promise -- just watch

the series, come back here, you'll love it, you'll appreciate it, I promise.

Okay, so if you're still here, I'm gonna assume you're okay with spoilers -- cause I'm definitely

gonna spoil stuff for the first season, which is the only season that's out on Netflix right now.

So basically, I am Elena.

Like, she's just such a like angry young feminist, and like just gets so worked up about stuff

and is constantly like, "Well I read a study about this."

And like, that's just me.

Like, I wish that was more like how I was as a teenager, cause I don't think I was like

the most socially aware teenager in the world, but it's kind of how I am now.

She's just so like sassy and fun and real and opinionated, and I feel like a lot of

characters in sitcoms get kind of like washed down, or watered down, and they're not allowed

to talk about politics and all that stuff because it's supposed to be like accessible

to everybody, even people on the right.

But like, this show really doesn't like pander to that.

It really is like: "Here's the stances of these characters, and here's the things they're talking about."

And it just doesn't make any excuses for that.

It doesn't try to make it acceptable to everybody in the world.

Like, it takes positions, and I really appreciate that.

And like, even while it's a comedy, it manages to talk about like some really serious stuff

because like the mom is a veteran, and like it talks about her struggles with depression

and anxiety and nightmares and PTSD.

She has to like go to therapy and struggles to get help from the VA.

And these are all like just... real things that are talked about in such a way that I

was gonna cry.

Actually, I did cry.

I cried quite a lot.

And the family is Cuban-American, and the grandma, the abuela, she came like from Cuba

as a kid, like without anyone, without her parents.

And they just full-on talked about that and how hard it must've been for her, and like

-- I feel like those are the stories that need to be told.

Like I feel like there are enough stories of just like basic white people in sitcoms,

but the stories of immigrants and people who have like really struggled to get here -- I

just think that's what we need to see more of.

And they talk about immigration in that episode in

a bunch of a different ways and with different opinions and stuff.

And I appreciated how they did it, and one of the things they did really well was bring

in a character, Elena's friend, who you sympathize with and like and enjoy, and then, it reveals

that her parents were deported and that she's stuck there without her parents -- and I think

that has a real emotional impact on people when they realize, like, "Oh, like, the children

of the people we're deporting are just children -- they're just here living their lives, going

to school, having friends."

Like it's much easier to demonize people who are just concepts, and it's much harder to

do that when you have them humanized.

When you see them as real people, and I think that's what this show does really well is

just humanize people.

Like I honestly cried during the immigration episode cause I was just like so proud of

what this show is doing and also really sad for the character whose parents were deported

-- I just -- I had a lot of emotions.

And for me, just the whole atmosphere of the show felt really familiar because my step-family

is from Colombia.

Is it weird if I say like "Colombia" instead of "Columbia"?

Like, I don't know what accent I'm supposed to put on, if it just sounds like really white

person of me, or like, if I should try to say it all Spanish-y, but like at home, growing

up, I heard a lot of Spanish in the household and like people switching between English and Spanish, and

like, I knew, like, little bits of Spanish words that my stepmom would say to me.

And so, like, their household and the way they switch between English and Spanish and

speak Spanish when they're mad and stuff like that, it just, it like felt familiar, and it felt real.

And it felt like any experience that I'm sure a lot of Latinx families like have, but they don't

see represented on TV, and it was really good to see that representation.

Because I know like as a white person, I haven't experience anything like what Latinx people

have experienced in the US, but like, if it resonates with me, having grown up in like

a semi-Latinx household, I imagine that it really resonates with actual Latinx people

who've grown up in households like that.

And like in the show, they make a lot of references to the token white person, Schneider, and

like I just feel so much like that token white person, like I was always like the awkward

white person who couldn't dance and who said Spanish words with a really gringa accent -- gringa?

Uh, a white person accent. [Laughter]

And just the jokes about race and stereotypes and like how they would joke about

being Cuban so they had to dance and they would joke about white people stereotypes,

and just, it all felt so like genuine to me, and also like something that usually isn't

joked about on TV.

I don't know, maybe it is.

It's just, it's how I felt watching it.

And like there's an episode just straight up talking about religion, like I feel like

religion's never discussed on TV because you're just not supposed to draw those divides between

people, but it was like a very real, honest look at it.

Like with the abuela being super religious and her daughter being less religious, and

like trying to find the balance inbetween that for the two of that.

That's a real struggle that people have, and it was just handled in like a funny but serious

way, and it was like joking, but it also took a lot of care with the issue.

I just appreciate how well it could talk about religion in such a nuanced way -- like in a comedic sitcom.

And they even touch on like suicide, and alcholism, and drug abuse because of Elena's dad.

Like you think everything is just all happy-go-lucky like funny times and then, uh, the mom is

talking about how the dad tried to commit suicide because he was addicted to pills and

alcohol, and like I get that, I get that that's a real thing and that life is actually like that.

Things can be funny at one moment and then really serious the next moment.

And it handled it very well -- I think I've said "handled it very well" like two hundred

times in this video, but it's so true.

And maybe the best part of the whole series is just the coming out story of Elena.

Like, how basically the whole first series is her coming out story, and like ends with

her coming out to her dad.

I was afraid that the coming out thing was going to be like one episode, because when

I initially heard about this, I heard that the daughter was gay, and I was like, "Oh,

that's really cool, I should watch this."

But I was afraid it would all be like neatly wrapped up in an episode and then they move on.

And it wasn't.

It was like there was struggles through multiple episodes, and she came out to different people

at different times and they had different reactions, and that was such a more accurate

representation of coming out then like I've ever seen in any other show.

I have like two little gripes with it, and that was like, I felt like when they were

talking about it, they kind of talked about it like bisexuality didn't exist, like they

were like, "Oh, you like girls now, so you don't like boys."

And like, that's fine, I understand that in the show she's a lesbian and she doesn't like

boys, but it felt weird to me that it just wasn't like a option, like no one was like,

"Hey, maybe you're bisexual," but that's like a little thing.

And then also the other part is that the mom, there's like a whole episode on like the mom

trying to figure out how she could accept her daughter, because like she did, but she

still weird about it, and like, I'm just not a big fan of storylines that focus on the

people who aren't doing the coming out, like the people who are reacting to the coming

out, but maybe that's just my own like personal bias, like obviously they're still going through

stuff, and I thought that her storyline was handled well, and that her like going to a

gay bar with her gay friend and like talking about it was a good way for her to learn and

like to show the audience what was going on, but I don't know.

I just wish the emphasis was less on the parent and more on the child coming out, but I still

really appreciated the way that they handled it.

Like it wasn't overly accepting, like it wasn't like, "Oh, everyone loves you! It's perfect!

Coming out is not a problem at all!"

But it also wasn't like tragic, like it wasn't like everything is terrible and nothing can

ever be good if you come out.

Like there was so much nuance to it, and everybody had different reactions, and at the end, when

she comes out to her dad, he ends up just like leaving in the middle of her quinceañera,

and I thought that was really powerful.

I cried, quite a lot.

Because like, the rest of the family loved her and accepted her, and her dad didn't.

And like, coming out stories are hard because I feel like they have to be overwhelmingly

positive or overwhelmingly negative, um, and it had both.

Like she had the good loving family, but also, some people are never going to accept you,

and like I still have friends whose parents will never accept them, and it makes me sad,

but it's real, and they did it.

Like they didn't shy away from that.

And I really hope if they get another season -- they better get another season -- but I

hope that there's no like redemption arc for the dad.

Because what he did, to me, like leaving in the middle of her quinces, that just sounded

like -- it looked like unforgivable.

Like that's awful.

And, I don't know, I'm worried that they might do the whole, "Ah, he went and thought about

it for a week and now he's suddenly okay with homosexuality."

But like there are genuinely parents who will never accept it in their children, and I think

that's how it would be.

But you know, who knows.

The show could go in like any direction, and I don't control that, obviously.

But yeah, overall, like 10/10, 11/10.

I cried a lot, I laughed a lot, I wish there was more than one season, it's a really good

season, and since you made it to the end of the video, I'm assuming you've seen it too,

so let me know in the comments what you thought about it.

Was there like any aspect of it that I didn't talk about that you found really interesting?

There was a lot going on in that show, and I didn't like discuss all of the different

things, but those are just some of the like highlights that I remembered from it.

And yeah, if you still haven't watched the show, and you just watched this whole video

without having seen it, I'm sorry for spoiling everything for you, but I hope you're really

excited to go watch the show now.

So yeah, I'm gonna leave some links in the description to like all the social media for

the show and the people who are in it, because I really think that we need to support them

and show Netflix that it really really deserves a second season.

This is the kind of sitcom that we need.

This is the kind of, like, feminist, intersectional, like real show that has to be on TV.

And the way we make sure that it continues is by watching it and sharing it and supporting

it, so I'm counting on you guys.

Anyway, thank you so much for watching this video, I love you all, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> One Day at a Time is the feminist sitcom we need | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 10:57.


SSL: The Privacy Protector | GoDaddy - Duration: 1:10.

You've heard of SSL, but you're not really sure what it is.

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It's a technology that encrypts or scrambles data while it travels between websites and web servers.

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And if you decide to get the highest class of SSL,

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Best of all we automate the entire process for GoDaddy hosting and SSL customers,

so everything is done seamlessly behind the scenes, you need to lift a finger.

For more infomation >> SSL: The Privacy Protector | GoDaddy - Duration: 1:10.


2017 Toyota Camry XLE V6 - Duration: 3:30.

the toyota camry is the bud light of

family sedan

it's an effective reliable and

reasonably priced and get the job done

and much like that mainstream

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purchase the camera and drove the

Japanese families of the tunnel of

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as of this writing the camera is on

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For more infomation >> 2017 Toyota Camry XLE V6 - Duration: 3:30.


Why Obama's First Stay After White House Was With Married Gay Co - Duration: 17:03.

Why Obama�s First Stay After White House Was With Married Gay Couple In Palm Springs


There Are 3 Primary Reasons For Obama�s Very Symbolic Trip

��Viva la Purple Revoluci�n!�

� Barack Hussein Obama�s new mantra

State of the Nation

No other POTUS has ever left Washington, D.C. under such strange and unexplained circumstances.

Many have been wondering why Barack Obama�s very first stay after he left the White House

with his wife Michelle was Palm Springs, California.

It was there that the former First Couple stayed with a married gay couple at their

mansion �with the 8-car garage�.

Was Obama really the first gay president?

First night stay after WH is with gay couple in California!

See pics below.

Shortly after arriving, Michelle Obama then took a private jet owned by billionaire Richard

Branson to his private island in the Bahamas.

Why did Michelle Obama leave Barack so quickly and fly to one of Richard Branson�s Islands


The answers to these questions lies in the following three important reasons.

Obama�s weird rendezvous immediately after leaving the White House was highly choreographed.

It was carefully executed for full effect on his targeted audience, and they know who

they are.

Comment submitted by SOTN reader:

Reason #1 This �millionaire�s pleasure palace in

Palm Springs� was a very significant place to stay for a President who many have dubbed

the first gay president.

Which is exactly why Obama went to overnight with the gay couple.

His first message to all of his supporters is that he really is gay.

And, that this fact of life ought to inform the correct understanding about the �greatest

achievement� of his 2 terms in office�the effective legalization of gay marriage nationwide.

Reason #2 The second reason for this trip was to send

the message loud and clear that he will not stop advocating for the LGBTQ agenda.

Of all the things he did, this was his top priority, even in the midst of the greatest

recession since the Great Depression.

When he wasn�t dividing the country along racial, religious and gender lines, he was

very busy making sure that military veterans would have their transgendering operations

paid for.

And that young children could declare that they were the other sex so that they could

legally have a sex change.

And that gender bathroom use in Texas would be tied to federal funding for schools.

Once again, he considered gay marriage to be his single greatest accomplishment during

his 8 years as POTUS and would therefore always be a zealous LGBT advocate.

Reason #3 The third reason for flying to California

was to symbolically show his enthusiastic support for the crazy state of California.

If it comes down to a secession war between the U.S. Federal Government and California,

Obama stands squarely with California.

The values and priorities of the ultra-liberal state are perfectly consistent with the foundational

principles of the pseudo-progressive Obamanation.

The disproportionate Democratic representation of California will ensure that the Trump agenda

is thwarted at every turn, just as the Golden State has done since the 2017 inauguration.

Obama will offer his full support to every California initiative designed to stop or

impede Trump�s intention to re-introduce the rule of law.

End of comment

Obama leads the seditious Purple Revolution for George Soros

This is the manner in which the Purple Revolution will be fought.

The ongoing Second American Revolution will not be a violent one per se; rather, it will

be waged in statehouses and courthouses, between the Trump Administration and the political

establishment (both the DNC and RNC).

This treasonous war on America will be waged by legislators, lawyers and lobbyists against

We the People.

However, the main battleground is one where the utterly fake news and foolish commentary

of the Mainstream Media goes up against the more truthful news and sober commentary of

the rapidly emerging Alt Media.

BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To America

For the uninitiated, Barack Hussein Obama is the titular head of the Deep State side

of the Purple Revolution.

Whereas Hillary Clinton is the co-standard bearer along with husband Bill, the real task

of leading the communist takeover of the United States has fallen to the much younger revolutionary


Not only is Bill literally on his last leg, Hillary may still be heading to prison if

the House Republicans have anything to say about it.

Likewise, Joe Biden is way too busy chasing after very young girls to be bothered by the

Purple Revolution.

Obama�s Background:

Barrack Hussein Obama was officially born on August 4th of 1961.

Exactly where he was born in the world is anyone�s guess, including his.

Each day of the year has its own energetic imprint and astrological destiny.

The August 4th baby is, at heart, a natural-born revolutionary.

No matter where these folks put down their roots there will be a revolution around them.

Sometimes they are big; sometimes they are small.

Sometimes they are violent; sometimes they are peaceful.

Sometimes they are truly progressive, and oftentimes they are recklessly retrogressive.


Clearly, in the case of Barack Obama, the revolution that he was used to start was very

big, extremely violent, and uniquely retrogressive.

Not only did he light the match to unprecedented domestic conflict, he also turned the Middle

East into a dystopian, post apocalyptic wasteland.

By single-handedly and unnecessarily restarting the Cold War with Russia, Obama completely

upended the international order.

�Hope and Change� Obama did not bring to any place on planet Earth.

In fact, he was responsible for transforming the entire civilization into an exceedingly

dangerous place.

His rhetorical flourish was merely a device to deflect the legitimate criticism that,

as POTUS, he was a stone-cold warmonger.

And it worked like a charm.

Just like the charm offensive he launched every time he wanted to galvanize his base

to start a race riot or gender protest, unprovoked war of aggression or assassination by droning.

Obama�s whole persona was actually constructed after the legendary Che Guevara and irrepressible

Fidel Castro.

He is the product of the creators of South and Central American Liberation Theology,

only in this case it is Black Liberation Theology that he stealthily promotes.

As a matter of fact, Obama�s entire upbringing shows that he was meticulously groomed (by

the Jesuits) to be a firebrand revolutionary without the fire.

His mentors and handlers took great pains to ensure that he would carefully hide his

communist indoctrination and socialist ideology, his Islamic beliefs and tyrannical bent.

The following short and MUST VIEW video provides indisputable proof of where Obama really came

from and what his true allegiances have always been.

VIDEO: The Hidden Life History of Barack Hussein Obama

As a dyed-in-the-wool communist, Obama was fastidiously manicured to lead the Purple

Revolution in America Whether Hillary Clinton won or lost, Obama has been hard-wired to

lead the charge up the hill for the Neocon globalists (e.g. George Soros) who funded

his political career in Chicago.

Obama will always be their frontman as today�s proclamation clearly illustrates.

Headlines throughout the MSM have read as follows all day today:

�Obama�s First Statement Post-Presidency Supports Protests Against Trump�s Executive


Rarely, if ever, have previous presidents spoken out so boldly right after leaving high


It�s also very unusual for ex-presidents to set up shop right down the street from

the White House.

This highly audacious maneuver is in keeping with his intentions to run as much interference

on President Trump as possible.

His association with the purchase of a mansion in Rancho Mirage, California is likewise consistent

with his using Kalifornia as his second headquarters for the Purple Revolution.

Obama Purchases California Mansion To Go Along With His Two Other Homes

Obama was trained and mentored to advance the Purple Revolution until the American Republic

is no more.

After 8 long disastrous years of building his Obamanation, he nearly succeeded with

his socialist game plan.[1] Had it not been for the improbable election of Donald Trump,

there is no question that the USA would have morphed into a full-blown Banana Republic.

Obamanation: The First Banana Republic In U.S. History

Everything a high-profile revolutionary like Obama does and does not do is done for maximum


Manchurian Candidates like him have been brainwashed and inculcated with philosophy and ideals,

respectively, that will always be there for him to use to justify his every criminal action

and negligent inaction.

The extraordinary divergence between his talk and his walk could only occur in a totally

fractured psyche over years of MKUltra mind-control programming.

Otherwise, the daily hypocrisy would catch up with him in ways that would be outwardly


The key point here is that whatever he announces with great fanfare really means the exact


For instance, his message of �Hope and Change� really turned out to be great despair and

more status quo.

The black communities across America reek of despair and depression after 8 years of


Not only did nothing change for his own people, any and all changes were definitely for the


This is where Obama really excels.

There has never been another POTUS who was able to deceive so many Americans with such

obvious deceit and deception.

His programming is such that he is able to completely divorce himself from the highly

destructive consequences of his actions.

This has led to extremely catastrophic consequences for the USA and world-at-large.

Trump has no other choice but to prosecute Obama

Only by prosecuting Obama for his many crimes against humanity, war crimes, high treason,

genocide, etc. will the Trump Administration be successful in forever shrinking his global


Were the people of the planet to understand the true depth and breadth of his criminality,

Obama would be quickly removed from the center stage that he refuses to leave.

Look it, there is no greater crime than for a presidential candidate to win the election

after posting a fake and forged copy of one�s fraudulent birth certificate at the official website.

This is exactly what Obama did and millions of Americans are aware that this is why he

sealed all of his personal records after assuming office.

The way that one begins their term in office sets the stage for everything that follows.

Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged

Should Trump fail to take meaningful action against both Clinton and Obama, it will send

a very bad message to the American people.

Nobody is above the law, especially those who occupy the Executive Branch, since the

nation�s chief executive is explicitly tasked with the enforcement of all laws and legislation.

If the president does not follow the law, why should anybody else?

This is the real legacy that Barack Obama left behind�one of unparalleled lawlessness

and anarchy here at home, as well as mayhem and pandemonium abroad.

Now the reader better understands why Obama took his little trip to Palm Springs upon

leaving the White House.

Special Note: The most powerful political lobby on the planet

today is the LGBTQ worldwide movement.

There is no other movement that even comes close to it in terms of size, pervasiveness

and political power.

The LGBTQ movement is being used to advance the New World Order agenda with great speed

and force.

Every tyrannical government of the past 100 years � both communist and fascist � has

been run by closet homosexuals and sexual deviants.

This is how they are controlled by their hidden masters.

The control mechanism known as Pizzagate is a perfect example of how the American political

establishment is being manipulated daily to do the bidding of the Illuminati (See: PIZZAGATE:

A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal).

In fact, many of the hardcore Zionists who commandeered the Bolshevik Revolution, as

well as those who led the successive communist governments in Russia, were all of the same

easily manipulated ilk.

This is exactly what the Neocon globalists had in store for their planned USSA.

�Amerika� was to be home to their Clinton-controlled totalitarian regime and a central pillar of

their One World Government.

Millions of Americans have now bought into the shockingly debased LGBTQ agenda, especially

in the liberal states of California, New York, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

As follows: LGBTTTT AGENDA: Debasing American Society and Corrupting The Planetary Civilization

State of the Nation January 28, 2017


The Kalifornia Connection

Make no mistake about it, California is taking the lead in the Soros-incited Purple Revolution

against the United States of America.

The heavily Democrat-dominated state is being used as a launch pad to overthrow President


And the Sultans of Silicon Valley really believe they can pull it off.

This is only because California has undergone decades of intensive social engineering which

has seen a state populace that is now very easily manipulated.

The Soros-funded social engineers utilize the Internet to move Californians in any direction

they so please.

As the national pacesetter for the ultra-liberal agenda, California has been used to disseminate

so much deception, depravity and degeneracy via Hollywood.

The celebrity culture during the Obama years received unparalleled exultation by the MSM.

Now many of Hollywood biggest stars relentlessly bash President Trump.

As a matter of historical fact, no one has ever seen Hollywood�s A-List engage in the

politics of personal destruction as they have since Trump first declared his candidacy.

Most of these agent-controlled actors do not have a clue that they are being used to advance

the destruction of the USA.

Likewise, Silicon Valley has been used to completely take over the Internet so that

the top IT and social network corporations now exert virtually absolute control.

This is why the world headquarters for Apple, Intel, Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Google, Facebook,

YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit are all located in California.

However, what is not easily seen is the extent to which the entire IT Industry is controlled

by the U.S. Federal Government via DARPA.

The Unholy Alliance: DARPA, Intel and Google

The nexus of Google, Intel, and DARPA now poses a formidable challenge to We the People.

Few Internet users understand that the World Wide Web has been cast like a �net� around

the globe to control societies and nations everywhere.

Even fewer are aware that the Internet is being utilized as a weapon which threatens

the very future of humanity, as well as determining the fate of planet Earth.

For more infomation >> Why Obama's First Stay After White House Was With Married Gay Co - Duration: 17:03.


Screen Actors Guild Awards 2017 | Orange Is The New Black - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Screen Actors Guild Awards 2017 | Orange Is The New Black - Duration: 0:46.


How some of the world's finest wild rice is grown and harvested | We Are The Best | CBC - Duration: 3:10.

I'm by Morin River in Northern Saskatchewan

and right now the harvest of wild rice just begun.

These are Cree First Nation lands

and it's on this land that producers like Tom Hamilton

harvest the best lake grown wild rice in the world.

The Northern Lights Food Company is committed

to buy rice grown in nearby lakes

by members of the local Cree community.

They handle the rice processing, sales and marketing.

For you, what is the best place to harvest wild rice?

The best rice is in the river,

shallow river, slow-moving water.

And the lake rice is good along shallow shorelines and bays.

So, it gives a lot of jobs to people around here?

Yeah, it does create a lot of jobs and a lot of income for the locals.

And jobs and incomes, it means, you know, having a brighter future with your family.

For sure and definitely pride, you see it in the young guys.

They're proud, eh? Yeah.

It's a beautiful, beautiful place.

So, now, I'd love for you to take me

to see how you harvest this great wild rice.

Yeah, let's go.

The wild rice is still harvested traditionally.

The boats can go faster than 10km per hour.

As they ram into the rice plants,

they knock the seeds from the stems

so that the seeds fall into a compartment

attached to the front of the boats.

Nothing compares with Canadian wild rice grown in shallow rivers and lakes.

As soon as the ice is off, it starts sprouting

at the bottom of the lake and then it floats.

And then usually by that time, August,

middle of the last week in August,

it's ready to harvest.

We work well and also, we produce probably the best wild rice in Canada.

I truly believe you.

Then, the rice is transported either by trucks or by trains

to the ports of Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal

and basically ships all over the world.

The goal is not to harvest as much rice as possible,

but to harvest the best quality rice

and create projects that respect the local community.

That is why... they are the best!

For more infomation >> How some of the world's finest wild rice is grown and harvested | We Are The Best | CBC - Duration: 3:10.


Living808 - Who do you think is going to win this Sunday? - Duration: 1:13.



































For more infomation >> Living808 - Who do you think is going to win this Sunday? - Duration: 1:13.


The Spiritual Force Within You - How Ideas Control Our Destiny - Ernest Holmes (law of attraction) - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> The Spiritual Force Within You - How Ideas Control Our Destiny - Ernest Holmes (law of attraction) - Duration: 16:02.


LONDON Walk. Blackfriars to Vauxhall by the Thames - VLOG - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> LONDON Walk. Blackfriars to Vauxhall by the Thames - VLOG - Duration: 3:48.


What is Lubrication? [Lubrication and its types] - Duration: 5:50.

Hello friends

So today we are going to learn about one more topic that lubrication and its types.

The topics which we are going to cover today are friction, what is lubrication, Why lubrication

is required and what are the types of lubrication in details.

So we will start with the first topic that is friction.

It is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material

elements which are sliding against each other. Due to this resistance to motion huge amount

of heat gets generated also it causes wear and tear to the surfaces which are in relative

motion to each other.

Now what is lubrication? So Lubrication is the process or technique

employed to reduce friction between, and wear of one or both, surfaces in proximity and

moving relative to each other, by interposing a substance called a lubricant in between


So the answer to why lubrication is required is first to reduce the friction, The point

where we want a smooth motion their we need to use lubrication so that we can obtain the

smooth motion. second is heat removal, So as we have seen

whenever two surfaces slides over each other heat gets generated so by lubricating these

two surfaces we can reduce the friction so the heat generated will be less and whatever

small amount of heat that gets generated even after lubrication can be carried out from

the surfaces using lubricant. Third one is increase in life of machinery,

since after the lubrication wear and tear of machine parts is going to get reduced and

also heating will also be reduced so this will definitely going to increase the life

of machine parts. And the last one is reduced energy consumption,

Since lubrication is going to reduce the resistance to motion that is friction and if there is

less resistance to motion then the energy consumption will also be less.

The last topic is types of lubrication. Type of lubrication depends upon various factors

such as speed, amount of heat generated etc. We will go one by one;

So the first one is Hydrodynamic lubrication. Hydrodynamic lubrication is said to exist

when the moving surfaces are separated by the pressure of a continuous unbroken film

or layer of lubrication. In this type of lubrication, the load is taken completely by the oil film.

This type of lubrication is mainly used in following areas

Delicate instruments. Light machines like watches, clocks, guns,

sewing machines. Scientific instruments.

Second one is Hydrostatic lubrication: It is essentially a form of hydrodynamic lubrication

in which the metal surfaces are separated by a complete film of oil, but instead of

being self-generated, the separating pressure is supplied by an external oil pump. 

This type of lubrication is mainly used in following areas

Two stroke engines Bigger machineries

and the last one is Boundary lubrication or thin film lubrication

Boundary lubrication exists when the operating condition are such that it is not possible

to establish a full fluid condition, particularly at low relative speeds between the moving

or sliding surfaces. This type of lubrication is mainly used in

following areas A shaft starts moving from rest.

The speed is very low. The load is very high.

So friends this is all about lubrication and its types.

If you are having any doubts please comment below.

Thank you for watching.

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