Do you believe soulmates exist? Yeah, I think every person that you
meet in every moment of your life is a
soul mate. So there's no particular one
person that is your soulmate like many
people wish to find a twin flame or
their soulmate?
well probably you can expand that idea
to that but i think there once you grow
into self love the more you grow into
self love the more this idea of soul
mate will fade out its of course it's
it is romantic to think about
soulmate living happily ever after and
finding your forever mate
this I suspect that these are all ideas
that come from our neediness more than
most of the case i'm not saying that you
cannot find someone to co-create and be
vibrantly alive and share sexuality and
share partnership and many levels for
maybe a long long time
however if I think that just already the
idea that if you notice life is about
constant change never nothing seems to
stay the same because we are in a
creative spiral so we are constantly
change our point of view and our
experiences and it never repeat itself
even if we complete the circle and we
start a new one the new one is is larger
so it now we are yeah we coming similar
to the one but we're not exactly the
same so everything constantly change and
i think it's very very rare that we
change in the same matter for a lifetime
i would i'm not saying it is not
possible that was very very rare because
sooner or later somebody start to change
in a different way than the other
I don't think the soulmate is an idea is forever. No?
It can change but a soulmate is more for you to
expand and grow deeper into unity
well then we go back to what I was saying
every person that you meet in every
moment is your soul mate you I don't
think you can meet someone that is not
your soul mate because it's just
that soulmate is just a mirror
yeah but I think when you really can go
deeper in to with someone really go deeper
into expansion and growth with someone it's
different than when you meet someone just
going. . . But I can go deeper with someone
in 30 seconds
depth is not measurable by the amount of
time you can choose to be profoundly
connected instantly yeah where there is
the person a dog a tree or even
this lamp I mean I can right away
tune in and be profoundly connected in fact
i would say we should always be
profoundly connected not only when we
are in front of our soul mate
yeah because everything is a soulmate
everything is oneness this idea of soul
mate in a way sponsors the idea of here is the
soul mate here there
is not soulmate he is soul mate
so now we're creating separation right
and if you're creating separation we are
in the illusion so I certain point our
love for ourself is so strong that we don't
see any more separation everything is
oneness and so wherever we direct our
attention we will see soulmates of course
maybe to get there you need to create
this idea of soulmate for a while and
play with that
there's nothing wrong we did it's fun
it's lovely i found my soul mate and our
great congratulation wonderful and now
you're going to live
happily-ever-after yes
ok that's fantastic once you know it's a
it's it's it's great to I don't see
anything wrong you romanticize the
life life is not romantic by by default
it's not romantic, romance it's a
fictitious it's a sweet and nice trick
we trick ourself with this sentimentalistic
romantic and I do that all the
time I happen to be romantic sometime
but I notice that the more I progress
into higher level of consciousness the
more it is getting difficult to sustain the
romance agenda because romance is the
projection and projecting you an ideal
and you agree to project same to me
and we play the part we now we are
romantically involved we are in love
right but we are playing apart we are
playing a script and eventually it is the
romance and is being in love will
collapse because if sooner or later
somebody either me or you will stumble upon it
is the real persona and not the script
that supposed to play in order to fulfill
the projection of the other and once
that happened the game is spoiled and often
with people say all I thought you were
like these i thought you were in
you're not like that and they now they
don't love anymore so you see there was
a condition so I am romantically in love
with you means that I have a condition
and the condition is that you play the
part that I'm romanticizing of you so i
don't really want to see who you are
because that's not romance . . . romance is
creating a fantasy around you and it's
very fulfilling its fun for one month
for three months you're completely lost
in this fantasy it is fantasy so
what's is this for you? Is there a difference between your connection for example with your
landlord or your lover is there is there
any difference there? At the core there
will be no different
they would be both expression of life
and they will be both a reflection on me
and it will be both just a mirror at the
mind level the more I tap into the mind
the more I start to see differentiations
but of course they will serve different
experience different scopes a different i
created them for different reasons
yeah so the landlord there is the
teaching is something about that aspect
of life and the lover is teaching me
something about this aspect of life once
the lesson are learned both the landord
and the lover will
yeah because you will not need them
anymore and there I suspected even the
idea of a lover far in the distance most
likely once once we are completely
one-hundred percent
Integrated and so both of our male and
female energy are dancing at the same
level within our system then we do not
need an externalization because we are
one within ourself so we will eventually
shift into maybe co-creation maybe a
other ways to interact but the idea of
finding the other offer or you know I'm
a man and I'm looking for a woman they
will down the road we will be
much higher consciousness there will be
no need for that anymore because we will
be both a man and a woman so there
will be no any more men or women there
would be unity fields that co-create
together without the sexual
differentiation of course it will take
some while and now it's actually nice and
wonderful to have this differentiation because
that's another way to experience life
you know
so but if we become aware of the
differentiation between romance and real
love then being a lover is much much more
profound and wonderful when you get rid
of that projection you just eliminate
that need to create a fantasy and you go
straight to loving someone and so you
will not have a conditions will not fall
out of love because the person has not
fulfilled your list of the
request so yeah I think it's getting
more exciting the dance between lovers because
we are stepping out from the fictitious
beautiful and fun but
ficticious dance of romance and we're
stepping into being lovers which again
it's unconditional it's again it's
getting the more we go into our
self love the less condition we have
I am NOT quite there I still at
conditions but much much less then then
when I used to love myself less so now
I'm much more free to be myself in front
of the lover and to allow the lover to
be herself in front of me now things get
really interesting because now we can
really play before was like I don't want
her to see me like this i don't want to
see her like this so and she is the same
so we pretend right so we start to make
it up and how women make up it says I'm
making it up right and so we start to
manipulate our information our exterior
expression of exterior
externalization of yourself in order to
make it up so that we can fulfill
the other party needs and necessities
and expectations once that game is over
then we would be much more intensely
the love dance and all these artifacts
are artificially created tricks and lies
because they're lies will not be needed
anymore so many of those industry will
leave and count on those artificial
Will collapse completely
because people will not need any more to
camouflage themselves they will just be
happy with who i am i love you it
will not be like I'm
going to do i am now you can love me
because I resemble the ideal heavily
sponsored and publisized idea
what is a lover or a beautiful person
So the idea of a soulmate also is romanticizing, that is your point of
view I think we can
probably at this point of the after
having this conversation we can
differentiate a romanticize idea what is
a soul mate
yeah and the real soul mate the real
soulmate is somebody that is the perfect
mirror of you at this given moment this
romanticized soulmate is this prince or
princess that show up and loves you and
never leave you and you are going to
happy forever like most of the romantic
movie ends
they always end with this idea that all
now they're going to be happy forever
well if we look at the reality we found
that that's actually quite rare in even
in the so-called marriage
there's a lot of problems i suspect
because the marriage was based on a
projection a romanticized aspect of a
relationship and not a true love in fact
i can go as far as saying that if I'm
sure I don't need to marry you
why would I need to
to marry you i love you i don't need to
create a cage you're free for as long as
you want
we are together and then if there is
need for different kind of experience
I will still love you, you will still
love me but you would be somewhere else
and i will be somewhere else dancing the life
in different ways more according to
my new vibrational offer so why would I if
I love you why would I marry you? There is no need i
can say okay I marry you for as long as
growth continued so we commit to each
other for the purpose of keeping
supporting each other growth so it's not
anymore is safety mechanism where i'm
going to create a little comfort zone a
little bubble reality to where I am less
scared of life but it's going to be a
vibrantly alive
a situation of two people that are
responsible and they are committed to
self growth and they recognizing the
other a powerful tool to continue the
growth and once that growth will stop
and it will stop then those people we just
let go
these are very very difficult and very
hard to accept these ideas and I'm not
probably myself so at that level but I
recognize that that's the direction
I need to go if I really want to be
integrity and honest that with life and
with myself
yes It does not sound very romantic
no no it doesn't lot of people are very dissapointed now
yeah i know they again i love to be
romantic I'm romantic any I think you
can still play the romantic i can
bring you flowers
why not and that's not romance if
you the active genuine so it's not a cliche
where I want to be romantic with
her but I if I walk the street and i see
flower how I think that will be so
wonderful to that's the beautiful
romance because it's authentic is not is
not forced by a specific behavior or
you know I way with the you are supposed
to be I can be romantic all the time
without being romantic
maybe that without playing the game of
being romantic in fact probably we can
say the true romance can occur when you
are really true yourself
so you are sincere you are authentic
your real and your romance you're not a
cliché you're not saying things because
you heard that's what you're supposed to
say when the moon is full and all I am
to buy the champagne because or the ring
These are all beautiful things
there's nothing wrong with that but
let your heart to take you to do
that more than the conventional way to
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