Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Hello Internet!

And Welcome To Behind The Meme!!!

Today we have a look at Lemme smash

Thank you so very much to each and every single one of my amazing viewers who left comments

requesting a video on this topic.

You guys help shape this channel and the videos I make so make sure to let me know what you

would like to see next And maybe I'll be able to make it happen!

You guys wanted now you have it!!

Here We GO!!!!

So to start this video off I need to clarify just exactly what the word "smash" means.

Because not only has the word become a part of a meme that is starting to become popular,

but it has also been a part of english slang for quite some time now.

Smash…We all know what that means right?

It's what happens when you see an annoying fly buzzing around and you finally kill that

little bastard.

Or what venus and serena williams do to that poor tennis ball on a nearly daily basis.

As a matter of fact the word smash has numerous definitions, as you can clearly see here on but the definition that we're looking for today doesn't fall within the

confines of standard definitions… oh no….

what we need is much more modern…an english teachers worst nightmare….that's right!

Urban dictionary .com!!!

When we take a visit to urban and search for the word smash we get a completely

different meaning.


Uhhh….that's pretty blunt.

Umm I guess I should have given a warning for my younger viewers.

So uhhh, warning there might be some bad language on the screen.

My bad!!!

Before we move on look at that example on here.

"Damn, keri looks good as shit!

I just wanna smash her!".

What did we do to our language?

If somebody were to take this literal they would be very confused.

As you can see this definition of smash dates as far back as 2003.

Now don't ask me how this word turned into this definition because that could probably

be a whole video in itself But it has, and it's been used this way for quite some time


So the next time you hear the incredible hulk say smash…you may wanna question what he


"Hulk Smash!!!!"

All I'm saying is if the hulk says smash around you…you better start running and

cover your butthole or vag because there's no recovering with that guy…just saying.

So now that we understand just exactly what smash means it brings us to its current use

within a popular meme known as "lemme smash".

By putting two and two together we can conclude that the term lemme smash is basically a request

to bang!

And to my younger viewers who don't fully understand what the word bang means go ask

your parents about the birds and the bees, or you can watch mtv for like 2 mins to understand.

That's what I did!

The term became identified with a new meme on November 16th 2016 when youtuber incept

uploaded a remixed video of a video that was originally on the bbc earth channel titled

"bird seduction techniques" in which two male birds are building a nest so they can

seduce females.

"what will the master make of his visitor"

in the video that incept made he added humorous text to speech audio and made one of the birds

a girl creating a new meme in the process.

"lemme smash.


No ron.

Go find becky.

you want sum fuk?"

Since then others have taken the original video and remixed it in strange ways using

the video or sometimes just the audio.

we're number lemme smash we are lemme smash

Various youtubers have taken inspiration from the original video and created their own versions

with new footage and storylines.

what is it ron?

Can I smash?

Your tail is small.



Ok but I want sticks

and some people have even taken my childhood and given it a whole different meaning.

"lemme smash.


No ron.

Go find becky.

you want sum fuk?"

The meme has began to vary in different ways but usually follows the format of text to

speech audio and a males pursuit of the pearly gates of heaven known as vagina and the lengths

they are willing to go to obtain it…birds or humans, man or woman, gay or straight,

we're all animals and can relate to our buddy here.

So there you have it!!

Lemme smash started off as a term that somebody may use while wanting to play a video game

and has evolved into a completely different meaning becoming a meme along the way!!!!

But hey!!!

That's the internet for you and on the internet memes are king!!

Thank you all so very much for watching! make sure to subscribe so you can catch my next

video and stay up to date on all your favorite memes and trends!!!

Who knows you may learn about something you never knew about before!!

I'll catch you beautiful people next time

lemme smash lemme smash lemme smash lemme smash lemme smash lem smas le sm le sm le

sm Please

For more infomation >> What is the lemme smash meme? The history and origin of the lemme smash bird memes - Duration: 5:13.


Being Arnold Palmer's grandson is hard enough, but Sam Saunders also plays on the PGA Tour - Duration: 4:27.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sam Saunders tried to put his thoughts down on paper, except that it wasn't working.

Instead, he stood behind the podium at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, without notes, just powerful memories. He looked out at nearly 1,000 golf dignitaries from around the world who came to honor his grandfather, Arnold Palmer, whom Saunders eulogized with great eloquence.

"I spoke from the heart, as my granddad always did," Saunders said Thursday as he looked back at the Oct. 4 memorial service for Palmer. "I spoke the truth.

I didn't want to make anything up.

I didn't want it to just sound good.

I just said what I felt and I'm very fortunate that I was able to get the words out and keep my composure."

Saunders was much more comfortable at Riviera, where he opened with a 7-under 64 and had a two-shot lead among the players who finished the first round of the Genesis Open. It would be easy to look at this as another tribute. After all, this is the 50-year anniversary of Palmer winning back-to-back in the Los Angeles Open.

But it's more of a coincidence.

Yes, Palmer was a three-time winner of this tournament, but that was when it was held at Rancho Municipal, not Riviera. Palmer had a connection with Riviera only because he connected with everybody at any golf course.

And that's how Saunders looks at it today.

Sam Saunders shoots an opening-round 7-under to take the lead in the Genesis Open.

(Gary A. Vasquez/USA Today Sports)

"We all miss him. It's not just me," Saunders said. "People come up and say, 'I'm so sorry for your loss.' The truth is, we all lost somebody that meant a great deal to us and did a lot for all of us.

If I look at it subjectively as just a guy, a young guy that plays on the PGA Tour, I owe my entire career to him — not because I'm his grandson, but because I'm a guy who plays on the PGA Tour.

We're all out here because of what he did."

Saunders is still trying to find his way.

The last five months can seem like a blur, from the last phone call he made to Palmer on Sept. 25 just hours before he died, the memorial service and trying to balance being a husband, father to two sons and a professional golfer who no longer has full status.

Saunders finished 148th in the FedEx Cup last year, giving him limited status. He already has received two sponsor exemptions, to the CareerBuilder Challenge and the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, and missed the cut in both.

He received another exemption to the Genesis Open, and so far, he's making the best of it.

Saunders was asked if he studies the history of a tournament he plays to see how Palmer did in case questions or references arise, and he smiled and said, "I can't read that much." Palmer simply left his mark everywhere on golf.

Arnold Palmer had an 'Army' of fans in his gallery. His grandson? Not so much.

That used to be daunting, particularly when he was a teenager and his grandfather — Saunders called him "Dumpy" — worked on his grip and his swing. There were times when Saunders wanted to be his own person, make his own way, not be referred to do all the time as Palmer's grandson.

Eventually, he learned to embrace it. And now, he wouldn't want it any other way.

"I don't need to compete against my grandfather's career. Nobody can," he said. "I don't care how many golf tournaments you win, nobody's going to compete in the terms of doing what he did for the game.

And for me to try to promote my own brand or name would be foolish because I have such a great opportunity to promote and to continue what he has already done.

That's what I'm going to do and not make it about myself."

He would love to extend his good play over the next few days at Riviera.

Saunders already has received another exemption to the Valspar Championship near Tampa, Florida, next month. And then he has the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill, where tournament duties have been divided among Curtis Strange, Graeme McDowell, Peter Jacobsen and Annika Sorenstam. Saunders will be involved, too, recently joining the board of "Arnie's Army Charitable Foundation."

But he's still a golfer, and he's still trying to find a way. He thought back to the memorial service, how poised he was on such a big stage, how much words meant to so many people who wanted to honor The King. He wonders if that brought a little more perspective to the golf course.

"I do feel a little bit more comfortable out here just knowing that was a pretty big stage and a pretty big moment and I was OK. I felt comfortable up there," Saunders said. "So if I can handle that, I would like to think that maybe I can handle being in a position out here with an opportunity to win a golf tournament."

For more infomation >> Being Arnold Palmer's grandson is hard enough, but Sam Saunders also plays on the PGA Tour - Duration: 4:27.


Trump, not ISIS, is America's greatest existential threat - Duration: 5:12.

Who is more dangerous to the American way of life: ISIS or Donald Trump?

The answer is obvious: Trump.

This is not some bit of clickbait. I realized anew during Thursday's press flagellation that Trump can wreak far more havoc on America, its vaunted institutions and its people than a terror group on the other side of the world.

First, the facts: Alex Nowrasteh's much-cited Cato Institute analysis of terror attacks on American soil between 1975 and 2015 reveals that an American has a 1 in 3.6 million chance every year of being murdered by a foreign-born terrorist. The rate of death for victims of ISIS is even lower.

"The annual chance of being murdered by somebody other than a foreign-born terrorist was 252.9 times greater than the chance of dying in a terrorist attack committed by a foreign-born terrorist," Nowrasteh writes.

41 photos view gallery

Donald Trump in the White House

You're also 19% more likely to be killed because your clothes catch fire than to be killed by a terrorist in this country.

So let's dispense with this notion that our way of life is under siege by ISIS. Terror attacks are horrible and unjustified, but random acts of violence have zero potential to destroy our country.

President Trump on the other hand...

He's not a murderer. He isn't advocating beheading his opponents (yet). But his early moves — and his obvious mental instability — threaten our way of life. Let us count the ways:

The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017

His fake 'fake news' obsession

In an otherwise self-laudatory and narcissistic press conference, Trump made it clear that he does not value a free press — a major pillar of American democracy. The press, he said, "has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. ... The press honestly is out of control.

The level of dishonesty is out of control."

That's right out of the totalitarian playbook: demean the press — and add in enough fake news like the "Bowling Green Massacre" or his lie that his 306 electoral voters represents the biggest landslide since Reagan — into the mix until the public doesn't know, and no longer cares, what's true and what isn't. But truth matters. Without it, a leader can claim that the Earth is not warming, that Russia did not steal Crimea, that illegal immigrants are all criminals — and draft policies that will reflect the lies.

Guns for everyone

Americans have a 1 in 3.6 million chance each year of dying at the hands of a foreign-born terrorist, according to the Cato Institute.

(© Stringer . / Reuters/REUTERS)

Lost in the fusillade of executive orders is a Trump-supported bill moving to his desk that would overturn an Obama Administration move to bar roughly 75,000 mentally incapacitated people from purchasing guns. These aren't people who should own guns; they are people whose schizophrenia, psychotic disorders and other mental health problems are so severe that they receive federal disability pay — "people who have conditions that make it impossible for them to work (or) manage their own affairs," as the Times put it. In other words, people who should not have guns.

The rule was drafted in hopes of preventing another mass shooting like Newtown — committed by a person with severe mental incapacity.

Raping the environment

With a few strokes of his pen, President Trump has weakened basic environmental safeguards, meaning in the next few years, your water and air will be more toxic. On Thursday he signed a bill allowing mining companies to pollute waterways. His appointee to head the Environmental Protection Agency head spent most of his previous career suing the agency to prevent it from undertaking the first two words of its name.

And Trump has signaled that he will undo other efforts to battle climate change — an irony considering that he's simultaneously building higher seawalls to protect an Irish golf course.

Taken as a whole, Trump's disregard for the environment can have disastrous, lasting consequences on our way of life.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 847,000 deaths annually in the Americas from "unhealthy environments." That's far more people killed by ISIS.

Judging the judges

Unlike ISIS, Trump does not behead his opponents (yet.)

Every president loses some rounds in court — but only Trump has singled out judges in an attempt to undermine faith in America's independent judiciary and attack this other pillar of our democracy. "Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril," Trump tweeted about the "so-called judge" who suspended his travel ban. "If something happens blame him and court system.

People pouring in. Bad!

" Trump's attack on judges have been so vicious that even his pick for the Supreme Court called it "demoralizing." It's worse than that.

If Trump can convince more Americans that the judiciary is an unfair referee, he will have no one to stop him when he does something truly dangerous.

Alien concepts

Trump's coming mass deportation of undocumented immigrants — which has begun in major cities — also threatens our way of life. I get a lot of hate mail depicting illegal immigrants as criminals and job-swipers, but statistics show they are far less likely to commit a crime (beyond being here without documentation) and far more likely to perform jobs that American citizens want. Major cities can't operate without undocumented immigrants — and agriculture needs laborers to pick the crops.

"The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy," reported The Hill.

Even Texas — hardly a hotbed of progressive thinking — knows it depends on so-called illegal immigrants.

"Without the undocumented population, Texas' work force would decrease by 6.3%" and its gross state product would decrease by 2.1%, said state Comptroller Susan Combs.

So who is the greater threat to our way of life — a group that has killed a few handful of Americans or a President who will undermine our democracy with lies and attacks, poison our air and water, hurt our economy and ensure that mentally ill people get guns?

To me, it's obvious.

For more infomation >> Trump, not ISIS, is America's greatest existential threat - Duration: 5:12.


DAC A5 - Duration: 1:48.


My name is SeAndra.

My name is AJ.

SeAndrA: We have something to tell you! AJ: What is it?

DAC wants to do something different and fun, and that would be A5.

The event will have Deaf poets, Deaf rappers, Deaf dancers, and so goes on.

The event is on Monday, June 5th at 7:00PM at Theatre Three.

For these Deaf interested in participation, please send an email to...

AJ: When is the deadline? SeAndra: April 15th.

We will share more details in another vlog shortly.

Save the date! Mark it on your calendar.

See you there!

AJ: What is it? SeAndra: You're so English! Amazing.

Seriously? Honestly?

Cut! CUT!

Deaf A... never mind. Deaf A... Never mind!

AJ:The event will have Deaf... SeAndra: Still English!

THE! No. It's "event what?"

Deaf rappers

SeAndra: For real? AJ: No, I'm practicing.

SeAndra: He's filming again.. AJ: He saw that. Look, he's laughing.

AJ:The event will have Deaf poets, professionals, and rappers... SeAndra: Still English

Why are you laughing?

AJ: Will... SeAndra: Still! We need to cross that word out.

SeAndra: I got only one! AJ: No, we're 1 to 1.

No, you got 500!

For more infomation >> DAC A5 - Duration: 1:48.


Trump Press Conference - This press conference is proof Donald Trump will never be presidential - Duration: 5:44.

Trump Press Conference - This press conference is proof Donald Trump will never be presidential

Trump spent his first solo press conference as president berating the press and dodging any serious questions – and none of it is ever going to be normal

It was an exhausting 77-minute extravaganza, and any five-minute segment would have been enough to make front-page headlines around the world. For the president of the United States, the simple act of sneezing can be newsworthy.

When the president goes on a freeform monologue, occasionally interrupted by questions, that is almost the length of a motion picture, as Donald Trump did on Thursday, the news can be overwhelming.

The entirety represents a deluge that is difficult to process.

Trump said he wasn't "ranting and raving" during his press conference, and that was correct.

The president was confidently unhinged as he spent more than an hour berating the press and boasting without any real basis that "there has never been a presidency that's done so much in such a short period of time".

The press conference, nominally called to announce the nomination of Alexander Acosta to be secretary of labor, represented the first opportunity for reporters to ask the president about a series of stories about his administration's ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Trump responded by focusing on the real enemy – the media.

In fact, at times, it felt that the press conference focused more on CNN correspondent Jim Acosta than Alexander Acosta (Trump even made sure to check with the CNN correspondent that the two weren't related) as the president prosecuted his case against CNN.

Often, Trump seemed to be in a time capsule, railing against Hillary Clinton and reusing entire paragraphs of rhetoric that he had once directed against her while campaigning for the White House.

The result was a spectacle that was sheer entertainment if not terribly presidential.

It was more comedian Henny Youngman than president William Henry Harrison as Trump needled reporters and engaged in a brand of insult comedy that was familiar from the campaign trail.

At times, reporters couldn't help but laugh at the president's jabs despite their best instincts, simply because Trump's comments were just that wacky and bizarre.

At times, the interactions with reporters went beyond combative into a Twilight Zone. Trump told an Orthodox Jewish reporter who asked him about an upsurge in antisemitic incidents that he had asked "a very insulting question".

He later suggested to an African American reporter who had asked about whether Trump had consulted with the Congressional Black Caucus about his plan for inner cities that she should organize the meeting.

"Tell you what, do you want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the meeting? Are they friends of yours?" the president asked the reporter about an influential bloc of congressmen.

Trump suggested that "drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars"; insisted he only claimed falsely at the beginning of the press conference that he had won "the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan" (in fact George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all won more electoral college votes) because he "was given bad information"; and opined in detail on CNN's programming and ratings in its 10pm hour.

And there was an abundance of hard news. He insisted that "we had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban" despite all evidence and announced a new executive order on the topic was coming next week.

He assailed all reports on his aides' ties to Russia as "a ruse" and "fake" while conceding that the cascade of leaks on the subject was real.

He said he had fired his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, because "he didn't tell our vice-president properly" about his calls with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak but insisted that there was nothing improper about making the calls.

"I would have directed him to do it if he wasn't doing it, because that's his job." And he hedged on Barack Obama's controversial Daca program for undocumented immigrants who entered the country as children.

During the election campaign, Trump would routinely make half a dozen statements at a single rally that might prove fatal to any other candidate.

It was hard for the media to focus on a single issue then, when Trump was still an outsider and an underdog.

Today, some might focus on Trump's statements on Russia or his attacks on the media. Others might focus on his outright lies and bizarre claims.

But there can only be one takeaway from the press conference – Trump may have become president, but he will never be presidential. It has only been 27 days since the president took office.

There are still at least three years and 11 months left to go, and it is never going to be normal.

For more infomation >> Trump Press Conference - This press conference is proof Donald Trump will never be presidential - Duration: 5:44.


Heal Your Lungs With THIS Tea Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Rheumatism, Infections - Duration: 3:34.

Heal Your Lungs With THIS Tea Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Rheumatism, Infections.

Oregano is an essential culinary and medicinal herb that has been used since ancient days,

with many powerful health benefits.

Due to its potent antioxidants, antibacterial, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties,

oregano has many possible health benefits.

Oregano is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, fiber, calcium, niacin, manganese, folate,

magnesium, iron, and the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin.

Its antioxidant power and proven disease prevention is incredible.

In fact, oregano has one of the highest antioxidant activity ratings, which is excellent for neutralizing

free radicals.

This fragrant Mediterranean herb can help the body to detoxify, thus is beneficial to

remedy many ailments.

How to use Oregano for medical benefits

Oregano can be administered in many ways to obtain its beneficial effects.

You can use fresh or dried oregano leaves, in its oil form, or taken as tablets as a


A common way to use oregano is by steeping a tea.

The tea can be made with fresh or dried oregano.

About 1 to 2 teaspoons (which is 5 to 10 grams) should be steeped in a cup of hot water for

5 minutes.

The recommended dosage of this tea is up to three times daily.

Moreover, oregano oil can be applied topically for treatment of microbial infections, such

as athlete's foot or other fungal infections.

The oil needs to be diluted by 50% or more prior to application and it can be applied

twice daily.

Health benefits of oregano

Cough and cold Asthma

Arthritis Digestive disorder

Muscle pain Acne

Dandruff Bronchitis

Toothache Bloating

Headaches Heart conditions

Heartburn (acid reflux) Allergies

Intestinal parasites Earache

Fatigue Repelling insects

Urinary tract infections Menstrual cramps

Cancer How to make oregano tea to heal a cough, asthma,

bronchitis, emphysema, rheumatism, infections and more


4-6 tablespoons of dried oregano leaves 2-3 cups of water

A slice of organic lemon to increase bioavailability (optional)

Organic raw honey to taste (if desired) Instructions:

Put pure drinking water in a small pot to boil on the stove, turn off heat when boiled.

Add oregano leaves and allow to steep for five minutes and cool.

Strain the leaves and add honey to taste, if desired.

Drink warm throughout the day to reap its maximum benefits.

For more infomation >> Heal Your Lungs With THIS Tea Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Rheumatism, Infections - Duration: 3:34.


Rare Full Werner Herzog Documentary "The Ball is a Scumbag" - Duration: 42:45.

I know, how much of swine...a dirty big this here can be!

The ball is a scumbag

Since 1971 Rudi Gutendorf and Werner Herzog have been Rudfriends

Rudi is one of my close friends.

Sometimes it happens that you can become friends without having a prehistory.

Without having commonalties of shared experience beforehand.

Many years ago, we became aquianted in Peru...

as I was just preparing for filming my feature-movie "Aguirre, the Wrath of God",

I got to know him and thought to myslef straight away: "Thats a real wildling!"

"Like a really wild boar!".

But a very deep, sincere and special person.

Only a little later, soccer also brought us together.

He inveted my to his soccer training.

He was head coach of the top peruvian soccer club at that time.

And I participated in the conditional training session

But had now idea with what intensity and unbelievable harshness they work there.

Also just how fast and extreme the running and struggling on the field really is.

I realized that during a test-match

a player was missing

and he said: "Werner, you're playing!


I could not avoid it and he asked which opponent I want to cover?

I told him I'll play against the best player you have.

"You have Gallardo in your team, the star player of the world cup"

"Where Peru surprisingly ranked 8th"

As a player he (Gallardo) was ranked 11th best of the world.

An unpredicablte player.

No man could stop or block him.

The fastest player in that time.

On any soccer field.

And I thought to myself: "Yes, you're going to give him a hard time".

I tried to keep up with him.

It was absolutely hopeless.


He was always several meteres away from me, no matter what.

And I believe after 10 minutes,

I had no idea anymore, in what direction we are even playing.

I did not even know anymore, what jersey my team had and which the opponents had.

And after 15 minutes on the field, I have to admit;

I crawled from the field with cramps everywhere.

For hours I was throwing up from exhaustion.

On the side of the field, in bushels.

Rudi must have noticed that, but was kind enough to oversee that for me.

Now we are driving to his home in the "Westerwald".

He has a house there, on a mountain-top in the middle of the forrest.

I look forward to seeing him.

Well, the ball...

to be honest, its my life.

I can thank it that I can live well today.

That I myself am well thanks to it.

And the few triumphs that I could celebrate

but also many bitter failures

that it also gave me. The indignities....

I know what kind of bastard and big this ball can be!

When it decides to roll towards the goal ladders inside, but then instead of going into the goal

and just when you are ready to kiss it from joy,

it bounces back outside and rolls all the way back to the mid-line.

I have experienced this

once in Thun (Switzerland), in front of an empty goal!

I already saw it in the net,

and bounces straight up over the goal

so that the whole stadium was laughing.

Just humiliation... Tha ball can give you everything.

I think of the world cup final in London, where the ball went against all laws of physics,

the ball bounces behind the line and rebounds back outside of the goal!

That is the ball.

I know today, that it lives by its own rules.

I know how bitchy it can be...The africans, especially east-africans

they understand more about what is within the ball.

Not only air.

They know when a ball is cursed.

I experienced it in Tanzania.

A ball flew into the crowds and afterwars was thrown back onte the field,

punctured and stabbed with holes from the onlookers.

As a new ball came into the game, the competitors said they will not continue the match with a new ball.

"The replaced ball is cursed", they said.

Their team left the field. In an international game!

It was vs. Somalia. They did not come back to presume the match.

40.000 viewers were there, waiting for the game to resume.

They just said: "No we're not playing with a cursed ball."

And I too sometimes have that feeling, that a ball can be cursed.

But at the same time can be so beautiful!

When you drop-kick it correctly, hit it correclty

and it shoots like a catapult.

The goal-keeper reaches as far as he can,

but it still flies into the goal.

Then you want to gave that ball your whole heart.

What a beautifil thing it is.

Rudi Gutendorf coached six 1.Legeau German Clubs and a total of 38 Nationalteams, to this date.

For more infomation >> Rare Full Werner Herzog Documentary "The Ball is a Scumbag" - Duration: 42:45.




by Edward Morgan.

We are Moving out of 3D Separation Consciousness�

This is a subject that feels timely because much ancient darkness is being released right

now from the planetary light grids ad from our energy fields.

We are passing through a powerful time in our collective awakening.

Light and dark forces have pushed our collective evolutionary process to a crucial point.

In the next two years it is likely that many Starseeds on the planet will be called to

awaken (2017-2018).

We are being pushed to awaken and align with our true authentic light.

This process of mass awakening will continue until around 2032.

Then we enter a new period of seeding the new earth.

Now we are clearing out the ancient darkness.

Anything that is not love is being pushed to the surface.

Fear and separation consciousness are the hallmarks of the outgoing epoch.

Love and Unity consciousness are the hallmarks of the new age of light being birthed on the


This has been an Experiment in Separation Consciousness.

Earth has been a �dark� planet for many thousands of years.

We just have to look at what has been going on the past few thousand years to know this.

We have been locked in a form of spiritual quarantine and it has been quite challenging

until fairly recently to birth much light here.

This has been an experiment in separation consciousness that has gone just about as

far as it can go.

Ask any Starseed (a being who is not native to this 3D-4D dimension of the earth) and

they will tell you that there is something very wrong with the way things are done here

on Planet Earth.

There is something very wrong with the way we treat the planet, with the way we enslave

human communities to work for short term gains that in no way enhance life on earth in the

long term.

Ask any Earthseed (a being who has been stuck in the reincarnational cycle of this dimension

of earth for a very long time) and they may say they have no idea what you are talking


To most people on the planet (currently Earthseeds) spiritual awakening is at best, seen as a

self-centred indulgence and at worst something to be feared and blocked.

We are a Genetically Altered Race�

Cosmic interference goes back a long way and it is a truism that we are a genetically altered


Now this statement has many aspects, both �positive� and �negative�.

We have been positively assisted in our genetic/conscious evolution here by a number of star groups.

We have been helped particularly by our Pleiadian brothers and sisters amongst others.

Much DNA material was gifted by our Pleiadian brothers and sisters in the distant past.

In our more recent history there has been a more �negative� form of interference

and our DNA became spliced with lower frequency (Orion) DNA.

This has made the human race more aggressive than was originally conceived.

It seems that at a higher level this was a collective decision taken to help humanity

collectively explore separation from Source energy.

So humanity has both angelic and demonic potential.

This no doubt explains much of its history since the demise of Golden Atlantis.

Speaking on this decision to explore separation consciousness, who am I to question such a


Having walked this earthplane for nearly six decades I certainly ready and willing to do

all I can to assist in helping as many as possible move on through this rather painful

collective experiment!

This is the Time All the Prophecies Speak About�.

There are �dark� forces on the planet that are anti-light and anti-evolutionary.

Mostly these forces are hidden though as the energies are shifting they are becoming easier

to recognise.

This is all part of the great game of growth.

Around the year 2000 �dark� forces became aware of what was happening in terms of the

planetary shift and decided to do something about it.

Please remember this is all part of the game of consciousness evolution even though it

can feel more than a little tough for those doing the work on the ground.

Before the year 2000 it was a little different.

I remember the 90�s as being fairly idyllic with very little interference from the �dark�


We could manifest our car parking spaces will little trouble.

Spirituality seemed light, hopeful and joyful.

The world seemed less volatile.

The New Age of Light seemed just around the corner.

This all seemed to change around the millennium when a plan was put in motion to block the

ascension process through all means available.

This plan involved utilising both practical physical forces as well as lower energetic

astral forces to block the ascension/awakening process.

Certain Lightworkers/Starseeds were targeted and attacked.

This is how the game has been played out.

We are in a time where light and dark forces seem to be battling it out.

This is also reflected on the inside with the ego and Higher Self seemingly wrestling

to determine which path we will take in future.

The path of fear and contraction or the path of love.

This is the time of prophecy and so everything has to change.

So many prophecies around the world have spoken about this time.

From the Mayan calendar to the Book of Revelations, they all say roughly the same thing.

We will pass through a time of great spiritual darkness to eventually emerge into a new time

of light on the planet.

Much Darkness is Coming to the Surface�

There is so much darkness and manipulation in many of our governing systems that is becoming


There are many Starseeds working to expose the dark.

If you want to know who they are just think of those warriors of love � Anonymous and

whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden.

Some of this darkness seems so gross and �evil� that it seems barely believable.

Evidence of very dark practises in high places are slowly becoming revealed to the masses.

This is one reason why many old systems are wobbling badly.

The real reason they are wobbling is because they are not aligned with the new energies

coming in now.

Some are ripe for collapse.

Some for radical change.

The financial system is perhaps key to this process of global awakening since currently

it serves to keep most of humanity locked in anxiety, anger, busyness, distraction,

insecurity and fear.

Capitalism in its current form is highly problematic because it is incompatible with the energies

of the incoming Aquarian Age.

The new energies are about collective cooperation and unity consciousness whereas our current

capitalist system is mostly about serving a very small number of people at the top of

the food chain at the expense of the many.

The �Dark� Can No Longer Shut Out the Light�

The �dark� has been trying to hold onto control through various subversive activities.

9/11 which was certainly a last ditch desperate act by the �dark� to keep the earthplane

locked in violence, war and enemy patterning (seeing a group of people as the enemy).

Western leaders have been persuaded by the �dark� to launch military invasions on

the pretence of fighting terrorism.

What this is really about is an attempt to control essential resources and strategic

footholds as well as making a few corporate chums much wealthier.

Most importantly keeping the vibration of the planet artificially in fear.

Most of what we see on the world stage is heavily manipulated and designed to keep humanity

locked in a frequency prison that restricts our ability to connect with our inner light

and the emerging ascension grids within and around the earth.

When the vibrations are kept artificially low then it is difficult to know our authentic


We are kept locked in �negative� ego patterns that help to keep us playing small.

The good news is this frequency prison is no longer able to shut out the incoming light.

There are just too many Starseeds awakening on the planet and the light bombarding earth

now is just too strong.

(Since 2012 most souls being born here are Starseed in nature).

Look into a Dark Mirror�

This work of facing darkness must start with ourselves.

We are multidimensional beings and we have come through a long reincarnational cycle

that involves experiencing both the light and the dark.

At a soul level, we choose to know the dark so that eventually we can undo it in ourselves

and in our shared reality.

I have met many Lightworkers who are afraid to look at the dark.

They only want to see what is light bright and beautiful about themselves.

I understand the reasons for this totally.

When we first come to the spiritual path it can feel so nurturing, affirming and expanding.

At a certain point when we have gained enough spiritual strength it is important to look

also at our darkness.

The intention here is not to reinforce our darkness but to understand the lessons there

and to dissipate anything that no longer serves our highest path.

When we look into this dark mirror we start to feel and release any stuck emotions.

We start to process our unquestioned beliefs and the narrow ways we perceive the world.

When we embrace our light and look into this dark mirror anything that is not of the light

will eventually be cast out.

Look With Great Compassion�

When we look into ourselves we need to do so with great compassion.

The same is true when we look at darkness in the world.

We are only triggered by darkness when we have unresolved dark patterns, beliefs that

the dark is somehow stronger than light, fear of the dark, hidden vows with the dark and

so on.

Looking in the dark mirror can be a powerful process.

I have been doing this work more intensely since 9/11 which was a powerful wake up call

for many.

A few years ago i set up a Facebook group called �Conscious Media� which is where

I invited others to look deeply into the collective dark shadow.

I have had lots of personal processing with issues such as violent repression in countries

such as Tibet and Palestine.

My heart has ached for the refugees from Libya and Syria.

I have processed my issues with corporations like Monsanto (aka Frankenstein Foods) who

seem to care nothing about the planet and everything about their annual profits.

I have looked at Western Governments becoming increasingly repressive and invasive.

The list goes on and I will not bore you with more details.

The point is after doing this work for a few years I have burnt out most if not all of

these painful triggers.

I still see and hear what is going on in the world but it does not rattle me.

Now I am able to more fully focus on the light again after this process.

I am able to do something of service rather than feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the

problems in the world.

This the dark mirror can have a freeing effect.

The dark mirror can also help us uncover personal karma.

All the dark reflections we see in the world, all the abuse, violence, injustice whatever

the triggers they all reflect something important back to us.

They show where we have been abuser and abused, tyrant and the oppressed, master and slave,

killer and the slain and so on.

This is why certain reflections hurt more than others.

Some of us have had many lifetimes growing through certain challenges and now these patterns

are being provoked by the light.

Do We Need Psychic Protection?

Of course, the question is raised, if the world is our mirror why do we need psychic


Why not just keep working on cleaning/polishing our own stuff?

Because we are multidimensional beings and there are just so many layers to clean and


This is like the layers of an onion,.

As we clear the top layers only then do the deeper layers reveal themselves.

Therefore it is ridiculous to believe that we can clear out our psychic crap in one weekend


When we start the process we clear out something and stir up something up.

Like mud at the bottom of a bucket of water that gets stirred up when we start to clean

the water.

Because of this it is important to know what to do when we unintentionally stir up lower

astral stuff.

Those who only focus on the light without any awareness of the �dark� are being

a tad naive.

The �dark� is part of the evolutionary impulse.

Yes, they block and challenge and test in order to create the drive and desire to fully

embrace the light.

Knowing this does not help when we encounter the dark blocking our path.

So, I recommend some basic techniques to clear and protect your energy fields until that

wondrous day when those techniques are no longer necessary.

That time is a little way off at the moment.

There is Much Help Available�

Fortunately we are not alone in this grand adventure of consciousness.

We are not here in this �dark� matrix alone.

There is much help on the inner planes.

We are not alone and when we feel able to connect more fully with our Higher Self, guides,

angelic forces and the ascension grids within and around the planet then it becomes much

easier to deal with lower astral interference.

The light within Gaia herself is there to assist us.

Energies from the Central Sun are impacting the earth via the Stargate of our own local


There are many Star Races focusing on Planet Earth right now as well as interdimensional

beings who are contacting beings open to their messages around the planet.

There is just so much help now in clearing out the dark that there really is no need

to worry about it anymore.

The end game has been decided upon.

Those who wish to continue following their soul evolution in a 3D existence can do so,


This dimension of the earth is ascending through 4D to 5D and no darkness will be allowed entry


If we wish to experience heaven on earth, then we must face the dark and then drop it.

For more infomation >> STARSEEDS AND LIGHTWORKERS – TIME TO FACE THE DARK MIRROR - Duration: 14:49.


10 Forgotten Truths To Help You Get Through Hard Times - Duration: 14:15.

10 Forgotten Truths To Help You Get Through Hard Times

By Dylan Harper

I want to remind you of a few powerful, yet easily forgotten truths that will help you

choose wisely and grow stronger even through the hardest times�

The wisest, most loving, and well rounded people you have ever met are likely those

who have known misery, known defeat, known the heartbreak of losing something or someone

they loved, and have found their way out of the depths of their own despair. These people

have experienced many ups and downs, and have gained an appreciation, a sensitivity, and

an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, understanding and a deep loving

wisdom. People like this aren�t born; they develop slowly over the course of time.

Angel and I have worked with thousands of these incredible people over the past decade,

both online and offline, through various forms of coaching. In many cases they came to us

feeling stuck and lost, unaware of their own brilliance, blind to the fact that their struggles

have strengthened them and given them an upper hand in this crazy world.

Truth be told, when hard times hit, and the challenges you face are great, you can either

let your situation define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you. The choice is

yours to make.

1. Pain is part of life and love, and it helps you grow.

So many of us are afraid of ourselves, of our own truth, and our feelings most of all.

We talk about how great the concepts of life and love are, but then we hide from both every

day. We hide from our truest feelings. Because the truth is life and love hurt sometimes,

and the feelings this brings disturbs us.

We are taught at an early age that all pain is evil and harmful. Yet, how can we ever

deal with real life and true love if we�re afraid to feel what we really feel? We need

to feel pain, just as we need to feel alive and loved. Pain is meant to wake us up. Yet

we try to hide our pain. Realize this. Pain is something to carry willingly, just like

good sense. Because you can only learn how strong you are when being strong is the only

choice you have.

It�s all in how you carry the things that don�t go your way. That�s what matters

in the end. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you � your own reality. If

you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you�re letting the lies of insecurity destroy your

reality. You should stand up for your right to feel pain � to endure it � to own your

scars � to deal with the realities of life and love, as you grow into the strongest,

wisest, truest version of yourself.

2. Mindset is half the battle.

It�s okay to have down days and tough times. Expecting life to be wonderful all the time

is wanting to swim in an ocean in which waves only rise up and never come crashing down.

However, when you recognize that the rising and crashing waves are part of the exact same

ocean, you are able to let go and be at peace with the reality of these ups and downs. It

becomes clear that life�s ups require life�s downs.

In other words, life isn�t perfect, but it sure is good. Our goal shouldn�t be to

create a perfect life, but to live an imperfect life in radical amazement. To get up every

morning and take a good look around in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything

is extraordinary. Every day is a gift. Never treat life casually. To be spiritual in any

way is to be amazed in every way.

Do not let the pain of a situation make you hopeless. Do not let negativity wear off on

you. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Even though others may disagree

with you, take pride in the fact that you still know the world to be a beautiful place.

Change your thoughts and you change your reality.

And mindset is especially powerful when it comes to accepting that�

3. Your biggest fears don�t really exist.

When times are hard it can be difficult to follow your heart and take another step, but

it�s a tragedy to let the lies of fear stop you. Although fear can feel overwhelming,

and defeats more people than any other force in the world, it�s not as powerful as it

seems. Fear is only as deep as your mind allows. You are still in control. So take control!

The key is to acknowledge your fear and directly address it. Fight hard to shine the light

of your words upon it. Because if you don�t, if your fear becomes a wordless, obscure darkness

that you avoid, and perhaps even manage to briefly forget, you open yourself to future

attacks from fear when you least expect it. Because you never truly faced the opponent

who defeated you.

You CAN beat fear if you face it. Be courageous! And remember that courage doesn�t mean you

don�t get afraid; courage means you don�t let fear stop you from moving forward with

your life. (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the �Adversity� chapter of 1,000

Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

4. You are growing through experience.

Over time you will find that life isn�t necessarily any easier or harder than you

thought it was going to be; it�s just that the easy and the hard aren�t exactly the

way you had anticipated, and don�t always occur when you expect them to. This isn�t

a bad thing; it makes life interesting. With a positive attitude you will always be pleasantly


When you stop expecting things to be a certain way, you can appreciate them for what they

are. Ultimately you will realize that life�s greatest gifts are rarely wrapped the way

you expected.

Experience is what you get when your plans don�t go as planned, and experience is the

most valuable commodity you own � it builds your strength.

You have the power to turn your wounds and worries into wisdom; you just have to do something

about them. You have to accept what has happened and use what you�ve learned to step forward.

Everything you�ve experienced has given you the upper hand for dealing with everything

you have yet to experience. Realize this and set yourself free.

5. You can�t change situations you don�t take responsibility for.

Sigmund Freud once said, �Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves

responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.� Don�t let this be

you. When you blame others for what you�re going through, you deny responsibility � you

surrender power over that part of your life.

Make no mistake, in the end, the price of happiness IS responsibility. As soon as you

stop making everyone and everything else responsible for your happiness, the happier you�ll be.

If you�re unhappy now, it�s not someone else�s fault.

Ultimately, your happiness depends on your self-reliance � your unshakable willingness

to take responsibility for your life from this moment forward, regardless of who had

a hand in making it the way it is now. It�s about taking control of your present circumstances,

thinking for yourself, and making a firm choice to choose differently. It�s about being

the hero of your life, not the victim.

6. The present is all you really have to deal with.

Life is not lived in some distant, imagined land of someday where everything is perfect.

It is lived here and now, with the reality of the way things are. Yes, by all means you

can work toward an idealized tomorrow. Yet to do so, you must successfully deal with

the world as it is today.

Sometimes we avoid experiencing exactly where we are because we have developed a belief,

based on past experiences, that it is not where we should be or want to be. But the

truth is, where you are now is exactly where you need to be to get to where you want to

go tomorrow. So appreciate where you are.

Your friends and family are too beautiful to ignore. Take a moment to remember how fortunate

you are to be breathing. Take a look around, with your eyes earnestly open to the possibilities

before you. Much of what you fear does not exist. Much of what you love is closer than

you realize. You are just one brief thought away from understanding the blessing that

is your life.

Happiness is a mindset that can only be designed into the present. It�s not a point in the

future or a moment from the past; yet sadly, this misconception hurts the masses. So many

young people seem to think all their happiness awaits them in the years ahead, while so many

older people believe their best moments are behind them. Don�t be either of them. Don�t

let the past and the future steal your present.

7. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

Life is better when you�re smiling. Being positive in a negative situation is not naive;

it�s a sign of leadership and strength. You�re doing it right when you have so much

to cry and complain about, but you prefer to smile and appreciate your life instead.

What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you were thankful for today?

Think of all the beauty that remains around you, see it and smile. Be thankful for all

the small things in your life, because when you put them all together you will see just

how significant they are. At the end of the day, it�s not happiness that makes us thankful,

but thankfulness that makes us happy.

8. Great things take time.

Instant results are rarely the best results. With patience, you can greatly expand your

potential. If your desires were always fulfilled immediately, you would have nothing to look

forward to. You would miss out on the joys of anticipation and progress.

Remember, patience is not about waiting; it�s the ability to keep a good attitude while

working hard for what you believe in. It�s the willingness to stay focused, confidently

staking one small step at a time, knowing that the way you move a mountain is by moving

one stone at a time. Every stone you move, no matter how small, is progress.

Bottom line: You deserve more than mere instant gratification. Value that arrives in an instant

is often gone in an instant. Value that takes time and commitment to create often outlives

its creator � YOU.

9. Other people cannot validate you.

When we�re struggling to achieve something important, sometimes we look to others to

validate our progress. But the truth is, they can�t�

You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of others, nor should you feel

that others are here to live up to yours. Pave your own unique path. What success means

to each of us is totally different. Success is ultimately about spending your life happily

in your own way.

You don�t have to be flashy to be impressive. You don�t have to be famous to be significant.

You don�t have to be a celebrity to be successful. You don�t need to be validated by anyone

else. You are already valuable. You just need to believe in yourself and what you wish to


You can be quietly humble and still be amazingly effective. Just because people don�t fall

at your feet and worship you, doesn�t mean you are a failure. Quiet success is just as

sweet as loud, flamboyant success, and usually far more real. Success is how you define it,

not what everyone else says it must be for you.

10. You are not alone.

In the midst of hard times, it�s easy to look around and see a bunch of people who

seem to be doing just fine. But they�re not. We�re all struggling in our own way.

And if we could just be brave enough to open up about it, and talk to each other, we�d

realize that we are not alone in feeling lost and alone.

So many of us are fighting the same exact battle alongside you. We are all in this together.

So no matter how embarrassed or pathetic you feel about your own situation, know that there

are others out there experiencing the same emotions. When you hear yourself say, �I

am all alone,� it�s just your worried mind trying to sell you a lie. There�s always

someone who can relate to you. Perhaps you can�t immediately talk to them, but they

are out there.

If you�re feeling desperate right now, hear me: I often feel and think and struggle much

like you do. I care about many of the things you care about, just in my own way. And although

some people do not understand us, we understand each other. YOU are not alone!


One of life�s greatest gifts is the fact that life is difficult. Because in dealing

with life�s difficulties, we build invaluable strength. This strength enables us to successfully

fulfill our deepest, most meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is difficult

that we are able to make it great. It is because life is difficult that we are able to rise

above the difficulties. We are able to make a difference and we are able to truly matter.

So remember this�

When times are tough, you must be tougher. Don�t pray for an easy life; pray for the

strength to endure a tough one that leads to greatness.

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