Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

ENERGY UPDATE � Don�t Give Up Just Before The Miracle.

by Anastacia,

Energies pushing �old ways� and addictions up that feel �real� and current/Don�t

give up just before the �miracle�

The last 48hrs has been an intense non-stop flow of releasing that which was suppressed,

that we were not aware of.

Energies pushing �old ways� and addictions up that feel �real� and current.

That which we had been doing �so well� with, in shifting and letting go of�of past

actions and behaviors that we had felt we moved through.

Our interactions with others has �pushed buttons� that we did not know or realize

were still there to be pushed.

This is an expansion of our energy on a greater scale that just ourselves.

It may seem for some that this is �one step forward and two back� when in fact it is

not�it is like a leaning back to gain further strength before we are propelled forward.

If one �gave themselves a hard time� in the past, then this will be coming up repeatedly

for as long as it needs to, for one to release this.

If one had a past behavior or addiction, then the �urge� with this will come up � as

an opportunity for us to choose to continue to no longer do this.

We have come so far and now is the time to �don�t give up just before the miracle�.

And to also realize that this is also coming up for others as well.

To realize that we need to keep shining our lights from within as when we do this, this

then flows out to others in the astrals, as many are asking �how do I help those around


We need to remember to �water ourselves from the well, before we can healthily water


To remind ourselves to keep pulling our energy back over to �our side of the fence� and

back into ourselves.

To understand that each soul is needing to go through what they are, to clear what has

been suppressed for them as a burning off of the dross or remnants that are coming up.

That by jumping into their �fire� will not help them, we need to be on the outside

of this and be true to ourselves, as this is the way we best �help� others.

Be the shining light that you truly are, even if at times you are not feeling this.

You are doing SO WELL and have come SO FAR.

As this is on a collective scale for and with HUmanity.

As we come up and back from the bigger picture in unconditional love and compassion for ALL

and starting with ourselves.

To help with bringing one�s energy into themselves, here is the Blue Beyond Wagon

Wheel method that can help immensely with this:


Picture a huge wagon wheel, with the hub and then spokes coming out of it.

Then see that wagon wheel above you, with the hub directly above your head.

Then bring the hub come down over your head until it is around your waist with the spokes

going out, disregarding the outside circle.

Then as the hub is around your waist and the spokes are going out, one by one, focus on

the spoke in front of you and as you put your energy into it, see it go out a couple of

feet and then turn it upwards and then bring it down into your head (crown chakra).

Keep concentrating until it comes into your crown chakra as the first time it can take

a bit of visualizing while putting your energy into it.

And then go around your body with each spoke until they are all going out and up and then

down into your crown chakra.

Do this one by one until they are all done.

Then you will see and feel them all out and arcing up and down into your head and flowing

the energy into you (Torus energy flow).

It is an amazing feeling when this is done.

Just as you are amazing in all you are and all you are doing for yourself and humanity.

Shine on you crazy diamonds!

Much Unconditional Love, Truth

and Honesty

For more infomation >> ENERGY UPDATE – Don't Give Up Just Before The Miracle - Duration: 4:47.


THE BREAKUP - Mast Maal Shots (MMS) | Comedy & Satire Sketch - Duration: 4:54.


What happened?

What happened?

I can't do this.

Do what?

Me, you.


What do you mean?

We need to breakup.

You don't mean this, do you?

Of course I mean it!

After all that we've been through…

…you suddenly just come up and tell me that you want to break up?!

Oh hey!

I come home drunk every night.

And I drink so much, that I don't even know who's house I'm going to!

I come back home and beat you up!

And you were the one who told me…

…that there is no difference between me and the maid's husband!

But all that's behind us, baby!

I take drugs, for god's sake!

And not hash or herb!

But snow, heroine, crystal! I'm going to Goa next week, to try a snakebite!

There's always rehab for that!

What about the rehab?!

You think I take pills because I like to?!


It's because I can't stand you!

Damnit, I can't see your face!

I forgive you!

You're not perfect, I'm not perfect - everyone has problems!

But I cheat on you!

Not once…

Not twice…

I do it every day!

Again and again!

I do it in front of you! I've cheated on you with so many girls…

…that I don't even remember whom I've cheated on you with!

Who was it yesterday?!



And today, Anjali!


You get back to sleep! No one's talking to you!

It's nothing - just go back to sleep.

See?! Exactly!

I talk to women so badly!

That's really unfair, ok?

Yes! Finally! Thank you!

Tell me something.

Which relationship does not have arguments?!

Tell me!

Not arguments!

This is domestic violence!

It's a crime! I should be in prison!

You should be complaining to the cops about me!

Relax! Every relationship has problems! It's no big deal!

But you're not understanding!

I beat you up!

And I beat you like a dog!

You've forgotten, two months ago?

I broke your hand!

And after that…

…I hit you somewhere on your head!

And then this!

20 stitches! And it's such a freaking ugly scar!

I cannot look at your face!


The neighbours will wake up! Talk softly!

Oh yes!

The people in the building don't listen everyday?

When I beat you and you scream, what do they do?!

Is this a soundproof house?!

The whole building knows I beat you up!

And why do you scream so much?!

That is the worst thing about you!

Seriously! You just scream and scream and scream!

Where are you going?

It's 6 in the morning.

I have to go to office.

I can't sit around all day listening to your garbage.

As it is I waste 2 hours everyday in traffic.

Must be PMS'ing.

How's this dress?

Will it look good on me?

Umm, maybe 2-3 months ago, you could have looked good in it.


I mean…

It will be small for you.

Did you just say I'm fat?

Yeah, when you put on weight, you become fat.


What the fish!

Did you just call me fat?!

What are you?!

Fatso, have you seen your stomach?!

You've become a fat pig!

Three me's, make one you!

Our relationship is done!

Finished, over, right-freaking-now!


I am done with this relationship!

I don't want to date you anymore!


Never again show me your face, or try to call me!

I'll hand you over to the police!

For you!

It'll fit you too!

For more infomation >> THE BREAKUP - Mast Maal Shots (MMS) | Comedy & Satire Sketch - Duration: 4:54.


MARD KA DARD - Mast Maal Shots (MMS) | Comedy & Satire Sketch - Duration: 5:04.



Bro what happened to you?!

Nothing man.

I had a fight with Anjali yesterday…

So my mood is a bit off today.

Looking at you, it looks like it was a big fight.

Looking at what?

Oh this?! Well actually…

…I fell down in the bathroom.

While getting out…


In the bathroom?!

No! No way!

Seriously man!

Actually what happened was that…

…I came out of the bathroom and…

…the floor was wet.

So I fell down on the sink.

The sink did this to you?!


No, bro, because…

…if you fell on the sink…

…you fell at a 45 degree angle.

So you got hurt here, but according to Pythagoras…

No no…don't get into too many calculations.

It happened because of the sink. I'm telling you.

No way.

Kunal, you're lying to me.

Trust me, man. It's nothing.

I fell down in the bathroom. That's how this happened.

Believe me, man!

Do one thing, Kunal…

Stay over at my place tonight.

I'm going to go and talk to Anjali.

No, no, no!

No, no, no, Kunal!

I'm going to go…

…talk to her and explain to her, that this is not cool.

No this can't happen!

No, no! Kunal, this cannot happen!

She can't do this to you, bro!

This is not happening.

Don't even try to stop me bro!

You and I are bro's.

Ok, ok, ok!

Bros before hoes. We ride together, we die together.

Yeah ok.

And like, till death do us apart.


All the best.

Seriously bad, man…

Yeah ok man, do your work!

You're here?

Hey bro.


What happened to you?!

You were right bro…

…your house bathroom is damn slippery!

And your sink…that sink.

It should get a life sentence!

Told you so.

Fuck it's bad.

What did I tell you?

You were right bro.

And what is this?

How did you dislocate your jaw?

Oh that!

I hit the sink…

…and lost my balance.

The stairs in your house?

I fell down and dislocated my jaw.

The stairs.

Right, the stairs.

One second.


Yeah bro.

I live on the ground floor.

I don't have any stairs in my house.

What's wrong with you?!

Yes there are!

You must have not noticed…

They aren't there! It's my house - I would know!

They were there yesterday, man!

Are you crazy?

Anyway, how is Anjali?

Anjali is a great girl!

Very sweet.

Very mellow…very nice girl.

She's a diamond!

You're really lucky!

I told her! I spoke to her!


Very firm!

I told her…

I told her to not do this to Kunal ever again!

You should treat him well!

And she understood!

Very sweet girl!

She told me…

…that this won't ever happen again.


No this can't go on.

She's a very sweet girl!

You know what?

I'm going to fix this sink today.

No, Kunal!

No, no, no!

It's the plumber's job!

It's a small bathroom fitting! Small!

It's destroyed the entire house!

This can't happen!

Kunal, don't get emotional!

It was ok till me, but look at you!

You've been clobbered!


You know what?!

Either this sink stays…

…or I stay!

Sameer, how will we wash our hands?!

I'm leaving!

How will we drink water?!

Oh God, Kunal…


I uh…

I found the stairs.

…at my house.


She's fine!

Very sweet girl, very nice girl!

I love her!


It shows!

We love each other.

Lot of love over there…

For more infomation >> MARD KA DARD - Mast Maal Shots (MMS) | Comedy & Satire Sketch - Duration: 5:04.


25 Heartwarming Animals Pictures You'll Love #1 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 25 Heartwarming Animals Pictures You'll Love #1 - Duration: 3:04.


Nostalgic real estate video - Duration: 2:38.

property tour videos are great for selling

properties and they are great gift for

your client to keep you in their minds

for years to come

today we're going to take a look at the

nostalgic property tou video. for you

the agent the property tour video is a

great sales tool as well as great

marketing tool for your services for

your clients a property tour video is

also a great reminder of a home that day

once had and shared a lot of great

memories in unfortunately real estate

agents don't share these videos with

their clients and it's a real shame

now it's not because they don't care

most likely it's because they don't

think about it or they might not know

how to share these videos so today I'm

going to show you how

so what I would do is remove all the

sales aspects of the video so this means

removing all the titles and

unfortunately this means removing your

guided tour of the home you have to

remember that this is a memory of their

home let them enjoy their memories. now

this doesn't mean cutting yourself out

of the video entirely what i would do is

actually make an intro and outro to the

video featuring you for the intro of the

video i would have something like this

hi Sarah and robert thank you so much for

choosing me to sell your home had a

wonderful experience and I wish you the

best in your new and much larger home

where you will create tons of wonderful

new memories. as a thank you i wanted you

to have a lasting memory of your house

on kensington street with this video

enjoy this now and for years to come

this intro is short and sweet and

impactful. now what i would do for the

outro is just have a photo of yourself

and your contact information

this video is such great ideas because

it's so impactful it's unexpected and

you're going to have your contact

information in that video so few years

down the road if your clients are

thinking of moving that contact

information is going to be really easy

to find because this video is so special

to them they're never going to lose it

after you have finished making a video

what i would do is upload it to use

dropbox or google drive to send it to

them if you don't have either of those

accounts they are quick and easy to sign up

for. They are free for the most part you

have to hit a certain amount of

gigabytes on there before they will

start charging you forward and it's a

high number so i wouldn't even worry

about it this is a super easy way to


the files and because you're just sending

a digitally you're not spending extra

money putting on a USB key or making a

DVD or blu-ray because those are all

going extinct anyway thanks for watching

our video today if you have any

questions or ideas for videos that you

would like to see please let us know

also make sure to check out the

description below this video for any

links that I may have mentioned as well

as links to our Facebook Instagram and

Twitter accounts make sure to follow us

will follow you back and share your

amazing content

For more infomation >> Nostalgic real estate video - Duration: 2:38.


【CC中文字幕】Jacksfilms - 如何在情人節變單身 How to be single on Valentine's Day YIAY #312 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 【CC中文字幕】Jacksfilms - 如何在情人節變單身 How to be single on Valentine's Day YIAY #312 - Duration: 2:35.


LGBT Extra Care Scheme - Duration: 1:16.

So we've announced today the first LGBT extra care scheme in

the entire UK. What that means

is it's a scheme to support older people to live in the community

but with the majority of LGBT residents

meaning that LGBT people can feel safe

as they get older and be in a really

positive environment where they don't

need to worry about being themselves.

Manchester is an age-friendly city and part of being an age-friendly city

is that we create an

environment that is welcoming and

accessible to all older people in the city.

At the city council we've commissioned research with

the LGBT Foundation, Age Uk and other charities

around the needs experiences of older

lesbian gay bisexual and trans people in

the city and one of the things that came

out quite strongly

is that people, particularly those that fought discrimination

to be out and to be themselves

their entire lives are now starting to

worry that they might have to go back into the closet

or their needs might not be understood,

met or welcomed

So the idea of this new LGBT extra care scheme

Is that we're able to bring a community of people together.

It means of people get older

they can have the support they need but

in a positive and supportive

non-discriminatory environment.

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