Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

A two-sided Artwork.

Side A (Title: This is the correct way to write it!).

Side B (Title: This is the Wrong way to write it!).

On side A you can read: "Point 2, 3, 4; Point 2, 4; Point 2, 3, 4; Point 2, 4;."

On side B you read: "Point 2, 4; Point 2, 3, 4; Point 2, 4; Point 2, 3, 4."

At the left and right side there are triangle-stands, connected by a white cane. The artwork is hanging on the white cane.

Made by: Peter Steinkellner

For more infomation >> Correct/Wrong - Duration: 3:15.


Energy Update Securing Dimensions, Providing Passage, And Anchoring Upgrades - Duration: 6:16.

Energy Update Securing Dimensions, Providing Passage, And Anchoring Upgrades.

by Katie IndiCrow,

Beautiful angels of earth. Woah. What a week. So much has happened in the past 7 human days

that my mind and heart are both blown!

Though many of us don�t need �proof� that ascension is happening, the widespread

impacts of energetic shifts are now being recognized (and felt) by the general population.

Big news for all this week is that we have been sitting on a higher Schumann resonance

measurement than ever before recorded.

We know it�s a big deal when such crude instruments are now registering that the vibrational

resonance of our earth HAS shifted. Many of you are currently experiencing strong re-alignment

symptoms that are connected but not reducible to this flux. Flu, migraines, existential

questioning � this is all pat of it.

The gates, the solar winds, waves of light, comets passing, and celestial alignments are

doing exactly what we had intended. I made a video earlier this week explaining how you

can align your cellular structure and anchor into these shifts for those looking for practical

advice to move through this with a little more ease:

Doing gridwork has been shifting rapidly in response to our rapid vibrational transitions

on earth. As I explained in the Atlantis video, what we�ve been doing with the lines has

created the space for the emergence of old knowledgeS (exciting). With those old knowledges,

it seems, we have also been pulling up some dark and lower vibrational entities/memories

that were implanted on the lines as a way to deter us from handling them.

For several months, we�ve also been dredging the earth for of all energies and entities

that are not here for the highest good of Gaia and her children. The last few days has

seen a corner turn on the effort. I am being encouraged to recommend that those of you

who are waiting for my word � now is the time.

To those moving out old entities. I remind you. We are not in a war on earth. If you

turn to battle consciousness with those entities, you�re giving them a way to stay in this

dimension. They are tricky, mean, and can be rather sneaky. If there is anything left

unhealed in you, they will see it and try to use it against you. This is one of the

main reasons it is SO KEY for lightworkers to do their self work. When there isn�t

anything inside of you left but love, these beings can�t touch you. They try, but they


I opened a doorway on Saturday night through which I ushered entities who no longer matched

our vibration and were not choosing love out. (My loving space twin was here manning support

� thanks to him for showing up and for selflessly supporting our mission.) It is this method

to which I now turn. Beautiful souls. Murdering and violent treatment of entities who hurt

us is not going to solve our problems or vex them from our existence. In order to secure

light and love into our reality, it is that what we need to use to create it. Choosing

love in this context for me has meant providing safe passage out to those who wish to leave.

Those who don�t want to voluntarily remove themselves are also being given safe passage

into their own dimensions and war realities. They, just like we, have free will and if

that is what they want to do, it is my opinion that we let them. It is possible to give them

space to live their lives without having to give up our own. The doorways are handled,

so please leave that to us. I�m sharing the task so you can feel relief about it.

The love-field concept is where the Galactics would like most of you to focus.

So how do we ensure the safe maintenance of Gaia and her people if we aren�t eliminating

those who threaten us? I�ve mentioned the construction of a love field several times

in the past months. I implement one around my aura. If an entity attacks me, they get

burned by my high vibration. Most stop attacking after their first jolt of love. Some don�t.

They�d rather incinerate themselves on love trying to kill me than they would preserve

their lives. That�s their choice. I�m not doing anything other than be-ing, which

means that I am not engaging in lower vibrational activities to push them out. See, choosing

love doesn�t mean being a pushover. That whole idea is yet another example of programming

used to suppress our development. This love field concept is applicable to what we are

doing to secure Gaia. You see, it operates the same for her. Once we get these entities

out and finish securing back doors, nothing lower vibrational is going to be able to get

near us without being rubbed by love <3

I can feel many lightworkers currently working through 4th dimensional consciousness. Loves,

this message is especially for you. Many of you are being initiated through current galactic

happenings. In order to shift into 5 as well as to step into your next roles, you�re

going to need to leave battle consciousness behind. If you feel you are being tested,

you are. How do you pass? Choose love, beautifuls. It is the answer. Every time you do so, you

anchor its vibration more into earth.

For more infomation >> Energy Update Securing Dimensions, Providing Passage, And Anchoring Upgrades - Duration: 6:16.


Apple's 'iPhone 8' to replace Touch ID home button with function area - Duration: 1:55.

Apple is reportedly planning to ditch physical home button and use virtual buttons on the

next iPhone.

According to KGI Securities' Ming-Chi Kuo, the Apple iPhone 8 with an OLED display will

feature a function area like the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro.

According to new research note obtained by AppleInsider, Kuo says the Iphone 8's "full-screen

design will allow Apple to integrate a 'function' area never seen in an iPhone."

The next-generation iPhone with OLED display will reportedly feature a 5.8-inch display

and physical dimensions similar to that of iPhone 7.

Apple recently placed orders for another 60 million OLED panels worth $4.3 billion.

Kuo claims the new OLED iPhone's active display area will be limited to 5.15-inches diagonally.

The bottom remaining area will be utilised for virtual buttons.

Apple's exact implementation is not known yet but the idea seems similar to PalmOS on

Palm Pre smartphone.

Another big question that looms around with this implementation is the Touch ID button.

Kuo recently noted that OLED iPhone will have also come with "extra graphite sheet lamination"

to prevent Touch ID from overheating.

Google also tried to end use of buttons altogether by allowing support for virtual icons with

Ice Cream Sandwich but the success has been limited.

Kuo also says that iPhone 8 will support new biometric recognition technology for Apple

Pay authentication.

The upcoming iPhone 8 with an OLED display is estimated to be priced over $1,000, making

it the most premium iPhone yet.

Apple is also rumoured to introduce iPhone 7s and 7s Plus with design similar to existing

iPhones in September.

For more infomation >> Apple's 'iPhone 8' to replace Touch ID home button with function area - Duration: 1:55.


Advice on Living a Fulfilled Life and Starting a New Career after 50! - Duration: 7:13.

Are you looking to recreate your career

after 50? Tune in today and find out

what consistencies ultra successful people

all have in common!

Hi and thanks for tuning back into 2nd Act TV.

Kristin Kaufman is with us on

our discussion on why it's never too

late to create the life you've always

wanted to live

Kristin thanks so much for staying over

and continuing our conversation. Love it

and I'm so delighted to be here. What I'd like to do on

this segment is to, let us get into your

book these the popular series Is This

Seat Taken?

Tell us, you know, how you

created that and then specifically your

current or your second book it's never

too late to find the right seat

yes so how these books came about the

second book came as a result of the many

people that I have worked with in my

Alignment, Inc. career, people that are you

would think have it all you know they're

senior-level executives they've made

plenty of money they have married in

some cases they've been divorced but

they aren't happy, they are out of alignment

they're looking for something else and

thus I wanted to write a book to help

them understand that it's never too late

to find that right seat even if you see

yourself at 55 65 70 years of age and

you're not where you want to be or you

don't have the life you want to have

it's not too late for you to create that

so people who are listening going yeah yeah right

I how could it possibly not be too late

what do you say

yeah I say well as long as you have

breath you have a purpose for being here

you know from the second time that I was

sick and I remember waking up in the

hospital and I was really really sick, I

had heart surgery, it was a two and a half hour


my parents thought that I wasn't going

to make it and I remember leaning over

and talking to my father, cause I was distraught

I was relatively young still I was

30 something and I said daddy I just

wish I knew what my purpose was and he

looked at me and he said well I'll tell

you something you have one otherwise

you'd be dead and it smacked me you know

whispers are two-by-fours you know, we

say listen to the whispers

well you're either going to have a

whisper or you're going to have a

two-by-four and the two-by-four, I have had three

two-by-fours it took me 3 two by four's

that's when I went

wow it's up to me and as long as we have

breath we could be our last breath and

still have a reason for being here and

it could be because of the person is

going to come into our hospital room

into our nursing home room whatever it's

going to take something away from

whatever it is that we have to offer

yeah that's this is so how do we have we

apply that into our lives is there you

have had some other points I believe the

book made ...

yeah there were four big points that

were very consistent with all the people

i wrote about and the people i wrote

about in this second book where everyone

from Ray Croft the founders McDonald's to

Harlin Sanders the founder of Kentucky

Fried Chicken to Grandma Moses which your

older readers will know who that is your

younger listeners may not ...

we don't have any younger listeners ...

I mention Grandma Moses to younger people and they're

looking like who in the heck is Grandma Moses?

But nonetheless the four things that

everyone that i wrote about famous and

non-famous people have were these, one

every single person that i wrote about

life turned on a dime due to an incidental

encounter, Ray Kroc got his first job

from a from a random encounter. Harlin

Sanders got his first job from someone

who picked him up as a hitchhiker so

everyone had an incidental encounter

that by the way was not incidental at

all. The second constant with the people

that I wrote about they all had a choice

they all believed that they had the

choice to choose a direction and now it

was not going to be easy

it in some cases it was very difficult

Kathryn Joosten was someone i wrote

about she of course is a very famous Emmy

your award-winning actress that was

famous and with desperate housewives she

left a marriage of 20-something years

with two children to become a disney

street performer at age 50 and then

went on to go to Los Angeles maybe

5-6 years later and went through that

all the troubles of a starving actress

and of course two years later was an

Emmy award-winning actress very late in

life, they all had a choice and they wanted it

badly enough to make that choice, so that

was a second commonality the incidental

encounters having the choice, they defined

success on their own terms

many people would have thought that in the

case of kathryn joosten that being

married to a promising physician and

having two healthy children and living

in the suburbs of chicago was success

but she was out of alignment

she wasn't happy it wasn't tied to her

greater purpose, so she made the decision

to leave and she defines success on her

own terms and then of course the last

principle is the one we've already

tested on which is it's never too late

and as long as you have breath we are

here for a reason you know I just

believe we're in earth school here and

we're here in earth school to learn from

one another to teach one another and to

serve and it's all tied up with this

wonderful glue called love

and as long as we're here we haven't

graduated we're still in school and so

we have a job to do that's either to learn or

to teach and to serve and obviously to

love our fellow human beings and i'm a

big believer in that. Kristin i mean you

speak my language i love that we are

going to link to your information in the

video description i'll make sure that we

have links to your books are available

on Amazon or where they are and the

first book em is almost out of print,

we're almost gone through the first edition

but they can still order it on my website

and i inscribed and mail them out to


perfect, perfect! Thank you so much

again for reaffirming our whole motto

here with it is never too late to be

person that you always wanted to be so

I'm going to hold you over for another

segment and then we'll talk about the

concept of a portfolio career which I

thought was really that was unique

anyway we'll see you in a minute

So glad you tuned in today! Make sure you watch

the next video coming up right here and

be sure to subscribe to our program we

appreciate your support! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Advice on Living a Fulfilled Life and Starting a New Career after 50! - Duration: 7:13.


Wie is de WOMAN CRUSH van BEBE REXHA? | Vluggertje #3 - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Wie is de WOMAN CRUSH van BEBE REXHA? | Vluggertje #3 - Duration: 1:20.


How To Get Any Item For Free On Amazon And Make Money 2017! (LEGALLY) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> How To Get Any Item For Free On Amazon And Make Money 2017! (LEGALLY) - Duration: 4:15.


My Help in Health Disclaimer | It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> My Help in Health Disclaimer | It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice - Duration: 1:18.


India is set to launch a record 104 satellites into space in a single mission - Duration: 2:55.

India is set to launch a record 104 satellites into space in a single mission

Although there is no direct space rivalry between China and India some analysts have compared it to the US-Soviet "space race

For More Videos Please "SUBSCRIBE" my channel

For more infomation >> India is set to launch a record 104 satellites into space in a single mission - Duration: 2:55.


ODDTUBE | How Odd is Odd Squad? | PBS KIDS - Duration: 3:43.

OddTube... will... start... now.

Try it. It's way harder than you think.

OddTube, OddTube OddTube, OddTube ♪

OddTube, OddTube OddTube, OddTube ♪


Hey, Oddballs. Olympia here--

and here, and here,

and here, and here,

and here, and here...

and back here again.

Today I'm gonna show you how odd Odd Squad really is.

But first,

thanks to all you Oddballs

who voted for the official OddTube seal.

I organized the votes by putting them into this pie chart.

Each piece of pie represents one of the three seals.

The bigger the piece, the more votes it got.

Which means...

that this seal won!

♪ [fanfare]

...with 34,516 votes.

You have excellent taste in seals.

So, one of my favorite parts about being an agent

is I get to work here.

It's an odd place that gets even odder the closer you look.

That's why we're going really,

really, really close...

Starting now.

Odd Squad Odd Thing number five...

The break room.

Lots of odd stuff in here.

Like, check this out.

It's a tiny elevator for our tiny agents.

And check out this gumball machine!

If I put this in here, turn it around...

I get some gum balls.

And if you put these

in the refrigerator...

Turn away, 'cause there's a really, really bright flash!

[loud poof]

And you back, then go in here...

It's a chicken!

But this chicken tastes like gum--

which is super odd,

'cause most things taste like chicken.

I already had lunch.

Odd Squad Odd Thing number four...

The south control room.

You're probably wondering what that thing does.

It's actually a super-fun game.

Here we go. Get this...

Insert the highlight, put it in the top higher one...

Okay, okay. So intense!

[ding] Yes!

I won. Yes!

Odd Squad Odd Thing number three...

Owen's guacamole.

It's odd how good it is.

The secret is I add a tiny bit of fresh-squeezed orange juice.

Also, I fill it with my dreams

of peace and prosperity for all humankind...

Oh, also cilantro.

Odd Squad Odd Thing number two...

The Hall of Doors.

Behind every single door, there's something odd,

like this giant light switch door.

Pretty sure it controls the sun or something.

This giant tissue door...

A bunch sad giants in there.

Treasure door...

Piano door...

It's a magical, musical world.

[gasp] Princess door!

There's a bunch of robot princesses in there.

You don't wanna mess with them.

Sandwich door... Great for lunch.

Lettuce door...

We put the lettuce in the sandwiches.

The cabinet door... Really good for storage...

And my favorite room of all, the ball room!

♪ [French accordion music]

♪ [French accordion music]

Odd Squad Odd Thing number one...

We are here in the bullpen,

and if you scrunch down

and touch this star with your left pinky finger only,

it transports you to...

...the north control room, which is cool,

except when Owen's making guacamole.

-You make a lot. -It goes fast.

Thanks for watching, and keep on keepin' odd.

[crunch] Mm!

I think you just made it better.

Thank you!

Don't forget to like and subscribe.

You can also check out more videos and activities


For more infomation >> ODDTUBE | How Odd is Odd Squad? | PBS KIDS - Duration: 3:43.


Boom Thousands of Medical Studies Found to be Useless - Duration: 6:11.

Boom Thousands of Medical Studies Found to be Useless

By WakingTimes

I�m talking about little defenders of consensus science, bloggers who love and adore every

official pronouncement that comes down the pipeline from medical journals and illustrious


Dear Bloggers: Thousands of published studies you cite and praise are wrong, useless, irrelevant,

deceptive�and the medical journals know it, and they�re doing nothing useful about


The issue?

Cell lines.

These cells are crucial for lab research on the toxicity of medical drugs, and the production

of proteins.

Knowing exactly which cell lines are being studied is absolutely necessary.

And therein lies the gigantic problem. has the bombshell story (July 21, 2016):

�Recent estimates suggest that between 20 percent and 36 percent of cell lines scientists

use are contaminated or misidentified � passing off as human tissue cells that in fact come

from pigs, rats, or mice, or in which the desired human cell is tainted with unknown


But despite knowing about the issue for at least 35 years, the vast majority of journals

have yet to put any kind of disclaimer on the thousands of studies affected.�

�One cell line involved are the so-called HeLa cells.

These cancerous cervical cells � named for Henrietta Lacks, from whom they were first

cultured in the early 1950s � are ubiquitous in labs, proliferate wildly � and, it turns

out, contaminate all manner of cells with which they come into contact.

Two other lines in particular, HEp-2 and INT 407, are now known to have been contaminated

with HeLa cells, meaning scientists who thought they were working on HEp-2 and INT 407 were

in fact likely experimenting on HeLa cells.�

�Christopher Korch, a geneticist at the University of Colorado, has studied the issue.

According to Korch, nearly 5,800 articles in 1,182 journals may have confused HeLa for

HEp-2; another 1,336 articles in 271 journals may have mixed up HeLa with INT 407.

Together, the 7,000-plus papers have been cited roughly 214,000 times, Science reported

last year.�

�And that�s just two cell lines.

All told, more than 400 cell lines either lack evidence of origin or have become cross-contaminated

with human or other animal cells at some point in their laboratory lineage.

Cell lines are often chosen for their ability to reproduce and be bred for long periods

of time, so they�re hardy buggers that can move around a lab if they end up on a researcher�s

gloves, for example.

�It�s astonishingly easy for cell lines to become contaminated,� wrote Amanda Capes-Davis,

chair of the International Cell Line Authentication Committee, in a guest post for Retraction


�When cells are first placed into culture, they usually pass through a period of time

when there is little or no growth, before a cell line emerges.

A single cell introduced from elsewhere during that time can outgrow the original culture

without anyone being aware of the change in identity�.�

Getting the picture?

HUGE numbers of published studies are based on knowing which cells are being used and


And much of the time, the researchers don�t know.

They pretend they do, but they don�t.

Their work is completely unreliable.

Everyone involved (for decades) looks the other way.

It�s the secret no one wants to talk about.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of medical studies are useless, and their conclusions

are unfounded, and turn out to be random.

This is like saying, �Well, we built all those buildings in the city, but the concrete

we used was probably cardboard.

Let�s not talk about it.

Let�s just wait and see what happens.�

Millions of patients who are taking drugs are guinea pigs.

Researchers originally tested the toxicity of drugs on cells they assumed were relevant,

but they were wrong.

They said the drugs were safe, but they were working with cells that had no bearing on


This is one reason why, on July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, a highly respected

public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, could conclude, in

the Journal of the American Association, that FDA approved medical drugs kill 106,000 Americans

every year�which becomes a MILLION deaths per decade.

The original researchers on those drugs pretended they knew what they were doing.


Everything I�m describing and citing in this article?

The FDA knows about it.

The CDC knows about it.

The World Health Organization knows.

National health departments all over the world know.

Medical schools know.

Many doctors know.

Many, many researchers know.

Many hospital executives know.

All pharmaceutical executives know.

Many mainstream medical reporters know.

All medical journals know.

But they continue to promote life-destroying fake news.

Blog that.

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