Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

King of Nougat ROM is one of the best ROMs for galaxy S7 and S7 edge , this ROM compatible

with All exynos processor variants, Every ROM has it's pros and cons , that's why I'm

gonna tell you every thing you should know about this ROM ,so you can easily decide whether

to use it as a daily driver or not, The review is 7 parts , I highly recommend to watch all

of it , you can use the time line in the video description to reach any part you need , Shark

jungle is here and let's figure out what's inside this ROM .

Installation Boot into recovery mode , Make sure to do

a backup now hit wipe then swipe for factory reset

go to install then navigate to the ROM zip file and swipe to flash

it will launch the Aroma installer Follow the Aroma installation instructions

Make sure to do a full wipe select your phone model flat or edge

Update your modem and bootloader if you didn't do before

and choose your variant Choose if you want to root or not

choose Modded UI if you want to do any modifications to your system UI

and I'm gonna show you how in the features part

choose your csc or you can do it later I'm gonna try dual speaker MOD Nougat edition

choose all the Apps you want to remove and keep in mind that installing many Apps will

affect your device performance so choose only the Apps you need.

this menu offers a lot of tweaks , choose what ever you need then hit next to start

the ROM installation The device will reboot two times in order

to finish the ROM installation and it will take about 5 minutes

Performance This ROM uses the Stock kernel so the performance

is pretty much the same as the Stock firmware but to be honest it's a little bit better

I think this is because the ROM is heavy debloated.

anyway it's not a huge difference as you see the antutu score is better than

the Stock but as I told you before that antutu is not my first concern and I'm doing it just

to check that every thing related to performance is OK

Multi tasking is great I've never experienced any lags while using the device in the past

5 days

Sensors All the sensors responding nicely and this

is very obvious for any ROM based on the Stock firmware

I've been using this ROM for almost 5 days and Google maps is one the most important

Apps for me and I can assure you that Navigation on this ROM is amazing, as you an see the

GPS antenna cached a 3D fix while indoor and the accuracy is below 20 ft which is pretty

good accuracy for navigation

Battery life Battery life is just like the Stock firmware

I've been using the device for 5 days with location on , wifi enabled and auto brightness

but most of the time I was outdoor during day time and using Google maps so we can consider

this usage as a heavy usage , as you can see SOT is 4 hours and half with a complete 24

hours on battery But with the same criteria while using the device indoor and location

Off I've got more than 5 hours SOT and this is my average usage of course battery life

is subjective and this usage will differ from user to another.

Gaming Performance Gaming in this ROM is great , All games running

pretty good and as usual I have to mention that game tuner App and performance mode is

very important for high graphic games , So make sure to activate Game Mode and download

game tuner App to select the best profile for your games.

Features Of course all Nougat features are available

including edge screen for flat variants , I will mention the differences only so we can

save more time to dig deeper into the customization.

the settings menu is different as you see all sub menus can be accessed from the main

menu which is distracting in my opinion

The Aroma installer in this ROM helps you to choose all the Apps you want to remove

which is very important feature

Sound quality and intensity in this ROM are very good cos you can install the dual speaker

MOD ,Viper 4 android and Dolby Atoms and by doing a little adjustments in their settings

you can get a very loud and surrounded sound .

You have two extra toggles , Capture screen to take screen shots and record screen to

capture videos from your screen, If you pressed and hold the toggle you will access it's settings

and you can access this App and it's settings from the App drawer too if you want.

Now let's see what's inside KING MOD APP this App will change everything in your System

UI and to be able to use it you have to choose Modded System UI from the Aroma installer

press the side menu and choose whatever you want to customize

System ui to change keylight duration or turn it off if you want

Status bar , as you see the options are well organized , the titles and background are

very clear and comfortable for your eyes , I really like the design in this App

Choose you favorite battery assign any App to launch when tapping on the

clock let's choose game launcher App for instance

then tap over the clock to launch the App the other settings is to adjust you clock

appearance like formats and fonts etc

Battery bar and its adjustments , do you see how this App design is well made , thanks

to the ROM developer for his great efforts

Network traffic is now pretty basic feature for most S7 custom ROMs at this moment

Virtual buttons on both sides and in the middle you can assign them as you want but keep in

mind to choose only one function for every button

Notification Panel adjustments has some problems in background colors so my advice is to leave

it as it is specially if it asked you reboot your system UI and I will describe this problem

in the bugs and fixes part Choose all the options you want to see below

the notification toggles menu

recent panel has some interesting stuff like RAM bar to let you know how much free RAM

you have quick launch buttons and you can customize

those Apps as you want , delete , disable or add a new App

Phone recording is not working I've tried to find it in call settings but with no luck

I hope to be available on the next release this is your power menu options and a special

button to prevent the device from waking up while plugging usb in or out

Lockscreen rotation and this requires rebooting system UI

Those Apps can't be accessed from the drawer so plz don't get panicked if you didn't find

them there

making a backup is a role of thumb before doing any adjustments to your system UI so

if you messed any thing up you can restore everything easily.

BUGS This ROM has no bugs , everything is working

flawlessly except one little thing if you did it you gonna lose your device for about

10 minutes open king MOD App then go to notification

panel and you will find background colors , do not use this option , if you turned this

on and rebooted your system UI then you gonna face System UI has stopped error and you won't

be able to get it back except by flashing the ROM again which will take 10 minutes or

more I've also noticed a delay when you are trying

to search in the settings menu or when pressing on the software info

I hope I covered everything you want to know about this ROM ,If you like the video plz

don't forget the like button and subscribe for more videos , thank you for watching , peace.

For more infomation >> KING OF NOUGAT ROM v8.1 For Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge - Duration: 8:32.


Do you plan your content for a whole year? - Duration: 3:58.

Shane: What's going on, patrons?

Here is another Q&A with S&J.

We're actually on our way to the bank, and we have to pick up our kids, but we're gonna

knock out one of these questions right now while we're driving around, okay.

So, today's question is from Rebecca Tervo, and she says:

"My question concerns content strategy.

For instance, if I plan in January for all of 2017, how do I come up with blog post titles

for each week and outline those?

Or do I just put topics for each week and work on the titles and outlines during the


Would love to hear how your process works."

Okay, we do not plan everything for an entire year.

Jocelyn does plan her emails for an entie year.


Jocelyn: Yeah, I like to plan things as far and advanced as posible for the Elementary

Librarian site.

I pretty much know what the calendar looks like for the entire year, so I just go ahead

and plan that, and plan for my content to release just each week during the year.

Shane: So, that's like a nurture sequence, like an autoresponder... but for dynamic content

like our podcast, we do not plan that out for the entire year.

We usually stay somewhere between 7 and 12 weeks ahead if we can.

I would actually not recommend planning out all your content for an entire year unless

it's evergreen content, that's why Jocelyn can do that or we can do that for the US History

Teachers Site, or we could do that for an autoresponder like a nurture sequence for

Flipped Lifestyle, but it would have to be based on the calendar and it would have to

be evergreen content.

You gotta plan your content only 7 to 12 weeks ahead and then re-evaluate where you are.

Maybe your content changes a little bit, maybe you have to do something new, but you don't

want to be planning that far in ahead.

Usually what we do, like right now, we are doing content this week, we're going to try

and get 8 to 12 weeks ahead something like that and then during that 8 weeks we will

focus on promotion and other forms of content like ads and strategies to grow our business

while the content kind of feeds out on its own.

And then she asks, "How do I come up with a blog title for each week, like when you're

planning ahead?"

For us, it's just based on the interviews that we do or based on the evergreen content

for the email list, but you always go to Google and you see what people are searching for

and usually you can say, "Hey!

What are the top 12 topics in my niche that people are actually looking for in Google?"

that's what I'm going to make my posts about.

So, don't guess.

Don't just make it up.

Go out and research it.

Stay 8 to 12 weeks ahead on your content, try to re-evaluate it at least once a quarter,

you don't want to lose the pulse of your niche.

(Shane to Jocelyn) How far ahead do you do your emails?

Jocelyn: For Elementary Librarian, I do this about a year ahead.

I've actually have content batched up for the year.

If you're not sure what content to do, ask your audience, say "Hey, I'm trying to put

in content, what would you like to see me do?"

Shane: Also when you find something that you've done in the past, that is really popular,

like if you get something that's shared a lot, take that and add it into your email

autoresponder that puts it one more week that someone gets an email from you or go back

last year and visit things you've already done and give them a new spin.

I'm sure something in your niche has changed since last year that you can write about,

that same topic, same everything but you're just doing an updated post.

So, that way you're not constantly trying to figure out something new to create.

So, that's how we do content.

I hope that helps you do your content better and if you need anything else about content

marketing, internet marketing, or online business, head over to and we would love

for you to support us on our Patreon page over at

Bye, see ya!

For more infomation >> Do you plan your content for a whole year? - Duration: 3:58.


Colors Game for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run #1 Gameplay vs Talking Tom - Duration: 11:38.

Colors Game for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run #1 Gameplay vs Talking Tom

Talking Tom Gold Run - New World Map Hank on Hawaii - Neon Lights and City Sights Character Unlocked,Talking,Gold,Run,New,World,Map,Hank,on,Hawaii,Tom,Neon,Lights,City,Sights,Character,Unlocked,Talking Tom Gold Run,Talking Tom,New World Map Hank on Hawaii,Hank on Hawaii,World Map Hank on Hawaii,Neon Lights and City Sights,Character Unlocked,New World Map Hank on Hawaii - Neon Lights and City Sights Character Unlocked,New World Map,Colors Game for Kids,Colors,vs Talking

For more infomation >> Colors Game for Kids Talking Tom Gold Run #1 Gameplay vs Talking Tom - Duration: 11:38.


Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy - Duration: 10:30.


Is the great barrier reef dying - Duration: 6:13.

while editing this video I realized there are

two stories need to be told

most corals are brown

they come in all different colors Browns

yellows greens blues purple yellows

because they have the algae in their

tissues just like land plants come in

all different colors corals come in all different colors

that's the misperception that people

have is that most corals are very


now if you would have gone in the reef

eventually depth of the water if you

want to the reef flat very shallow water

receded mostly dead coral that was

mostly alive early this year

overall we lost thirty five percent of

the coral cover north of caines in four months

with this big bleaching event that we had

can you elaborate on that last beaching event that you had

talk a little bit more about that?

It was the biggest bleaching event ever recorded on the

planet affected 93% the reefs on the

great barrier reef. Can you explain bleaching

events a little bit deeper?

ok coral bleaching is a natural

phenomenon it happened when the water

gets warmer over 29-30 degrees Celsius corals

lose their symbiotic algae they turn white

and the term bleaching and they starve to death

that's a natural phenomenon. But that we have

human induced climate change these

bleaching events are happening more

frequently more severely as time goes on

we all are we all argue about the carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere but nobody's

paying attention what's happened in the

ocean all this carbon dioxide is now

defusing in the ocean for the last 60

years and forming carbonic acid they

reckoned by the end of the century the

ocean be so acid the coral reefs really

really hard time the coral reefs can actually

dissolve away along with all our seafood

what's something that you think everyone

should know about

the reef they don't seem to pay attention to

they don't bring enough attention to?

corals are like trees they absorb carbon if

you pick up a piece of coral your feel the weight of it

probably more than half that

is absorb carbon dioxide trees

absorb carbon but if you look at

the fact that we're losing our coral

reefs and our forests you can see that

we're losing the ability to absorb from

other excess carbon we are putting in the air

which is now getting in the ocean

we need to realize we have one planet earth only

accordingly past the reef and the planet on, we don't doesn't

really make any difference doesn't

matter what we do we make good or bad


coral reefs will come back with out without the human race

because people need corals, but corals don't need people.

For more infomation >> Is the great barrier reef dying - Duration: 6:13.


All Hands Update: Headlines for Thursday, February 16, 2017 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> All Hands Update: Headlines for Thursday, February 16, 2017 - Duration: 1:00.


The Secret Life Of Pets - Game Movie Baby Hazel Goes Sick - Game Movie For Kids Children 2017 - Duration: 6:40.

The Secret Life Of Pets - Baby Hazel Goes Sick

For more infomation >> The Secret Life Of Pets - Game Movie Baby Hazel Goes Sick - Game Movie For Kids Children 2017 - Duration: 6:40.


Testimonial for Conflict Management Training from Keston Williams of Barefoot - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Testimonial for Conflict Management Training from Keston Williams of Barefoot - Duration: 2:18.


Time for a Bath | The Adventures of Dr. Buckeye Bottoms - Duration: 3:16.

the patient's name is makhani who which

means wind and rain in Hawaiian she was

born during a tropical storm

she's such a sweetheart and she's really

curious and friendly and she's just


she's the new star at the farm and with

visitors clamoring to better farm

manager nice took the skin condition

very seriously little Fraggle camaro

she'll get close to you she's very very


well you just precious aren't you really

actually got it all over her nose and

you notice her itching and rubbing or

scratching his being on scratching and

that you're very friendly and cute and

like you I do know that you had another

vet come out and he took a scraping and

he took some hair samples for possible

ringworm ringworm is a fungus which is

contagious i would wait for that fungal

culture to come back before you let her

really interact with the public and kids

and stuff because if it is ring where

kids could potentially get it

having kids and families in general

coming on and off the property five days

a week

what's important now that it's not being

transferred to other animals to people

notice there was a lot of these clumps

of chunky boozy gunk that were stuck in

the hair and was holding moisture and

bacteria and in my opinion just needed

to come off totally wet so I decided

that we're gonna initially give her a

bath with a medicated shampoo which had

some antibacterial and antifungal

medication in it

try not to rinse this stuff off

really stuck in there okay yeah we

almost need is like a comb

I'm gonna grab a comb out of my bag

because this stuff is really in for

lunch it right

oh yeah this is that is a bunch of

matted dead skin tissue with booze and

crust the reason we want to get all this

stuff office because it's in the hair in

the fur it's holding moisture it's dead

tissue bugs can live off it so what we

want is just to have normal skin with no

dog then it's not brain surgery but

sometimes even the simple things are


let's rinse her honestly I'm starting to

think that once they get this off she's

gonna get a lot better now doing it and

seeing what's going on

look at how much nicer in it was just

okay yeah you're all cleaned up you

little thing yeah that's a percent

difference is the moral of this story is

sometimes horses need baths to you it's

not that technical I mean I bay the

horse but in my opinion that was one of

the most important things that had to be


For more infomation >> Time for a Bath | The Adventures of Dr. Buckeye Bottoms - Duration: 3:16.


Groundbreaking ceremony for Pinckney Park scheduled for Thursday - Duration: 0:27.














For more infomation >> Groundbreaking ceremony for Pinckney Park scheduled for Thursday - Duration: 0:27.


The Cryptic Dragon Review a PVE Monster #Destiny - Duration: 6:47.

Hi guardians today we are going to review the Cryptic Dragon which can be dropped from

the Crucible.

This is a mid impact scout rifle in the 48 impact category.

Familiar guns in this category is the taken King Hung Jury SR4, The strike exclusive Treads

Upon Stars from the Cabal Strikes and the Suros Dis-43 and Tuonela SR4 from the GunSmith.

This is a popular archetype due to the good combination of rate of fire and impact.

The faster firing scouts like the NL Shadow 701x lacks the impact and the high impact

guns like the Raid scout Chaos Dogma just fires too slow in my opinion and the stability

is relatively low.

So the Cryptic Dragon has the perfect balance between impact and rate of fire.

If we look at the base stats the gun is very average in both range , stability and reload.

What does stand out is the high magazine size of 19 which is very useful for PVE to deal

with ads, and if you have triple tap on this gun you can sustain fire for a long time without

the need to reload.

And there are a lot of interesting options in the perk tree which can make this gun become

a monster in PVE.

In this video I will share with you the perks that I have on my cryptic dragon which makes

it perfect for PVE.

I have the following perks on my Cryptic Dragon: Red Dot ORS1

Ranged Lens Quickdraw IS

Crowd Control High Caliber Rounds

Hand-laid Stock Field Scout

Reactive Reload

What makes this perk set stands out is the extra damage that you can get from the combination

of Crowd Control and Reactive reload.

So Crowd Control increases the damage by 15% after a kill and Reactive reload also gives

you a damage boost of 33% which procs on reloading the weapon after a kill.

If you put these two together it can give you a substantial amount of extra damage boost.

Lets do the maths here, lets say for simplicity sake a bullet does 100 damage.

When crowd control procs this will give a 15% damage boost so 100 times 15% is 115 and

now lets add the 33% from reactive reload so 115 times 33% is 153.

So lets put this in perspective this is 153 if both perks proc of the original 100 damage,

this is an extra damage boost of 53% which is huge.

Now lets be realistic, the chances of you having both of these perks proc is very unlikely.

Because both perks only last for 3 seconds, so the reload animation lowers the potential

time that you can have both perks proc.

Realistically, You will most likely have crowd control proc most of the time dealing with

ads, and while you reload the crowd control perk probably already wears off but in that

case you have reactive reload kicking in so you can sustain the damage boost and when

that wears off you probably have already another kill so that crowd control kicks back in and

rinse and repeat.

So you can see how powerful the combination can be of crowd control and reactive reload.

In the middle column I have the option of hand laid stock, high caliber rounds or field


In my opinion Field scout is a wasted perk, since there are no ammo issues with scouts,

I hardly find myself out of ammo with them.

So the choice really comes down to hand laid stock and high caliber rounds.

I usually choose stability over high caliber rounds but since the stability is not an issue

with this gun I prefer high caliber rounds so I can stagger enemies and particular majors

if needed.

High caliber rounds in PVE is really useful in keeping those high level enemies in check,

this will help stun lock majors which gives your fireteam the opportunity to team fire

them and take them down.

So again the combination of perks is really good with this high mag size Cryptic Dragon,

you have crowd control and reactive reload to deal with low level enemies to boost your

damage and high caliber rounds will work well in keeping those high level enemies in check

by keeping them staggered.

Thats it for my roll , but what will you be looking for when you get one dropped.

Well the perk options for the Cryptic Dragon is very good, there are hardly any bad perks

that can be rolled on this gun.

So lets start with an overview of the perks.

In the first column, crowd control would be the number one choice for the damage boost.

Triple tap is a good alternative which will delay your need to reload and it will make

this gun like the vendor Hung Jury from back in the Taken King which is also famous for

the high mag size and triple tap.

Zen moment is an overall good perk and take a knee is too niche to be useful.

In the middle top column any of the three perks are useful, if you like the extra damage

than explosive rounds will be your choice, armor piercing rounds is great for dealing

with ads as one bullet can overpenetrate and hit multiple targets, and high caliber rounds

is great for staggering the enemies.

The second option in the middle column all offers stability perks, any of them will do

to increase the stability.

The third option in the middle column are custom optics, rifled barrel and field scout.

These are all not that useful, I dont know anyone using custom optics and range is not

a problem with scouts so you dont need rifled barrel and unlike hand cannons scouts does

not suffer any ammo problems so field scout is also not really useful.

You really want to have one of the perk option in the top middle column to enhance the gun

with either explosive, armor piercing or high caliber rounds.

And in the final column all the perks are great, if you like a quick reload then you

will be looking for outlaw, if you like to have the radar up at all times then third

eye is your choice, and then you have reactive reload for the extra damage boost and firefly

is always good to have on any gun for dealing with ads.

So to conclude the Cryptic Dragon is a great versatile weapon , it has fantastic perk options,

you really cant go wrong with any roll.

And it is also one of the few scouts which has an high magazine size so you can sustain

your damage as long as possible.

So I highly recommend to try out this gun in PVE when you get one dropped in the crucible.

Thats it for the video, a like is appreciated if you enjoyed this.

Subscribe if you want to stay up to date on all my latest video.

And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> The Cryptic Dragon Review a PVE Monster #Destiny - Duration: 6:47.


PI Integration for Team Services Guide - Duration: 3:47.

Your PMs work in Project Insight,

but your developers are use to Visual Studio.

Let's make it easier for these teams to communicate with each other

and Work Better Together.

Be ready to pause 'cause I'm going to move fast.

The PI Integration for Team Services is in the

Project Insight Manage Apps & Add Ons link in the Administration section.

There you'll see all the apps we've been building.

Select the PI Integration for Team Services.

Once expanded, you'll be able to click "Install."

Of the button choices, choose Configure.

This short screen is all you need to connect to Visual Studio Team Services.

Start by entering your Team Services URL information

and click "Get Authorization."

If you are a Visual Studio Team Services admin, proceed by clicking "Accept."

If you are not an admin, you may have Team Services permission issues depending on the project.

We strongly recommend the user who make this authorization have Admin permissions in both solutions.

You have very few configuration decisions to make, but these decisions reflect system-wide.

Alt Name: will give your Team Services instance a descriptive nickname.

This is especially important if you will link several Team Services Instances to Project Insight.

Auto Activate New Users: The PI Integration for Team Services will add new users if they do not find an existing Project Insight user.

By default this is unchecked because we will add these users as INACTIVE users for your informational purposes.

If you want the new PI users to receive a Welcome Email and begin to login to PI, check this option.

Sync Bugs as Issues: - Some teams want to keep Bugs ONLY in Team Services.

If you want Bugs to come over as PI Issues into Project Insight, check this box for that added level visibility.

Add Time from Tasks: The PI Integration for Team Services will track time as long as

Team Services users fill in the "Completed Hours" field.

Check this box to sync that time to PI tasks.

Please note the "Reauthorize" link. You may need to use this if you integration unsyncs.

This should be a rare occurrence.

Hit "Save."

Tah dah! All configured. Time to go link some projects.

Let's talk about how to sync up projects so all this "auto-magical" stuff can work.

From within the Project Insight project, go to project Views to see PI Integration Configurations.

Select the Integration you want this project to use.

Please note all PI integrations will be listed here –

not just PI Integration for Visual Studio Team Services

Once you've selected the integration and instance, choose the desired projects from the list.

PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF TIME: If this list is long, start typing the name of the project to see the list shorten as you type.

Choose the project to sync and hit "Sync from Team Services."

This will bring over all Epics, User Stories, Features, and Tasks as Summary Tasks and Project Insight Tasks.

If you have selected to bring Bugs over as Issues, those will sync as well at this time.

There it is. Your Populated PI Project.

Now that your project is populated, you can get the Team Services information

from your Team Members automatically as they update Team Services for their work.

That's it. Project Insight and your instances of Team Services are now in sync and connected to PI projects.

For more infomation >> PI Integration for Team Services Guide - Duration: 3:47.


Grodko - Just Wait (Anki Remix) [Export Elite] - Duration: 4:40.

Don't do it for me I'll do it myself

I've driven that way Don't try to show me

Your higher on the shelf This heights a good stay

Sometimes You shelf will tumble down

Sometimes I feel lower than the ground

Just wait It's me they'll talk about

Just wait I've got no doubt

Just wait I'll write one too


Just wait

Now think back Who's towel got wet

Think back Before you just forget

Don't you just forget

Just wait It's me they'll talk about

Just wait I've got no doubt

Just wait I'll write one too

Just wait

Just wait


Just wait

Just wait

(Epic Guitar Solo)

For more infomation >> Grodko - Just Wait (Anki Remix) [Export Elite] - Duration: 4:40.


Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Calls for Swift Action on Convention of States! - Duration: 0:50.

Hi, I'm Dan Patrick, proud to be your Lieutenant Governor.

This week I've asked the Senate State Affairs Committee to hear the Convention of States

legislation, which will limit the power of the federal government.

Along with Governor Abbott who has made this legislation an emergency item, I have been

a long-time supporter of Convention of States, and it's my goal to move this legislation

swiftly through the Senate.

The Convention of States legislation will ensure that going forward our government will

remain rooted in constitutional principles, and we'll remain a government of the people,

by the people, and for the people.

Thank you for your support on this important legislation.

I'm Dan Patrick.

God bless you, and God bless Texas.

For more infomation >> Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Calls for Swift Action on Convention of States! - Duration: 0:50.


HOME REMEDIES FOR HAIR FALL PART-2 II झड़ते बालों की समस्या के लिए घरेलू उपचार भाग-2 II - Duration: 2:47.

Welcome to F3 health & beauty care, Myself Jyotshna

If you are struggling with the problem of major hair fall

And even your pocket is not allowing you to take an expensive hair fall treatment.

Then you need not to worry.

Because I will tell you some remedies which you can prepare very easily at home.

And you can make your hairs healthy, beautiful and can also control over hair fall.

Tip No-1) Strawberry Hair Mask

To make this mask, put some strawberries, coconut Oil & honey in it.

Mix all 3 ingredients & make their paste.

Apply this paste thoroughly in your hairs & let it applied for 20 minutes in your hairs.

Wash off your hairs with cool water.

You must follow this tip 3-4 times in a week.

Tip No-2) Curry Leaves Oil

To make this oil, In a bowl put some coconut oil & add curry leaves and boil.

After boiling, let the oil to get cool down.

Once the oil is cool down, gently massage in your hairs.

Let this applied in your hairs for overnight.

Next morning, wash off your hairs with any mild shampoo.

You must apply this oil 3 times in week in your hairs & you will see its benefits.

Tip No-3) Honey Mask

To make this, put honey in a bowl add egg yellow, caster oil & Capsule of Vitamin A & E.

Mix all the ingredients & apply in your hairs. Let it applied this for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes wash off your hairs with mild shampoo.

With this remedy, slowly your hair fall will be stopped.

Tip No-4) Oatmeal Hair Mask

To make this mask, grind some oats in a mixer

Add 1 cup milk in it

Prepare a paste & apply it in your hairs.Let this paste applied in your hairs for at least 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, use mild shampoo and wash off your hairs with Luke warm water.

Follow this remedy for 3-4 times in a week. You will get very good result and your hair fall will be stopped.

So, how easy these tips are with which you can control on your hair fall.

If you like our tips then do like & share our videos.

Don't forget to subscribe our channel.

I will be back again with some amazing recipes. Thank you....

For more infomation >> HOME REMEDIES FOR HAIR FALL PART-2 II झड़ते बालों की समस्या के लिए घरेलू उपचार भाग-2 II - Duration: 2:47.


Natural Fat Burners - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Natural Fat Burners - Duration: 2:39.


how to download wifi hacker tools and free software for PC | 2017 - Duration: 3:50.

how to download PC software for free ..

yes you will get all catagories of softwares..

download graphic designing software

download sound editing software for DJ

Video editing softwares for free

and download photo editing software

and between this video i will show you wifi hacker tools

so don't forget to subcribe to luckyhacks youtube channel

because in luckyhacks youtube channel you will get

all type of hacking and tips and tricks tutorials

so let's get started

first open any browser you have on your pc

and goto

so here this is the piratecity website

so here you will get all type of software for free

and this website has amazing features i will show you later

and also you will get 2017 copyrights softwares

so i will show you how it works

and how you can download software..

click on software name you want to download

so here first it will give you all features of software

and here you will get screenshot of software

and at last you will get details that how to install software

after download complete first you need to turn off internet

install setup

enter key generated by crack program

and most important step is disable automatic updates

and block software on firewall

so here are two buttons to download software

from this button you will get Crack program + setup of software

and from this button you will get only crack program

and here is amazing feature of software...

it provide all catagories sotwares

on first is 3D modeling software

here you will get all best software to make 3d models

and also for graphic designing and also for animations

and there are other software like

ad blocker | android emulators and root tools |

anti rootkits | exploit tools


and many other software catagories are here

you can see all type of software are here

and here comes spying and hacking softwares

here you will get all best keyloggers with a serial key

here it has 3 keyloggers

and there is another tool on software catagories

its wifi hacking tools

here you can see WiFi hacking tool

this tool can hack WAP Encrypted wireless network

it can crack WAP Encrypted password

so here you can also click on read more

and you will redirected to download page

and here you will get all details for this wifi hacking tool

that how you can use this wifi hacking tool

and at last you will get download button

here also 2 buttons are there

from first only crack program

and from seond crack + setup of software

and here also you will get windows activators

here you will get all toolkits for windows operating system

like windows 7 and also windows 10

and here are some advanced Graphic designing softwares

here you will get all graphics designing softwares

used by a proffesional graphics designer

and at last i will show you an image editing softwares

so here you will get latest editing softwares

so if you had liked this video please give a like

and dont forget to subscribe to luckyhacks youtube channel

For more infomation >> how to download wifi hacker tools and free software for PC | 2017 - Duration: 3:50.


Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo Colours for Kids Animation Education Kid Colour Reaction - Duration: 11:07.

Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo Colours for Kids Animation Education Kid Colour Reaction

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo Colours for Kids Animation Education Kid Colour Reaction - Duration: 11:07.


Photoshop Tutorial : How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017 - Duration: 5:09.

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017

Thanks For watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial : How To Remove Pimples In Photoshop cc 2017 - Duration: 5:09.


♥ Learn the basic geometric shapes with Camy Bear ♥ Shapes for Children ♥ - Duration: 2:48.

Hi everyone! I'm Camy Bear

and this is my circus. Today we're going to

learn about shapes. I'll start by introducing

some of them. Ready?

Here we go. Those are the circles,

they are big round and green. The next is the rectangle,

unlike a square, hes sides are different and he is yellow.

This one is the square, he has four corners, four equal sides and he's blue

The last ones are the triangles, they only have three sides and they are pink.

And now ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.

Amaze yourself with the most incredible, the most spectacular, the most stunning act ever

seen by the wonderful and colorful geometric shapes!!

Can you guess what the geometric shapes formed?

A car!

Can you spot the pink triangles?

The triangles are here and here!

Can you see the blue square?

Yes, the square is here!

Can you tell me where the yellow rectangle is?

Very well! the rectangle is here!

Finally, where are the green circles?


The circles are here, and here!

That's all for today!

See you next time at Rainbow Kids TV Education!

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