Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

According to Sergei Shoigu, Moscow is demanding that the Pentagon

explain a statement by the US Secretary of Defense.

The day before, James Mattis discussed Washington's intention to conduct a dialogue with Russia

from a "position of strength."

According to Shoigu, there is no future in taking such an approach.

The Russian Defense Minister expressed hope

that the meaning of the statement would be clarified by our American colleagues

during the meeting of the heads of the general staffs of Russia and the United States in Baku.

I'll remind you that the day before, during a meeting with NATO allies,

James Mattis said that the United States was ready to cooperate with our country,

but not quite diplomatically.

Just as we did in the darkest days of the Cold War,

the US is still willing to maintain open political channels for cooperation

and the de-escalation of tension.

We remain open to the possibility of restoring cooperation with Moscow,

but at the same time, we are realistic in our expectations and recommendations for our diplomats

to negotiate with Russia from a position of strength.

For more infomation >> Defense Ministry: It is Inauspicious to Talk to Russia from a Position of Strength - Duration: 0:58.


Colorful Wooden Spoons | 3 Minute DIY with Jeanine Amapola - Duration: 2:47.

What's up guys it's

Jeanine Amapola and I'm here at Makeful studios

And today we're going to be doing DIY utensils

for this DIY you're going to obviously need utensils

You're going to need some paint. Acrylic paint works best but you can use whatever you want.


And then I'm also going to have some tins that I could put the paint inside.

and some tape

Starting off, I'm going to take some yellow paint

And then I'm going to take some tape

And this is just going to give you a really clean line

And it's really up to you how high you want to go on the utensil

But I'll just go right about here

Just try your best to make it even if you can

And then you just start painting!

It's so simple. Anybody can do this.

you and your grandma and your mom

or you and your friends

I might even let that dry a little bit and then just come back to it so I can get another layer

so I'm going to let that one sit for a second

for this next one I'm going to do two sets of tape

don't worry if it's not perfect

this is a DIY. It's called DIY for a reason.

and then I'm going to use this metallic gray on the bottom

and again just nice, thick, even layers

now I'm going to apply the blue in the middle

this is just so fun and really easy and therapeutic

I don't know why it is. Painting is therapeutic.

No wonder why Bob Ross always did it.

Try to make that nice and even

While the other two dry, I'm going to take another one

And I'm going to use more of a bright, fun color

I'm going to use this bright orange

This color is so fun. I definitely recommend trying this color.

Done! I'm going to let this one dry with the rest.

I got a little impatient so I used my blow dryer to expedite the process.

It worked perfectly fine.

Go ahead and rip off the tape.

And look at that!

That looks so good!

I'm so happy with how that turned out!

And then here's the yellow one.

I love that!

And then here's the next one that has the double tape.

With metallic paint it's a little more sticky, so just be a little more careful with that

This is looking pretty good!

So here's how they turned out

I think these are super cute

Now you guys know how

to make these awesome utensils

and if you recreate them

which I hope you do

show me on Instagram: @bemakeful

And use the hashtag #3minDIY

If you're new here subscribe!

And check out all the social media down below!

I'll see you guys soon!

Peace out, girl scout!


For more infomation >> Colorful Wooden Spoons | 3 Minute DIY with Jeanine Amapola - Duration: 2:47.


Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy - Duration: 10:30.


Is the great barrier reef dying - Duration: 6:13.

while editing this video I realized there are

two stories need to be told

most corals are brown

they come in all different colors Browns

yellows greens blues purple yellows

because they have the algae in their

tissues just like land plants come in

all different colors corals come in all different colors

that's the misperception that people

have is that most corals are very


now if you would have gone in the reef

eventually depth of the water if you

want to the reef flat very shallow water

receded mostly dead coral that was

mostly alive early this year

overall we lost thirty five percent of

the coral cover north of caines in four months

with this big bleaching event that we had

can you elaborate on that last beaching event that you had

talk a little bit more about that?

It was the biggest bleaching event ever recorded on the

planet affected 93% the reefs on the

great barrier reef. Can you explain bleaching

events a little bit deeper?

ok coral bleaching is a natural

phenomenon it happened when the water

gets warmer over 29-30 degrees Celsius corals

lose their symbiotic algae they turn white

and the term bleaching and they starve to death

that's a natural phenomenon. But that we have

human induced climate change these

bleaching events are happening more

frequently more severely as time goes on

we all are we all argue about the carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere but nobody's

paying attention what's happened in the

ocean all this carbon dioxide is now

defusing in the ocean for the last 60

years and forming carbonic acid they

reckoned by the end of the century the

ocean be so acid the coral reefs really

really hard time the coral reefs can actually

dissolve away along with all our seafood

what's something that you think everyone

should know about

the reef they don't seem to pay attention to

they don't bring enough attention to?

corals are like trees they absorb carbon if

you pick up a piece of coral your feel the weight of it

probably more than half that

is absorb carbon dioxide trees

absorb carbon but if you look at

the fact that we're losing our coral

reefs and our forests you can see that

we're losing the ability to absorb from

other excess carbon we are putting in the air

which is now getting in the ocean

we need to realize we have one planet earth only

accordingly past the reef and the planet on, we don't doesn't

really make any difference doesn't

matter what we do we make good or bad


coral reefs will come back with out without the human race

because people need corals, but corals don't need people.

For more infomation >> Is the great barrier reef dying - Duration: 6:13.


Planetary Lockdown, Geoengineering and "The Deep State" - Duration: 26:37.

Planetary Lockdown, Geoengineering and �The Deep State�

By Elana Freeland.

Just as, at the dawning of a new geological era, the whole world collapses in a gigantic

crack, new mountains rise up while gaping abysses open up, and new plains and seas take

shape, so will the present structure of Europe be capsized in an immense cataclysm . . . The

only chance for Germany to resist this pressure will be to seize the initiative and take control

of the inevitable upheaval from which will come a new dawning of history.

- Hermann Rauschning, Hitler Speaks / Voice of Destruction, 1939

We�ve arranged a society on science and technology in which nobody understands anything

about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later

is going to blow up in our faces.

I mean, who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don�t know

anything about it?

� Carl Sagan to Charlie Rose, May 27, 1996

The race to control space began in 1945 when Operation Paperclip brought committed Nazi

engineers, technicians, and scientists to the United States to engineer their wonders

during the Hegelian ruse known to history as the Cold War.

One example among the 10,000 Nazis who sought refuge in the U.S. was Arthur Rudolph, former

colleague of Wernher von Braun, aerospace engineer and NASA director of the Marshall

Space Flight Center.

Rudolph had been director of the Mittelwerk underground rocket factory nicknamed �Dante�s

Inferno� where 52,000 prisoners turned out 6,000 V-2 rockets.

From 1951 to 1961, Rudolph worked for Martin Marietta in Waterton, Colorado; in 1995, Martin

Marietta merged with Lockheed Corporation to form Lockheed Martin.

Initially in charge of R&D for the Pershing missile, Rudolph became an American citizen,

headed the Saturn project for NASA, and received the Distinguished Service Award.

In 1984, he renounced his U.S. citizenship and returned to Germany, having faithfully

served the transfer of the Third Reich to the United States.

Thus it was through the military-industrial complex that the Trojan horse of amoral, cryptic

Nazism entered the resource-rich United States.

In short order, the National Security Act, formation of the CIA, and Cold War followed.

Rockets, satellites, computers, MK-ULTRA brain engineering, and exotic propulsion craft thrust

the 20th century into the 21st century of a new millennium.

The Space Age�Star Trek�s �final frontier��began with the necessity of dominating airspace,

the near space around the Earth, and weather.

Military research into weather control was kept quiet throughout the Cold War while dire

warnings about a �little ice age,� �greenhouse gases,� �desertification,� then �extreme

weather� and �global warming� were released to keep the dollars flowing.

Now, it is the more neutral �climate change� accompanied by showcase international conferences

packed with PhDs recommending expensive �solutions� under the rubric of geoengineering, the intentional

human-directed manipulation of the Earth�s climatic systems (Stanford Environmental Law

Journal) to make weather into a �force multiplier� [2] for the seven military operations discussed

in my previous book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth:

Weather modification, environmental / geophysical modification, electromagnetic manipulation,

military full spectrum dominance, biological manipulation, intelligence / surveillance,

and detection / obscuration of exotic propulsion technology.

�Climate control�

The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather

modification, through activities of both the Congress and the executive branch.

Since 1947, weather modification bills pertaining to research support, operations, policy studies,

regulations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and committees, and

international concerns have been introduced in the Congress.

There have been hearings on many of these proposed measures, and oversight hearings

have also been conducted on pertinent ongoing programs.

Infiltration and co-optation, compartmentalization, confidentiality agreements, backroom deals,

threats, bribes, skewed research, packed peer review committees, embedded international

media�one can only marvel at the legerdemain and deception it takes to steer international

conferences, committees, publishing houses, news outlets, and university and elementary

school curriculi so as to construct a vast global house of cards built on turning carbons,

the building blocks of all of life, into the cause c�l�bre to explain away the fact

that our atmosphere and weather are being modified by the military�s manipulation

of the ionosphere.

Besides, carbon taxes and emissions trading meant making more money off of the weaponized


It is quite the con, given that CO2 is not far above the minimum to sustain plant life

and nations should be increasing CO2 instead of being penalized for the CO2 they have.

But then, the emperor wears no clothes.

The first congressional report on geoengineering in the U.S. House of Representatives did not

appear until October 2010 just before the moratorium against geoengineering issued by

the 10th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in Nagoya,

Japan was about to appear�a moratorium the U.S. was not planning to ratify.

Were the delegates from 193 nations aware that geoengineering had been going on in the

U.S. and other NATO nations for well over a decade?

Four months after the Nagoya moratorium, a geoengineered earthquake struck Japan.

Since the moratorium, embedded media have ramped up weather confusion in the public

mind, blaming cars and industrial pollutants while assiduously ignoring the greatest polluters

and propagandists of all: the over-inflated American military and the military-industrial-intelligence

complex that runs it.

In 2013, the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(IPCC) indicated that solar radiation management (SRM) was already underway: �If SRM were

terminated for any reason, there is high confidence that global surface temperatures would rise

very rapidly to values consistent with the greenhouse gas forcing.�

Greenhouse gas forcing is the least of our worries.

What about the rogue military transforming our atmosphere for its own full spectrum dominance


Now and then, scientists like CERN particle physicist Jasper Kirby and NASA Goddard Space

Flight Center heliophysicist Douglas E. Rowland��There�s different kinds of chemtrails as you probably

know� leak a tantalizing tidbit about what is really going on, but it is tacitly ignored

by mainstream media.

An Italian senator calls for declassification of chemtrail documents, a Cyprus agriculture

and environment minister pledges to look into chemtrails and then, nothing.

Over and over again, government agencies near the hub of the �climate change� thrust

(NASA, NOAA, EPA, etc.) are caught lying, but embedded media roll on.

NASA proclaimed July 2012 the hottest month on record and NOAA�s National Climatic Data

Center agreed: the July 2012 temperature average of 77.6�F was 3.3�F above the 20th century

average and 0.2�F above the previously warmest July of 1936 (during the Dust Bowl years).

However, when meteorologist Anthony Watts checked NOAA data, he found that July 1936

had been reinstated as the hottest month on record.

�You can�t get any clearer proof of NOAA adjusting past temperatures,� Watts wrote.

�This isn�t just some issue with gridding, or anomalies, or method, it is about NOAA

not being able to present historical climate information of the United States accurately

� This is not acceptable.

It is not being honest with the public.

It is not scientific.

It violates the Data Quality Act.�

David L. Lewis, PhD, a former microbiologist for the EPA�s Office of Research & Development,

wrote in Science For Sale: How the Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities

to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect

Corporate Profits (Skyhorse Publishing, 2014) that EPA leadership consistently �mishandles

science.� One incident occurred in 2003, when former Acting Assistant Administrator

Henry L. Longest II made midlevel EPA managers read management consultant Margaret Wheatley�s

Turning to One Another, urging environmentalists �to abandon Western science in favor of

�New Science� � the �space of not knowing� and the �abyss.� While passing

through the abyss, new scientists shed their religious beliefs and sexual inhibitions,

then turn to one another.� Managerial candidates then had to fill out a confidential questionnaire

about their promiscuity, religion, morality, and willingness to keep secrets.

(What exactly was the EPA up to in the Bush II years?)

Add murder to propaganda, manipulation of international convocations, requiring sexual

histories to forge bonds of secrecy, and blackmailing nations with geoengineered weather threats.

U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) fought hard for HR2977, the 2001 Space Preservation

Act that over the next few years was stalled in committee after committee before its final


On December 19, 2007, Kucinich�s 52-year-old younger brother was found dead; the following

year on November 12, his 48-year-old sister died of acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Coincidence, or payback?

On August 9, 2010, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (Alaska) was investigating HAARP (see image

right) at the request of Alaskan bush pilot Theron �Terry� Smith when their aircraft

crashed, killing Stevens and Smith but not NASA administrator Sean O�Keefe, who was

also onboard.

Coupled with the fact that Smith�s son-in-law had been killed just days before in a C-17

crash at Elmendorf Air Force Base, �accident� or �coincidence� seems highly unlikely.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) blamed the crash on the �pilot�s temporary

unresponsiveness for reasons that could not be established.�

Strange purges are underway.

Canada has dismissed 2,000 scientists and hundreds of programs that monitored smoke

stack emissions, food inspections, oil spills, water quality, climate change, etc. while

closing seven of the eleven Fisheries and Oceans libraries:

� a document classified as �secret� that was obtained by Postmedia News mentioned

�culling of materials� as a main activity in the reduction of libraries � reports

have emerged of books being strewn across floors and even piled into dumpsters.

Thus after decades of subterfuge, manipulation, and one extreme weather �experiment� after

another in full view of nations whose citizens no longer believed in their own perceptions

but instead sought media weather interpretations�as I write, Hurricanes Matthew and tropical storm

Nicole are making profits for disaster capitalists along the Florida-Georgia-Carolinas Atlantic

coast�came the globalist move to subject nations to the will of the U.S.-controlled

United Nations, now that a dependable weather weapon was at last at hand.

A UN power shift

The participation of the U.S. and China is significant, as the two account for more than

40 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The agreement goes into force once 55 countries accounting for at least 55 percent of global

emissions officially sign � Parties to the agreement will still have to go through the

process of joining the agreement, which for most will require processes of approval in

their home countries �

On Earth Day 2016, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change climate agreement

was signed.

It had been hammered out over the course of multiple conferences culminating in the COP21

in Paris November 30-December 11, 2015.

The 2011 UN Climate Change Conference (COP17) in Durban, South Africa had attempted to include

an International Tribunal of Climate Justice provision, but by COP21, it had disappeared.

It was all quite the show.

Climate mouthpieces were carefully chosen�the IPCC, geoengineers David Keith and Ken Caldeira,

prestigious universities, embedded NGOs, government agencies, the World Bank and IMF, and of course

the usual Wall Street-London deep pockets.

Scriptwriters worked overtime on the fate of the Earth as cameras panned in on lightning

flashes, rolling storms, deluges and droughts, crying babies, hospital emergency rooms filled

to overflowing � The UN was to be tasked with vast new tax and regulatory powers in

the name of keeping global warming below 2�C.

A quieter UN meeting had taken place in New York City two months before COP21: the Sustainable

Development Summit concentrating on UN Agenda 2030 (Agenda 21 by a new name) that would

coordinate with the carbons scam to turn nationhood into a mere address:

To cheers, applause and probably a tinge of relief, the 17 global goals that will provide

the blueprint for the world�s development over the next 15 years were ratified by UN

member states in New York on Friday.

After speeches from Pope Francis and the Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, and songs from

Shakira and Angelique Kidjo, the ambitious agenda � which aims to tackle poverty, climate

change and inequality for all people in all countries � was signed off by 193 countries

at the start of a three-day UN summit on sustainable development � The global goals summit continues

until Sunday, after when all eyes will be on the UN climate talks in November.

Asked if the goals will be scuppered without a strong deal in Paris [COP21], Mogens Lykketoft,

the president of the UN general assembly, was hesitant, saying leaders were making more

commitments than they were in previous COP meetings.

�From what we know and hope for, we will be approaching a better deal.�

Weather warfare technology was the teeth �sustainable development� Agenda 2030 had been waiting

for (and surely why developing nations had valiantly attempted to include an International

Tribunal of Climate Justice).

Immediately after the two conferences, the Dutch Defence Joint Meteorological Group (JMG)

took the lead �in providing weather forecasts for every exercise or deployment of [NATO�s]

Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF).� And if you think the VJTF is only �forecasting�

weather �

To be fair, some academics do ponder the naked emperor.

How exactly is CO2 to be removed from the atmosphere �using an infrastructure we don�t

have and with technology that won�t work on the scale we need, and finally to store

it in places we can�t find� ? Others recognize that the carbon solution is a ploy for raking

in disaster capitalist cash: $90 trillion in energy infrastructure investments, $1 trillion

green bond market, multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market, $391 billion climate

finance industry.

The UN Green Climate Fund alone will clear $100 billion per year, purportedly to support

concrete carbons mitigation in developing countries.

Should we take bets on if the money will ever make it to the developing countries after

being filtered through multilateral and private banks like World Bank and Deutsche Bank?

After all, the naked emperor is not known for keeping his promises.

Traditional bureaucratic foundations like Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie were said to

be giving way to �philanthrocapitalism,� a muscular new approach to charity in which

the presumed entrepreneurial skills of billionaires would be applied to the world�s most pressing

challenges �

Too late, the public is awakening to the dismal fact that its institutions, agencies, universities,

laboratories, and courts obey the very powers that have milked public assets dry.

Worker and food safety, gone.

Bill of Rights, gone.

Environmental protections, gone.

Soon, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

(TTIP) or facsimiles thereof will lock in corporate feudalism under an oligarchic world


Billionaire members of the Good Club are establishing �brain institutes� to support the Brain

Initiative and its neuroscientists in service to a Transhumanist future.

�Science is broken�

For two decades, independent scientists and the science-minded have been attempting to

sound the alarm regarding what is going on in our skies and in low-earth orbit while

university labs and burgeoning university scientists buckle to military grants dedicated

to weaponizing everything under the Sun, if not the Sun itself.

Rutgers University climatologist Alan Robock relates how CIA-funded consultants contacted

him to ask two questions: If we control someone else�s climate, would they know about it?

and Would climate experts be able to determine if another nation was attempting to control

the climate?

The CIA�not exactly known for being forthcoming�has funded multiple grants targeting weather domination

(including HAARP via minions like Raytheon), including two February 2015 National Academy

of Sciences reports: �Climate Intervention: Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration�

(154 pages) and �Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth� (234 pages).

The peer review system has been co-opted, favoring some theories and scientists and

banishing others to the outer darkness of non-publication and stonewalled careers.

Nobel Laureate biologist Sydney Brenner:

I think peer review is hindering science.

In fact, I think it has become a completely corrupt system.

It�s corrupt in many ways, in that scientists and academics have handed over to the editors

of these journals the ability to make judgment on science and scientists.

There are universities in America, and I�ve heard from many committees, that won�t consider

people�s publications in low impact factor journals � it puts the judgment in the hands

of people who really have no reason to exercise judgment at all.

And that�s all been done in the aid of commerce, because they are now giant organizations making

money out of it.

�Powerful orthodoxy against a marginalized heterodoxy� is how Charles Eisenstein describes

the opposition to cutting-edge Electric Universe scientists:

If you have faith in the soundness of our scientific institutions, you will assume that

the dissidents are marginalized for very good reason: their work is substandard.

If you believe that the peer review process is fair and open, then the dearth of peer-reviewed

citations for [Electric Universe] research is a damning indictment of their theory.

And if you believe that the corpus of mainstream physics is fundamentally correct, and that

science is progressing closer and closer to truth, you will be highly skeptical of any

major departure from standard theories � Can we trust scientific consensus?

Can we trust the integrity of our scientific institutions?

Perhaps not.

Over the last few years, a growing chorus of insider critics have been exposing serious

flaws in the ways that scientific research is funded and published, leading some to go

so far as to say, �Science is broken.�

Between 1973 and 2013, the decision-making as to which scientific papers merited publication

and which didn�t was controlled by six major publishers (ACS; Reed Elsevier; Sage; Taylor

& Francis; Springer; and Wiley-Blackwell), all in the back pocket of Big Pharma and the

medical industry:

�As long as publishing in high impact factor journals is a requirement for researchers

to obtain positions, research funding, and recognition from peers, the major commercial

publishers will maintain their hold on the academic publishing system,� added [Professor

Vincent Lariviere, lead author of the study from the University of Montreal�s School

of Library and Information Science].

Then there�s the danger quotient far beyond loss of career for scientists working on classified


In the early days of the �Star Wars� Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) now culminating in

the Space Fence, two dozen scientists and experts working for Marconi and Plessey Defence

Systems either disappeared or died under �mysterious circumstances.� Most were microbiologists.

The scientist death toll continued into the 1990s and post-9/11.

Now, the targets appear to be naturopathic doctors and health-minded MDs peering behind

the curtains of Big Pharma vaccinations, autism, and cancer-for-profit.

Next stop: The SSS Space Fence

We are a long way from President Kennedy�s Space Age dreams and resolution to put an

end to chemical polluters and the destruction of soil and biodiversity.

Now, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter has a doctorate in physics from

Oxford University, and with the stroke of a presidential pen on Thanksgiving 2015, the

U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (HR2262) a/k/a Space Act of 2015 thumbs

its nose at the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, erasing whatever fleeting separation was left

between the military and corporations bent on making profits from space-based mining

of asteroids and the helium-3 isotope on the Moon.

For those in North America, the Clean Air Act has been amended and the North American

Climate, Clean Energy, and Environment Partnership Action Plan signed in June 2016 by Canada,

the U.S., and Mexico.

The �sustainable future� for these three nations appears to be as a hemispheric union.

Hillary Clinton�s dream, she told a Brazilian bank in 2013, is �a hemispheric common market,

with open borders, sometime in the future,� which sounds a lot like the partnership plan�s

Leaders Statement:

Our actions to align climate and energy policies will protect human health and help level the

playing field for our businesses, households, and workers � that sets us firmly on the

path to a more sustainable future.

Translated out of double-speak, does �protect human health� mean vaccinations for all,

and �level the playing field� the death of the middle class?

To sustain something is to make it last with dependable support systems.

Is the Leaders Statement alluding to the SSS (Space Surveillance System) Space Fence constructed

and operated by North American and NATO interests�a great surveillance machine with many parts

that altogether provide real full spectrum dominance not just of weather and the near-earth

environment but of planet Earth and its inhabitants in their entirety for generations?

It is a near-impossible task to describe the resurrected Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

�Star Wars� Space Fence in our atmosphere now transformed into a wireless antenna in

order to �master the Human Domain,� but we must prepare for the lockdown Space Age

now built around us in the air and on the Earth, which is why I wrote Under An Ionized

Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown.

Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, lecturer, storyteller, and teacher who researches and

writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse,

and invasive electromagnetic weapons (Nexus, October 2014).

She is now perhaps best known for Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of

Planet Earth, published in June 2014 by Feral House, and has recently completed the sequel

Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown to be released in September


She lives in Olympia, Washington.

For more infomation >> Planetary Lockdown, Geoengineering and "The Deep State" - Duration: 26:37.


Time for a Bath | The Adventures of Dr. Buckeye Bottoms - Duration: 3:16.

the patient's name is makhani who which

means wind and rain in Hawaiian she was

born during a tropical storm

she's such a sweetheart and she's really

curious and friendly and she's just


she's the new star at the farm and with

visitors clamoring to better farm

manager nice took the skin condition

very seriously little Fraggle camaro

she'll get close to you she's very very


well you just precious aren't you really

actually got it all over her nose and

you notice her itching and rubbing or

scratching his being on scratching and

that you're very friendly and cute and

like you I do know that you had another

vet come out and he took a scraping and

he took some hair samples for possible

ringworm ringworm is a fungus which is

contagious i would wait for that fungal

culture to come back before you let her

really interact with the public and kids

and stuff because if it is ring where

kids could potentially get it

having kids and families in general

coming on and off the property five days

a week

what's important now that it's not being

transferred to other animals to people

notice there was a lot of these clumps

of chunky boozy gunk that were stuck in

the hair and was holding moisture and

bacteria and in my opinion just needed

to come off totally wet so I decided

that we're gonna initially give her a

bath with a medicated shampoo which had

some antibacterial and antifungal

medication in it

try not to rinse this stuff off

really stuck in there okay yeah we

almost need is like a comb

I'm gonna grab a comb out of my bag

because this stuff is really in for

lunch it right

oh yeah this is that is a bunch of

matted dead skin tissue with booze and

crust the reason we want to get all this

stuff office because it's in the hair in

the fur it's holding moisture it's dead

tissue bugs can live off it so what we

want is just to have normal skin with no

dog then it's not brain surgery but

sometimes even the simple things are


let's rinse her honestly I'm starting to

think that once they get this off she's

gonna get a lot better now doing it and

seeing what's going on

look at how much nicer in it was just

okay yeah you're all cleaned up you

little thing yeah that's a percent

difference is the moral of this story is

sometimes horses need baths to you it's

not that technical I mean I bay the

horse but in my opinion that was one of

the most important things that had to be


For more infomation >> Time for a Bath | The Adventures of Dr. Buckeye Bottoms - Duration: 3:16.


The Cryptic Dragon Review a PVE Monster #Destiny - Duration: 6:47.

Hi guardians today we are going to review the Cryptic Dragon which can be dropped from

the Crucible.

This is a mid impact scout rifle in the 48 impact category.

Familiar guns in this category is the taken King Hung Jury SR4, The strike exclusive Treads

Upon Stars from the Cabal Strikes and the Suros Dis-43 and Tuonela SR4 from the GunSmith.

This is a popular archetype due to the good combination of rate of fire and impact.

The faster firing scouts like the NL Shadow 701x lacks the impact and the high impact

guns like the Raid scout Chaos Dogma just fires too slow in my opinion and the stability

is relatively low.

So the Cryptic Dragon has the perfect balance between impact and rate of fire.

If we look at the base stats the gun is very average in both range , stability and reload.

What does stand out is the high magazine size of 19 which is very useful for PVE to deal

with ads, and if you have triple tap on this gun you can sustain fire for a long time without

the need to reload.

And there are a lot of interesting options in the perk tree which can make this gun become

a monster in PVE.

In this video I will share with you the perks that I have on my cryptic dragon which makes

it perfect for PVE.

I have the following perks on my Cryptic Dragon: Red Dot ORS1

Ranged Lens Quickdraw IS

Crowd Control High Caliber Rounds

Hand-laid Stock Field Scout

Reactive Reload

What makes this perk set stands out is the extra damage that you can get from the combination

of Crowd Control and Reactive reload.

So Crowd Control increases the damage by 15% after a kill and Reactive reload also gives

you a damage boost of 33% which procs on reloading the weapon after a kill.

If you put these two together it can give you a substantial amount of extra damage boost.

Lets do the maths here, lets say for simplicity sake a bullet does 100 damage.

When crowd control procs this will give a 15% damage boost so 100 times 15% is 115 and

now lets add the 33% from reactive reload so 115 times 33% is 153.

So lets put this in perspective this is 153 if both perks proc of the original 100 damage,

this is an extra damage boost of 53% which is huge.

Now lets be realistic, the chances of you having both of these perks proc is very unlikely.

Because both perks only last for 3 seconds, so the reload animation lowers the potential

time that you can have both perks proc.

Realistically, You will most likely have crowd control proc most of the time dealing with

ads, and while you reload the crowd control perk probably already wears off but in that

case you have reactive reload kicking in so you can sustain the damage boost and when

that wears off you probably have already another kill so that crowd control kicks back in and

rinse and repeat.

So you can see how powerful the combination can be of crowd control and reactive reload.

In the middle column I have the option of hand laid stock, high caliber rounds or field


In my opinion Field scout is a wasted perk, since there are no ammo issues with scouts,

I hardly find myself out of ammo with them.

So the choice really comes down to hand laid stock and high caliber rounds.

I usually choose stability over high caliber rounds but since the stability is not an issue

with this gun I prefer high caliber rounds so I can stagger enemies and particular majors

if needed.

High caliber rounds in PVE is really useful in keeping those high level enemies in check,

this will help stun lock majors which gives your fireteam the opportunity to team fire

them and take them down.

So again the combination of perks is really good with this high mag size Cryptic Dragon,

you have crowd control and reactive reload to deal with low level enemies to boost your

damage and high caliber rounds will work well in keeping those high level enemies in check

by keeping them staggered.

Thats it for my roll , but what will you be looking for when you get one dropped.

Well the perk options for the Cryptic Dragon is very good, there are hardly any bad perks

that can be rolled on this gun.

So lets start with an overview of the perks.

In the first column, crowd control would be the number one choice for the damage boost.

Triple tap is a good alternative which will delay your need to reload and it will make

this gun like the vendor Hung Jury from back in the Taken King which is also famous for

the high mag size and triple tap.

Zen moment is an overall good perk and take a knee is too niche to be useful.

In the middle top column any of the three perks are useful, if you like the extra damage

than explosive rounds will be your choice, armor piercing rounds is great for dealing

with ads as one bullet can overpenetrate and hit multiple targets, and high caliber rounds

is great for staggering the enemies.

The second option in the middle column all offers stability perks, any of them will do

to increase the stability.

The third option in the middle column are custom optics, rifled barrel and field scout.

These are all not that useful, I dont know anyone using custom optics and range is not

a problem with scouts so you dont need rifled barrel and unlike hand cannons scouts does

not suffer any ammo problems so field scout is also not really useful.

You really want to have one of the perk option in the top middle column to enhance the gun

with either explosive, armor piercing or high caliber rounds.

And in the final column all the perks are great, if you like a quick reload then you

will be looking for outlaw, if you like to have the radar up at all times then third

eye is your choice, and then you have reactive reload for the extra damage boost and firefly

is always good to have on any gun for dealing with ads.

So to conclude the Cryptic Dragon is a great versatile weapon , it has fantastic perk options,

you really cant go wrong with any roll.

And it is also one of the few scouts which has an high magazine size so you can sustain

your damage as long as possible.

So I highly recommend to try out this gun in PVE when you get one dropped in the crucible.

Thats it for the video, a like is appreciated if you enjoyed this.

Subscribe if you want to stay up to date on all my latest video.

And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> The Cryptic Dragon Review a PVE Monster #Destiny - Duration: 6:47.


Everything You Need To Know About Galactic Ice Volcanoes! - Duration: 3:06.

Imagine a volcano spewing frozen lava at negative 182 degrees celsius!

Well, that's just another day on Ceres.

Hello Earthlings, Ian here for DNews and I want to tell you about some VERY cool planetary


Cryovolcanoes — or "ice volcanoes" — are purely extraterrestrial affairs and are thought

to be pretty common on the moons and dwarf planets of the outer solar system.

NASA's Cassini mission, for example, has spotted possible ice volcanoes on Saturn's

moon Titan.

And the New Horizons mission to Pluto has also seen features that could be created by

cryovolcanic activity.

Now, NASA has announced that even Ceres, the closest dwarf planet to the sun, has an ice

volcano mystery going on!

You may think you're pretty familiar with volcanoes.

These ruptures in the Earth's crust form at the edges of tectonic plates, venting molten

rock from our planet's mantle, spewing lava over land and into the oceans and creating

new rock.

But things get a bit weird when we look elsewhere in the solar system.

Sure, we know there are extinct volcanoes on Mars and there are very, very active ones

on Jupiter's angry moon Io, but cryovolcanoes are something else altogether that you won't

find on Earth.

These ice volcanoes are found on icy worlds.

And instead of erupting with molten rock, they erupt volatiles like water, methane and


Volatiles are chemicals that have very low melting points and for the most part remain

as a solid inside icy planets and moons.

For example, methane melts when heated to MINUS 182 degrees Celsius.

As Earth is a pretty warm place, methane is usually found as a gas here, but on super-cold

worlds like Pluto, it's usually found as solid ice.

BUT -- if something heats the interiors of these worlds — like radioactive decay — methane

and other volatiles will melt and erupt to the surface.

These eruptions can create the ice equivalent of volcanoes that we are familiar with on

Earth; just swap out the superhot lava for extremely cold liquid that spews onto the

surface, rapidly refreezing and creating a volcano-like mountain.

If you were unfortunate to be standing next to a cryovolcano as it erupted, you wouldn't

be incinerated by molten rock, you'd be frozen into a block of ice.

So, back to Ceres.

This strange dwarf planet is thought to contain large quantities of water ice and now NASA's

Dawn mission has spotted a solitary mountain, nearly half the size of Mount Everest, that

is thought to be a cryovolcano.

This peculiar mountain is called Ahuna Mons and scientists are trying to work out why

there appears to be only one.

It's a bit like the Earth possessing just one volcano — that doesn't make much sense.

Although cryovolcanoes are still pretty theoretical, it's thought that Ceres used to have more,

but they flattened out out via "viscous relaxation".

This physical process is known to cause masses of ice to deform over time, and it's the

same process that drives the flow of Earth's glaciers into the ocean.

Because of that process, over hundreds of millions of years, ice-rich cryovolcanoes

are thought to slowly slump under gravity and flatten out.

The only reason why Ahuna Mons is still standing is that it is pretty young, geologically speaking.

This finding only adds strength to the idea that there's a LOT of water ice on Ceres,

but most of it is locked under the surface.

Want to know more about Ceres?

Check out Amy's video here.

What do you think is more awesome -- an ice volcano or a regular ol' lava volcano?

Let us know down in the comments, subscribe, and come back every day for more episodes.

For more infomation >> Everything You Need To Know About Galactic Ice Volcanoes! - Duration: 3:06.


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