Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

You see, we're not thinking of death in a morbid way but in an inspired way because,

you see, as long as there is life, there is death.

In fact some ways, death is the most important moment of life because, you know, it comes

at the end of life, hence the most important.

It is the summation of your life.


That's why in the spiritual tradition, and really in the contemplative tradition, such

as in Christianity, Buddhism, others, reflection of death is something that cleanses the soul

and makes you come closer to, if you are a Christian, to God. And the main thing is come more

closer to life, very much, and to realize the real meaning of life because it's death that

gives–like, put it this way, if suppose you were involved in almost a plane crash and

you survived.

When you come through such a crisis then you begin suddenly to realize how precious life is,

how wonderful life is.

Otherwise we fall asleep, get stuck in this life, limited short-term view. Because the trouble

with us is that, you know, even though we are going to die, we know that, because we

do not when or how we are going to die, then we get distracted. But then what is the point

of thinking of that.

It actually refreshes you about life.

It really reminds you of the preciousness of life. But yet life is impermanent and death

is real, so we have to be ready.

We have to be ready.

We have to take care of life, because life is so precious, and take care of the most important

things and not waste our life. Not to waste our life.

I remember recently, you know, Tibet's prime minister-in-exile who has been elected by

the Tibetan people,

he is a great scholar, a great statesman,

and he was saying, you know, he was reflecting on life, and said: 80% of what we do in this

life, is completely pointless, only 20%...

So we waste our life.

Life's precious.

We waste our life.

Death is saying not to waste your life.

Life is precious.

Live meaningfully.

Is that clear?

For more infomation >> Sogyal Rinpoche ~ As long as there is life, there is death - Duration: 3:47.


How To Align With Our Soul Purpose - Duration: 12:58.

How To Align With Our Soul Purpose.

by Jessie Klassen,

During this exciting time upon our earth, we hear much about �living our purpose.�

But as I can speak from experience, this is much easier said than done.

It�s not that any of us don�t want to be living our soul purpose.

We know that there is something not quite aligned or flowing within our lives, but so

many of the ways to get there are either elusive or hard to grasp at best.

Because, quite frankly, we are not taught to live our life purpose.

We are taught to get careers.

Logical careers that bring in a decent income.

And many of them don�t feel like they are part of our purpose at all.

And we have this idea that to be successful, we should be working long hours and should

feel stressed out.

Otherwise, what are we even doing?

But as I discovered (and I am still getting there, as I feel we are always �getting

there�) I was making it much more complicated than it had to be.

For a long time, I was under the illusion that perhaps I missed something, or I had

taken a wrong turn, when in fact, I hadn�t.

My experiences, my life, were actually all a culmination of my purpose, and before I

knew it, I had �become my purpose� just by being me.

Because we all have a gift.

And we all have this gift to share with the world, otherwise, we wouldn�t be here.

Simple as that.

There are no extras here in this movie of life.

So what does this mean?

How do we get there?

I will offer my humble advice and sincerely hope that you will find it helpful.

1) What comes naturally to you?

Look at yourself.

Look at your talents.

And be kind.

Be generous.

What can you do that makes others say �wow, how did you do that?� or �I could never

do something like that.�

Because chances are, anything that you can do with ease that others can�t, is probably

your gift.

For me, connecting and communicating with nature has always come easily to me.

I do it without thinking about it, it is a part of who I am.

Nature is when I feel �oneness� with all that is.

When I feel I truly connect with the Divine presence.

When do you feel this connection?

Where are you?

What are you doing?

Can you expand this moment, this time, into other areas of your life?

As a society, I feel we focus too much on being amazing at everything, even our weaknesses.

While knowing lots about a lot of different things makes you interesting and boosts confidence,

and I agree that it is good to be a well-rounded individual, but shouldn�t we be encouraged

to focus on what we are naturally inclined to be talented at, as that is our gift to

the world?

And that way we can help one another that struggle where we are strong?

For example, I have a wonderful lady who helps me with all of the �techy� stuff of running

my website.

Her name is Sian Elizabeth and she is amazing.

That is her talent, and for me, it is a gift, because it is not my strength.

By sharing her strength, I am able to share my gift with the world.

2) What did you want to be as a child?

When we are children, we are closely connected to our soul and our memory of who we really


Connect with your inner child, remember back.

What did you love as a child?

What did you want to do or be?

Were you interested in people, animals, the earth, helping others?

What was the nature of your happiness back then?

For me, I was going to be a writer.

I wrote joyfully, stories and poems, unabashedly and unworried about the quality or content.

So naturally, it makes sense that I now write about helping others connect with the magic

of nature to rediscover the magic of their own lives.

This is who I am and comes easily to me.

3) Meditate

For lack of better or more poetic term, a while back, I felt I needed to �change my


Basically, I knew I needed to quit regurgitating the same old thoughts and out-dated beliefs

that were playing on re-run in my mind.

Our minds tend to become a replay of what we think our lives are, rather than what they

really are or could be.

The most effective, profound way that we can shift our lives is by shifting our thoughts

and beliefs, and that can be achieved through meditation.

Do not meditate to �clear your mind.� Meditate to �focus your mind.�

There are many styles and techniques out there, and each are suited to each individual.

Meditation is personal.

Find a style that works for you and commit to doing it everyday.

Nothing major.

Even ten minutes a day.

I promise the effects are profound and life changing.

Life just flows with much more ease, and as I found, I began thinking new thoughts and

seeing new things.

Science has finally proven what the wise men and women have know for eternity.

Meditating unleashes your creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

It relieves stress and makes you more productive.

You become a much higher vibration, better version of yourself.

Actually, it unveils who you really are.

And as I found, I became addicted to the natural �high� that meditation provides.

The joy, the bliss, the feeling of �oneness� with the Universe.

I now cannot imagine a day without a few mindful minutes of going inward and being connected

to everything.

4) Ask Empowering Questions

It is important to remember that we were never plunked here so that we could drift along

without a clue (even though sometimes it feels that way).

The answer, the way, is always available if we open our awareness to it.

I have found a quick and effective way to do this is to ask some empowering questions.

What is an empowering question?

A question asked from a position of power.

Such as from the place of a co-creator of your life, rather than a helpless victim.

You are taken from �poor me, how come things never go my way?� to �I create my life.

Why do things always go my way?�

Even if you don�t feel that way sincerely, say it anyway.

Other examples could be:

why do I have such an amazing gift to share with the world?

what is the nature of my life purpose, or my happiness, or fulfillment, etc.

why do I get to live my life purpose?

why do I always know which direction to go?

Notice the shift in your consciousness.

Your vibration rises when you ask questions in this format, and as your vibration rises,

so will the vibration of of experiences that you invite into your awareness.

You could also write these questions down, or re-word them as affirmations.

Not long ago I wrote, �I walk the path of my Divine life purpose.� Or you could say,

�I love living my life with purpose.� Or I also stated for a while, �I am living

the life of my wildest dreams.�

A message came through during one of my meditations, �when in doubt, write it out.�

Writing is powerful.

Because we believe it when we see it.

And what we believe, we become.

So consider what you are writing, and be ready for a shift, a change to occur, because it


Disclaimer: It�s not always easy.

Walking the path of my Divine life purpose is not always a walk in the park, everything

does not automatically go honky dory.

I hadn�t considered that it was a pretty tall request.

But of course, being me, I dove right in to the �deep� stuff.

I had and still have a lot to clear so that I can continue on this path.

But I�ve noticed as I keep asking these questions, such as, �how can it get any

better than this?�, the universe answers me.

Things really do always get better.

As creators of our lives, we need to be mindful of what we are asking for, because the answers

always come.

You can have fun a lot of fun with this.

I also like to ask, �why am I such an amazing parent?� or �why am I so great at �� or

�why are my kids so happy?�

We get what we ask for.

Don�t worry about the �how� of the answers.

The messages always arrive and it can be in a variety of ways.

For myself, I am a dreamer.

So for me, the answers usually come in a dream or from a messenger from nature.

But I have also had the answers come in songs, random people, coincidences and serendipity

occurring in much higher frequency than usual.

Stay open and give the Universe a chance to answer.

And many times, the �answer� is just a smoother flowing of your life.

Or you may feel guided to read a book, go somewhere, take a course, but you will realize

after that it was all for the best.

There is a balance to strike between asking and stating, and then letting it go and staying

in the moment.

Assure that when you asked or stated, you were heard.

So then it is your job to trust.

5) What Strengths are your Children Revealing in You?

As parents we have accepted the high honor and privilege of raising children in a critical

time upon our earth.

And as I have found, my kids are teaching me as much as I can teach them.

What has raising your children taught you about yourself?

Or your grand-children or other children in your life?

This can even apply to other loved ones in your life that you feel a deep connection

with, good or bad.

My children revealed to me my own fears about myself.

I have had to �up my game� if I am going to be the kind of role model that I feel they

should have.

I discovered that one of my fears for them is that they will feel that I don�t understand

them, because, as a child, I often felt misunderstood.

This has made me a more patient and compassionate parent.

I have also seen how they thrive when I am open and allowing my inner child to come through

and play.

What is it that you want for your kids?

Now want that for yourself.

It is not selfish of you.

You will be improving their lives as you improve your own.

And another bonus?

You will feel fulfilled and you won�t be loving them from a place of need.

You will be satisfied and when we are satisfied, we see others for who they are rather than

what we want them to be-and that means everybody will be happier!

6) I have another piece of advice that has come to mind, and I have to admit, it won�t

sound the most spiritual or enlightened.

Actually, I�m not sure if it is even advice-perhaps we will just call it me sharing an experience

and you being amused.

There have been times in my life where I have felt extreme frustration and hopelessness

to the point where I thought I was literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown, like

I couldn�t take anymore-and this is when I have completely flipped out on the Universe.

I have come to affectionately call these my �what the f**k sessions with God.� (yes,

there�s been several)

And they have been ugly, crude, verbal diarrhea where I literally screamed at the top of my

lungs, through a mess of tears, �what the f**k do you want from me?

What now?

What more can I do?

I don�t get it!

You want this, and then you want that!

You need to get a lot more clear and get your f****in s**t together because I can�t take

this anymore!�

I told you they were ugly.

And I don�t typically curse.

Thankfully, I have only done this when I am alone in my own company, either in my truck

or out by myself in nature.

I have to say though, when I get my fill of screaming profanities, I come down from my

anger, and I suddenly become very aware of the love and compassion of the Universe as

it floods over me.

I will have a knowing that all is okay and usually a sense of knowing what I should do


There is often a valuable insight that comes, and a realization that I have just cleared

some old �stuff�, and that is actually what it was all about in the first place.

I then feel ready to move forward.

I can actually feel the Universe ��hug� me.

I will actually chuckle to myself later, imagining my guides shaking their heads, saying amongst

one another, �what was that about? we sure have our work cut out for us with her.�

So I forgive myself and apologize to the Universe, dust myself off and carry on.

As I said, I�m not sure that I�m suggesting this, but if you feel inclined to do so in

your own company, then go for it.

My life growing up on a farm, and now as a farmer, means that everyday I am in nature.

No matter the weather, 30 Celsius above zero or 30 Celsius below zero, I am outside.

So my life is what has given me the opportunity to be surrounded by nature, connected with

the earth, and as my own boss, the freedom to write and share my experiences.

For me, it has been my children and nature who have revealed my purpose to me, because

they both have brought out my talents and the very best version of myself to share with

the world.

Look at your life, because your life IS your gift.

It is your purpose.

Perhaps there are some aspects that need to change.

Maybe small changes, maybe big changes.

Or maybe only your perspective of yourself and your life is all that is needed to shift.

Either way, the answer is there, because it is you.

For more infomation >> How To Align With Our Soul Purpose - Duration: 12:58.


WH1X2740 - Replacing Your GE Washer's Small Wire Hinge-AP2044907, AH271110, PS271110 - Duration: 2:13.

Hi I'm Mike, you may need to replace the small wire form hinge on your GE washer model if

you notice that your current hinge is missing or is badly damaged.

For this repair you'll need a Phillips head screwdriver.

Before doing any repairs completely disconnect your appliance from its power source.

To begin our repair, we're going to open up on the washer door, the small wire form hinge

is going to be located right here.

If you're having trouble locating the hinge usually the hinge is going to be on the same

side as the door lid lock.

Using our Phillips head screwdriver we're going to remove the hinge from the inside

of the door.

Once both screws have been removed, we're just going to take our fingers and push the

hinge out.

Next grab your new OEM replacement hinge if you don't have one of these replacement parts

already you can find one on one of our online stores.

So we're going to take our new hinge and put it through the mount that holds the washer

door onto the washer.

Once that hinge is in position, we're just going to screw it back in to the washer door.

And once the hinge has been screwed back into the door, I would just recommend that you

would open and close the door just frequently to make sure that the hinge is secure and once

you notice that the hinge is secure your repair is complete.

Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance.

Thanks for watching our video please like, comment or share and if you liked our video,

please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> WH1X2740 - Replacing Your GE Washer's Small Wire Hinge-AP2044907, AH271110, PS271110 - Duration: 2:13.


Health Benefits of Ginger - What is ginger good for - Natural Health - Duration: 4:39.

You may know that ginger is a common ingredient in Asian and Indian cuisine, but did you know

that it's been used for centuries for its healing properties?

Ginger has a long history of health benefits, including relief from nausea, digestive issues

and pain.

The most commonly used part of the plant for medicinal purposes is the root or underground

stem, known as the rhizome.

It can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, or used in the form of an oil

or as juice.

If you don't use ginger in your kitchen or you don't know what ginger is good for,

here are 8 reasons why you might want to start!


Ginger Relieves Digestive Issues

The phenolic compounds in ginger have been shown to help relieve irritation in the gastrointestinal


They help to stimulate saliva and bile production while allowing food and fluids to move through

the GI tract more smoothly.

In a study of 24 healthy individuals, taking 1.2 grams of ginger powder before a meal accelerated

emptying of the stomach, reducing indigestion by 50%.


Ginger Relieves Nausea

Drinking ginger tea or even consuming raw ginger is a common and safe home remedy for

nausea, especially during cancer treatment or pregnancy and morning sickness.

A review of 12 studies that included a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5

grams of ginger significantly reduced nausea.


Ginger Can Relieve Pain

A study conducted at the University of Georgia found that daily ginger supplementation reduced

muscle pain by 25%.

Ginger has also been found to reduce pain during menstrual cycles.

Researchers also believe that ginger is effective at reducing the day-to-day progression of

muscle pain.


Ginger Reduces Inflammation

Osteoarthritis is a common health problem that involves the degeneration of the joints

in the body, causing joint pain and stiffness.

In a trial of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee, those who took ginger extract

had less pain and required less pain medication.


Ginger May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

In a recent study involving participants with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that 2

grams of ginger powder each day lowered blood sugar and led to a 10% overall reduction over

a period of 12 weeks.

High blood sugar is a major risk factor for heart disease.

With the effects of ginger on blood sugar, your risk of heart disease may be lowered

by at leas 10%.


Ginger May Lower Cholesterol Levels

A 45-day study involving 85 people with high cholesterol concluded that 3 grams of ginger

powder each day caused significant reductions in cholesterol levels.

Researchers believe that ginger can aid in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the

risk of heart disease.


Ginger May Have Anti-Cancer Properties

A substance in ginger known as 6-gingerol has been studied as an alternative treatment

for several types of cancer.

Research on this theory is still being conducted, but one study found that 2 grams of ginger

extract each day significantly reduced pro-inflammatory signaling molecules in the colon.


Ginger May Improve Brain Function

Oxadative stress and chronic inflammation are two factors that can accelerate the aging

process, and become a key driver of Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive impairments.

Some studies suggest that the antioxidants and bioactive compounds in ginger can inhibit

inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.

In a study of 60 middle-aged women, ginger extract was shown to improve reaction time

and working memory, suggesting that ginger supports brain health in multiple ways.

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Ginger - What is ginger good for - Natural Health - Duration: 4:39.


3 Ways Americans Are Being Deliberately Divided - Duration: 10:50.

3 Ways Americans Are Being Deliberately Divided.

by Edward Morgan.

This Week in the News

Let�s talk about the blatant efforts to cause an irreparable rift between the people

of our country.

I often compare current events to parenting, and this week is no different. Everything

purported to be news is just more bickering.

It�s like when your kids are behaving like brats, and no matter what one kid does, the

other kid jumps on it and blows it completely out of proportion like it�s the worst thing

in the history of the world. Every outrage is multiplied a thousandfold. Kid 2 drops

Kid 1�s pencil when passing it over and suddenly, Kid 2 is accused of a Machiavellian

scheme to impale Kid 1 through the heart with a stake that was only disguised as a pencil.

The difference is, the path America is on leads someplace far worse than each side being

sent to their rooms to consider their actions and figure out how to get along. We�re headed

down a path of division that has become so extreme that it�s hard to see a way back.

America is like a pot of water with the lid on. Unless some of the pressure is released

or the heat is turned down, hostility is going to boil over the top and make a huge mess

all over the stove.

But here�s the truly scary part. This has to be deliberate. While people still had vehement

political disagreements previous to this year, they were not this extreme.

Today, I want to talk about three ways we�re being divided. And not only are we being divided,

but the crisis is being egged on by the biased media on both sides. It�s being multiplied

by celebrities in Hollywood who are completely out of touch with everyday people. It�s

being perpetuated by the politicians who seem to have forgotten they are supposed to be

in positions of leadership, not the bullies on the playground who are intent on taking

control of the best slide. And never forget the education system, which now seems to be

nothing more than an organize effort to stir up discontent.


The division between black people and white people hasn�t been so tense since the days

of Martin Luther King. Hollywood, the education system, and the media have been egging on

the fight for a while now.

For example, last summer, CNN was busted clipping a statement from a black woman whose brother

had been killed by the police. They made it seem as though she was asking for peace, but

what she was actually saying was that black people should not burn down their own neighborhoods,

but should head out to the white suburbs to protest. You can find the edited clip and

the full clip here.

In schools and universities across the country, there has been an unsettling focus on making

white kids feel shame simply for being white. There is a full-out war on white students.

If you turned this around and shamed the black kids, the outcry would be deafening. So why

is this okay? In fact, what it�s doing is setting up the next generation for even more

animosity than we are seeing today. It�s setting up white kids to feel like they must

defend themselves and that they�re being oppressed, and it�s setting up black kids

to believe they deserve more just because they were born black. Instead of teaching

that one race is better or more privileged than the other, why isn�t the education

system teaching kids to be kind to each other and to appreciate other kids on merits that

have nothing to do with race?

Then you have the entertainment industry, which is busy putting out shows with condescending

titles like, �Dear White People.� Does anyone actually think that a program with

a condescending title like that is going to help with anything? I wouldn�t watch that

drivel for a million dollars, any more than I would watch a program that talked about

how terrible black people were. It�s inherently racist in its generalization about the �racial

transgressions both in academia and wider society.� Thousands of people who canceled

their Netflix accounts in protest are being called �racists��umm� because they

are bothered by racism. In response, the white writer for the show, Jack Moore, tweeted:

The response to all of this anti-white hatred has been a public resurgence of groups like

the Traditionalist Worker Party, which claims to be �fighting for white working families.�

In fact, in the little town of Pikesville, KY, they�re having big white people only

picnic. Here are some screenshots from their Facebook page:

Of course, counter-rallies are being organized.

Is this really the way forward? Because to me, it seems like it�s the way backward.

It sure seems like the people pulling the strings want a race war because if Americans

are busy fighting each other, they can�t unite against the real issues.

Boycotts and Social Pressure

Then there are the boycotts. It seems like everyone is boycotting someone. Businesses

can�t stop taking sides and making public statements, and the ones who lay low are getting

targeted too, for not taking a stand. If you buy from a company or don�t buy from a company,

you are accused of being a racist-fascist-leftist-Trumpist-socialist-communist � the list of social pressures and name-calling

could go on forever.

A bunch of people were boycotting Nordstroms until they dumped Ivanka Trump�s fashion

line. Then, when they dumped the line, a bunch of people boycotted them for dumping it.

As mentioned above, people are boycotting Netflix because of the anti-white people show.

Breitbart wants everyone to boycott Kelloggs because Kelloggs withdrew their ads when Breitbart

went Full Trump. A bunch of people are boycotting Starbucks

because they offered to hire 10,000 refugees. People are still boycotting Target for not

enforcing bathroom rules. People are boycotting the Batman Lego movie

because the new Secretary of the Treasury is a producer.

In fact, there�s a whole list of companies you should boycott if you don�t like Trump,

and I assume that if you do like Trump, you should use this list as a shopping guide.

So basically, you can�t buy anything from anyone without google-searching every member

of the board of directors, checking out the Twitter account of the CEO, and cross-checking

the political leanings of any person who might make a profit off of your dime.

Geez. And you thought shopping was hard when you just wanted to get the best price or buy



Then, last but absolutely not least, there is the violence being unleashed against those

with differing opinions. The so-called �tolerant� Left has been debating whether violence is

the answer, and it appears their conclusion is that yes, violence is completely justified

if someone has a different opinion.

For example, at the University of California Berkeley, protests of such violence erupted

before Milo Yiannopoulis�s speaking engagement that the event had to be canceled. Now, I�m

not a huge fan of the way Milo communicates � I don�t think blatant meanness is necessary

or helpful. However, I can�t deny that he has some good points, and I definitely support

his right to say the things he says. If the First Amendment doesn�t apply to unpopular

speech, then it is completely useless.

150 masked protesters unleashed violence that caused over $100,000 in damage to the Berkely

campus. Two Republican students were physically attacked. A woman wearing a Trump hat was

pepper sprayed in the face. The protesters, allegedly from a group called the Black Bloc,

broke windows, set fires, and threw rocks and fireworks at police. Even worse, police

stood down and let them run amok. One alumnus wrote a profanity-laced op-ed (that is pretty

difficult to follow if you try to apply logic), says it is an �act of violence� to insist

that protests should be peaceful. (Incidentally, it�s rumored that a George Soros-funded

group gave $50K to the group who rioted at Berkeley.)

At a university in Florida, students started a Leftist Fight Club to teach them to physically

fight with Trump supporters, the �alt-right,� and Republicans. (Correction: I originally

stated this was the University of Florida. It actually occurred at the University of

CENTRAL Florida.)

Another group, called Antifa, committed violent acts at an event for Right Wing speaker Gavin

McInnes at NYU and actively promotes violent resistance.

Does anyone else see the irony in people who claim to be anti-fascist shutting down free

speech if the opinion differs from theirs?

I think we can all see where this is leading.

When discourse becomes impossible, the checks and balances that keep our country from going

too far in one direction cannot work.

When dissent is met with violence, it begets more violence. I can assure you that if my

family was under attack because of an unpopular opinion, I�d meet that force with an equal

or greater force. Wouldn�t you?

America is being divided, and it simply has to be deliberate. The whole world is watching

our demise as we fight in the streets, march in protest, and make mountains out of molehills.

The media is abetting the division with every-more-hysterical write-ups. Actual news based on unbiased fact

is almost impossible to find.

No one seems to be allowed to think critically. You should see the clamor on social media

when I refuse to be either all-in for Trump or completely anti-Trump. Why can�t anyone

see that there is good and bad in every administration? Wouldn�t being in close touch with reality

be the better way to bring about the peaceful and balanced world we idealize?

It seems not.

Watch this video. Every single one of us

is being programmed.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways Americans Are Being Deliberately Divided - Duration: 10:50.


Paul Myers on studying ice cores - Duration: 1:31.


I look at how ocean waters interact with glaciers;

warm water from the ocean, if it's transported North enough,

by the right process, can be transported into fjords,

and then it can start to melt underneath the base of the

glaciers, which causes them to retreat, forming more and more

icebergs, which are then displaced into the ocean.

As the glaciers start to melt, because they're fresh-water,

they're putting this fresh water into the ocean, which reduces

the ocean's salinity.

So, as we know, we have a large-scale cyclonic circulation

of the gyres in this region.

And, depending upon where those waters are transported, they can

effect the density of the water, which effects stratification,

how the ocean takes up heat, where it forms sea ice,

effects some of the ecosystems, some of the productivity

for the biology.

People are very interested in our climate system, how it's

evolving, what are the meegle impacts on Canadians?

There's offshore oil drilling going on on the East Coast;

if we change the links to the glaciers, and you get

more icebergs, that's something they're going to have to be

concerned about!

And people have related the recent decrease in sea ice

to the very cold winters off Eastern Canada in the last

few years, so there's lots of large-scale implications

that are going to effect, I would say, large numbers

of people, and by looking in detail on the ice cores,

and then how those changes are read to the large-scale

climate system, we're going to get a handle on some of these

features that are relevant to everyday people.


For more infomation >> Paul Myers on studying ice cores - Duration: 1:31.


Get InIt: YW Boston's Youth Leadership Initiative - Duration: 3:47.

InIt is a motivator, awakening, inspiring.

InIt is empowering.

InIt is magical.

InIt is family.

InIt is lifechanging and amazing.

InIt is powerful and you'll be taught a lot of important things that school doesn't teach you.

InIt is revitalizing.

InIt is one of the best experiences I've ever had.

InIt is a learning experience.

InIt is love.

InIt is the hope for equality.

InIt is a year long program for high school students of the Greater Boston Area to learn about social justice

and bring their knowledge to their communities to change them for the better.

So Immersion Week is this 5 day overnight camp kind of experience where you learn about different social justice topics and

you discuss them every night and by the end of it, you become a family with all of the people you shared this 5 day experience with.

Program Days are on Saturdays once a month and you go to delve deeper into certain issues like housing equity and racism and things like that.

A Community Action Project is a plan that you'll bring back to your community where you bring the knowledge

that you learned throughout Immersion Week and throughout the entire year back to your community or to your school

that will hopefully impact and open other people's eyes.

My CAP is to alter the history curriculum to have more discussions about race.

Me and my delegation are starting a social justice club that deals with or provides information

about sexism, sexual orientation, and race.

My CAP is going back to my school, St. John's, which is an all male school and engaging people

in what it means to be a man and how what they're doing impacts all the people around


We're ultimately just trying to improve our school and InIt gives us an opportunity to

do that in new and exciting ways.

Come to InIt!

You should join InIt because you get to meet really cool people and experience things that

you haven't before.

You should apply to InIt because it offers a chance for you to express your voice and

express your feelings and emotions that society often makes you hide.

You should apply to InIt because you want to have conversations about things that you

know are important but you can't seem to convince anyone else of.

So you should join InIt so you can meet your best friend, like we did.

You should apply to InIt because there's a family waiting out there for you that is ready

with open arms.

You should apply to InIt because you will come out with a community of changemakers.

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