Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

hey folks this is rhykker with a diablo

3 patch 2.5 update last we left off 2.5

was up on the test server with some new

features the armory crafting material

storage and ancient primal items if you

missed that news you can check out our

video for an overview and you can also

check out a video on diablo 2 developer

David Brevik's thoughts on ancient

primals now it's been a week since

blizzard also added some class balance

changes to possibly shake up with meta

and it just recently revealed a complete

revenge to the poorly received primal

ancient items and the question is do

these changes to primal ancients make

them a welcome addition to the game go

over that in a bit

let's start with the balance changes

will go through these class by class

starting with the Barbarian now I would

love to show you guys some relevant

gameplay footage

unfortunately there was a PTR wife and

so I've lost everything that i farmed

for anyway for the Barbarian a reworked

to the rumble ruin on seismic slam seem

to have implications for the week quick

build into currently quick build ancient

spear boulder josh is used as a fury

dump while also providing some secondary

damage when you toss out the spear you

spend all your remaining fury and this

synergizes with the might of the earth

set which gives you reduced cooldown

perfume respect allowing you to leave

more often

thus cause more earthquakes and thus do

more damage since the earthquake is your

main damage source the robot a seismic

slam rumbled room will now serve that

same purpose

it also dumps all remaining fury while

providing secondary damage the main

difference is that by using seismic slam

we can now work in the girdle of giant

belt which can double our earthquake

damage which almost doubled this builds

overall damage now monster health

doubles roughly every 4-5 greater risk

levels so if the build has damaged

double then it should be able to clear

roughly 45 grip levels higher than

before so this change the Barbarian

should make me quake able to clear about


grip levels higher than in the past and

on the PTR I've seen it clear in 94 leak

was always a bill that was just on the

verge of making it into the meta and

this buff maybe what it needed it may

not become top but it will likely become

at least viable onto the Crusader the

Rowland said damage buff has been

doubled and as we just said double means

about five Great Rift levels the roland

sweet Crusader was at a time the most

powerful Crusader build and that was

before the crowd control nurse used to

use the Lightning room ensuite attack to

keep monsters permanently crowd control

and that's no longer possible which is

why the fire room is now the preferred

room for more damage i've seen the

updated Roland's clear greater if 95 on

the PTR but they're in mind that most of

these clears are done with thousands of

Paragon levels and this one in

particular was over 4,000 while Rowlands

is certainly better than it used to be

the consider already has two super

powerful solar builds able to clear at

least greater of the hundred the

haverton and the legacy of nightmares

thorns build the big problem of Roland's

however isn't the damage but rather that

Golan's tends to be clunky relax energy

relax survivability and it suffers from

resource issues bigger numbers doesn't

fix Roland's and I don't imagine these

changes will bring rolls into the meta

but it would help you gear for another

set if all you have is rolling onto the

demon hunter the quiver only point shot

received a legendary power it now let's

impale throw three daggers instead of

one they spread out in a narrow triangle

this is about to the shadows mantle set

which is arguably the worst human under

said its problem has always been that it

does great single target damage but

terrible area damage and Diablo is a

game about area damage the two extra

daggers do help to spread some of the

damage around but it's just not enough

expert even under player with dijo told

me that the nuclear power is basically

useless and will have several effect on

the demon hunter meta looking at the

leaderboard clears on the test server i

couldn't find a shadow build clear above

greater if 81

which is both of reflection on how weak

the build is and how unmotivated players

are to try to even push with this bill

which according to ed cho could possibly

max out around greater if 9292 with a

perfect drift that is to say on current

live servers patch 2.4 points3 now while

making this video and you patch went out

to the PTR that further bust the whole

point shot by allowing all three daggers

to hit the same target and all benefit

from the six-piece damage buff of

shadows and moody to believe that this

will have the effect of boosting the

sent another three greater if levels so

we're looking at ideally and 93 to 95

greater if clear with shadows which is a

lot closer to the current top commander

builds but still not quite there onto

the monk the innocence is basically

gaining a 25-percent damage buff now we

have a video on and in a generator build

from patch 2.4 point 3 which is an

easier to play alternative to the glass

cannon raiment generator build Raymond

generator does about double the damage

of a generator which again translates

into about five Great Rift levels of

difference this 25-percent Boston

winners brings these two bills a little

closer and maybe just two to three grade

levels apart on the test server i saw a

97 clear by and a generator on to the

witchdoctor Zuni maza set damage about

this being almost doubled which

corresponds to arise about three to four

different levels zoom is currently

capable of just breaking into the low

nineties so we can maybe see it go as

high as 94 on the test server we see n91

clear using a Sunni Muslim gargantuan

built which is basically just an

inferior version of a hell to our

tension build we are unlikely to see a

meta shake up here among the topics

doctor bills but this does make zoomy a

better set for farming up your end game

set and with soon as being the free

season journey set for which option

season 10 minutes

not too shabby and lastly the wizard

dells earset was buffed quite a bit to

cool down gained from the two-piece

bonuses greater now the damage reduction

from the four pieces greater and the

damage but from this

peace is greater but none of that is

really enough to do much it is set sure

it'll rise a couple greater risk levels

maybe but a full kelsier build is

completely eclipsed by a Firebird Archon

or now a tal Rasha lightning wizard the

67 is doesn't bark on damaged or mental

he'll damage so kelsey is just can't be

competitive these bumps do help the

support wizard a small amount but likely

not enough to change the meta however

one seemingly tiny change is having a

huge effect on the wizard and that's the

fact that Wizard PET scan outrigger

mantled heal this has resulted in the

rise of the Lightning hydro wizard

it's very similar to the Lightning

Archon that is currently dominating but

includes the power lightning Hydra and

the Serpent's Parker wand to spawn a

second Hydra since mantle he'll products

from the brunt of your damage as a

lightning wizard having two additional

sources of lightening products

tremendously boost your damage i mean

we're talking double possibly triple

damage i saw Hydra wizard clear a 97 on

the PTR but it can definitely do over

greater if 100 and is poised to be the

best wizard build unless the nerve comes

which I suspected might i'll put up a

bill guide on the hydro wizard when

possible if it has been nerfed crap ok

onto the revised primal ancients also

told us they were taking these back to

the drawing board after they were

negatively received by the community and

here's what they came back with

community manager tivoli or said rather

than increase the power they give you

beyond ancient items primal ancient will

now instead role perfect ancient level

stats tailored to the character class

you're playing when the item first drops

rerolling any of these atomistic will

also yield only perfect rolls along with

this these items will be even more rare

than they currently are and will only

begin dropping after character on your

account has completed greater rift 70

solo with separate unlocks for hardcore

and normal characters note that he's

saying after a character on your account

does not mean that in the start of a new

season you've got to get your character

270 before we start getting these most

of you guys probably already done this

this is just a gate for new players for

whatever reason finally we hear you on

wanting ancient tribal ancients to

salvage into something more valuable

with the upcoming PTR patch ancient

items savage in 2 3 4 consoles and

primal angel savage in 215 forgotten

Souls and that's just fantastic

I've been wanting that for a really long

time very welcome change

well done by losers all right now I

previously expressed that I didn't quite

know how to feel about primal ancient

items i just knew that I had when I

first read about them

I didn't get that immediate feeling of

this is awesome I can't wait for this to

be added to the game like i did with the

other changes my reaction was more like

but reading the changes posted by TV

earlier my first reaction is this is

great I feel blizzard really listen to

our feedback and came back with

something that we're happy to have added

to the game one issue that i had with

primal ancients one point oh let's say

was the power Greek bigger numbers are

not more interesting i'm fine with our

group if it comes as a result of a cool

new power but not just numbers

arbitrarily dialed up another issue i

had is that primal ancient one point O

rendered virtually every piece of gear

you currently have as suboptimal I know

it doesn't actually change anything but

it's the psychological factors of

knowing that there are significantly

better items out there a whole other

class of super items makes it feel like

to me like I have to get this it's not

just like well if I get it awesome it's

like no I I have to get this like right

now I have to get an ancient weapon that

power difference is just too great for

me to ignore and depending on your glass

and bills getting an ancient weapon

could be difficult but it's still

feasible to obtain within a season a

primal ancient weapon would not be

feasible for everyone to get within a

season which could leave some players to

satisfied with being unable to complete

their season goal

you could argue that primal agents are

there to promote non-seasonal play but

the fact that they also exist in

seasonal play again it has that

psychological effect

I don't have like best in slot earpiece

and you're going to see other people

will have it and that's gonna make you

feel even worse

not getting it yourself but with

privatizations two point oh there's no

significant power difference it's just a

perfect ancient yes it's better but it's

not going to be a couple grip levels


it's an item that you'll never need to

replace assuming you have all the right

stats on it i personally don't feel that

I need a primal ancient but if i get 1

i'll be excited and if it has the right

stats that marks the end of gearing for

that slot and I think that's something

great to chase and grind for a checkmark

that says you have the best possible

item in the slot you don't need to look

at any other items in the slot unless

you want to change build for this reason

I don't mind that they're being made

even more rare than the original one

percent chance to see I never had a big

issue with primal engines being rare my

shoe is more that they didn't justify

their rarity in vanilla Diablo legendary

items were super rare in my first 20

hours of play i found one legendary item

and the problem with legendaries back

then is that even if you found one

ninety-five percent of the time it was

an auto salvage because legendaries were

mostly in just better rare items and

without smart loot more often than not

they do not have the right steps i fear

that primal agents would become the same

thing something super rare and when you

got one rather than be excited to be all

great primal ancient blackthorn higher

stats just didn't justify the rarity

so why am I find with Prime relations to

point out you can still get a primal

ancient blackthorn right honestly not

sure but I suspect it's because one

degree of randomness is removed the stat

rules themselves currently when you find

an item you have to go through a

checklist one is this the item that I

want if yes doesn't have all the steps

that I want if yes how well did those

stats roll a 1 point 0 primal ancient

could potentially be worse than a

regular ancient or even worse than a

regular legendary even if it has the

right stats if those stats roll poorly

for instance a legendary status with a

two-point primal ancient if you get the

item you want you just have to pass one

more check for it to be a

definite upgrade and that's awesome but

what do you guys think we become one

with your thoughts on how patch 2.5 is

looking do you like thai Malaysian to

point out thanks for watching

special thanks to my twitch and patreon

supporters for making these videos

possible if you like this video please

share it

check out these other videos and

subscribe to join rikers raiders for

more Diablo content

For more infomation >> Diablo 3 Patch 2.5 UPDATE - Balance Changes, Primal Ancient Rework (Season 10) - Duration: 13:40.


CETA : A Progressive Trade Agreement for the Middle Class - Duration: 2:28.

Hello, i am François-Philippe Champagne, and I am your Minister of International Trade.

I'm excited to talk to you about the fact we are on the verge of great things for Canadians,

particularly for the middle class,

thanks to our Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Union – or CETA for short.

This is the most ambitious and progressive trade agreement

ever negotiated by Canada or the European Union.

It will boost trade with our second-largest trading partner

while protecting labour rights and the environment.

By putting the interests of our middle class at the centre of our discussions,

Canadian companies from all regions,

and of all sizes,

will benefit from unprecedented access to the EU

– a huge market of more than 500 million people with annual imports that are worth more than Canada's GDP.

Better access to this market will unlock countless opportunities for our exporters,

innovative entrepreneurs and service providers

and make Canadian products more competitive on European shelves.

Higher sales in the EU marketplace will generate increased profits,

which will lead to more jobs and higher wages for Canadians working in industries like aerospace,

agriculture and agri-food, and fish and seafood.

Canadian shoppers can also expect to have a bigger selection of European-made products to choose from

– and it will be cheaper to import the goods you already enjoy.

That's because CETA will eliminate tariffs that hinder trade and cost you money.

For example, tariffs of up to 18 percent on clothes and shoes from Europe will drop to zero.

These and other tariff eliminations

– on popular items like Belgian chocolates, Scandinavian furniture and French cosmetics –

will mean less-expensive products coming into Canada and into our stores.

This agreement is great news for consumers.

It also translates into growth for the Canadian economy,

and that in turn creates good new jobs for the middle class

– and those working hard to join it.

That's why I'm working hard here in Canada and with our partners in the EU to bring CETA into force

so you can start enjoying these benefits as quickly as possible.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> CETA : A Progressive Trade Agreement for the Middle Class - Duration: 2:28.


Red Velvet Cupcakes FOR DOGS!! | RECIPE - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Red Velvet Cupcakes FOR DOGS!! | RECIPE - Duration: 2:46.


Owner, manager of special needs school arrested for fraud - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Owner, manager of special needs school arrested for fraud - Duration: 4:02.


Selling Bonds for Transportation Projects - Duration: 1:26:18.

For more infomation >> Selling Bonds for Transportation Projects - Duration: 1:26:18.


'Mama' - the teaser - - Duration: 1:10.

One of my worries is that Sofia isn't going to remember Ruby, if we don't find a donor

and we're not successful.

With Daniel, what I'm seeing in the hunched shoulders and the eyes to the floor is what

he's communicating is: mum, I love you, I miss you and

I don't understand why you're not coming home.

What Ruby tells me is that she can really bear anything apart from the separation, from me and the children.

The type of blood cancer that Ruby has kills quickly and

the doctor telling us that we need a transplant.

We're talking about a matter of weeks and months.

That worry about the future, and

is she going to be around for the rest of their childhood.

For more infomation >> 'Mama' - the teaser - - Duration: 1:10.


House Republicans show little interest in investigating the Michael Flynn scandal - Duration: 6:37.

House Republicans show little interest in investigating the Michael Flynn scandal.

Shortly before midnight Monday evening, President Donald Trump�s choice for National Security

Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, resigned after it was revealed the Justice Department warned

the White House that a discussion he had before Trump took office with a Russian diplomat

made Flynn susceptible to blackmail.

By mid-morning Tuesday, there were reports that the House Oversight Committee�s phone

lines were jammed over calls about the cascading Flynn controversy.

Still, even as senior Senate Republicans lined up to call for investigations into the growing

scandal Tuesday, their counterparts in the House showed little interest in potentially

upsetting the Trump White House.

�I�m not going to prejudge any of the circumstances surrounding this until we have

all of the information,� GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters Tuesday, knocking

calls for an independent investigation into the Trump administration�s ties to Russia

following Flynn�s resignation.

�I think the president made the right decision to ask for his resignation,� Ryan said.

�As soon as they realized they were being misled by the national security advisor, they

asked for his resignation.�

Ryan added, �I�ll leave it up to the administration to describe the circumstances.�

Jason Chaffetz, R- Utah, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform,

showed a similar lack of concern over how wide the Flynn scandal may spread.

�It�s taking care of itself at this point,� Chaffetz told reporters Tuesday when asked

if he was �curious about what Trump aides knew about� Flynn.

Last week, attendees at a raucous town hall meeting in Utah chanted, �Do your job!�

� a call for Chaffetz to launch probes into the Trump administration.

Every Democrat on his committee also recently signed a letter to Chaffetz demanding he open

an investigation into Flynn.

Flynn initially denied that the December 2016 conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey

Kislyak took place, and Vice President Mike Pence vouched for him in a nationally televised


�[W]hat I can confirm, having spoken to him about it, is that those conversations

that happened to occur around the time that the United States took action to expel diplomats

had nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions,� Pence told CBS anchor John Dickerson in January.

But after the Washington Post reported last week that ousted acting attorney general Sally

Yates informed the Trump administration about the contents of the conversation back in January,

Flynn said that he could not recall whether he�d discussed the sanctions before Trump

took office.

Following Flynn�s resignation, several GOP members of the Senate have pressed for a fuller

investigation into the administration�s relations with Russia, but House Republicans

refuse to follow suit.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes of California, who had backed

Flynn earlier Monday, lamented in a statement on Tuesday that Washington can be a �rough

town for honorable people.� Nunes, who served on Trump�s transition team, told CNN that

his committee has no plans to probe Flynn�s communications with Russia or who in the White

House knew, citing the likelihood that Trump will invoke executive privilege.

Instead, he told Fox News, he is more concerned that an American citizen had his phone calls


Nunes appeared to be echoing the president�s top concern surrounding the scandal, as demonstrated

in a tweet Tuesday morning:

�I expect for the FBI to tell me what is going on, and they better have a good answer,�

Nunes told the Washington Post, in line with Trump�s response to Flynn�s resignation.

�The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone

calls recorded.�

New York Republican Rep. Chris Collins, another top Trump surrogate in the House who served

on the administration�s transition team, told reporters Monday, �I think some people

are trying to blow this up, you know, make a mountain out of a mole hill.� Collins

went on to say that �there�s nothing wrong with the national security adviser-elect,

so to speak, speaking with world leaders.�

While House Republicans refuse to conduct any discernible oversight of the Trump administration,

Republicans in the Senate are already using their apparent willingness to investigate

Flynn�s ties to Russia as a tool to pressure Democrats in the chamber to confirm the remainder

of Trump�s Cabinet.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, told reporters that Flynn�s contact with the Russian ambassador

will be a part of the ongoing bipartisan investigation into alleged Russian interference into the

2016 election.

�This and anything else that involves the Russians,� Rubio said Monday.

�We�re going to go wherever the truth leads us.�

Another Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, said Tuesday,

�that we should look into it exhaustively so that at the end of this process, nobody

wonders whether there was a stone left unturned, and shouldn�t reach conclusions before you

have the information that you need to have to make those conclusions.�

Tennesse Republican Sen. Bob Croker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

suggested Flynn should testify before Congress.

Despite the rumblings of more hawkish Senate Republicans like Rubio and Sens. John McCain,

Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, SC., chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman

North Carolina Republican Richard Burr said shortly before Flynn resigned, �What�s

important is if the president has confidence in the National Security Adviser.�

Similarly, Wisconsin Republican Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental

Affairs, said Monday night that he�s willing to leave it to the Trump White House to get

to the bottom of the Flynn matter.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell leader has remained completely silent on the

matter, choosing instead to chastise Democrats for moving slowing on the confirmation of

Trump�s cabinet nominees in his floor remarks Monday.

For more infomation >> House Republicans show little interest in investigating the Michael Flynn scandal - Duration: 6:37.


Health Benefits of Ginger - What is ginger good for - Natural Health - Duration: 4:39.

You may know that ginger is a common ingredient in Asian and Indian cuisine, but did you know

that it's been used for centuries for its healing properties?

Ginger has a long history of health benefits, including relief from nausea, digestive issues

and pain.

The most commonly used part of the plant for medicinal purposes is the root or underground

stem, known as the rhizome.

It can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, or used in the form of an oil

or as juice.

If you don't use ginger in your kitchen or you don't know what ginger is good for,

here are 8 reasons why you might want to start!


Ginger Relieves Digestive Issues

The phenolic compounds in ginger have been shown to help relieve irritation in the gastrointestinal


They help to stimulate saliva and bile production while allowing food and fluids to move through

the GI tract more smoothly.

In a study of 24 healthy individuals, taking 1.2 grams of ginger powder before a meal accelerated

emptying of the stomach, reducing indigestion by 50%.


Ginger Relieves Nausea

Drinking ginger tea or even consuming raw ginger is a common and safe home remedy for

nausea, especially during cancer treatment or pregnancy and morning sickness.

A review of 12 studies that included a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5

grams of ginger significantly reduced nausea.


Ginger Can Relieve Pain

A study conducted at the University of Georgia found that daily ginger supplementation reduced

muscle pain by 25%.

Ginger has also been found to reduce pain during menstrual cycles.

Researchers also believe that ginger is effective at reducing the day-to-day progression of

muscle pain.


Ginger Reduces Inflammation

Osteoarthritis is a common health problem that involves the degeneration of the joints

in the body, causing joint pain and stiffness.

In a trial of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee, those who took ginger extract

had less pain and required less pain medication.


Ginger May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

In a recent study involving participants with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that 2

grams of ginger powder each day lowered blood sugar and led to a 10% overall reduction over

a period of 12 weeks.

High blood sugar is a major risk factor for heart disease.

With the effects of ginger on blood sugar, your risk of heart disease may be lowered

by at leas 10%.


Ginger May Lower Cholesterol Levels

A 45-day study involving 85 people with high cholesterol concluded that 3 grams of ginger

powder each day caused significant reductions in cholesterol levels.

Researchers believe that ginger can aid in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the

risk of heart disease.


Ginger May Have Anti-Cancer Properties

A substance in ginger known as 6-gingerol has been studied as an alternative treatment

for several types of cancer.

Research on this theory is still being conducted, but one study found that 2 grams of ginger

extract each day significantly reduced pro-inflammatory signaling molecules in the colon.


Ginger May Improve Brain Function

Oxadative stress and chronic inflammation are two factors that can accelerate the aging

process, and become a key driver of Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive impairments.

Some studies suggest that the antioxidants and bioactive compounds in ginger can inhibit

inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.

In a study of 60 middle-aged women, ginger extract was shown to improve reaction time

and working memory, suggesting that ginger supports brain health in multiple ways.

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Ginger - What is ginger good for - Natural Health - Duration: 4:39.


39 Video Ideas!!! - Duration: 13:38.

There are actually 39 video Ideas

#1. Room Tour

#2 House Tour

#3: Car Tour (It can even be your parents car BUT ASK FOR PERMISSION FIRST)

#4: Vlogs ( I will be doing ALOT of these I might make a separate vlogging channel) I will not be doing any car vlogs because I am to young to drive.

#5: Whats in my.... (Purse, Backpack...etc.)

#6: Challenges (Smoothie, 7 second, warhead, Bean boozled... etc.)

#7: What I got for.. (Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, My birthday... etc.)

#8: Hauls ( Season Hauls like summer, winter, fall, spring, Mall hauls.. etc.)

#9: Makeup Collection

#10: Makeup Routine/Tutorial ( Season, Holidays, Everyday.. etc.)

#11:Morning Routine

#12: Night Routine/ After School Routine

Seasons, Holidays...etc.

#13: Day in my life

#14: Cleaning Routine

I was talking about Krya from Kbaby but if you ever watched OKbaby you would understand who I am talking about

*#15: DIY (Room decor, Holidays, Seasons, Kitchen...etc)

#16: Nail Polish Collection

#17: Whats on my I Phone (this video coming up soon!!)

#18: Sibling Tag (sisters, brothers, Step/half sisters and brothers)

Or if you dont have sisters or brothers you can do cousins, nieces, parents, grandparents or even a best friend... etc

#19: Taste Test (Coming Soon!!)

2 sisters and 1 Channel will be linked below!! Make sure you go and check it out!!

We go to our local dollar store and we pick out things we haven't tried before

#20: Unboxing ( IPhone, Free samples, Subscription boxes...etc. What ever you want to unbox.

#21: Review (Maybe you were just testing out a product and you want to talk about if its worth it or not)

#22: Giveaway

Sorry for the Sirens :(

#23: Facts about me (There is also a weird facts about me)

#24: IPhone case collection (Even if you dont have an IPhone you can just do a case collection) *I will not be doing this because I only have 4 cases I just got 2 new ones 2 days ago.*

#25: Skincare Routine

#26: Video about another video (like reacting to someones video)

#27: Video Ideas (The video I am doing now you can do however many you want you dont have to do 38 like im doing)

#28: Favorites (I already have one of these filmed I just have to edit it so it will be up soon!)

#29: Expectations vs Reality

#30: Hair Care Routine

You dont even have to have long hair to do this video.

#31: Recipes (Holiday, Favorite snack, After School snack, running late breakfast)

#32: Halloween costume ideas

#33: Lookbook

#34: Outfit for the Week

#35: Empties (You can show them all your empty products)

#36: Storytime (I will be doing alot of these soon)

That was a bad example ( You can talk about anything)

#37: Reading hate comments

#38: Get ready with me (What I said before was that I just thought of this one but I was talking so fast you couldn't understand me)

I will not be uploading the get ready with me for my boyfriend basketball game because of bad quality . I will be refliming it and then uploading it.

#39: Introduction

Press or ring the bell right next to the Subscribe button so you will get notified for any of my future videos

I will be doing a why I havent uploaded in awhile. That video will also be coming soon!!

I filmed this on January 26th and I was saying that my boyfriends birthday is the 27th of January and we went out for dinner with my family.

I didnt because it was his birthday and we spent the whole day with each other.

I go to cyber school witch is an online school and I was doing exams.

For more infomation >> 39 Video Ideas!!! - Duration: 13:38.


Peppa Pig Toys Paw patrol build a hospital for Peppa Pig Cartoons for kids new episodes toys reviews - Duration: 4:42.

Peppa Pig Toys Paw patrol build a hospital for Peppa Pig Cartoons for kids new episodes toys reviews

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