Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

Firstly, a leader isn't a title.

I don't think you have to be the CEO of a company to be a leader.

To me, a leader is someone that serves and protects others.

And they don't do it for some hidden agenda, they don't do it for some other intention,

they just do it because they serve and protect others.

They just -- they do it.

There's nothing else to it...Yeah, sorry for the poetry.

So with that in mind and that note, if you feel that there's a lack of leadership I don't

think you can control others, you can't change others because that's just going to create

resistance and that's going to create conflict and probably won't work out too well.

I think really all you can do is focus on yourself and take the role of the leader,

take a stance and adopt some of the patterns that you recognize leaders have.

And through that, no matter what situation it is, whether it's a business situation or

a social situation, whatever situation it is, at least, then if you start taking the

role of the leader and adopting those patterns then you can inspire the people around and

then, create that collaboration and work together through whatever problems that you guys are


And if you are -- or you just happen to be one person that doesn't have the team around

them, then you have to do one of two things I think.

Either, you learn and adapt all the patterns that you think a leader should have or one

-- is you offset other roles to other people to fill that up.

See I think to be successful in anything you sort of need every bit of the formula, I don't

think you can just be patient, I don't think you can just be self-aware, you can just be

courageous, you sort of need all of these things to fit, but that doesn't mean that

you alone have to have all of these things.

It means that you -- or at least, I believe you have to create a team that has all of

these things, that can work together cohesively.

As usual, my bonus.

If you go to my website, scroll down to the bottom and subscribe for free, I'll give you

my 3 Major Keys To Help You Get Anything That You Want.

Which also helps with leadership and any of the patterns -- it helps recognize patterns

that you can use to become a leader or adopt that role.

It can help with lifestyle, business, with relationships, anything, helping you get anything

that you want.

And it is for free.

There is a link in the description to go and get that.

And if you liked this, be sure to hit the like button, subscribe if you haven't already

and share with this anyone you think would benefit.

Thank you so much for watching.

Keep growing.

Keep creating.

And 'til next time.

For more infomation >> What to do when there's a lack of leadership - Duration: 3:24.


포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#1[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 28:29.

For more infomation >> 포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#1[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 28:29.


포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#2[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 25:52.

For more infomation >> 포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#2[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 25:52.


2 sports cars racing in a competition of speed - video for kids - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> 2 sports cars racing in a competition of speed - video for kids - Duration: 1:16.


Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations: The VASCO project - Duration: 3:24.

The increase in the number of threats stemming from the complexity of urban environments

has made it more difficult to protect government buildings, critical infrastructures and mass gatherings.

Acquiring a comprehensive picture of such assets and their surroundings, whether it

is to implement operations, plans of prevention,

evacuation or surveillance has therefore become a challenging task.

Interdisciplinary effort from security professionals is crucial to design

and assess sustainable security strategies.

VASCO is an innovative solution that facilitates deliberation on security concepts for designing

and sharing appropriate security measures.

A central element of VASCO is the possibility to create a 3D digital representation of

a building of interest and its surrounding environment.

This digital mock-up is created from blueprints or by capturing the building interior using

standard smartphones or 360° cameras.

In a second stage, a novel reconstruction software generates a realistic digital 3D model.

The 3D digital mock-up enables visualisation and navigation inside the modeled building

Moreover, VASCO enables users to equip the mock-up with virtual objects such as security cameras,

fire sprinklers, barbed wire fences, vehicle barriers and other elements necessary

for securing a facility.

This approach makes it possible not only to remotely analyse an environment, but also

to test any updates and upgrades to the existing security.

The virtual reality headset allows users be immersed in the digital environment and experience

the consequences of the proposed security measures naturally.

Once the 3D mock-up is created and equipped,

the VASCO Studio enables users to assess

the effectiveness of their security design by testing it against realistic threats:

for example, evacuation routes in case of fire, emergency exits in rush hours, zones threatened

by snipers, protection plans for VIP visits, and action plans for hostage situations.

VASCO proposes a modular solution which adapts to various devices to foster communication

and favour the exchange of information.

Physical tools, such as a ruler or a compass, can be used to interact

with the system and the virtual environment.

Each user around the interactive table can control a dedicated and synchronised workspace.

Information is stored in a central Knowledge Database, which facilitates the sharing of

security concepts, after action plans, measures and strategies.

The value of VASCO lies in the possibility to assess security measures in a realistic

digital environment and in a multidisciplinary and collaborative setting.

By employing VASCO, security professionals can better work to protect different types

of facilities against diverse and evolving threats,

ultimately strengthening the security of assets and citizens.

For more infomation >> Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations: The VASCO project - Duration: 3:24.


Kids Learning Domestic & Wild Animals Names & Sounds | Lion Elephant Cow Dog Cat Animals For Kids - Duration: 1:18:42.

Kids Learning Domestic & Wild Animals Names & Sounds | Lion Elephant Cow Dog Cat Animals For Kids

For more infomation >> Kids Learning Domestic & Wild Animals Names & Sounds | Lion Elephant Cow Dog Cat Animals For Kids - Duration: 1:18:42.


Learn names Sea Animals - video for kids | Сartoon puzzles with wild sea animals - Duration: 5:08.

Learn names Sea Animals - video for kids | Сartoon puzzles with wild sea animals.

For more infomation >> Learn names Sea Animals - video for kids | Сartoon puzzles with wild sea animals - Duration: 5:08.


Dr Asif Ashraf Jalali | New Bayan | Nabi Pak SAW Ka Hussan Mubarak | Muslim World - Duration: 7:07.

Dr Asif Ashraf Jalali | New Bayan | Nabi Pak SAW Ka Hussan Mubarak | Muslim World

For more infomation >> Dr Asif Ashraf Jalali | New Bayan | Nabi Pak SAW Ka Hussan Mubarak | Muslim World - Duration: 7:07.


English For Japanese Students - American English Lessons For Japanese - Duration: 3:02.

こんにちは お元気ですか

私の名前は 私の名前は

初めまして どうぞ宜しくお願いします

I specialize in

teaching speakers of Asian languages how

to speak professional business English. I

have 30 years experience in teaching

English. I also have an MBA from Columbia

Business School in America and so I can

help you improve your English for school

or for work. When I was in Japan worked

as a volunteer teacher in a Japanese

school so I heard a lot of the common

mistakes the Japanese people make I also

helped my teacher Kenji Yamaguchi with his

English. I love the Japanese language and

I love Japanese culture and I love

Japanese food

And when I was in Japan I played guitar in the bars

and that was very fun too

they called me "Sumo Singer" maybe because I

love to eat Japanese food

I teach people the English they

really need to know to increase their

chances of success

I help people go from high school

English or university English to a

higher level of English including

business English and pronunciation so

when a native speaker

hears your English speech, they'll say

"That person that studied very hard that

person is studied well. You can follow

this video series of specific lessons

for Japanese language speakers and you

can also subscribe below for many great

videos on how to improve your business

English. In addition I've written a book

about the 37 most common errors that

Asian speakers from Japan and other

countries make. If you can cure these

small errors your English will be

excellent and people listening to you

will think you really studied well. You

can see a link to the book below. Please

subscribe to these videos I made that

for you because "Sumo Singer" want you to

be successful!

For more infomation >> English For Japanese Students - American English Lessons For Japanese - Duration: 3:02.


East Side of Providence, RI Sales Stats to help you SELL! - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> East Side of Providence, RI Sales Stats to help you SELL! - Duration: 12:40.


포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#END[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 35:32.

For more infomation >> 포 아너 스토리모드 사무라이편#END[For Honor Samurai Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 35:32.


Lying To My Loved Ones For Five Years Took A Toll On My Life - Duration: 0:47.

It's hard because like... I mean, in my real life, like, I have, you know, the

people that were affected by my addiction are still in my life, so it's hard for me

because, like, know, I meet a lot, all these new people and I do all these

videos and I have all these people saying all this stuff to me, but then it's like

I'm still...and people, like, think, "Oh, he recovered." Or, "He's whatever." And

it's like I'm still dealing with the shitpile that is my life that I ruined for

five years. You know what I mean? With my girlfriend who's not my fiancée

anymore but I got her back and I worked to get her back and we now have a daughter

together. That's who that's with. But I still deal with it because I lied to her

for five years. You know, and my mom and my dad, they're very proud,

but they still worry.

For more infomation >> Lying To My Loved Ones For Five Years Took A Toll On My Life - Duration: 0:47.


For Honor: Vikings Can't SWIM?! - Duration: 14:27.

I will become the strongest viking!

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