Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

This week is all about love.

And the great love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, is guiding us along the way.

Each day we're taking a look at another verse

and so today, here's what verse 6 has to say,

One of the most fundamental characteristics of love

is that it does not take pleasure in what is bad or wicked or evil,

but instead, love always rejoices in what is good and right and true.

That's a hard one to do today with all the technology and social media that we have.

How many times have you liked or shared or posted or wrote about something

that isn't so good or right or true?

How many times have you joined in the gossip chain

at the expense of someone else?

How many times have you complained about your spouse, your boss,

the president,

either in person or online?

This is not about guys night out,

trashing the ladies in our lives,

or girls going out to gossip about all the guys in their lives.

Online technology is not about a platform to rant and rave.

These are the things that love does not do.


love seeks what is good, right and true.

Remember what Jesus said about himself.

"I am the way and the truth and the life."

Everything that we view as good or right or true is viewed through the lens

of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done.

I'm guessing that as you're viewing this video today,

you're probably watching it on some computer or tablet or phone

which means you're up on technology and

you're involved in some way in social media, probably.

How can you use those things to share and like and post about things that are good and right and true?

How can you push to the forefront Jesus, who is the ultimate truth for our lives?

That's the kind of love that Jesus showed.

That's the kind of love that we can show,

because that's what real love is.

God is doing such amazing things through this ministry.

To help us expand the reach of this ministry,

we have a goal for the end of February of $150,000.

And to thank you for your gift or donation,

we'd love to send you a free copy of this book, "Walk With Jesus,"

a devotional that helps you prepare for Easter.

So click the link below and come back tomorrow as we talk more about what real love looks like.

For more infomation >> Love is Good - Duration: 2:58.


Nagyvilág: Kemény tél: Több országban is halálos áldozatok vannak - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nagyvilág: Kemény tél: Több országban is halálos áldozatok vannak - Duration: 1:45.


download manager for android - Duration: 1:58.

Let's start

open Playstore

Now search for Adm and select first one

click on INSTALL


now wait

For more infomation >> download manager for android - Duration: 1:58.


Top 10 Natural Antobiotics For Infection and They are Hidden By Pharmaceutical Industries ! - Duration: 3:39.

Nature has a lot of medicines for various problems and conditions.

It is not safe, without side effects, and it is natural.

Why use drugs when we have the nature of?

Even Hippocrates said, food should be medicine and food medicine.

Here is a list of the top 10 products for hidden infections to businesses.


GARLIC A few cloves of garlic a day helps bacteria,

viruses and infections as well.

Studies have shown that garlic can even relieve symptoms in AIDS, diabetes and pressure.

This vegetarian is also good for the symptoms of cold and flu and toothache as well.

Always use only organic garlic, it is cheap.

Garlic cooked is not enough, for better results, crush it and eat it raw.

Add it to soups, salads and drinks.


SPICY This plant gives you disease energy and fights.

It also increases blood flow and is well absorbed in the stomach.

Treat a lot of problems with this, urinary tract infection, kidney stones, bronchitis.

Keep it raw or juice and mix and add the vinegar for the best effect.


Vitamin C It is found in many fruits, such as lemons,

oranges and pineapples, as well.

It increases immunity and is good for colds and the flu.

Moreover, it is good for skin problems as it restores the skin.

To achieve this, they are 100% natural DO.

Also eat oranges every day.


ARCO It also looks like a vegetarian and healthy


It is pain and inflammation, as well as colds and flu.


Manuka honey This is done in New Zealand, and just like

any other honey.

But it has a peroxide, and it acts like a drug.

This type Zeeland honey is the best so far.

It also contains other antibiotics, and one of these is methylglyoxal.

The only down side is that it can be expensive, $ 50 a bottle and found in whole foods and



SEED grapefruit extract This extract or GSE is used to kill germs.

It was very good for killing bacteria and fungi as well as cleaning the bathroom.

Before use, dilute and correct amount.


CINNAMON Incredible spices to reduce blood sugar levels

and prevent diabetes.

Cinnamon is also good as a cure for yeast.

It can be used in many ways.

It is best to boil Type Sri Lanka in a little water and put it in a cup.

He cooled and drank within a few days.


ACV (apple vinegar) This is malic acid and antibiotic.

It relieves pain in the throat, kills the germs, too.


Ginger It is usually used to cure colds and flu and

the kitchen too.

This treats nausea and stomach upset, too, but also a pain in the joints and muscles.

If you are expecting a child or want to be pregnant, avoid ginger.


EUCALYPTUS Antiseptic plant is excellent for the skin.

In addition, you can do teas and cough treatment, too.

You can remove the fungi as well.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Natural Antobiotics For Infection and They are Hidden By Pharmaceutical Industries ! - Duration: 3:39.


How to make Dal Chawal (Parippu, Chorru) with Appalam - Women of the World cooks Indian food - Duration: 6:24.


We're Women of the World

and today we're going to cook comfort food from India

featuring Dal (which is a lentil type curry type structure)

and Chawal / Chorru, which is rice

and a special surprise


(crunches appalam)

To make Dal we need



cooking oil

mustard seeds

cumin seeds

curry leaves




turmeric powder

chilli powder


salt to taste

We'll be making Basmati rice on the side

and lots of Appalam!

Wash the lentils in water

Put the dal in a pan, and cover with water.

Let it boil.

While this is happening, start the "Tadka" meaning the tempering of the dish.

Pour a little oil in a flat pan.

When the oil is hot, put in mustard seeds.

In Malayalam, we call it Kadugu.


They should burst - There! Do you see them? (Oh, nice!)

They're like dancing!

Go ahead. Put the whole thing in.

The whole thing?

And be careful. It will start to sputter.

Our next ingredient is cumin, which is jeera or jeerakam.

We're going to take a handful.

Pour it on top of that oil - same thing

Immediately, I'm going to put in my red chilli.

They're going to get really beautiful and red.

These are one of my favorite things in the whole world

It's called curry leaves (kaṟivēppila)

So what we do is, you hold one end,

and you go... Vroooo!

And now we're ready for the onions.


Such a beautiful sound


Add chopped garlic, and again saute

Create a little circle in the center

and then,

put the garlic right into the center.


Once you get your garlic in there,

You take a little bit of oil

and you pour it right on top of the garlic.


We put all the garlic under the onions,

and then it kind of is like a Garlic Igloo :)

And now!

look at where the Dal is.

Can you see?

Dal is on its way!

And this is the Basmati rice from India.

Very fragrant and long grains

We wash it, and as soon as I put the rice to cook,

we can put spices into the Dal.

That looks sauteed enough.

Ya! Let's put spices in!

So here's turmeric. We call it haldi (Manjal in Malayalam)


And here's the red chilli powder.

This is going to give us some heat.

Try to get it all on top of the onions.

Low heat?


There we go

It's getting hot in here!

Finally, add chopped tomatoes

I love my dal a little sour or tangy

Some people add spinach or no tomatoes.

Let's put some salt in.

Dal is an amazing dish especially if you're a vegetarian,

because it's full of protein.

And it's a staple, not only in India,

but also in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

So you want to go till

the tomatoes are kind of mushy.

Almost there.

Once the tomatoes are soft,

and the Dal is cooked,

mix everything together,

bring to another boil,

and serve over hot Basmati rice.

And now we make Pappadum (Appalam)

Yes!!!! (Clapping)

Going to start pouring the oil into a pan

and you need quite a bit of oil

And now we just let the oil heat

Take a tiny piece of the uncooked pappadum

and throw it in

and done!

Here we go!

Yes! It's done

Thank you, ladies!

Thank you!

I'm so excited everybody helped in making the Dal and the Appalam.

You know, it's really special, because in India

the whole the whole point of food

is to cook it together and share it.

I'm so honored that you're in my house,

and you're going to eat,

and I'm going to teach you to eat with your hands.

This is how we build community, we build family.

So thank you.

Debbie, shall I serve you?

Sure, thank you!

We'll get some rice first.

I like to pour my Dal right over the rice.

We make it gluggy.


So the rule is,

you try not to get any food

above this portion of your hands.

I mix a little bit,

and a make a little segment for myself.

And i might take a little pappadum and crush it in.

And then, it's ready

Oooh! Really hot!

Yeah. Mmmmm

If you like spice, you know this amazing red chilli?

You use your thumb and one finger,

and you just push out the seeds.


That's the most spicy part.



Oh my God.

Very spicy.




Shukriya! (Thank you!)

Thank you so much for joining Women of the World

as we cook my favorite comfort food from India.

Dal and rice and Appalam


Correct only.

More Appalam!

Oh yes!

Me too!

And today, we're going to coot.


Coot! Going to Coot. Coot!

Thank you so much for share blah...

Hope you enjoyed the recipes.

Stay... meah

Then we all bye?

Bye.... Bye!

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