Message specially for you!
I Love You
I Love You
You- You- You- You
I Love You
I Love You
You- You- You
Only You!
TMNT 2017 🐢🍕 Ninja Turtles Season 2 Episode 19 - Duration: 41:47.adorning of a new age i have seen the
past and i have touched the future i
have learned from my late great master
that preparation is everything and i am
prepared our destiny to be a hand
nothing will stop us now
off incantation
thank you can denote
no one that walks shop were like 1230
the bank robber with over three million
in untraceable box 13 different trucks
have been reported stolen last month
alone with an alarming regional trade
stolen internet mushroom burger
apparently the rainbow point we're still
minute Robert Irwin the baseball from
the basement of on shop just down the
no it was like that
she stressed don't sneak up on me like
whoa wheel to what the wyo Tiana I've
been thinking Casey doing a lot of
yeah what's thinking got the door mate
there's been a rash of robberies lately
no kids and take your simple three crime
needed its way above the purple dragons
level or any of those goals exactly
these heists have been expertly pulled
off feels like something new maybe
somebody new and I think we ought to
check it out full wheel you be not a
rabbit full of something I thought you
might want to help you kidding
it'll be the return esteem a let's go
I think this oughta meet the bosses
he wants us to call a master now
remember whatever long as he makes us
rich the movie we got to be right on
go back so it sounds like these boys
going to a party do follow the Truckee
see where you're going
that's the one top secret military
weapon shipment number 415 we're coming
up on the road transport teen are you
with your boss I mean after hunt we're
pulling alongside now
taping he's still back there obviously
oh it looks like already told God
thereafter that train go
real fun
their walk with all
separation of three
Star Trek
what's going on
Fred 14 prepare for people from 14
dragon one ready for people drop sail
down and out
hi dragon you're free and clear
remember the fact and received
man nice Road Rash Leo I'm okay that's
right you know
agent Fischer i have never been a big
fan of your operation
yes mr. president and I must say that
don't interrupt me
do you know how many times I thought to
get you more funding and you and your
agents they were just about useless in
the recent triceraton invasion
what good are you then now you and your
forces going attacker osakis imagine
right in the middle of New York City
it's an outrage the city's mayor to
members of Congress and a senator with
their do you know how many political
favors i called in to put a lid on it
Bishop you better total line one more
fiasco and i will personally pull the
plug on your entire operation
I've already got budget cuts to make and
believe you me I've got my eye on your
chunk of pie sir
you're absolutely right sir no mistake
you have my word i don't want your word
Bishop I want your sorry carcass out of
my office now
agent Bishop sir we have a problem
what now night shipment was hijacked one
laughing idea we have to find it now
we're already honester the tracking
devices are still functioning
we're homing in on its location as we
promise me to do I and tonight is that
we are on always were something purple
dragon functional and high-profile jobs
new tricks
old dogs too much i can see high but
fine with me i get all dressed up for
nothing risk every grows stronger yet
the day when the purple dragon was
simply a toothpick three guys with these
weapons and by play
we will have come and crimes are true
power in the underworld
now let's get these crates open and the
gear ready for our stable operation i
love ripping off military shipment it's
like opening Christmas you never know
what you're going to get what a
cool-looking cream
yeah whoa wow it's really called maybe
it's like a soda machine or something
that's good to me let's get this thing
what is it
that creaking on the manifest
by God shell i guess my reputation
precedes me
protecting we're talking about about
these most valuable work we gotta get
out of here
you grabbed the wrong party 32 about
what no shake your tree do with me we
got unfinished business
bring good fortune turtles were
there's a lot of that going around he
finally Oh out of stopping and muscle
for ya
report if you haven't located the exact
position of T nice 581 and 30 seconds
you're going to be volunteering for
genetic research that won't be necessary
services we we're closing in on the
homing beacon now Bishop I've been
reviewing your work in genetic
it's almost as really into something I
might have done but I've noticed a
certain anomalies I I think I can fix
especially if you're going to keep your
end of our bargain
I'm really like that Stockman I haven't
got time for your survival chatter
you've got to be kidding me
I think it's still alive i was unloaded
a thousand rounds into it awful lot
still up
and we all I wish I had a shell one of
those states would come in railway be
all right up we let
just gets weird
you might think we can't let this thing
13 throughout the city
alright much to do after that thing
doesn't trajan time to play good luck
agent Bishop search 295 a1 is moving out
onto the salt marshes stay on the trail
have an idea where he's going
you can import so counting those people
will get a chance
come on sir 2958 one is headed toward
housing conflict here the Brooklyn Navy
Yard still remembers
great guy that is you go there sir
what a turtle
I thought the turtle was destroyed your
order sir we have to get t nine five
eight one under control at all costs
prepare for containment then we'll worry
about the trouble
don't finally watching tonight so let's
stick with shine my question
run for the tables on it now
more power to you
we have to run now
another GF
there's no sign of t nine private one
he must have been destroyed let's get
clear before the authorities arrived I
don't want anyone knowing where install
Leo what was that all about
I don't know Casey and I got will ever
mommy I was Jean about daddy and with
who are will
it's ok that is in a better place
I love nature its beauty its balance and
perfection nature reminds me of what I
learned in school about the scientist
Charles Darwin Darwin believed in the
survival of the fittest he explained how
life on earth could be defined simply as
the struggle for existence
but it seems to me that the struggle for
existence is never very simple
so active
and I'll go with the white guy
no one's that red shredder one
what are we doing around here for the
time about the stairs let's wrap down
the river like we said we was going to
get this camping trip in here this folio
for you shake what's going down bro down
the river I suppose
yeah right okay Leo attention ladies and
gentlemen and teenage mutant ninja
this is the first and final boarding
call for the USS turtle-rific the most
happening party cruise wrap this side of
some cases grandma find out
take it please bigad well I got you
shifted right here
the river is so perfect flowing justed
it had four tens of thousands of years
ancient serious alive
April you make it sound doubles it's
just the barred owl nothing to be scared
sometimes you can be so cool right now
focus and grownup make sure everything
you were saying
I didn't know that we live so pumped to
one of these I saw on the local news
that closing this place down
I mean someone come to their senses
yes nuclear power plant once heralded as
the future of energy but they've become
the purple dragons of energy production
hard to clean up after and even harder
to get rid of but it looks like those
cooling towers have already been rigged
for demolition
so this is one nuclear plant no one have
to worry about anymore
any questions class
allele help me out of the pro up at on
the left he said to turn the oxbow lake
advantage when it told us about
yeah that should be the way to 11
ecology or what a woody nor want to cock
that's what the Indians that used to
live here called the lake
it means lake the Lost Tribe
oh yeah well I got one for you cum drops
are always moment be because they got
nobody to get it
no body that up today I got one case how
do you measure new Trump in inches in
they don't have feet that
I ok me out
I know something's been bothering you
yeah I don't know
well i guess i do it i just can't stop
thinking about the last time we faced
off against the shredder that the only
way that we could have defeated it was
by blowing ourselves up
I couldn't protect my crush my master I
feel like such a complete failure and no
matter how I try to rationalize it
justify it
it always comes down to the fact that I
wasn't good enough
April look
we have company
Mikey quick in my backpack
get me the first agent in my tech calves
so yes sir
somebody help me turn her over so what
is kind of fish
she doesn't have gills and she's not
breathing and her heart
I can't find a pulse according to my
tech tab these markings their firms
radiation burns has been exposed to a
massive dose of radiation take me help
me out here
I'll see that throat is clear and begin
the mouth come out guys
he seemed very rough patches but there
are more fish people and they are not
looking at you must look like we're
hurting her
keep them away we need more time
April that walking fish stick think
they've got to go
no grateful the first lady's not
responded to what about the guy those
fish to strike them under the water and
they coming up
what should we do April snap out of it
we we are the last five
the last of a one-pound race we began to
wave from the lost city of an impious
that we would suffer at the hands of the
Coulomb Indian for only so no it was
resolved revolution i was but a child
and it was all the confusion chaos i
remember in PS thinking beneath the
waves and my mother telling me that we
were fine fine grade
I tried setting p searching far and wide
for a place to call the room the current
lettuce when you unfold land where we
could live in peace where we could spawn
and raise our young where we would be no
one slave ever again we had found our
true home but we are long-lived people
in kind who ever onward whom the fresh
unfoiled land the thief had led us to
was not so fresh anymore not so I flew
faster than we could ever really
believed there was nowhere left for us
to go
we moved closer to the river but it did
no good my people began to get sick
the responsibility cells in me to attend
the few remaining eight I last
generation our last hope they clean life
just barely i do all that I can but I
think it is not enough i am only one and
I am self
April a45 April April snap out of it we
got it so something
people and responsibilities the
responsibilities fell to me to tend to
the few remaining eggs our last
generation our last home
make clean life
just barely I do all my cash
but I fear it is not enough
not enough not enough fading fading away
hey you okay what happened do I all
freaky on me my mind thinking she showed
me so much so much to take
wait wait for burns radioactive burns
from the nuclear power plant the eggs AC
she was trying two days for eggs of what
April her tank her baby the nuclear
power plant
it's leaking radioactive fuel right near
where the murder woman later last legs
don't ask me how I know but I know and
we've got to try and save them
I don't know guys we've been to some
pretty nasty places being ninja turtles
and all with this place really gives me
the creeps
what do you think April is sick
I can't tell some of the area looks
familiar from the vision but it's hard
to be sure
according to my readings the workers of
safely contained and clean up the area
inside and immediately around the
nuclear reactor let me guess this is one
of them could move bad scenarios right
unfortunately yes it looks like they
neglected to clean up anything else
beyond the plant itself especially over
this way this creaks water is completely
contaminated the nuclear rods cooling
pool is leaking into the creek and worse
i hate it when there's a worse that Dyke
over there it's about to birth
the river and with the Merlin tanger
I'm sure that this is what you wanted me
to see this is what she showed me in the
vision we have to do something to save
those eggs the eggs hatch and the baby
swim through that leaking radiation that
all perish
then what are we waiting for we need a
plan but with all this radiation around
we need a face plan
what do you think Donatella when they
take down cooling towers they're always
ready to blow up and implode in words we
might be able to re-rig one of these so
it falls out words and create the new
barrier one that will block the leaking
Dyke go
what about the radiation the cooling
terrorists themselves aren't radioactive
we won't need bio suits or anything then
the first thing we have to do is sneak
in this right and like The Three
Musketeers you say one for all and all
for ninja mode
according to paraphrasing out what is
wrong one
I'm just about there another 30 seconds
it'll be a position raccattack movie
like he already lied do daddy honey
singh's can you see the version
a little creative rewiring and we should
have ourselves a new band about 60
whoa you what are you just a little guy
in a green peace three that that's like
to hear
listen big guy we don't have time for
please accept my apology apology for
the California here makes your mind
five so Big come on let's go
fireman's carry
tonight let's get out of here
this is not a good way to start today
and fire metal to surf
we got to go after them and make them
pay for this
are you kidding whoever did have it as a
favor this hilarious contaminated we
have to get a crew in here right away
clean this up
why wasn't this area check whoever
dropped that Tower man saved a lot of
lives a whole lot of life
so you think we did any good back there
April I mean did we really save the last
of the merpeople of Olympia's well no I
guess you never now
The Devil is in the Details - Duration: 43:05.-------------------------------------------
How To Ride Off Camber MTB Trails | Essential Mountain Bike Skills - Duration: 6:09.- Off-camber trails like this can be really tricky.
- But you're going to find them absolutely everywhere,
no matter what kind of trails you're riding.
- So these are our tips to master
in the off-camber sections.
(mellow music)
- So what is off-camber?
Basically, it's where the hill is falling away,
and you're trying to ride across it.
Almost the opposite to a berm, where you've got
a banked corner to give you more grip,
here you're going to find less grip,
because you're much more likely to fall off
down the hill.
There's a few really important things to master
in these off-cambers, and the first one is line choice.
- Line choice is absolutely key when you're riding
these off-cambers sections.
You can see, just after a couple of runs,
this little rut has started to form.
And by turning into it, and actually getting the turning
done early, and looking straight ahead,
that is where I want to be going.
The bike is going to follow that path,
and it's the smoothest.
If we take those two examples that you can actually see
on the screen now, you can see that in the first one,
I actually start to drop away.
I didn't hold my line, and the bike was fighting the grip,
almost being pushed down.
So I didn't carry that momentum,
and it forced me to drop off the trail.
In the second attempt, I really pushed into the rut
at the top, followed the straight line,
looked straight ahead, and I was looking for points
where I could grip, where the tyres were going
to dig in, that is going to allow me to keep my momentum,
move forward with speed, and in complete control
of the bike.
- Okay, so here we've got an off-camber turn.
So, not only is our off-camber going to make you slide,
you're now trying to turn across it.
There's two lines here, the main line is down at the bottom,
where you've got a rut, it's almost acting like a berm.
So there's loads of support there, where you go up
and on this off-camber line.
And that's good because it cuts off that big corner.
The trail goes like this, and then left.
So if you take the main easy line,
it's going to be grippy,
but it's going to be a lot slower.
Cut up on this inside off-camber line,
and you'll be really fast out of it.
- And the key to this is really setting up early.
You need to turn harder here to get on
that off-camber line if you want to do it.
There's no point in rolling down here
and then deciding, oh I fancy going on the off-camber,
because you'll never find the grip there.
Also, it's worth bearing in mind
that in different conditions, say if this was wet,
this might not even be possible to stay on the inside line.
- You may have noticed in that last video
that in this part of the off-camber,
I actually seemed to push really hard into the ground.
So I did that because it's a bit of a compression here,
and if I try to make myself really heavy,
it's going to force my tyres into the ground,
and give them more grip.
So while I was pushing down and in,
I'm turning as well, trying to pop myself
off the bank a little bit.
And then I'm going light on this section,
because it's really off-camber, it's loose,
and I don't think I'm going to grip on that.
So I'm almost actually bunny-hopping this section,
to take it out of the equation.
- This off-camber section right here is a bit more
of an extreme example, and you're really fighting for grip.
But to find that grip, we're going to talk about
a technique called unweighting and weighting.
When you're weighting the bike,
it's when you know that you have grip.
You can push the bike in,
almost pretty low to dig those tyres in,
and then over an obstacle like this,
a slight rise or a root, for example,
you're gonna unweight the bike.
You're gonna go lighter on it,
so it just kind of lifts up,
and then back again when you know you've got grip,
you put your weight into it, dig those tyres
into the ground so the bike accelerates,
keep this momentum, and then coming into
the next section right here, I don't have grip.
So that is when I unweight, lift my weight up,
rise over the bike, and then dig in again,
hoping to keep as much momentum flowing through
this section so I get through it as clean as possible,
and into the next part.
- So, body position for off-cambers,
it's really important to try and get your
centre of gravity as low as possible.
So drop your outside foot, just as you would with a corner,
and try to get your weight down to that.
So actually crouch on the bike quite a lot as well.
Front to back, you want to be fairly equal,
but actually, I will drop a bit more weight onto the bars,
keep that front wheel gripping,
because you can allow the back wheel to step out
a little bit, but if that front wheel slides out,
then you're crashing.
I'm also playing around with the angle
of the bike underneath me, dipping the bike over,
trying to keep my weight to the outside,
depending on how much grip I've got on the floor.
- One point that is often overlooked when you're riding
off-camber is your braking.
And what I mean by this, is normally when you're braking,
what you use to slow down is these centre knobs.
They really dig into the ground and slow you down.
But in this off-camber section, they're not really working
in the same sense.
It's the edge knobs that are digging into the ground,
giving that grip to try to make you keep moving forward.
If you actually brake, then what's going to happen,
because the ground is moving away from you,
when you brake harshly, especially in the rear,
the back tyre could step out,
making you lose that grip.
You won't have the traction.
And you could actually find that that's what is going
to run you off down the hill,
and not keep in a straight line.
If you do want to do braking while you're in an off-camber,
you feel that you're going too fast,
then make sure you modulate on the brake.
And what I really mean by that
is that you feather the brake.
You don't have to do a harsh pull of it,
pulling it right in towards the bars,
because that is when you're going to skid
the back tyre out.
By locking that rear end up, you're gonna lose the grip,
and you're not gonna be able to keep moving forward.
Looking ahead is going to make it a lot easier
for you to identify those points where
you can unweight the bike, where the grip is gonna be,
and where you need to do your braking.
Speed also has a big effect on this,
if you're going faster, you want to be looking
further ahead.
If you're going a little bit slower,
then you want to be looking closer.
But you do not want to be looking at that front tyre.
If you're looking at your front tyre,
you can't identify those key features ahead of you.
And the chances are you're going to lose traction,
lose grip, and you're not gonna get through the section.
- So that is off-cambers.
They're pretty tricky.
Don't forget, you can always take your inside foot off
the dab if you feel like you need to.
- And don't forget to click right here to subscribe,
because you'll never miss a video from GMBN again.
- Click over here for a comprehensive guide to cornering.
- And click right here to find out more about braking zones.
- Give us a thumbs up if you like
off-camber straights and corners.
Innovation in 60 Seconds: Is the world approaching the end of the oil era? - Duration: 0:50.We think oil demand will keep growing for the next couple of decades at least.
So the end of the oil era is really a long way off.
But that's not to say that the world isn't changing.
Demand growth of the future will only be about 0.5% a year, that's much slower than we've
seen rates in the past.
New technology, increasing efficiency, the transformation of emerging markets are all
factors in this transition.
So it's a world where we see demand is still relatively strong, but demand growth is weak
and it's adapting to this new world which could be a challenge.
Beautiful Is Having Kind, Compassionate Heart – Overcome Bullying Video – Zeni Says – Nikki Karis - Duration: 1:44.Hello, Friends!
I'm Nikki Karis.
For today, I'd like to share an inspirational message I've written about compassion.
This particular message will help to uplift and inspire you to overcome the negative effects
of bullying.
Here's my message for today: "There's nothing more beautiful in this world that
a person with a kind, compassionate heart."
You know, Friends, I speak with so many people in my professional career as a lawyer and
in doing the inspirational work that I do.
And so many of the people that I speak with have been bullied in their lives.
Whether it be in the past or in the present, whether it be when they were younger or older,
many people have sustained the negative effects of bullying.
But what I find in speaking with many of these people is that many of them have a kind, compassionate
The reason they were bullied was because they were trying to do something good for other
people in their lives.
They have love and compassion for their fellow mankind.
I see it day in and day out in the world of animal rescue.
When people are trying to do good by the animals, they're often met with resistance.
They're often met by the bullies who attempt to bring them down to their level.
What I want to encourage all of you to do is to maintain a kind, compassionate heart,
because there truly is nothing more beautiful in this world.
So forget about the bullies.
Forget about them trying to tear you down.
Move forward in your life in a positive direction.
Continue to exude kindness and compassion for your fellow mankind.
That's how you overcome the bullies, my Friends.
Love and blessings.
Nikki Karis.
Depression is like a Blizzard - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
How to be an Everyday Political Citizen - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
The British Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation - Duration: 7:00.The (British) Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation.
World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The modern world
of so-called Western Civilization began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming
of the British Empire.
That empire actually began several hundred years earlier with the establishment of the
City of London, which is now an 800-year corporation that controls finance from an entity called
�The Crown�.
This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve,
the World Bank (IMF � International Monetary Fund), The European Union, and various cartels
and corporations across the earth.
The Crown Identity is kept most secret, and The Crown Bank of England took and assumed
control of the United States during the Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when its agents,
who were really Crown agents (J. P. Morgan), took over 25% of American business.
The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of the
corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for The Crown, rules parliament
in Great Britain and has authority over the Prime Ministers through a Vatican knighthood
called the Order of the Garter.
The Crown, however, is not the King or Queen of England � they are an established monarchy
of the corporate body.
The Crown is the directorate of the corporation, and Great Britain is ruled by The Crown, the
City of London which controls the Bank of England � a private corporation [owned by
the Rothschild dynasty]. There is a private state existing in Britain within the centre
of London.
This City, located in the heart of Greater London, became a sovereign-state in 1694 when
King William III of Orange privatised the Bank of England, and turned it over to the
Vatican banksters who today rule the financial world.
The City/The Crown Corporation is not subject to British Law; it has its own courts, its
own laws, its own flag, its own police force � exactly like the Vatican city state and
Washington DC Columbia. The Crown Corporation is also separate from the Metropolitan city;
its police drive red police cars and their uniforms are different from the Metropolitan
Also, The Crown in London houses the privatized Bank of England and Lloyd�s of London, the
London Stock Exchange, and all British Banks. It also houses the branch offices of 385 foreign
banks, 70 US banks, as well as Fleet Street newspapers and publishing monopolies. It controls
the world media and world intelligence. [And the Rothschilds control The Crown].
It is out of The Crown City of London, the headquarters of British Freemasonry overseen
by the British Monarchy and the Duke of Kent, that World Freemasonry is governed. This includes
the Grand Orient Masonic Order and the Washington DC Scottish Rite.
In 1945 the Bank of England was nationalised by the Labour Government, and is allegedly
no longer a private bank, although it governs the US Federal Reserve. It is ruled over by
the Rothschilds, who are bankers for the Pope � guardians of the Vatican Treasury.
The City of London also has its own Lord Mayor, different from the current Mayor, who has
the power in The Crown Corporation.
When the Queen wishes to conduct business in the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor
at Temple Bar. Temple Bar and their associate franchises come from what is called the Four
Inns of the Temples of Court � the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple.
The logo of the Inner Temple is a white horse on the sunburst seal of the Jesuit Order.
The white horse is a symbol of the British Empire / Order of the Garter / Crown Corporation,
and is the same white horse which is the symbol of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).
The white horse is a Jesuit symbol � Pegasus. It is the Jesuit Order that governs the Honourable
Society of the Inner Temple. The Inner Temple is the core group that governs the City of
London Corporation.
The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The
City � The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies
of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies � The United States of America are states
of The Crown.
This being said, however, it is vitally important to remember the following. The Crown Empire
uses commercial law (a.k.a. international maritime law, or law of contracts) as its
means of control. This law does not apply to sovereign, free men and women.
Your name, when spelt out in all capital letters � as in JULIAN WEBSDALE � is a corporation,
a trust set up by the government through the treasury department at your birth. Every time
a child is born, a corporation/trust is created using his or her name in all capital letters.
They do this because governments are corporations and they operate under commercial law, the
law of contracts.
The laws passed by governments only apply to corporations and not to living, breathing,
flesh and blood sovereign-free men and women spelt in upper-lower or all lower case, as
with Julian Websdale, or julian websdale.
The living, breathing sovereign man and woman is subject to common law, not the commercial
law introduced by governments through legislation.
By Julian Websdale, | Reference: YouTube
About the author: Julian Websdale is an independent researcher in the fields of esoteric science
and metaphysics, and a self-initiate of the Western Esoteric Tradition. His interest in
these subjects began in 1988. Julian is an author on and you can visit
his personal blog here.
Ricky Padilla, Galvanize Web Dev Grad - Duration: 1:28.It feels great to get a job
basically immediately following
graduating from Galvanize. My name is
Ricky Padilla I have a new job as an iOS
developer at Latitude Software and I am
a graduate of g29 Denver Platte. so
right now we're in Louisville Colorado
at the Latitude Software office
where we make the magic happen. There's a really
small team of building mobile apps and
web application for larger industries -
automotive, grocery stores. We really
focus on very niche business applications.
As a software developer that I really
enjoy I get to work hard
I get to be creative and do a lot of
entrepreneurial type things but at the
end of the day I can go home and spend time
with family and not be consumed with you
know trying to pay my employees or
things like that I think becoming a
software developer and getting the job
as have added some more peace to my life
to know that after coming from
entrepreneurial background it's kind of surreal
sometimes just like you know I was just
learning this or the past you know six
seven months now I'm doing as a career
and a lot of the tools that we use a lot
of things that we do you are things that
I've learned at Galvanize. There's
definitely a lot of stuff that I had to
teach myself as well but a lot of it is
without Galvanize I wouldn't have
you know the tools that have
to do a good job.
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