Is it Possible to Build Binary Storage in Super Mario Maker ? - Duration: 16:12.I've been trying to create binary storage in Super Mario Maker for almost three years
No matter what I tried nothing worked so far, so far.
But recently we found out about global ground and track memory which suddenly opens up millens
of new ways to build Mario Maker contraptions, and which finally allows us to store Information
in, at least somewhat usable ways.
In this video we are going to take a look at different ways to store information in
super mario maker, we will take a look at read and writable binary storage, at a super
useless contraption that is able to shift bits and we will discuss what the heck binary
storage actually is.
Just before we start I want to give a quick shoutout to Mario Maker creator Giant.
He's the creator that built the calculator that went viral, and has built some insanely
clever and awesome stages, including a freaking rubik's cube and shift puzzles in Mario Maker.
He's been using global ground and elb manipulation in his courses long before I figured it out,
and I learned about a lot of the tricks that we are going to use in this video by taking
a look at his levels!
I highly recommend everyone to check his user profile out, you can find the link in the
description, his levels are beyond amazing!
So with that being said.
Are you ready?
Let's do this!
Okay so first let's take a look at a simple way to count globally, before we take a look
at real binary storage.
Here Mario finds himself in front of a super simple contraption.
There is a shell that is blocked by four bullet blasters, and there is a pow block.
If Mario triggers all four skeleton roller coasters at the bottom, then the pow-block
becomes triggered.
Nothing too fancy so far.
The cool thing about this contraption is that it works globally, as soon as it was loaded
in once.
All items here stand on top of blue platforms on tracks, and are therefore stored in the
track memory and never despawn.
So if Mario goes to the far right here, and triggers the four skeleton roller coasters,
the pow block should activate as soon as the platforms reach their destination.
This allows us to store the information globally how many skeleton roller coasters were activated,
and to trigger a pow block once this number reaches four.
That's something that could be really useful for a couple of stages, but that's no real
binary storage since the information stored in this cell cannot be accessed nor really
This functions more like a relational operator that tests, if the amount of skeleton roller
coasters triggered is equal four.
And if true triggers a pow block.
That's useful but not fancy enough!
Only real binary storage is fancy enough!
Okay so what is binary storage.
Well it's actually surprisingly simple.
So storage is storage, and a binary number is a different representation of numbers.
So the number system we use in everyday life works on a base of ten.
We have ten different numbers, 0 to 9 which represent 10 different values.
If we count higher than 10 then we simply add a new number base 10 in front of our previous
So the number 13 can also be read as 10 plus 3, and the number 9352 can also be read as
9000 + 300 + 50 +2, or as 9*10^3 + 3* 10^2 + 5*10^1 + 10^0.
I know that sounds super ultra boring, but stay with me for a moment because it's honestly
truly fascinating and understanding this can really help in super mario maker and math!
The thing is while our number system based on ten makes a lot of sense for everyday use,
a computer can't understand it on it's most basic level.
On its most basic level a computer is only able to understand if there is electricity
or not.
There are only these two states, either there is electricity and this is represented by
a 1, or there isn't which is often represented by a 0.
But a modern computer is able to store this information millions and millions of times.
So the thing is the information 1 or 0 can be represented in a different numerical system
then ours, the binary system.
That's a numerical system that uses a base of two, instead of a base of 10.
So instead of the numbers 0 to 9 we only use the two numbers 0 and 1 to represent information.
And instead of adding a new number everytime we count up to a new power of 10 we add a
new number every time we reach a power of 2.
So our number 1 is the same in binary and in our common numerical system, but as soon
as we count to two the representation changes.
Our numerical system has a number for two but the binary system hasn't so we write
a new 1 in front of the old number.
Meaning we represent a power of 2.
Anyones head ouching?
Let's take a quick look at a small mario maker trick, and come back here later!
Usually when an item enters a vertical track piece the item always cycles downwards.
It doesn't matter how the track is shaped, it will always cycle downwards.
But sometimes we want items to travel upwards instead.
Luckily there is a neat little trick, because this platform actually decides to cycle upwards.
The reason why this platform is different is because this platform hit the very bottom
of the track piece.
Whenever an item on tracks lands on the very bottom of a track piece it will cycle upwards.
We can even manipulate the layout of a track so that we can always control how items behave.
Useful isn't it, we'll use this trick a lot in a moment.
Okay back to number theory!
So in binary every number represents a power of two instead of a power of 10.
The number 13 looks like this in binary.
1011 which means 8 + 0 + 2 +1 or 1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0.
And this is what 9352 looks like 0010 0100 1000 1000.
It's actually super easy to calculate with such numbers but I'll spare you for the
So computers store information, like numbers in this way, and finding a way to represent
information in such a way in super mario maker is the basis to create actual computers.
One such number is called a bit and eight such numbers in a row are referred to as bytes.
Okay so what we need to built in Mario Maker is a storage cell, where we can write different
bits, and then are able to read the stored information, so that we are able to use it.
So here's the first thing I tried.
Don't be afraid of all the tracks, it's super simple.
The idea here is to change the position of the bullet blaster when a blue platform is
A blaster to the left represents a one and a blaster at the right represents a 0.
There are two input tracks, if a platform on the right input track is triggered the
blaster is set to 1 and if a platform on the left is triggered the blaster is reset to
Because of this we are able to flip flop the bullet blaster from set to reset, awesome
isn't it.
Let's call this a Set Reset Flip Flop.
The blasters stand on top of firebars so that they are on global ground and don't despawn.
Okay so currently both blasters are set to 0, but to our plumbers right is actually a
small contraption that allows us to set the bits remotely.
If Mario wants to change the bits he simply needs to activate the corresponding platform.
So here he set one bit to 1 and one to 0, and if we run back, hooray!
One bit is set and one isn't.
Cool isn't it!
But there is a problem, currently we are able to write information into our storage but
there is no way to retrieve the information stored again.
That's about as useful as wikipedia with no access to it.
Luckily there is actually a way to built readable storage as well.
Here we use a slightly optimized version of the Set Reset Flip Flop from before.
It works the same way as before, but this time the two positions are closer together,
you'll see why in a second.
Other than that it's the same, we can set bits to one by using one input line, and set
them to 0 by using the other one.
Super simple, isn't it.
Here we have four such storage cells wired together, so we are able to store up to 16
different values in this array.
But the cool thing is that we are not only able to store this information here, we are
also able to read it again.
So let's say Mario wants to store the number six.
In order to do so he needs to set the two bullet bits in the middle of the storage array.
Cool six is set.
Up here we have an output platform, if Mario activates this platform then the value stored
in the storage cell gets read and is displayed in binary afterwards.
There is only a small problem, it takes half a minute to read a simple number.
Sorry about that but as it turns out Mario Maker isn't the fastest hardware for calculation.
But eventually, hooray, our number appears.
We are able to further work with this number but let's first check out how the reading
It's actually ridiculously simple!
There are pow blocks which live on top of the bullet blasters.
The reading platform simply picks them up and transfers them to the output.
If a blaster is not set then the pow block gets lifted but drops back down again because
there is an evil ice block, blocking him.
If a bullet bit is set however then there is no evil ice block blocking the platform,
which allows it to kidnap the poor pow block.
The platform is set up in such a way that each pow is picked up at the corresponding
bit spot.
Okay so what are we able to do with this binary information.
Well not much currently, but at least a little bit.
First it's incredible easy to build a bit mask which can be used to test for specific
If we want to test whether the least significant bit is set, that's the one to the far right,
then all we need to do is to block this specific bit, and if it is set then the pow block drops
Whenever the least significant bit is set, then the number stored is uneven, and whenever
it is not set then the number is an even number.
So for example we can have a door that only opens up if Mario stores an uneven number
into the storage.
Where things become really interesting is if we find a way to perform logical bit operations
onto our information.
Okay so bit operations.
There are, if we simplify things a little bit, four main ways to manipulate sets of
binary information.
There is the NOT operator, which complements every information stored.
So every 1 becomes a 0 and every 0 a 1.
There is the AND operator that takes two binary numbers and outputs which bits are set in
both numbers.
So for example if we take the number 1011, and the number 0111 then we get the number
0011, because only the last two bits are set in both numbers.
Then there is the OR operation that returns true if either one of the two bits is set
or both.
So if we take 1001 and 1100 for example we get the number 1101 since only the second
bit isn't set in any of the inputs.
And then there are bit shifts.
A bit shift basically shifts all bits stored in a number towards the right or towards the
Since the binary numeral system works at a base of two this means that shifting a number
to the left always multiplies it by two, and shifting a number to the right always divides
it by two, the same way that shifting a number to the right or left in our numerical system
multiplies or divides a number by ten, since our numerical system works at a base of 10.
Okay, so why do I tell you about these four operators, well because if we found a way
to recreate all these operations in super mario
maker, then we would actually have, kind of an assembly language for super mario maker,
which would be one of humanity's stranger achievements, but suuuuper awesome!
So I spent more time than I'm willing to admit trying to find a way to perform those
four operations onto pow blocks on top of blue platforms and I sadly was only able to
recreate a single one of those operations.
We'll take a look at that in a second, but if anyone of you wonderful ladies and gentleman
wants to toy around with this and finds a way to perform these operations on data stored
on top of a blue platform please let me know about it that would be awesome.
But first let's take a look at another use case of information stored in such a way.
Here we have a simple password system.
To Mario's right and left are four question blocks, and there are two locked doors.
If Mario wants to unlock these doors he needs to enter two binary numbers into each set
of four question blocks.
The key is only rewarded if the sum of both numbers entered is exactly 15.
So here Mario for example entered 11 and four.
11+4 is 15.
Once our plumber entered the two numbers he is able to activate the two platforms close
to the numbers, which loads both numbers into the sum checking system at the top.
Afterwards our plumber is finally allowed to activate the last blue platform, this one
starts the super complicated sum calculation.
The sum calculation is actually so complicated that calculating this only once takes about
half a minute!
But after these 30 seconds Mario is rewarded with the exit key, since he entered a sum
of 15 into the contraption, hooray!
If Mario entered a wrong sum then nothing would have happened.
The reason why this works is surprisingly simple.
So first we load both numbers onto platforms at the top, this is just so that we have them
up there for the calculation.
Then we test whether input one XOR input two outputs a combination where every bit is true,
and if this is the case we reward mario with a key.
Which is a very complicated way of saying we are building a bridge for this goomba.
Only if the sum of both numbers is 15 there is no gap in the path, nor is there a p-switch
which blocks our math calculating goomba!
Awesome isn't it.
Okay so finally let's take a look at the one bit operation I managed to recreate in
Mario Maker.
Bit shifts!
Here Mario first needs to run to the right so that everything gets loaded once.
Then our plumber is able to input a binary number by activating skeleton roller coasters
at the bottom.
Each roller coaster represents one bit where the one to the far right represents the least
significant one.
Our plumber decided to input the number 14.
And then, then there is this platform.
This platform is a marvelous masterpiece of goomba engineering.
Because this platform, divides every number entered by two!
But not only is this platform able to perform second class math tasks, it also does so within
only 17 seconds.
Wow, what a machine!
So after seventeen seconds the platform comes back and now the number 7 is displayed!
But how was this incredibly potent platform able to perform such a complicated task within
such an absurdly short amount of time?
Well the answer is, because it right shifted the input once.
All bits were shifted to the right once, which equals a division by two.
But the best part has yet to come, because this platform is not only able to perform
this action once, but as many times as desired.
If Mario wants to shift the seven again, all that he needs to do is to run to the right
so that the platform reloads, and then he is able to activate it again.
So this time we have a problem.
If we divide 7 by two the result is 3,5, but our binary numbers aren't able to represent
numbers with one decimal place.
Because of this it drops the rest of the division into this spot, which represents 0.5 and then
it outputs three, which is once again the right result.
If we divide the number once again it outputs 1 and shows us once again that there was a
Awesome isn't it!
So how does all of this work?
Well it's once again super simple!
First we load in the four p-switches.
P-switches which were spawned out of a question block or a note-block never despawn, and stay
loaded forever.
That's incredible useful for a like billion different things and we will use this a lot
in the future!
Shoutout again to giant, that's one of the tricks I learned when checking out his awesome
Then we use the skeleton roller coasters to get our p-switches set and into position,
the roller coaster just picks them up and drops them at the right spot and then, then
the surprisingly simple shifting magic happens.
We drop everything that is on top of the platform.
The least significant bit gets picked up by a conveyor belt if it is set, and then we
pick up all the p-switches once again, but first the platform moves one block to the
The platform then cycles back and drops everything where it picked it up, but now it's shifted
to the right by one.
Okay so that's all about binary storage I was able to recreate.
If someone of you wonderful ladies and gentleman finds new tricks, using these tricks please
let me know about it.
I hope you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave me a thumbs
up and maybe you feel especially confused today and want to hit the subscribe button
as well.
I hope that you have a wonderful day and to see you soon.
What Is The Best Diet For Singers? Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 6:29.Hey guys, welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the Proof is in the Singing!
I'm doing a whole series on answering questions from YouTube, from Facebook, from
All these different social media sources, that I want to do my best to give you my personal
I'm not a doctor, however I have a lot of information, I think that will help you.
The question here today was "What is the best diet for singers?"
Well, before we start any of this conversation, use some common sense.
Think about this.
If you put in sludge, sludge is going to come out.
If you eat cheeseburgers, and pizza, and chocolate milkshakes, and French fries and all these
different things, please don't expect a high-performance engine.
This isn't just about your voice.
This is about your whole body, and how your body functions, and your voice is part of
your body.
So just have some common sense here with me, guys, as we go through this for a second.
I actually love cheeseburgers and pizza…
Who doesn't?
But, in the end, if we stay with a plant-based diet, and we can have our body have maximum
nutrients to provide the tools that we need to be great at what we want to do, we are
going to win!
If we don't, we're going to come up with disease somewhere along the line.
So there are two books, they're great.
I know I've published this before, but I'm going to publish it again.
This one is called eat to live by Doctor Joel Fuhrman.
Check it out here.
This book is ROCK STAR.
And I'm not asking you guys to become vegans.
That's not even what I'm saying.
I'm just saying the closer we can stay to a plant-based diet, the healthier we can become.
There's another one here called Forks Over Knives.
Check this one out.
Here it is here…
Now this book is very similar.
You know, they have very similar things.
And the reason they are doing this is they're saying don't eat a bunch of red meat.
Don't eat a bunch of cheese.
Because, you know, when we eat cheese and we eat, even yogurt, like people are, like,
you know, yogurt's really good for you.
I mean, people do that because they think that the probiotic that's in yogurt is good
for them.
There is a lot of ways to get a probiotic, and you can do it in just fermented vegetables,
there's supplements you can take, or whatever.
If you're looking to minimize mucus, and just get good dietary health for singing,
you'll do what I say.
But there's a few more things here, too.
Come on, guys!
Let's be real about this!
Get some exercise!
Go out!
Go for a walk!
Go for a run!
Ride your bike!
Go for a swim!
Do something that, again, gets blood flow through the body, to where your body is able
to regenerate and rejuvenate itself to be able to support good immune function.
A couple more things…
I have a couple people that said you know when I eat 20 minutes before I sing, I feel
like I'm going to puke or, sorry, and I feel like I'm gonna regurgitate all of this
Well, have some common sense in that too, like wait…
Eat a whole hour before you sing, or more, an hour and a half before you sing.
Now some people get so worked up when they sing and they're so excited they'll wait three
hours or more.
Well, you need energy, you need some fuel to sing.
Do it an hour and a half before, and give yourself enough time, so that when you do sing that
you're not regurgitating this.
Another thing.
Don't drink a bunch of alcoholic beverages.
Now, everyone likes a good glass of wine, or a beer, or whatever your cocktail of choice
I'm not gonna say you can't do that.
What I am gonna say is that it dries out the cords.
So, if you're going to drink a lot of alcohol, you'd better be rehydrating your body with
a whole lot of water, or doing something else that's going to be able to give you back
the resiliency that needs to go in the cord, to re-feed the cord with moisture.
And, not only that, but if you do beverages that are carbonated, the carbonation also
makes you gurgle and regurgitate.
And you're going to go Awww and have all of this acid building up in the stomach.
One last thing.
And this is really important.
I like a good steak, guys.
I like a piece of pizza.
I'm not saying don't ever do this.
What I'm saying is, is before I go to bed, if I eat a big steak, and I can't digest
that steak, this is really important, because I build up acid reflux in my stomach, that
sends acid up into the throat that gnaws away at my vocal cords.
So please don't eat big fatty, you know, meat dishes before you go to bed.
Do it in the middle of the day, do it in the morning, midday, sometime like that.
If that's what you need to do, and I get it, because I do that too.
And I need meat.
And I need carbs, and stuff.
So again, I'm not vegan, though I subscribe to a plant-based, as much is I can, a plant-based
This will really, really help you.
Now the last thing is, is remember.
When I talk about dietary thing, or excuse me exercise things.
You know, if we don't exercise, we have to exercise our body and our voice and they
have to work together for this.
So if you're not willing to take the time to do the right things to eat right and exercise,
please don't expect a good result.
Sludge in, Sludge out.
Say it again.
If you're going to feed your machine, your whole body machine sludge, that's what you're
going to get out of it.
If you are willing to take some extra measures and just do the right thing, it will blow
your mind at how much your immune function will keep you from getting sick, building
up mucus on the cords, give you strength for when you sing, give you energy that you didn't
know you had…
All these things.
This is my recommendation, okay?
I hope you guys find this helpful.
Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof is in the singing!
Hey guys!
If you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel.
And if you want to get notified when I have a new cool video come out, you need to go
to my channel and click on this little bell icon and it will actually notify you every
time I have a video come out.
Thanks guys!
BREAKING: Roseanne Barr Is Already Making A Comeback With Stunning New Announcement(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 8:27.Roseanne Barr Is Already Making A Comeback With Stunning New Announcement
today Roseanne Barr was defiant defending what's left of her legacy I'm
not a racist I never was and I never will be she wrote one stupid joke in a
lifetime of fighting for civil rights for all minorities against networks
studios will never be taken from me just the latest chapter in a long history of
courting controversy this wasn't just one tweet for Roseanne she has a history
of tweeting things that are inappropriate this time it was this
tweet about Obama aide Valerie Jarrett was the Brotherhood and Planet of the
Apes had a baby equals VJ it cost her big time on Tuesday our own network ABC
cancelled Roseanne's show calling her views abhorrent repugnant and
inconsistent with our values the highest-rated new sitcom on television
gone in a flash so today that tweet came from you
that's yours if you did this to yourself what she said was blatantly patently the
definition of racism very black-and-white this is not about being
a conservative okay this is about you being a racist for her part Roseanne
Barr furiously apologized attack and backpedaled that do it she's fired off
more than 200 tweets since losing her show despite an apology she's retweeted
images of a character from Planet of the Apes alongside a picture of Valerie
Jarrett after her co-star Sarah Gilbert and Michael Fishman condemned her
remarks as abhorrent reprehensible and intolerable bar lashed out accusing them
of throwing her under the bus at one point she even blamed ambien for her
Valerie Jarrett tweet the drug company Sanofi which makes ambien shot back
while all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects racism is not a known side
effect of any Sanofi medications also compared her Susan Rice to an eight
and that was in 2013 Roseanne's history with these sort of remarks and
regardless african-americans had already been documented and yet you know the
network decided to reboot her show anyway well thank her for her service
Roseanne show seemed to fill a void in the country's deep political divide
connecting with Americans from the flyover States and with Trump voters who
felt network TV wasn't representing them Jackie would you like to take a knee
Stan Zimmerman was one of the writers on the original series there's something
about the characters in the connors that I just felt comfortable in I wanted to
hear their points of view and different matters and unfortunately now those
voices may be cut off for good it was inclusive topical and blunt this episode
one praise from the director of the Council on american-islamic relations
for opening a dialogue about Islamophobia I'm I'm Jackie Rose Ann's
sister I'm a certified life coach if you're having any trouble assimilate not
now Jackie more than 27 million people watched the first episode of the reboot
they've lost a powerful voice now this show had the struggles of people who
live paycheck to paycheck there aren't many shows like that on TV
anymore and that's what made this special and now that it's gone I wonder
what shows they're gonna turn to Viacom Hulu and the laughs Network all
announced they're pulling reruns of the original Roseanne show from syndication
effective today Roseanne has been here before I'm one of these people that I
have I call them my fans people who love to hate me her star has risen and fallen
before spectacularly so in 2011 she sat down
with Nightline to talk about that do you feel like you've sold your soul to
become famous in the you paid a price for it yeah that's the deal that all
celebrities make they decide well these are safe topics that I can speak out on
there's a photo spread of you that maybe pushes the edge of
little bit the Hitler mustache Oh baking cookies in the shapes of Jews no people
said it was in the shape of Jews but it was not Jews it was Palestinians her
unflinching humor was the signature of the original Roseanne show back in the
80s and 90s are you ever sorry we got married every second of my life that is
Zenith a single episode reached 36 million viewers nobody had ever looked
like her had that viewpoint on TV and in the phone bill and we forget to sign the
check she had to fight to get that voice on TV in the first place she was a bona
fide cultural icon becoming a symbol of something is hard the original show was
also widely known as Hollywood's unhappiest workplace Roseanne has been a
notorious figure in television for decades now on the original version of
her show it was a revolving door of writers people would get fired and hired
and fired and rehired it was a chaotic type of set Zimmerman can attest to that
they decided that we'd each get a numbered shirt and this was their joke
that they could fire us by just pointing to a number and never having to learn
our name they thought that was funny it all started to unravel the night she
sang the star-spangled banner at a San Diego Padres game do you want to say no
I just laugh when it was over she grabbed her crotch spat on the ground
walked off it was horrifying I knew I started too high about the fifth note in
and I thought well at least I'll try to make it funny I'm here smiling through
the whole thing I felt like crying then at ABC called me we don't know if we're
gonna cancel your show yet we have to wait and see what happens and I was like
oh my god I'm going to lose every single thing that I've ever worked for it was
disgraceful contrast President George HW Bush's response to that scandal to the
response today from President Trump so far Trump has neither condemned what she
said nor come to her defense what he has done is make it about himself quote Bob
Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know ABC does not tolerate
comments like those made by Roseanne Barr G he never called president Donald
J Trump to apologize for the horrible statements made and said about me on ABC
maybe I just didn't get the call no one is defending her comments they're
inappropriate but that's what the point that he was making today in the briefing
room the White House press secretary insisted the president was calling out
ABC for a double standard where was Bob iger's apology to the White House staff
for Jamel Hill calling the president and anyone associated with him a white
supremacist to Christians around the world for joy bear calling Christianity
a mental illness for the record both hill and Vejar did face repercussions
ESPN suspended Hill for violating the company's social media policy and Behar
called vice president pence to apologize and issued an on-air mayor culpa I
sincerely apologize for what I said America was divided before Roseanne came
on and America will be divided long after this shows been canceled this is
who we are and what we're about in 2018 but what does set this apart is that now
you're gonna be held accountable Roseann has now thrown away her second chance at
a hit sitcom know you can do this she probably won't get another thank you
god bless you and God bless america
Which Is Easier - $1 to 1 Million? or 1 Million to 100M? - Duration: 4:26.Okay, Steven today we got a really awesome question someone submitted a
question for us to and basically said, "is it easier to turn a dollar into a
million bucks or is it easier to take a million and turn it into a hundred
million dollars? That's a great question. It's all coming your way right now.
You know you can always go into the comments below and drop brilliant
questions like this one that says, "is it easier to make a hundred million with 1
million or 1 million with $1. Good question. Uh-huh. I like it. So we're
not going to answer though. Yeah we're not, goodbye. So this is
actually super easy to answer. Steven, it's harder to make your first million
or your second million? It's harder to make your first million. Why? Because it's
your first time. Yeah and it gets easier every time after that. Because?
Because you have experience and you gain knowledge and wisdom and it's just
easier. So it's kind of like, it's kind of like anything you do the first
time, right? When you first learn to ride your bike, it's hard because you don't
even think it's possible. I just helped my son actually. So my son just turned
six years old. He was kind of tentative. You know I remember, I think I learned
how to ride the bike when I was like five maybe, right? You know and because I
learned that five, my son should learn about five too but he didn't want
to, right? So, he was all scared and he couldn't figure out the balance thing
right off the bat. But as soon as he learned it, I mean it was like easy, right? He
got off. I mean he just went out all over the neighborhood, was doing
awesome and you got to start with the belief that you can make a million
dollars. I remember when I was learning back flips, I could do a front flip
because I decided that was easier and everyone I met it's like no no no back
flips were way easier. Heard that. I've heard that a lot. And then when I finally
did a back flip was like, it was scary but every back flips since, guess what? it
got real easy. Are you still doing back flips? Yup, I do back flips. Good work. Yeah, absolutely. So
it's like riding a bike. The first time you learn it, it's difficult because
you're learning all these new things. Your body has to adjust, your mind has to
adjust. Once you've learned how to do it, you can do it over and over.
Let's get super specific on real estate investing for a moment. It took me four
years to basically make my first million dollars. But after I learned how to do
that, like I kid you not, today strip it all away from me. If I
have to do it all over again, I now know how to make my first million dollars in
way under a year, way under a year. And I want to just share with you for a moment why.
It's because not only if you've done it once can you do it again. But it's like
Steven said, it gets easier. So like for example, I was two years into my four
years of making money in real estate before my father-in-law said, "you know
what, maybe I'll do a deal with you." And I was nervous about it but the deal worked
and he made and then we did another one and then we
did another too. We did this several dozen deals together. And because he made
money, he kept coming back. Well, I remember I had 10 homes. I was a senior
in college and I just thought man, "I wish I had more father-in-law's." And that's
when I thought you know what, I could totally find people like my father in law.
More wives. No, no.That's not where I was going. No, I totally went and found four other men that had
done very well in their careers. I showed in my portfolio and just like my father
law, like, "dude, let's jump in and do some." And now it's like what I could
do as much real say as I want. If I could go back in time, guess what? Yeah. I could
do way more real estate way quicker, way sooner. So yeah, dude making your first
million is definitely the challenge. Going from 1 million to a 100
million, I think that would be way easier. Yeah. Than start with nothing and making
your first million. Yeah, well think about it.
$1.00 to a million dollars, that's a million dollar difference. Million
dollars difference. Yeah. So it's just a huge difference there. So
make your first million so that everything afterwards is just downhill.
Hey, thank you so much for watching this video.
Listen, if all you got is a buck and you're saying I need help making it into
my first million, have no fear. Steven and Kris are here and will even help
you do it. We've got all sorts of tools and gadgets and gizmos galore that
can help make that happen. I know but all you got to do is go home and click the
link in the description below and our team will be in touch with you to
share with you what we would do if we were you, to get started all over again
on making that first million even easier your first time with our experience. And
don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell so we can notify you of upcoming
videos. Booya!
Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan's latest cover shoot for Brides Today is pure gem! - Duration: 2:16.Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan's latest cover shoot for Brides Today is pure gem!
Both the stars are hugely popular in Pakistan. New Delhi: Pakistani film industrys heartthrob Fawad Khan and gorgeous beauty Mahira Khan featured in superhit drama Humsafar together and the rest, as they say, is history.
Their on-screen pairing is loved by the audiences and their TV show received a thunderous response not just in Pakistan but also in India. Fawad and Mahira recently featured in the magazine cover of Brides Today, India June issue.
The duo can be seen dressed to kill in traditional wear.
The two posed donning couture by Fawads wife Sadaf Khan. One of the fan clubs shared the cover picture on Instagram. You cant take eyes off from the picture as the good-looking on-screen couple gives out a royal feel.
Mahira sitting pretty in a golden traditional wear and Fawad dressed in light pista coloured kurta looking straight into the eye is making us weak at the knees. Fawad made his sensational debut in Bollywood in Sonam Kapoors Khoobsurat.
The actor then went on to star in Karan Johars Kapoor & Sons and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
Mahiras maiden B-Town venture Raees was helmed by Rahul Dholakia and featured Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role. Both the stars are hugely popular in Pakistan. .
What is Turmeric Good For? 10 Turmeric Health Benefits - Duration: 4:00.What is Turmeric Good For? 10 Turmeric Health Benefits
Incredible Animation Shows How Far Away Space Is - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
✅ Mansory's Mercedes C63 AMG is *almost* subtle - Duration: 1:46.Mansory is a name you probably know from carbon Bugattis, Bentleys and Ferraris that live in a different universe to common taste and decency
So it's something of a shock – and relief – to see its name on something a bit more real world
Well, as real world as a 64bhp Mercedes with carbon mirror housings gets. It's a Mercedes-AMG C63 S coupe – a car we have an enormous soft spot for here – with much tuning, its 4-litre twin-turbo V8 engine gaining 38bhp and 0lb ft
That's basically the outputs of an old Suzuki Swift Sport, freed up via a new ECU and sports exhaust
Naturally, Mansory has chiselled out the old speed limiter, too, so the C63 now has a 92mph top end
Lovely. You'd be disappointed if Mansory left it there, and it goes without saying there are chunky new 20in alloys and loads of new carbon aero bits
But spec the car in dark grey or black and it'd all blend in quite nicely. Is Mansory turning over a new, more subdued leaf? Err, no, we suspect not…
What is Volunteering and what difference does it make to the City? - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
White America's racial resentment is the real impetus for welfare cuts, study says - Duration: 6:36.White America's racial resentment is the real impetus for welfare cuts, study says
White Americans are increasingly critical of the country's social safety net, a new study suggests, thanks in part to a rising tide of racial resentment.
The study, conducted by researchers at two California universities and published Wednesday in the journal Social Forces, finds that opposition to welfare programs has grown among white Americans since 2008, even when controlling for political views and socioeconomic status.
White Americans are more likely to favor welfare cuts when they believe that their status is threatened and that minorities are the main beneficiaries of safety net programs, the study says.
The findings suggest that political efforts to cut welfare programs are driven less by conservative principles than by racial anxiety, the authors conclude.
That also hurts white Americans who make up the largest share of Medicaid and food-stamp recipients.
President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans have proposed deep cuts to both programs.
"I think our research is very relevant to politics," said Rachel Wetts, a doctoral candidate in sociology at UC Berkeley and the lead author of the new research.
"My main hope here is that people take a step back, look at what these sorts of programs do for the poor, and think about what's driving opposition to them.".
Wetts and her co-author, Stanford University sociologist Robb Willer, conducted three separate experiments designed to gauge white Americans' attitudes toward welfare and the factors that influenced them.
In the first, the researchers analyzed 10 years of nationally representative survey data on attitudes toward race and welfare programs.
Between 2008 and 2012 in particular, they found, opposition to welfare rose among all Americans -- but far more sharply among whites, who also began scoring higher on racial resentment scales during that period.
These trends weren't necessarily linked, however.
So to determine if there was a connection, Wetts and Willer designed two more experiments: one in which they quizzed respondents on their feelings about welfare after seeing a graph about U.S.
demographic change, and another in which respondents took a similar quiz after viewing information on average income by race and the demographics of welfare beneficiaries.
White Americans called for deeper cuts to welfare programs after viewing charts that showed they would become a racial minority within 50 years.
They also opposed welfare programs more when they were told that people of color benefit most from them.
Those results show that the push to cut welfare programs is not driven by pure political motives, such as decreasing government spending or shrinking government bureaucracy, Wetts said.
"We find evidence that these shifts [in sentiment against welfare programs] are specifically directed at programs people see as benefiting minorities instead of whites," she added.
Wetts isn't ruling out the possibility that alternate factors could also be at play, of course.
Some researchers have found that people embrace more conservative politics during periods of rapid social change -- not necessarily because they fear their racial status is threatened, but because they fear change is happening too fast.
Others have argued the connection between white Americans' racial resentment and their politics has been exaggerated.
But theres a growing body of evidence to suggest that white Americans who fear a loss of racial status are driving major shifts in policy and politics.
A major study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in April concluded that President Donald Trump was voted into office by people anxious about rising racial diversity and globalization.
Researchers have also shown that white Americans racial prejudice affects their views on everything from healthcare policy to the death penalty to dogs.
On the same day Wetts paper published, a separate study in the journal Environmental Politics found that people with high levels of racial resentment are more likely to believe that the scientific consensus on climate change is false.
[White] racial resentment has become much more highly correlated with particular political attitudes, behaviors and orientations, political scientists Adam M.
Enders and Jamil S.
Scott wrote in a January analysis for the Posts Monkey Cage blog.
More and more, white Americans use their racial attitudes to help them decide their positions on political questions such as whom to vote for or what stance to take on important issues including welfare and health care..
Roseanne Barr's Show Could Continue Without Her: "Is It Worth It For ABC?" | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 14:50.-------------------------------------------
Basketball Wives: Evelyn Refuses to Forgive Jackie & Jackie Is Done Trying to Talk to Evelyn - Duration: 2:50.Evelyn Refuses to Forgive Jackie and Jackie Is Done Trying to Talk to Evelyn in This Basketball Wives Highlight
It would be too much like right for Jackie to mind her business during a fight between Tami and Evelyn.
Jackie came to a pool party dressed like she was going anywhere but a pool party (some of the ladies even wondered if her look was inspired by Black Panther), but she was ready to dip into some business that had nothing to do with her.
No one was even getting ready to swing, but Jackie is already placing bets on who would win in this Tami vs.
Evelyn showdown, "If this gets physical, I am definitely team Tami all the way." After it's clear that Ev and Tami will not be making up, Jennifer apologizes for getting in the middle and then proceeds to get in the middle of Jackie and Evelyn in an attempt to clear up the GoFundMe incident from last season.
Before they can get anywhere, the great "Build-A-Whore" comment of 2017 comes back up.
These women clearly aren't going to see eye to eye or accept each other's apologies so the conversation is done.
If you thought this was awkward to watch, imagine how Kirsten feels sitting in the legit middle and watching these two take grand slam blows at each other like a tennis match.
Basketball Wives airs on Monday at 9/8c.
Serena Williams is kicking off for the second round of the French Open vs Ashleigh Barty - Duration: 2:18.Serena Williams is kicking off for the second round of the French Open vs Ashleigh Barty
Ashleigh Barty is a seeded player at the French Open, but she wont have the easiest second round as on Thursday the Australian will take on the former world No.
1 Serena Williams, who wasnt included in the seeding.
In press conference Barty admitted she wasnt lucky: I mean, for me, you want to play the big names and you want to test yourself against the best, and I think any opportunity you can do that is good.
But, obviously, deeper in the tournament youre both playing good tennis.
Youre in a spot where you deserve to be.
sometimes its how the cookie crumbles and thats how the draw is done, and were playing each other in the second round. Asked if Serena should have deserved a seed, Barty replied: I think its an extremely tough question.
think probably in certain ways, yes, and I agree with those arguments; and then also I agree with arguments where its no.
I think its a tough decision.
I know that the WTA are going through all the right processes.
And I think there are valid arguments both ways.
And I think, over time, whatever decision is made, I think the outcome will be right.
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