How to Draw TV Cartoons Step by Step For Kids - Coloring Pages For Children
Watch me draw and color tv cartoons , Coloring Pages For Kids, Babies and Toddlers.
Waitress Takes Care Of Cranky Age 89 Customer For Years, Months After Death She Learns What He Left - Duration: 1:44.
Waitress Takes Care Of Cranky Age 89 Customer For Years, Months After Death She Learns What
He Left Her.
Being kind isn't hard.
It shouldn't be.
Wait staff isn't always treated with respect by their customers.
Some patrons, like World War II veteran, Walter "Buck" Swords would make things very tough
for the waitresses at Luby's in Brownsville, Texas.
For seven years, the 89-year-old grumpy man was a regular at the diner.
He'd complain so frequently, and about the most minor of matters, none of the waitresses
wanted to serve him.
None, that is, except Melina Salazar.; Walter tried her patience too, but Melina
never allowed her professional mask to slip.
She kept her smile in place no matter how often he ranted and raved and complained.
Most importantly, she never let her level of service falter.
Melina remembers, "He was mean to the girls.
He wanted everything his way.
He wanted the food very hot — he didn't care, he burned himself!"
She says, though, that she had patience and "just took care of him."
In the summer of 2007, Melina noticed she hadn't seen Walter in some time.
She eventually found his obituary in the local paper.
Five months later, Melina's patience would pay off in a big way..
Just before Christmas, a lawyer entered Luby's during her shift.
He told Melina that though Walter never showed it, her smiles and kindness meant the world
to him.
He appreciated her for how she treated him.
He left Melina his 2000 Buick and $50,000 cash!.
There are rewards for treating those around you with kindness and respect regardless of
how they respond.
In Melina's case, her patience and unwavering dedication to caring for this lonely man paid
Why Reese Witherspoon won't settle for a male-dominated Hollywood - Duration: 2:35.- It's a global movement, and I think
#MeToo and #TimesUp is all about breaking the silence.
(soft contemporary music)
And I think that's powerful, and I don't
think it's going backwards.
I think it's only going forwards.
- [Interviewer] I read a quote from you
where you said, "It's not just the art you make,
"it's how you make the art."
The set here is predominantly female.
The notable photographer, Ellen von Unwerth
shot your cover photo.
The video team is all female.
Why do you think that impacts the final project
and the way stories are told?
- Well, I think you can't expect
every movie to be made by the same 20 men,
and feel like you're getting different stories.
I mean, we talk about the male gaze
versus the female gaze.
Women tell stories about women in different ways.
What if we had that kind of powerful storytelling
from other perspectives, that was
just as viable commercially?
How can we change the world?
And I really think we can.
- [Interviewer] And even before #MeToo,
you had been active in an earlier movement, #AskHerMore.
What was your thought process and intention behind that?
- #AskHerMore was a campaign around 2015,
to have journalists on red carpets
ask actresses more than what they were wearing.
Instead of asking about the fashion on the carpet,
which is beautiful and amazing,
but is not a creation of the actresses.
What really got you there was the hard work
and dedication of a performance that was extraordinary.
I started a company seven years ago
to create better parts for women in Hollywood.
And it came out of frustration and just reading
a lot of really bad scripts.
Like, really bad scripts.
Women are more complex and interesting
than they are being represented on film.
As my work has grown, as my company
has grown, it's become clear that
you can't change the stories unless
you're changing the story tellers.
The audience feels it, because they know
it's happening, and they know they're seen and heard.
'Cause you know, all we really want
in this world, is to be seen.
And when you finally see someone
who looks like you on film, and you know
the people who told the story look like you as well,
or lived part of your experience,
there's something deeply validating about that.
And I think you carry that with you for your lifetime.
- [Interviewer] Thank you, Reese.
- Yeah.
- [Interviewer] That was amazing.
- Thank you.
I love it when the camera women
lightly nod, it's like, yeah.
(crew laughs)
I'm like, "Yes!"
Police Lightning McQueen Disney Cars & Spiderman Policeman, Police Cars for Kids, Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:06.Police Lightning McQueen Disney Cars & Spiderman Policeman, Police Cars for Kids, Nursery Rhymes
British Picnic Food Simple Strawberry Jam Recipe For Clotted Cream or Cream Tea - Duration: 6:13.Hi, it's British cook, welcome to my British Royal wedding Wimbledon picnic
Hey, welcome to British Cook, today, I'm gonna be showing you how to make strawberry jam at home. It's really quick , really simple
So easy
You won't believe it. It goes with your clotted cream with your scones or for your British cream tea
Enjoy this. It's amazing. This jam doesn't require any special equipment at all doesn't require bottling or sterilization
It keeps for about a week in the fridge. It takes about 15 minutes to make. It's so good
Best thing you can do though is make it a couple of hours before you make those scones
So to make the strawberry jam you need about 500 grams of strawberries
We're gonna take the tops off these give them wash makes sure they are nice and clean before get started
Delicious who fancies a strawberry just have a quick look at those delicious local British strawberries gonna get these chopped up now into rough pieces
So there we go, 500 grams of roughly chopped British strawberries delicious
To go with the Strawberries. We need about 100 grams of sugar. This is caster sugar
It's a very fine baking sugar. You can use any kind of sugar if you really want to
That's about half a cup, just over half a cup of sugar in America
So for this recipe, you'll still need lemon. So what I tend to do, you need to clean the lemon off
Anyway, I tend to just literally pop it in a jar or container. Look at the jam in. I'll just fill it with boiling water
It's a cleans off the outside of lemon. This is an unwaxed wax lemon
You can have a waxed lemon if you want to but going to be grating this into the jam
Top tip for the Strawberries if you see strawberries reduced buy them
If they're a little bit overripe buy them perfect for making jam with absolutely brilliant
You want them as sugary sweet
You know almost as soft as you can get them pop the strawberries into a saucepan and just aren't mashed up with a masher here
This is why having extra ripe or very very ripe strawberries really really helps
So two or three minutes of mashing with a potato masher
Grab yourself a saucer like this. We're gonna pop this in the fridge and you'll see why in a minute. Hey, it's British cook
I'm doing an awesome giveaway for anyone that's watching this right now. All we need to do is like this video and
we know in a comment down below number one how many times I say delicious in this video and number two how many spoons of clotted cream
I put on this giveaway is in addition to my patreon one has open to anyone who's watching this right now
It's gonna be a super secret surprise prize try saying that lots of times
So next we're gonna grab that hundred grams of sugar about half a cup of caster sugar and just pour in there
They were gonna stir it all together and we let it sit for about five or ten minutes. Just be clear
There's no heat on this point, which will mix that
Sugar in with there and we will let it sit for about ten or fifteen minutes
With the lemon I finely grated about half one side of it which is there and we pop that into there
And I will stir squeeze about a teaspoon half of lemon juice out of the lemon as well if your lemons really sharp
Maybe a little bit less just pop that in there and then let's get the heat on
And you want to get down to a really nice high heat
We need to stay with it and keep stirring it so it doesn't stick
So it's starting to smell absolutely gorgeous a lovely sweet fragrant strawberry flavor
Just make sure to keep stirring it so you don't end up with strawberry toffee and not strawberry Jam. as it boils
You see a foam come up on top of it. Just remove that with a spoon and put it somewhere
You can throw it away later. It's no good. It's not what you want
The more we can get rid of the better
Hopefully now you can see it start to really thicken up a bit and the colors completely changed. Did I say saucepan?
Oh, I meant saucer. Sorry grab a little bit of that pop it on there
Give it a minute and see we've got look at that. Isn't that amazing?
That is real strawberry. Jam so strong and so rich as well what I'm going to do is let that cool down for a moment
Just a minute or two - I'm gonna preheat
the glass jar with some boiling water
Just so it doesn't crack when I put that in and this is a saucer
It's set as soon as they hit that that's how you know, you've got a jam is absolutely delicious
Let me just show you that
Excuse our hands-free. I've just lost another tripod. That's a funny story
Okay, so this Jam just let it sit there
With the top off and cool down properly when it's cooled down put a lid on and put it in the fridge
Enjoy it within one week. It won't last that long. It'll last about two days maximum. Enjoy
It's amazing. So there's make your clotted cream at home. Just give us go look at this
Delicious thick
Cornish Clotted Cream
Amazing if you want to make that at home follow the link that's coming up right now
So what's better than a good Cornish scone a bit of homemade jam. strawberry Jam.
I made that earlier delicious jam first as always and
Here comes the bit that really makes my mouth water
homemade clotted cream
Look at that
Look at that crust straight on top of there
That is what you call a scone, clotted cream and jam. Mhhmmm.
Congress Calls For Immediate Impeachment, But Not For President Trump - Duration: 15:18.-------------------------------------------
United States preparing for North Korea summit! State department 29/05/2018 - Duration: 29:35.-------------------------------------------
Best Songs for Playing Fortnite🔥1H Gaming Music🔥Best Music Mix 2018🔥Best Gaming Music Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:01:37.Best Songs for Playing Fortnite🔥1H Gaming Music🔥Best Music Mix 2018🔥Best Gaming Music Mix 2018
Going to Bat for Illinois | Bruce Rauner | Illinois - Duration: 0:43.Hi everybody we're here on Waveland Avenue just outside the left-field wall
here at Wrigley Field. You know I was born in this neighborhood, lived
in the Chicagoland my whole life, I love it dearly and I love working for the
people of Illinois. And you know what there's a lot of similarities to what
the Cubs have done in recent years of what we need to do in Illinois.
You know the Ricketts took over the Cubs in 2009 and it took them seven years to
build a world champion. Well we've been turning Illinois around for three
years we need, four more years-seven years total and we'll turn around
Illinois the same way. More jobs, lower taxes, excellent education, and ending the
corruption with term limits. We're going to do this together.
New England Patriots have big plans for Sony Michel next season - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
Search called off for hunters missing in backcountry - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
✅ Åge Hareide kalte ikke Pogba for en «klovn», men en «jålebukk» - Duration: 2:52.Av NTB Hareide, som leder det danske landslaget, er lei seg fordi han føler seg feilsitert i et intervju der han kommer med kritiske uttalelser om det franske landslaget før VM
I den første utgaven av Jylland-Postens historie framgikk det at Åge Hareide hadde kalt Paul Pogba for en «julebukk», som ifølge danskene kan oversettes til å være en klovn
Hareide brukte imidlertid ordet «jålebukk», som er et uttrykk for forfengelighet
Beklager Jylland-Postens sportsredaktør Troels Henriksen medgir at han misforsto det ene norske ordet, og at det er «ytterst beklagelig»
Alt annet er sitert lojalt og korrekt, forsikrer han. – Jeg kan blankt avvise at tingene er tatt ut av en sammenheng uten at han vet det
Intervjuet er korrekt og lojalt sitert. Det var et langt intervju, og det var avtalt med Det danske fotballforbundet at det skulle deles opp i flere nyhetssaker, sier Henriksen
Hareide var i intervjuet kritisk det franske landslaget, men det virket å prelle av den franske landslagssjefen
– De høyest rangerte landslagene er de beste i VM. Bare ikke Frankrike. Jeg tror ikke på det laget, sa Hareide til Jyllands-Posten før han etterlyste franske ledertyper og spøkte med midtbanestjernen Paul Pogbas tendens til å skifte farge på håret
Nordmannens uttalelser er blitt kritisert i flere land, og Frankrikes landslagstrener Didier Deschamps kalte Hareides utspill for «bla, bla, bla-uttalelser»
Hareide føler hans sitater er tatt ut av kontekst og vil til bunns i saken. Det sier nordmannen onsdag
– Vi sjekker opp hvordan det er kommet ut, og måten det er kommet ut på. Jeg har mine tvil, men det må jeg vente med å komme tilbake til
Jeg har gjennomgått hele intervjuet, for det er dessverre kommet litt galt ut. – Frankrike er jo et godt lag, det er nok et av de beste i VM, så man må jo tro jeg var beruset når man leser intervjuet, sier Hareide
How to Use Locomotion Scoring for Early Detection of Lameness in Cattle - Duration: 4:23.The proper identification and management of pain in food-producing animals has
become a matter of increasing public awareness and legislative concern
worldwide. Pain and discomfort in a limb or foot categorized as lameness is a
significant health and welfare issue for both beef cattle and producers, yet there
has not been a unified, systematic approach in the beef industry to better
diagnose this troublesome issue until now. Zinpro Corporation, in conjunction
with Kansas State University, is pleased to introduce a program designed to
address the problem of beef cattle lameness. The Step Up Management Program
takes a comprehensive industry approach. Designed to help veterinarians,
nutritionists and feedlot managers identify, diagnose and treat with the
goal to prevent beef cattle lameness Overall, the industry prevalence of beef
cattle lameness may be underestimated. It is a growing animal welfare concern in
addition to having serious economic repercussions for cattle producers,
studies have shown that ninety percent of lameness in beef cattle is caused by
problems in the foot. The most common being foot rot and toe abscesses. Correct
diagnosis of the underlying problem is critical to successful treatment, but it
starts with first identifying the signs of lameness. This video is designed to
help the industry with proper identification of beef cattle lameness
as outlined in the Step Up Management Program from Zinpro and Kansas State.
With improved diagnosis and treatment, beef producers can see improvements in
areas such as average daily gain and feed efficiency
resulting in increased profitability, improvements in overall animal
well-being. Ultimately leading to improve public reception for the beef production
industry. The Step Up Management Program starts with the Step Up Locomotion
Scoring System. This systematic approach is designed to properly identify the
level of lameness ... from mild to severe. Locomotion scoring is based on the
observation of cattle walking with special emphasis on their head bob and
stride length. Animal observations should be made on a flat surface that provides
good footing, let's begin. A locomotion score of 0 is given for an animal that
walks normally with hind feet landing in a similar location to the front feet. You
will note no apparent lameness or change and gait. A locomotion score of 1 denotes
an animal exhibiting the initial signs of lameness. A shortened stride with a
slight drop in head ... the animal does not exhibit an obvious limp when walking. A
locomotion score of 2 is given to an animal that exhibits an obvious limp,
favoring affected limb or limbs with slight head bob when walking and an
arched back. And finally a locomotion score of 3 is the most severe score
given to an animal that applies little to no weight to the affected limb. The
animal may be reluctant or unable to move and if able to walk the head will
be dropped and back arched with head bob and limp detected. Locomotion scoring
provides the pathway to begin understanding the prevalence of lameness
within the feedlot, and the Step Up Management Program includes additional
resource materials to help identify, diagnose and treat the issue. It is the
only program in feedlot cattle that takes a universal, consistent approach to
this widespread problem utilizing industry-leading prevention, management
and treatment protocols. As with any ailment, effective treatment begins with
accurate identification and diagnosis and prevention begins with sound feedlot
management practices and proper nutrition, including proper amounts of
essential trace minerals. Zinpro Corporation has dedicated more than forty
years of research to improvements in production livestock. Our performance
minerals are the most research proven in the industry and have been shown to
consistently improve key performance factors in beef cattle, including hoof
integrity, as well as average daily gain and feed conversion. For more information
about the Step Up Management Program visit the Zinpro website at
Dino Kids Playing With Lovely Baby Dragon | Funny Cartoons Dinosaurs Videos For Kids 2018 - Duration: 20:13.Dino Kids Playing With Lovely Baby Dragon
Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck When Prepping Your Home THIS WAY - Duration: 3:42.Hi! I'm Katie Clancy, CEO of The Cape House at William Raveis, and you are
watching The Cape House Show, where we give you the tips, tools, and sense of
humor you're definitely going to need to get through the biggest transaction of
your life! Alright, today we are talking about how to get the biggest bang out of
your buck prepping your house for sale. Alright, so before you even think about
investing a dime into preparing your house for sale, there are three things you must do:
1.) If anything is broken, you got to fix it - if it's an
appliance, especially something with the systems, if your furnace is
broken, you have a gutter hanging, cracked window - fix the broken things first
because that makes a big impression. People see things that are broken
they're like, "Uhh... what else is broken? What else did they leave undone?"
2.) Declutter Everybody knows this one, but basically
my coaching is you take your arm, stick it way out, drop it on the
counter, and then you walk and just drag. It's better to have too few things
on the counter, or on a mantle, or on any flat surface, than too many.
We can always add some in there.
3.) You need to clean like your life depends on it
Clean like you're gonna get paid, 'cause you are. So, clean everything.
The windows (I know there are a lot of work but they make a huge impact) windows,
floors - oh my gosh - huge huge impact when you have those clean!
So, clean everything, cleaner than you've ever cleaned anything. Alright, after you
repaired, decluttered, and cleaned here are the biggest things that you could get
your money back on when you go to sell the house.
1.) Yard, Lawn and Garden (especially your Lawn)
So, if you're thinking about selling next year
and you haven't done a lawn service, or anything like that,
now is the time to do it. Pay for the lawn service, get the lawn mowed, have it
taken care of. I have an acronym called TWEMM. Trim. Weed. Edge. Mulch. Mow.
If you can stay on top of those basic things, anything you add is going be gravy.
2.) and 3.) kind of go together Kitchen and Bathrooms
So you want your kitchen to present as beautifully as you possibly can. If
you've been thinking about adding that solid surface countertop, now might be the time.
"But maybe someone else would pick out a different color!"
Yeah, maybe they would, but if you pick something neutral, it's way better than that laminate you
got rockin' right now. Okay, so on to the bathroom! Same kind of thing.
A vanity top - worth every dime of investment. Change up the shower curtain,
make sure of it all the towels match. That's one of the things that we will do
for you actually. We have all that gear but if you take care of the hard stuff,
we'll take care of the soft stuff. The reason kitchens and baths are such a big
deal to buyers is 1.) They're extremely personal. That's where your
food is cooked, and in the bathroom (that's pretty personal anyway) we know that.
So, two very personal spaces, but also they're expensive as you well know.
They're expensive to do and they're expensive to redo. So, don't use the
excuse, "Oh, well, someone would want to pick something different from mine."
Someone's gonna pick a different house is what they're gonna do
if you leave your grungy, old countertop (especially) and sometimes, you
might need to do something with the cabinets (or at least with the knobs).
But, you know what, talk to your real estate agent about that. Find out what they
think you should do to get the biggest bang for your buck and they'll let you
know how far you need to go on that. And, while you're at it, why
don't you call us! We have all the answers for that! You can come see us here at
Mom donates daughter's organs in memory of woman who died waiting for kidney - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Best Practices for Receiving USDA DoD Fresh in FDPIR: Part Two - Duration: 45:16.-------------------------------------------
New Shoes For Goody - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Kim Yong Guk Announces Details For Upcoming Solo Single - Duration: 2:19.Kim Yong Guk Announces Details For Upcoming Solo Single
Kim Yong Guk (Jin Longguo) has shared some news about his solo release!.
On May 29, he shared a timetable that shows that hell be releasing a digital single album titled Clover, which will be out on June 13 at 6 p.m.
KST. The song will feature Yoon Mi Rae.
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
Ahead of its release, there will be a concept photo shared on June 1, and MV teasers on June 7 and 11.
[] 용국(LONGGUO) Digital Single Album 'CLOVER' Timetable 201806.
13 6PM Release — 김용국(JIN LONG GUO) (@LONGGUOofficial).
It was previously announced that Kim Yong Guk took part in writing the lyrics for his upcoming song.
Kim Yong Guk was a popular contestant on the competition show Produce 101 Season 2 last spring.
He went on to promote as a member of the duo Longguo&Shihyun, and then with the project group JBJ.
Are you excited for what Kim Yong Guk has in store?.
Doc McStuffins - Rain Shelter - Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:28.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!
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