Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Brought to tears by Sharia justice: Woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes of the cane for having sex outside of marriage in Indonesia

Clutching her head in her hands as she is struck across the back, an Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes as punishment for having sex outside of marriage.

PHOTO: An Indonesia woman is brought on to a public stage in Banda Aceh as she prepares to receive her punishment for having sex outside of marriage

The woman along with the man she was accused of having sex with, faced the brutal punishment as having sex outside of wedlock is against strict Sharia law.

Pictures show how the woman was forced to kneel on the ground on the public stage in front of a mosque in Indonesia's Aceh province.

PHOTO: Having sex outside of wedlock in Aceh is against Islamic Sharia law and a large crowd came to watch her punishment

Looking fearful, the man who hands out the punishment uses a cane to crack her across the back 26 times for violating the law as a crowd of people look on. At one point, the woman appears to fall forwards and clutches her head with her veil as she cries out in pain.

After her brutal punishment is over, the man she is accused of having sex with is also brought to the stage, flanked by two male police officers.

PHOTO: At one point, the woman appears to fall forwards and clutches her head with her veil as she cries out in pain after her lashes

He too is forced to stand there while he endures 26 lashes and the images show his face grimacing as he receives his punishment.

PHOTO: Under the law, men and women, who are not spouses, are not allowed to get too close due to the 'khalwat' offence - and punishment is by public caning

Aceh is the only province in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, that is allowed to implement Islamic Sharia law.

Under the law, men and women, who are not spouses, are not allowed to get too close due to the 'khalwat' offence - and punishment is by public caning.

PHOTO: After her brutal punishment is over, the man she is accused of having sex with is also brought to the stage, flanked by two male police officers

Gay sex, gambling and drinking alcohol are all punishable by caning in Aceh which began implementing Sharia law after being granted special autonomy in 2001.

A flurry of new Islamic laws have been introduced in Aceh in recent years, drawing howls of protest from rights groups.

PHOTO: He too is forced to stand there while he endures 26 lashes and the images show his face grimacing as he receives his punishment

Last year, Banda Aceh banned women from entertainment venues after 11pm unless they are accompanied by a husband or male family member. Aceh district has also banned unmarried men and women from riding together on motorbikes.

For more infomation >> Woman is forced to endure 26 lashes for having sex outside of marriage - Duration: 2:40.


Is It Time To Stop Being The Lone Wolf In Your Ascension Journey - Duration: 4:44.

Is It Time To Stop Being The Lone Wolf In Your Ascension Journey

by Jelelle Awen,

You are not alone.

You were not meant to do this journey alone.

You come from a Divine Source that invites you to embrace and remember this.

In this embracement, you no longer feel alone.

Divine Source is the home frequency for which you can return over and over to remind yourself

of where you came and where you will eventually return.

In your lone wolf self is the habit to be overly self sufficient.

It has been a necessary phase that your soul chose in order to navigate the denser frequencies

of third dimensional reality.

This lone wolf energy, this self protection, has been necessary to move through life with

an overloaded emotional pain body and undigested karmic infused soul field.

It is overloaded and feels tired from caring this �burden� alone.

This lone wolf needs to feel that there is a higher self you that is ready and able to

ask for help to carry the load of what you are here to heal and feel as a soul.

The sky of your third eye world is filled with light beings that want to support you,

care for you, and infuse you with their higher vibrational frequencies.

You come from them.

You ARE them and connection with them creates the foundations for the remembering of this.

In the most vibrant and radiant Archangel is the reflection of your sparkle, your glow,

your warmth.

Golden community, higher vibrational community based on soul resonance, offers the lone wolf

in you a place to land, a pack to join.

This can be challenging as so much wounding is experienced in birth families that vibrate

in third dimensional frequencies of separation, comparison, fear, and unworthiness.

Karmic binds and ties that remain unfelt, unforgiven, and undigested create a pack of

codependence rather than interdependence where each individual soul is honored yet still

a cherished aspect of the collective.

Healing these karmic binds is a ground found through going into intimacies, especially

with those for which you feel soul family resonance ground.

Within these intimacies, you start to feel safe to heal, to explore, to express, to journey.

These intimacies can be a soul mate bond, soul friendships, and, as will form more and

more, soul family communities based on awakening, authenticity, and connection.

This type of higher frequency community is what we are exploring in SoulFullHeart as

we�ve found the deepest ground of healing, awakening, and ascension in relationship with

each other.

You are not alone.

You are not meant to do this journey alone even as part of you may feel that way and

resists asking for guidance and help from another.

A loving space holder, guide, or teacher can provide a space to land, to feel what has

been too painful to feel, and to help you access what has been unable to be reached

on your own.

You cannot see and hold all aspects of this journey and sometimes need someone else to

walk along with you who is traveling the same ground and may be further ahead down the road

yet still respects your sovereignty.

The Universe supports the asking of help, the reunion of needing each other in ways

that actually empower and light up your sovereignty.

The angels and even the archangels are available instantly once you ask for their love and


They are eager to help.

The Divine wants to support your surrendered leaning into of the best of what It can provide

at whatever level you can let it in.

Reach out.

Ask for what you need.

Get ready to receive and let in.

Hold the parts of you that are afraid with lots of care and love.

It is time.

You can no longer do this alone nor were you meant to.

Claim what is your birthright and all that you need will become available from there.

For more infomation >> Is It Time To Stop Being The Lone Wolf In Your Ascension Journey - Duration: 4:44.


Adoration: Be healed by Jesus - led by Fr Xavier vattayil (Malayalam with English subtitles) - Duration: 1:58.


we adore you Jesus

we adore you Jesus

we adore you Jesus...

Now each and every sick or afflicted person,

in full faith visualize this...

My Jesus is coming near me

Jesus is scolding my sickness

Visualize the Jesus who touched the eyes of the blind and healed them...

now the same Jesus is touching the eyes of the blind

Visualize in faith Jesus touching Cancer patients and healing them completely

Visualize Jesus scolding and banishing all your financial liabilities from your family

visualize all your family problems and quarrels being removed and

families becoming filled with peace

visualize hindrances for marriage being removed

Now Pray with the sight of faith

Raise both your hands

stretch your hands towards Jesus

Miracles are going to happen over

whatever you are visualizing in faith

Raise your hands and loudly praise the name of Jesus


raise your hands and call Jesus

raise your voice and call Jesus

invoking the name of the saviour...Jesus

invoking the name which performs miracles...Jesus

invoking the name which gives healing...Jesus

Jesus.. Oh Jesus....Jesus....

Hallelujah... Maranatha("Come, O Lord")

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