Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

I don't know about where you live, but where I live many people are VERY spiritual and

they talk about god, but because I know Jesus personally I know that when they speak about

god they are not speaking about JESUS.

When you listen to these people you start to notice that their god is creation, it's

things that are created NOT the Creator.

I know that Jesus is the Son of God, He is the Messiah, He is ALIVE, He speaks to me

and He speaks to all those who are His children.

ALL those who hear the TRUTH hear the voice of Jesus Christ.

They receive His Holy Spirit in their heart, and they are led supernaturally by the power

of the Holy Spirit.

People in my area however, they ALSO hear from god.

They say they hear from the spirits, they are taped into the spiritual realm.

BUT it is NOT the Holy Spirit they hear.

They talk about the spirits of the earth, rocks, trees, they talk about the spirits

of animals.

They worship the moon, the sun the starts… things like that.

They worship the creation and NOT the Creator.

And many Christians are NO DIFFERENT.

They worship the creation and NOT the Creator.

They worship the things that are made such as the bibles.

They worship men, they worship their churches, they worship the buildings, they worship the

structure, they worship the denomination.

They worship things that are created by the hands of MEN, but they don't worship the

Creator NOR do they know their Maker.

Jesus is the Maker, HE IS GOD IN THE FLESH.

HE is IMMANUEL GOD WITH US (Matt 1:23/ Isaiah 7:14) DO you know Jesus as your LORD and as

your GOD, do you worship HIM?

Or are you like those in my town who worship the creation and NOT the Creator?

For more infomation >> Worship God NOT Like my Town - Duration: 2:11.


MISS POLLY HAD A DOLLY Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics - Duration: 1:45.

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick

So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick

The doctor came with his bag and his hat

And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head

And he said 'Miss Polly, put her straight to bed'

He wrote on the paper for a pill, pill, pill

'I'll be back in the morning for the bill, bill, bill'

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick

So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick

The doctor came with his bag and his hat

And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head

And he said 'Miss Polly, put her straight to bed'

He wrote on the paper for a pill, pill, pill

'I'll be back in the morning for the bill, bill, bill'

For more infomation >> MISS POLLY HAD A DOLLY Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics - Duration: 1:45.


Jesus Christ is the WAY Not Bible and church - Duration: 4:30.

Jesus Christ is the Living God.

Everything was made by Him, for Him,

through Him, to Him, and in Him, all things

hold together.

Jesus Christ revealed Himself as man,

He came into this world in human

form, but He is God and He reigns. He is

alive. He sacrificed Himself for the sins

of mankind, so that those who believe in

Him and who obey His words, can know Him,

follow Him, and have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is alive. He is the

omnipotent, unseen God but He reveals

Himself to those who obey His

words and who seek Him. Jesus Christ is the

only way to eternal life.

Those who rejected and disobey Him will


Many believe in Jesus but they do not

know Him. They read about Him in the

Bible, they hear about him from other

people, but they do not get to know Jesus

for themselves for real, because they do

not obey His words and they do not

really believe. Reading your Bible will not

bring you to salvation, you need to

obey the words of Jesus as recorded in

your Bible. Repent and be baptized in


go on your knees humble yourself before

Jesus Christ the Living God and He will

reveal Himself to you. He will give His

Spirit in you

to be with you, to teach and guide you,

you will know Him for real. Going to

church will not bring you to salvation,

will not bring you closer to Jesus. It is

through your relationship with Jesus

that you will know Him.

Most believers do not know Jesus Christ.

They read the Bible, they go to church

and they believe that they have

salvation, but they do not know Jesus

Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way. Obey

His gospel, His words; repent and be

baptized in water, pray seek Him with all

your heart and He will reveal Himself to

you. He will give His Spirit in you and

He will guide you by His Spirit. Those who

are being led by the Spirit of God they

are the children of God. Reading your

Bible, going to church, having fellowship

with other believers, cannot save you. All

you need is Jesus Christ, the Living God.

Do you know Jesus? Have you bowed before Him?

Have you

obeyed Him, have you repented of your sins

and have you been baptized in water? Do you

truly believe that Jesus is God, and do

you obey Him? If you don't, you will perish

because Jesus Christ is the only way.

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and he'll is real

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> Jesus Christ is the WAY Not Bible and church - Duration: 4:30.


How to get rid of Man Boobs? Workout and Diet Tips. - Duration: 3:40.

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Fit Tuber.

Gynecomastia, also known as the Man Boobs is a common disorder of endocrine system in

which there is non cancerous increase of male breast tissue.

It is thought to be caused by an altered ratio of estrogen viz. the female sex hormone and

androgens, the male sex hormone.

Like, when there is increase in estrogens or decrease in androgens or both.

Man boobs are common in new born babies but it hardly stays for 2-3 weeks.

Then, it is also common in older males due to natural decline in testosterone.

But, it is a major problem when it comes to adolescents.

As many as 70% of them getting affected by it.

So in this video, I will share with you 7 tips including the specific exercises that will help you

get rid of the man boobs.

Gynecomastia is a medical condition.

However, in most of the cases there is just extra fat accumulated in the chest area.

This is known as pseudo-gynecomastia.

There are high chances that after you lose fat, you will get rid of man boobs also.

So eat a healthy and balanced diet and workout regularly to lose weight.

Well, I can not keep you stranded by just saying this.

So, I had recently written a detailed answer on "how to lose weight" on a website called Quora.

The link to which is down in the description.

Alcohol intake produces a suppression of plasma testosterone.

To put it simply, if you are suffering from man boobs, you should cut down on alcohol intake.

I understand that this physical condition can be really embarrasing.

However, it is not dangerous.

Please do not feel stressed about it.

Stress makes the cortisol level go up and testosterone level down making the condition

even worse.

A male should consume around 70 grams of healthy fats everyday.

Healthy fats boost our testosterone levels.

Nuts, seeds, fish are some of the great options.

Well, I have talked about healthy fats in detail in my grocery shopping video the link

to which is down in the description.

Again, lack of sleep can decrease our testosterone levels.

So make sure you take a sound sleep of 7-8 hours daily.

Even a single leg workout session can improve the testosterone levels drastically.

So, do not miss your leg workouts especially when you are dealing with man boobs.

Now, let us talk about some of the specific exercises which will help you get rid of this condition.

Well, some of the best exercises in this regard are

If you do not have time to workout in the gym or for some reason you do not want to

go to gym, there are some great push up exercises which will help you lose the chest fat.

One of the most effective are close grip push ups.

Then inclined push ups, which serve as the replacement for inclined dumbbell press.

Also, elevated hand push ups to target the lower chest area.

You can do 3 sets of 15 reps for each of these.

Make sure, you are doing cardio regularly.

Well, I had made a chest workout at home video in which I had shown 9 different types of

push ups.

They hit almost every area of the chest.

So, I suggest you to follow that workout twice a week to get rid of this condition.

In 75% of the cases, man boobs disappear automatically within a span of 18-24 months.

However, even after following these tips if you are not able to get rid of them, I would

suggest you to consult a doctor.

So friends!

I hope you found this video helpful.

Well, if you did, do give it a thumbs up.

Also, please do remember to subscribe to my channel.

My name is Vivek, I thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> How to get rid of Man Boobs? Workout and Diet Tips. - Duration: 3:40.


Flood Surfing with LAPD! - Duration: 12:07.

Peace love and happiness!

For more infomation >> Flood Surfing with LAPD! - Duration: 12:07.


'I really felt like oh my God, this is my last day,' employee says about armed robbery - Duration: 0:51.





























For more infomation >> 'I really felt like oh my God, this is my last day,' employee says about armed robbery - Duration: 0:51.


Lawsuit trial is next leg in Tour de Lance Armstrong - Duration: 4:37.

In a Texas twang delivered to his nearly four million Twitter followers, disgraced cyclist and Lone Star State native Lance Armstrong posted a hearty greeting Feb. 14, the day when kisses and candy are annually exchanged across the country.

"Happy Valentine's Day y'all," Armstrong wrote, along with a link to an Instagram photograph of a framed crimson and white heart under the words, "They found a heart in Shimmyrock, Arkansas."

Armstrong's upbeat vibes are admirable, considering that 24 hours earlier, the cyclist who was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles for doping received a decidedly un-Valentine's Day greeting from U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper in Washington. Cooper, in a 37-page opinion, ruled that the whistleblower suit Armstrong's former U.S.

Postal Service teammate, Floyd Landis, filed in 2010 under the False Claims Act — and a lawsuit that the government joined in 2013 — can proceed to trial.

At issue is the government's claim that Armstrong and the other defendants in the civil suit — Tailwind, the company that owned the U.S. Postal team (USPS), and team manager Johan Bruyneel — violated the terms of a contract with the USPS, the team's sponsor, by using banned drugs during Armstrong's Tour de France reign between 1999 and 2004 (Armstrong also won the Tour in 2005, but raced for the Discovery Channel team that year). The government is also alleging common-law fraud and unjust enrichment.

"From 2000 to 2004, USPS paid the team's owner just over $32 million, the lion's share of which went to Armstrong as the team's star rider. In exchange, the Postal Service sought to associate itself with the positive attributes that Armstrong presented to the public: perseverance, speed, and reliability," reads Cooper's opinion. "But appearances proved to be deceiving.

What few knew at the time was that Armstrong and his teammates had used performance enhancing drugs ("PEDs") throughout the course of the sponsorship."

Since the law allows the government to seek treble damages, Armstrong, 45, could be on the hook for $100 million if found liable. Landis, who also sued Armstrong's agents at the sports management firm, Capital Sports & Entertainment, could claim 25% of any amount in damages awarded by a jury.

Happy Valentine's Day, indeed.

"We're looking forward to getting this case before a jury," says Landis' attorney, Paul Scott.

Landis, stripped of his 2006 Tour de France victory because of doping, finally came clean in 2010 about his PED sins and the rampant doping culture within the USPS team, when he sent damning emails to cycling and anti-doping officials. By the time the government joined the "qui tam" suit in 2013, Armstrong had already seen his seven Tour de France victories erased, courtesy of a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency reasoned decision released in October, 2012.

The USADA decision said Armstrong and his USPS team "ran the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen."

Floyd Landis

(Howard Simmons/New York Daily News)

Armstrong, a cancer survivor, also received a lifetime ban from competitive sports. Although he confessed his doping past to Oprah Winfrey in a January 2013 interview, by that time, Armstrong's many denials and threats to others in an effort to cover up the years-long doping scheme were coming full circle.

Armstrong had to pay SCA Promotions — a Dallas-based insurance company that paid Armstrong millions in bonuses after his 2002-04 Tour victories — $10 million after an arbitration panel ruled against him in 2015. But $10 million is a drop in the bucket compared to what Armstrong stands to lose if found liable in the civil case. Some of those Armstrong tried to bully and threaten all those years ago may serve as witnesses in the federal trial, including Armstrong's former teammates Tyler Hamilton and Frankie Andreu, and Andreu's wife, Betsy.

"If we're called to be a witness, we will obviously be witnesses for the government," says Betsy Andreu. She adds that she and her husband are still confused why Armstrong called for Frankie to be deposed.

"The only reason we figured Lance summoned Frankie is to continue the financial and emotional drain since it would cost a lot of money in legal fees as well as take up a lot of time," says Betsy Andreu, who adds that Frankie's deposition took place in Dallas. "We figured (Armstrong) was hoping to trip up Frankie with his slick lawyers, not to mention how draining it is sitting through a deposition that lasts all day long. It's been established that Armstrong doped, so if the government wanted to show the lengths he went to in order to shut people up by trying to ruin them, or to prove just how evil and unremorseful he is, we'd be good witnesses to call."

The mother of all Pandora's Boxes could be opened in a trial setting, where testimony and evidence could unearth all the old dirt about Armstrong again. The fraud claim might be difficult to prove, however, since the defense could argue USPS got the benefit of what it paid for when Armstrong was winning.

"Armstrong's got everything to lose and nothing to gain by going to trial. This whole process has been a disaster, PR-wise, for him," says a source familiar with the federal case. "You don't want to risk losing $100 million and having all this bad news brought up again."

Armstrong and his legal team — his attorney Elliot Peters did not return a Daily News email for comment — could also opt for a settlement. If the Department of Justice cuts a deal with Armstrong, there is a potential wild card in Landis, who could object if he is not satisfied with the terms. The matter would then be heard by Judge Cooper.

For more infomation >> Lawsuit trial is next leg in Tour de Lance Armstrong - Duration: 4:37.


38 Countries Where Marital Rape Is Still Legal || Must Watch - Duration: 2:11.

38 countries where marital rape is still legal

Last year Priyali Sur

was brutally beaten

and raped with a flashlight

by her husband on his birthday

in India.

She bled for more than 60 days.

This year, she petitioned India's Supreme

Court with a plea to declare marital rape

a criminal offense as it is still legal to

rape your wife in India.

According to the Huffington Post,

the court said that it couldn't change the

law for just one person and dismissed her request.

n 2010, figures released by the Medical Research Council showed that 18.8 % of

South African women admitted to being subjected to marital/partner rape.

Similarly, 18.2 % of men who were studies admitted to forcing their current or ex

partners/wives to have sex when they refused

South Africa only criminalised marital rape in 1993. But even in countries where it has been made illegal, laws are not always reinforced by communities

here are the 38 countries dont care about marital rape

unite for changes

For more infomation >> 38 Countries Where Marital Rape Is Still Legal || Must Watch - Duration: 2:11.


Muslim Proud - The Missing Part - Prod.Rachid [Clip Officiel] - Duration: 3:33.

Hey i don't wanna see dark world

When Close My Eyes Nigga

When Close My Eyes Nigga


i don't wanna have bad feeling when I meet my wife nigga

When I Meet My Wife Nigga

I wanna Know wanna Know x3

I wanna know about the light said

I wanna know wanna know x3

I Wanna Know About The Light Side

Going slow thinking that is the best flow

Oh But !

in the real world it's called sorrow

yo yo yo

I wanna Be Hero Of My Dreams

but everytime I close my eyes see blood and Rhymes

is that means that I got a lot of enemies

or something more like black disease

Oh No !

some times I feel like am in high level

l is that normal or i should see a doctor

i'm Tired im Tired

I'm Tired im Tired


i'm Tired i'm Tired

i'm Tired i'm Tired

my own heart is on fire

I'm Tired I'm Tired

I'm Tired i'm Tired

My Own Heart Is On Fire

Hey !

i don't wanna see dark world when I close my eyes nigga

When i close My Eyes Nigga

Noooo !

I Don't Have bad feeling when I meet my wife nigga

When i Meet My Wife Nigga

I Wanna Know Wanna Know x3

Wanna Know About The Light Side

I wanna know wanna know x3

I wanna Know About The Light Said

For more infomation >> Muslim Proud - The Missing Part - Prod.Rachid [Clip Officiel] - Duration: 3:33.


Benefits of honey for health - 8 Reasons Honey Is the Hair Transforming Miracle - Duration: 2:50.

8 Reasons Honey Is the Hair-Transforming Miracle You've Been Searching For,

It seals in moisture: Honey is a natural humectant, meaning that

it takes the moisture from the air and is able to seal it in your hair and skin.

This helps to keep your hair conditioned, which will reduce breakage, allowing it to

stay strong and healthy and grow longer.

Sealing in moisture also prevents dryness and premature wrinkles.

Strengthens hair follicles, Honey also works to strengthen your hair follicles.

This keeps hair from falling out so you can finally get the length you've been working


Highlights your hair, Honey contains the enzyme glucose oxidase.

When you let it sit on your hair for an extended period of time, the enzyme slowly releases

hydrogen peroxide, which naturally lightens the hair.

To create this highlighting mask, mix three tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons

of water and apply to damp hair.

Let it soak for one hour.

Rich in antioxidants, Strong antioxidants are found in honey.

They work to prevent damage to your hair and keep the scalp healthy.

Brings shine back, Mix two tablespoons of honey in two cups of

warm water and rinse your hair with it after you shampoo.

It helps to bring back the shine that exposure to sun and styling tools can minimize.

Has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, Did you know honey is antibacterial?

Yep, it works to prevent infections on your scalp and can help with conditions like eczema,

dandruff, and psoriasis.

Minimizes impurities, Not only does honey strengthen the hair follicle,

but it also cleans any impurities off of them.

Why is this a big deal?

When impurities build up on hair follicles it can cause them to get clogged and the hair

to fall out.

Stimulates hair regrowth, Honey works to boost hair growth, but it also

reboots dormant follicles for addition growth.

Use honey to add thickness to your hair and get more volume.

For more infomation >> Benefits of honey for health - 8 Reasons Honey Is the Hair Transforming Miracle - Duration: 2:50.


WTF IS THIS - Duration: 3:06.

Sorry about the camera angle

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