Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

Heal Your Knees And Rebuilds Bones And Joints Immediately!

Over the years, it is common for our body to wear out and show age-related ailments;

the bone and joint pain , is one of the main players symptoms over the years.

Today we will teach you how to prepare a powerful remedy for knee , bone and joint pain, before

which the doctors of the world have been totally astonished because of their effectiveness.

The knees are one of the parts of our body that most suffer the passage of the years

in our organism, because they support more than 80% of the weight of our body when we

are standing.

In addition, the joints also wear out due to hundreds of reasons, such as bad postures

or excessive work on them.

The remedy for knee, bone and joint pain that we will teach you to prepare next is 100%

natural, so you do not run the risk of suffering any type and side effect before your consumption.

Remedy for pain in the knees, bones and joints!

It is very important to treat this type of ailments from their origins, without letting

the pain and discomfort intensify too much, since we are talking about progressive illnesses

, which will be more difficult to treat the more advanced they are.

With the fabulous painkiller for knees , bones and other joints that we will teach you to

prepare next, you can try to root any kind of discomfort or bone and joint problem.


3 tablespoons raisins.

40 grams of pumpkin seeds.

2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin.

4 tablespoons sesame seeds.

200 grams of honey.

8 tablespoons flaxseed.

preparation and use:

To prepare this powerful remedy for knee pain , you should just add all the ingredients

in a blender, and liquefy until you get a highly homogenous blend.

Then bring the contents to a container and bring this to the refrigerator.

Drink a spoonful of this remedy for knee, bone, and joint pain before breakfast , and

another before lunch.

With the passage of weeks, and if you are constant day by day, you will notice how your

tendons and ligaments become stronger and stronger.

Your bones and joints will feel like new and what's even better your metabolism will

also improve!

Doctors have been baffled by the mind-bending power of this natural remedy.

If you know of someone who has bone and joint problems, you can get this powerful recipe


For more infomation >> Heal Your Knees And Rebuilds Bones And Joints Immediately! - Duration: 2:38.





TPP Is Not Dead It's Now Called the Trade In Services Agreement - Duration: 19:13.

TPP Is Not Dead It�s Now Called the Trade In Services Agreement

by Pao Chang

When reading an article like the one below, it is wise to sincerely say no to what the

article is addressing.

For example, if you do not like the �Trade In Services Agreement�, say �no, I do

not consent to the Trade In Services Agreement�.

By doing this, your mind generates a thought encryption and projects it into the inner

and outer universe.

This thought encryption tells the spiritual beings managing the Earth Drama that you do

not support the Trade In Services Agreement.

When enough people say no, the Elite and their masters (the Dark Forces) will have to back


If they do not back off and stop their Trade In Services Agreement, they will have to face

the consequences of violating our free will.

� Pao Chang

Picture of TTIP TTP and TISA

By Pete Dolack, author of

One can hear the cry ringing through the boardrooms of capital: �Free trade is dead!

Long live free trade!�

Think the ideas behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership or the so-called �free trade� regime are


Sadly, no.

Definitely, no.

Some of the countries involved in negotiating the TPP seeking to find ways to resurrect

it in some new form � but that isn�t the most distressing news.

What�s worse is the TPP remains alive in a new form with even worse rules.

Meet the Trade In Services Agreement, even more secret than the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

And more dangerous.

The Trade In Services Agreement (TISA), currently being negotiated among 50 countries, if passed

would prohibit regulations on the financial industry, eliminate laws to safeguard online

or digital privacy, render illegal any �buy local� rules at any level of government,

effectively dismantle any public advantages to be derived from state-owned enterprises

and eliminate net neutrality.

TISA negotiations began in April 2013 and have gone through 21 rounds.

Silence has been the rule for these talks, and we only know what�s in it because of

leaks, earlier ones published by WikiLeaks and now a new cache published January 29 by

Earlier draft versions of TISA�s language would prohibit any restrictions on the size,

expansion or entry of financial companies and a ban on new regulations, including a

specific ban on any law that separates commercial and investment banking, such as the equivalent

of the U.S. Glass-Steagall Act.

It would also ban any restrictions on the transfer of any data collected, including

across borders; place social security systems at risk of privatization or elimination; and

put an end to Internet privacy and net neutrality.

It hasn�t gotten any more acceptable.

Photo by Annette Dubois TISA is the backup plan in case the TPP and

the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership don�t come to fruition.

Perhaps fearful that the recent spotlight put on �free trade� deals might derail

TISA as it derailed TPP, the governmental trade offices negotiating it have not announced

the next negotiating date.

The closest toward any meaningful information found was the Australian government�s bland

statement that the �Parties agreed to reconvene in 2017.�

The cover story for why TISA is being negotiated is that it would uphold the right to hire

the accountant or engineer of your choice, but in reality is intended to enable the financial

industry and Internet companies to run roughshod over countries around the world.

And while �liberalization� of professional services is being promoted, the definition

of �services� is being expanded in order to stretch the category to encompass manufacturing.

Deborah James of the Center for Economy and Policy Research laid out the breathtaking

scope of this proposal:

�Corporations no longer consider setting up a plant and producing goods to be simply

�manufacturing goods.� This activity is now is broken down into research and development

services, design services, legal services, real estate services, architecture services,

engineering services, construction services, energy services, employment contracting services,

consulting services, manufacturing services, adult education services, payroll services,

maintenance services, refuse disposal services, warehousing services, data management services,

telecommunications services, audiovisual services, banking services, accounting services, insurance

services, transportation services, distribution services, marketing services, retail services,

postal and expedited delivery services, and after-sales servicing, to name a few.

Going further, a shoe or watch that measures steps or sleep could be a fitness monitoring

service, not a good.

A driverless car could be a transport service, not an automobile.

Google and Facebook could be information services and communication services, respectively.�

Why is it you are kept in the dark?

Before we get to the details of the text itself, let�s take a quick look at how the world�s

governments, on behalf of multi-national capital, are letting their citizens know what they

are up to.

Or, to be more accurate, what they are not telling you.

Many governments have not bothered to update their official pages extolling TISA in months.

The European Union is negotiating TISA on behalf of its 28 member countries, along with,

among others, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea,

Taiwan, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Norway, Switzerland, Pakistan and Turkey.

In the United States, the new Trump administration has yet to say a word about it.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative web site�s page on TISA still says �TiSA

is part of the Obama Administration�s ongoing effort to create economic opportunity for

U.S. workers and businesses by expanding trade opportunities.� Uh-huh.

President Donald Trump is not against �free trade� deals; he simply claims he can do

it better.

The Trump administration has issued blustery calls for �fair deals� and braggadocio

puffing up Donald Trump�s supposed negotiating prowess.

A typical White House passage reads, �To carry out his strategy, the President is appointing

the toughest and smartest to his trade team, ensuring that Americans have the best negotiators


For too long, trade deals have been negotiated by, and for, members of the Washington establishment.�

More typical of the TISA negotiators is the latest report from the European Commission,

which summarized the latest round, held last November, this way: �Parties made good progress

in working towards an agreed text and finding pathways towards solving the most controversial

outstanding issues at both Chief Negotiators and Heads of Delegation levels.� The Canadian

government�s last update is from last June and declares �Parties conducted a stocktaking

session to assess the level of progress on all issues.�

Traveling across the Pacific brings no more useful information.

Australia�s government offers this information-free update: �Parties agreed to a comprehensive

stocktake of the negotiations, identifying progress made and areas which require ongoing

technical work.� New Zealand�s government can�t even be bothered to provide updates,

instead offering only discredited, boilerplate public-relations puffery similar to other

trade offices.

The one hint that TISA negotiations are experiencing difficulty that could be found through an

extensive online search is this passage in a U.S. Congressional Research Service report

dated January 3, 2017: �Recognizing that outstanding issues remain and the U.S. position

under a new administration is unclear, the parties canceled the planned December 2016

meeting but are meeting to determine how best to move forward in 2017.� Given that the

new administration is moving as fast as possible to eliminate the tepid Dodd-Frank Act financial-industry

reforms, it would seem TISA�s provisions to dismantle financial regulation globally

would not be a problem at all.

But that these talks are not progressing at the present time does not mean the world can


It took years of cross-border organizing and popular education to stop the TPP, and this

effort will have to replicated if TISA is to be halted.

The details are the devils already known

Commentary accompanying�s publication of several TISA chapters stresses

that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, despite its apparent defeat, is nonetheless being

used as the model for the Trade In Services Agreement.

Thus we are at risk of the TPP becoming the �new norm�:

�Several proposed texts from the failed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement

have been transferred to TiSA � including state-owned enterprises; rights to hold data

offshore (including financial data); e-commerce; and prohibitions on performance requirements

for foreign investors.

While these texts originated with the United States, they appear to be supported by other

parties to the TPP, even though those governments were reluctant to agree to them in the TPP

and will no longer be bound by that agreement.

That suggests the TPP may become the new norm even though it has only been ratified in two

of the 12 countries, and that was done on the basis of U.S. participation that no longer


TPP cannot be allowed to become the new �default� position for these flawed agreements.�

Some of the most extreme measures have been dropped (at least for now) and much of the

text is not agreed.

Nonetheless, there is nothing to cheer about, reports.

�The effectiveness of opposition to TiSA has led governments to conclude that they

cannot sell some of the more extreme proposals, which have thus been dropped from previous

leaked texts.

But the fetters on the rights and responsibilities of governments to regulate in the interests

of their citizens from what remains would still go further than any single other agreement.

There are no improvements on the inadequate protections for health, environment, privacy,

workers, human rights, or economic development.

And there is nothing to prevent developing countries becoming even more vulnerable and

dependent in an already unequal and unfair global economy.�

Hypocritically, TISA would prohibit developing countries from adopting measures that countries

like the United States used to facilitate its industrial development when it was an

emerging country in the 19th century.

In an analysis for WikiLeaks, Sanya Reid Smith of the Third World Network, an international

coalition specializing in development issues, wrote:

�[T]he proposals in this text restrict the ability of developing countries to use the

development paths taken by many of the developed TISA countries.

Some experts call this developed countries �kicking away the ladder� after they have

climbed up, to prevent developing countries from developing the same way.

� In TISA, the USA is proposing restrictions on host countries being able to require senior

managers be citizens of the host country.

Yet when it was a capital importer, the USA had the opposite law: its 1885 contract labour

law prohibited the import of foreign workers, i.e. the USA required senior managers (and

all other staff) be Americans, which increased the chances of skills being passed to locals.�

Letting banks decide what�s good for you

These proposals are more extreme than language in existing bilateral trade agreements.

Many of TISA�s provisions are lifted from TPP, but some go beyond the latter�s already

extreme proposals For example, not even the TPP contemplated the entire elimination of

regulations of any kind against the financial industry.

Article 14 of TISA�s annex on financial services, which had contained the most explicit

language prohibiting regulation, has been removed, but Article 9 still contains language

requiring no limitations beyond those applying to domestic financial firms.

In other words, a smaller country would be required to allow a giant bank from a bigger

country to take over its entire banking system.

Incredibly, regulations against financial derivatives yet to be invented would be illegal.

A Public Citizen analysis states:

�TISA would require governments to allow any new financial products and services � including

ones not yet invented � to be sold within their territories.

The TISA Annex on Financial Services clearly states that TISA governments �shall permit�

foreign-owned firms to introduce any new financial product or service, so long as it does not

require a new law or a change to an existing law.�

As another example, the financial-services annex (in article 21) would require that any

government that offers financial products through its postal service lessen the quality

of its products so that those are no better than what private corporations offer.

Article 1 of the financial-services annex states that �activities forming part of

a statutory system of social security or public retirement plans� are specifically covered

by TISA, as are �activities conducted by a central bank or monetary authority or by

any other public entity in pursuit of monetary or exchange-rate policies.�

That social security or other public retirement systems are covered is cause for much alarm

because they could be judged to be �illegally competing� with private financial enterprises.

It is conceivable that central banks could be constrained from actions intended to shore

up economies during a future financial crisis if banks decide such measures �constrain�

their massive profiteering off the crisis.

The countries negotiating TISA.

Article 10 of the annex continues to explicitly ban restrictions on the transfer of information

in �electronic or other form� of any �financial service supplier.� In other words, EU laws

guarding privacy that stop U.S.-based Internet companies from taking data outside the EU

to circumvent those privacy laws would be null and void.

Laws instituting privacy protections would be verboten before they could be enacted.

These rules, if enacted, could also provide a boon to companies like Uber whose modus

operandi is to circumvent local laws.

The analysis accompanying the leaks notes:

�The main thrust of TiSA comes through the e-commerce, telecommunications, financial

services and localisation rules and countries� commitments to allow unfettered cross-border

supply of services.

Together they would empower the global platforms who hold big data, like Google, without effective

privacy protections, and tech companies like Uber, who have become notorious for evading

national regulation, paying minimal tax and exploiting so-called self-employed workers.

Given the backlash against global deals for global corporations TiSA will simply add fuel

to the bonfire.�

Who interprets the rule is crucial

The language of TISA, like all �free trade� agreements, is dry and legalistic.

How these rules are interpreted is what ultimately matters.

TISA contains standard language requiring arbitration by judges possessing �requisite

knowledge�; that language means that the usual lineup of corporate lawyers who represent

corporations in these tribunals will switch hats to sit in judgment.

The tribunals used to settle these �investor-state disputes� are held in secret with no accountability

and no appeal.

The intention of �free trade� agreements is to elevate corporations to the level of


In reality, they raise corporations above the level of governments because only �investors�

can sue; governments and people can�t.

�Investors� can sue governments to overturn any law or regulation that they claim will

hurt profits or even potential future profits.

On top of this, a government ordinarily has to pay millions of dollars in costs even in

the rare instances when they win one of these cases.

Each �free trade� agreement has a key provision elevating corporations above governments

that codifies the �equal treatment� of business interests in accordance with international

law and enables corporations to sue over any regulation or other government act that violates

�investor rights,� which means any regulation or law that might prevent the corporation

from extracting the maximum possible profit.

Under these provisions, taxation and regulation constitute �indirect expropriation� mandating

compensation � a reduction in the value of an asset is sufficient to establish expropriation

rather than a physical taking of property as required under customary law.

Tribunal decisions become precedents for further expansions of investor �rights� and thus

constitute the �evolving standard of investor rights� required under �free trade�


TISA contains the usual passages requiring �equal treatment.�

At bottom, �free trade� deals have little to do with trade and much to do with imposing

corporate wish lists through undemocratic means, including the elimination of any meaningful

regulations for labor, safety, health or the environment.

TISA is another route to imposing more of this agenda.

And the TPP itself isn�t necessarily dead � both Chile and New Zealand are holding

discussions with other TPP countries to salvage some of the deal.

Chile has invited TPP countries, plus China, to a March summit and the New Zealand trade

minister is visiting Australia, Japan, Mexico and Singapore.

Working people around the world scored a major victory in stopping the TPP, at least in its

current form.

The activists who achieved this deserve much credit.

But there is far more to do.

Capital never rests; nor can we.

Here we have class warfare in naked fashion, and there is no doubt on which side the capitalist

world�s governments lie.

For more infomation >> TPP Is Not Dead It's Now Called the Trade In Services Agreement - Duration: 19:13.


Gripen E or F 16 block 70, which combat jet is best choice for next Made In India Fighter Plane? - Duration: 14:05.

Welcome to WARN, Today we discuss ... Gripen E or F 16 block 70, which combat jet

is best choice for next Made In India Fighter Plane??

As India looks to replace its ageing Soviet-era lightweight combat aircraft fleet, two players

have emerged as possible contenders, American defence major Lockheed Martin�s F-16 Fighting

Falcon Block 70 and Swedish defence major Saab�s Gripen E fighter aircraft.

Indian Air Force (IAF) has requirement of over 400 fighter aircraft, which is far higher

than the 126 aircraft that were supposed to be made by the now junked Medium Multi-Role

Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition, IANS reported.

The days where India imported fighter jets is over, and the IAF has already issued a

global request to make single-engine combat jets under the Narendra Modi government�s

ambitious �Make in India� programme.

Now once again here we are where we have to chose between some more new variants of the


After cancelling MMRCA tender because of being fucked up by Dassault�s price changes.

The new tender floated to locally manufacture single engine fighter aircraft have fighters

for it.

The tender has attracted two wonderful aircrafts throwing a whole new competition for Indians.

And of course a whole new debate topic for Aviation geeks.

The F 16 Block 70 which is dubbed to be the most advanced variant of F 16 and The Saab

Gripen NG/ E.

Here we are bringing to you the full spectrum of EW capabilities, Weapons and Other warfare

capabilities plus potential weaknesses.

So that you can make a proper choice as to which one could be better.

First we take a look of Block 70 F-16

This came up as a Surprise as nobody thought Lockheed Martin would make any further advancement

to the system after making Block 60 for the Arabs.

The F 16 IN Super Viper a contender in MMRCA competition is considered to be quite close

to Block 70.

But still Block 70 packs much masala in it to be an attractive choice for the EW dominated

battlefield of the future and today.

The strategic advantage as what being talked in defence circles is that Last Production

line of F 16 will be shifted in India.

The Block 70 is the most advanced of all F-16s.

There are 27 countries in the world who fly these planes, with the latest to join in two

months time will be Romania.

The Block 70 F-16 will have the 5th generation fighter radar capabilities, some of which

are greater detection and tracking ranges, multiple target track, high resolution synthetic

aperture radar, auto target classification and cueing, advanced growth modes.

Lockheed martin has been in talks with the Indian Govt since April to bring the Texas

production line to India, and 2017 is the timeframe they are looking at.

About jobs being impacted back home in the US, Howard said that the F-35 fighter jet

facility will be ramped up, meaning the F-16 workers will be absorbed there.

�The F-16 is by far the easiest fighter amongst its rivals�The new fighters, like

Gripen, have a lot of composite materials, and lack a lot of generational changes and

modifications over its lifetime.�The F-16 would be a great choice for India.

Combat proven time and again.

Upgradable with a high survivability portfolio.

Within the IAF, which has for the last four decades, focused its training and tactics

on fighting Pakistan F-16s, there is entrenched resistance to buying that fighter.

Further, the air marshals are certain Washington would never allow Lockheed Martin to offer

the kind of holistic proposal and technology transfer that Saab has offered.

Assuaging these concerns, Ben Schwartz, who heads aerospace and defence for the US-India

Business Council says: �The F-16 offers would come in as FMS deals with unprecedented

technology transfer and Make-in-India characteristics.

A lot of work has gone into evaluating the level of indigenization � more so than in

any other case that people can recall.� Backing him up, a senior Pentagon official

says: �In US-India negotiations today, you have to throw away all the assumptions of

the past about what Washington will allow and what it will deny.

Don�t assume anything is off the table.�

Radar and Sensor Suite :~

It is equipped with AN/ APG 83 AESA radar.

Described as Agile beam it can perform Air to Air and Air to Ground Search and Track


The noise reduction features of this one has made its range improved to almost 70 miles

almost 84 km for engagement.

The image quality in air to ground mode is described as imagery-class.

Just the same that is acquired from satellites.

They can be acquired from long distances for air to ground targets and using its synthetic

aperture radar mode pilots can locate and recognise the ground targets.

Prioritise them and engage.

The new MMC modules of it�s computers are said to be 30 % faster than previous ones.

Which allows sensor data fusion from the EW sensors for better situational awareness , here

notably the data transfer network is quite faster than previous systems like Link 16.

It is also equipped with Off boresight aiming sensor which allows pilot to sense and target

something out of his field of view.

It also features a pilot friendly automatic ground collision avoidance system.

Which continuously tracks pilot�s awareness with respect to decreasing altitude.

It makes pilot aware and turns up the aircraft automatically if it goes too close to ground.

Because while manoeuvring the aircraft to follow an enemy aircraft.

The enemy may try to run wmaway by staying low and outmatching F 16 whike taking ups

and downs.

The F 16 may then be hitting a Mountain or be directed towards the ground then this system

becomes �Tactically Important�.

After F16 now we can take a look of Saab JAS 39 Gripen E.

The Gripen makers since the days of MMRCA competition are quite desperate to make sale

to IAF.

So much that we all know they even gave an advertisement on a Bus Stop in New Delhi.

Be it Draken Viggen or Gripen the Swedes have always impressed the world with thier designs.

Now Gripen is something truely solid and comes with an proven combat service.

The Canarded Delta Wing design is better in manoeuvrability as we all know.

But what the Gripen E offers here is a Contemporary Electronic Warfare abilities that is what

truly matters in Next Generation warfare.

The price is high but that is because Gripen has got so much to offer.

Gripen NG is the most advanced multi-role fighter in the world.

Gripen is, by design, a true multi-role fighter aircraft, capable of performing an extensive

range of air-to-air, air-to-surface and reconnaissance missions under all conditions in any environment.

Saab has also set out a comprehensive plan within India�s Make in India initiative,

which will include transfer of state-of-the-art technology; setting up of an aerospace eco-system

in India, including a manufacturing facility; creation of a local supplier base; employment

of a well-trained Indian workforce in engineering and manufacturing

Gripen offers operational dominance and flexibility with superior mission survivability.

Air-to-air superiority is guaranteed with METEOR, AMRAAM, IRIS-T, AIM-9 missile capability

and supercruise.

Air-to-surface capability is assured through the use of the latest generation precision

weapons and targeting sensors.

Gripen�s superior situation awareness is ensured through an AESA radar, IRST passive

sensor, HMD, cutting-edge avionics, next generation data processing and a state-of-the-art cockpit.

While the IAF apparently likes the Gripen NG While it�s not a Gen-5 fighter, the Gripen

NG�s data link � a key element in modern air combat � is reputedly the world�s

most advanced.

Its avionics are built of Gallium Nitride, which delivers superior performance over conventional

Gallium Arsenide avionics.

The Gripen NG carries diverse weaponry from various countries, including the French Meteor

beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM), reputedly the world�s most advanced, with

an estimated range of about 150 kilometres.

Independent researcher IHS Jane�s, finds the Gripen the cheapest contemporary fighter

to operate.

Sensor Suite :~

This one is quite impressive amongst all the 4Gs.

Selex Galileo-Raven ES-05 AESA.

This radar offers a 200� Coverage owing to its swashplate technique it sees where

others are blind.

This becomes quite important while on a CAS mission.

IRST (Infra-Red Seach and Track) passive sensor system / Skyward G-infrared active product

by Selex-ES is synchronized (acquisition data transmission between devices) and also provides

the ability to hang missiles reconciliation to fight.

Gripen E has a new electronic architecture (Net Centric Warfare � NCW).

Judged ten times faster than its competitors.

The new central system PPLI (Participant Precise Location and Identification) and connects

all the slopes internal and external sensors (RAVEN, IRST, EW39, ATFLIR pod) and then offer

the best responses to threats.

This is right now best thing in Gripen as per me and after F 35 it is the only fighter

to be able of that.

The Gripen E is driven by General Electric�s (GE) F414G turbofan engine rated at 22,000lb


It features a new high-pressure turbine and a new six-stage, high-pressure compressor.

�The aircraft�s engine and design enable it to fly at supersonic speed without using

an afterburner.�

The Gripen E features a digital cockpit with three large multi-functional displays (MFD)

including a few 3D screens.

The cockpit also features a hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) which provides superior situational

awareness for the pilot.

Now take a look why India can buy nor Not to Buy these fighter jets

Reasons for India to select Gripen.

1 Gripen has lowest per unit life cycle and operating costs almost USD 4000.

2 Gripen is the most sensor packed and smartest fighter amongst the Fourth Generation Fighter


3 Gripen makers.

The Saab has offered to help India manufacture LCA Tejas and Offer Naval Version of Gripen

to Indian Navy IAC and IAC 2.

Reasons for not selecting Gripen.

1 Gripen uses American Engine so it will be difficult to manage supply chain.

2 Gripen�s per unit manufacturing cost is higher than that of LM F 16 blk 70.

3 Relatively less battle proven than F 16.

Reasons for India to select F16

1 Single Supply Chain.

More availability of parts.

Faster Availability in wartime.

2 Battle Proven platform and sold to many NATO countries and various countries worldwide.

So India can sell F 16 spare parts.

3 One of the most advanced Variant of F 16.

With almost Medium Weight Category like capabilties.

4 Strategic advantage of grounding F 16s of Pakistan Air Force.

Reasons for not selecting F 16

1 High Operating and Life cycle costs as compared to Gripen.

2 Less Sensor packed than Gripen.

3 Adversary Air Forces know F 16 better so they can formulate Strategies to counter it.

4 No sepecific advantage to Other Indian Indegeneous products like LCA.

Conclusion :~

So these were the awesomest 4Gs we have got as a choice for replacing the MiG 21s of Indian

air force.

Seeing the depleting squadron strength it is critical that the decision be taken fast.

The F 16 is experienced, comes with a strategic advantage and is versatile.

It is relatively cheaper.

While the Gripen is costlier is tactically more dominant and has got much greater amount

of smart functions and sensors but have the lowest per unit operating cost.


For more infomation >> Gripen E or F 16 block 70, which combat jet is best choice for next Made In India Fighter Plane? - Duration: 14:05.


NERF SLIME CANNON - how to make glitter slime (diy slime easy) - Duration: 17:16.

Oh my gosh yeah oh my gosh, we got our

green slime loaded in the slime cannon.

And we got Liz ready to be shot with slime.

Are you ready to be shot with DIY Slime. Slime me!

Everybody hope you're having a wonderful

day. Today's vlog is going to be totally

awesome. We have Liz who flew in from

California to join us

she's currently making her yummy yummy

yummy banana bread, Liz shout-out to the


hI, Liz check out your special share

the love shirt.

Boom share the love t-shirt. Check this

out multicolored share the love.

absolutely love it. So liz has a smile

on her face right now but what she

doesn't know is we are making a DIY slime

cannon and she is going to be our main

Slime target.

What?! Oh my gosh Steve was lickig the spoon?

Banana bread is good i can't wait for it to

be cooked. So good. Carter I just realized we left the

car on we have to go! Let's get to the

grocery store to get all supplies we

need for DIY SLIME. Let's go! By the way this

is the air can that we're gonna shoot

the DIY SLIME out of. Let's go get the Slime Slime Slime Slime

Slime Slime Slime Slime Slime Slime Slime

Thats one way to get in the truck. Look at that! Share the Love!!!

Start the car for you Steve! let's go

slowpokes DIY SLIME can't wait all day! Wooh!

Lets get it (Slime)

Laundry detergent section they should

have the borax i hope. What you're out?

Do you have any in the back? I look, I'll

be back soon.

What? They didn't have borax there so we

got to go to giant to the grocery store

to see that borax there.

left the store there and he doesn't want

to walk all the way there.

oh yes borax (For the DIY Slime) boom right there 20 Mule.

We got the good. We got that good. The good

good good.

What's the good good? it's the freaking

good good we got the good good. Good good?

What is that? Is that a thing? Windy out and Stevens

is freezing and now he's regretting that we

didn't drive. it's freezing out here

but it's all good because we're gonna

make some DIY Slime like Karina Garcia

we're gonna make DIY SLIME Karina Garcia Karina Garcia we're back

oh my gosh. Let's try the batter taste


banana bread. oh my gosh its thin mint bread.

thin mint banana bread. I mean it

then but it's not banana bread.

We are back and ready to go. Carter what's

up? What's good guys we're about to mix

up some DIY SLIME. You will need two

ingredients you can find these at your

grocery store or even CVS. The first one

is borax this stuff and the second stuff

is Elmers glue. We got the clear elmers Glue.

We also went to michaels and we got

clear Elmer's glue so we're going to do

a couple different types of DIY SLIME. Let's

get to it.

We have two mixing bowls so the first

ball let's fill it up with a little bit

of warm water.

That looks good the second bowl we're

going to feel a lot more of warm water

for basic gonna fill this one like

halfway to put a little bit more.

That looks pretty good let's add some

Elmer's glue to the first bowl with a

little bit of water.

Yes look at that Slime That looks good!

To jazz things up a bit

we're going to add some food coloring to

make it green. Let's drop a few drops of

food die. Okay

stir that around let's see what it does.

We're going to mix this up so the

glue and the water all mixed together.

Oh that look sick #SLIME

Look at that color its like SlIME? Karina Garcia?

ghostbusters. Ghostbusters green yeah

this looks like the dry ice ice cream we

made in the last vlog.

Let's add a little bit yellow to the Slime

to get this green to pop.

Looking good.

Also shout out to this wooden chopstick

for mixing everything together. We're

gonna make a tablespoon of borax into

this water. That's a tablespoon let's mix

it in and stir it up.

I don't know if that's. I don't know if

that's too much or not enough but we're

just gonna kind of go with the flow here

and figure out how to make this stuff.

The best part about making the DIY SLIME is

you just experiment. We have our borax

and water mixture here, our water and

food dye mixture here. The last step is

to mix them together. I hope this works

let's do it.

Here we go in 3 2 1 go!!!

Oh it's gonna work it's not gonna work.

Whoa it's (Slime) doing something. Doing

something. No it's definitely doing

something. Oh my gosh it's (SLIME) working

That's cool i don't know what it's quite

doing look at that. Whoa what's all right.

Oh oh my gosh heck! It works what the

heck that is really cool.

Wow I'm gonna keep stirring this up for

just a few more seconds.

Make sure it's all mixed thoroughly it's

all mixed up i think it's ready to go.

Pull it out all (SLIME) my gosh oh that is legit

slime right there! Now this is SLIME


Oh yeah yeah which I want to touch (NERF SLIME) it

don't touch it.

Whoo-hoo it's warm Oh feels so good it

feels so that feels awesome.

It doesn't really stick to which is good.

I've been playing with this for a

little while it's drying off and it's

like totally a little bit different now

it's (NERF SLIME) not as like goofy slime. Its more

rubbery and you can like it's like a

ball it's like flubber the movie flubber

Yeah it's oh god oh it's just all right

let's do it in slow motion drop it again.

Look at it starting to flow and you

don't touch it and lows

oh my gosh.

Whoa this stuff totally melted through

my hands look at this!

Oh how much it's stuck when it's easy to

come off.

Oh my gosh it just peels look at that

just comes right up this nerf slime is so cool.

Karina Garcia we should have a huge batch of slime

Yeah lets use the whole gallon of

glue. #Nerf #Slime

Let's make a new batch of slime. MMMnnnn

Out with the old, in with the new

if im going to get shot with nerf slime. it better be Karina Garcia pink

First let's fill a bowl with warm water. We're

gonna fill two thirds of the way up. Next

we're going to put just a little bit of

water in this bowl. Now we're going to

add the glue.

Oh yes. Watch it slurp slime slime

slurp no sir

oh well that is a total this is so much.

I don't think one little chopstick is

going to stir it up.

Ok next step is to stir it up. Let's make

it hot pink to match my new nails.

Yes there we go.

Oh yes I see the pink coming out oh yeah

we got some slime coming.

Fun fact we're actually using red food

coloring because RED + white glue equals

hot pink. Science. The next step is to put

borax into the big bowl of water. Since

this bowl is so big we're gonna need a

few scoops. I'm gonna do three scoops, one

two, and three, ok let's mix it up. i'm

making magic happen.

let's pour it in here we go yes this is

the best part oh my gosh. Pour pour pour.

It looks so craziest look at it.

Literally like a freaking cloud that is

so cool. Oh my gosh!

Oh my gosh!

Bubblegum's slime literally. Oh my gosh

that looks so I good I want to eat it it looks

so tempting. Looks like a huge wad of gum .

Just like the last video challenge.

Yeah just keep up with all this stuff.

In your mouth Liz. Oh my gosh

Oh my gosh it's heavy!!

oh so much slime. So much slime.

look at it next to the green slime that looks so


Oh I want to touch it. It feels like we have

to like mix it up. I love touching it.

Its so bouncy. All of the squishiness

ahhh, it's so big so big it's

its so much slime. it all looks like it starting to firm up.

Oh it bounces!

Ohh big fat thing of blubber that's

awesome! this is so cool!

Oh let's do a slow mo clip of this.

[Nerf Slime Bouncing in slow mo]

Now going to spice things up a little

bit where use the clear glue now all six

bottles. I already unscrewed the tops form

them to pour the six bottles in here

and make some clear sparkling slime.

Oh did you hear that?

My gosh that is so satisfying and I love it!

well we're just gonna make a lot of slime.


The secret ingredient for this slime is glitter!

oh my gosh. Spread it over hear more.

oh my gosh. Oh my gosh look at this.

Glitter slime! We started with the green

slime then we stepped it up a notch to

the giant pink slime and now we have

great glitter slime!

Slime. Yeah look at that!

Pour it in and lets see what happens.

Ready 3 2 1 go!

oh my gosh. Is it working? it's working!

Yeah keep going keep going

bowl is about to overflow we put too much

water and oh no I think it's definitely

working it's definitely working. I'm

pretty sure. I hope it's working on my

gosh oh my gosh look at this. Booger slime.

oh my gosh it's so glittery look at this

slime! Its so squishy this is the coolest

one by far. Does it feel the same? Feels

the same it's just a hundred twenty

percent glittery. Yes it's like a

bouncing ball. Lets do a major

drop test.

Yeah let's do a huge drop test with the

the big one.

Dropping the slime in 3,2,1


The glitter on top of slime looks really

cool but it's super hard to mix in so if

you're going to use glitter definitely

mix it in first so it comes out like

this. So we got everything set up outside.

we got our two slimes were going to

shoot the glitter green slime and the

pink slime out of our air cannon.

Right here booms what we do is we have

our air compressor. It pumped into this

chamber. What PSI are we going to pump it

up to Carter. Hundred PSI!! Going to load

the slime in this end and then we're

gonna have Karina Garcia stand there and shoot her.

Yeah you ready Liz. MMNNN. To ensure Liz stay

is clean and drive we got this Fora

outdoor blanket it's technically made

for backpacking and camping but the good

news is it's a hundred percent

waterproof so let's see how big this

thing is. Boom perfect size to wrap

around Liz let's wrap you around it.

Perfect oh my gosh she won't get dirty.

she will stay clean and dry. To ensure

that this Fora blanket is truly one

hundred percent waterproof I got a

cup of water we're gonna test it on Liz

first before we do this slime. So here we

go in 3,2,1!!!!!

Oh my gosh did you get wet you get wet?

The water literally came right off this.

It just rolled. Wait just pour some on.

This is actually really really

really waterproof oh my gosh before we

put the slime in Carter's going to give

this slime cannon and air test with

nothing in it and 321.

let's add this lime and see what happens

like what do their goes slime cannon is

locked and loaded and ready to fire

test number one and three to one haha

DIY slime everywhere. test two with

slime we're loading that entire chunk of

slime oh my gosh it's so much slime

of slime ok loaded in

oh damn yeah I did mostly yeah launching

this time can you ready Carter here we

go in 3 2 what

oh yikes yikes are what happened there

the entire barrel came all

oh that was dangerous the slime is still in h


ok slimes ok slimes ok, cannon is

not quite ok alright we're gonna try

that one more time hopefully the slime

cannon does not break this time to use a

little bit less slime.

hopefully this will work. Were locked

and loaded. Lets shoot this thing slime

cannon take two.

whoa pink slime splatter everywhere. l

oh is this blanket slime proof? I have no

idea got some slime one it will shake

off let's see. Is it clean?

Yeah it's clean so that slime when it

came out of the cannon just like

shatters into little pieces it's no cool

it's not going to cover you in slime so

steven is whipping up a batch with lids

this is going to be called this is the.

Foam slide so this slime is a little bit

different it's still the same base so we

got a big bottle of glue we added some

glue and the only other ingredient you

need is shaving cream. So this is the

type of shaving cream we recommend is

the cheapest but it's the fluffiest and

that's what you need to make this

foam slime. we're going to add some more

shaving cream in here to make it fluffy

the more shaving cream the fluffier this

slime will be. Were going to add some more green

food coloring to make it greener slime.

we'll all right Carter let's load up the

slime cannon with the good-good slime

the foamy green slime.

oh it looks so good oh yes. we got our

green slime loaded in the slime cannon

and we got Karina Garcia ready to be shot with slime

ready to be shot? Slime me.

I would be scared if i was you right now

yes even you would be it's already

dripping out with slide ok let's do this

you ready you ready Liz be prepared to

get slimed. Slime cannon in 3,2,1

okay we got our slime loaded in the

Canon tons of slime is literally coming

out the top and we got Liz ready you

ready to do this Liz oh yeah it's

freezing but let's get slimed okay.

Carter load it up let's shoot it's like

Slime cannon in 3 2 1

oh no, oh my gosh your covered in slime

oh my gosh way along other area that you

have invited perfect there's nothing but

everywhere else or where the blanket wasnt there is slime.

your cover letter that there's covered

in slime my god there

Oh Slime

all right guys there you have it that

was our slime cannon and how we made all

these different types of slime. hope you

liked that video you did please give it

a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe

for trying to reach 100,000 subscribers

so if you like our channel make sure to

tell your friends make sure to tell your

family members make sure to tell anybody

your think would like to watch us. All right

guys until next time you know what to do.

Stay awesome and Share the Love! Peace!! <3 <3 <3 <3

By the way you guys want to stay

mess-free a hundred percent waterproof

link in description below where you can buy one

of these Fora blankets!

For more infomation >> NERF SLIME CANNON - how to make glitter slime (diy slime easy) - Duration: 17:16.


TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED 내일을 기약할 수 없어요. Vlog ep. 93 Family Life in the USA 미국일상 브이로그 가족생활 (한글자막) - Duration: 12:37.

Yay!!! / not just a million two millions thanks to you guys, man.

people. this is super spicy.

man, today just reminded me of that day, and

That's called a real love

This is actually official first date.

Life is.... you know...

too short.

Oh My Gosh. I feel like crying.

What's going on?


Today, we are going to go out. James and I

This is actually official first date, right honey?

First date since your mom came.


So, yeah... Let's go out.

You are supposed to wear a suit and stuff.

I'm dressed nicely, baby.

It's cold. / This guy really has no idea.

i'm dressed really nice.

This is so sexy. Do you wanna see it? / This is not sexy

this is how sexy I'm dressed. Look how sexy this is.

You have to.....Honey, I told you "wear a suit."

No, during the day, I wear a suit, baby.

this is nice. / What do you mean during...


see how I am looking fly?

Like with all this dress?

ok, so today we're going to watch a movie

we're going to watch Lala Land

So good.

so Oh My gosh... ok.

That place turns into a Salsa club. / Oh really?

But after 11 o'clock. It's a restaurant, now.

I found this place online and

we came here and no music interestingly

and everybody just talking, right?

Yeah. It's super loud.

I feel like having some smoothie but all the smoothie place

closes at nine and it's nine right now.

Actually it's a little bit after nine. / Yes. It's a little bit after nine.

then we ended up in a bar where

there is no music.

It feels kinda, it looks kinda fun though.

Yeah. It looks fun. and especially if you are

a single. It's gonna be more fun.

Tonight didn't go as we planned...

Well, actually what happened was we went

We went to a different theater so basically like

we're looking at different theaters and

I was telling James "Oh yeah you know

there's Lala Land showing here but then

James went to this one so basically yeah it

and it was too late when i found out that like

it's a different theater then we came

here this pub and....

It's a deli.

Oh, Deli and Pub.

yeah i don't think it's.... it's for a

a couple it's for more like single people. / Actually everyone is leaving.

I think maybe they just shut it down or something.

but yeah It ended up.... movie date know


everywhere around town pretty much shut down and


and-and-and come down, honey./ How can I come down? You want me to sit..

Sit like this? OK. I'm down.

So, I came down. / Don't do it like that.that's the only way i can come

down and fit on the camera.

So, recently, James...

James friend passed away.

Yeah. One of my buddies. Yeah. around the same age

has passed on./ What happened?

He just passed on. He went out.

had some good time came back home and had a

heart attack

you know when you think about it

life is... you know

too short and tomorrow is never promised, right?


Tomorrow is surely never promised, man, if you....

That's why I came out. I actually almost didn't want to come out.

and then I always thinking like..

OK. Tomorrow is never promised so

I really want to do something with James

and we have to have our one-o-one time but again

today didn't go as we planned but I mean

at least you know

We lived in the now. You gotta do everything in the now

Don't procrastinate. Don't say I will do it later.

So, you'd rather do it in the now and...

if it doesn't work out well you know you did

something in the now but you know it's still fun

I mean even though it didn't go as we planned but

we came out you know we found the new joint

And you know...

We.. we browsed around the city at night, so...

It's cool. / It's cool.

you know whenever I hear those type of death

you know of somebody who we love

I feel like I need to... you know, always do

100-percent to whoever you know I'm around

my husband, my kids and my

family and James' mom. She's with us and

I don't want to regret the next day like

I should have done this and that

Sometimes, I don't even say "I love you" the whole day and thinking

that he is going to be there for me the next day

I don't know. I just wanted to talk about this

and... I wanna say

What, what happened?

Honey, what happened?

I guess yeah they're pulling up because

They don't have music at the pub, so they gotta play

music in ... it's that car pulling.../ Ah really?

So, I wanna say I love you.

I love you, baby.

'Cause.. I don't know. We take it for granted. A lot of times.

It might not be really for granted but, it's... we are comfortable

you know, and we don't realize you know it can

just go

The next minute.

actually.. Oh My Gosh. I feel like crying but

yeah the other day i was telling James

like you know we are gonna we are gonna die on the

same day. same night.


I got something for James.

I wanted to surprise him.

I wanted to do it, like, you know, a really nice restaurant, but

this is something that I want him to

wear today

Honey, what do you think of this shirt?

Oh Yeah.

I love it, baby. / You like it? / Yeah. 'Cuz

It's a true story.

OK. Will you wear it now?

This is a true story. Of course!

True Story.

Oh Yeah.

This is awesome.

I love you, baby.

So, this shirt gets to retire

And now

oh Oh. but, I don't...

What if the size is not right?

Check it and then... yeah. it depends..

Yeah. actually, different company.... / Yeah. sometimes, yeah...

Let's see. But this is a true story.

It has to be right. Even if it's not right then

oh yeah. perfect./ Is it alright? Is it okay? / Yeah.


My baby girl knows what suits me.

This is just perfect.

exactly what i needed

You like it? / I love it.

Good. what you guys think?/ that's cute, right? / Yeah.

Yeah. Show them the bicep baby.

I am not really showing. I am just showing the best part of the shirt. That's all I am doing.

Wait. Does it look like I am showing any thing?

I am not showing nothing.

You just...

Why are you.. why are you laughing so hard, baby?

Wearing the shirt... just... what's going on?

Is that what it is?

Man. I think this is a superhero shirt or something

Yeah. I like it. Thank you.

Alright. so actually so this was a good date night.

You see I am happy. I go back home as a happy man


a retired shirt and a happy man

Life is good. Yay! / Let's go home.


So, you guys were just having fun?

OK. Now, it's time to go to bed.


Yeah. Today's Valentine's day. And what do you think honey?

Mom, do you know what Valentines Day is?

For more infomation >> TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED 내일을 기약할 수 없어요. Vlog ep. 93 Family Life in the USA 미국일상 브이로그 가족생활 (한글자막) - Duration: 12:37.


Villads is a cringey animal - Duration: 0:10.


Jastentheil: (Voicecrack) Heej....


Joon2005:Øh hej.

Øhh yeah

Øh hej

For more infomation >> Villads is a cringey animal - Duration: 0:10.


Season's Greetings from HISTORY "All I Want For Christmas Is You" VOSTFR - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Season's Greetings from HISTORY "All I Want For Christmas Is You" VOSTFR - Duration: 4:36.


Man is this game glitchy -Roblox Swordburst Online sword glitch- - Duration: 1:42.

I'm back! :D

So is SBO (Sword Burst Online)

Right now I'm just playing with some glitching swords

Not much else happening.

They can launch you too.

Like that!

So fun to do this.

"This is so going on YT!"

*Falls asleep*

Yeah not much else. Bye guys, please like and subscribe for my dog, it means alot to him!

Me too of course, but it means more to him. c:

Alright then, well, go pause this video and take a nap. Nothing special past here.

Told ya.

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